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Right. So two general questions First could you explain remembering that this is for a British and an American audience why General de Gaulle opposed all along the idea of an integrated military command of nature. What were his main reasons. Liberals television undergirds also good news is that I supplement pool. Meanwhile it's a good looking at the world both say to you say see Lady Baldos another not the politician beat the falls. Maybe she does it would be supposed to meet reason coming months it focuses on me. Eve back we'll see. Go Listen I'll do we'll both sick and dig. Hey come on the vote and dig OK. Here is your back. It would
seem not only gay. No. What part of that don't make any mention it back iPhones preset on plenty. Those young gay or kick ass up all over them that is OK. It's also a popular vote. The state legislatures vote no to raise them. It isn't the result they cannot pay. They just didn't have to will both seek to serve. Well in my view little remote I guess now maybe I go all the goodies if he says he'll sit down me on skis on a high school said be the difference. That's your illusion. Will both say could go before that about my degree. It do when they do something that I suppose they will shift me. They will Claypoole Leppert you just where could sit down be more good at all the goal and only as you wish it I'll not
stop it or kill you not their it up so that you won't get back to Denmark. I wish it had not stopped because of you see you really don't. You can never bothered you never had the labels so AWOL. General Knauss dad told me that General to go on in a conversation with him said I thinking about 1960 general knows that. Do you agree with me that there is no immediate threat from the Soviet Union to Western Europe. That said I have to agree with that and the girl said in that case honest think first of the restoration of French morale and France and not all the security does that. Yes he did not stop the show more than they expose the carrot that had been used in illegal. It will take us concealment love for nuclear forces vision illegals are being
careful. They don't want Zo because we said you can either contain Shula sieges on the Facebook wall street and folks up or down and why did the president believes that to an independent foster father was essential for France. Double good. Would you say it should be illegal. They know they lie falsely about going on the deadline. The Army says OK they were meant to save us yet Infoseek good priest good copy of it as you need. You also get the like all about. It just shows that folks are glad you have a good laugh. Snip house she votes declare victory. Pretty sure you like me tell me is that you. Is it possible this is the. If you don't have own and how that just wrong. Yeah it was a few shit is it
called a gay male. You mean he's thought you could kill Jamal presold these are on you play a lie capacitated hospital this is Othmer more bodies of human bodies usually admit they do not feel a force but you do not want to help when you are going to get any Social Security Force. Good way Frances walk a pub Hippisley ego be illusory. An apple shall not broken when you will. But what was his reply to that his opponents who said it's going the French farce the trappings of Bobinette cannot have enough power to do and said they all they feel lucky mo. Out of curiosity that woman should meet their home book. Journalists who have all told you it should be home soon will sit down you know. You see my ability being less Albinus you're not actually dopey and may
not like position place. It is good enough for US forces that force nuclear forces it the only faith Fabula. I see they will make good gawd and I don't want to defend your shoes feasible Botox or thought boomer in ZFC like capacity to rescue that capacity to destroy the leave on trail that they get a false impression on the good of his own good. My nose so badly that I set up a state persona or false memories. They are all that are false. The usual very good air force nuclear forces in Bobby Knight. OK. So good. So they say you could use a continuance of a say set of the new the new could and develop you pretty well. Look these are the obstacles people
should give aid if you think that this is just such an illegal. You cannot argue it if you don't have a 60 day dungeon to speak to use that new version of it. You know this historic event. Both say you will place though on super young still Abassi may shock to boot. I left the deck itself as they left me a basic question here on Google. Truly crazy Don't let the public of a bunch cause just what you do. Because this was Bush got this done. Social views should be zero. He's off to school and we love him but he can see sell the false teaching to the false worker Oswald read it. Yep it all falls Duport zone Ullapool you keep the difference and I'll keep what you get. You sought to detain him he didn't ask you if
at all to do that puts the defence forces seeking it Bob your souls aren't going. How. Can we go back now to the 1958. Of course if the getting of of the Fifth Republic at almost the same time as the one attained power the not man act the atomic energy in the United States was amended clearly in favor of Great Britain and not of France at that time. What was the reaction of will put you on the general dose up on you. Don't lose. Their goal is to accomplish the goal because that day they plan to lose you are sick. Sit them on. Been made to pay for that. Well I could say I said that no more than almost You will play this isn't it. The demo news of all that they create sequence that they
don't make on SS says you. I think OBL become a good citizen usual. May God bless you. Take a new pope with those shocking Sheikh technique and you still yell full cost will not of us declare the news of all only does the man that need these young men to sit in U-joint declared live. People often called Scusi. Good good good good good at four seconds three two soul and a madman Sethos nuclear sooky new bill made that will read to them on the bottom of a daughter by her son may do baozi systematic to sooky for who they are to do this film as you prove. So grateful so secure done probably 12 hours to be gone be conscious. But what was the reaction when it was clear that great Britain was being treated differently to
France. Was that something that. Irritated Jobar know. Do you read this you don't know about. That's good news. That would be good. You don't want to go on what is it that you need to cover about you create us of Mosul longer. Make the socialist Why get a new key so should use to sort of article again. Or does it give on the ol Iraq was gone. Nobody to day just said copius you know say go be skewed but not you should you take it that's usually have to go. Vinod you could set your clock on both time and as it does you need all met young you play. I think I'm gonna lose your vision of the goal. Don't be shy. No place like home but I don't at all. Although I do go to the Jenny Craig A.S.C. the degree of the more Britannic keyed grandpa.
I feel making downscaled their hope it only don't. To get the puzzle pieces. What I think is it is you need to ski to shed all the folks. If you could see that love is all powerful and if you lose the pleasure of the goal more don't play with anger. The community and the arrangement that was made at Nesle and another night in December of 1962 must have been particular case of that. You know be very lonesome on that so I don't get so loud. The Constitution is a good out of the goal. Good luck over time favorite city because it is need these guys Vaccarella. I think what was his reaction when probably you were there when George Ball came in January of 1963 to make the same offer of the polite dismissal to France.
We wish that there was a time in these last four years of our learned to learn how to go to the protagonist. Is this your book if you see a step or do they show up on your resume it could be that this is the source was on what I call a false nuclear française total body bomb and in that you know poppies you can portray a certain numerable called Target. They go ballistic it technique. She couldn't do that by accepting Donald. What could they both say good see let Fox nuclear française painful IMO. And people don't take technique along with unpolitical counterproductive liberties and you guys are awesome. You can't keep on watching particularly well a liberal Bob Seger CFOs forces the decision about a diploma technique. My immediate mom is building
competence of order. To go back a little bit again in time. You were present at the famous Athens meeting when Mr. Macnamara made his speech which said two things and I'd like your comments on both. One that independent nuclear forces were. Either so dangerous not credible and so on. And secondly he outlined his idea of a strategy a flexible response. What was your reaction to that. Should let you go by said she didn't know such meanies. I believe we should back them up. Yeah I mean he's at the top of the book. They say they know that Dana he is able to speak of them are all equally wild Dolly Google says yeah being argued. Your DNA boils Melchior's pre-Big. You can sort of the bones in objects you'll get
a margin of it but I pose Alex have a show the first nuclear family Fady the other go video. But you could usually see it as a unique situation. I feel I should get rid of it. My post to prove it. I can certainly do this Bill Foster Care. So I thought it might be good for new public street. I don't know. Maybe I'll make them up. No quite yet. Continued you will be back to the bar Pasic illusion your holiday Bowl party. Falshood don't say foster care. Look why y'all got us all up. They perceive the pulse of gold jewelry and the books fiscal policy. It also you can see on the labels of flexi blue light poles he boasted of saying his own flexible response by his boss riposte. How do we let the poster graduate intrude into the
schools that we have to define normal. But this doesn't need me. Do you see much dubbed about his appeal of review goodies at the mall. Bush is your Institute of Peace a place you need to replace the weak you make of course it goes. The cost for me to Clurman the Western Shambat die in new fossicking some pretty worthless Alamo. Julie don't fail to prove hope I don't breed to good and evil poster had read it you know both he boasted. If you play book Live. Don't you agree or do you suppose they tell more febrile couldn't you Bob. Maybe the text evolves. Actually I only post with a new set of remote little while he spoke what you are accepting but knows I told him what you wanted to prove or he says
yet Zalmai to me that he could insulted. God bless you. The labels that post may boogers that they will defend Bush even Bushie boys Americans. But as you blew Mr McNamara's point of course was that the complete reliance on nuclear arms even including tactical nuclear weapons and the reliance on the early use of tactical nuclear weapons by nature was very dangerous because even a small war might become nuclear. What did you think of that. My sister on the hope in Dubai of going to the gay. Wow. Wow. Don't you ever you know go home in the burbs. Yeah. Well but she gave up hope a pope did hope a really good budget you gave in because you gave on the opposite phone to treat on longer
or do whatever they please. Should make them my neighbors exact says up. You don't pollute all you want. You guys on my panel. What what was your reaction to the attitude of Mr. Mack tomorrow and the so-called whiz kids that period. What did you think of that. She is it was you look at the maximum a heart of gold. Get past the Chicago Maximov I they played on this tour de force BUSCA they take the Bible to me easy very of all ages go desk get in upon me tell visitors you need a new book which is a designated don't get shit on again. Only this time you'll get yet it disappoints you. McNamara ha. I picked up a remote and nigger song to truly be
nice to Guy Moonglade good. I mean East Villa get this date. Casa de Morya instead of ethics and hear all about you creek as it was on the not too costly. I miss having that kept me busy long so that by me still Gigantes issue if his approval dear good disciplinary mother Dixie don't listen. May be I like them a lot. I could be Duzee God Isabel. So you were saying. But check them out in a two hour as well. The one in Europe is the most interesting. Yes loathly get them up quickly. Or better. I need to see good less Tottie's you can keep Bernthal is it you need Asian contest. Let's start with. We can only hope to make them aha.
So it related to both 6 at such a date both in the accept Daubert Tulisa Obeah Baba ligament show blow up a result. Paul is about Bill Taylor Swift they could never possibly Day Portugais you know should on a push to get dreamy. Should you lay in the mother home plate to keep news of. No. Is your school here. Russell I don't think Poo-Bah feels good. I became one of them. Some of them mentally retarded. The birth period for a new post echoed good. He did make them my heart. They make them ask you conceal the strategists hope that Bob and Paul is are behind it. That is it ISN'T EVEN IF all. But most of the other countries accepted that strategy in the end acceptable can
be whoever filled them out. They see the possibilities. Look what good result would be except the destitution make them little way but not voluntary discussion of a leg or been cured that they were engaged in a scourge upon say what ma'am. It just goes as usual. We may never publish what yet they that responsible about aggregate and bandura waste of money. Do it as you need. You get haunted by that paisanos physic. They told me we can solve the alignment. Don't waste it in the near good or sudden young member quote hooker Schriever less strategem Jimmy gain new force in me get your publishing on the question of American troops on the soil of Germany. Would you agree that Francis security would be
very much less sure if that were not as American troops on Jetman saw before her. And if you agree with that. What is your response response to those who say that in expelling American troops from French soil France receives the benefit of American protection without paying the price it will be possible which is quite good security force. It did it all go. She didn't have the Mafiosi malapropisms they certainly can wipe off all the MO isn't it. If you let's read whether you're judging the goal of exact amount of money they may conceal their presence the fulsomely again of course isn't the panel amendment that he's ready. Good defense. It could really get a lot of them again.
They'll get it out of the books that you quote I think didn't do a good thing because you are unique or very good at logic you part. So don't let folks in on body these unique take on that though. What good is shooting. Is it a police officer. I mean again. So the clean case you know that if you guess at the age of Michael Funchal loaded by these illegal I played a sortied LaFalce. You come on more. I think Red looked quite good today by all the folks in Oregon. Oh fun going on the face of evil evil. Belief in say a police American hypocrisy by his own. Yet Bob did move on pacifist of homes on up on that. Mind you coming on and on about dog seat Dubrow Baskar leave movement if you start Voss Naboth pop I call she voted against
you. Bit homosexual is Alfonsi prison be deployed. Good. Feel the face that's you. Give me some food. Agong boy dying. Well that man who all of us Americans. All eyes are something above us is often gone. So this is your vision of the goal. Anything to tell else puzzle mobile phones mobile to plug the holes. Good course that was all very good so don't be a dog when you move on as if he's sort of. Why. Why do you think that no other country and especially I couldn't have taken the same route as once just should ball ball if you buy phone say joseki you are gone or dying. Sell the don't tell me that need good they phosphor says you. I vaguely believe that the Apollo I gave a pocket score the
key like on but take me to the bog. The bog let me ask you what possible evasion. Poorly polygon with down the street will have Memling. Sicily is still ecovillage it isn't Shaquana but. Do you believe. That's great Britain for example has suffered from that in its own independence. Les Paul will do a good deed with what is good a lot longer leg on both dance on the Swazey or all silly putty Korea Wrigley's it does mean he is celebratin also. Hope it was good. Celestial. I feel no Pattillo. OK let me go back again to
the beginning of the 1960s. At that time there was a proposal by the now. I'll go back earlier. Still when General de Gaulle came to power there had been negotiations for a year or two between Germany and France and particularly Defense Minister Joseph Strauss had been talking to his French opposite nolens about cooperation of manufacture of modern weapons exempts nuclear weapons. What is your belief that his ideas ambitions were at that time. Good you quoted LaFalce is that I get the only people who get that said Phoebe. Phoebe Pelageya Salonga. I think we barely call you on that does she know that really is should my life till they come. We're supposed to lead the way. It could. The whole show you know
stay up. Poof. You know see Pagano plays on Bill don't eat like that too. So they would like to. You like good citizen political the first thing you go did not force the gunman. I said people do not pass you give him an envoy on particularly good law by giving these stores in a place you could sit that so did the hive so that they are very remote. Jose being a. We don't all live in a place provided of money nature she gets them. Mr. different sought to do is see Sookie speak good x see a tasty. Shush Toscana so I have a table easy. Michelle Kwan can prove that culture for me so I've only had it in the manner of a particular day rootlets.
But President the government put a very quick stop to weigh in on the role that could be used to treat the Taliban. No sir I don't believe that is supposed to do but chief but to a good day in chief should you lay the cause of the goal of AGW clear prosecutors say Ikku on to the pub. DASCHLE Well as the man may live in neutral they don't get it. But he could get calls it was inevitable Pasic book that had been more clear. Had to be for the ol or present day. Goal is good the gay guy is short supply. They Kelly look you're way member Kerry did a full on the D. You know so if you did so you keep guessing.
Lamang you claimed that I probably fit the OL plays on April 8 so you can get in on the Golden Rule that passes all the companies. You know Phillipson. We run a site. Now very early in his time in general to go about the famous letter to President Eisenhower would suggest today entente that we saw. Would you like to sit let I see said that does your real life involve the goal. I guess so. I think Churchill is quite good. This is like that that supports the Chowchilla cover to the halls of the GK. Next you'll be equal to the delete period. Chic A la la fashion the
shop be in a tone she'll say. Hey you know me. Is your cooperation on the Gold Cup. Cha-Ching here. So have Judy space. Do you think wow the country salsa on a collision under goal. Don't be stupid are plenty that falls very softly. She's not your MO either. Don Ramon discipline usually undergo she a Lakers at the beauty of the Nationals you lead by example so you can see the security managing the audible evaluations of what you have in place. I think you can use that on the Nationals you need particularly the machine may you. Yes. I don't get these key. Maybe it's about you know hell can you sit there and your security and particularly need more permanently sent mobile
payment on. You can take your security see any day. Maybe I'm lazy day to Daffy's Well the boss sick. And sorta like well they said that you play school. He murmured. She said they go stitchery couple of hobo's engine to go to the audience in the world. But you really don't know. How's it going. Well the old guy. But he did actually propose that he. France should have a veto over the use of American nuclear weapons which ones yes a it only thing. Now this is a defector he says quite a few people will read noise only and take our plaintext to conceal and force nuclear forces. And they also may respond. Good luck. I hope you will improve but the only thing I can imagine good is it that you need pre-sex at all guess all foster care.
Said publishing that wasn't true in the sense he didn't expect that to be accepted JBoss enough prove it back. Walk us with except the May process on do this all live well hopefully. How would you over time. OK. The last area I want to look at is the proposition of the I left by the Americans. Is it your impression. Was it your impression then that that scheme was aimed primarily at discouraging the French Foster frappe or as for example Robert Louis has said to me that it was aimed primarily at stopping the German ambitions or containing Germany city dig. He did. I felt that the kid technique going to move is you do.
They made a musical or nerve or Sookie motorbike in that burden buddy buddy what they call baseball they do object which politique do blueberry disability do Bob Dudley in cities factual so high volume on don't new power ballad to. LA man. I don't that the week. Oh man don't do dick y z a lot help foster the plot says Clark. You don't suppose leaders objective is disappoint up stood up or shaky because of some political bullies it is and you may think most Naposki get upset if it ends up in a dodgy phobia of the past. You too. Were you surprised that people like George Bush kept pushing this thing for so many years. We should temper it today. Is it the Amparito need the deserve to
see you. Silly you don't suck. Dash. Keep the negro. NET bought in to prove it to me. If I'm not busy day BUSCA be treated more. You lead by example again as soon as Obama is that type pragmatic good movies or false use of the Apollo I bet you Hausherr the project. So somebody here just suppose that the pothead East is busy today. Could you talk a bit against that. I suppose it is your co-workers see you get me to concede that the shoes you know don't see it that way but push it on Sean. Do you. Do you think that foremost in the general's mind when he was talking about the force the FRAP and about French prestige was a sense of a real danger from the Soviet Union. Or was it more a general sense of what is necessary for.
Or her Bob Goodlatte. Yeah but is it about losing on the goal. Both sick of it bought them and that's immediate. Do you also get is that this was all the girl Sobieski civilly he may say good bad or false. And they other and this wasn't the way it could go to Fairfax. A totally different way we treat our collusion of all the goal of it just won't work for me come about the cause of the doubt. Just why tragic illusion that we're both sick of it he said. You should go away. In fact I forced it to be more Seabrooke pussy boo good plan. Nancy we're young person so that if you didn't know in foster care
of course you were president at the first test of an atomic bomb in the heart of your knowledge that it'd be nice for the job mentioned by the place. Oh put me this is proof your test results are in fact you create this tested you. Only feels that that jubilate made the on street the place no problem. Does that tell him to tell someone you glare of it is inevitable. Don't Pacific just stay. The explosion will you go diffusion of the golf ball on the field again. All sounds to me require what was your reaction and what was his reaction just to the sight of that. Let me show you the rule of you I wish that I feel high. Suppose you had your way you know as I said
shopping you know civic all atmosphere X you want the same magic all handy to get to and you fix it then you say he said Do you know somebody that presents me all say give way or he doesn't have to go to parties. These are usually more gracefully Shibu creepily buku people. You know legal. Paul said was set policy good be something you can administer self-existence M.G. mode. In any case you don't see me while your kids really expose you to Sikkim called Selma. What more have you be nice work across the state. Don't give up on Preciosa nuclear policy but I foresee a preacher. I hear you say you do shows those that might be easier to count on a female.
So what. What. Did the Americans at this time the generals attitude tonight onto the American alliance quickly. Now you're getting kicked again explain me asking what type of place I mean again that grace is it is an evasion male decision to undergo less and less than that easement. My body is all powerful symbol. I mean you can come home if there's any kind of an up question. He stared at me. They don't look. Don't come back she began limited a book shows a piano. You see your Aashiq wrong. I think a killer called lapu IBD book about it because his work is one word but then again if one falls level division in our legal guys say sit said. But again
you just feel very dumb Ramadi is illegal. Madmen play along. No but will be is a blessing in Pisces could never be resumed. It is on play football their false degeneracy. Just like all pollution so the space to hook the ball up again. I guess she said it was Judaism yet again so today shake it off political level Bucholz are going to accept this stuff. OK so what kinda Bucklebury do you remember any conversations that you had with them out of. For instance we have a lot of good vision think about it. Many first to move in in the days of old age. Since we do so I don't see that either. Look up old usually on the goal. You saw Bubu world and that's your fault.
They made some of the Basra. All of you on one got their goods on the wall. No they should go free. May evidently hopefully because Jimmy the priest doled out a single Valium or false. Not only is he although you may see a reason of idealism. That's your last question. Do you think that the time in the fifties in the 1960s that the questions of nuclear weapons in Europe were primarily questions of security or the security of the West East or which is the way that Americans always tend to look at the problem or whether it's really a question of of of international prestige of symbols of nationality. Should your next leader do the polls. So why do you posit
that you know a problem the security Social Security potato Delma get go down. May I disagree on your problem. The security saw blade prophecy that these Hudl Goths Zama. So these on your claim about cache so that you still do prestige but you cake is silly Bazile see more Palembang all you can say to security. So together mo sooky or Sidney Poitier of a. You have a go. Goodness knows all good luck. Priscilla's nuclear device which politique
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
Raw Footage
Interview with Pierre Messmer, 1986
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Pierre Messmer was the French Minister of Armies from 1960-1969, and Prime Minister from 1972-1974. Most of the interview is taken up with descriptions of the thinking of President De Gaulle toward NATO and nuclear weapons. His basic point is that De Gaulle opposed a NATO integrated military command and pressed for a French nuclear capability primarily because he believed in France's need for independence. The French president did not think that the threat from the Soviet Union was significant at the time, Mr. Messmer argues, but because of his "tragic view of history" believed that the need would eventually arise for the country to develop all possible resources at its disposal. Mr. Messmer relates several instances of further disagreement with the United States, including France's refusal to accept the offer of Polaris missiles in 1963. He identifies a number of mistaken U.S. conceptions about Europe and France, noting for example that Robert McNamara's flexible response doctrine was inappropriate for Europe. Other governments accepted it, in his opinion, because they had no choice. He also touches on France's sometimes difficult relations with Germany and Britain. After witnessing a nuclear test in the Sahara, De Gaulle, according to Mr. Messmer, called it "magnificent"; however, he contends that the president was referring to the implications of the test for France rather than the impressiveness of the device. The interview concludes with Mr. Messmer's assertion that the attractiveness of nuclear weapons in the early days derived from both security concerns and national prestige.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970; Norstad, Lauris, 1907-1988; Mitterrand, Francois, 1916-1996; McNamara, Robert S., 1916-2009; Ball, George; Strauss, Franz Josef, 1915-1988; Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965; Bowie, Robert R. (Robert Richardson), 1909-; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; United Nations; United Nations. Security Council; World War II; nuclear weapons; Detente; Tactical nuclear weapons; nuclear warfare; Polaris (Missile); France; United States; Soviet Union; Great Britain; Germany; United States. Atomic Energy Act of 1946; Flexible response (Nuclear strategy); Multilateral force (Nuclear strategy); German rearmament; Peace movements
Rights Note:,Rights:,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
Writer: Messmer, Pierre, 1916-2007
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: ad57ae3bb2821c00eef77558dfa09f90b63067b6 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with Pierre Messmer, 1986,” 1986-05-11, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 30, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with Pierre Messmer, 1986.” 1986-05-11. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 30, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with Pierre Messmer, 1986. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from