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We have known each other for a number of years. Do you suppose that in five years if we met that you would still recognise me. I said Well I'll accept that how about three years from now. I think so next year. Knock knock. You will see little irony in the morning and he knew closely who was there today so he forgot me already. I am. And that's that's part of the danger you face when you get into a situation like this here today and gone tomorrow. But I'm sure that all of you recognize that. In 1963 educational broadcasting has begun to really gain some stature and some perspective. The first TV station to go on the air at the University of Houston celebrated its 10th anniversary. The Eighty third station went on the air in Greenville South
Carolina the first of several broadcast stations proposed in that state and serves as a complement to the extensive closed circuit facilities in operation there. As you well know the educational television facilities program made its first group of grants and will be making more shortly. The Federal Communications Commission reserved an additional 26 channels for use by educators bringing the total number of reserve channels up to three hundred fifty from the two hundred forty two authorized in the sixth report an order of one thousand fifty two. The commission issued a new proposed table of allocations for television which suggests the reservation of seven hundred three channels for each TV including the hundred six the HFA channels already reserved the new table also proposes designating some forty four cities four to eight TV channels. This means that there will be double the number of channels available for education.
I'm sure that there is going to be a very interesting dialogue take place within the next several months between the commission and educators as to the validity of the Commission's position and reserving 703 channels when an AB is an association through its newly released computer study suggests the need for about a thousand channels. I sincerely hope that each of you as interested and dedicated professionals in educational broadcasting will make your position known to the commission so that we may best determine the past to follow in the immediate future for the proper development of educational television. The Commission adopted rules and regulations instituting a new low power instructional television fixed service in the twenty five hundred mega cycle bans which will enable some educators to make use of multiple channel television techniques without resorting to main channel broadcasting. The form is now available. The service is ready for your use.
Ask for FCC form 3:30 P.. I have some with me and I'd be happy to supply them to you. Those of you who are just waiting with bated breath to enter this field of activity. The cost factors are something that remain to be determined as to whether or not the educational television fixed service is the wisest choice or broadcast service for some educators. But this is for you to consider and I certainly hope that you will give a deep consideration. We view it. As a real valuable additional tool to education. The Commission of course continues to support the development of radio by authorizing new stations at the rate of better than 1 per month during 1963. Currently we count a total of two hundred sixty five operating stations and of this total some 230 to our FM stations on reserve channels 18
of them are a non reserved channels and of course we retain the present number of 25 AM stations operating non-commercially. Some 40 states now have official TV commissions authorities or councils are going to AIs to assist in the planning for the orderly development of a TV within their respective states. More than 20 states have submitted to the commission full blown plans for state wide development of the TV. Others are being developed but have not yet been submitted to us in a an examination of the plans that we know about. We see that there will be 17 stations activated almost immediately under these plans and there are projected plans for one hundred sixty one new stations and we've not yet heard from some 23 states. For a final word on their plans at the same time it's heartening to observe the increasing support being given to the TV stations by the general public. While
there is a well-recognized need to broaden the base of support for the TV and fund raising drives have not always met their quotas this year. It's still safe to say that the general public is becoming increasingly aware of the importance and value of the TV stations and a growing number of community leaders that assume responsible positions on the boards of existing stations and those still in the planning stage. The New York channel 13 obtained some three hundred fifty two thousand dollars in public donations in San Francisco Channel Nine's annual auction brought in over one hundred thirty thousand dollars in fewer hours than formerly. While this was the greatest of moderates by this unique community wide effort it still didn't meet the goal. In Chicago fans are rapidly becoming available to support the developers of that city's second DTV station. In Milwaukee of course is one of the fortunate cities that already has two stations on the air and is gaining increasing support by the community here. But. Despite the designation Educational the recent Brandeis
University report on a TV programming reveals that only 14 percent of the total programming is devoted to organized courses of instruction for a general audience. In that one quarter of these programs were produced by NBC is Continental classroom and CBS's College of the air. We are producing our own some 52 percent of the TVs total programming during the sample week was locally produced. Twenty nine percent of it came from net. And 19 percent from other sources. However let's keep these figures in their proper perspective to be sure there are instances of isolated experimentation special local efforts for the national average of locally produced programs for the general audience was only about 29 percent. It's interesting to note that the compendium of tele courses for credit annually published by Michigan State University was of thin assembly about eight years ago. By contrast Volume 9 reveals almost three million credit enrollments.
This is a heartening sign in some 30000 courses. All we have on one hand an indication that we're not doing as well as we might on another that we've come a long way. But look at it from another standpoint one hundred seventy six thousand of the 11 million people that were involved or are specifically designated as adults in these tele courses for credit. Although not courses for credit of course we know the increasing use of DTV in many areas of in-service training of adults. One of the more important developments I believe is related to adult education and in service training is the programming offered by the new breed of TV station licensed to municipal government. As you well know in 1062 the FCC authorized the city of New York to operate a TV station as a noncommercial service. The city immediately embarked on a wide ranging program. Of training specifically designed for use by
city employees both while on the job and at home. And there have been some dramatic successes in evidence there. While the TV is at 963 has been a good year for each TV We have evidence to indicate that the development is on a threshold of its most rapid period of growth and development. 964 should see educators making use of federal matching grants on an increasing scale. Also it's apparent that developmental plans re TV stations which have taken several years to formulate will be accommodated. There's a very real probability that 1064 will see the construction of some 80 new e TV stations with the possibility that as many as half of them will actually be on the air by next fall. Further interest has been expressed by educators to the extent that I think we can all look forward to the development of an additional 150 TV stations during the next three to five years bringing the total to about 300 by 1066. The question
remains is where would you be in this period of development and growth. The future is bright. However there's a growing concern by many people. You already heard some of the concerns expressed by John and Tom this morning regarding the concurrent growing shortage of trained personnel to staff the developing stations. At this time there is no evidence to indicate that either colleges or universities or vocational schools which normally have been sources of personnel in many instances have launched any increased program of recruitment or training to equal or even begin to meet the indicated growth in facilities and the demands they're related. In addition to the ever present concern about financial resources another concern of significant magnitude is the possible shortage of high quality programs for the developing stations. Although ATV as an industry relies on local programming for over 50 percent of its content both academic and cultural the indicated lack of qualified personnel leads one of the
assumption that there also will have to be developed additional production agencies or organizations to meet the future needs of the new stations in the United States. We assume that the new structure of net will enable local stations to improve their programming and staff and technical capabilities as a result of saving some five hundred eighty five thousand dollars. Formally turned over to net for affiliation fees. However I'm not at all sure whether even this substantial sum will prove to be even close to sufficient to begin the job. Of local stations engaging in the type and amount of local programming to meet the challenging needs of education at all levels. Facing is not and certainly not enough to consider meeting the needs of the future. So as not to leave you in a discouraging note permit me to say that we're all engaged in an enterprise which merits our best and greatest effort to ensure its proper development. I believe you will agree with me in holding that educational broadcasting must not fail.
It must succeed in its broadest not its narrowest concepts. The increasing complexity of today's social political scientific and economic structure requires of an educated person such information understanding as could not have been even imagined 10 years ago. The scope of education today of necessity extends far beyond the classroom years to include continuing education of many kinds that a degree of involvement with the community in state which makes it imperative that a proper investment in education should only be an investment adequate to an enterprise which increasingly undergirds our whole economy and our whole society as a whole. Nothing other than adult learning can build the wisdom indispensable to the preservation and strengthening of our society. In a democracy like the United States the basic social power has been entrusted to the people. Therefore the people you and I as well as the other fellow must continue development so as to be able to judge
new ideas and assess happenings for their significance and judge the purposes and effects of legislation. Men and women adults must act. While their children are preparing for their role as citizens. Adult decisions create the world the children live in and inherit. I see Scott Fletcher the president of the fund for adult education said a few years ago however fervently all of us may hope that our children and their children will exceed us in ability and judgment. The fateful decisions of the present and immediate future will be made by those men and women who are now mature. In continuing a liberal adult education. They have the means for endeavoring to make these decisions in the wisdom of reflection and with the courage of exam and beliefs. The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada quotes the late Dr. M. M. quality noted for his leadership in the Canadian adult education movement saying the man who has ceased to learn ought not to be allowed to wander around loose in
these dangerous days. Dr. Harry Myers of the Michigan Employment Security Commission says in one of its book booklets if you think you an all about something you're owed if you believe you're now doing something as well as it can be done you're old. But if you're glad to admit that you know but little about anything your young soul while we're all young Let's get on with the task of learning how we can best apply these great tools of television and radio to the job of education. This country has before it now and in the future. And while we're about this task let's also remember that here at this great convention and when we leave here that the influence for good which has been exerted by the N avy through the years can only be duplicated in the months and years ahead by our individual and collective concern for this organization and its relationship to the common task. I urge you to lend your support to the reshaping of an ab
to ensure that educational broadcasting attains the goals for which we aspire. Both as individuals and as members of any and I hope that you will recognize that there is a door at the Federal Communications Commission that is open to you in the common purpose. Thank you very much. Thank you and. One. Of the. My own finances like yours go through each one of our very distinguished speakers. We have 20 minutes approximately four questions. I know that there are a number of questions. Simply ask that you guys State your name or state the person who the question is addressed to the CD question. Any one of the three is open to question yes or a lot.
But. Oh right. The question addressed to Mr. Clemens has to do with the title 7 given by it for experimentation and I presume research in terms of noncredit in formal education. Oh.
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National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Lawrence T. Frymire
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Public Affairs
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 4309 (University of Maryland)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Lawrence T. Frymire,” 1963-11-19, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 8, 2025,
MLA: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Lawrence T. Frymire.” 1963-11-19. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 8, 2025. <>.
APA: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Lawrence T. Frymire. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from