thumbnail of NET Playhouse; 224; 30s: A Memory of Two Mondays
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You You You You
You There is a great romanticism today about the thirties. I even have heard young people wish that they were alive then. I don't wish it on anybody. It was a terribly frustrating time when the least thing one wish to do was impossible because there was no money.
This sounds real, it sounds tough, and it sounds good even. But it's gruesome. I've always had a special affection for a memory of two Mondays. I suppose because it is a play that sprung so directly from my own experience. I worked in the warehouse in the thirties, the early thirties for a couple of years. It was a strange time. It was a man I knew once who said that there were two occasions when Americans lived through a common experience, not in the first world war or the second or Korea or even Vietnam. But in the civil war and the Great Depression, that's when everybody was in the same boat. And perhaps we understood each other a little better then.
I'm not sure, but it seems like it corresponds with some of my memories anyway. This play is a compacted group of memories passing over several years. It tries to set the mood in the nature of the time for at least one young fellow who was on his way elsewhere passing through this box, this warehouse where these people are caught, caught by necessity, by their work and their lives. I can see those people as clearly as I saw them then. It was also probably that this place was as awful as it looks and seems in this endless eight hour day and five and a half days a week for a pittance. It was a haven in the thirties. At least you had a place to go, at least had a job which was miraculous.
This was a great thing to be in and maybe that remained with me that I was so lucky. This was a great thing to be in and maybe that remained with me that I was so lucky. Tommy Kelly get here yet? I haven't seen him, but I just got here myself. They'll probably make it all right. What are you doing here so early? Well, I wanted to get a seat on the subway for once. Boy, it's nice to walk around the street before the crowds get out.
How do you find time to read a paper? Well, I got an hour and ten minutes on the subway. Don't read it all though, just reading about Hitler. Who's that? He just took over the German government. Listen, I want you to sweep up that exhaust here laying around the freight elevator. Yeah, I had a lot of orders on Saturday, so I didn't get to it. Oh, I hear you're going to college. Is that true? Well, I don't know. They may not even let me in. I had such bad marks in high school. You did? Oh, yeah. I just played ball and fooled around. That's all. I think I wasn't listening, you know? Listen, tell me something. How much is all that going to cost you? Well, I guess about four or five hundred for the first year. So I'll be here a long time if I ever do go. Do you ever get a college? My kid brother went to pharmacy though. Well, what are you going to take up? Well, I really don't know. You look through that catalog, boy, you feel like taking it all, you know? Were you still reading this same book? Well, it's pretty long and I fell asleep right after supper. War and peace?
Yeah, he's supposed to be a great writer. How long does it take you to read a book like this? Well, probably three or four months, but it's hard on the subway with all those Russian names. Well, what do you get out of a book like that? Well, it's literature. Be sure to unpack those three crates that Axel's are coming on Saturday to hear me. Oh, and listen, let me know when you're leaving. I gotta get somebody new. Well, that won't be for a long time. Don't worry about it. I gotta save it all up first. I'm probably just dreaming anyway. How much can you save? About 11 or 12 a week. Out of 15? Well, I don't buy much and my mother gives me lunch. We'll sweep up around the freight elevator and clean up that junk on the front counter. Good morning, Agnes. Good morning, Per. Don't you wish you could go swimming, huh?
Boy, I wouldn't mind. It's done to boil already. You should meet my nephew sometime, but you'd like him. He's very serious and he's a wonderful swimmer. Oh, yeah, how old is he now? He's only 13, but he reads the New York Times, too. Yeah? Still reading that book? Well, I only get a chance on the subway, Agnes. Don't you let any of him kid you, Bert. You go ahead, read the New York Times and all that. What happened today? Hitler just took over the German government. Oh, yes, my nephew knows about him. He loves civics. Last week, one night, he made a regular speech to all of us in the living room. And I realized that everything Roosevelt has done is absolutely illegal. Did you know that? Even my brother-in-law had to admit it and he's a Democrat.
Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Bishop. Wait till you get that in. It was given. Oh, yeah. Which one is it? Oh, somebody. Did you go to the dance after that? Yeah. Now, they're always winding up with six guys in the hospital at that dance, and like that. So, we went bowling instead. Did he give you that pin? No, I had a date after it. But I forgot all about him when I got home. He was still sitting in the car in front of my house. I thought he'd murdered me. But isn't an unusual pin. What are you always running away for? Oh, I was just getting ready to work. That's all. Oh, boy. Oh, God. Here comes King Kong. Oh, you know, let me get my hands on you. I give you King Kong. God, don't say those things. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for you. Go ahead. Hey, you don't feel like sitting here. Thank you. Hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey, guys, why don't you cut it out, huh? I'm sick and tired. How about getting those orders shipped out by tonight for once, Hank us? What idea? I did something. Yeah, where's Jim? Where's Jim? Jim's my brother? Come on, Raymond. Ah, boy, Jim. Ha, ha, ha. Well, before you criticize, Jim, I'll look at it. Morning, Raymond. I'm going to be hot today. Now look, Gus. Mr. Eagles probably coming around today.
Let's have everything going good, huh? You didn't take Mr. Eagle and you shoved him. Hey, what's the matter with you? I don't want that language around here anymore. I ain't kidding either. He's getting worse and worse. We got orders left over here every night. Now let's get straight now, will you? Regular circus here every Monday morning. How's Lily feeling better? Yeah, sure. Time's sick, I guess. I think she's going to die. Don't say that. Great a god, Gus. Hey, I... You're a com with me at Lennox City, huh? Oh, you smell! I stinkin'! What do you do? It's 9 o'clock. Oh, I got five, too. Don't you see Jim waiting at the clock, dude? Huh? Hey...
I got them, Raymond. You heard what he said to me? God, come on. I'm going to be all right. I'm going to call up, Lily. You want to be here? No, no. Gus, come on. Let's behave ourselves. Come on. Oh, boy, oh, boy. I got them, boy. Monday morning, huh? Hey, aren't I these axles yet? What do you do with axles, man, your age? You let them pick up heavy stuff. I'm going to show you something. You always take Jim's heavy orders, Gus. Nice girl, huh, Jim? Yeah, darn nice. Dawn nice girl, Gus. I keep my promise, huh, Jim? Yeah, he did, Gus. I enjoyed myself, huh? Hey, maybe I better call up your wife. She might be worrying about you. No, you've been missing since Saturday, Gus. Where do we want yesterday? Well, that's when we went to satin island.
I think. And the ferry with the girls, remember? I think we was on a ferry, so I didn't. It must have been satin island. Come on, come on. You better call her. Ah, she don't hear nothing. Ah, she hears a phone ring, Gus. You'll know you're all right. Oh, good morning, Tom. Oh, shut up. Aggie, get me a little, huh? You got to get a hundred. Hello, Lily. Gus. Gus. Are you feeling? Gus. Working. Yeah, yeah. Gus. Oh, shut up. You get it? No, she don't hear nothing, Jim. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Ma'am. Ma'am, Kenny. How are you this fine exemplary, Ma'am James? Oh, come on. It'll be hot today, Kenny. You're having yourself a thought this morning, Gus. Yeah. Gus, don't you think something could be done about the dust constantly fallen through the air in this place? Don't you imagine a thing or two could be done about that? Because it's dusty, that's why. Well, that's what I was saying. It's dusty. Tommy Kelly getting it. No. Oh, for Tommy Kelly. Hi, Kenny. Good morning to you, Bert.
Have you finished your book yet? Not yet, Kenneth. Well, don't lose heart. Courage, brother, do not stumble, though thy path be dark as night. There's a star to guide the humble trust in God and do the right by norming the cloud. How'd you learn all that poetry? Well, in Ireland, Bert, there's all sorts of useless occupations in Ireland. When Lylex last in the Dory Art Bloom. What the hell you do, Bert? Why, supportory, our Gus, don't you know that? This is the hour all men rise to thank God for the blue of the sky, the roundness of the everlasting globe, and the cheerful cleanliness of the subway system. And here we have some axles. Oh, Bert, I never thought I would end me life up in brown paper around strange axles. Yeah, what's the latest in the New York Times this morning? Yes. Hitler just took over the German government. Did he know? Oh, strange, isn't it about the Germans? A great people they are from most stashes.
You take Bismarck now, or you take Frederick the Great, so you can take Gus over you. Oh, I mean. Well, I always thought you were Gus. What are you then? American. Well, I know that. But what are you? I fought in somebody. Did you know? An American submarine. Well, what the hell kind of submarine you think I fight? You don't get it? Yeah, don't take offense, Gus. There are all kinds of submarines, you know. How are they to be wrapped, Bert? Express. No, I think they go parcel-post. It's for scanty others. Axles parcel-post? You crazy? You know how much going to cost Axles parcel-post? Well, that's right. I guess it goes express. And you're going to go to college, yeah? Yeah, Barbara College, you're going to go. I forgot it was Axles, Gus. Stupid. Yeah, I've never been to scanty athletes. Where would that be? Well, it's a little town upstate. It's supposed to be pretty up there. That's a sweet thought. Send in these two grimy axles out into the green countryside. I went to the park yesterday.
What did you do, Bert? The swimmer, I suppose. What are you going to do? Talk all day, eh? Well, we're working. You're rubbing that poor boy pretty hard, Gus. He's got other things on his mind than parcel-posts. Oh, the hell I get on his mind. I'm actually going to send parcel-posts, sir. Can you feel the heat rising in this building? Only some of it could be saved for the winter. Firey furnace. Nebuchadnezzar was the architect. What, he suppose they'd do, Gus. The man took it into his head to wash these windows. Snatch him off to the nut house. I wonder if he's only kidding. Bert, about going to college someday. Barber at college, you know. You must have a wealthy family.
Still in all, he don't spend much. I suppose he's just got some strong idea in his mind. That's the thing, you know. I often conceive them, sir, but I'm... I'm all the time losing them, though. It's the holding on, that's what does it. You can almost see it in him. He's holding on to something. Oh, the heat of the summer and the cool of the fall and the lady went swimming with nothing at all. It's a filthy song, isn't it? Gus, he suppose Mr. Roosevelt would be making it any better than it is. The minstrel boy to the war has gone in the ranks of death, you will find him. Is that an Irish song? Oh, Irish here, and none of you is known as an Irish song. You have a terrific voice, Kenneth. Well, I don't like to make a date with you, huh? That's a nasty thing to say in front of a grade, Gus.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. You have to be a shater. You're a pig! Oh! Come on, we might live in a city. And come. You take it easy. Jesus, Gus! Well, tell us something about this story, man. It's sorry. Oh, did you buy it? Yeah, I got it yesterday. You had love to see it, you ever got to bring it to work? Yeah, I might on a Saturday, maybe. Good, I love those operands, you know. Yeah, they got nice bells. Maybe I'll drive you home some night for the ride. Oh, boy. Well, I'll be seeing you. Are you crazy by Albert?
I like the vowels, Gus. Yeah, but when you're going to sell it, who's going to buy Albert? Did you ever get to a place where you don't care about that? But when you're like those valves, I decided, that's all. When you want to sell it, lad. I don't care. You don't care? I'm sick of dreaming about things. I've got the most beautiful laid-out valves in the country on that car. And I want it, that's all. But lad, you want to sell it? Who's going to buy it? Just don't care, guys, can't you understand that? Yeah, there's a remarkable circumstance, Larry. Raymond's got twins, and now you with the triplets. And both in the same corporation? Well, I think we ought to send that to the Daily News or something. I think they give you a dollar for an item like that. Well, I'm getting hungry. Do you want to sell it, Kenneth? Oh, no, thank you, Bert. How might I take one later, though? Lunch you're going to eat at 9 o'clock? I got up too early this morning. You want some? He's a grown boy, Gus. And by the way, Gus, if you care to bend down, there's more mice than ever under here. You live there mice alone.
Well, you're always complaining about the number of crayons I'm using. I'm only telling you, it's the mice that's eaten them up. I mean, suffice to crayons going on here every night, Larry. I'm going to be hot today. Hot today, Gus. Take it easy. What are you running for? 81 pounds, Gus. To scan any activists in the green countryside of Upper New York State. What? What do you want? I want the express order, Gus. To scan the activists, New York. I want to say so, goddamn Irish. But you talk too much. What do you want to stop talking? Oh, when I'm rich, Gus. I'll have very little more to say. Larry, no sign yet of Tommy Kelly in the place. What did you got a hole in your shoe? Oh, it's a breath of air from a little toe. I only paid a quarter for them, you know. Fellowes sell them in Brian Park. They're slightly used, but they're fine pair of shoes. You can see that. It looks small for you. Well, they are at that. But you can't complain for a quarter, I guess. Hey.
How do you keep up your strength, Jim? I'm always exhausted. You'll never stop moving, do you? I bet it's because you never got married, huh? I guess I'd done everything there is with that, eh? I'll come you never did get married, you know. Well, I was out there in the West for so long, you know, Larry? I was. Don't they get married much out there? Well, the cavalry was amongst the Indians most of the time. How old are you, Jim? No kidding. Oh, I bet he's a hundred. Oh, I know hundreds. I ain't never near hundreds. You're not to be a hundred till a forty Indians, you know. A lot more Indians as fort than they tell us about in the school books, you know. Well, the hell of a lot of fighting up until around in McKinley and all in there, you know. No, I ain't no hundreds. Well, how old would you say, you are, Jim? Well...
74 or 75? 76? Then around there somewhere. But I ain't no hundreds. I ain't no hundreds. Why was hungry? Larry, you suppose a word might be passed to Mr. Eagle about the dust? Well, he's supposed to be a brilliant man, isn't he? Doc with college graduates and all that. I've been five and a half months in this country and I've never sneaked so much in my entire life before. Any for the West Bronx? Oh, that's all for now, Frank. I've only started though. Hey, Jim, you gotta think for the West Bronx, I got the truck and the elevator. Oh, the honey. I got the truck and the elevator. I'll tell you about the elevator. You got one little box for you. What's the truck and the elevator? I'll tell you about the elevator. You got one little box for the West Bronx. You can't go to West Bronx for a little buck.
Dussy, I gotta go. You got a little ZZ in West Bronx, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotta make it before lunch. You think I got something for you, East Bronx? West Bronx. How about Brooklyn? What part? You have a girl in Williamsburg? I'll be right back, I gotta make a phone call. You got a woman, huh? No, Gus, I got one of you where you asked me to. Only if I'm going someplace, I'm on this world alone. You know what I mean? You have some truck driver. You said, Gus. Why don't you go away on some time, Kevin? Get yourself nice piece diggily. But don't be nesting out, Gus. You'll be nesting out, Gus. Hey, Larry. Tommy, can we get here yet? No, not yet. Hey, Ray. Is she, can I talk to you for a minute? Eagles, comment today. If you see some drunk again, I don't know what I'm going to do. This is great. I want you to ask Eagles something for me.
Yeah? Why? I gotta have more money. Oh, you and me both, boy. Oh, I mean it. I can't make it anymore. That car put me 130 bucks in the hole. If one of the kids gets sick, I'm strapped. So what did you buy a car for? I'm almost 40, Ray. What am I going to be careful for? See, the problem is, Larry. If you go up, I'm only getting 38 a week myself. I'm the manager. That means they've got to come up with two raises. Ray, I hate to make it rough on you, but my wife is driving me nuts. Good morning. Morning. Hey, aren't you fall asleep? I got one minute to nine, Mr. Ryan. I've touched some tubes time, Mr. Ryan. They're stopwatch twins. What do you got a black eye? Uh, yeah. Who went to a dance, uh, in Jersey City last night? Ran into a wise guy in Jersey City, Mr. Ryan. Try to take his girl away from us. All right, let's get on the ball. I ego's coming today. Tommy.
Come on. All right, all right. Come on. Come on. I'm not sorry. All right, now. Got them. All right. Yes. Hey. Tommy. Tommy. Shut up, you goddamn bums. Don't you call me a bum. Shut up, I'll tell you. Of course I'll kill you. All right, all right, all right. Come on. You just watch out.
You just watch out. Come on. You'll get something spread up in your goddamn hands. What'd we do? All right. What did I say? Tommy. Tommy, hear me, Gus. Tommy. Mr. Eagles coming today. All right, go ahead. Can you hear me, Tom? Mr. Eagles coming to look things over today, Tom. Maybe a little shot of whiskey, I'll bring him around. Work. Work. You go down. Get shot. Come for Tommy, huh? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll be right up. Well, this is it, guys. I gave him his final warning. All right, go ahead. Go ahead. You all right? You heard me. Didn't you, Agnes? I told him on Saturday. Didn't I? But, Gray, look how nice and clean he came in today. His hair is all combed and he's much neater. I did my best, Agnes. Boy, Agnes, I don't think he's seen nothing. He's supposed to be saving for his daughter's confirmation. Dress out, Tommy. I've had a cooler face. Oh, you can't blame the poor fellow Larry. 16 years of his life in this place. You said it. There's a good deal of monotony connected with the life, isn't it? You ain't kidding.
There must be a terrible lot of Monday mornings and 16 years. And no philosophical idea at all, you know, to pass the time. Why don't you really shut up? Larry, he's supposed we might get these windows washed some time. I've often thought if we could see a bit of the sky now and again, it would help matters now and again. I've never been washed and stubborn here. Well, I'd do it to myself if I didn't think they'd all be laughing at me for a green horn. With all this glass, we might observe the clouds, the various signs of approaching storms. There might even be a bird now and again. Look at that. He doesn't even move. And he's been trying so hard. Nobody gives him credit, but he does try hard. He never used to come in so nice and clean. To try blowin' on his ear. Blowin' on his ear? The Indian's always done that. Wait a minute. Hmm?
Well, I guess he's not an Indian. Well, that's a truth, you know. Out west whenever they'd have a drunk an Indian, they used to blowin' his ear. Here it is. Well, that stuff's strong. Whiskey, Tommy. Huh? Tommy, Mr. Eagle comin' today. Leave it on the scar scheme. May wake up to it. How's he managed to make it here, I wonder? Oh, he's awake. Somewhere inside, you know, he just doesn't show it somehow. It's not really like being drunk, even. Well, it's pretty close, though, Agnes. Is that a fact, Jim, about blown in a guy's ear? Oh, sure, sure. The Indians always done that. What did you all have against the Indians?
The Indians? Well, we didn't have nothing against the Indians. Oh, I know that that's all. Oh, he was it hot out there. All right, I got a Brooklyn. Well, you're running. I got nothing packed. Well, you beefed it. I want to go to the Bronx. I'm telling you now. I got a Brooklyn. You all fixed up in Brooklyn, huh? Yeah, I met the phone call. Hey. Oh, you're all the terrible. How you doing, Kenny? Are you getting any? Is that all too fine young pillars like you who's caught on your minds? Yeah, that's all. What's on your mind? Oh, no, come on. What's the matter with you? What are we going to do with them, laddy? If you're all men's coming. Tell you the truth, Gus, I'm sick and tired of wearing a bottom. Let him take care of himself. Hey, what's the matter with you these days, huh? Two years, I've been asking for a lousy $5 raise. Meantime, my brother's enemy for 50 bucks for his wife's special shoes. My sister's got me 65 for a kid's teeth, so I buy a car and they're all on my back. How'd I dare buy a car?
I mean, who's money, is it, Gus? You know what I mean? I know, honey, but an old bug. I happen to like the valves. What's so unusual about that? Right here. That's Frank. Hey, Frank, who played short stock with Pittsburgh in 1924? Pittsburgh. Honest Weg, no, isn't it? How could it be Honest Weg? Hey, hey, hey, hey, what are you hitting on? Honey, you all right? Sitting up, why don't you go asking? What do you want? I need another one at ease. You're taking no charge. Thanks. Listen, tell him I'm calling tomorrow. Excuse me. They wouldn't happen to have an opening, would they? No, there's nothing here. I can work off blue prints, model maker, late work. No, this is a warehouse, they don't make anything here. Maybe I could sweep up for you, wash windows, anything at all. Look, I'm not the boss, buddy, but I can tell you there's nothing here. You guys got one of these. I could repair office furniture.
I've done plenty of that, too. Don't you ever paint the place? No, I'll never do that. You've got a lot of old-time pots, don't you? Dollar a day, what do you say? Anything at all? Look, buddy, I can't help you. Tommy's not even moving, he just sits there. What truck's it on? Is this gear chip, Larry? No, that's all right. What's it on? That's the thing. I don't know for sure. It's a very old cold truck, C. And I thought it was a Mack, because it says Mack on the radio. See? So I went over to Mack, but they says there's no part like that on any Mack in their whole history. See? Did he check the name on the engine? I'm telling you. On the engine, it says American LaFrance. Must be a replacement engine. No, that's not awful, LaFrance. I know. I went over to American LaFrance, but they says there's no part like that in their whole life since the year 1. What's it off, the manifold? Well, it ain't exactly off the manifold. It like sticks out, C. Except it don't exactly stick out. It's like stuck in there. I mean, it's like in a little hole there on top of the head. Except it ain't exactly a hole, it's a...
It's a thing that comes up in like a bump, C, and then it goes down. Two days I'm walking the streets with the stuff. My voice is quite crazy. Yeah, well, you go find out what it is. If we got it, we'll sell it to you. Oh, no. Don't you have any idea, Larry? I might, Ray. But I'm not getting paid for being an encyclopedia. There's 10,000 obsolete parts upstairs. It was never my job to keep all that in my head. If the old man wants that service, let him pay somebody for it. Ah, Larry. The guy's here. The guy is always here with the part, Ray. Let the old man pay somebody to take an inventory up there and see what it costs. Well, here. Let me see what I can find up there. You won't find it, Ray. I'll put it down. What is that truck about, 1922? That truck. 1920? What, that truck? Well, it's at least 1920, isn't it?
Oh, it's at least. I brought a couple of friends of mine over, and one of them is an old man. And he says, when he was a boy, already, that truck was an old truck. And he's an old old man, that guy. Well, you ever think I clean it something off? Oh, Ray, it's nothing I get mad at. I understand this company's got a lot of old parts from the olden days, huh? You think we got it, Larry? That may be one left, but it's what I think it is. You can have to pay for it. Oh, I know that. That's why my boss says try all the other places' fights, because he says use guy's charge. What looks to me like with stock, huh? Hey, Bert. Get the key to the fifth floor for Miss Moonlight. Go up there. You open the door. You see all those Model T mufflers stacked up. Okay. You ever went up there? No, but I always wanted to go. Well, you go past some mufflers, and you see a lot of bins going up to the ceiling. Yeah?
We got, uh, Marmel valves, and, uh... And there's that Model T ignition stuff in there. Yeah. Well, you go past them. You come to a little car to see. Yeah? Well, at the end of the car, there's a pile of crates. I think they got some maximal differentials in there. Yeah? Well, you climb up on top of the crates, but don't go any farther, see. You stand on the crates, and you turn right, and... No, I tell you, we'll get off the crates, and reach around behind, but to the right, see, and there's just been. Uh, he's got a lot of bloke-emobile head nuts in there. But you reach way in. You got to stick your arm way in, see. Find one of those. Chila, how do you remember all that? Hey! He goes coming up the street! Hurry up, we're here. He goes coming. Come on, come on, get this. Hey, come back after lunch, we're here. Hey, he goes here.
Of course, don't just sit there and do something. First, go on. Well, Gus may be better put that viscous weight. What are we gonna do with him? Tommy? Tommy! Larry, why don't you put him up on the fifth floor? He got a dozen mornings already. Eagles disgusted. Oh, Larry, I think maybe he's sick. I never seemed like this before. Eagles him? Yes! Come on, let's try to walk him around. Come on, let's get up. Yes. Oh, come on, I don't think he feels so good. Let's walk him. Watch for readers. Come on, Tom. Let's go. He's so kindhearted. That's his whole trouble. He's too kindhearted. Oh, God, say, Tom, come on, Eagles here. What the hell you wanna do? You lose your job? God damn it. Are you a baby or something? Shh. He's here. Shit, I'm gone. All right, look. Put them like this. Where's my pencil? Who got the pencil? He's got it there. Who'll take my pencil? The book. The book. The book. You always put my god there. Give it. Go for it. I haven't got you put all. Put them like this. All right, all right, go on.
Hey! Come on. Here. Here. Here he comes. Hey, watch it. Okay, okay. Uh, Tommy, the reason I asked you is because on Friday, I ordered the same amount of course for a scrantancy, and then it just seems like there you go. All right, Mr. Ego. The same amount of course twice. On it? Uh, on it. Oh, and there's another thing that's bothering me, Tommy, is those rear end gears for, uh... for ribberhead. I, uh, don't keep it down. I, uh, I can't find any invoice for ribberhead. I can't find any invoice for, for, for years to ribberhead. Uh-oh! So, so what happened to that invoice? That's the thing we're all wondering about, man. Well, what happened to that invoice? You know, it was blue with the ribber on the edges. It was this, this, and the ten numbers. We're gonna have numbers at all this side. He's down the side. All right. No! Len Wright was shortstopped for Pittsburgh.
Not on his Wagner. Good morning, sir. Oh, good morning, sir. Now, who was talking about Pitt? Morning, Mr. Eagle. Morning, Killy. And a boy, Tommy. I knew you'd make it. Len Wright was shortstopped. Who was asking about that? Very good, Bart. You're done good. Boy, who was talking about Pittsburgh? Right, Miss. What's the matter, eh? Oh, Tommy.
Why do you do that? He is switch boys, Ray. Oh, Tommy! What happened? What's he crying for? I know you're going to work, Tommy. You've got a lot of partial posts to that. Kennedy! I didn't even see you. Morning, Tommy. It's good to see you up and about. Oh, Jesus, me by your hair is falling. I like to do it. Oh, I know. David, I ain't got enough long face to watch. Oh, cut out that talk now. Ah, you donkey. You've had to back off the talk. Don't you be calling me a talkie now. Tom? Morning, Ray. How's the twins? Eagle wants to see you. Eagle. I got a lot of partial posts this morning, Ray. He's in his office.
He's waiting to see you now, Tom. Oh, sure. Just a lot of partial posts on Monday. What did you go to the one? I warned him. I warned him a dozen times, Gus. You're not going to fight? It's all over now. It's nothing we can do. You're going to fight, Tommy? I don't you raise your voice. Sixteen years, Gus. I'll work here. You got to go. He got to go. He'll be a church confirmation. Take the fire, Ray. Stop, take the fire. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. Good luck, you guys. Don't worry. You two go crazy. Oh, damn. Sixteen years, Go to the phone. What, Lily? Something's happened. Pick up the phone. Lily?
Hello? Yeah, Gus. Gus. Well, when? When does it happen? Yeah. Yeah, thank you. I'll come home right away. Lily, die. Die, my Lily. Die, my Lily. Oh, no. Oh, that's rough, Gus. Why don't you go home, Gus? Yeah, go on home. Maybe we shouldn't go to Staten Island, Jim.
Maybe she don't feel good yesterday. I wasn't Staten Island, maybe. Maybe she was sick. If I were you, Tommy? No, Gus. I'm all right. Give you another chance, huh? Yeah. It's all right, Gus. I'm going to be all right from now on. You can be man, Tommy. Don't be no drunken bum. Be man, you hear? Don't let nobody walk on top of you. Be man. Don't be all right from now on, Gus. One more time, you'll come in drunk, okay?
I'm going to show you something. What for you always cry. All right, fellas, let's get going, huh? Bert. How would you feel if we were to wash these windows?
You and I, once and for all, little little of God's light in the place. Would you? Well, I would if you would. Well, if we do a few every day in a couple of months, I'll be like, hey, we'll need to pay all of them. Hey, there was a pair there once. That's right, said fire on it. It's lucky for us that we never had a fire, isn't it? Oh, here it is. I found some soap. Hey, there's a tray. Look at all those cats down there. Hey, look at the old man sitting in a chair.
And roses on the fence. What a nice backyard. Listen to Tareo's summer sky. Just one little old white cloud floating by. It's nice to see the sun and the sun. Hey, look at the old man sitting in a chair. And roses on the fence. What a nice backyard. Listen to Tareo's summer sky. Just one little old white cloud floating by. It's nice to watch the seasons pass. I can just see autumn coming in. And the leaves blowing on the grey days. There's no doubt about it. You got to have a sky to look at. You see that tree starting to turn red? Oh, don't catch, walk dainty in the snow. Must be spectacular out in the country now. And as the cold get through these walls, feel it. It's like a wind.
Have you ever gotten hungry in your life? Oh, many and many in time. Why, have you? No, I never have. I guess I didn't say much anymore, does he? Well, he's shown his age. I guess he's old. When do you buy your ticket for the train? I'm going by bus. I got my ticket. Well, then you're off soon. You'll confound all the professors a bit. Men's true boy to the boy is gone. In the ranks of men. There's something so terrible here. There always was.
And I don't know what. Gus, Nagnus, Tommy and Larry, Chimin Patrician. Why does it make me so sad to see them every morning? It's like the subway. Every morning I see the same people getting on, and the same people getting off. And all that happens is they get older. Sometimes it scares me. Like all of us in the world were traveling back and forth across a great big room. From wall to wall and back again. And no end ever. Just no end. Don't your feet get wet with that hole in your shoe and the slush in the streets? It was summer when I cut it open. I'm not much good at holding me mind on the future of Earth. But if you study something Kevin,
because you could learn anything. You'll never hear much smarter than I am. You've got something steady in your mind, Bert. Something far away and steady. I could never hold me mind on a far away thing. She's not given me the heat I'm entitled to. $11 a week, room and board. And all she puts in the bag is a lousy pork sandwich. Not same every day and no surprises. Is that right? Is that right now? How's a man to live? Freeze an old day in this palace of dust. And night comes. With one window in the bed. And the streets full of strangers. And not one of them's read a book through. Or seen a poem from beginning to end. And knows a song worth singing.
Oh, this is a nice, cold city, mother. And Roosevelt's not making it any warmer somehow. Here's another crown Monday. The head will murder me. I never had the headache till this year. You're not taking up drinking, are you? I'm not drinking. You're not drinking. I'm not drinking. I'm not drinking. I'm not drinking. You're not taking up drinking, are you? The ship estate by Walt Whitman. Oh, captain, my captain.
Our fearful trip is done. The ship has weathered every rack. The prize we sought is one. And what's in the world comes after that? I don't know that poem. Damn it all. I don't remember the bloody poems anymore the way I did. It's the drinking, does it, I think? I've got to stop the drinking. But why do you drink, Kenny? Good, God, Bert. You can't always be doing what you're better off to do. There's all kinds of unexpected turns and things not working out the way they ought. What the hell is the next answer to that poem? The prize we sought is one. God, I'd never believe I could forget that poem. I'm thinking, Bert, you know. Maybe I ought to go on to the civil service. The only trouble is there's no jobs open except for the guards in the insane asylum. That'd be a nervous place to work.
It might be interesting. I suppose it might. They say it's only the more intelligent people go mad, you know. They're 1600 a year, Bert. Well, I've got the feeling I'd never dare leave it, you know. But I'm not ready for me last job yet. I don't want nothing to be the last yet. Still in all. Morning, boys. Morning, Mr. Ryan. Do you have a good New Year's, did you? Yeah. Good enough, I guess. Boy, you still reading that same book? Oh, I'm almost finished now. Oh, Mr. Ryan, can I see you a minute? Have you hired anybody to take my place yet? Why? Don't you have enough money to go now? Oh, no, I'm going. I just thought maybe I could help you break in the new boy. I won't be leaving till after lunch tomorrow. We'll break him in all right. You just get on to your own work. There's a lot of excelsie laying around the freight elevator. Is he soared at me? No, why would he be soared to you, huh? I hope you're not, are you?
Me? Why, you've got the heart-felt good wishes of everybody in the place for you going away. Jesus. Oh, one, Larry. I'd be just about perfect in here for penguins. You actually leaving tomorrow? I guess so, yeah. You got all the dough, huh? Well, for the first year anyway. Uh, your money, if I thank you? What for? I don't know. Just for teaching me everything I'd have been fired the first month without you. You did all you do, huh? Yeah, well, that's all I've been doing is saving. Morning! Here comes Tommy Kelly. Hey, you're getting enough along peace to wipe that cleanly, babe. Oh, cut it out. Tommy, I'm a sick of me face as you were. I don't want you, Donkey, yet. At the back of the office. I'll tear you limb from limb, Tommy Kelly. Oh, Tommy.
You're the first man I ever heard of, don't you? How'd you do it, Tommy? We'll power, Kenny. Just made up my mind, that's all. You know the whole world is talking about you. The way you mixed all the drinks at the Christmas party and never weakened. You know, when I heard it was you going to mix the drinks, I was prepared to light a candle for you. You just wanted to see if I could do it, that's all. When I done that, mixing the drinks for three hours, giving them all away, I realized I made it. You were doing it, didn't you? You don't look so hot to me, you know that. Oh, I'm all right. It's the sight of Monday has got me down. You better get yourself a little willpower, Kenny. I think you're getting a fine taste for the hard stuff. Oh, no, I'll never be a drunk, Tommy. You're a drunk now. Don't say that. I'm telling you.
You can see it coming on you. Don't say that, you see nothing of the kind. Morning! Well, Winter's surely here when Agnes is wearing her leg. Nobody looked awful, but that draft under the switchboard, enough to kill you. Yeah, this place is just about right for Pennwood. Haven't you got a heavier sweater bird? I'm surprised at your mother. Oh, it's warm, she needed it. The bird's got the right idea. Get yourself an education. College, guys. Someone ties all over Macy's. Accountancy bird, that's my advice to you. And you don't have to go to college for it either. Yeah, but I don't want to be an accountant. You don't want to be an accountant? Well, so how about an accountant? Try running a business without one. That's what you should have done, Larry. If you took accountancy, you'd be... I'm sorry, I'm beginning to like you better, drunk. I mean, we used to just have to pick you up all the time. Now you've got opinions about everything. Well, if I have to know something, why should I keep it under a bushel? All right, man, let's get on the floor today, huh?
Eagle's coming today. Birk, open up them crates of carbohydrates. Yeah, she's just gonna do that. Come on, get down to the floor. Get down to the floor. Come on, get down to the floor. Let me get to it. Where am I? I'll take care. You want to burn it? Boy, hey. Come on, come on, that's it. Come on, come on. Who got the hangar?
Hangar. You mean coat hanger goes? Coat hanger. Yeah. Yeah. That's mine. Everybody look at it. What are y'all dressed up about? What's y'all dressed up for?
Ah, I don't even talk to me about them, Ray. I'm sick and tired of them. It's been all they said. A day buying clothes, they'll go to the cemetery. And all the way to hell and gone over to Long Island City to get these damn fenders to put on that old wreck of a 40-gut. Never got to the cemetery. Never got the fenders on. He'd been walking around all weekend and carrying these damn things. He goes coming this one. See if he'd get up upstairs. I don't want him to see him cracked again. I just let him sit there, Ray, if I was you. I don't even want to touch him. You know, when he went and done, took all his insurance money out of the bank on Saturday, walking around with all that cash in his pocket. I tell you, I ain't been to sleep since Friday night. Well, you can't turn them loose with all that cash on them. And I'm so low on his mind and all, you know.
I ain't sleeping. I ain't sleeping. Go buy little purse shoes. Oh, thank you. No, Gus, I can't take that. Gus, Egos come in this morning. I ain't sleeping. Why don't you? Gus, you'll be here right away. Why don't you? I have one goddamn for you. Why don't you make one more toilet? What? Toilet. That's right. One toilet, so many people. It's very bad for him, and that's no nice. Good boy. Go buy book. Buy candy. Come on, Gus. Let me take you upstairs, eh? I don't care. He'll see me. I got my money now, God damn.
All right, Larry. It's 22 years I've worked in here. Gus, why don't you give me that money? Let me put it in the bank for you, huh? It's for I put it in the bank. It's 68 years old, Larry. I have no children. Nothing. It's for I put it in the bank. Why have goddamn mice nobody do nothing? Gus, I want you to go upstairs. Why have goddamn mice come on? It's very bad, Larry. It's so much fun. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! You bitch, I'm putting you in the bathroom! Patricia, you can't wait to be in my next city, huh? Five thousand dollars I got for my wife! You're welcome. Thank you, Jenny. You're welcome. Thank you. I'm putting you in the bathroom. I'm... Ah! I said to me, Gus. Come on, let's cut it. I'm not lost. Just do what he did that low. All right, fellas, let's get going, huh? Gus! Gus! I tried talking to him a couple of times, Ray, but he's got no willpower. Nothing you can do if you've got no willpower. Oh, brother, it's a regular circus here. Every Monday morning. I never see nothing like it. Where? There's one thing you have to say for the civil service. It seals your fate and locks the door. A man needn't wonder what he'll do with his life anymore. I never would have thought Gus liked his wife.
Would you? Jesus! I always thought he hated his wife. Jesus! Boy! What are you doing? Look at the girls down there. One, two, three, four windows full of girls. Look at him. Them two is naked. What are you doing? I'm talking to them for... There's no one down there looking on the bed. What a beast! It's a cat house! Hey, Gus! Oh, cat house is moving! Hey! Hey, aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Hey, fellas! He goes here. Hey, there's a new cat house, Tommy! Oh, Tommy, that's a terrible thing to be looking at. Or you best not be coming back here anymore now. What? No, don't look at that. Well, for heaven's sake, what are those women doing there? That's who I'm. Gus, for God's sake. What are they sitting on the beds like that for? It sounds pretty warm today. They're probably trying to get a little tan.
Oh, my heavens. Oh, bird! It's good you're leaving. You're not all going, are you? Oh, my goodness! Good, Jim. All right, now clear out all of you. I can't be working with a lot of six maniacs blocking me way. Hey, nice, huh? How about, fellas? Let's go to a large town. Hey, what do you say, Kenny? I'll pay for you. That's sooner or more me, so for round in the horse manure or the gutter. I bet you won't even know what to do. I assure you what I do. I assure you right now. What the hell is this? What's going on here? You crazy fool! A warehouse! A warehouse! You better pass the words of Mr. Eagle Raymond to the corporation's done for. Poor Agnes. She's all mortified, you know. Oh, my God. All right. Break it up. Come on. Eagle's here. Break it up. You heard me. Come on.
Come on, Jim. You should know better than that. All right, Gus. What are you going to do? Just stand there. Eagle's here. Gus, what's the matter with you? Eagle's here. All right. Cooking your own juice. Stand there. Oh, brother. I needed this now. Hey, Gus. Why don't you give me that money? Let me hold it for you, huh? Roll it. Oh, Patricia. Don't be looking at that now. It's disgraceful. It's only a lot of naked women. Oh, Tommy, now, in front of a girl. That's the matter, haven't you ever seen that before? Hey, look at Kong, will you? Remembering the old days, hey, Kong? Shut up. What's Ray saying about you selling the oven? Yeah, I get kind of fed up with it.
It's out of my class, anyway. Mr. Bennett, I was just getting good joy. Yeah? What do you got in me for? Why should I be mad? You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. You're married. Look, you let me worry about that. Will you? I got to worry about it, too, don't I? That's why did you ever worry about anything, Pat? What did you expect me to do? I don't know how you were serious. What did you think I was telling you all the time? Yeah, but Larry, anybody can say those kind of things. I know, Pat, but I never did. You know, kid, you better start believing people when they tell you something. Are you going to end up like those girls down there? You take that back. You're going to take that back.
Morning. Morning, sir. Morning. Morning, Gus. Morning. You've gone nuts. Eat this in there. Look at him. You get the back of it for sure, no? Give me the bottle, Gus. I am going to go someplace, Tommy. Maybe you're thinking again. Are you going to go to the cemetery? I was in the cemetery one time. I was going to go see my lily. My lily died. I was starting out.
All I learned was to house. Gus, why don't you give Tommy the bottle? Twenty-two years I've worked here. Will you quit hanging around the table, please? Can I look out the window? As all the little chickies do. Now cut it out! Eagles in there. Is that how he knows of the world? Fifthly, women in dirty jokes and ignorance. Drippin' off your faces. Something's got to be done about that, Mr. Eagle. It's an offer humiliation for the women here. I mean to say, sir, it's a terrible disorganized and cites tyranny man in the face eight hours a day, sir. Well, you shouldn't have watched the windows, I guess. Shouldn't have watched the windows, he says. What a donkey that guy is.
Hey, punky you! Hey, hey! How did I get in here? How did I frighten him up? Crazy! I just turned on and get out! All right! I'll see you later, Dr. Jackson. You'll see me later, all right, but what I closed. Shut up, both of you! All right, Gus. Are you gonna work out? Are you gonna do that? What are you doing? Imagine. Put on cold. We go someplace. It's only half past nine in the morning. Where are you gonna go? What's all the noise here? That's what time I gotta leave. Half past nine. But not coach him. Cold outside. Maybe I gotta go with him, Ray. He's got all his money on him.
Look, Gus. Where are you gonna go now? Why don't you go upstairs and lie down a little, huh? Twenty-two years, I was here. I know, Gus. I was here before you was born, I was here. I know. The mice was here before you was born. When Mr. Nigger was in high school, I was here already. When I was within six, I was here. When I was minerva car, I was here. When I was Stanley Steamer, I was here. The Mormon was a good car. Well, sometimes I was here. I was here first day, Raymond, come. A young boy. He worked hard, he managed it. When I was still thinking she's gonna be married, I was here. A locomobile.
Model K Ford, Model N Ford. All of them different forces. The Franklin was a good car. Rio Car, Jordan Car, Piusau. Cleveland Car. All of them was a good car. All of the times I was here. I know. You don't know nothing. Come on, Jerry. Put on cold. But not cold at all. Cold at all. Tommy, you take care of everything good.
I know. I don't understand. I don't know anything. I was at me that gets out. I don't know half the poem Kenny does. Or a quarter of what Larry knows about engines. I don't understand how they come here. Every morning, every morning, and every morning. And no end in sight. That's the thing. It's just no end. Oh, there ought to be a statue in the park. To all the ones that stay.
Wendellerry. The Agnes. Tommy Kelly. Gus. Gee, it's peculiar to leave a place forever. Still, I always hate it coming here. Same kind of jokes. The dust. Especially in spring. Walking in from the sunshine. Or any Monday morning in the hot days. God. It's so peculiar leaving a place. I know I'll remember them as long as I live. As long as I live they'll never die. Still, I know that in a month or two they'll forget my name. It makes me up with some other boy who worked here once. And went. Gee.
It's a mystery. You know what's a funny thing? It's a funny thing how you can use to that. Hey, Tommy. What do you think Cobb's average was for a lifetime? Cobb? Lifetime. Is that an Irish song? All Irish here. Nothing is an Irish song. Well, I'd say 380, Lifetime for Ty Cobb.
You were full of some in that car, Larry. All the work you put in it? Well, it was just one of those crazy things. Funny how you get an idea and then you wake up and look at it, and it's like dead or something. I can't afford a car. I think it's even colder today than yesterday. It's five after one, fellas. What do you say, huh? Well, the old soldier returns. Where's Gus? Oh, he's scared me. I didn't know you were in there. He died, Ray. What did you say? You what? Gus died. Gus? Well, it happens when? What happened?
What did you have, an accident? Oh. We went home. We got the... We got the fenders on, all right? Then he wanted to go over and start at the bottom and go right up there to Avenue. Hit all the bars and both sides. Well, we got up to around 14th Street and around there. And we lost track of the car some place. We had to go over there at night and see if I can find it. Well, what happened? Well, these girls getting a cab, you know, and we see a lot of places. There were a lot of high-class places too. Forty cents for a cup of coffee and all, you know. Well, then he puts me in another cab and he rode around for a while. Then he gets another cab to follow our cabs in case we should get a flat, you know. He didn't want to be held up not for a minute, Gus, didn't he? Well, where were you going? Well, just all over.
So then we... We stopped for a light, you know, and I... I thought I'd go up and see how he was getting along, so... I go up and I open up the cab door and... There's the girl. Sounded asleep. And he... He's dead. Right there in the street. Just getting on the morning. Poor Gus. Yeah. I tell you, Agnesy, you know, look too good to me. Not... That's since she died. You're a woman, you know, right? I never know it, but... He liked that woman. Where is his money? Ah... Gone, right? Gone. We're starving every couple of minutes to... Call a long distance. I never know it, but he's got a... A brother somewhere out in California. He must have called him up there for a dozen times.
He was talking to some guy in Texas someplace. Some guy was in the Navy with him. He was trying to call all the guys. He was in the rain with him. He was calling all over the hell in the end. Give him big chips. Or a new suit. Give the cab driver a wristwatch. You know, I... I think he got himself all sweated, you know, I... He got kind of cold last night, you know, and then he got himself all sweated up. I kept saying to him, I said, Gus, I said, you know, it's a cold night tonight. You're getting yourself all sweated up, I says to him. You're all night, he says, Jim, I'm gonna do it right. That's all he says to me practically, you're all night long. He says, I'm gonna do it right, Jim. I'm gonna do it right. Oh, and I... When I open that cab door, I... I know it. It takes one look at him and... I know it. Poor Agnes.
He should not cry now. And even the West Bronx, Tommy. There's some stuff for Sullivan's there. Oh, okay. Gus died. Don't kiddin'. Yeah, last night. What do you know? Is this all right? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. Is this all for the West Bronx, Tommy? I guess so for now. Die? Yes. Jim was with him last night. Jesus. I'll take Brooklyn later, Tommy. Thank you. You're leaving first. Yeah. Well, you're leaving. Okay, well, goodbye. Good luck. I hope you pass everything. Thanks, Eddie. Well, I'm leaving, Jim. So, uh, who helped the work? You're leaving, huh?
Well, Jim, see if these transmissions came in yet. Will you guys been ordering them all month? Yeah, sure, John. Well, so long, Tommy. Oh, you're leaving, huh? Yeah, I'm going right now. Well, keep up the willpower, you know. That's what does it. Yeah, well, Tommy. Just make this a special, will you? The guy's truck broke down in Peacegill, so send it out special today. All right. Bye, Blake. Yeah, so long, Raymond. I just wanted to... Well, goodbye, Kenny. Well, it's our last look, I suppose, isn't it? Oh, no, I'll come back. I'll visit you. Oh, not likely. It'll all be out of mind as soon as you turn the corner. I'll probably not be here anyway. Where do you have to move on?
And I'll move there, I guess. I don't have a shocking thing last night, Bert. I pushed over a bar. Pushed it over. I'm standing there, having a decent conversation, that's all. And I start rocking the damn thing. And it toppled over and broke every glass in the place. And the beers spouting up all over the floor. And they took all my money. I'll be six weeks paying them back. Yeah, I'm onto the civil service, I think. I'll get back to regular there, I think. Well, good luck. And I hope you remember your poems again. Oh, they're gone. There's too much to do in this country for that kind of thing, Bert. And willy? Yeah. Get this right away. Special to peak skill. Yeah, okay. Hi. Well, I'm going, Larry.
Yeah, check it easy, kid. Yeah. I'm sorry, Mr. Eagles, and Conference, can I take a message? Would you spell it, please? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. 4-9-7-3. Yes, thank you. Thank you. The minstrel boy to the war is gone. I'll be needing more crayon before the day is out, Tommy. I'll give some for you. The damn mice. They've got to live too, I suppose. In the ranks of death, you will find him. His father, sword, he had girded him. And his wild harp slung behind him.
Land of songs at the wire barn. The world betrays thee. One sword at least by right shall guard. One faithful harp shall praise thee. The minstrel fell, but the foe man's chain could not bring that proud soul under. The harp he loved, nurse, spoke again for he tore its collar to his hunger. Said not change, child, suddenly thee. The soul of love and bravery, thy songs were made for the viewer and me. They shall rest on the display.
They shall rest on the display. Thank you very much.
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NET Playhouse
Episode Number
30s: A Memory of Two Mondays
Producing Organization
Educational Broadcasting Corporation. NET Division
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-75-085hqfx7).
Episode Description
This film is an NET Playhouse production of Arthur Miller's "A Memory of Two Mondays." It is the first in a series of NET Playhouse programs concerning life in America during the Depression years. This play, which was performed on Broadway in 1956, depicts the bleak, dead-end world of the blue-collar worker in the thirties - a world of which Miller obtained a first-hand look while working in an auto parts warehouse as a teenager. The setting, therefore, is an auto parts warehouse in New York City (the play was filmed in an actual warehouse on New York's Lower East Side). The central character is Bert, a youthful employee whose feelings and observations of the people around him roughly parallel those of the young Miller. Bert is played by Kristoffer Tabori. Warden portrays Gus, a hearty Slavic immigrant who spends the last 22 yars of his life in the warehouse and dies with his spirit totally broken after the death of his wife. Miss Parsons is Agnes, the company's sympathetic and unaspiring telephone operator - a middle-aged spinster apparently destined to remain where she is for the rest of her life. Grizzard's plays the role of Larry, whose one financial indiscretion - the purchase of an expensive car - further entraps the company secretary, played by Cathy Burns. NET Playhouse #224 - "A Memory of Two Monday" is a production of NET Division, Educational Broadcasting Corporation. NET Playhouse executive producer: Jac Venza. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Actor: Gizzard, George
Actor: Warden, Jack
Actor: Van Patten, Dick
Actor: Tabori, Kristoffer
Actor: Lo Bianco, Tony
Actor: Hamilton, Dan
Actor: Parsons, Estelle
Actor: Buka, Donald
Actor: Cannon, J. D.
Actor: Burns, Cathy
Actor: Rosqui, Tom
Actor: Stiller, Jerry
Actor: Keitel, Harvey
Actor: Hughes, Barnard
Actor: Hindman, Earl
Director: Bogart, Paul
Executive Producer: Venza, Jac
Producer: Babbin, Jacqueline
Producing Organization: Educational Broadcasting Corporation. NET Division
Writer: Miller, Arthur, 1915-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-18d05d0947a (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8381be27437 (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f8416d2f3b2 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-4f0e6f7edaa (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Original
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “NET Playhouse; 224; 30s: A Memory of Two Mondays,” 1971-01-28, Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 21, 2025,
MLA: “NET Playhouse; 224; 30s: A Memory of Two Mondays.” 1971-01-28. Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 21, 2025. <>.
APA: NET Playhouse; 224; 30s: A Memory of Two Mondays. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from