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And you know what you got you. Started to get scared again. Yes and there are limits. Your book video. Yes I said but it started out with a guy like you about that. It's late you're still a nation at that was a time down there. That's a new lives. Which. City has lived with the Bonine of the stick to gauge the level of a new seed known that. Stop it you're just going to our small waves or
whatever it's not a story with but it's there when I get there looks here. But I knew about us about the Lear. They've got war with us with the box cutter always around each of them looks in my stomach to get stale I will trade elves don't just give up or get on this taping you've missed the end of engineer in the mix. Gotten them with all the worse. Yeah the movie store will be stored on the story a male will do a little in the gym the guy we're on with with got a lot of buzz liberation put beside him. Yeah are you still with him now. He said yes and you got him of course a go at it search though the warrior so the minute you win your split that the new guy.
Told him a brilliant bit of work and I don't know we see the same big stone story in The Daily meet the night years ago Australia a couple of balloons of which a new billboard. I don't know about to blow up but I deal with the Sydney stuff. He usually but me and the governor so do I to visit on Wednesday. What started you just get a little Janey what do you want it. Nobody MALE Can you hear I mean it can skim but it's there it's a long day and we thought that should tire stores let you know when you take you is there a true issue where you need the phone yet. Nubile what they call what they are you know it's a question you got such of the person that I want to but I was there I'm
there. Nor here in the chair is near school clear or distort on the but they don't. Dear girl beetroot I think that I knew the lady asked the Navy to receive each year. Sleeves that I think each see what we're saying don't just lay it on the Calabro are going to be sharing in that I care but it makes noise in the Iliad by DTM makes video into no way but what know what get illegitimately Bomba get off when I should do a little pause Louis read I want to show to a sweat but he does not lead to a smooth but it's too concrete I remove suppression you're starting teach the whole thing. Either the guy is it yes yes they will not do it but it's a daily meeting at Oria Zachery plenty of the go what do we survive. And he said I need this new not the work I need it to leave at the
booths the other one cool I already started the student be tedious to pretend it's a kind of sheet that I think it's in the Bible a lot of a new guy thought of what's a chance really to blame. I thought about the words I cheated. Huge huge. Doesn't mean it's smart but it was easy to us about some of the keys so that this book System of them nor what you sing in Majlis. Well some Guard troops took the cue
and made a consequence that I. Can get at the middle of Rainier store but it was a systemic and broad numerics guy was there. It might be you know like it might be the next race at your meal but you've got to start now but when I was there with but it was saying you got control you know it's a good system will still remember it but the role in the year but it was a new guy thought about about the Semitic guts Christopher Lloyd buy at the mall. I smarted aware system like I was a beautiful daughter daughter of a man by showing them the money of systemic and totally right
especially. When you're young. But if you learn this at the three of them. Yes Lee said I would need to assess with him not city residents and you could was Motor City but back to could do that I think I get the new suit but this is
more to the steam out of it but dull air mix. What school or name going to buy at the mall. But I needed you to do it there would I get a separate sheet looks in my luggage on each edge of system. But you move the chess serious piece that I'm not a little bit. Be deceptive. So that's what Satan said last night here at you but it's the S-CHIP. Yes if what I mean Scott but not by nature it's. You think.
That you know. When there is a serious crime it accounts going to the store but I go in each state I think it's the situation where you go then you can bolt from the other get there but if you throw a bomb but it develops you screw up and never
get them. I've never in serious case that I'm not still on the CB. I decide at the end of the government but I've been up early in the security to eat it says with the Mets do you see Mitt's suggestion of three Star Wars him security in the boy at the store be searched directly at the bar no written I did it. This should be so this should be sort of the Sitch suffering needs but what the court now knows and second it needs equal or better get there was no snow but you know what Gen empowering you're still busy where you start to get what we're doing knowing
you mean you just roll in Bahrain you know. Star Now Christy sitch Boyer work in media and weeks but I don't do our own for three a boy I don't know which is the strong starting in what order a new job or it's a way to go where to move. Yes but I'm putting. A. Leech they out there you'll break my skin yeah monopolised them by beating them
off. I can't. Yes continue in tandem or get them. Yeah it's cultural use that will store with them switches. But we sell it but it's the serious kind that accounts machine. With This is even a near. Miss of simply not the buzz it's a medical system. I made a consistent I'm not a mouse would be Dollar Store another because I did not one of my being that a kid I bought tell us they got music you know skull called luck at the movie with Miss American skits that I'm a disability. I did him in the know my byname on abortion that DSH also thought they would put it but she didn't know American schools that I'm going to sleep with. But you're young you don't the BCO goals get your own skull
you're all up in your skull Sean border. No one gets in there there's your prayers and you boys it's immediate might be done by this huge skeptic options. Get them get them we said that the kid is pretty young when you store him in them would be to their mom the boy I knew. You mean Bush is the Chin Yeah yeah I mean this either you're a miracle so your skin sails on the say during the misstep. Jim Miller you know him there. Yes continue and then. You know the name of pitied you get
at the bullshit. But that's neither here or. Right there. Just because I'd be in Libya missing the chin that it's Which inept only I should annoy to go off most of the you skim the stop button a lot of cranium thoughts would lead you to go off the road that's because it's more than a year in the other room there that read number
but he's young again I listen to but you know the book my pasta to give give but I am the go world post I think it's given us the button of water training but some still it's well bestowed on the mikes whom we see there. President military forces with us. On this new merits.
Yes my dear is it even there is the beginning. But he's actually own scripts that I have still but I knew if you put it in there is the year. Or try lists that you see out there. Was a way that when you're the one in you but you don't know that we're a member of the same stuff team go last year my karate kind of read the Steve Nash across the water. But you know when they start their own you're pretty mean. Yet at the playground at that besides the biggest sim you know.
US you mean. No no no no no don't we see the poll that says we should themselves are afraid. Or sway over Tim Miller. You don't know. That with Mike no matter the cell door.
I do it American Skin that all news know it and I made a conscript but it's the usual way Zegna seabed visits when they sin you'd be out on the I'd know that yes live by media Gonski never what's now a blip on that at the order of Mike know what I need done in the piece. Doctors say it's been told that our system is set at school so use a subset of the C should I suppose that it is a villain here so let's go on bit Simeon and let those visits from the city of that I'll get out in a secret that you conduct your own you put me in it yet no one knew knew more shit that there was a deal that would deal with you go see a spouse organise their spouse organise said No nor the go order my bizarre
bizarre it's just that I'm a bit of simian I'm not shy because that's the view at the pit it's humane you could've done in then you know that. First you. Say there. Are political. In the way in there in the but the good ole boys home still and the which are
some in the start of the season. But I mean if his deal knows that peace and yeah I mean even the words that work in the dining room yet know that I should stay out of both. Peace in the open is not the. Time we were
thinking of this. Morning. Serious can say do this some more. Yeah well you will never know what the goal in the Star a new facility in store for the little bit but I mean yeah that's
pretty cynical process but it teaches you what you have in the good beaten seal or chili just whip them up and you see an option at the latrine and yes I did ask them watch the video it yet you know here at the Boys it's a nice your dish the again I say it's and you will save your school but it's. More for the British. Government more but a million or not. Boil it boil water no interest. I started to get them done. The room they just thought of IKEA. Put me out of my depth of the
Soviets. I am there but it's there I need you but I mean yeah and it doesn't yet apocalypse is suing him the money on them for. The money and them with them but it could happen what they would in each of them the news media is that right. Yeah but I made it consistently knowing you're smarter than they are. It
was more or less when he got the he had that amount of water going about there but it's a strain Yeah. But immediately. But I mean you know it's. Some lovely stuff. Yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah because that's what the Q Where. As in I am. Beaten. Yet by at the mall not spawn nuts. But it will be that bomb. Yeah. Absolutely yes. I do this phone store. I made it but it's there and you know when you my
equivalent. Where where where. In the new law to be slow I mean. This dark place a good deal of money is outside
national cricket because. Michelle is sort of get this is lots of irony in that she shouts. Oh well. Yes listed nearby Some of us store fucked each way in the star to give new meaning Alice way in that I'll never see you in the trellis but I did this up next to me and not by me but as a linear counsellor should meet the body of voices in your spices not afraid
to give up. Let's see what new more do you. Know. Naturalists the option of what kind of store would say to them that it was that she didn't really believe the law. Never a man. He had never noticed that settlement process all struggle of course not the bullet the problem
the problem of the game and that ation. Yeah you gots a new deal. No records of this stuff. That's actually there you go. But really it isn't. And I don't
see that I can do most of this which and this is about it yes I had better buy at the cinema Noir. Yeah I bought the whole of nature Senate against them. Bill enough probably enough don't know but I don't like the I don't know that. Yeah that annoyed old rent and now that I had to move
on up not selling and I still been a semitic when the show. Began again your butt was a new study from. Maine. And when will somebody go out there at the border but he's not there. A big cargo admitted he had gotten away in the store. We need you more than it would be it would
be stored up there near the ocean is three minutes away and it was yesterday that well. You know. You know why. All right you know a young girl in the world one year short of the ideal street since going down there going on
this night but I know most of their lives one of. You go and they're going to. Blow up their lives that's giving them a no go well what do you mean you know. Nirpal what you achieved in the White House from which style of door we'd been though. But in the last day nearly snooper ago he admits it's been since he got it story at the well and it's dog up as well. Oh well
yeah. Yeah yeah. Spit on the group are not in the area so it gets to us that yeah we did the you know when you know it's you know
Neal what you do if you will but once in the star and you're not the person you thought it was at the moment. That's useless but I made a consequence that on my show out not going but I'm nice. Yes nyah but I will go across about work and buy me some Navy combat I missed by Adam while you go of command in France. Yes live of thought a man many conscripts that I'm not sure when they had combat arms but action the Norks are here to sort them. It gets special it's a culture war since Beth I'm going to live in there. Ismene Union. Well if school is mean union nationalists and start to get ski said let's move a game in
the snow at Wembley I'm oh yeah I'm believe it's Snell you put him in wheat in the cigar Shane deal it's the other way Shaq took the Boltons deal with companies that always start a New Zeland the Sabbat he says is that that more than Scott I know but I am in a pool of water and there is no will if you just go you know what's the number you know to go. Check.
Yes let's go on the boat with when you're also well but you move so it's good. News a new name William we see where you visit us nice. But I've watched you try to get the degree not visit us less than enough in media accounts. Eve see it's that on me or I'm not. YES LIAM WE would deny him pieces share market
it's not cheating it would try it suppose it's invisible it's the beauty they have that you should ask. Yeah I don't know I'm not selling on its membership number the Steve he did this. That's a question. It's that I'm going out substantial Yeah done with and need financing now but I see. Yeah but I mean I'm not saying it Bill Stuckey school should watch a couple race it's really not. Miss you know that the.
National Soviets go say you know stop the BBC a lot so I'm not sure that I can teach you with Ansel. I did not then you should support should say let's go with them to achieve something. You're in there with the best players in the mood
in the room. God when you put a sky deal and that I shoot a medic on skis that I started to get that teaches you is that when you were young nobody wants was such a bizarre class they spawn with stool. I need a new stop. I don't know dogs got this area near the stigma. But what's what's the deal with absolute the disciplines let the new was more mature not strong enough wits of the one at that. Dollar million out of the dollar now that's funny it's what's the chance that some we slew in Norway asked me slow and yes I mean I don't what that
says a display as the one. You had a quiet name each I know someone asked me at the bit in the US. Why at the moon business style someone else will speed up what's more she adds. Let them switch the style up at the go go to bubble issue. Then you know we build up but he
was actually surprised that I didn't see it. You're not such a shoe which in solution able is a split second to change. The US gives and promotes go
get the boot. What you want to get when you put the Gonski is that only the ability but no more see just what's good for one minute conscripts that only buys it around forts that were a go at it store in human human. Then you put on your brain in a moment of shame. I do look at so on they system of the poets in the fandom. I don't get the kids are considering the story.
OK I got bored and the court or to me I've got a money bomb. But as you are now Guy now buys a gun for I have to move is this little girl. We knew more jump in the US than the liberal debater. Resolution an idea with its own stunts you know Wess got a yak a bit but the reason that I was cut or a yak about I had to go on a proper or so you see I wasn't on the yell run a stop motion but it was I mean it's there was heat
that's when you put it at the bill or with him that's not still but what's that when you post about brilliant but it does stuff. And you feel for this deal was the stuff I discussed understood. Yeah I need them when you know that you know it is not Scott is married but I who are Americans because the number of lives early had no stance or media that overly busy
stunts. But I never was more would be still more boiling spirits in the midst of nature. But it's there and. So much was done. He had a new
concept. Now. Now let's. You know. Well yeah I know. Yes.
No stunts a part of you at those times. Do. You. But you know
what's in the ground at the mo in the suggests. And so the next sins. Yeah
yeah. The more you know where you are with them. What do you know that you could get. But you're cute but you want to get there but on this problem when you're on almost not as you want. Yes. I made a conscious case that on the normal training but he meant that he was more of the seamy spoken saying what you want to get now but on that was
just the belief that I actually got a sup with your IQ. No but I'll say it's a custom each script if you want to get now but this summer I wound up last night at the system. That's when you start writes ways that only I don't knit them at the moment. It's a chance when you store it in a boiler washing they wouldn't give it away start only at those nights to sleep eat. This deal with sleep boii new more you got to be at them and of was it not in your way in the same manner but you have to be arbitrated by what
you know and the secret that your goals are good to go but you need a new deal with them when they don't do gear. I submit that each name by the speech it's where you visit was it wasn't just yeah we aren't all that simple. At the bottom of that on the dogs.
It's. You. What you got going through the new guy. Yeah that's about what the US let them got to
say it's good so you say you stuck with those names. Which is not what they did add the rule of three chats and of C it would have taken them with little Buba which we had in store. Just I did this in the youngest of them. We did the same a minute you know same when I go down there. Yeah that's what most of them with the civil live version. Not at Ellis Island. What I tell you is that said the stigma of the person doing good in the moment some more of these minutes you should what's just clear is that she
said it's gone it's gone. Yeah but it but what of this. Either say it is a See above the witching managment of the. Bush and the goal of some of them will be that he put on the stylus which
use war unless the national level survives but I mean yeah it's but it stayed that way for the Middle East and them you buy at them or at the last drop of my lease them and then it's they need to leave but which when you say it's going to go it's got to change.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
Raw Footage
Interview with N. F. Chervov, 1987
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-7659c6s551).
Episode Description
Colonel-General N.F. Chervov was a senior member of the Soviet General Staff's arms control directorate. He begins by assessing the significance of the MX and its fit in the SALT process. It was undoubtedly a first-strike weapon, in his opinion, but he acknowledges that it was a response to the SS-18, which he describes as essentially the same missile. He prefers returning to single-warhead missiles because of their positive effect on stability. He discusses the question of first-use, insisting the USSR will never take the initiative to strike with nuclear weapons, then explaining the military planning implications of this stance. In his judgment, the Cuban missile crisis was the turning point in Soviet thinking about the disutility of nuclear weapons. He gives a lengthy recitation on the "complicated" issues surrounding the Euromissile crisis and discusses Soviet thinking about various negotiations. He attributes Moscow's about-face on the zero option from 1981 to 1985 to new thinking in the Kremlin and a reassessment of the strategic balance. SDI, in his view, was "a vain undertaking," and he partially deflects a question about Soviet anti-satellite research by blaming misinformation for distorting Western perceptions. He closes by pointing to a number of "contradictions" in U.S.-Soviet relations.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
Strategic nuclear forces triad; Scowcroft, Brent; Reagan, Ronald; Gorbachev, Mikhail; McNamara, Robert S., 1916-2009; Nitze, Paul H.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; nuclear weapons; MX (Weapons system); Intercontinental ballistic missiles; Submarine-launched ballistic missiles; mutual assured destruction; Counterforce (Nuclear strategy); France; Great Britain; United States; Nuclear arms control; journalists; Strategic Defense Initiative; SS-20 Missile; Pershing (Missile); Deterrence (Strategy); First strike (Nuclear strategy); Soviet Union
Rights Note:,Rights:,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
Writer: Chervov, N. F.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 1c2e25f1e698cf6bf46f080c7b246838bf3f3c4c (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with N. F. Chervov, 1987,” 1987-12-28, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with N. F. Chervov, 1987.” 1987-12-28. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Interview with N. F. Chervov, 1987. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from