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The attack on Ban Me Thuot
SR 2093
677 Take 1
Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh, 30, soldier.
Please tell us of the military operation which you were involved in
from Pleiku to Ban Me Thuot.
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
My unit was thirty kilometers from Pleiku. We were preparing for the
military campaign to liberate the Western Highland. My unit was given
the order to advance toward Ban Me Thuot to attack it.
The first thing we did was to open fire on the district town of Buon
Ho, which was forty-five kilometers northwest of Ban Me Thuot on
Highway 14. After we liberated the district headquarters of Buon Ho,
our unit was ordered to coordinate with Unit No. 3 to liberate the city
of Ban Me Thuot. This was the capitol city of the highlands, as the
Nguyen Van Thieu regime had nicknamed it.
From Buon Ho to Ban Me Thuot we only walked along the forest trails.
And, as some of you may know, these trails wound through the mountains
and thick forest and so it was quite arduous to make the operation.
From Buon Ho to Ban Me Thuot, we only encountered a company of security
and civilian guard troops about fifteen kilometers from Ban Me Thuot.
When the enemy found out that Buon Ho had been overrun, they sent the
regional troops out to all directions with the intention of
intercepting our forces at a distance from the city and not to allow us
to approach the city.
But this was a period when the enemy troops became kind of demoralized
after the fall of Buon Ho, which was a fairly strongly defended
district headquarters. Secondly, these were only regional forces and so
when they met with our regular forces they could not resist us for long
before they fled.
At 4:00 p.m. on March 9, 1975 our unit arrived on the outskirts of Ban
Me Thuot, which was only about ten kilometers from the center of the
city itself. We camped down there, got rested, had our meals and
prepared for the next day attack on Ban Me Thuot.
Beginning at 5:00 a.m. on March 10, 1975, our unit opened fire and
attacked Ban Me Thuot. I do not know the details of the attacks from
other directions. My unit was to attack from the northwest direction
which was down Highway 14. When we began our assault on Ban Me Thuot,
our unit attacked on foot and not on motor vehicles.
The other thing was that the attack on Ban Me Thuot was much more
difficult than attacks on base camps. This is to say that if we used
artillery and rockets on the city then we would hit the civilian
population. Therefore, the decision was to fight at close range against
the enemy.
We were supposed to cling to the belts of the enemy troops and fight
them. We were not supposed to use artillery and rockets. And the
determination of the unit was that if there were civilians living with
the enemy troops then we would not attack.
For this reason, we had to employ infantry in the attack on Ban Me
Thuot. We could not use out artillery units because we would hit the
There were certain base camps where there were enemy troops but there
were also families of the troops living there. Therefore the first
thing we did was to attack the airbase of Hoa Binh.
After we occupied the airbase, our unit was ordered to turn around and
attack the base camp of the 45th Regiment.
SR 2094
Beep tone
Roll 94 of Vietnam Project.
Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh continues.
678 Take 1
Please begin with the description of the attack on the 45th Regiment.
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
After we liberated the Hoa Binh airbase, our unit was ordered to attack
the base camp of the 45th Regiment, which was the heroic regiment of
the 22nd Division. This 45th Regiment was a crack force and so, when
compared with other forces, it was really quite strong. We had engaged
in combat with the 45th Regiment many times before.
Wherever this regiment went, it was accompanied by tanks, airplanes and
artillery units. But during the battle of Ban Me Thuot the 45th
Regiment was totally on the defensive. This was because when we
attacked the Hoa Binh airbase, it only sent a small detachment of
troops to help the Hoa Binh airbase out. Its main objective was to
defend its base camp.
And so when we turned around to attack the 45th Regiment, we were
fighting it at the same time we were trying to win the troops over.
This, plus the fact that there were soldiers in the base which we had
won over, caused the entire regiment to put down their weapons and
There were many confusing scenes during the battle for Ban Me Thuot.
First of all, the inhabitants welcomed us and brought us flowers,
meals, cakes and water. But the puppet troops, which had been told by
the Thieu's propaganda machine that the Viet Cong would carry out
retaliations against them, were generally afraid of us and ran away.
And the best way for them to flee was to throw away their weapons,
strip themselves of the uniforms and ran away in their underwear.
Therefore, on the one hand you had very happy city inhabitants who
welcomed us wholeheartedly and on the other you had troops from the
disintegrated army who threw away their guns, stripped themselves of
their uniforms and fled.
After we defeated the 45th Regiment and took over Ban Me Thuot, our
unit was ordered to go to the town of Cheo Reo which belonged to the
province of Phu Bon at that time in order to liberate this town. By
this time, we mounted our operation on tanks, armored vehicles and all
types of vehicles which we had captured from the enemy troops in the
Ban Me Thuot area.
After we liberated Cheo Reo, our unit continued to make an operation to
Tuy Hoa province to liberate it. On the way from Cheo Reo to Tuy Hoa -
this is to say that in order to get to Tuy Hoa - we had to attack the
district town of Phu Tuc.
After we occupied Phu Tuc, we went ahead to liberate the provincial
town of Tuy Hoa. After we liberated Tuy Hoa, we received an order from
the Forward Command that the entire unit had to make an operation on
motor vehicles from Tuy Hoa to Binh Long, Phuoc Long, and Loc Ninh
province and finally to attack the base camp at Dong Du, near Saigon.
During the preparation for the attack on Ban Me Thuot, the order was to
attack. As for meetings, advance parties to investigate the terrain,
etc., I must say frankly that we did not have any time for all of that
then. This was because, as Nguyen Van Thieu had said, any side which
managed to take over this capitol of the highlands would manage to
obtain the strongest defense area which would lead to certain victory.
For this reason, we were all determined to take over Ban Me Thuot. We
did not have time to study anything or to discuss anything at all. We
received the order to fight and we fought.
We all knew that it was difficult to enter Ban Me Thuot because it was
the capitol city of the highlands where the best and the most well
trained troops were all based. And so, if you asked me whether it was
difficult to attack the city, I would have said it was certainly very
difficult. It was not easy to attack the city with the 45th Regiment
and the entire 22nd Division defending it.
Another difficulty was that there were a lot of city inhabitants there.
The idea was how to attack the city and at the same time be able to
protect the property of the population and their lives. Hence, it was
thought very difficult to attack Ban Me Thuot.
But, in reality, when we attacked Ban Me Thuot it turned out to be
easier than we had thought. This was because the city inhabitants
helped us out and the enemy troops just disintegrated and fled. We had
thought that it would be five to ten times as hard to fight. We did not
have to expend as much energy as we had thought.
Taking Dong Du
Now you were only 60 kilometers from Saigon. How did you get to Saigon?
Which places did you have to overrun in order to get there?
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
On April 27th my unit had marched through the provinces of Binh Long,
Phuoc Long and Loc Ninh and had arrived at a place about thirty
kilometers from the base camp of Dong Du. We were stationed to the
northwest of it and waiting for the order to open fire and to take over
the base camp. The Dong Du base camp had been known as the "Tropical
Thunderbolt" base camp of the American 25th Division.
After the Americans left, they turned the base over to the 25th Army
Division of the puppet regime. This division was commanded by Lt.
General Ly Tong Ba.
The assault on Dong Du posed certain difficulties. First of all Dong Du
was "the iron gate of Saigon" as the Nguyen Van Thieu regime had
boasted. It was to the northwest of Saigon and situated on Highway One,
right on the route from Tay Ninh province and the route from Long Binh
heading toward Saigon.
This was therefore a well situated unit which had been especially
beefed up and which the Americans had bragged that no NLF unit could
attack successfully. On the outside of the Dong Du base, to the north
and to the west, more than half of the surroundings were marshland. In
some places the marshland was up to three kilometers in width.
Therefore the attack on Dong Du was somewhat difficult.
My unit had to march around to Highway One on our way down from Tay
Ninh by passing through Trung Hoa and around to the west of the base
camp to attack it. Lt. General Ly Tong Ba at that time did not
understand the real situation of the battlefield and was therefore very
After our unit arrived just outside the base camp, Lt. General Ly Tong
Ba ordered the 135th Battalion which was composed of security forces
and civilian guards to come from Lam Son and Hoc Mon to reinforce the
base camp and to attack us from the rear. According to the soldiers
which we took prisoners, Ly Tong Ba ordered them to fight until the end
and not to abandon their position.
Therefore, it was not that easy to attack Dong Du. In order to take
over the base camp we had to deploy three divisions of regular forces
and a regiment of Special Forces.
From the outside to the moat of the base camp there were 50 meters of
various layers of fences. Therefore, it was already difficult to cut
through this thick layer of fences let alone the spiked moats.
But because of the enthusiasm of the soldiers and the momentum of the
campaign which was named after our beloved President Ho, each person,
each soldier, told the other that the base camp had to be taken. We
knew that we were only thirty-two kilometers from Saigon and so we were
eager to wipe out Dong Du in order to get to Saigon. So we were greatly
On the enemy side, the generals were quite determined to resist us. But
their soldiers were in no mood to fight anymore. So as soon as we
lobbed artillery shells into the base, their soldiers began to flee.
In fact, the first thing that happened was that the families of the
soldiers had all left the base camp before our attack. This was quite
advantageous for us. So we were no longer afraid to hit the civilian
population as we had been.
Hence, when we opened fire and rushed in with tanks and armored
vehicles the soldiers fled. Some only put up a half-hearted fight and
then threw away their guns and fled. Some of them were killed and some
stripped off their uniforms, put on civilian clothes and fled.
When our tanks approached the Command bunker of Lt. Ly Tong Ba we found
out that he had taken off his uniform and had put on a suit of white
civilian clothes in the attempt to sneak out.
Therefore, from the time we opened fire in the morning to about 2:00
p.m. we were able to overrun Dong Du which was a base camp of six
square kilometers. It was a very large base camp and resembled a
district or provincial town in there.
It was a self sufficient place. It had two huge fuel tanks which burnt
from morning till night on April 29th. This is to say that standing
about thirty kilometers away we could still see the smoke rising from
these two fuel tanks.
When we came to attack Dong Du our unit was told to divide itself into
two detachments. One was to come down on Highway 13, crossing through
Cau Sang and Hoc Mon and taking over Hoc Mon in order to stop any
reinforcement from Saigon and Quang Trung to allow our unit the free
hand to attack Dong Du. Therefore, when we got through with Dong Du,
the detachment over there also completed the liberation of Hoc Mon.
So there was a pincer movement and when the enemy tried to flee, they
did not have any place to go to. We were attacking from both ends and
the fleeing troops were caught right in the middle.
After we had taken over Dong Du, we advanced toward Ap Cho and Tan Phu
Trung to take them over.
681 Take 1
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
We took over Dong Du around 2:00 p.m. At about that time, another
detachment had already liberated Hoc Mon. So the fleeing troops were in
a very precarious situation. To the north Dong Du had been taken over,
to the south Hoc Mon had been liberated. Therefore, they were caught in
the middle on the route from Dong Du to Hoc Mon.
The enemy vehicles - M-48s, M-41s, M-113s and all kinds of motor
vehicles which had been employed in the escape - which converged on Ap
Cho in Tan Phu Trung ran into our unit there and had no place to go.
Faced with this situation, the tanks and the armored vehicles all ran
into the paddy fields in the effort to escape. And if you had were here
about three years ago, you would have seen all these tanks and armored
vehicles still lying in the paddy fields.
When we liberated the Dong Du base camp, there were many armored
vehicles and motor vehicles there. And the prisoners of war we had who
knew how to drive these vehicles volunteered to drive them for us,
enabling us to chase after the enemy quickly. Therefore, our unit had
an additional group of about fifteen drivers who were POW's.
Our own soldiers who knew how to drive the vehicles jumped up on these
vehicles and took our troops down the attack route. Along the way, we
saw a lot of vehicles which still had their engines on and which were
just parked by the roadside.
When the vehicles got stuck in the mud of the paddy fields which were
quite deep, they could not move anymore and so their passengers had to
get out and run. And so, they all had to surrender even though we did
not attack them at all.
Victory in Saigon
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
By around 8:00 a.m. on April 30th our unit was ordered to head for
Saigon to liberate it. Along the way, we had to get through the Quang
Trung training center for non commissioned officers.
So when we got there we had to stop momentarily to attack it. Some of
the soldiers there had fled, and those who remained did not give us
much of a fight. They only put up a half-hearted resistance before they
After an hour of stop over in Quang Trung, we continued to head toward
Saigon down Highway One. When we reached Ba Queo we ran into a lot of
civilians. On the way from Quang Trung to Ba Queo we also ran into the
Tan Son Nhut base camp.
At that time this base was under attack by another unit and the puppet
soldiers who spilled out of there fought back at us when they ran into
us. And so we had to stop momentarily there to clean up the situation.
In doing this, we had to run on foot as we swept our way from Ba Queo
to Bay Hien.
When we reached Bay Hien we ran into a scene which I will never forget.
This is to say that the city inhabitants brought us meals, water, cakes
and fruit and begged us to take them. Although we were still fighting
and were in a hurry, they pulled us back by our shirts and said: "Mr.
Liberation, please eat a bowl of rice and make us feel good."
There were old women who just stood there and cried when we could not
stop to eat. They really felt bad for us because we were so busy
fighting that we did not even have time to eat. And when other troops
in the same unit arrived in their jeeps and trucks, the city
inhabitants just showered them with food and cakes.
682 TAKE 1
Nguyen Cong Thanh:
When we reached Bay Hien (a neighborhood of Saigon) none of us knew how
to get to the Independence Palace. There were so many roads leading to
downtown Saigon and I myself just did not have any idea where it was.
So I turned around and asked an old woman: "Mother, where is Saigon?"
And her reply was: "You're already in Saigon."
By this time the women surrounded us and asked us about our native
villages, our ages and so on. And we, on our part, asked them the way
to the Independence Palace. The population was very happy. By this time
our forces were already victorious. And it was a proud moment for
people to be helping the soldiers out.
When the people saw that we were walking, they thought that we belonged
to a non mobile unit and so they begged us to board their pedicabs,
Lambrettas, buses and trucks to take us to downtown Saigon. And so we
did not have to wait for our own vehicles but climbed on the pedicabs,
the Lambrettas and the buses to be taken to downtown Saigon.
When we passed by Tan Son Nhut, we ran into soldiers from the High
Command Headquarters who were spilling out into the streets as they
were being attacked by another of our units. They were in their
underwear and half naked and did not have weapons in their hands. At
that time it became obvious to us that any person who was in his briefs
was a soldier who was fleeing. The various police forces were also in
flight. There were not too many troops who fought back at us.
When we passed the High Command Headquarters we went straight down Cong
Ly Avenue in order to reach the Independence Palace. When we got to the
area of Le Quy Don high school we ran into a unit which fought back at
us. It was at 11:15 a.m. when we got to Le Quy Don high school and ran
into this unit which defended the Independence Palace and which fought
back at us although General Duong Van Minh had announced on radio that
a ceasefire was to be observed.
But this unit fought back at us although they could not fight for long
before they had to flee. This was because we came in large numbers and
the city inhabitants, who at that time showed no fear of gunfire
anymore, were pouring out into the streets to greet the Liberation
After I had already arrived at the Independence Palace, I saw a tank
unit coming in and putting up a flag over the building. And so, on the
way to the Palace we ran into this small resistance.
After we liberated the Independence Palace and came into the building,
we saw that the Duong Van Minh Cabinet, which was only a puppet
administration left behind by Nguyen Van Thieu, was still sitting in
there, waiting for the order of the Liberation unit which took over the
Independence Palace.
After we had cleaned up the whole area - that is to say, took care of
those who still resisted us - and after there were only small bursts of
gunfire echoing from a long distance, we turned back to the gate of the
Independence Palace and saw that population had poured into the area
like a flash flood to watch.
One person told me that during the Nguyen Van Thieu administration no
one had been allowed to go near the gate of the Palace. Formerly, they
blocked the whole area and no vehicle or individual could get close
without special permission.
The thing that impressed me most was the young girls, the schoolgirls,
in their white and colorful long gowns, who came to us with beautiful
bouquets and presented them to us. Some of them asked us about our age
and our native villages. It was such an uproarious scene and a really
moving moment that I will never be able to forget.
It was an honor for me to be able to complete, along with my comrades,
an historic mission placed on us by the nation and to be able to carry
out successfully the testament of Uncle Ho. This was a common source of
honor and happiness for the whole nation. Even the city inhabitants of
Saigon realized that it was a happy day for the nation, a day when
Vietnam finally became independent and when there was no foreign enemy
remaining in the country.
As for myself, from the time I was still a civilian to the time I was
ordered to participate in the campaign to liberate the country, my hope
was to arrive finally in Saigon. So after my unit had taken over Dong
Du, I told my political commander: "Chief, now that we're here and if
we're unable to reach Saigon then we can't be considered as people who
help liberate the South." And the reply from my political commander
was: "Then we will have to set foot in Saigon. We will have to spend
time in Saigon." And so when we reached Saigon I thought that my hope
and the statement from my political commander became reality.
Vietnam: A Television History
Raw Footage
Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh, 1981
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Nguyen Cong Thanh, a soldier for the NLF, describes the military operation that took place from Pleiku to Ban Me Thuot. The goal of this operation was to liberate the western highland; from there, Nguyen Cong Thanh helped coordinate an attack on the 45th regiment. Nguyen Cong Thanh also recalls the assault on Dong Du and the difficulties involved. He describes at length how his unit was able to overrun Dong Du, his help in liberating Independence Palace in Saigon and the celebrations that followed.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Capitulations, Military; Vietnam (Republic); National liberation movements; Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, Vietnamese
Rights Note:1) No materials may be re-used without references to appearance releases and WGBH/UMass Boston contract. 2) It is the liability of a production to investigate and re-clear all rights before re-use in any project.,Rights:,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Type:,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
Writer: Nguyen, Cong Thanh
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 6cdd2efdb9850ceaac9d18287971699e0b34e4d9 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:27:53:29
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh, 1981,” 1981-03-14, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh, 1981.” 1981-03-14. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Vietnam: A Television History; Interview with Nguyen Cong Thanh, 1981. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from