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so z's
desegregation so it seems edmund
the ugly face of racial violence looks much the same for the world this is sharp they'll usually quiet south african town where thirty miles from johannesburg this it first happened one day in march nineteen sixty government police open fire upon a massive an armed africans who were demonstrating against the restrictions placed upon them by the government in a matter of minutes with six the african man women and children with phil and many others injured once the call in with that other critical events board for a fortnight later the afrikaans speaking white prime minister and reserve board was shot and almost killed by an english speaking white farmer named david brat and national governments which we react to the crisis
with mass arrests within six weeks over nineteen thousand seven hundred weekday over every charge from political activity for violating the hated pass laws by being with their past and the tragedy of sharp will and its aftermath deepens when we realize that it was only the most extreme invest publicized incident in a long series of violent racial wipers the the past decade and seven africa can best be described as the ceiling here are rising african expectations matched by rising white fears a closer look at the struggle lion nine thousand miles away offices rare insights into our own american racial problems alan payne the noted south african author of cry the beloved country puts it this way
the man is caught in the face of the cliff as he sees it you cannot go down and if he stays where he is he will die or mostly stand watching him have pity for me the analogy alas is obviously incomplete for the world's spectators about drama are seldom beautiful they are more often reproachful from their court advantage they can see is taking some other way which will lead us to destruction and the world's saddest in astonishment wondering what madness as disastrous court on the face of the cliff pearls desperate plight in which approximately fifty million south africans find themselves today slightly over three million or white a buyer sixty percent in these white so afrikaners
or boers largely the rugged descendants of the early dutch settlers these people would sell a sleeper out of their own unique culture and their own language off the cops a simplified version of dutch with french english and no way in influence the remaining forty percent of the whites are english speaking set africa is largely the descendants of nineteenth century english settlers but there are forty nine white south africans for everyone over icann million of these non whites or black africans frequently call band too because the great majority of them come from dr seuss cultures are part of the bass bantu language through another non white who is the color it's made up of almost a million a hand me latinos were treated as a socially and legally separate group in south africa cracks of africa africa and in ballet in stock the handsome college or perhaps
the most troubled group in all this troubled nation for until recently they mostly spoke of three cups identified strongly with the whites and sought full acceptance in the white community now stripped of the vote like all other non whites and rejected by whites they're making their first tentative moves toward alignment with the africans the fifth major group in south africa is they have a million indians or what this of are dark hindus descend from the low caste indians brought to south africa in the late nineteenth century by the english to work in the sugar fields spent themselves by religion the indians to just now beginning to identify with the notes and aspirations of the africans south africa or as mark and only by a genius population were all hold by a particular path from the west and one of you it all began two generations after our own james
taylor the dutch columnist ben rebeck landed like a poignant sixteen fifty two to set up a permanent station to supply india banned that ships with scary preventing fresh foods impose a type of segregation from the very beginning they're called in south africa apartheid slavery too became commonplace in at no seven parties sees the k and eighteen thirty six they abolished slavery many afrikaners angry at the british and wrestles more line pushed out on a great track a miniature version of the american west and tracked the same type of covered wagons and other frontier artifacts instead of indians these four trackers the afrikaans equivalent for pioneers had to fight off attacking ben to who were themselves pushing down from the northeast in search for life eventually the more attractive set up to independent republics the hour and free state and the traumas of all
leaving the large coastal areas that in the settlement and the clothes the nineteenth century gold was discovered in a trunk full of adventures english adventures far to the isolated nation soon the inevitable happened war broke out between the british and the afrikaners the best known for somalis in this the anglo boer war worried brassy young english newspaper man named winston churchill and his captor from me a steak yun smuts who later became the prime minister of south africa and ultimately one of the founders of the united nations after the brief victory in the anglo boer war there an actual piece was arrived there with union of the four provinces take nepal the olive trees date and the triumph of all taking place in nineteen oh nine nineteen ten forming a nation the size of texas california and pennsylvania combined
nineteen eleven to nineteen forty eight there was some political cooperation between the two white groups what little mess contact says the afrikaners within them down at the rural agricultural people and that ignition urban mercantile an industrial people while the two white groups it's even uneasy political harmony extremely low was done to develop the harmonia smile to racial state in nineteen forty eight the present nationalist government slip into power in spite of receiving a minority of the popular vote it one on the strength of to battle cries even more complete racial apartheid and the formation of the republican side of the british commonwealth and unlike most politicians president obama has made good on both of its promises it's strangely racist policies that led directly to sharks rw just as we've seen in the present crisis to keep its second pledge let the commonwealth and became a republic in
nineteen sixty one even this all to believe his start a sketch of south africa suggests interesting and important comparisons with their own country the takeaway the sat but before drawing such comparisons discuss all the staff member of boston university's african studies center dr jeffrey bada himself looking at your country years of africa's to our provincial american eyes and comparing it with our size one of the things you think americans must know when understand fully appreciate what's going on in south africa but it is the first the white population inside of it as an overwhelming minority secondly servant is not a wealthy country like america even though the white sox seem on a comparable scale a living and thirdly america africa
is being revolutionized in the last ten years we were both a white sensor trafficker of a year he called europeans i've really never understood that turn out a completely the bottom of africa and you're really are and whether they really united in this thing the movie rio i'm difference i think with the deep south is the death of the division between southern whites and american whites are divided with eleven whites are divided about that language at different attitude of politics they are the least organized into different churches and i think the images i think is fundamentally different as brick do you think goes right through the whole way of lifestyle why people oh yes i think so and they i think in the desegregation of englishman author thomas from a jelly is is immense it spontaneous at some level about it is they should be expensive and i think that the er the thing that explains a lot of
political life is the determination all of economists to preserve their cultural identity now what people often forget is that this determination to control mistaken interest of preserving themselves is that this action has been directed as much against englishman in the buses heading of africa and that until recently meaning june has been the sinister dr connors not be african english one of these world language that begin as it developed culture that the man vs a constant threat to the cultural survival of a tiny community with unique i think that csi this a slacker and they hear on there is that is that is i am monday he has tried in the past literally and culturally that this is an historical fact of something to know what is interesting is that in the last ten years or so the two sides of the gun one that is africa's be revolutionized the african cannot longer be ignored in the majors that is now
becoming an african mother an english major and they in one sense african gonna see these two outsiders threatening together and one illustration of this game in the education act which is a major piece of legislation five years ago and that actually control of african education was taken out of the hands of the missionaries and put in the hands of a government and one of one of economists that said that israel indictment all missionary education was not that it was training african americans and black english you have you mentioned the government now the government is in like a very complete control of the afrikaans speaking people is that right yes or maybe the government is an afrikaner based on love about poppy and it governs a country in which the bulk of the white population agree on bonuses or white supremacy that might be argued that enriching saddam's a little bit more flexible in the beginning and i would say yes all the
journalistic but i think that the sort of pressures of the nations and kenyans of the more common issue i'm not sure but the thing that has their tragedies they're down through all kinds of a depression and very rapid industrialization development you've produced in some of the group of educated africans highly sophisticated group much more sophisticated i think of the west africa invented that inside of him alive they have been our moon denied the chance of a button to medical community and they attempt of government policies to try and get them to develop within and african villages within a larger south african state but without major say but these highly educated africans are really a western narrative by virtue of their education owners are hesitant to go back to a tribal statements they've left
parties are completely westernized and go see this you're a great irony here that some of our west africa got its freedom first and main well i've had less capable or at least less trained an elite used in south africa are among the african yes i think so the south africa had the jobs one might say was a slow and on a development of anna johnson the rest of africa that is the educated people existed racist for most of the evolution of our employees i didn't it didn't convey the longest eleven they arm around with the development of an evolution of situation enough about science they'll be at the longer the integration
politically and people thought about social interaction with political intimidation and violence label the russians would increase you adopt a rather something i think a lot of americans have won about what is the influence of our race relations or more to clean out the size is that does that have any influence whatsoever on race relations in your country overseas an interesting question isn't isolationist entirely destroyed destroy innocent to be much of a living in and and the sounds themselves are watching out of leviticus in lebanon to people and everyone looks to the deep south and to lead into the beach i think that they were ordering and down a little are you telling him ms grazer reassure them in a way the only ones with a hero in south asia as a great numbers of alliances bruise on the idea that this is a sort of thing that happens if you try and integrate that in every school riot live without them in the verse that
investor action across the deep south watches south africa very closely i was santo new batch of news cuttings and political views of a new the old saying no well the show as the nice one what they knew were leaving opus victor secession that one hundred years later after the ocean air but also to nineteen fifty six when i had the chance to visit your pupil country for five months for the troubled country i was impressed at the race relations don't make such a statement and it could get worse and yet judging from the newspapers there are reports that i read and so what that looks like in the last six seven eight years since i was there actually become more desperate isn't true and they have so we're what you think about the future course of us invaded because of aggression costa
mesa it easy in looking at a situation of the big big disaster how many want to do that now that ad it might lot of infected with a job at npr this seventy elements of change in the situation so much is going on among the afrikaner community among the un the african community particularly that one has no idea as do has to what investors delays in the system each year and with each more you know further legislation where they shop where riots in this kind of thing and then still get the feeling that the thing is much more this with unintelligible number one is in fact the safest route because i think it's changed the learning as james allen wants that to change now it is not only about twenty percent of his office and one problem besides too much that south africa is not the conga
and you've got there's three million white community dispersed over the country highly industrialized little instruments of the barrel and state and no willingness to use it and yet remain why i'm not like colonial these are people who feel sad after in their home or wherever it is that this is this sort of a thing that moment though we can pretty good actor can quickly year when looking at that record or but that things do not some are downplaying i'm impressed to hear on optimism here that weren't thank you win back disaffected the new law among those investments i'm rejecting certainly a lot of the other attitudes and position seemed to me to be much as i'm going on there but i would simply say that it's an attitude over are anxious open mindedness on
optimism and i'm looking at it as it sounds at the moment they either externally or intern and just open mindedness suggested for hayes thank you very much talked about in the us compare south africa and the american side the comparison may prove quite revealing to us actually for his always easy to look critically at another nation with similar problems before beginning the sensitive task of looking critically at ourselves to begin with we must recognize that there are a number of important differences which limit any direct comparison between the afrikaners of south africa and the whites of the sites dr butler's just mentioned two of the differences in language differences in the ratio of whites to non whites afrikaners have there language distinct from those spoken by other south africans white southerners be
more or less the same languages other americans of the difference in racial numbers is perhaps even more crucial while we want out of every five south africans is white for every five southerners are white of course are the racial ratio need not determine bad in a racial relations in and of itself priscilla why your exact excellent examples of areas that have achieved considerable money between groups even though whites are clearly a number by non whites but other factors have led in a racial tensions numbers can act as a catalyst excel at an already bad situation into a tragic one i think fears and suspicion third difference between the two groups involved national pow though both women artists afrikaners dominate their national government but the nih nonwhites the franchise while
white southerners have only their minority status in our federal government nevertheless there enough similarities between south africans afrikaners size whites to warrant further comparison considered the striking parallels between afrikaners and white southerners an extended down through the years old woman set a warrant for alliance in the seventeenth century and again became predominately agrarian people's both said nonwhites light switch there was considered me a property and both said a rigid systems of racial separation both were importing influenced by frontier living rugged simple in isolated from dominant western fought and they shake to rigorously calvinist to face which they brought from your world in the religious beliefs ideally suited to the stern life of the frontier moreover open hunting we entered wars of independence against profit photos and their inevitable defeat is
imbedded them in further solidify them as distinctive unified groups or proud they remain culturally defensive in distrusting of earth's i thought while fashioning myths as to their pre war grates even now there are similarities all people have been rapidly urban icing industrializing in the past two decades while simultaneously clinging to or demoted racial practices let's examine some of these comparisons in more detail that battle has already indicated the afrikaners every religion distinctively different from that of interceptor rockets rigorously calvinist religion within three branches of the dutch reformed church like most southerners they can't prefer an old testament emphasis a relatively liberal biblical interpretation these preferences cause both white southerners an afrikaans to defend segregation in a party with the same interpretations of the same old testament passages edition
these religious orientation is where both groups to resist the inroads of darwin's evolutionary theory and kate both had famous at darwin's to trials nineteen twenty five the south states its famous trial of john scopes the dayton tennessee teacher would dare to teach violinist at biology with clarence darrow and william jennings bryan squaring off as legal opponents a few years later an afrikaner theologian named duplicity was tried for here's siena church proceeding because he'd do in advance they lose their ideas to date fundamentalism has lost some of the soldiers fired furnace both afrikaners and sellers who is still true that they remain among the most intensely fundamentalist the protestants in the whole world the two peoples evidence other effects of the frontier to recall the willingness
of which both the size and the afrikaner republics ended fear for wars was stronger industrial nations and overturned that obviously defeat tough part of the waste people's white southerners in afrikaners for their wars in person not logistical times and both won most of the battles but decisively lost their wars it wounded pride would leave in part by the myths they devise of their prewar greatness of golden age for the site and been at belen period of vast plantations happy slave singing in the fields culture country gentleman and they're beautiful and protected ladies a contented i don't seem that unfortunately and little reference to reality a golden age for afrikaner them came to be an equally contented nineteenth century period of wood trucker independence and cultural purity and idealize reconstruction is just a shade near reality and that of the size being
directly from these myths of prewar greatness the two peoples of ten interview with aliens their former white enemies and the blacks in their midst of a scythe from a scapegoat to be in the yankee in the negro for afrikaners as dr vali noted that the media scapegoats have been the english and the africans add their opposition to these threatening outsiders long been the central motif of their culture's shake call it distorted virtually all their political economic and social thought and action there similar histories than south africa and was assigned to paraphrase allen peyton a bit like tomb in court on the face of the cliff when in the past generation our science has been slowly even a somewhat reluctantly easing itself up from the lake you've called for racial fear and hate south
africa however remains caught its plight growing steadily worse doesn't service for americans the tragic symbol of what assets might have come to hand it also refused to heed the winds of change we can only hope dr butler's anxious open mindedness that said that trigger might yet join the scythe and begin the eu safely up from the face of the cliff ira ah ah ah it's been nice the powerful
forces be the pittsburgh week has been steel production costs were provided in part with the assistance of grants from the anti defamation league a b'nai b'rith mcconnell to boston and claudia be mr easel stone foundation this is an eighty national educational television
Dynamics of Desegregation
Episode Number
Caught on the Face of a Cliff
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/62-hx15m62n4g).
Episode Description
This striking title is taken from Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country. In South Africa, racial problems have often been solved by government police. Dr. Pettigrew discussed the history of South Africa which led to the apartheid (separation of races) and then delves into that country's similarity with the American South. Jeffrey E. Butler, an English South African, who is a research associate in the African Studies Program, Boston University, is a guest participant. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
Dynamics of Desegregation is an intensive study of race relations in the United States. With particular emphasis on the South, Harvard Professor, Thomas Pettigrew looks at the historical, political, psychological, personal and cultural aspects of segregation. Specific examples of discrimination toward the American Negro are cited, with special films and dramatic vignettes underscoring Dr. Pettigrews narrative. Special guests join the professor in several episodes to explain the integration movement in the South. This series is not without bias. It is, indeed, a strong statement in support of integration. Thomas F. Pettigrew is an assistant professor of social psychology at Harvard University. A white integration leader with national reputation, Dr. Pettigrew was born in the South. He is the co-author (with Ernest Campbell) of Christians in Racial Crisis, published in 1959 by Public Affairs Press, Washington D.C. He is currently [at the time of production] at work on a new book which will be based on this television series. Dynamics of Desegregation is a production of WGBH-TV. The 15 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
This striking title is taken from Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country. In South Africa, racial problems have often been solved by government police. Dr. Pettigrew discussed the history of South Africa which led to the apartheid (separation of races) and then delves into that country's similarity with the American South. Jeffrey E. Butler, an English South African, who is a research associate in the African Studies Program, Boston University, is a guest participant.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Media type
Moving Image
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Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: wnet_aacip_25299 (WNET Archive)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:28:57?
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: ARC-DBS-1099 (unknown)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Duration: 00:28:57
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: netnola_dydn_4_doc (WNET Archive)
Format: Video/quicktime
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:28:57
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:28:57
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:28:57
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:28:57
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833223-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Dynamics of Desegregation; 4; Caught on the Face of a Cliff,” 1962-00-00, Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Dynamics of Desegregation; 4; Caught on the Face of a Cliff.” 1962-00-00. Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Dynamics of Desegregation; 4; Caught on the Face of a Cliff. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from