Women's Day 1979; Working Class Women

- Transcript
[Musical Intro] [Musical Intro] [Musical Intro] *Don't fall down into disgrace* [Musical Intro] *they can paint a personality that can hide* [Musical Intro]
ok it's twelve minutes after twelve were running a little bit late here on Women's Day. Emmy just came in and we have got $110 in subscription so far so if you're listening if you're enjoying the programming give us a call the number is it seven four five six seven six Next, I wanted to talk about some of the conflicts that exist between middle class women and working class women. A woman just called me and told me that some of the problems that she had been having as a middle class woman living with a working class woman and how there's a lot to work- to learn on both parts. It seems like as time goes on there's more and more working class awareness are from women who are involved in the movement there's also a lot of
bitterness but it seems to me that this bitterness needs to be expressed and it needs to be spoken and the best way to do that sometimes is if you can't find another working class women to share your experiences with just speak out speak out too middle class women who you feel are abusing you were who were being very classist and i really feel that it's necessary to speak your bitterness in order to move beyond it i am and i don't know how long it takes to move beyond it because i don't think i have yet i think it's something that takes a long time to get over with on an emotional level at the same time I realized that middle class women are not the enemy indeed they may be privileged by their class but i think as women we need to we need to stick together you know. Too often our anger is personalized and
directed at individual middle class women and you know this is a real sticky kind of situation where they may be putting you down or imposing their values on you. and at the same time there's a feeling too that we all are women and that we need to stick together as women and I think that the women's movement if it's going to be successful is is going to have to attract a broad group have a broad base support from all women including black women and women of the working classes. Um, now I'd like to play a tape for you. It's a brief skit, and it's a skit between a conversation a dinner conversation, if you will, between three women. Middle is the middle class woman. Working is the working class woman. And goodie is a working class woman who is passing or who is trying to adopt Middle's middle class value
and this play has been excerpted from an article by Dolores Borkowski and Coletta Reed. Ah, some of it has been changed. But, ah, those are the two people who inspired this [cues up play] Pass the chicken, will you please. [silence] Thank you. Middle sets the polite tone of the dinner. You're welcome. Goodie is going to play the game. I saw Peggy today working. She said you were in the bar last night. Yeah, me and Peggy had a couple of beers together and talked about the old days. We had a real nice time. I thought you were low on money. That's why I gave you you that ten dollars. I am. Well, if i'm going to give you money I don't think you should be spending it on beer. Middle is saying that she can make decisions better than working. Well, I didn't spend that much in the bar. I only bought two beers. Anyway, what are out complaining about? You went out to dinner twice last week. Working
realizes that next time it will be harder to borrow money from middle. Now, Goodie takes advantage of Working's defensive position and instructs her in the right values. Why don't you spend your money on useful things or save it so you can buy that camera you want? Meaning if she'd only use her head like me and be more responsible with her money she get what she wants. When I was in high school my family didn't have enough money to buy me a car. I saved for two years to get one. Goodie has worked her way up to be like Middle. She's improved herself. Working should, too. In turn, Working becomes hostile to Goodie. [laughs] What did you use for gas money? Your savings account book? That's not funny. Middle works hard for her money. She's been riding a bus to work for months. Meaning, middle works hard for her money and you don't. She sacrifices for you. She's wonderful and so good to ride the bus because it's beneath her level to do it. Don't you see I'm just trying to help you Working? I only want the best for you.
Middle is saying she knows what's best for Working better than Working herself. What's best for Middle is best for Working. Middle must be right, Working wrong. I guess you're right. I won't do it again. Working feels that both Middle and Goodie are against her. She might as well keep quiet and go along with them. Now, things left unsaid by Working. I'm so hungry. I wish I could just grab a chicken leg. I guess I'd better wait until everybody's served. What should I talk about now? what i should talk about now now looks like she had something in her mind So, that's it. Money again. Christ, what's wrong with beer anyway? I'm not an alcoholic. I wish she wouldn't bring this up in front of Goodie. Middle doesn't like beer. Maybe I should drink Manhattans? I really don't spend that much in the bar. I only went out once last week. She went out to dinner twice. Probably spent a lot more money than I did. She's right, though, I do want a
camera. I guess i just don't know how to manage money very well. But I wish she'd stop rubbing it in. Ha, what did you use for gas money, your savings account book? She doesn't think that's funny. Why am I always putting my foot in my mouth? Somehow, I never do anything right. She'd probably already have that camera. Maybe I really don't want it. If I save like they say I should maybe I'd get it. She really is only trying to help me. But I really feel down. [music] [music]
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music]
[music] [music] [music] [music] Alright, three
cheers for Barbara Dain for really saying it like it is. Ah, I'd like to thank the woman that just called, a working class women who just called and said she liked the show and was also glad to hear that there are other working class women out who feel the same way. Um, I'm not quite sure how to tie this all up. There was a little bit more that I was gonna talk about but as you know we are running late. I guess I'd like to just end by saying that expressing class related anger is very important. Ah, I don't think it's it's been the only part of creating a term revolutionary class change in the United States but I think on a short term basis it can bring about a growing respect and compassion for the working class experience and our
struggles. I'm gonna finish this up by playing some music by Melvina Reynolds but before I do that I'd like to thank Kay, Ellen, and Sunny for subscribing and I'd also like to say that coming up next we're going to have a tape by Mary ah, Mary Daily when she spoke here at Stevens College. It isn't her complete speech ah, some of it has been edited out. And coming up at one o'clock or probably closer to one thirty we'll begin the live music. We are having an open house right now from now until four o'clock in the afternoon and they tell me it's raining a little bit outside so this might be a good time to get outside and come up to our open house. Don't sit home all day. Come up and join us there's a lot of women up here. Ah, there's refreshments, there's cake, cookie, tea, soda pop, water,
anything you like. So, stay tuned [music] [music]
[music] [music] Okay, that was Melvina Reynolds with
this world. Ah, you've been listening to a show on working class women and this is the third annual women's day up here. KOPN and eighty nine point five
- Program
- Women's Day 1979
- Episode
- Working Class Women
- Contributing Organization
- KOPN-FM (Columbia, Missouri)
- cpb-aacip/518-8p5v69968t
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/518-8p5v69968t).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Part two of a discussion of working class women in the feminist movement. This segment includes an improvised sketch.
- Rights
- Copyright New Wave Corporation/KOPN Community Radio. Licensed under a Creative Commons Non-Commerical 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:16:23
- Credits
Performer: Barbara Dane
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
KOPN-FM - KOPN Community Radio
Identifier: rrw0005 (KOPN)
KOPN-FM - KOPN Community Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-518-8p5v69968t.mp3 (mediainfo)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:16:23
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Women's Day 1979; Working Class Women,” KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-518-8p5v69968t.
- MLA: “Women's Day 1979; Working Class Women.” KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-518-8p5v69968t>.
- APA: Women's Day 1979; Working Class Women. Boston, MA: KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-518-8p5v69968t