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Early service in the N.L.F.
502, Take 1. Clapstick.
Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa.
Please tell us what your activities were in your village, after that
how you participated in the clandestine cell, and then how you helped
the NLF troops to come into your village and, subsequently, into the
City of Hue.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
I was a fourteen year old girl at the time and was living with my
family. In 1964 my native village was liberated. After the liberation
of the village, revolutionary forces came into the village and operated
clandestinely there. I was basically from a revolutionary family, so
the cadres trusted us and came and asked me to become a courier. At
first, I served as a courier. And my responsibility was to tell the
cadres there of any troop movements by the enemy toward that area from
this city so that they could go into hiding.
In 1965, I was chosen to become a guerrilla fighter and a member of the
local guerrilla unit. During daytime we worked like all other
villagers. But at night we armed and trained ourselves. We were armed
with AKs and K-43s. During the day we wrapped our guns up in sheets of
nylon and hid them in a pond near my house. In the afternoon, around 6
p.m., we would check to see whether there was any enemy force left in
the area and then we fished our weapons out of the pond and served as
guards for the cadres who came into the village to hold meetings with
the village inhabitants. This was our daily job.
In 1966, an enemy Security Force (Bao An) company came to the village
and put up a military fort there, just about 300 yards from my hamlet.
We continued with our regular activities for a while. But later a
number of female guerrilla fighters in our unit betrayed us. So we fled
to Hue, staying in the Dap Da area. I stayed there for several months
and then returned to my village and continued with my activities again,
again serving as a guerrilla fighter.
In 1967 the enemy dispatched a company of Special Forces to our
village. The Special Forces forced us girls to service them. The idea
was to use us as shields for them. Because should the Viet Cong forces
want to attack them, they would not be able to do since there were
civilians inside this Special Forces compound. Secondly we had to serve
them in every way.
SR 2067/1. Beep tone, Roll 67 of Vietnam Project, Feb. 29th, 1981.
503, Take 1. Clapstick.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
I served as a guerrilla fighter until 1968. But let me tell you more
about the situation in 1967. In 1967, when the company of Special
Forces came to the village, their aim was to pacify the area by
resettling the population into strategic hamlets. This was in order to
make it impossible for the revolutionary cadres to carry out their
political work among the population and to try to catch the guerrilla
When they forced me to service them in their compound, I refused and
fled the village for a short period of about a month. When I returned
to the village again, I continued to serve as a guerrilla fighter until
December 1967. In that month there was a communication from above
saying that cadres would come into the village to persuade the
inhabitants to gather funds to support revolutionary soldiers. The
objective was to get each family to put up a soldier and feed him for
two months.
And so my girlfriends and I had the responsibility of rallying the
village inhabitants to support the preparation for the coming
offensive. On the 30th (of the 12th month) we received communications
to the effect that we had to prepare the routes which would be used by
the armed forced in the attack (of the city of Hue). Beginning around 8
p.m. our infrastructures walked along the chosen routes.
They were supposed to light a lantern in any place where there was no
enemy troops to signal us and not to light any lantern in places where
there were enemy troops stationed. And so we would take short cuts to
try to avoid the enemy troops in places where we saw no signal lantern.
This was how we prepared the route for the revolutionary forces to
follow from Phu Vang to my native village.
It was in my village that the soldiers were fed and were given time to
check their weapons and ammunition. Then beginning at around 10 p.m. we
took the soldiers across a large stretch of paddy fields to the enemy
military base, which was about one kilometer from Hue. No, not as much
as one kilometer. Only about half a kilometer, about 500 meters...
N.L.F. strategy at the beginning of the Battle of Hue
Please tell us again from the time you prepared food for the army for
two months, beginning in December 1967, to the night you brought the
troops to your village and then to that bridge which is about 500
meters from Hue. Please also tell us whether you had any worry along
the way and whether you were afraid that the enemy would be able to
detect you.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
At that time we received communications from above, saying that there
would be an offensive and an uprising by the inhabitants of Hue, that
this offensive and uprising might last for an extended period, that
there might be difficulties in term of foodstuff if the fighting
between the revolutionary forces and the enemy troops lasted for an
extended period that our responsibility was to see to it that the
inhabitants would not go hungry in that event and that the
revolutionary forces would have enough to eat to fight the enemy. After
we took our troops to about 500 meters from Hue, we returned to our
native village in order to protect it and to rally the people there
505, Take 1. Clapstick.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
In December 1967 I got the inhabitants of my native village to stock up
enough food for two months. On the 30th (of the 12th month), I served
as a courier and prepared the route to bring liberation troops all the
way from Phu Vang (20 kilometers south of Hue) to my native village.
The revolutionary forces arrived in my village at around 8 p.m., then
at about 10 p.m. I led them across a stretch of paddy fields to the
enemy military base.
Along the way, I was very worried myself. We wanted to attack the enemy
by complete surprise. If we met with enemy forces suddenly along the
way, we could still manage them. But this would create problems to the
coordination of the attacks from various points. All attacking forces
were supposed to open fire on the target areas at the same time in
order to be able to take over the city quickly. But if we should be
detected prematurely, it could be very dangerous. And so I had to
prepare the route very carefully.
The coordination was very tight. The fact that the enemy was not very
vigilant was also in our favor. On the 30th (of the lunar month), which
was (lunar) New Year's Eve, the enemy was preparing for Tet
celebrations. And so the enemy was not very vigilant. They only made
merry that night and did not have too many guards posted around the
city. And so I took advantage of this situation to take the liberation
troops to the target area safely. After that, I went back to my native
village to organize logistical support for the troops.
506. Take 1. Clapstick.
Please tell us again of the events starting from the 10th when the
enemy counterattacked and when you were summoned to Hue. How did you
train for the battle, where did the battle take place, how close were
you to the American soldiers, and how the dead American soldiers were
taken away? After that, please tell us about the battle at the stadium,
the spraying of toxic chemicals, and how you protected yourself against
the chemicals.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
After the 10th, our squad was ordered to coordinate with Company K 10
to provide a defense for the No. 6 area against an enemy counterattack.
There were three enemy target areas which we had not been able to take
over yet: One was the Huong Giang Hotel area where there was one
battalion of American soldiers but where the Americans had surrounded
themselves with 3,000 civilians which they had herded in there, so we
could not attack the area without hurting the innocent people.
The second place was the Thuan Hoa Hotel and the third place was the
Mange Ca Nho area where there were still many enemy forces. When we
first entered the city, we felt very awkward and felt that it was a
very difficult task. We were only guerrillas, and the situation was
extremely difficult. If we used high explosives, then what would
happen? We had been trained in using explosives in our spare time by
the regular forces in anticipation of difficult situations. On the
15th, the enemy began to shell at around 11 a.m...
507. Take 1. Clapstick.
The American counterattack
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
On the 15th, there was no indication in the morning that the enemy
would mount a counterattack. But at around 11 a.m., they began to
direct artillery fires into the area, flattening it completely. All the
houses and trees were razed. They also directed fire rockets into the
homes of the inhabitants in this area. Here the people use kerosene and
gasoline, and so when the homes were hit by fire rockets, they burst
out in flames.
Old folks, children and pregnant women who could not run out in time
were all burnt alive in the homes. We were able to save a few of these
people, but only a few. The majority died. By 3 p.m., the enemy troops
began to move in. We were already very angry at the enemy after several
days in that area, and especially so because of what had happened
during the period from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and so when we saw the enemy
troops come in, our commander, Trong, said: "Charge! Be ready to fight
the enemy!"
So we readied our guns. When the enemy troops were only about five
meters from us, we opened fire on them. When the American soldiers fell
down and died, three or four others would jump in to carry the body
away, crying. They did not have any experience in fighting at all
although they had been taking over the war in this area ever since
1968. So we took advantage of the situation to kill the rest of the
group. By around five o'clock, we girls were able to establish contact
between the stadium and the Cho Cam market forces and were able, as a
result, to protect these areas.
When the enemy troops realized that they could not deal with the
liberation forces, they retreated. We did not count enemy bodies, but
we did capture 3 mortars and seven B 15s. After the enemy troops
retreated, that evening we had a meeting in which we came to the
conclusion that the enemy would mount another counterattack. So we
reinforced our trenches and foxholes that night and also redeployed our
forces. We expected the main enemy counterattack would be in the area
of the stadium, so we placed more people there.
On the morning of the 16th, instead of charging our positions with
infantrymen the enemy pounded these areas with artillery shells first.
And then the tanks rolled in, followed by infantrymen. When we heard
the tanks coming in, we had our B 40s, B 41s and mortars ready. When
the tanks rolled in to about 20 meters from our position, we opened
fire and destroyed three tanks.
The infantrymen tried to advance, but our fire was so intense that they
could not make any headway at all. By 1 p.m., the enemy withdrew. We
then reinforced our positions, tried to maintain our morale and our
momentum by cheering each other up, and prepared to meet the enemy for
a third time as we knew they would attack again.
SR 2068/1. Beep tone. Roll 68, Vietnam Project. 508 Take 1. Clapstick.
Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa continues.
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
When the enemy mounted their third counterattack, they became more
vicious in their tactics. They used toxic chemicals and began to spray
early in the morning. This was because we are on the bank of the Huong
river and in the morning the wind usually comes from the southerly
direction. They sprayed the chemicals before sending their troops ins.
At the time the liberation forces did not have any effective means to
defending themselves against eh chemicals. They could only use...
509. Take 1. Clapstick
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
During the third counterattack, the enemy sprayed us with toxic
chemicals. Here, in the morning, the wind usually comes from the
southerly direction. At that time our liberation forces did not have
any effective means of defending themselves against the chemicals. Our
only means was to use our scarves and the limes in the gardens which
had been destroyed by artillery shells. We squeezed the limes onto our
scarves or wetted our scarves by dipping them into the water basins to
protect ourselves from the toxic chemicals.
But there were two brothers from the tenth squad who threw up blood as
a result of the chemical spraying. We had to send them to the rear for
treatment. A number of civilians who were staying around to help the
fighters were also affected by the toxic chemicals because they had not
had any experience in protecting themselves against the chemicals. And
so, while we had to fight, we also had to transport these people to the
rear area in order to treat them.
After the spraying of the chemicals, there were gun fights between us
and the enemy. Two sisters in our female squad were killed but we were
unable to bring their bodies out because the chemicals were so thick.
When the enemy forces came in and occupied the Cong market area, they
stripped these two girls completely naked and had their bodies
displayed at the marketplace. This blatant and sadistic behavior caused
the population to be even more outraged.
As far as the inhabitants were concerned, to strip the girls completely
naked and display their bodies in such a manner was extremely immoral
and vicious. And so they hated the Americans even more. After we were
forced to retreat from the Cong market, we went over to the other side
of the canal, which was only about 500 meters away, and dug in.
We want to ask you whether you were afraid or were calm when you were
fighting? What was in your mind?
Nguyen Thi Hoa:
While fighting, I was very worried. I worried about the problem of
survival so that I could continue to fight the enemy and destroy him in
order to defend my native village and my homeland. But my mind was
always alert and I was thinking how I could fight best in order to
contribute to effort of destroying the enemy and to be a deserving
daughter to the nation. I was not afraid of death. If I had to die, I
felt that it would only be an honor to die in a deserving way for my
family and my country. I had no fear of death. The only concern was how
to be able to stay alive and energetic long enough to fight and push
back the enemy battalion.
Vietnam: A Television History
Raw Footage
Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa, 1981
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Nguyen Thi Hoa was a guerilla fighter for the National Liberation front as a teenager in the 1960s. She describes how she prepared the for the NLF invasion of Hue during the Tet Offensive. Ms. Hoa then details her participation in and the general atmosphere of the ferocious battle of Hue.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Vietnam War, 1961-1975; United States--History--1945-; United States--Politics and government; Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, Vietnamese; Vietnam--Politics and government; Vietnam--History--1945-1975; Vietnam (Democratic Republic); Vietnam (Republic); National liberation movements; Mat tran dan toc giai phong mien nam Viet Nam; chemical warfare; logistics; Hue, Battle of, Hue, Vietnam, 1968; Urban warfare; Youth and war
Rights Note:1) No materials may be re-used without references to appearance releases and WGBH/UMass Boston contract. 2) It is the responsibility of a production to investigate and re-clear all rights before re-use in any project.,Rights:,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Type:,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
Writer: Nguyen, Thi Hoa
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: f078cad17d85cb64633819765ca33f724a462be3 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:30:05:04
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa, 1981,” 1981-03-01, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa, 1981.” 1981-03-01. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Thi Hoa, 1981. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from