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Oh. Hi Alan Martin in China is cooking a good dish is one that tastes good. Looks good and is good for you such as tofu with fish and problems. Slowly brings in the clay pot and pen the cornish game hand the postie with herbs and wine or chew tofu. We're being sprouts in a chili going to good tasting and fresh as Beric is. Toss in a mustard sauce eat the beef it needs on yanking coat the best of China. Cook is made possible by garlic sauce. Marinated stir frying and seasoning. Authentic sauces for home and professional chef for over a century. And I bought a saw as a Makers of nutritious foods and Oriental pastas. And by Diamond nuts they complement all kinds of food. By Meyer corporation manufactures a circular circular lawn
designed and engineered for the serious yes. Thanks. Why. The emphasis of Chinese cooking is young and young. Contrast thing but in perfect balance the Chinese diet balance is complex
carbohydrates fibers and any more protein. This is the fried foods I consume only in moderation just like sweets. So you can say that every Chinese menu is a menu from good you know. Today we're going to show you how to do a tofu soy bean curd in cook in a breeze or simmer in a clay pot and feel with shrimp and fish. It's delicious. Very very famous and it's very popular in the area. How can cuisine here and I have some prawn and some fish want to cut it out and we're going to miss them. And then we can actually growing up because you can do it in your food processor. OK you don't have to do it by hand. But as I said this is good for you and not only do you have to eat well you have to exercise and that's with some light good food and exercise a good healthy body press these a little bit. Person is a little bit first a little bit first as a little first.
Person A little bit and then after you have all this together there are going to. Look at that. Rigorous science. Can exercise. And you can use any white fish or you can just use fish or just use shrimp as a combination. When you do this don't talk to the press. OK this is nice and done. We put it right over here you know we're going to we're going to marinate this. OK. Not only dead. We're going to put some old char so lunch will put a tiny bit over here. And when this is all nice and ready we're going to marinate this song. OK we're talking about a wide range and also a tiny bit of rice. And also of course a tiny bit of cornstarch marinate
all of these. OK this way makes it very easy to make sure when you marinate this. Allow this to sit for a little while about five minutes would do it. Okay very very easy. When this is all nice and done sit it aside. OK and you were going to put it over here and we'll get rid of these because we don't need this anymore. Always make sure your cutting board is nice and clean and then we're ready to do it. Now here on I have some tofu. Now when you go into the store any supermarket or even Chinatown you can buy tofu different from them have a big piece of tofu and a big bucket fill broader and everybody can get their hands on. So it's not as sanitized is not as safe. And this don't last long and some time to pack a little package like that without water. The press I find is you go to the store and buy something pick in a package like this feel of longer see will crack
open this SOB. Open the SOB. And I want to show you frm Tofel feel water this way. As long as you don't open it up. They are nice and safe and you do not have to worry about it. It's very easy to keep it if you have any left over put it back in this container fill it with fresh water and you're ready to go and put in the fridge you can save it for a few more days. OK never keep the tofu in the fridge or store it for too long. Tied it to more than a few days nice and fresh. After this you press the Wardour a little bit. And then. Turn the dang thing into a tough character and then you cut it up into big pieces like this and use a melon baller scoop this or that scoop this and get it and get a nice big hole like this. Make this make this and then. You will remove these. Building Block. OK. When this is
all nice and ready you're going to get ready OK. To feel this. I'm going to feel this you feel this feel this feel this with a nice move. Feeling of fish and shrimp with that nice and full body. Filled it up feel it up and fill it up make sure when you do there's a home you do it with patients because you want to make a nice move feeling like that and then when this is done you put it over here and you're all ready to pin Fried is a little bit first at a tiny tiny bit of oil this is nonstick so you don't even have to use more than a teaspoon. And then you put one faith the feeling phase down to three
four five and six. Okay while you're doing this then you can cut out the rest of the vegetable. OK let's cut up all the wonderful vegetable come over here. And we're going to pan fry dad we're also making some Victor Terry improv or fish broth and we'll show you. We need some vegetable so we cut up some nice. Sure. Tonight Put them all together put it right here and color some care OK. Make sure a slice slice. Put them all together. Put them all together and also full color contrast. I also use some Suki OK. You can kind of like this all you can slice it in a half. OK. OK. Slice in a half and then you can cut a little.
OK. Put them all together. So either way when this is all nice and ready I'm going to come back over here make sure this is hot ok. And then we put some zucchini. OK not too keen carrot. Very simple healthy dishes. Carrot and then also some shoot OK and mix them all up like this. This is fine. Mix them all up and flavor with a tiny bit of. He says he said I'll have a teaspoon of sesame seed on a tiny bit of soy sauce. Give that nice rich flavor and also some white pepper OK. And then when the tofu is nice and ready look at that look at the collar. Look at the futile full color. When this is all nice and done you turn them around and you can put this right over here. Right over here and right over here to get rid of the oil.
Healthy Cooking easy. Don't use your finger use a chop stick and should dissolve after this oil is gone. Then you can put the whole thing into this. Look at that and then this way you can cook this in this clay pot simmer for approximately 8 to 10 minutes until everything is done. OK. Now since we always invite guests to our house and the studio we always double as much. Make sure this is raw. Look it is nice when it's done like that. You shut it off and you are ready to serve and I want to show you how easy it is conserved is and that's the reason why I love this. To do that while all of the vegetable. All of the vegetable. This is absolutely beautiful. OK look at that. We have one big piece too big piece.
This is all so beautiful. Make sure this looks good. Now what I have here is the home cook Brinker with shroom and fish most. Health clubs are rare in China for daily exercise Chinese. Get on the bicycle. Tell me what is your most important possession the one thing you couldn't do without. Probably your house or your car. Right. Well here in China and particularly in big cities like Shanghai or Beijing a person's most important positions is only guess what am bicycling. And you travel all over China. You hardly ever see overweight people. In fact. People tend to be quite slim because their diet is healthy. They work like crazy. And instead of driving around in a car they ride their
bicycles everywhere. In Shanghai a city of 17 million people don't need well over 20 million bicycles. That sure is a lot of spare tires. You know for a city of this size. Shanghai surprisingly little. Right violence on trucks. And the murder rate is extremely low. Believe it or not the police don't even carry guns. The streets look like utter chaos. But there are remarkably few accidents. What accounts for this paradox. The spying that appearance of confusion and crowding and uneven all there is a deeper spirit of order here. It comes from the Chinese family culture. Children are taught from an early age to respect their elders and themselves. Meal time is a secret family's to Sion and idea of the nuclear family is still alive and well.
Now and out of dish. They will help us to reach our right but we are 95. The post game hang with herbs and some specialty traditional Chinese ingredients. Here I have a cornish game and now to be healthy and fit. I want to put this in water and poach it a little bit because I want to get some extra fat and also shrink the skin a little bit and I also don't have that. Nice thing forming in your soup. So I put this over here and I let it poach turn around and chicken breast down the Cornish game hens breast down and then approach for a few seconds. Up to about a minute or so and after that I'm going to show you the other ingredient I want to put it in here. I have some what ear. This is black fungus. You soak them in warm and they. Open up and explain like this. I have some Jing sun this is what
the Chinese considered obese one of the most precious herbs and this is Red Day and this is Michel De get this witness. Wonderful and this is of course ginger and some black mushroom. Now first of all I'm going to show you quickly. I'm going to cut this up into. Big. Pieces like that. Setting aside big pieces and inside. In big pieces and. Brick day and also. The Jensen has been lightly soak and moist moist and a little bit in water so. And of course the ginger you can press a little bit too. OK. Put them all together to allow the play for the come out. Now you got to put all of these ingredients in this dragon cueing OK look at this. The chicken is ready because we all we have to do is shrink the chicken skin the cornish game hand a little bit and then we shut this off and get this out.
OK in the meantime we're going to put the broth. This is whole mix soup stock some broth and pepper and a bit of salt. OK and then of course Why Aine shall we say wine or rice wine and then put all of these wonderful ingredients right here OK. Ingredient own the wonderful ingredient Ginger Michel de. Actually a lot of people don't realize Richard is actually a fresh fruit. When you walk by Michel day a lot of those days. They are grown right here in Mitchell California. You put it right here look at them the whole thing sink in and you put on. Gene. Ryan here look at that I put even one inside here put him sticking on inside. OK. Put some red tape which is already lightly soak and mid-July day and put them all around and you want to make it even more traditional more exciting. You put a kind of a ham you can use Smithfield ham with them
get extra flavor. OK. And also when you buy a date in Chinese cuisine they use a lot of different date. That's why I encourage everybody to get the mid chill day because they are very nice some plum get some walnut to give texture or peanuts and put it right over here and this way when you are ready they are not only tasty got texture and put a tiny tiny bit more of the broth right in here. Of course if you love wonderful I'll call Roma put a tiny extra rice wine and then you cover this whole thing up. OK. After you cover this up you know you put it right over here and let it boil. One is double boil means double point is you're going to want a first and then you see this. Dragon killing. Container. Ceramic container Round Top and then you cover this whole thing up. The steam will cook the inside
and then when the steam is hot enough to cook inside these are also boiling steam. That's why you call double boil. Now a lot of people said that what kind of date is most popular is the sweet Beijing day in California. Image all day and then the red day. Of course a lot of days when you choose to make today you got to choose a nice big plum ones and also have available all year round. Now this cover up and let it steam. See. Fall to Garrus and all my friends in the studio and also at home. I always cook more so this is one already done. You've got to simmer this double barrel of this lease an hour and a half to two hours this way. Flavor and aroma really permeate into the whole thing. And I would like to give you some extra tips to those make sure there is always a very good you know why. Because they're very very high. Oh look at that. Nice and hot and I want to move the whole thing and I'll put it over here. Look at that. They are ready you see.
We put this right we're very very careful you don't make sure you turn off the heat and they use tall towers. Put it right here. Look at this. Now here. Is dug up steam Corners came down with Chinese earth. In China. Age means experience and experience. Respect we respect and help our elders to stay active physically and mentally. In China. Many elderly people do tighten early in the morning. It is a way to relax in the mind in body and staying in harmony with the environment. Many of you may not realize that they also love social dancing. And good old fashioned oldies like the. Entangled. It seems like the world is becoming one big global
village. With cultures merging and blending because of tourism and the media. That's why I like to use the yanking cook show to promote not only good food but also an understanding of the cultural traditions of Asia throughout the world. As I travel through China. I only hope that I can keep up with. Just wonderful. Even this old gentleman he's into I see he's probably over 80 years old but he's still out on the streets selling kitchen tools in China a lot of people are very much part of things. This gentleman isn't sitting in a home for the elderly. He does I hear being productive mixing it up and having some fun at the same time. Isn't that what life is all about. I learned something from that old gentleman with age comes dignity. We count as one station in life. Now speaking of generations
tofu came from serving so you can call that my needs. This isn't inter generational dish. All I need is some wonderful soft tofu. Here. When you go to the store and buy tofu you make sure you're an extra firm for this particular one. We use tofu that Peck in water and I take this out very carefully very very carefully and I will cut this up so this way we're going to cut this up very very carefully like that. And it cut into little coops because I'm going to use this. And then cut it up. OK. And set it aside and put it right over here. Look at that. Very very simple. And set it aside and then I have some bean sprouts. Everybody loved being spotted you have to grow you have been spell. This is Powerball in Waterfall about one and a half minutes and I punch it in ice cold water and
take it out. Nice encroaching. When this is all nice and ready we put the bean sprouts right here oh ok put the pre-install right here and we'll set this aside like that. And we put the tofu. OK very very carefully string cord like that OK. Sprinkle the tofu like that. Solve tofor sprinkled around sprinkle around and use the whole thing. OK at home. And then we're going to make our dressing very simple very easy to do. All we have to do is to get some soy sauce about one to two tables one to soy sauce and get some system you see oil about two and he's going to say some seed oil and some rice vinegar rice vinegar. OK three tablespoons. And of course going to kind of go sugar not much just a tiny bit of sugar. And of course very important make sure I could get some you like hot and spicy food. Chili sauce with garlic.
You mix them all up a teaspoon or so and of course some. Just extra soy sauce. Get that and this is nice and ready. All you have to do is put this right in here in the middle. Look at how beautiful. Put the dressing here as a simple dish but very healthy. When this all is done we want to make it interesting. No problem. Some chow wanted to give the collar and texture and flavor contrast and sprinkle some toast white SISMI seeds and toast or lack system. Well ah you have chew tofu. With bean sprouts in a wonderful dressing. Now here I have another wonderful healthy dish for you. Everybody love as beret guests they are particularly wonderful when they are between March to May. All you have to do is pick up the best bright green
fresh tween that has a close and compact. Tips like this so you can boil them. You can microwave them. You can stir fry them. We just Powerball this and then punch in ice cold water again. I'm going to make a dressing. OK the dressing I have some sweet chili sauce. I have some problem sauce about tooled people's bonus so each have some muster. OK you can mix the muster with the service source first and then makes them all up like that. If you have this is very easy to make and about one table was born to soy sauce and some rice winner. Wow look at that and also to the oil about half a teaspoon and also a tiny tiny bit of sesame seed oil is a very unique dressing. Heinie. Flavor and also plum flavor monster. Now make sure you mix this up a lot of people don't realize as Baracus as I
said you can stir fry you can steam you can microwave you can do all kinds of things when this is all nice and done you want to put this right here. OK. Right here and after I put this right here in order to make it taste even better. This is wonderful so I am going to toss this a little bit. OK a lot of people don't realize when you keep asparagus you should keep that asparagus with a little whip people power in the fridge. This way we keep it nice and crispy and also a lot of people don't realize asparagus as very very high in fiber. A lot of thiamine vitamin C B6 and potassium and to serve it wonderful. And we are going to put this right over here some roasted Warner. OK look at that. This is it. Hence the. Flavor and enhance the texture and make it as wonderful as America's in a plum flavor.
Mustard sauce by now everybody knows the secret to long life. Good nutrition regular exercise and healthy outlook on life. How does death balance the best of health to all of you. Remember in yankin you can judge again. All the dishes by Martin in this series you can make it home with a companion cookbook. Order your copy now by calling the toll free number on your screen. Enjoy more than one hundred twenty five step by step recipe and more than 60 beautiful color photographs. Plus Martin's own cooking techniques and tips called one hundred seven thirty six hundred for your copy of Martin China. Possible buy garlic sauce authentic sauces for home and professional chefs for over a century.
Of food an Oriental pasta. Nuts amid all kinds of food. Meyer corporation is a circular lawn designed for the Syrians. Yes.
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Yan Can Cook
Episode Number
Best of China -- Chinese Health Food
Contributing Organization
KQED (San Francisco, California)
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Series Description
Yan Can Cook is an instructional cooking show hosted by chef Martin Yan and focusing on the preparation of Chinese cuisine.
Series VI ?Yan Can Cook: The Best of China?Bean curd; steamed Cornish hen; tofu with bean sprouts; asparagus.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Food and Cooking
Media type
Moving Image
Content creator: KQED
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 2346;22605 (KQED AAP)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:27:14
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Chicago: “Yan Can Cook; 615; Best of China -- Chinese Health Food,” 1995-08-26, KQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
MLA: “Yan Can Cook; 615; Best of China -- Chinese Health Food.” 1995-08-26. KQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
APA: Yan Can Cook; 615; Best of China -- Chinese Health Food. Boston, MA: KQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from