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ways the dynamics of desegregation i mean any and
cash rich marcellus clay a big rugged manner of the kentucky hills was killed during his native state speaking for greece or an appalachian as late as eighteen fifty for this to put it mildly was a dangerous provocation with this massive mountain near was easily man of protests fearless and firing its audiences with an argument for every party this is you but it's
bizarre it's by having satisfied as onlookers of its rights with their twenties arraignment of slavery reverberates himself play all possess important insights into some of the personality just behind lynching and other aspects of southern race relations for most men of this widening
violence prone disposition were unlikely dangerously a negro day in its classic mind the size but the focus here really a columnist played by the colloquy name that's right a helmet fell when decay that have a fellow with a simple friendly and hedonistic character values own fantasies the old testament and above all his individuality like davy crockett and daniel boone the friendly hello fellow was not with a genuine charm as the famous southern hospitality down effects i don't have the two cities character straight a finalist banners from the frontier where president came to an isolated remote clearing was a big event he broke the news to the outside and interrupted the dull routine of
frontier living natural than for the visit to be treated well and as straight as carol with the president and our fellow was also characterized by his simplicity and concern for here in our pleasures poorly educated and raised in the frontier culture little touched by the enlightenment this rugged tight actually typically acted from impulse not reason writes cash and that void a point with leisure which was is a poor white turned his energies almost wholly corroborating the old back country pattern of amusement distinction became one of the most complete romantics history has ever recorded to spend it at the bar tossed down a kind of whiskey ago that when banks all my might often those are down to the irish favorite enemy the fight harder and love harder than the next may be known eventually
far and wide of the hell off our second would be his focus is religious preferences was simple and straightforward to believe the problems during that in the old testament to waste any fear seriously willing to bet he does most dominant market i will follow was his book brown individuals shape to buy the frontier history pervaded his entire behavior he commanded a personal question all his dealings with the comedians with authorities it's expanding its disciplined performance as a confederate soldier probably the most famous aspect of this unique personality trait oh i want you we'll continue kish first week or the thing that set him swinging up the slope a good bird on and celebrated valerie afternoon was before all else is nothing more or less been his conviction that nothing living good cross him
and get away with clyde and how it felt was physically violent find the coldest regions violent tradition don't impulses for immediate action the prayer rally old testament from eating oat forward range and two individualistic you're weightless for mechanics of legal justice a half hour was predisposed to engaging an inch by this theory about the jk he's had wide appeal among students of a scythe for explaining phenomenon from the pacs like pinch with this special project the science frontier in our rapidly disappearing in recent years as twentieth century urbanization and industrialization make the inroads into the senate usually go flashes of the personality type of conflicts in the bravado on which huey long or
less the arkansas governor who wouldn't care less forage defied the nation in the world to the federation system he was neither a thin your cares about you know what my position has been from the very beginning i am not opposed to integration and while those who want it but it or revenge compel people again are well you have not been for the problem which they do not believe it and that that mahmood othman member of either race i hate to you could take nine a lot of children coming over they over and bind them down the little rock and the women at the point of a bayonet and you would not have a lake in computing do proper education it is just as well as it can be and i'll never agree that it is right
and i'll never hill look at normal theories concerning personality aspects of living here with the universal rather than the region unique the jews of the phenomenon social psychologist for instance scene to uncover the national frustrations that motivated lynch their id years about fear and frustration cycle are inspired by their general frustration aggression the process which maintains or aggression is preceded by frustration though fortunately there are many alternatives other than aggression for expressing frustration we all know from personal experience and frustrations cause by not getting her way by not a painting your desired goals and we know too aggressive behaviors legally not directed at the people who actually keep us from achieving the things we watch
frustrating agency usually older stronger more powerful are protected by tradition so hostility gets channeled to kids displaced on to approve a weaker opted scapegoats that had nothing to do with the original frustrating situation alyssa principles illustrated any old adage you know about the boston criticizes his employee who in turn argues were these white meat goes home was crossover trial and kicks the dog chased the cat who finally takes it all or an oversupply and five years to lynch poor whites in the south i've had over the years been accumulation of gnawing frustrations bitter comedy damaged dignity scripted opportunities for advancement and furry little chance to determine their own right these poorly educated people have had a little insight into the real forces that created their plight is a
wonderland but their hostilities frequently been displaced like the dog turning on the care turns on red on to the defenseless inaccessible ago this is more than just an analogy the usual behavioral issues individually expressing their own private rage by pursuing cutting shooting are kicking the victim gives gruesome evidence of the acting head of these deep frustration but once the winking was over what they link and that the live with these new deal and his new fear you for what he'd done to another human being fair or for retaliation for his plea some of the displaced targeted the aggression than that there was not in fact a real source of frustration the old problems closed in indian worse and new ingredients the deal of the year i've been added to the already difficult situation strangely enough these new problems made further violence more likely not less like once we've heard other
psychoanalyst house will even more disposed toward herding them again moreover lynch you could always a mining so its own dangers if i were negro and i got my case i get back at white people like myself sense lot's are likely to drive into more violence in order to protecting so the us could justify his past actions and to appease his present for years the race has felt that psychologically necessary to suppress the negro burger this is how the fear and frustration cycle begins more turner is directed and they grow the more guilt fear and hostility generated and then smaller more target and directed at nick no discussion this vicious cycle underlying wanting to be complete without considering the source of the most potent fears and frustrations sex well considering this factory difficult to understand for instance why southern lynchings after the civil war took on a perverted
sadistic character they rarely had in the west when the antebellum south for a demonstrated that sets a distinct behavior was often repressed sexual activity frequently post balancing has included all forty sexual acts as well with castration a common part of the rich consistent with his concern was the widely voiced defensive when she is a necessary protection for white women white women though rate was not so much his alleged in three fourths of recording and even today neighbors convicted of raping a white woman are generally executed while white writers are rarely executed russian skater coincides with other sexual impulses of southern and northern race the white liberal was recording called a nigger lover no racists uses intimate turmoil in who assumes that any white reception it grows as equal human beings must be sexually motivate
considered to be envious stories told by race the sexual prowess or the relevant rock on which the races in his bill would you want your durham area so powerful elite association fierce desire and over twenty states have laws forbidding white and non white marriage is one would think that only the most beholden the virtues would require state law under control the legislature merlin perhaps its most fearful of all this august body pass the last ten years ago that getting marriage between negroes and millions though it's uncertain if any millions of everyone in the state tomorrow i was educated in the basic for an insight that you cannot hate intensely something you do not care psychoanalytic writers of trace many ramifications of an almond
southern life the sparkle beginning of this same sex and segregation syndrome can be traced to the plantation system with its slavery slave cast and the helpless role a child with his family hadn't totally disrupted frequently adopted his owner a zone is wide spread substitutes or the situation grows the typical thirteen pattern of the oedipal complex love of a mother figure and hatred for the father figure consequently argues psychoanalytic writers the relationship between white women and negro man very early to conduct a blight qualities of mother child in states by contrast the slaves circumstances an easy export haitian of negro women by white men develop patterns that extended long past slavery into recent times though some incest like yo also surrounded these relationships the combined this guilt over a black mistress with fundamentalist religions definition
all sexes same with the law many southern white men developed his children for their tender and loving liberal memories you begin to see them at ease the fears and confusion that the racist white men confronting himself with first the fear of the black man's desire and appealed for his wife second the fear that his sons and daughters we continue this blending of the race possibly even get in a mary racially are you restricted in the reasonableness of me frequently where's the guilt for the rejection of these only a lot of children some of whom he saw himself and slavery or can walk perhaps the biggest of all the confusion of trying to free himself from his childhood love for his gentle man and once these feelings are understood the sexual aspects of southern race relations rinsing castration linking accusations of
rape executions nigger rates the term nigger other stories of negro sexual prowess the state laws against intermarriage all of the sexual aspects begin to become more intelligent hunting became one of the south's traditional ways to relieve the fear and guilt generated by this three way conflict between same sex and segregation like abraham who is willing to sacrifice his son to placate his conscience manner as always found the ritualistic murder can leverage he'll be and they go into the concert not only as an ideal scapegoat for the alleviation of all types of sand but also as a symbol for the subservient center which must be kept those who represent the sinful temptation now that said psychoanalytic interpretation of mention is of course limited in terms of time social place not all southern white men had negro man he's an economist but let's not
forget cut evidence for the fact the differences in color are sexually exciting rather than repelling note for example the face of sunday at the wide appeal of skin dark beers among whites and skin like hers among neighbors turning from these personalities their actions to those of the perceptual aspects of lynching that is our sellers themselves didn't you we find that many southerners privately despise the practice were too afraid to speak or publicly others are ever been dissipated in leaking sensitive frontier our genes identified as old fashioned justice and defended it as a manly additional methods of preserving order protecting white woman some of the worst hit regions democratic politicians even presenting from the platform georgia's tom watson for example swore you would know more hesitate to mention the road rapist an issue to manage all the quote dear watson mr
lauri reddit is a good sign shows that the sense of justice lives among the people after all the voice of the people's the voice and got one hundred watts insisted is made safer everywhere and quote slate is nineteen thirty another racist demagogue south carolina senator called police shouted in a campaign speech on the grounds where are linking it just occurred two weeks before you may why is dave police it outlived its time he was defeated for reelection that tide against lynching as well ever since and the final questions we must answer gardening king concern the stimulus object
the object of the whole process the negro southern so the one crime ever justifies another is of interest to check as far as possible not probable guilt of the helpless lynch victims these federal harbor carrying what's a community became implicated in such a buddy for a fare residents had to delete or at least act as if they believe the guilt of a murdered man what intensive study of twenty one nations nineteen thirty provide some indication to lease twenty one victims were surely in us for they were never even accused of any crime the guilt of eleven others seems highly doubt or six of these men that was serious that as to whether any crimes in fact been committed for the five others who has no ties to the crimes have been committed a panoramic image remaining at the twenty one appeared and guilty was accused by their assailants know the words within the handsome a man killed and lynch mobs in nineteen thirty or probably
in as a second more important question concerns the effect of a lynching on the negro community in june to say that means used in idaho and senator specter white people is an understatement boren of the status turner swept the negro community after launch it in his ear glued together making it difficult for negroes to interact with whites and they liked and just some negroes became openly more note sean moore survived some simply withdrew some migrated north at once but all we deeply affected so devastating devastatingly effects of lynching one of those social scientists are skating believes it still remains the symbol of a widespread trash in full beard among negroes in both the north and south this phobia entails bolton expectancy of violence from whites and a feeling of helplessness in the face of such a
concept it maintains is difficult to explain why an eminent negro lawyer fully aware of the civil rights and living in a northern state with anti discrimination legislation will shamefacedly restaurant and tall white bigoted white waiters that he will not for the impression for me with the he learned from seeing a neighbor winston mississippi nice shoes for having argue with a white female he's also named langston hughes to know important player it sums it up in his arrival point who cross it took me it to some months of place they say you believe in a great while race i said mister the play the truth is i believe in anything if you just turn me loose white man said oh i can it be your standard an assassin me they hit me and it knocked me down then they kicked me on the klansmen said nager
looked me in the face and tell me you believe no great wine grapes into hopefully yes that discussion is uncovered and re appoints directly relevant to the current desegregation process inside example the violent conditions on how the fellows and fostered lynching is not completely dead i must act of importance and calculating how far some races they go in resisting the stage we've noted that the sun whenever confronted by new threat to the racial status quo as first turned to its violent tradition before attempting more rational solutions a reenactment of this impulsive tendency has been staged at a reappearance the cookbooks clients the founding of white citizens councils and the passage of literally hundreds of extreme space station bill but this didn't trigger response is easier overestimate in the modern side
effects of the frontier slavery and comedy rapidly disappear the symptoms of the violent traditional also disappear fact the very same broad trends that led to the decline of lynching in the century urbanization industrialization and mass migration of made racial desegregation virtually inevitable side but even to face with its inevitability the fear and frustration cycle continues to operate to some degree new frustrations for poor whites are being produced but are suddenly being ejected from the movie julie pace was stable or existence and the booming place one ever changing urban existence in as the screaming women and norms of tests these new frustrations are still frequently expressed against a neighbor the same sex and segregation syndrome also continues to play an important role segregation exclaim is necessary to protect southern white womanhood recalling the
days when lynching was also defended his protection silence fell upon the whites who oppose making it smacks now by the silence of many white liberals inside the same reasons why behind the silence in both cases family disagreement social ostracism economic intimidation and in some cases even physical intimidation and rationalizations commonly used to repress deal after lunching have only slightly changed just as the white community had to believe in the guild of the range they grow the day the white community has to believe that negro southerners really do not want the segregation that some hearts all a part of those education law no depression will be among negroes still a problem to in moderation much less so ammonia an egregious
example many of the site's public facilities like lunch counter which attendees segregated that received the negro patronage that one might reasonably expect some sergei says the media soon this is proof that negroes did not want these inundation in the first place but it actually it's further evidence of the old fabio carried over from lynching dates for we have it leads a negro southerner to suspect that he will be mistreated by whites even adam not unofficially the segregated facility southern white population to behave under specter the past but modified over the last generations many of the same personality factors that were involved in meeting or operating today the governor proposes public schools when it shuts down its public parks rather than power
integration our mid twentieth century reminders of the earlier hello hello thoughts but the purity cycle of the violent tradition is narrower know more as the cashless marcellus clay brandished a pistol from a podium before hypnotize dory it's not as a cold least defending king in the name of militant version his descendants about how our parties need it's been nina thanks
i'm seventy seven week is bad daniel production costs were provided in part with the assistance of grants from the anti defamation league of b'nai b'rith the commonwealth who lost an inability of the emory sell stone foundation this is an eighty eight national educational television the
Dynamics of Desegregation
Episode Number
Portrait of a Violent Man
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/62-9882j68g7x).
Episode Description
Dr. Pettigrew comments on what causes human beings to murder, how a lynching affects the Negro community, why the practice has died out, and how the psychology which created the old time "hell-of-a-fellow" is still present in race relations. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
Dynamics of Desegregation is an intensive study of race relations in the United States. With particular emphasis on the South, Harvard Professor, Thomas Pettigrew looks at the historical, political, psychological, personal and cultural aspects of segregation. Specific examples of discrimination toward the American Negro are cited, with special films and dramatic vignettes underscoring Dr. Pettigrews narrative. Special guests join the professor in several episodes to explain the integration movement in the South. This series is not without bias. It is, indeed, a strong statement in support of integration. Thomas F. Pettigrew is an assistant professor of social psychology at Harvard University. A white integration leader with national reputation, Dr. Pettigrew was born in the South. He is the co-author (with Ernest Campbell) of Christians in Racial Crisis, published in 1959 by Public Affairs Press, Washington D.C. He is currently [at the time of production] at work on a new book which will be based on this television series. Dynamics of Desegregation is a production of WGBH-TV. The 15 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Dr. Pettigrew comments on what causes human beings to murder, how a lynching affects the Negro community, why the practice has died out, and how the psychology which created the old time "hell-of-a-fellow" is still present in race relations.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Media type
Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: wnet_aacip_25298 (WNET Archive)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:29:00?
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: ARC-DBS-1098 (unknown)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: netnola_dydn_3_doc (WNET Archive)
Format: Video/quicktime
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:29:00
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:29:00
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:29:00
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Duration: 0:29:00
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833221-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Dynamics of Desegregation; 3; Portrait of a Violent Man,” 1962-00-00, Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Dynamics of Desegregation; 3; Portrait of a Violent Man.” 1962-00-00. Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Dynamics of Desegregation; 3; Portrait of a Violent Man. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from