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record executive mike curb spent six hundred fifty thousand dollars to put rca studio b back into service current purchase the studio from the country music hall of fame and release it back to the museum for a dollar year the studio will be completely restored and will be more than just good to look at belmont university will run the studio jointly with the museum and its students will learn from its analog equipment what a wonderful thing for students don't like the difference in learning to drive a stick shift and then getting into an automatic transmission just feel like that you hadn't really learned how to be a producer and i think its import students to have that experience as well as being able to use the new technology curve makes a great point studio b is more than just a time capsule an old studio preserved in amber studio b will be a working studio again according to country music hall of fame vice president for museums services dana johnson and we're standing in the actual studio be reporting area a chance for additional revenue in the control room that we took this room and completely brought it back to the way it
was in nineteen sixty eight to nineteen sixty three and in those golden years and it also makes a perfect laboratory the questions and we move so far away from analog and this is according to people in the industry so the analog studio the studio does look like something out of the sixties thick metal rod swing out from the walls as mike moon's multicolored lights hanging from the ceiling which still has its original water stains the studio is either not that it below your feet in the ugly brown and hannah know him we actually found in a trial that would have been used at that time so we didn't have to have a custom to look at and it was in a warehouse in alabama he's not trying to get kids everywhere the next room over a studio d or extra vocal or drum tracks were recorded smooth fifty style pill would curb some decorative arts below the ceiling and you can see the historical iron curtain from the fifties that we haven't touched it will
restore their studio fairly vibrant with the echoes of elvis holly and the everly brothers hour and a half and some pieces in the studio have very particular historical still have a cabinet and the bank that we have left even though it didn't big bang query sixties because elvis presley in a bit of anger territory session kicked the door in a recount historian honestly there and it's more than just looks of course for one thing much of the old equipment to gray soviet looking machines with rows of meters and huge rolls of tape still line the walls play that you need here it actually still hesitate finance those on the last hits recorded here which was the charlie pride schism angel good morning is on that and we have used it for special education greasy vote was close periodically bring people down here in the south we've done a
couple years and in some cases it will even be more than belmont students running the machines walk through a door with a sign that closed session please do not enter their says the regional control room but what you see and hear all of the equipment that you see in here right now i should blessing dealing welch and dave rawlings who had been recording in here recently her last album was recorded in hearing she actually is finishing up another record project in here before they enter before they vacated building and we've been happy to have the news this fall it's been closed and politifact look at the liner notes to time to read a letter and you'll see that a great studio b linoleum tile and the best reason for the use of the studio johnson said something nobody see you write about our head is the original echo chamber and it is full size in an area they got smaller and smaller and now they're sort of computer chips but upstate ears again if crawl through a couple of openings and now we'll tunnel you'll be a realm that was about this size a size of
this one but with plates that would that would give this echo effect that you hear on every record that was recorded in hearings on the things that they drew galea well chu won a record her last record here in her next record here which is doing right now yeah and those just don't exist anymore we're all more orders in songs you know he has that great vote vocal sample that is a really border some say now there is not only his voice for national public radio i'm scott is bad it's been oh new
WPLN News Archive
WSM Stays Country (Scott Huler) 1 29 02
News Archive 1/14/02-2/22/02
Producing Organization
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WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Record executive Mike Curb spent $650,000 to put RCA Studio B back into service. He bought it from the Country Music Hall of Fame and will lease it back to the museum for $1 a year. It will be restored and run by Belmont University along with the museum. Students will learn how to use the analog equipment.
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Producing Organization: WPLN
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-f68dfa9e56f (Filename)
Format: CD
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Chicago: “WPLN News Archive; WSM Stays Country (Scott Huler) 1 29 02; News Archive 1/14/02-2/22/02,” 2002-01-29, WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “WPLN News Archive; WSM Stays Country (Scott Huler) 1 29 02; News Archive 1/14/02-2/22/02.” 2002-01-29. WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: WPLN News Archive; WSM Stays Country (Scott Huler) 1 29 02; News Archive 1/14/02-2/22/02. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from