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in this series we'll really get to meet will distinguished american composer right as justin belongs to a much larger community of artists in america in the twentieth century and many of the problems and the triumphs of music in our time our shared with the other arts and painting with the theater with lying here to talk with us today we have three guests the heart of a poet and a man of the theater of poor mr lyons colorado who is stage director and professor of drama at carnegie institute of technology in pittsburgh mr virgil can teeny an artist and professor of fine arts at the university of pittsburgh and this decennial hazel a poet an
associate professor of english at duquesne university in pittsburg gentleman my first question i suppose is the one that most lame and asked of the contemporary artist and that is why does he world of the twentieth century artist seem to be such a private one why what seemed to be deliberative security and why the emphasis upon seemingly bizarre element in an ugly elements in part but the thing about that is well an unfair not guilty of music because as a whole so in musical meaning that he said that there's a meaningful and
music itself that's the nucleus of the language and they good about this fall the common nuisance he hopes to add something to it the ft there's something with his quiet on usually he adds a new interpretation of things we can learn the word so that this is a nice little park there to grasp what i've noticed that as you get
the public you mean so that this particular competition becomes the end of the long island be adjusted my colleagues to follow up this point from the point of view of that particular i now for example campaigning i think that i think you have something like i think i think that's quite true of these works with a problem for a long time and there are all of the word and there was the script written for most of the ideas in it so that that augurs a marjorie and
lyrics then was a cotton ministration of the worm since the beginning of the century a large degree i think that art has started the fruits smell so that they are thoughts that that happens only within the content of forms and colors and shape and actually i think that the general public who is not aware of this or was not into let's say with a particular think is happening among the artist feels himself left out of them alive and they're still looking for meaning as a wording often be either an exhibit at middleton for the pilots that this is my gimmick he used to understanding and often the title is nothing to look in the pile of the book in the middle of the book is about the thinking that they can tell the whole content of this painting by their near cairo because of the work it was a vote of all things he says it's up to the vote on her long history one gets to feel
that the method to take me gets to be the subject matter most to serve man campus with some losers all right thank you robert pena foreign object using this became so the object for a subject i think we have reversed the issue today i think that the army is as fine and he is making the subject itself the object for the subject another listener news creates a profit the discussion in the policy and
the opening an insurance claim remove the color and texture know the atlas no hope and they said no no that's not the one aspect that they didn't know quite where the president is always a the danger that i think people feel that they must understand everything that is exposed
to the public and i think it takes time it donating that has been down than anyone could was always strange to a large degree because i always wanted to be a fellow artist or something words to be and so they understood this to some degree and then so the strenuous a couple of argentinean course i think inventions gathers momentum producers there's a new art world they think fine everybody back and goings on it becomes a common password to this movement is no longer something strange it's every housewife can do that you know in the bush gore a vision for the moon
i think the classical a technical force to literature the writer i think you recently so it can tend to make the color and texture and for ends in themselves in the same way that some composers contender makes sound and rhythm and themselves that i don't think the court for example can do that without it without great risk and my reason for saying that is basically a linguistic one and that is the words themselves you know that may sound a certain way even though many suggest certain things and have a certain texture in themselves they also meaning and you can not look upon words in the same way that you look upon the color yellow we cannot look upon worth an assignment if you look upon ithaca musical note think of
the word in addition to its sounds and its texture has a particular meaning that is known to you and to other people and you just can't make that an end in itself and assume that it has only those two dimensions well actually it has three and many former the five letter thing that's also in an article in a circle or maybe a circle of somebody it's just a circle to somebody also represents an apple can represent the individual and his own experience is an awful so that i think that's the problem is is that the artist and he even a selective that he forces the issue the waking was to direct the force for two years but you can't force somebody loses when i mean this is a path i mean exactly that virgil uses circle may suggest the apple of my suggestions but again and literature and
language alert has a specific meaning in addition to what that suggests if i say live there's a specific meaning of life in addition to the five years of the lemon zest lemon those iowa thing to block because of my profession i mean the three think of a black thing because this is the only thing close to someone else black man by night you threw one composer anonymous and a pot or i feel and in those three expressions the the tension of the expression of the individual as much law possible in the the apricots and really have an immediate problem communicating have a moment on the creative effort once that have been
the subject matter has been presented to us in other words we have a problem of an audience they are while on a stage is the specific actor and film that created say the subject matter of the play right one can lead to is i feel less the individual effort has much more possible afghan exist in the music are an eighteen are in point three of that in the theater arts we're faced with a tune etc of communication to an audience which in turn affects how we create which leads to the other point out to what extent can we and feared no abstract one that has a medium that feels strongly unrecognizable
and florida's two that the route to the bat flips the noon time than what the main hall we found this is a position of any artist whether he's getting in is intertwined with your home i think he disregards the things that he's working with i mean even words and eventually prototypes in words in order to bring down with author my car uses words and women wear usa so that actually that doesn't the idea that this has a specific meaning that really doesn't it's only live a few words the main thing is the current
road so no no no maine's is somebody going through the current of the opera and the mission that person will get through this crowd just goes first to the earth but dr almond business and waiting was in an oriental an income to have that you don't have to know how student served well i was thinking of that second guessing got a few a little flatter these women wanted
to plant manager talk show is to things require certain mean and then with words that isn't just a physician of the artist or the part of narrative drama and i think that these symbols these signs please which have a specific meaning they only fit within the context of a kind and a fighter that he's continuously revitalizing going forward creating some of which will have me at that particular moment and this is a white stranger dark become strained because these situations are no that takes a long time before they become just read a and in my creative mind
benefit from as a listener comes in that it sounds exactly like the telephone well knowing that we're joking that would come on somebody's home that those fees david grant did the meaning of the composers that are now telephone ringing
there's a moment that given the phone and a new coalition we will do in the case of training on a very important function of rain has written a big happens we are today you know you don't need an in between individuals that were in the navy in between were arriving and citizens are all
well a lot of people think of poetry as something noticeable around the preparing and the oldest sons on the word poetry of the moral arc recently resuscitated coffeeshop basement and so on it is still basically part with them because i think they'll take a performer to realize that maybe the author himself may be someone who just decides to read the poems written by another man before an audience was at the newly unearthed know that i would be making them poet rumi that no one below the world are
either this route was in this pool with well that's a very interesting question there are some poets read their own work rather well and their other poets who would have done better not to have open their mouths because they do a greater injustice for their cause then someone else you would read them with a much more sympathetic that's true but i'm simply saying that in some time in some cases their sense of drama that sense of articulation on the tone of their voices sometime militate against the realization of the real beauty of the form that often have your parents used me ask you your compositions how they feel about what you have heard and you
know as you've composed of what ultimately it's on many had on her work you've composed all before you're actually were performed by an orchestra though how could they don't let go oh oh oh the one on the capital of that anyway as the work and i know it's
a yeah the capable of the job of them and this is what makes him great the fact that so i need things for different people and the advent of the composer's those downloads lot this is with exactly three of the four second and first fun come to mind the men that the interpretations of the symphony depending upon performance as the conductor and so i could undermine a message across time poetry and drama the other for a moment how many different competitions have been given such a character like hamlet
by the director so i went to sample a halt in the value of the work that offered and on the internet last week it made it on to the loans that the answers to a lot of these different than the first line of this in palm springs that point was that you think that sometimes and they see things that you probably have put in and
subconsciously you are not aware because often find myself i think no recruitment moments i think it is a stage of subconscious of those needs were and in the times i feel that when your son to come out of this trance you know you want the whole milk this new revelation is going and sometimes you try for something that you think that you know you had recently you wanna bring our own is a terrible image and until you're so the subconscious takes over it really will be terrible not be destroyed in office is why the artist two years in i can for the homeowners where he hasn't gotten started moving on to its legions of a lot these pressures is external pressures that seemed to play on one small and i finished with the band for a long time i
wanted was for the book while and then i discovered that this is a natural thing to find something worth further so do a lot of the homework is a series of compromises when you go through that that they would only serve but that track record is alive and on the other hand isn't that what makes you continue searching within yourself do i still each and then a set duchamp said that annoy
each one of us has only won repeated and when he was at school because he hasn't paid his is the twenties until i get my nineteen twenties as he was like a message that the world will stop the auction and has aspects that are well i suppose that's what made it it's a question the tomb where you think you can express what you want to say in a way it comes most naturally and the way in which it was or some knowledge to implement natural science talent that you feel for one or the other of the arts cello and sometimes the young composer
of that it says roman mars possibilities and wanted to tell you know i'm on there a catalyst mr ealy cannes is totally responsibility and i think thirty thousand and i think that the responsibility to himself is what's going to care one of a contribution you can kind of show indiana has long known that get together to rework your clothes
off has made recently by the late fashion icon and doctor zhivago and it said something like the theme of the last refuge of mediocrity has a pretty favorable economic so wait the loan and then they get it you have just
this thing that distinguished american composer and his guests simon okay so associate professor of english duquesne university venting a university his beak has been this is at a national educational television
Episode Number
Walter Piston. Part 4: Problems and Challenges of the Arts
Producing Organization
WQED (Television station : Pittsburgh, Pa.)
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Episode Description
Episodes 123 - 126 of Heritage feature the working philosophy of one of America's foremost contemporary composers and teachers, Walter Piston. In this episode, the problems and challenges of the arts are examined in a discussion among men representing four art forms: music, painting, poetry, and the theater. Composer Piston chats with Virgil Cantini, president of the Association of Artists of Pittsburgh; Laurence Karra, a member of the theater faculty at Carnegie Tech and a director of off-Broadway plays; and Dr. Sam Hazo, author and instructor in the English Department at Duquesne University. The four discuss art as an individual endeavor and the responsibility of the artist, the different ways to appreciate art, the different methods of communicating in the various art forms, and the degree to which a work of art comes out just as the artist intended. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
Through "Heritage," a selected group of prominent persons individually address themselves to broad areas of subject matter in fields where they are particularly qualified to speak. Rather than being a simple series of conventional pattern, this is a "series of series," where each guest appears on several episode in several formats (i.e. straight talk, interview, talk with small group, conversation). This series totaling 131 half-hour episodes was originally recorded on various formats including film and videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
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Moving Image
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Guest: Hazo, Sam
Guest: Cantini, Virgil
Guest: Karra, Laurence
Host: Piston, Walter
Producing Organization: WQED (Television station : Pittsburgh, Pa.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-ks6j09x512.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:58
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Heritage; 126; Walter Piston. Part 4: Problems and Challenges of the Arts,” 1961-00-00, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 28, 2024,
MLA: “Heritage; 126; Walter Piston. Part 4: Problems and Challenges of the Arts.” 1961-00-00. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Heritage; 126; Walter Piston. Part 4: Problems and Challenges of the Arts. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from