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Good morning and welcome to focus 580 our morning talk show Money's David Inge glad to have you with us it's the first Wednesday of the month and for some time now it has been our tradition and our habit and our pleasure to talk about food and cooking and generally with the same guest His name is Doyle Moore and long time ago we started calling him our chef in residence and I would like to point out this is a purely honorary title. He stops by here once a month and generally always on the first Wednesday the 10 o'clock hour when we talk about cooking. And we always have a good time exchanging recipes and stories and we have talked about different dishes. Sometimes you pick one particular thing to highlight. Sometimes we talked a bit about regional cooking. We've talked a bit about cooking from various places around the world and we have done little Kolaveri troubleshooting every once in a while someone has called in and said I'm trying to make this recipe and it's just not working. What do you think I'm doing wrong. We have done that and we always have a good time. So this time around we thought we would talk about what is for a lot of people I think one of the ultimate comfort
foods particularly now at this time of the year and as I said before before the news as if there was ever a day that was created for soup this is it. You'd like to be home curled up in front of the fire with a nice bowl of soup. That is what we're going to talk about here this morning. And our idea particularly is that. We'd like to hear from you if you have a recipe for something that you think is really good. And also is relatively speaking quick and easy to make not something that's going to take you all day. Not something that's going to take hours. Something that you can get on the table in an hour or less maybe 3 3 3 9 4 5 5 that's the champagne Urbana number. We do also have a toll free line and that's good anywhere that you can hear us. So if it's a long distance call use that number and that is 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5 in Champaign-Urbana 3 3 3 9 4 5 5. Toll free 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5. Welcome back yeah I have no hear you. Yes I'm happy to be here.
Ice and all. It's not so not to bad yet but it sounds like maybe later in the day weekend it might be kind of unpleasant and tough to get around outside so I'm sure a lot of people as soon as they want to get home they want to have some soup. That's it. Well on the way home I go pick up my soup supplies. And actually you know want to I think we already have a couple callers here so I can get to them but my question for the day has is this. You cannot always make stock. No. And it is and so we do have canned stocks and they're good products and there is no doubt about it. They're they're good products and you can do a lot of things with them however I guess my experience is that depending on what it is you're doing with them. They can leave something to be desired. You know if you're using it as an adjunct that's fine but standing on its own. Oh no no no. So I guess I'm one of the things I'm sort of interested in is this idea of what can you do to improve canned stock. You know are there easy things that you can do to enhance.
Well actually there are you know and now there are there are various there are various levels as you said there are some that are just next to water. Yeah and so I do avoid those I can't. I don't know what brand you know I think but. Yes there are things you do want. Now don't kill me. One is you go get a roasted chicken. You put the roasted chicken in the pot and put and put the other the stock over it. That's in case you wanted to use lots of chicken which I have a couple recipes that I've just been doing. I laughed at that because I never I always thought you would start out with with fresh chicken and that would be the best answer is a pre roasted chicken then. Then much to my sorrow I find out that the pre roasted chickens the ones that the grocery stores and all do have all been marinated in a lot of brine and so the sodium is very very high and
that made me sad because I had just excited myself by by doing this recipe with first having a roasted chicken and you put some one in it is just water but I found that if you put any of the chicken broth in it or vegetable broth Those are awfully good too. And it pumps it up. I was wondering I was making. Go lemme know and so I did that and so I did. I could tear plenty of chicken off of the bones that was done and then while while I was cooking that I threw in a handful of rice and you just cooked that until it splits and curls so it doesn't take very long if you're doing it on high heat and went ahead and made a nice Greek soup. Well let's talk with the folks here who are already called in we have a couple. We'll start with someone listening in Champaign. Then they are on line 1. Hello. Yeah I know it's a can of Mike. Yeah well it's it's a
recipe for some chicken soup sounds good. It's called Burger and that's supposed to be a tease and that is the goal with the double the double dots on top so it's basically do it cheap. You would just get some chicken tide. Well have a pot of chicken a slice lots of onions and and put onto those sort of cut it cut it into small pieces. And do the onions and the blood. In a big pot together and then just at this chicken. But you spice it. Regular pepper and lots of paprika. Which would be hot. And a bit of salt and then you just add water and let it cook for a while. And usually we also add Vegemite we are
maybe a little bit of a signal you know. Oh yes and then you'll have to cook for an hour or so and. And like with good us it usually tastes better if you eat it. So if you make lots of it and have some left over. It starts tasting better and better. Well that's good. It really does do that doesn't it somehow all mils together and all those flavors they do something they do change but yes you're right if there's ever any left over that's one of my problems. But that's good well thank you very much. Okay you're welcome. Very good thank you. Well let's go on here let's talk with someone in or Bannan next Lie number two. Hello hello. I was talking on let's make it quick. Yes. It starts with the ubiquitous canned broth it's OK. And then you sort of throw in whatever vegetables you have in there raw or cooked. Yes.
I always have onion and then I have some cooked broccoli today so I'm going to throw some of that in there and other other vegetables. But you could even use one of those bags of frozen vegetables or chop up everything you've gotten Chris. Yes indeed. And throw it in the chicken. And there's of course potatoes and potato Yes and after you get it all cooked and you're ready to serve it you can add a grated cheese or hunk of hunks of Velveeta if you really want to go down on me. But it's an award you know shred some chatter in or something but it's a cheesy vegetable soup that course taste different every time you. You make it but just put it together and you can eat it an hour later. So the vegetable you don't you don't puree that or anything they're whole no not whole and chunky and if I have an A for that I might just use potato masher and just get some of it. Oh yeah I know that it gets a little thicker. Just to have.
So it isn't like a you know a clear broth but a kind of a kind of has a little bit of a little body fatty. Yes that must be the technical term that I think that's close enough anyway. Yeah this is very good because now you know there are many recipes that are very similar to this but I rather like this one where the cheese goes in instead of perhaps milk milk or cream because generally I'm doing chicken broth and vegetables then puree puree everything and then push it up with some even even know no fat half and half which I find very very good for M. knot which is cholesterol free. But this idea of cheese I know that I know of some more. Oh yes or a little grated cheese on top little things like that. But this sounds this sounds evidently a cheese too. Yes having Yes Rockley with cheese on top of it only you got cheese gravy.
Well that's very good and sounds right. Sounds very easy to do think that it is definitely easy and I think it's yummy and I was glad to hear your thought about putting an already cooked chicken in because I roasted my own chicken the other day. And well I don't have that problem soaking it in brine. Exactly exactly. Well this drooling while I was listening to your recipe. And the man just before me this I learned this from someone in a line at the grocery store really matter all I want is you know I want to chicken to and I was and it was well what are you going to do with yours. Oh oh I always I always put it in and use it for making chicken and dumplings when it's already cooked Yes that's right and it's going to get better because all that brown stuff on the outside of the chicken you know. And it's wonderful you know it is an interesting shortcut and the flavor is just extraordinary. My roasted chicken head was heavy on the garlic on the outside should be very good. Yeah. Yeah that would be fine. Well I already knew you back well thank
you. It's the first Wednesday of the month for a long time we've set aside this day to talk about food and cooking and always with this guy that we like to call our chef in residence his name is Doyle Moore. We pick a particular topic and this time around we said let's talk about soup because I think he and I both were thinking it's cold it's crummy it's this time of the year you want something nice and warm and comforting and this is a good thing. Marthy soup is a good thing. So we thought well let's call in let's let's do that set up the topic and invite people to call in and maybe they have a favorite recipe to share and kind of the hitch the qualification we put on there was let's see if we can find things that are quick. And not real complicated so that if you you know you get home and you say now what are we going to have tonight. It's something that you can actually get and you put it you know the take away. B time yes. Next caller is in West champagne. Line number one. Good morning. Yes well I've got one that's really quick and when it's traditional both really quick one is Manhattan clam chowder. Yes and
you can take a 14 point five and chicken stock and a fourteen point five and a can of tomatoes and basil and oregano and a single jar of clam juice. Yes. And Wendy's and a single can chop clams and put them all together very nicely and then take a half to a whole stock of celery and a small piece of potato and a small piece of carrot and what I do is I kept in with them through a little food process owner hay until they're quite small. So then they'll cook fast right and then and then I trust them install it and then to quit pot to have quit pot put them all together. Her and I some of them for about
10 15 minutes that's quick. Well that is. But but everything everything is the flavors are all on are all up because you got the chicken stock which is already on the floor so it will yes. Oh yes low sodium and the tomatoes with the basal and what was the other. You know on a regular No I'm allowed to mention the proprietary hunt. Oh all right. Oh yeah oh yeah. The tomato. Are they are they dice. Yes the small dice are made of the regen and devil. Yes that's that's a good that's a good product. I have a dear friend in San Diego who adopted two daughters from the area and when I was visiting him a few years ago his eldest daughter Natasha taught me how to make course. Oh wow yes. And says they were quite poor out there they didn't have any. So of course they started with
water and heat a lot of cabbage water and beets and a lot of cabbage cabbage. He large when the two large carrot carrots who parsnip parsnip Yes one stick of celery celery one turnip and a turnip. Oh yes and. And live it. And these are all fresh. Yes and if you if you had stock from anything you would use it in the vegetable stock or a meat stock Yeah. Well they have they have. If you had meat you can make it with a chicken stock or beef stock if you have it or you can make it with water or with water. Well I did it with these chicken in water and it's pretty amazing. Now what spicy hot cold or room temperature.
Right now these are all the fresh vegetables what extra spices do you put in order. I really don't put any in the difficult part of getting the sweet sour balance and oh all right and at the end when everything in it gets really soft and then I it's kind of a two taste they usually both like the nigger and a little fresh lemon juice to get the sour part and then add in the granulated sugar to kind of offset that to get the sour and unfortunately there's no amount I can give you know a folk recipe like that. The folks always said take so you have. Yes and that's how much you use. You begin to have a feeling for it when you say well you know I know I don't want more than this I can always add more pull back a little bit but the sweet thing is with the fleet sour you need the sour for as in and the soger just bring it up
yes bring it the other thing is with well you do need to put salt in and in again it's a question of putting enough in color taste. Right remembering that whoever you're serving may have sodium restrictions that you always want to leave it holding back a little bit. Yeah you always want to leave it so somebody can add more at the table. Well I I have a pot of salt. Folks do that. I don't put too much salt in what I'm cooking but I do have it on the table. And I notice a lot of folks don't really necessarily grab for it. Thanks I've got three salts on the table which I think is a little opulent but it's fun. It's great have you. There's a wonderful book called What Einstein told his cook. Oh has he read no I have not. Oh it's wonderful it's about kitchen science. Oh my aha. And there I learned that by weight. MARTIN So sea salt and kosher salt have the same amount
of sodium. By volume. They're entirely different. Oh yes. Insult has the most and kosher salt has the least. Yes and I have to commend it as the book really really puts a lot of fun and you learn a lot. Something came out in about about a month ago in one of the cooking magazines. Again it was about salt and I was surprised that there was such a an attitude of a finishing salt versus a a another salt you would use earlier in cooking. Yes yes was that cooking right. Yes it was cooking light you're right that was it. Yeah I think I mean kosher salt yes. And as a finishing salt it's because of the crystal size. Yes you're right. See we read the same book that's fully with like best tomatoes. And after something has come from yesterday that's the size which is why the sodium
content is different by volume. Yes that's it. It's a really fun book and it is indeed a gentleman that wrote it with a chemistry professor at University of Pittsburgh Medical and The Washington Post for years and years and years. It's. It's fun it's funny and you learn a lot of kids in science and that's the best you know too. Well that's good. Thank you thank you very light lil things call were getting on here and we have some other folks and we'll go next to. Let me see I need to call up the right screen here. Line number two. Hello good morning. Yes my husband's theory on is that if you put it on the finished product that it stays on the service and so you taste it right. And so you use less. Yes. I wanted to mention in case people haven't discovered it's something called him an immersion blender. I think Emerald Coast you go to the boat motor boat motor.
Yes a boat motor. Well he calls it that because you use the stick blender you're talking right. Yes you're right. And I saw recommended in a in a cookbook I think it's probably saved by soup which we often with Milo one time I like that cookbook. Oh hum. But the advantage of a stick blender is that you don't crack your blender container because of the hot soup. I hadn't thought about that but you're right. My my feeling about it is you don't you don't have to dirty to more pans right when you have to clean this thing. Blender Yeah. And you know they say how to do it you take it and poke it in the water and you turn it on and you stand back and that's how you think. Well some of them also come with little containers so you can. Yes that's right. Small thing. They have they they act with a little blade in an old can. Anyway there are advantages to that I like the one I gave them as presents.
Bunch of different people. I have to ask you what what did you buy because I want of course I want tell you about the one I bought. Where did you buy them. So I bought them in several different places clip one for myself untied and then I went back in and got some other ones and I think the one I have doesn't have a little container but the one that I bought for a family farm. Yes it does and I forget what brand they are really. Well I got mine off the internet. I was watching a program I was in San Diego and I was watching I don't late at night and I got so fascinated by this this object called thunder stick. And not only that but they would sell me two for the price of one and I said I cannot believe what they're talking about it was it was one one of the one of the devices that fastened on the end could change skim milk into whipped cream and I thought that was just too much. So I had to bet when I don't use the little container it's there at the other end the one that I
have we have it. In Ohio I've used it for mixing up powdered egg whites. Oh that would Oh yes because you know I mean you need a small container. Yes. For something that when you're only doing a couple of a small small bit yes there's a container with mine. Well I know you like to buy locally as well and I like to see what I'm buying. I'd rather pay a little bit more and and support my local stores this is like if that's usable. I also want to mention that one of my quick soups is just the can. And I have spiced tomatoes and a can of beans spiced tomatoes. Well you can get different kinds the one I'm holding right here which I'm realizing has more sodium in it than I thought. It's a red gold so yes green chiles we happened to drive past the factory when we were driving to Ohio. It's and I bought it but I estimated in 40 milligram the salt perhaps a cup in Brazil with two cups and a can do you know a whole cup So that's eight hundred and six hundred
eighty milligrams if we have a cup. Anyway but it's really simple to do and it's a priest and you can add a few more things that are more liquid but it is so spice to majors and watch a can of beans beans and I drain the beans to get the excess salt. Any particular kind you like. Well I think right now that we're talking about I think I'm going to use garbanzo beans I also like being. Oh yeah. Well that's those are those are very. Those are very fashionable right now indeed black beans. We you know I'm old enough I don't know about you to remember when you couldn't buy black beans. Now the hell they were. Well sometimes they're so hard to find depending on the grocery store and the garbanzos be tricky to find. I found them and they say it's not. Finally took me 20 minutes they were filed in the peas. Oh yes yes yes. Well they're called they're called chickpeas. Yeah. And let's see China in India. I think they're China
and sometimes they're dried and what was the other word. I guess chick he was the first thing I learned years and years ago and you could always find them in Mexican markets. I remember in Los Angeles where I ran into them first. But to garbanzos arson but I advise you to hunt and hunt and hunt because one can will be a dollar fifty eight the next can will be forty seven cents. I haven't thought of a 47 percent lifetime for 30 and 40 cents difference in price. Yes same store. Oh and yes at the same store. So I have never understood why that particular product is so crazy now I mean the way I hunt when I when I find it I run home and write on a note on my kitchen wall or to get them. That's good. Well the other thing is that I've discovered a product. Yes in my garden and it was a slow boat and it
comes up every year. Yes so it's always hanging around in my garden and one of the things you can do with it is stick it in soups and presumably it has a lot of vitamins and because it's from the leaves. Oh yes it's coming up it's in the same family as broccoli. And so it's and it loses its spiciness when you cook it. So it isn't hot anymore and the other thing you can stick in soup kale and I mean I think yes that that they say you should eat lots of. But I don't have a lot of recipes for it but I think it's one of those things you can grow in your garden and it just kind of hangs in there. It will it will last all winter and make a very good early spring soup for you. I think it I think it kind of kind of quits a little bit after spring starts but it'll it'll stay all winter it'll stay under some snow and everything kale and that flowering kale the beautiful colored ones that you put out to decorate your yard in the
fall you can eat that as well. Well that's why I had to be at home with somebody you know that's good I thank you thank you. We were already here at the midpoint. It's the first Wednesday of the month. We're talking about cooking as we have done for a long time and with our guests more the man we like to call our chef in residence and we pick a topic every time around and we chat and we exchange stories and cooking tips and recipes and this time around we said let's talk about soup. And we're interested in your recipes particularly if you have something you think is really good and it's it's quick and easy. Relatively speaking you get on the table pretty quick. 3 3 3 9 4 5 5 4 Champaign Urbana listeners toll free 800 to 2 2 9 4 5. And our next caller is in champagne and on line 3. Hello. And I had those. Baines you were talking about him Times referred to as peas.
Oh no. You know chick peas. That's right. Yes but I have a a quick recipe here. French onion soup. Yes. And you take a packet of dry onion soup mix a small anion a teaspoon of butter a teaspoon of thyme and four cups of water. Four slices of French bread toasted and four tablespoons of shredded cheese. What kind of cheese. Well usually I use whatever I have on hand is the soup most used in French onion soup. So in a medium sized saucepan you saute The anion in batter. Stir in four cups of water. The time in the soup mix right. Bring it to a boil and you stir it occasionally reduce the heat and the Samurai uncovered for
about 10 minutes. You place the toasted French bread in a bowl sprinkle with a teaspoon. And then you pour in the hot soup and really enjoy it. That sounds good that sounds very fast and generally French onion soup takes a long long long time because a lot of people like to sweat the onions for almost a half an hour. Well actually about 20 minutes to 25 minutes and you have it on the top and you have it on the table Well that's very good that's what we're looking for today so I thought I'd share that yes indeed. Thank you. French French onion soup thank you very well thanks for the show. All right well now we don't have anybody holding Would you like to contribute. Me Yeah. I want to give. Yeah. One of my favorite one of my favorite recipes Yes here. This one is is green pea and green bean soup. And you will not do anything much faster than this and you won't find anything much better than this.
Let's see one large Spanish onion peeled and sliced a quarter of water. Oh let's get down here I'd like to get down to business in the skillet. Put the sliced onion and cook it frequently until until start it frequently until it's limp but not brown. Then add the water or the stock and that was a quart of cold water or a quart of stalk and bring to a boil. So you've got just just sauteed onions and water. Then add the green beans and the green beans are frozen frozen green beans that are fresh fresh frozen green beans add the green beans bring to a rapid boil and cook until they're tender which is about about 10 minutes. As I recall. Then add the green peas and only cook just a few minutes in the green peas or frozen peas too. You only cook those for about about 10 minutes then you put those into a blender or your new immersion stick or go out and get the motorboat
motor and puree it and return that to the pot and then add heavy cream when it comes to heavy cream. I do like to use land Lakes fat free half and half. I like that very much but if you if you can afford to put in heavy cream then whipping cream is just fine and you heat it through but you don't boil it after you put the cream in it you don't boil it. Season it was a little bit of salt and pepper. It is so good it is so easy and you taste it you say well I can taste the green beans I can taste the peas I can taste the soup and everything. It's a remarkable thing that has such a clear clear fresh taste. And it it takes no time at all. And I made this for my sister in law a couple years ago. And of course. She didn't have an immersion version. Well I believe I like it without having it pureed but I don't like it pureed it is so easy all you're doing is cooking
the beans and the peas and not for a long period of time and that's it. I mean there's you don't you don't put any there no spices or anything else added in this except except for the onion. And I do give it a try. OK we have somebody who is calling your cell phone. They're in their car I believe. We'll go on line one. Hello hello. Yes is that me. Yes ma'am. Well I'm driving on my way to champagne in the rain and then it's very much enjoying your program. Perhaps someone's already mentioned this but our favorite. Quick soup is something I call cream of anything. And I start with a can of cream of potato soup. Oh and add a cup. Any vegetable that happens to me in my refrigerator or garden and it's their requisite amount of milk usually low fat or or or skim milk. And so ended up heated up and serve
it starting with the cream of potato soup. Yes because it takes on the flavor of whatever vegetable Yes it is and it's got it's got a thick honor in it and that will give you a nice texture to the bite Exactly and you can see there's a little bit or whatever I think inserted for company. But I've never it. It is that it was cancer. I like that. Years ago when I could get black bean soup I haven't seen it recently but Campbell's used to have a black bean soup. I would I would take a can of black bean soup and a can of chicken broth and then add a goodly amount of a regen 0 to that and heat that up and that was just an extraordinary taste to two to make from from a course from canned stuff. That's good but cream of potato soup sounds like a good starting point. Well broccoli carrots of anything yes and your stretch even let us I don't know if you've ever made lettuce.
Thats very French. No I haven't done that yet. That's good well thank you very much by the way. That's the best he's for French onion soup of course here. Oh you can get it. All right yes that's the classic thing right now. Thank you. Again thank you Carol oh yeah in fact our meteorologist the one who was on duty Sam Klein just came in the studio and handed me an update on the local forecast I think maybe I'd like to pass it on to people I'm sure will be talking about throughout the day. But apparently now I think earlier we had a storm watch and now we have a winter storm warning that is in effect until 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning this is includes Champaign Urbana. We're still expecting this afternoon this mixture of freezing rain and sleet ice accumulation between a quarter and a half inch is possible then for tonight cloudy with a mixture of light freezing rain sleet and snow changing to all snow before ending after midnight and Sam says we're looking at the possibility of a snow accumulation
between one and two inches in addition is going to be cold and it's going to be windy so I don't think it would be a very nice night to be out. So go home make soup and. And that's right. So and then did and again this is a now we have a winter storm warning that will be in effect until 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning and of course our meteorologist are on the case they'll be following the weather and whatever happens we'll keep you informed on than the next most complete kind of look at the weather. We will have as part of the afternoon magazine so that'll be 12 35. And let's see we also have somebody else right here to talk with us for calling from southeastern Illinois on our line for toll free line. Hello. Yeah I've just been recently making I mean this won't sound good to most of the people listening because everybody lags highly sees things I don't like every season brings out a little bit of salt and maybe a little bit of pepper and I pray that I'm not the taste of this. I think ingredient that I've just been making
stew chicken and we end up adding it in your eyepieces it's stewed chicken that can be used for meat or sandwiches Oh yes and a container of broth and for soup I just. But some of the last Rice I'm sorry in a bowl and add a few of the green beans the McGann added new rice carrots from a can and some pieces of chicken wrap a salad right size to Ramallah for me to be picked up but the rest of it and the broth on and stick it in the microwave on 50 percent. Oh yeah. 16 minutes and you know and and that cooks a salary where it's kind of crispy but it's there and it's I mean that's really quick. Yes it is but you got you got good things together there that's that's that's very good. Answer that away you've been knocking are all the time about as soup and
nobody has mentioned crackers and you know they haven't hands on the howdy crackers without making him as particularly here eating crackers and bad. OK I'm all for that. I always bite. Along Main grain the cracker not a clue how peculiar Have you ever noticed that cracker did in fact have a grain. Well now that you're asking me to think about it I have noticed that but I didn't I didn't give much credit to it when I say of course that said if you fight with the grain so if you know the grain I'm separate Yeah right and it's a crime to look at where you can pretty well you know struck a man but do you care if you bite across the grain all the things that the whole thing is shit well your right ear and I want my guard to be nice and good. Yeah I sort of had a little childhood shift there. My brother and I always finished a meal.
I don't know. Well I don't really know why I just became a habit when I was a little up and to live as about eight or nine I guess. Dunking crackers soda crackers into water we have a whole meal we eat everything. Might even have some some jelly and or not jelly but molasses and soda which you mix up and make a little spread out which is another peculiar farm. But we would sow crackers and and you had to be you had to be skilled in knowing how long to keep the cracker in the water. So if you could get it up to your mouth without it falling off. And for some reason it was so rewarding. I can't crackers and water being rewarding. But I remember being being pleased. I think probably I was pleased mostly that I didn't drop it all that maybe it was a test of well yes skill.
Let me say it I believe it was what it was about. We have about 10 minutes 15 minutes left in this part of focus. It's our monthly program on cooking with the man we call our chef in residence and we said let's talk about soup if you have a good recipe share that would be very nice particularly if it's something that's quick and easy doesn't necessarily have to be but that always helps. Larry 3:03 let me give you well yes another one of my my quick recipes this was this is a recipe I'm very very fond of and I find it very peculiar. That I found this in Louisville Kentucky. I think I think the folks were Armenian. No no Lebanese he was Lebanese. Peace soup potato pealed and cubed two medium onions chop That's quite a bit about Ian's two tablespoons of olive oil four tablespoons of minced garlic which is a lot but I'm telling you it needs a lot a can of tomato paste and a can of diced tomatoes. Both of
those tomatoes are very very important. Can a dice and a can of tomato paste and then about two teaspoons of time and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and half a teaspoon of ground all spice and black pepper and a can of chicken broth and one pound of fresh green peas. You can see that all that is is sort of put together Brown the onions and then add all the other ingredients except leave the peas out and simmer all of that for about 15 minutes had the potato and the onions in the tomato paste and tomatoes and and all of the spices and everything. And then after the potatoes are all cooked add the peas and simmer for 15 minutes again until it's done. It is done. But I like to simmer a little longer adding water if necessary. And it was served with pita bread. I cannot believe that all of that garlic was necessary but it was.
I mean to make something make something beyond a little pea soup with some tomato and you know it's just beyond I I I I swooned in eating this and I asked the waitress and she turned out to be the granddaughter of the cook and so she brought him out and we sat there and had a quick cooking lesson of Lebanese peace. Absolutely unbeatable and that only takes about 30 minutes to cook. But it's it it is that it's that tomato paste which gives it a lot of body and the and more tomatoes. And yes it's a very it's a red and greens come to think of it the color of it very bright really wonderful. Give it a try. Potatoes and onions and olive oil and minced garlic and tomato paste and diced tomatoes and time leaves are the only the only thing that you put in it for a time leaves and cinnamon and allspice. I think that that's what makes it more Lebanese than anything else has those funny spices.
And then the chicken broth that you cooked it in that's it. Very good. PS We have another caller someone in kinky and stuck with them on our toll free line line for Hello. Howdy. Yes I've got to know really super easy super quick tasty soup recipe. Grange On Iraq the recipes but just super quick from altie a can of tomato soup in a can of stewed tomatoes stewed tomatoes and tomato soup. Yes. Yeah. And don't just barely dilute the tomato soup use the juice from the from the tomatoes and toss in just a pinch of sugar. And yes you're right. And then serve it with some cheese curls. I hadn't thought of that. There you go. Can't any simpler than that. No you get tomato soup with tomatoes. Yes there is a tomato bisque that Progreso makes and it is very much like this I think I have I think I came up with with this recipe that you've just
described from trying to sort of make a shortcut to making a tomato bisque and you're absolutely right tomato soup and tomatoes. And then you put a touch of sugar and you know what Stuart. Made us stewed tomatoes yet the green peppers in there. Oh yes oh plus plus the green peppers Yeah right. And another symbol of good from all these there are clam chowder and I toss in a little bit of Tony's Sasha Ray's Creole seasoning Creole seasoning Yes. And for folks that have never been down in the south Louisiana and Cajun country in all the kitchens down there have three ingredients by the stove salt pepper in Tonys and Tony that is a fact. And you sprinkle a little bit of that in the book The clam chowder and again toss in some cheese curls and there you go. Creole Creole seasoned clam chowder. There you go. Well this little extra kick to it does indeed.
Super quick. There you go. Low budget. Good for a student or anybody just want to get something warm in their stomach. Instant gratification. There you go. You know I think that you can be very inventive with. Can and we did it we did a show some years ago it has been quite a while. Remember First you take a can because a lot of canned stuff is very good but you have to do something to you as as a good starting point yes it is yes. Well Creole seasoning is a good enough a good enough additive. It's a wonderful thing Tony Sasser a don't walk don't have it in their kitchens they need you to look around for. So well what basically is in there assuming it's got cayenne pepper in it. Well it doesn't actually roasting grittiest But yeah it would be like cayenne pepper and a lot of sodium and yeah. Yeah there you go a little bit. It's a flavoring little secret ingredient secret ingredient. You know thanks for thank you. Thank you all. Let's continue will go to someone here in Urbana this is line 1.
Hello good morning. I have a question request and the recipe requests for Portuguese kale and potato soup which I have been I don't know how to make it I think it's just kale and pathos and cooked in you know water or probably a brawl a brothel. And the rest I have is Portuguese soup. From me in a Brushy Creek near Austin Texas it's a sweet and sour soup with all my. So a couple of onion cups of garlic. 3 How much of garlic. Three cloves or you can use powder if you want. Yes I thought you said no we're not. Well I may I mean they have three tablespoons of oil latte that add half a pound of. They use the Texas garlic sausage I use turkey sausage. Oh yes I know half a pound sauce yes five cups of any kind of stock five for water yes.
Is when can the kidney beans with a liquid. Yeah the red ones. Half a cat a half a head of green cabbage and I don't know quite how do you know when they don't have a cat I don't have a cabin horney I use like a half an eight inch diameter cabbage is all right. Then six small potatoes you know like new potatoes. Oh yeah. Little little Dutch potatoes. Yes and if you're going to freeze this leave out the potatoes. OK. Two to four tablespoons of vinegar. All right. Two to four big tea vinegar depending upon what you like. Eight ounces of ketchup and eight I once interesting and salt pepper. So saute the first ingredient. The onions garlic onions and garlic and the sausage and the so then you add everything up else and cook it for half an hour and 45 minutes.
Cabbage and kidney being brought in sausage rice onions and cloves. Right and potatoes right unless you want to freeze it then a lot of vinegar 2:14. Yeah right right. And the catch and he can i see soup and it's not hot but it's hot and this is an old Texas recipe Well it's from the NF Brushy Creek I don't know how old it is. That sounds pretty direct but it's easy I just I may choose that one to do. Getting so many good wins here. That's wonderful thank you. And if anybody knows the page I want to tell a potato and kale you mean. Well I think it has. Let me ask you Do you have a way to get at the Internet. Yeah. Do you are you familiar with a website called Epicurious. Yes I said look there we have it up on my screen right here and here's a recipe for Portuguese kale a potato soup wonderful and what I did was I just went to the recipe search at Epicurious and just typed in Kale and potato soup and a bunch came up in one specifically said it was Portuguese and it has basically it
has garlic onions carrots it has rusted potatoes that uses chicken broth it has some cherry so on it and it has kale and then it also has red potatoes. And what they want to do essentially is to sauté the the garlic and the onions and the carrot and then put in the russets and then cook them until they're tender. Cook the sausage separately. Process those vegetables that you cooked and then combine it all with the with the meat and the kale and the red potato so then you'll get a creamy. It is soup but it has chunks of red potato in it that will be going to be whole. That sounds really good and it doesn't forget and you cook the cherries obviously because you don't want all that fat from that sausage. So I cook that separately and then then put it all together and. And that sounds pretty good and it doesn't have any any other seasoning it doesn't have herbs it doesn't have salt doesn't have anything like that in it.
Great that was cool of you. Yeah. Thank you very much. I don't get it. Let me see let's try to do one more here we have a caller on our line number two and that would be in Champaign. Hello. Color there long oh yeah go ahead. I mean yes they told me 9 1 I have a very it's a kind of a soupy recipe it's very it's very comfort food and it's also excellent guess when you have guests like that are going to arrive in about an hour and it's all out of the package and you lie. OK. I like that part. You have to have a package a packet of taco seasoning stuff the seasoning and then you get a pork tenderloin. I don't use any other kind of pork because it will turn to rubber. Now you browned you tossed the pork medallions or smaller pieces in the in the taco seasoning and brown it in a skillet with Kamil oil a little bit of just as much as you need for it.
Then you take another. If you've got a walk it's good to get sliced onions and then one red one red pepper and a cubit one yellow cup a cubit. And if you want to have a green pepper and cube it that's fine too. And then you just sauté that lightly. OK. Then you put everything together. You add I don't know a sort of medium sized jar of mild salsa. Oh all right. It's my I'm in it. And then you add three tablespoons of. Apricot or peach jam. OK and then you stir it and you know Rice will have cooked if you just bring it to a boil about an hour before and let it sit the rice will be cooked and you poured over the rice and they think you've spent 10 hours. Now I lost where the rice came in.
Oh I thought you were you but you cook the rice separately and then use your own. Oh all right and serve over it or over right so you agree. Result of or not as you want really but it's absolutely delicious that comes from the cozy corner my mother in law's restaurant. Anyway they think you spent hours and hours and hours. Isn't that something. And it tastes wonderful. I'll takes about 20 minutes to do. You've got this marvelous you know wonderful pork this wonderful flavors and these wonderful colorful vegetable yet beautiful presentation. It's just lovely and served over rice. Great well thank you. OK you got a well-known thing. Enjoy. No we are just about seasoning. Wow the point that we're going to have to stop because we've used the time that that so we're going to have to go make soup and next month we'll think of something you think of something. Yeah you're right. Thank you. Well and thank everybody who called good news yes and nice response today. Again we will try and have some of the recipes printed up just you have to be patient with us because it takes us a while because
somebody's got to sit down and do it but if you drop us a line we will do that. And with our thanks to our chef in residence two or more. Thanks very much.
Focus 580
Producing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media
Contributing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media (Urbana, Illinois)
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With Doyle Moore (WILL Chef-in-Residence)
Broadcast Date
Food; Cooking; community
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Guest: Moore, Doyle
Producer: mdiehl,
Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producing Organization: WILL Illinois Public Media
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d2d888984ed (unknown)
Generation: Copy
Duration: 51:22
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-bd8b20b4582 (unknown)
Generation: Master
Duration: 51:22
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Chicago: “Focus 580; Cooking,” 2005-01-05, WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Focus 580; Cooking.” 2005-01-05. WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Focus 580; Cooking. Boston, MA: WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from