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santa or mui to a live ah ahh ahh as and me
last week we analyze christianity history and education this week we'll discuss cultural colonialism and psychological development in part two of a black they put on white great again we will analyze the intentional and unintentional effects of the institutional pattern of oppression of nonwhites in america and the world our panel of star of the problem who sought associate professor of psychiatry harvard medical school in boston massachusetts is also the author of the forthcoming book why blacks no blacks dan watts editor and publisher of the greater nineties a lot as a member of the faculty of the university in your enamel and they were awful playwright and political activist who heads the committee for unified new art endures is also a member of the executive council
first though that i think we have the power that racism white race and rick racism is a mental illness now i play that because many white spotify like the crime rate for them if something normal like oh yeah they called to say i think a lot of we approach it that way we really don't feel that the party of racism itself it's like saying that and a lot of people have in this society that answers them how normal quote we know that and the hill and racism killed and this story is also that it would be like finding a lot of the jews as somehow a normal i think we have to face the fact that racism is a mental aberration now i think underlying white races with a white paranoia and fear all a delusion that black people colored people in the world somehow going to destroy
the white man and bird convenient i think life project their impulses that unacceptable feelings on for blocks and and pretend that they are not only a good one and they live off the victim type thing that racism is something that the no effect the victim of a black man would also affect victimize a white man and that's what his mental health who incurred the debt and faith and felt on it for the epa and that the problem lies outside of himself or that the body never do with a violent its own version of our own corruption they pretend that somehow you get if you get rid of all when they do that everything will be thought would be much at all and that's not so that type of illusion and even i think carries over into our foreign policy our attitude toward age in our attitudes in viet nam le mans a lot of the feeling that we need art that early in the week a white man
not now and destroy what other people because we're the show than people think i think that that's right oh now you may have different that chronic anxiety and a third product deal that we all know of this partly because of the fact that like the nominated again in this country many of the way they viewed it in that empathy about that but other types of acting out and if it wishes it that the mental model and the wife with the blood from focusing on and i think that really when we talk about racism in the thigh top of that we'll talk about the effect on black people and that this is that i think because it's sort of a negative approach makes black people feel that somehow they're mentally deranged even though we say that the race is i think we have to be careful about that you didn't focus on the thickness
of the policy that on its source with his through the white community or the white racist thought in the white community of course half rated them also have many effects on why i think we emphasize the negative too much without a time that the replacement that rate of another book about this health law that it had held like people survive off and with its audience grow to number two that the very fact that to the faithful one had thought they'd have joined the one thing that birth in the camp that said that her affinity for people around the negative you begin to believe through that aura of the thing that about him and the way out a true they can camouflage a negative event and in psychological line with your job in part whether there'll may be a way of putting down somewhat odd or seeing an end in it in a bag and a bad light i
think we're spending from the thought that he can that you know people point without the top of that like a lot but we all know that like they have some felt lucky in that the problem is not like black suicide the problem really and again if i thought that we the white community because the fighting has gotten for the black community and that like suicide if you're doing a secondary file one by npr to talk about you know that's the i think a lot of it will come out and certainly on the panel the law of one where both i think i'm going to disagree with you and finding the white race aw more isolated from other for the star and white racism as a minor issue white racism of a miner a byproduct white power white hall with a rival that
are on the dominant group attacking the big white i think it's a universal tray of all dominant group when polled their will their culture their values of them on the minority group all wherever you go in the world a history of the world has a history of one line one majority group of people imposing its will and it's far up on poe a minority weekend they looked at more while in people who call themselves numerous bay for five six centuries were able to dominate the world to impose upon the rest of the world the protestant ethic the primary language op and the more valuable crops they have very little people would raise that one of the problems that we like people there are that we always tend to look and view whites in terms of all that one goal in terms of lower rated
rather than in terms of anyway they regarded people exercising are and i think one of the problems that we in the black community that the bill that includes fantasy world that we have been for the ball the by our inability to confront the realities of that or really how and adds that militarily speaking economically speaking politically speaking in their native why a car which we will feel that the white race of them something would disappear tomorrow if we had a basic you know let's say that we could confront a white man of the law jolly would chalk whatever name all this polite way we will watch it happens to be raining today the fact of norway and dropping and i want but while an active point of six children in which represents all were able to change the law and i think that we are in the pursuit of folly if we are going to continue their lives a very long white racism what we would begin to confront the white
heart with black power now this is really only two ways and the black people that they can confront it ought to be because you didn't take a formal vote on confrontation with jude law multiple vilified or a mass migration back to africa which is almost double suicide again because africa has given no indication they're ready to receive back twenty five or thirty million americans of african descent philip families is really in wimbledon a lot of lead the intellectual an intellectual live the question what white racism isn't simply white house tomorrow all when have the next novel the next day other day after winning makes the journey for the entire base and as the people's republic of china began to get everything together in terms of vice adm namely missiles aimed the united states we'll begin to hear about the chinese will be hearing about third world or severely long it will then have to confront chinese race that
a majority of people will be in a position to impose their value their culture upon a minority growth so i think the problem with a black man really in america is how it grew to identify at a law firm called a wooden sculpture and i'd like to amend it can work michigan talk our first think of culture in terms of a european vacation are we always tend to make its official definition of the creative are an important symbol but the national african nationalists our culture values
the whole way of looking at the world the way of interpreting the world a whole way of living in the world so that we define totally ethical values have also immoral the moral grounds for an institution that i set up and maintain that way of looking at the world and to develop a way of looking at the world the fallout african people putting american people and the slave he met bob to a large extent the destruction and slavery of their culture that is their way of living and the subdivision composer of another called on them to disappear your path we speak now of a means defeating on white supremacy which is what we call it which is a
combination of white collar and white relief of them in combination they are we say that this can be done about developing forth an alternative values of an alternative institutions maintain and develop that our culture is manifested in mid june in history in politics and economics and social innovation and creativity and an illegal construction of institutions to maintain and about this way of looking at the world this is one nation and this is the way a culture are brought movie agent now in terms of dealing specifically with our whether black people have like the pentagon and the back to africa a lot and he ended up i think people in top which would leave us with the kind of lack of integration is futile look where we
really can't do much of anything to do what we're doing which if it's a pleasant enough if you're in that situation where that then you don't mind doing that before the majority of black people who must have changed and we must find a way and the domination of african people and colored people by european people that we are dominated by european culture by european and european court invalidated the new european garden and the ongoing political movement the only thing that the only way to do that if they develop a value which is an alternative to that psychological and cultural nomination and you know you can have effect that is by creating alternative vision alternative political and attention what's number one would be political party alternative educational institutions which would be independent african educational system you know throughout america where black people out of the pan african region but did talk to me about not
being able to do anything that could be inflated but the happily fashionably and slowly the iraqi let me clarify that point well i would not advocating illegal eleven i wasn't advocating in terms of land that animated the way no integration when i went there that they were trying to do say that and from which we must approach the problem realistically rather than the world that you were correctly pointed out the leader domination european nomination non white people black people throughout the world in terms of economic growth and culture well and richard featherly from european history an example of that well over a thousand years for the nation
states of europe to find their border but in the process of the finding their borders they also were defining themselves as a people and it seems to me most of the point of what i've been really leading up to the fourth quarter of the weekend except the reality of what our lives are about now then we can move away from the fantasy of the running all that acrid burn all or some of the other fantasy that we exercise their son to have that information because not even open your mark and integrative and that's the word with black people will talk about integration but if we can begin to define ourselves and that kind of information that comes out of europe the only other struggle that the nation's fate of europe were able to find their boundary of and in the process they find themselves in and then their culture and then they were able to sprinkle on the worth of the world and i think that when i have a
problem i'll containing our definition of us though they've gone are the nation that year i think that's a good idea that we take into consideration all people that you knew that but i think maybe it might be more different than in the conflicts that we define ourselves and i think that is one of often of the problem say is not an exciting about going back to africa back at this right now we are saying that as an african animal with new words or the lion any more you know they were talking about actually going in the establishment of an african the independent unified after that of the continent of africa but at the same time bringing self determination to africa and people of african descent wherever they are in the
world where that fear in australia are hollow and it is not and i think that we got one have an african that one that i think is more than that one and some kind of european waters were apparently that most of the havoc in most of the african roots of mormon africa born out in the caribbean or in the market to the exiled always going to be more pro african american self development is one of the top knock knock knock knock homegrown african but the top of the well known for occasionally hayford in west africa an inquiry and afghanistan through a nigerian they were inspired
by the early teens and writing on the table if i remember correctly we were definitely one of view of applause getting in to his native people i in iowa and who are low that what i'm trying to find out of what was a maze in terms of and battery all the women listen live in that environment for independent from that our nation created entity which you see as an alternative language course dance all of these artifacts that culture when we drive on and more about them i've heard about is to be an oriental lived in poland the likes of paper that are now the muppets the chinese reason tv the black people as well now the way
it is i think we have to deal with that they will but i think that all likely feeling that really life is a special type of psychological thing that life of that thing like the only show that has a different type of fight club luckily i think that black folks have a lot more latin in terms of like a lot to a lot of bad and evil of health and all sorts of things in the way blacks and public that's the question i have and psychological standpoint where the black people in this country given the conditioning the propaganda of the math we all think that on and they find themselves and have the determination or find their call yourself it's been difficult what cannot think with the film on the region can be
established the margin of votes the pure and that gave it an acronym the black man who probably together in terms of the culture there in terms of values yet how their privacy is this economic activity then when you think you have a kind of wide definition of coffee station where your view continue to make it about dancing in the cove of being called her quote an oval box and the defining political way of looking i think that understanding the world the vision faded we know ought to the convent that would yo ma cropper of economics the family code conflicts and an area the absentee landlord kinds of different things that the afghan government you often unsavory european counterpart in the individual and rugged individualism with the african quite frankly thinks of pathological that an end
are betting they can understand the need for creating a values that way of looking at the world and it's an alternative to european ways of looking in and there's value understand the law to european values of them you will never want anything out of the european law you could never defeat john wayne if you like if you want the same institution the dial a little more growth five live with a vivid faith you pay five thousand and five time to the defining rifle what white hair white european values as the normal values but from that vantage point they can look at black folks in other people a day they call to leave that time the thing you have a definition and families come
from their perspective the values of the people involved would never sit around a table in the violent of most electrified negroes that they haven't even come up with a revolution that i like american culture now as long as they do that they will automatically they will automatically have moved incrementally appoint private of caught off of me they would have to get together an alternative political institution which isn't even gaining maintaining unused in power but the political institutions of a reality that the politically and that remark they are slabs that probably the only freely elected candidate in the landscape of the american commitment that they probably black congressman with the reality of our situation in terms of politics we're out the
economic control political pot infused with a two million dollars at that soccer league action they only really understand that and saying that you cannot move in a total economic up into you began to consolidate her political and and consolidate the actual areas which you want to maintain an economic domination over the top people move a lot traditionally each ethnic group white ethnic group that think about their use the local government of the main things that memo to consolidate its political economic fall judging by the faculty of the cities they won that the public will and all of the various what is it really like that narrative that's another that's right
the event that they think that they are open to everyone well i think when you go make it out what do you how do you give that economic backdrop of the right the cities are like the a repository of art you go to repository for the well though they actually the money even though our quest for the airport at three point five billion dollars a year only they'll all that black people actually get less than sixty of the one percent of that money that is because we have no institutions even that thick when there's an economic institution of death of structure for completing a proper thing about the army the different vision of a bank and the vision of the school and then we
make thirty three billion dollars a year that people are these well you make of that make only are twenty one billion be the nigerians who had fifty five million people only make five billion that is when we gonna make other people in terms of the kinds of gross national product we have a we have no institutions with which the system a type that well and feed you the benefit of people to the point where whether the black american yet the thirty two they generated it from right can hone in this weekend the point of if they're at thirty two billion which comes through our hand than the fleeting moment comes through so quickly because we do not
have the institution as repository to maintain and about that money because we have no way to hold it goes right that we get the money from one white male we go to another white community on the minute we have left with you to another white man in a bank he thinks the money in the bank and he uses it to our began to invest in a white community you want your white father and bill white shopping center with money that welfare mothers and i'm not at a party of people and let's work in the factory where you know we don't have any institution to god we do not have a value to them that we have a bill black community than ever think that we are hung up in a white suv and so we never feel ourselves that separated from like if you were you might disagree on the size of the one time making the beginning that political power that meeting with that we don't have some control of
economic far this is wired berkeley literary you define who revived version of iceland was let me that now i think this concludes our two black paper are likely to fortune dealt with britain out to develop a lot of them and i'm a teacher at hhs and you know in new moon named
Black Journal
Episode Number
Black Paper on White Racism. Part 2
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Continuing its analysis of institutional racism, Black Journal invites Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Dan Watts, and Imamu Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) to discuss racism in terms of psychological development, culture and colonialism. Dr. Poussaint, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of the forthcoming book "Why Blacks Kill Blacks," sees white racism as a mental illness. For that reason he questions "whether black people can find themselves and have self-determination or find their cultural self within the confines of American shores." According to him there are a tremendous number of psychological problems to be overcome, both for whites and for blacks. He feels that too often psychiatrists talk about racism only in terms of its negative effects on black people, "which makes black people feel that somehow they're mentally deranged." He says, "The self-hate concept is overplayed and exaggerated. We never talk about the self-love that has helped black people to survive in this society and to grow." He sees a white paranoia underlying racism - "a fear or a delusion that black people are somehow going to destroy and hurt the white man" - which prevents whites from full maturity and instills a chronic anxiety and guilt. Ultimately, Dr. Poussaint perceives the problems of white racism not in individual psychological terms, but from a sociological standpoint - the potential genocide of the black community by the white community. Watts, editor and publisher of Liberated magazine and a faculty member of Fordham University, sees racism as "a minor issue - a minor byproduct of white power" and white power as the power of "the dominant group, which happens to be white." He adds "I think it's a universal trait of all dominant groups to impose their culture, their value systems on a minority group wherever you go in the world." According to him one of the black community's major problems is its failure to see racism as a "majority people exercising power - an overwhelming power militarily speaking, economically speaking, and politically speaking." Baraka, a member of the executive council of the Congress of African People, head of the Committee for a Unified Newark, and noted playwright, poet and political activist, points out that "You cannot combat power unless you create an entity which is an alternative to the power." For Baraka, the alternative is Pan Africanism - "the establishment of an African independent unified Africa (and) - at the same time bringing self-determination to Africans and people of African descent wherever they are in the world." He maintains that this can be accomplished once the black community accepts the African culture ("a total value system") and sets up institutions which will house this new system. Watts, however, believes that the cultural system will develop only out of the struggle for power as it occurred historically in the nation states of Europe. But Baraka finds fault in this suggestion, noting the "disadvantage in consistently defining ourselves through the European experience." "Black Journal," a production of NET Division, Educational Broadcasting Corporation Executive producer: Tony Brown
Series Description
Black Journal began as a monthly series produced for, about, and - to a large extent - by black Americans, which used the magazine format to report on relevant issues to black Americans. Starting with the October 5, 1971 broadcast, the show switched to a half-hour weekly format that focused on one issue per week, with a brief segment on black news called "Grapevine." Beginning in 1973, the series changed back into a hour long show and experimented with various formats, including a call-in portion. From its initial broadcast on June 12, 1968 through November 7, 1972, Black Journal was produced under the National Educational Television name. Starting on November 14, 1972, the series was produced solely by WNET/13. Only the episodes produced under the NET name are included in the NET Collection. For the first part of Black Journal, episodes are numbered sequential spanning broadcast seasons. After the 1971-72 season, which ended with episode #68, the series started using season specific episode numbers, beginning with #301. The 1972-73 season spans #301 - 332, and then the 1973-74 season starts with #401. This new numbering pattern continues through the end of the series.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Race and Ethnicity
Race and Ethnicity
Media type
Moving Image
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Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-399a0be3304 (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ccff402e03a (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Duration: 0:30:55
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-57bb797600a (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:30:55
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a9658fff45a (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Duration: 0:30:55
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c9d66e9f202 (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:30:55
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c4da1fc0b46 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Duration: 0:30:55
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-019085eccc1 (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:30:55
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-466892b4189 (unknown)
Format: Video/quicktime
Generation: no_buffer
Duration: 00:30:55
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Chicago: “Black Journal; 44; Black Paper on White Racism. Part 2,” 1971-12-21, Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025,
MLA: “Black Journal; 44; Black Paper on White Racism. Part 2.” 1971-12-21. Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <>.
APA: Black Journal; 44; Black Paper on White Racism. Part 2. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from