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a word on words a program building into the world of books and their authors this week's kinky friedman talks about the love song of j edgar hoover your host for a word on words mr john sigg and daughter chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university john single once again welcome toward own words this time when i have fun with kinky friedman welcome to word on words here and in this latest book love song of j edgar hoover says it's another messy another kinky friedman mystery here's a number nine number nine and we started with john wayne and then one after another after another well i you know i carry it out you got me caught up with kinky friedman the investigator and i kept wondering about completely friedman the author and i wondered how much of a kinky friedman the authors and kinky friedman investigate a private eye
well it's not like ian fleming graham james bond character it's very you know my character and all the other characters in books or most of them are a real people might use their real name i started at demos got a crutch of the first book printed killing time which twenty nine new york publishers rejected there wasn't a whole lot of reasons to protect all of the real money and it makes it easier for me i was having fun with it right now and i think a raymond chandler said scarcely anything in literature as worth of them except was reading between the lines of wire anywhere on where a willie nelson and talking about you said that the view the greatest mystery writers and better what's different now and i uh huh only read that so what's it like what's happening this
year it is an art form i think humor is an art form and you combine two very very well the terrific one liners in on almost every page you start here with the weekend he his girlfriend is out of town news dupont she's on the road and the end he gets a call from violent crimes and polly of the missing have been there and from there they're un force is great these great mystery and we'd bump in again today to some people we've known before we get to drink jameson for my unborn we have to draw bodies you say that people are really really two rats of one in washington or new york or definitely have had on
the lives of opening new characters new yorker right so it's cigar know for a long long time and his jewish guy in new york and the water rights or the lebanese drew's who was a very sweet guy they really assume and he is a rock n roll band and i called switchblade and torment of years ago but he's also a member of the men's titanic society and they were not thank you jesus and i read the story was over the question posed in front page story about a year ago on them and what it what is the one attached an accent and that report was a lot of these guys or one twelve members of address and tuxedos they salute them down that they're gave up their lives for the women and jobs and the convention and cut taxes and with a
good wrestler five americans wanted to rattle manhattan and out the characters we're like the gangster leading jesus is actually was al capone show up and he actually was friends with my friend mike mcgovern and was his role and james bullard or not letters are junior is a visit is a fictional characters that well i think the whole of the whole concept of the book is set to a business leader reid well accounts of the most ruthlessly the reader in so doing inadvertently couple other things are done here the love song of j edgar hoover and while j edgar hoover himself as j edgar hoover still around control at it to try to keep the cancer and smoking cigars and do things like that and i think that's a very important priority for them undone they have a
surveillance into our souls into our lives in actually the book is not only the poverty or sell you all my love son joe would prefer as eliot of course was born grew up in st louis and one of the speed and the likelihood of it or lemons and they retain ownership and vote for him but to save him i wrote a song a love song a given river half finished and twenty five years ago and it goes the love song of j edgar hoover echoes across the heartland shore to shore goblet you j edgar hoover you're the only one who listens anymore uh huh well you get a lot of work but but but you bring good out who grew up on a limb for the story is that no old i think they're it was really a
victim of a plot and he was he was so i understand it your email abortion riders are filling that time it did you arrived over the carrots to him on our rotation unlike the much fun and that was all but i am a man of my work in the justice department and i in those days he was an absolute hero he was a he was a public figure was martin analysts i've been in the song's story stage screen and investors by pretty reasonable approach rather shipper i thought he was low i thought he was alone in the console a conversation via the feeling that the agents would never try to protect him from her from our republic you are a couple terms when he got with the media when he got off the reservation i'm in no comment about the good thing really so it
came as a result of a conversation with a group of women journalists mitt mitt romney said king with low profile as he mentioned and humorous way i know my doubts whether martin luther king who have either gotten say means very little to most american blacks today they're there are exceptions but in the same way is gandy you probably go beyond both sides of this other effect of the self image wasn't dominant day like going in the beer world again is that the promotional effect in an india pakistan are just like they were before he was born and mandela and southerner when he goes to jesus and what's going on that i know when jfk is it has an airport and our football stadium where the game industry run through time times change how
easy with a gift at me and i may just that when you sit down to work to do this you've done it now a chance to completely broke up a reform that sort of innocents killed it ended up rather than a billion dollars a day beyond outlined have applauded him in your head and they do you know where her case or the investigators going to know that you sent polly out new jim mcgovern rowen than a show that that ram ram ram ram was a very intelligent man a juicer rubble from mom if what is at the end and you know you have the chicago you know little washington you know didn't think it was going to go from an orange going you know i thought i got my start with with a street address written on the back of a bubble and there's a method that your age
someone on hughes whose work of byron that i go from there i try to break every rule i conceivably can have a total disregard for the reader and for hollywood and i don't worry about world world smart people in new york understand what i'm talking about this country music stories or will people in nashville understand this is jewish joke you know the scene again as an example of the men carefully checks out his material so we don't have an illusion that throws the reader friends of the reckless or possibly one that all the ten year olds like right now the trend has more than that i am the opposite i would like to throw records of all the dangers on the mainland america the arrival of david and i can look that up and i go home so i provide education if you've got an encyclopedia oh no and the ideal of
success would argue otherwise impossible i mean the publisher they sell about books are about to drop a financial planner boaters often point out money they buy you find on but only love but i think i read somewhere you know where where then only three writing at that i do love it very little and use that type of the last typewriter in texas on destroying was to roll the way would like a lot but i do have a lot of fun with this because if i really get the feeling other people do appear to be getting them more out of my workroom that i'm actually putting into it which is very nice sustainable for the news that willie a great laughs and again a great read and i you know i don't know you never know when the movie's of the long walk
we have books i've talked to nine greg duncan i thought of the fletcher books night on very very serious and can write funny anymore for the measures yes i think buddy buddy made a lot of money on flights book so i can afford right through what's now he wants to quell the major where the question has always been who will play the character you know and these movies happier i'd see meryl streep weed weed weed weed benefits road number years ago and i've got bob dylan and willie nelson and dennis hopper all committed to be another one of my books the case of lone star right so that actively engaged now in alexandria and i would have been about i was minister i did not want to see river phoenix's and two weeks later of an extension or a boat ride and radical project off the burner because i believe death was stalking the cancer and last letters of song willie and
i didn't do i call cowboys or frequently see really fond of each other william weld it had you know you get on his politically incorrect as your new book and the idea light up regularly in that book i'd be the last person in the world to suggest that out there on the other side camera lie loo surely will be misled by that people smoke cigars almost never die you don't leave buy our record was ernie kovacs was killed in a car wreck in the last few seconds of his life they found his body with a cigar one hand naturally on the suspect that he lived a few seconds early last october to travelers are invited off an advantage of our identity when i thought about lighting up a deal for you a light note that i haven't got a
madeleine carroll or water up on the war no idea about bunny mr hadley me down and a year ago so the blame than that does the cuban cigar moments monkeys in south africa and i said jp sears welcome a cuban cigar you supposed to be a patriotic american wine supporting their economy and i told him about supporting their economy and burning their fields yeah i mean where does humor come from i think it comes from years of the performing on the road and a lot of my writing come from country music and from playing for live audiences but i mean there's a lot of things in country music it's a small step from the limo to the gallery and this business is shocking to me how well the world in
forty languages night and then so it's like a second coming to the chemistry on it was a mug that was in the early seventies that that's a void and i thanked the lord we didn't have a big hit because the plane euro disney with a picture of something like that but you did have a i did have a long long road in a tweet about the like the title track which career which is about for you but with songs like they make into their visas anymore some really really fine you think i don't know how they expect to juvenile someone will go back to dig a new word and his love song from and where did paul ii price come from our price is a real woman i met two years ago and then disappeared from my life and show up again last week of books printed in austin texas and she had
not read a book and we hope that you'll be pleased to that she has a you mean when you use the name of love of a friend are of our acquaintance or a form of thunder point you don't bother you a clearance the head is a lead line that appears in some innate these are fiction author ray dotter the names and have now been shared his verbal anderson to protect and i'm just describe people as they are and most of them are pleased to have passed into fiction and i must say the i mean i may become a bestseller every sailor's book but i am concerned about losing my grasp on my cherished cult status because i like people like robin hood and jesus and father damian break you read an emily dickinson our cousin franz schubert who also didn't finish as samurai and i were twelve cents in his pocket and syphilis probably also in his pocket and i would never
gotten over that those guys have no use for the eu a writer like the eccentric through a silent witness jay chiat trouble selling the first book republican iowa and i've heard this story about how many rejections you got on another complete book but i'll look was written when i was a i rescued a woman from a bank an automated baggage york city she was being stabbed by this morning this was nineteen eighty three and i was only got to get on the ballot have citibank are the jewish heroes try to tell us and all the rest a newspaper headline covers center plucks victim for murder and that was my road to damascus experience i wrote credit score damaged a few months yeah with a helmet i'm going to publish and also winning and we had a very hard time in college but now the books like the bestseller in germany for god's sakes and the
germans are the second favorite people laugh well german or polish barbara some little and one for the author i'm yawning telling god is on my side here i had a deadline to stop when any lauren started lining year i had a home and as if those were talking all you'll have novel called vendor laughing man would my uncle named up he was iran on the measure and that it now a phrase in the book that i thought was a terrific double layered published they promoted it it was a very serious are now here's a great writer is that he is a terrific right i love all the songs evolved as well ah <unk> is it has a remarkable years ago and an end and i don't i don't even get the lighting man with michael woods maybe ten years older
but it is a terrific book and a reviewer ahead describe his young hero is a rural and go through and catcher horizon but it into five years and will approach ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha but i talked to an editor daily mail and booked man i'd say i'm really shocked by year effort to make this in some country music look when it was a very serious novel and he said i really cute but he said we had published one buying called a storyteller so early autobiography and he said that had been country music fans of the publicists in our company just couldn't track other pride nor can leave the public of the process of reinventing yourself in some of that you can't do consciously anyone ominous though it's whatever's happened with me and it was it was i was as a step away from the shalom
retirement village or when this started i was that well as bans called shalom retirement village people try and on and it's hard to believe that an incident twenty one every year since nineteen seventy three i was introduced to the grand ole opry by hank snow's you know the rabbit in every generation iraq's first full blooded judo ever appear on the grand ole opry no but the tours of privilege that you can live with that and i was one of a high watermark of country music alive i think i think it's wrong for today in today's market he got sent over country boy or hispanic or whatever they're trying to get the film has slaughtered as a country singer is twenty three years old he falls off the turnip truck at precisely the right moment as it always important contribution to die
at the right time or being there but that night shows up the ticket has never had never done anything like ernest tubb did when you know it was a living legend and the virus was fifteen years old novel i mean this guy had been everywhere in these sotheby's on record companies that have collapsed buildings and a medically attention span of the klan is substantially short and even that is that a little bit but on the whole the industry is intensely showing that ensuring they are the lifespan of performance and i'm not sure that we'll have country music in a kind of around forty in twenty thirteen as a cough and then turn around fifty years for years where does not agree with bill monroe who's doing his first quote of my life for the song sold american heroes who cared for the next book its already written what is not an answer it's been a joy he writes about willie
nelson and also trying to kill willie nelson's book is at seven former wives and the irs to like find out who this is before will wind up in a bar singing jimmy buffett covers all travel with william a bust extensively do to research this time and i think he's probably america's last living folk heroes are certainly one of the few mothers aside willy i mean everybody knows his stories of the bible stories i've tried to present another side it's also true and it had an enormous toll road kill in a roadkill only part that was more boring for me was that when his passion for golf which i find stultifying we go and that's a lonely to be involved or it was washed up all of our great photo images in la was tom is a woman that came off the golf courses country club and she went in the pro shop complaining that version of stunned by be in pro civil forces were staying in and
he said when the first or second hold an adult doses one k right now your stance is to walk a lot of his materials a local as it is funny or slogans in the heart of the city this was a joy to write to write roadkill and work and work with him in some outsider the next album and it's a pleasure of the truman capote i say that having written a book is a wonderful vision of applause chunk of it has to do the show the next night with angela hartnett country music is do you people might might say that it's such an easy read it must be here right my guess is that that there are times when the news is not that our children stopped our area through the well what i do is of course i am and i'm a wholly self
absorbed person but i have an awareness of that self absorption which is pretty much our which is more than you know barbra streisand jerry lewis or mother teresa or that people might have and not be aware of the house of literature so i do is turn inward and i'd forget the rest of the world to write what would really amuses me and no one's going to get it and the more i see everybody else and the route ridiculous progressive elements in these books is precisely the parts that many of the readers were like two recent trauma the intricate plot twists or anything like that and so i think we're all part of one big solar think of you by dumb luck you have the ability to convey emotion or ideas onto a page it's in a vinegar and it right i carry my inventory between my original not going to learn it wasn't
a cuban cigars and some wine coffers of typewriter write these little boogers and you'll notice of hits like the attic of my wife there's a lot of repetition and phrases though i called literary echoes the one that they do act in yemen and one more thing is that foreign countries tend to regard these books have you that americans are maybe because their commentary american consulate over the channel or australian i was the germans the dutch the english south africans and the effects on everyday god was john wayne the last book was number two on the fiction list one of the country and tom robinson's number one knew how badly the country that's not well nobody's compare you agree on what would be in israel but that may be coming into that world unidentified man america is an element that probably would've occult understand that when he died he died the gutter
like stephen foster and i just thoroughly a thorough enjoyment appointed the intellectual adventure in a larger amount of course you can see which are syrian army are very stupid person would say one thing in a smarter person might see more on and a real smart person might say more than there's even in the americas in the ruling to the book on a marketable completed another book an orchard know a mom nikki friedman the author of the love song of j edgar hoover has been your guest on a word on words your host has been john c compiler chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university this program was produced in the studios of the bbc and nashville nina
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Kinky Friedman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Love Song Of J. Edgar Hoover
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0700 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:07
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-cj87h1fm9z.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:07
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2436; Kinky Friedman,” 1996-11-12, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 10, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2436; Kinky Friedman.” 1996-11-12. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 10, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2436; Kinky Friedman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from