thumbnail of NET Playhouse; Cathy Come Home
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NET Playhouse
Episode Number
Episode Number
Cathy Come Home
Producing Organization
British Broadcasting Corporation
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Episode Description
90 minute piece, produced by BBC and initially distributed by NET in 1969. It was originally shot in black and white.
Episode Description
This BBC production, written by Jeremy Sandford, made a strong impact in Britain when it was first aired there in 1966. The program dramatizes the effects of drastically inadequate housing conditions in overcrowded British urban centers. Cathy and Reg Ward are a young married couple who seemingly have everything going for them. With both of them earning good salaries, they find a nice place to live and start a family. Then Reg meets with an accident and by that time Cathy cannot work because of her three children. Soon they have to leave their apartment and move in with Reg?s mother. But this doesn?t work out, and they wind up moving from slum to slum until finally all that remains for them is the Home for the Homeless. Life in the institution totally destroys their marriage. Reg leaves his wife and, because she cannot house them, the children are taken from her. She is left entirely alone. ?Cathy Come Home? won the 1968 Prix Italia. Jeremy Sandford wrote this play to shock and disturb. He had long been interested in the problem of Britain?s homeless families. When neighbors of his disappeared and he found that they had to go into a Home of the Homeless, he started to write articles, becoming obsessed with the injustice of the situation. He wrote ?Cathy Come Home? in 1963 and as he says, ?for three years could find no organization prepared to put it on.? Then the BBC brought it and from its first showing, it has produced widespread shock and anger that such conditions could prevail. One positive result of the telecast has been the formation of a national campaign in Britain called ?Shelter,? to foster responsible concern for the victims of Britain?s housing situation. NET Playhouse ? ?Cathy Come Home? is a National Educational Television presentation, produced for the British Broadcasting Corporation by Tony Garnett. Following is a description of the filler which will bring ?Cathy Come Home? up to the announced program length: ?Two Off the Cuff,? the collective title of two shorts, ?Masks? and ?Happenings,? produced by Bob Godfrey, a leading British animator. They are both in color and together they run approximately 8 minutes. ?Masks? is a commentary on the face behind the public face we show to the world. A man, outwardly happy but secretly sad, meets a sad-looking young woman who he thinks will understand him. After he fantasizes about seducing her, we see her dressed in bridal white, a grin peeking out behind her sad face. ?Happenings? is about a passive man who stands in one spot waiting for something to happen. Finally, a more aggressive man comes along and lectures him on the evils of apathy. He demands to stand in the same spot since he is sure that if he stands there something will happen. It does. He is struck down by bolt of lightning. Both films are examples of the best of contemporary animation. A number of Godfrey?s shorts have been seen at the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center and other film festivals. This aired as NET Playhouse episode 130 on March 27, 1969 and as NET Playhouse episode 187 on May 7, 1970. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Broadcast Date
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Media type
Moving Image
Actor: Hamilton, Gabrielle
Actor: Crane, David
Actor: Stampe, Will
Actor: Jackson, Barry
Actor: Dennis, Winifred
Actor: May, Julie
Actor: Ampleford, Maureen
Actor: Coleman, Alec
Actor: Kaye, Lili
Actor: Leno, Charles
Actor: Booth, Helen
Actor: Joyce, Paddy
Actor: Moon, Geraldine
Actor: Patch, Wally
Actor: Kent, Faith
Actor: Broadhurst, Kathleen
Actor: Herrington, Doreen
Actor: Harsant, Joan
Actor: Hickson, Phyllis
Actor: Lawrence, John
Actor: Hiller, Rose
Actor: Hennessy, Emmett
Actor: Dawson, Gladys
Actor: Benton, James
Actor: Lawrence, Andrew
Actor: Selwyn, Allan
Actor: Ayres, Anne
Actor: Dalton, Patti
Actor: Brown, Edwin
Actor: Frame, Adrienne
Actor: White, Carol
Actor: Sylvestre, Cleo
Actor: McKenzie, Liz
Actor: Hunte, Muriel
Actor: Hardcastle, Anne
Actor: Price, Bernard
Actor: Ansell, Terri
Actor: Kettlewell, Ruth
Actor: Veasey, Frank
Actor: McKenzie, Myrtle
Actor: Keny, Paddy
Actor: Brooks, Ray
Actor: Lawton, Ralph
Actor: Pearce, Leonard
Actor: Palmer, Geoffrey
Director: Loach, Ken, 1936-
Executive Producer: Venza, Jac
Producer: Chessid, Kay
Producer: Garnett, Tony
Producing Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation
Writer: Sandford, Jeremy
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-bc3st7fr95.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:28:53
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “NET Playhouse; Cathy Come Home,” 1970-05-07, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 28, 2024,
MLA: “NET Playhouse; Cathy Come Home.” 1970-05-07. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 28, 2024. <>.
APA: NET Playhouse; Cathy Come Home. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from