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it is mr hall i think that in light of the facts of her are coming out of both you and i would agree that this month while he understood human brain into the one roberts it's revealed trivial the situation both in the committee to reelect president and within the white house we're on everything that was touched with grown closer i will not in any way shape or form ever except that allegation or convention there is no way that any man in this country can make and establish the case that everything in the white house serving the white house voters who wrote it and i think that does a great disservice to this country even the staid and i apologize i think as a kid you have
questions and responding with a little more patience and caribbean center that if that is is just a thing that that is not true and that it's a tragic thing that anybody would even think that it might be true oh i see this every day as i sit here and these people come before and i will say this that the real problem isn't that your definition as to who does a disservice to the country has always been far too broad definition this is just the senate any person submitting individually he's a senior correspondent
good evening h r haldeman often described as once the most powerful man next to president nixon today politely and modestly denied a long catalog of charges by other witnesses implicating him in watergate his demeanor in contrast to the publisher's behavior of john ehrlichman collapsed only once into a show of anger that was when senator wipers you just sought suggested that everything the nixon white house touched has been corroded altman said he had a deep sense of sorrow for the lives of those wrecked lives of those involved but he accepted no responsibility repeatedly using the phrase i don't recall it an idea or destruction of his files that had been advised of pre watergate planning that he'd heard any talk of executive clemency this year the liveliest moments of the day were provided by committee members clearly addressing president nixon through television who picked through the mystery of why haldeman had been allowed to listen to tape recordings the committee can't get senator evan accuse the white house of leaking objects to haldeman
and describe all the men's version of the crucial march twenty first meeting as a counterfeit evidence and a guatemalan to agree that the best proof of whether dean's version of haldeman's was the true one would be the original tapes themselves and it turns out that there are still other people besides all the moon the president who heard some of those tapes at the white house today deputy press secretary general warren told reporters that presidential warrior j fred bizarre as listen to one recording of a march twentieth telephone conversation between the president and jon bane and warren said that white house assistant steve ball has heard another recording a presidential meeting on march fourteenth that moves did little to brighten the mood of the urban committee members there already confronted with a dilemma by the hall and haldeman testimony about the tapes was an urban repeatedly referred to is called amends interpretation of the text during a break today vice chairman howard baker talk about the problem with impacts peter kay and we'd been led in this situation i suspect and we've gotten some information we're
badly wanted we got in the worst possible way it may be the leading edge of some opportunity to get more information or even the tapes themselves that maybe some grand strategy i don't understand but as i said in the hearing room a moment ago all when you think about it what's the alternative the alternative would be refused to hear the information that's a pretty tough position for the committed have to be and sell i think the chairman was absolutely correct when he said of the fact that we got a minute but we still got to weigh the value that we get to the evidence says distance from the original take attention shifted briefly from the senate side of capitol hill today as congressman robert dryden interest resolution to impeach the president a proposal by the massachusetts democrat a longtime opponent of the president's was referred to the house judiciary committee and no immediate action is expected today was a long one for mr haldeman so tonight will be long for you faithful viewers years and that hour by hour
viewing guide the testimony in our number one the former staff abbas at the white house refers to himself as a just a taskmaster not a hard one also in that our councils and their chests him about a memo listing ninety thousand dollars to be spent by charles colson and what projects also known as dirty tricks and the second hour haldeman says he was willing to accept john dean's exploration of meetings about gordon levitt's plans molly does not remember hearing about them until after the break and asked if it's properly used campaign funds to support criminals alderman demurs saying i don't know that i can judge in our number three haldeman says the tape of the march twenty first the meeting shows the president and i were right in our recollections asked about recruiters perjury problems solomon says magruder didn't inform me about them and the third hour there's more debate over presidential traits the senator and charging of all the men's version of the tapes are mounted to counterfeit evidence and senator baker says holden's access increases the committees need to examine in the fourth r haldeman says the more
shocking piece of information given to the president by john dean was the demand for money under questioning from senator gregg allman admits he asked his counsel to talk to white house lawyers about revealing the tapes but he says he didn't consult the white house about the substance of his testimony now a number five haldeman says that four hundred thousand dollars was used to oppose governor george wallace because president nixon had been advised it was for a sound political move also in that are called aman admits he was given other tapes but did not listen to them because he didn't attend those meetings anonymous sex bolden testifies that when he had the tapes that was never contemplated they would be made known to the public and he admits it was actually more than a million dollars left over from the nineteen sixty eight campaign in the final hour senator evan reads a letter from the justice department indicating no information was available linking democrats to acts of violence in the seventy two campaign alderman replies that
confirms my statement that there's been no investigation of those acts now the morning to urban gathering not come on now i think you're right you mentioned political campaign of political activism president first meet resident we met that only very briefly in an airstrike that in nineteen fifty one i believe when he was a united states senator from california and i was in washington on a visit to an eight courtesy call on the senator's office i had no work continuing contact with them from that time on until nineteen
fifty six when i actually started i volunteered to serve and the fifty six campaign and my services were upset during the atm pane of what would your role than sixty presidential campaign i was chief of staff for mr nixon and when president nixon was like you became less if the president's directive staff director was not part of the title that was part of the function of the un as well what that function while as their director well hey it's right in my statement the initial intention of staff in the white house i'm five or
four principal assistance to the president with general responsibilities are no specific areas are responsible only those and tensions have to be abandoned as we moved into specific areas and my responsibility became that of white house chief of staff doesn't have been nine mr nixon during the campaign that included that the administrative responsibility for the operation of the white house office for the planning and implementation of the president's schedule being overseen of the process of paperwork coming to the president and going out from the president and the functions that that there are required within the white house office with relation to the flow of paperwork to and from the president and that a general coordinating function amongst the various segments of the white house staff
i think you were administratively yes substantively are you going yes at the administrative responsibility for the operation of the office i had the supervision of the of the white house office of budget for instance but i did not exercise policy or substantive responsibility or authority over the assistant to the president who had those responsibilities as i probably my statement dr kissinger in the area of foreign policy in an extraordinary domestic policy others in the areas of congressional relations us relations communications for the executive branch general consultation to the president not certifying
did not report toomey on the substance of the responsibilities but it's great needed more space or more staff facilities we have to work that out within the white house budget available space that came under my officers responsible leaders generally handled by the staff secretary owen is the hole out without letting the question of oratorical oh our home at night and your activities as it used it did not limit itself to just be administrative functions of that fact even in that role you would from time to time the us president reagan would make the expressions that regard not to any great extent a procedure or a question of whether everything that that should be available was available to the president in a policy decision matter
but not an opinion as to whether this was the policy we should pursue her should not upset when ubs from time to time but a presence in your views on various a politician once you're not that is a regular process and i i i would not want what i was was part of the policymaking process in terms of substance i was in terms of procedure you spent my retirement resident working day to not be assertive president then spent more time the president interrupted what else than that are now you tell us what their state was that a new director directed at you my director small staff consisted of one or two depending on very kind of wanted to administrative assistants and several secretaries and i was at the administrative staff of the
white house was supervised by the staff secretary and he had the responsibility for the operation so the mechanics of the white house to support units and announcer to find and not as mr butterfield is described you as as my deputy had responsibility for a number of specific areas of white house operations the details of those position when you use a staff assistant to me and it went in economic statistics you probably only nineteen seventy nine he also serves as an administrative assistant how do you distinguish between the two roles of broadway before
yesterday we had been in that position with me during the campaign in fact even with mia and private business before i joined the campaign and that was the advertising that far yet but he was my principal assistant at one of this credit that way and anne was thoroughly familiar with all the operations my office back me up and all phone calls and correspondence forming oversaw the operation in my office and handle contact for me with a number of the other administrative offices in the white house mr strieber came in later years are vindicated as a second staff assistant and was responsible for handling paperwork in my office the head in and out of correspondence and neighbors as i think he's described and they have the
responsibility for the political area and for this on with the committee to re elect the president when he was four you are yes sort of attending ucla and why now not really to the white house that i was instrumental rain has driven him to be a nixon campaign in nineteen sixty and his association with mr nixon at that time and in subsequent campaigns those and sixty two and sixty eight resolve that and i think it you know where does this relationship it was one of two eagles
with different areas of responsibility buster ordinance in the area of domestic policy mine in the area that i describe we met with the senior assistance the other senior citizens of the white house on a regular basis each morning to have review the day's work and that that from time to time during a working day some days in some days not on specific matters of michael of that would involve both of us but he operated quite independently for me again i from him but basically would be fair to say that on almost a daily basis you get each other informed important matters we get the entire staff that was the purpose of the fifteen staff meeting that building and close to four or five senior staff members did so and fifty nine attacked are meeting every morning now in your lane it was
a relationship his wicked in conjunction with his function as counsel of the president he was a member of the staff with a specific area of responsibility legal matters relationships with the justice department and other agencies related to a legal matters and what circumstances would he reporter you would report to me administratively again we needed more people in his office or if we needed them or office space of a us or he received assignments from the orkney only from the president and things needed to be taking the initiative he had a recording responsibility i guess you would say to me in the sense of his general responsibility as counsel in terms of reviewing documents for the president's signature and general it's not downgrading to be in the profession general legal housekeeping
but he also reported to have a number of other people on the staff directly as he was called upon by them for substantive assistance and there is as today on among the bell house had a hippie radical liberal arts that have been reported here is as being a tight ship and i tried to run a tight ship and i think successfully most of the time when you are walking back to work i know i didn't feel it was a hard task master eco isn't that just as master but i guess someone didn't rise to the cast felt that the book was cracked sometimes week we operated of necessity on the basis of extensive television and
of expecting people to get done what they were told to get done to handle the responsibilities that they were understood to be handling and to do them without making any mistakes we did throughout the white house operation operate on it andrea what's known in some industries is a zero defect system we attempted to do everything right you get hot mixture that sets are going up or that or would not be all that in your job especially in making recommendations the president of being able to make decisions that you wanna be on top important than anything make those decisions i didn't have to make decisions for the president invites you to make the recommendations are a decision made at the white house yes but let me i was not making recommendations even to the present four decisions i did take responsibility have the responsibility for getting the material
to the president for making decisions and i did review the material before it went to the president to be sure it was complete but i did not make a recommendation that recommendation was made by the staff member or administration official responsible for the area in which the decision rests with the president that information immediately you do you thought oh you're on top of that i saw to it that the facts were available i did not intend to stay on top of all the facts on any given that we had other people are more able in it in any given subject area maintained but knowledge of the facts all i did was was raised a question if it appeared that the facts more complete or that that one side and not represented adequately the use of composing music all at any time when it in fact to get
what issues that at the law moving towards the establishment of a religion as the miners' but you don't like your testimony on what you know about how the committee to elect the president campaign the committee the concept of the committee was set a result of a desire on the part of the president of the rest of us that the campaign for reelection the handle outside of the white house and by people not on the white house staff and assigned the general white house duties and be an organization or or means of doing this was the committee to re elect the president it was set up you have better information and then
my recollection on this but it was set up in nineteen seventy one and that started on a gradual basis in and build as the election time of a campaign time drew closer in terms of staff activity fairly substantial right we look to the committee to reelect to handle the mechanics and operations of the political campaign we expected in manhattan close liaison in communication back and forth with the committee the people at the committee at a lot of levels in the white house or from the white house to the committee and from the departments of the government to the canadian government appointees as you know we have an extensive surgery program for instance the speakers that were out why is that the committee to reelect president when there was
a republican committee and a liberal anti republican party or b and while we're simply because the national committee is the official body of the republican party as the responsibility for mobilizing maine republican vote turning out the republican vote for developing in and of supporting candidates republican candidates for office at all levels state and federal campaigns require beyond the republican party ever to reach out to independent voters and to democratic voters to make an appeal to them for support as well as to mobilize the republican support troops that the national committee had responsibility for so there was quite naturally in need for an
organization beyond the republican national committee as you know after the convention there was a further organization set up of democrats for next week's show was directly involved in the effort to vote democratic support specifically and i said ah the estimated that doesn't really constitute a formidable thirty go to the white house and the administration oh a little rainy well i no i don't believe so i think it was it was set up so that the white house would be to leave involved in the business of preparing for conducting a political campaign when a visitor is that you know that at the time the white house get people did move over and eight the vision of the president some white house that people then some people from other departments in
some people from outside and it is true that that was the middle of the attorney general of the designated to actually run the campaign when he left office as a very gentle mr rickett yes now what is that silence or removing of staff of the white house subcommittee the approval of it moving to the committee that i played that a role in the sense of an understanding with the committee that if they were going to talk to people in the white house about moving over to the committee and they did as you've indicated take a number of people from the white house that there would be done with our compliance at the white house that they wouldn't move in this there were some problems of history are from time to time we're
there was somebody they want to work was also needed at the white house and goes to a conflict that that we want to resolve several points in time of the committee running people into a jobs at ira's sari wilson had been receiving the white house and this was a matter of concern to me i didn't like the building persuaded to leave the white house and join the election comedian for the purpose of making more money and so i was involved in the question of compensation to that extent i was consoling i would say on the senior people at that moved from the white pastors they level people there were a number of people from the white house and move over the comedian but i dont know involved with at all we were well with regard to making decisions some but not on a
consistent basis we had rather than being consulted on major decisions we had played a close working relationship with the committee that was implemented in the campaign period by the twice weekly meetings and mr obama's office with a campaign committee people and senior white house people and we in order to maintain continuing formation the campaign director mr mitchell later mr mcgregor set in the record morning white house staff meeting so that the campaign people recruiting campaign director eastwood know what the ongoing business at the white house was issue positions that sort of thing and vice versa so that he could keep us posted at the white house as to what was developing in the campaign you see ma yes sir i think youre referring to
scott's political memorandum i didn't receive memoranda directly from the committee or has drawn as my staff and with that area responsibility received although he was supposed to handle it really is on between my office and the campaign committee dickinson's that i can express to keep himself basically fairly posted on on the campaign on me what was going on he'd be posted as i needed to be for information for the president and to be available to answer questions or follow up on it raised by the president in the white house with relationship again no humans also anyway at times on matters involving final financing only in a very general basis
as a good in my statement i write good receive overall budgets i believe from time to time and i did receive information and more specific nature on advertising budgets because this was an area in which i was and i the advertising budgets primarily for it with relish with a question of timing of the intensity of the of advertising and to some degree regional concentration i did not get into the details of the budgets and i don't i don't believe that i had any responsibility for budget authority or approval like to hear you mr allman and my mind on october eighth grade nineteen seventy two
or does it do you remember that if beak yes there was going to be a general james b because both i can't read some of age to
players are very significant area you're on it the olivia question of the presidential first family travel and then every convention conventional nomination and then on the second day that some reverence to stay as a reference as they get nine hundred thousand dollars
for the author's insistence six hundred and sixty thousand dollars from la and information retrieval i mean for the thousands of spent his mailing list at about nineteen thousand dollars for black pride it's like whoa you recall the violence and why they were being present to you in a memorandum this the overall memorandum as it indicates is for financial support for the white house from the committee for the reelection of president as i think i indicated the committee provided financial support for activities that were not deemed to be their mental activities that were conducted by the white house the principal of these be important to travel the president when he was was on a purely political threat anytime during the year campaign period that the president or any member of his family made it that they were required of course buy security regulations to travel on on the government aircraft and with
government security but that the committee reimbursed the government for the cost of also strips of all time so that there would be no cost to the taxpayer for the purely political activity of the president the same applied to other activities that were carried out by other staff members will be identified as well unknown reimbursement a specific step never i would assume had to do with their travels and expenses incurred and in speaking to is not certify on behalf of the election campaign as a contrast to do their hair duties at the polls officer question appears to be primarily for mailings and mr paulson's office was b your point of contact with organizations outside of government labor organizations business
organizations or veterans' organizations whether a particular interest groups and i'm sure that that at his instance there were a number of mailings designed for the specific groups and that this was at their support for those mailings and that's it you know i've heard that testimony i would not think that this would relate to wipe advance budgets as such because mr golson was not concerned with our campaign well and then wipe out another way is that is that a reference to work related haven't yet at the white house i
think that's right not positive but it would appear today are obese and this excess with its poverty areas that you would be but it matters no not no not at all like i was at the campaign budget rather than me and this is what i would call a campaign support for white house budget i also saw from time to time what sometimes the overall campaign budget be a big spreadsheets that spread out they planned expenditures on a month by month basis so for the various campaign activities now i think in your statement it is that you all that i can say about going back to this one does this you haven't indicated that this is a year iran that i approved and on the last page it indicates my approval it gets on approval from a staff secretary the white house to submit a budget the white
house estimated would be its expenses that would be properly eligible to the reelection committee rather than that you ready i as an actual live in a global and then said unless at once or whether if so give it to him with understanding it is a very rough guess my point being that recommendation here was we said that only pre convention and there were in other words the budget for the time up to august twentieth and my point there was was that there was i was recommending we submit only that unless he wanted the entire thing would be difficult to estimate the post convention budget at that time now how are you
now it was one of those communications and cooperation very frequent basis but he can't be posted on what was going on and what problems he hadn't heard of any in the campaign and he had problems from time to time with with the white house and in the cooperation that he was seeking your information or something that he agrees with me and i asked cunningham complaints in an information and suggest suggestions from the white house other people in the white house and from the president dmitri clear that you do it but not all but what little bit of age to start with it was in the morning staff meeting so there was a chance to communicate their we had during the
campaign period at the twice weekly meetings and restaurants officer nablus for the purpose of just exactly this kind of communication at the game of that it'd be covered on an adequate basis it was a rebuttal we know from time to time with any great regularity of it but i mean another reason he wants the regular staff meetings of the game now in the summer or will double where you like about the program and health department investigate the settler security you set in nineteen seventy nine nineteen seventy one was a balmy forget which programs went into effect in which years that nineteen seventy was
concerned on domestic security now every time the president's made twenty second statement where he said that while i will mai mai testimony would be in exact reports that residents there was certainly no i did not but i would say that that that delineates in a few words to the extent and nature of the problems as it existed at that time the reason for the white house concern and the reason for attempting to take some action like i thought like you're rather than reading my degree opposite would you just give us briefly you can your recollection sure about what their purpose was what the problem was the and i didn't get a semi stable and we've also was the wave of violence bombings are some
trashing him and other sorts of activities of the damaging property and someone telling people that were sweeping across the country at that time and has led to this is like what we have used in plant nine years of it and i think you were aware of already planned what the recommendations are being made not any new detail the inception of the so called houston plan was a meeting with the president all right mr houston as it says the staff had done some preliminary work on analysis of the problem and analysis of the everest to deal with the problem and the shortcomings that they're going to be in existence at that time with relation to the problem in many efforts to deal with it as a result of which the president called a meeting of the heads of the
various security agencies the fbi the nsa the cia and then the iaea i sat in that he has been has refused and the president discussed with these agency heads the nature of the problem the shortcomings of domestic intelligence the concern that some of the activities that were underway or been threatened during that period of time were possibly at least and i think a demonstrably as i recall connected with foreign activity is the sum of the organizations that work were declaring themselves out to destroy institutions and then some cases the government were doing their training in foreign countries and then were studying under former dissident organizations and there was a feeling that there was a crossover here that needed to be dealt
with in terms of a better intelligence that we didn't know who was in it causing these things who was directing them who is financing them we know what they were going to be directed to do so you are my people lewis was evidence in terms of the people who were carrying some of them out at least self declared both intentions and backing and reasons for what they were doing there was some intelligence or were some fbi intelligence in this area there was some secret service intelligence in this areas related to a presidential threats and insecurity and then there was some investigative reporting by the press going on as to some of these activities
and all these i think would would add dna to be the resources at that time what we get really specific i was not looking to get into the car that was set up there in the meeting with the president and the heads of the security agencies the problem with that line and the president made it very clear that he expected some cooperation which there did not which did not exist at that time between these agencies in the beginning better information evaluating the information more effectively and disseminating it so the action should be taken if that there was action indicated or at least awareness that would be awareness of what was happening or what was going to happen the crew assembled in his office at that time was designated by the
president as a task force to prepare recommendations for him as to what ought to be done what steps should be taken to meet the problem in and carry out the be a requirement to request that the president made this point it is my understanding that that those agency heads themselves or buying designation members of their staff did set up such a task force under the chairmanship of director hoover which are they an extensive set of accommodations mr houston worked with them i understand on the survey's they transmitted these recommendations to him on their preparation and those recommendations were submitted to the president that were submitted as was customary procedure to mr houston the stat man assigned to that project mr hughes jimmy threw me to the bars he reportedly threw me in this particular area it was latino
where were you assigned to that he at some time or the time he was at the white house he was on staff at the council owned by the time he was in that ultimately new law i saw the paper as not all working papers or the committee i saw the recommendation went to the present are you reading recommendations i not sure whether they're not regulated in any detail i had a general idea that it was a proposal for an expanded intelligence activity well that recommendation that there be an increased use of wiretapping and services and career break and i'm not sure what i was or not my neighbor a woman oh you wear it director of the fbi and the mother the recommendations that while i do that i think it'd been the recommendation
itself which was signed by director hoover as chairman of the committee he had indicated in in the various recommendations his disagreement with some of them in spite of the fact that they were the committee recommendation he was transmitting them as the committee recommendation which is to say well witnesses to get your assistance i'm not an overriding objections as something did it and it did the senators a memorandum that i i've seen the memorandum of them they're put into an exhibit reported in the papers in and they were immediately get salt and you just see them as they are in i have a general recollection i don't i can't identify having seen or read or acting on any specific memorandum without
looking and reviewing that i do know that there was a definite concern mr houston's bar and on the other side on the president's part that there was there we knew there was a problem going into this one of the reasons for bringing this group together was the fact that the communication between the fbi and other intelligence agencies was hurt at best the middle aisle the lead here you want on it is has already gone on record of one american cities that you can that memorandum video while nineteen seventeen promise to his view subject domestic intelligence which is primarily dealing with the problem of objections and indicating that the program or move forward and rescue assistance and as soon as we take a look at it
we can the place by retailers it has been not positively without any doubt say i read that memorandum at the time listen to me that i have very clear recollection of the general lee content that the problem existed at that time and i probably did three or one
effect of these attacks mr houston the city upset over mr lewis i see in opposing the plan initiated by the final four in the years is that yes but you know a long overdue i'm not sure i don't recall one of these memoranda the nature of these objections now is below where it after the plan was the man with the plan wasn't that work for years and that low was
no it was not as i understand it the approval is rescinded believe it was five days later by a notification to the agency heads and that sort of thing again as i understand because of directors objection number of art applied you know michel i'm not sure that we get it do the good or that he did testify would estimate that he was not in on the regional planning a plan but when he first learned about it i think he said to me i want to see you and wrongly well and then the plan without irony a song that was on the basis of his youth well i don't know that that is not necessarily a sibling would deny that
mr michel that's he lets the case it i don't recall i do recall when not been put into effect the recalls a real discussion for those two whether it would be or not build a decision to approve an interests in yemen where al and now add more in and all of this stuff falling precision of a houston planners as it's now called was the formulation of an intelligence evaluation committee that was another interagency union or departmental who was not an in house white house who follow there was a white house representative and believe expanding intelligence committee and its purpose was one of the purposes of
the of the houston plan correlation between the various intelligence agencies and an attempt to a shared evaluate the intelligence who was the revival and i'm not sure i was set up it was not an in house quite as soon as i said it was there was an inner agency and i believe john dean was the white house representative on earth and i measure how this structure would it wouldn't be true to the role you believe that the white house programs like this yes with the hobbit beer from a time when there was an in house white house and that's as you're leading there the question relates it sounds of their special investigations unit that was set up in nineteen seventy one yet i was aware that city and it
was set up at the president's request yes and you know we were in charge of that i needed to david young the national security council staff and bud krogh of the domestic council staff were the principal then assigned to that work we haven't they were assigned to this responsibility no no no i guess so at its heart now knowing knowing it so thoroughly through testimony here to know whether i had specifically knew they were as those two names were involved in and this assignment that time or not
responsibilities over everything the white spaces words a whole new set up and things like that that idea of an operation of this week on a special investigative unit would not want people would be now i would know that this idea that existed but this unit was set up as a as an internal unity using as the two principals that people were people that were already on staff this wasn't in addition the status was a reassignment of people want an activist judge that one on her own staff to work a special project that was done very frequently and probably most of the time without my knowledge because the eighties were assignments that would come and go no they were wrong when you have to know about that is that they're not not necessarily my
name if they were brought on within an existing budget each division within the white house the white house but it was broken down by divisions within the white house and each division had an individual responsible for in addition i don't have the strength that time but at some point in time the domestic council mr perkins area had a separate budgets funded separately by the congress not not from the white house but so any activities of domestic council are conducted within the domestic council budget i would very frequently not be aware of the talks well you know at least there's a review of the national security council budget which was also separately but you know the reason why it was set up yes i knew that it was the proximate cause was the head was the pentagon papers leak and that that was set up for the purpose of looking into that and other national security leaks at that time is
it he does this at the white house an emotional roller interested in saying that those things you're concerned about i was mostly concerned about them yet or did you just ask that in any of these leaks no i don't think so other than the fact that there was such you know working at this we know from time to time to talk about whether they're making any progress or whether we were getting information that has come out on the senior staff meetings that i don't recall any specific rivers is the subject of leaks came up as a part of that activity on stage and you were at one point was a plan by which the president spoke to the nation as relates that
that however was on a broad base is not specifically related to any individual week or the soviet national security are you know or if your status here is your step meetings and in the morning say about be focusing in on this girl out there as a suspect suspect but in an effort to get more information about him i don't think so and not through those means eight was of course a figure in this in public recording of it so i soon he was at that time and whatever was in the press so that you know it was an effort to get a psychiatric profile almost no sir did you know that a group of aceh now to california to seek nuclear activity access to dhaka killings records though was that i didn't know
and mr reynolds i will be discussing this interview he did not discuss before sam dash moves on to other intelligence operations including operation sand wedge we're going to pause public television's coverage of the senate hearings will continue after break for station identification i don't read coverage of these hearings is provided as a public service of the member stations of pbs a public broadcasting service is
1973 Watergate Hearings
Part 1 of 7
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Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer anchor gavel-to-gavel coverage of day 32 of the U.S. Senate Watergate hearings. In today's hearing, H.R. Haldeman testifies.
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Watergate Affair, 1972-1974
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Anchor: MacNeil, Robert
Anchor: Lehrer, James
Producing Organization: WETA-TV
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1957610-1-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Preservation
Color: Color
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Chicago: “1973 Watergate Hearings; 1973-07-31; Part 1 of 7,” 1973-07-31, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 24, 2025,
MLA: “1973 Watergate Hearings; 1973-07-31; Part 1 of 7.” 1973-07-31. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 24, 2025. <>.
APA: 1973 Watergate Hearings; 1973-07-31; Part 1 of 7. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from