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     National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International
    EJ Broad around the world (Reel 2)
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Well while our foreign visitors prepare their statements what about a word from Wigan to supplement some of the things I said about the international educational activity in the forum but yes. It is an empty seat. And. Can have and what can we do to help you in your working. Day. Help us. You know. Yeah I just. Want to be. The saddest. Moments. In our lives. And the reason that you. Just. Try and this is. Not so much. About fighting this man and.
What is being we say yes. So that. You. See five of these in a scene that we found. Oh. They say. We. Always. Do so. And the. Only times when I asked. For your advice. In. Various aspects of. This. Is how does. This age. Television is just wow you know. But. Just. Ask. Me and say. That. It was. So. And. So as. We have told you. Must be ours. We. Just follow.
You know. The. Right. Channels we still. Miss you. And the end of it. So if I missed. That one find out ways. Kitty KOAT right so what do you. Call us out just. A short while ago I was. In shock. And so the stuff you know we try you. Will as you say won't. Have. A number. Of rounds. Was. Filmed. I looked out and you know there are problems on these films. And I thought. They were very well you know OK. And. If you have. Any of. This. So. I. Just. Love
it and. You know. Yesterday. The. Instruction was. To me which way the soul on. The other side is me. AS. To who. That. Is. I mean. And. The some of. The stuff. Themselves. Right. Yes. Im a bit. That we have. Been trying to get from those companies. That. You know the. Fish The British think Oh. Yes. When we started. An Experiment in. Radio. Thousands of us. Baby. Only. Food. Was to get material from. Fast food. Singh Yes it
is. 10 But you suggested it was. The only time. That. The. Fact. That you know us was just genius. Us. Into this. So what we did was fight. You will save us. Yes this is the education at best. Which is serious. Now here you see me. Writing. Like a genius. So this is the stuff they. Let you let you in but you have suitable. But. More often
than not. Use. Less. But usually I mean showing up as. We've used up. You know. I think. That may have made it. I mean it and. We. Have. You know whole host of Peace Corps activities which involve my thinking here among the kids who can say a word about how we don't need somebody. Who doesn't. Know something about to introduce yourself and. Will you have to face an imagist preface Like I said doing. So maybe for you was mention because now I've been in
about a dozen countries. Exploring costly projects. Can I just break your back. And what I'm gonna say. Maybe fashion wasn't maybe commonplace. Perhaps it's just something I've been staring us in the face and we haven't realized yet. There seems to be of iron in the Marriott I think of how he put his finger on. Something we became aware of in Tokyo. And that is that the development of broadcasting overseas is a distinctly nationalist. I mean we're all rather pluralistic from the same is still in education as it. Has certainly has. Man that person might hear and therefore be a spokesman. Really for
all of broadcasting in his nation. All the plants there are is now around to speak for educational broadcasting I think we'll agree you got pretty much assembled a large team and ship over across a fungus in the same way. Overseas. I have yet to get well in one country. The educated lawyers are responsible for the facilities that were to be used for educational right. Yes. And in that one country it was pretty bad. The technical development of the facilities were. Invariably a live band not educators but ministries of information ministries of communication or private broadcast Cilla days and hours on may develop as a result. There's a good deal of looking for programme content
instead of organizing from within the country with the educators of the kind of what their plans must be or take for his primary school. This has to be done he says he came across a program here which might be quite useful in the secondary school. But when it comes to primaries. They're quite conscious of the fact that they're going to have a lot of local problem and to whom should they best turn but their own education. And. So my work and in no small part of the sea becomes a process of becoming a marriage broker. Between awfully good people who haven't gotten together yet the educator in the country and the broadcast invariably also it's a new broadcast who genuinely wants to help and the educator doesn't know what to do about broadcast. It's a delightful role to have I suppose. Please go for it because it's a genuine chance to help. Colombia was a case in
point there. A dictator build a network a building here only for propaganda and it's being some very good purposes of democracy. It covers 85 percent of the people of the country. That is if they have television that. 94 percent of the nation's public schools is the largest network in Latin America so we were lucky. We started in a place where we might get results. But the process was one of marrying the Ministry of Communication which controls this facility and it's a pretty go. The Ministry of Education which in the long run really has to develop the nation's educational program. And we've tried to. Present. This thought overseas that it might be worthwhile if educational broadcasting shared the national educational program because the task is usually to the staggering in any particular time. We do enjoy educational broadcasting as a luxury.
It must after all serve education a good deal of public affairs work of course is is is certainly valid but since educational broadcasting I believe of all forms of broadcasting has a problem in most acutely conscious of its audience serving. Mine as well servant by working closely with the educators who in the long run are responsible for the point of programme reception which is ordinarily still. Columbia we did this by forming an institute which the ministers of education and communication and the president of the one of the country's leading universities. Therefore we got some of the help. 90 Peace Corps volunteers we trained and son. Who are they. About 15 of them come from you know community stations and schools where you have been. There. Their experience varies from. Just having served in the universities day
5. For instance. We also provide technical people who install a set of 45 teachers to do nothing but teach classroom teachers how to use education. Tell. The staff to work with senior Palumbi and teachers in program. So far we reach 100000 still on the air since February. By the early part of the spring we will be reaching 300000 that. They teach and all of the primary courses. They will reach 1500 schools. They also teach teachers training what is the mission. It is crazy but I've read this case of a mummy. So that the Columbians was on they were made to take complete responsibility. Run the brush run educational television themselves without these foreign oil and develop the other parts of Colombia. Furthermore since Columbia is the land
that the telephone you combine in order to teach appropriate control between the field and the programming center we are gradually moving out the line of the network. So that we will reach some volunteers to spread all the way from Bogota the center bottom on the coast in the sense of 700 miles. Again the mission I think is one the barren mind. And the issues. Again harking back to a mystical dung Lisa has. Primary schools. And it seems that the best education the Myself role is in it is somebody who understands. The people who are to be educated. We're talking then about a local program produced. For Uganda for Colombia. Fine in that case you certainly have to train up to a group of people able to go home by themselves. And although we may have here at a program. For. Something.
In the long run we've got to teach. People the skills to learn their own way. At least that's the approach to take. So far so good in Colombia. As another dimension for a work there we gave Wilbur Schramm. To communication research. That. They have full time staff in Colombia and several that visit support. And they are running tests and interviews. To to give us the answers to some groups and what. Is anybody learning from this stuff. I'm watching people coming into the teaching profession. As a result. Teachers do better in the classroom with this. Do they feel more supported as a result of the way we're doing this incidentally is to. Test students and so. Know how. Those things go.
Tell me what else feel utilisation workers to help the teachers used bras. And. Schools and got the whole kit. And I mean we've got to place them both in urban and rural areas. Well one I have in mind. We got the SAT. In the school by putting on the back of the world. I knew it was a fine worker rides their horse. Out. But we feel much the way that you know we're going to do the same thing elsewhere. Randy goes in several countries in Latin America. We need help. One thing I'd like to get. No notion that it knows what it's doing and that we must have the assistance of professional educations people. Feel. University. Right casting system like they try out overseas. Thanks Tim got a good project will supply the man the man you will train. You run
right. We'd like to see some projects directed by others on. This stuff. This one however. Time is running out on this new thing we have here a little bit about American utilities in Africa south. Did you totally not that Mr Stan Spaulding doctors just finally received it. Or anywhere else it. Was a question I think we should hear a little bit. Some American education in broadcasting acutely and if you ask me and have you not some high jinks underway here if you could before not briefly. Take Bill's alternative and talk about related concerns cash for a minute. I was an advisor to the air for the ministers of the case. Last April you Abi judge there was a great deal of concern.
Among the educators. We find strategies exhilarating education fails and. I guess about. All the. Time that we have left here is that. The supposed tensions taught about getting educated was interested in the vanities of education is the way that we're going to make some breakthroughs in developing countries not making great. Choices he says. TV. At the African ministers meeting there was a great deal of concern for such. Information as what is the relative economic cost of one strategy compared to another. To save money so that we can make more people literate and less time for instruction or if we use television. We use each one teach one way
or are there alter strategies of rigid chances of success which kind of input output matrices are becoming a great concern in developing countries. What do you put into the educational system. How much does this cost in terms of human resources. For scarce. Financial resources that are scarce and then what do you get out at the other end and they are beginning to be very interested I feel sorry strategies that don't assume a teacher in a classroom to get to the phone to the audience that you have in mind a new instruction system. And this requires the kind of analysis of what it takes all along the way. The supporting services are first now resources and training so on and it's much beyond the television show. Well I think this is encouraging and the idea now is just done during the summer study in the east there for as to the feasibility of setting up a kind of demonstration for the phone. Kind of the structure serials and
systems and see all these work out see what the cost is see what the employee fireman's into the system are in terms of all of these resources. What are the what's the output of the new strategies to see if there can be some real breakthrough kind of television in the context of other media I guess as well as television in the context of education. Now one brief word on Guatemala we're in very serious negotiations Guatemala only University of Foreign Ministry of Education Project to make available instruction across the board to more people in Guatemala using new technologies of war. Here again the broadcasting system is in the control of the commercial commercial of the moment. There has been a government station leased to their formation which went off the air because because they couldn't keep the thing they are rebuilding it. We're not talking about getting to you from a conscious
point we're not talking about growing broadcast at the university or by the Ministry of Education we are talking about installing a fully equipped kinda school television production system at the university which already. Just there I might as well U.S. I. Would love. To know what Isabel which nearly British is packing materials for broadcast at any of the stations were going with the scheme works up this production system at the university for Walker to use by the Ministry of Education and we're doing all kinds of extension the activities in-service teacher training activities secondary school instruction and so on. Ever a production unit but then use whatever broadcasts or a service is available in other words separate I'd call it the course of planning and production in a sense here family concerns for broadcast and see how this works so you get some
fuel to the series. Worrying about running the broadcast system I don't know how this is going to work but it is an interesting concept. Well I guess finally that what's happening in these countries and universities throughout the country are in a recent column to help in the educational development of the countries and by golly those of us that have a special interest in. Fire her vising right on her own campuses to make sure that when their universities do get involved in these projects they take a fresh approach to education. Our concern from new strategies and nuts and educational advisors simply advise these countries to do more of what they're already doing for. The first. Rank. Of seeing. Patients inefficiently for.
A second. Thanks Bill. Guess who's giving the third thing. Finally thank you meeting.
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National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention
National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 2)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Public Affairs
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 4341 (University of Maryland)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 2) ,” 1964-10-28, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 2) .” 1964-10-28. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 2) . Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from