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     National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International
    EJ Broad around the world (Reel 1)
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And then. There's. This. And. To me. And. My announced tapping into surname International Red. Yes this is a rather big order since I've been given 15 minutes in which to do it. Even if I knew nothing about it. I still didn't cover it in 15 minutes. Let me say that I shall try to name a few ventilation when I think of it and then you hear in the audience who include people with wide back and the facts correct. After a while they all filing nothin on us and he is honest and tell us something about various organisations which work in Internet which work in education but getting on the educational level in other words.
Our purpose today is not international broadcasting broadcasting found in Germany or Italy to the jury. But educational programming in various foreign countries can you hear in the back if not likely because I'm going to get the effect is lower too and I can't quite hear myself. So. The first thing that a person of his years when he goes abroad in the against of their rotten casting up lines and. The most not the reaction is to say we do it this way at home wherever home maybe. And they do it that way. And isn't this remarkable. Which is a polite way of saying Isn't this right. But it may also mean hasn't it. Then after a little more observation our reactions become somewhat more sophisticated and we begin to say that actually there are more similarities and there are different although it is do we about the differences and we talk and
we run. Now the reasons for that being more similarities are really not very profound and not hard to see tough in the first place. We're all broadcasting to people and people are the same at least in the play they become somewhat different as they get older but they start out just the same. And so we have basically the same time that we have if they want to see. Have you. Secondly we used the same media we used similar or in many cases the very same microphone and similar and in many cases the very same camera. So naturally they presentation by going to me very much so. However we must become aware of certain local and certain national deficit. I think it might be summarized by saying that we are dealing with the same basic problem but in different national and local settings. And these are probably the reason for the differences in the pussy. We must notice at the outset that the use of radio and television for
education is an almost universal everybody Duffey with hardly any exception. Different countries are at different stages in the US. But almost everybody does some kind of education by radio and television in school or out of school for children and for adults. After having read a number learned anything on this point. And adding the reports of those articles to some observation that I made on the spot I've drawn up a few Dunham's ation I think you'd be wrong. In the first place. There it is it is really important to find out the nature of a given the country's educational system with particular reference to whether it is central or decent to live. In a country such as Denmark or France in which education is quite centralized. Developments
are one type in a country such as Australia or the United Kingdom or the United States in which education is generally de-centralized abroad that would have a somewhat different kind of in the second place it is very important to be aware of the differing geographical expense and the many in fact that this is a country system for example in the low countries are small. They have no time zone. There are far more homogeneous. Whereas a country like Canada is re spread out country like Australia is very spread out. A country like the USSR is tremendously spread out and if only in the matter of time zones. This makes quite a difference and creates many problems. It is interesting to see the varying reactions and position that companies play as to whether in-school broadcasting should be total teaching or supplement. You can read it and I shall read you a statement from different points of view. In many
instances the differing reactions result from either the abundance or the shortage of teachers the more teachers they have the more convinced they are that they should merely suffer and the more they are short of teachers and more they tend to create and complete radio or on television. Everyone who does that occasional broadcasting must be aware of the educational authority. Nobody runs off all by himself. Take his microphone or camera and begin to create a program. And if you read articles about this there is always some reference to this in some cases they say we were very closely whether the habit of the dictation of the national monitoring that occasion in other cases they say that they turned the whole thing over to those people but there is always an awareness of this and here indeed is an experience that we had in our own search. Everybody is.
Here. He might not break this. Here are three different countries. Study guides for the broadcasting a friend. This one right here he says of France is from the commercial television system in Britain put out by the program how many you know wanted me to Fusion and they have good tech material and they have pictures of traffic in Paris in 1900 which is not like it is now and they have some other snaps of this type. And the very interesting colors in Italy has been by the formidable book but as you can see which made many of our school we are directed by Ellis. We don't always do the best things here at home. This is a conclusion we want to write that upon travel reluctantly but inevitably there is a very interesting but if you have studied elementary French fry your friend will you tell the next bite
they seem to have many of the same problems of verbs and nouns and even when they study. French and Italian and we knew when we started doing here it is a lot which tells you in Swedish about French and basically in pretty much the same way. They too have some window so everybody has brochures of one kind or another and the best ones are not always in them. Still in the acts they go on the air. I've been intrigued also with the monolingual problems of some countries we don't have that in the United States. The Canadians have two languages. The Belgians have are real because in addition to languages they used two different and incompatible television with the French system for those who live next to France and they got 15 to 25 life system and those who live now. So these are problems that we Americans are have not realized but they do exist.
Generally speaking I haven't been able to run down very few evidences of adult sort of forces broadcasting they do something in Canada I don't think they do very much anywhere else perhaps we go I say only if we are unique in this respect in the United States. Always fascinating is a comparison of the objectives for broadcasting and I've extracted he was abducted to read to you because you'll find some of these so much like those that we write read and Kate and others that are different that I think they are interesting. My sources are fans of play the review of the review of the European Broadcasting Union a publication which not only has a nice read public but some extremely valuable information and that there is a similar obligation for Eastern Europe you know what. Having organization you know our team has a blue collar and present somewhat different point of view. First as something from the book cover what about the objectives of Polish television. It says
television provides a teacher and with media which are not the disposal of any school using experiments in the studio. Documentaries filmed and report it enables an ever more frequent substitution of demonstrations for virtual destructor. One of our guys but. Also about for London says at the radio University which does not however invisible pet it does not include lessons needing systematically without would rather use a school of independent thinking it wants to win with the stock the listener's knowledge enable him to understand better. An interesting thing. Briefly the radio University fosters systematic intellectual development systematic intellectual without written words like that too. I do mania ladies breaking away from the political orbit the Soviet Union. They still are communist country and this is what I found in one of their pieces the aim of broadcasts for schoolchildren is not to replace the educational level of the family in school being rather diverse is
go directly concerned with the education of children and I like this particular undoubtedly many criteria can be found for a basket taken of the broadcast for use and show but the feature talent of all regardless of the age of the list is an active contribution to the communist education of the young generation of our country. This may appear on little but just change one word change the word from communists to democratic with a small d and you got our idea is the active contribution to the democratic education of a young generation of the front one we have on the face of it. You know the country you come out with pretty much the same of death fighting for a democracy. Denmark want to stop or not enough to replace the picture. Here Vietnam they have someone different and they have brought guests leave for their out of school broadcast with children which they call you. One thousand he will say all of us and you 1000 kilos. This
fascinated me so I read on. This feature has the aim of encouraging and mobilizing the world youth with the production of fertilizer. Never a short of chemical fertilizers. And we have to do everything we can to produce more organic produce among the rural youth a strong movement have been spreading the region surpassed the achievement of an unpronounceable name the girl champion defeated in a short period of time and collecting a thousand fuelled a fertilised. We think that we made a modest contribution to the success of this movement which has produced thousands of champions including some because it is not just 4000 or even a thousand here. Having struggled through a lot of conferences that learned educators I have realized a virtual impossibility. I'm getting my strictly academic colleagues to use language which make any sense to me. I have met with them and sometimes have. Come to the conclusion that actually they are saying the same things that I am saying but in such language
it appears to be quite wonderful and remount. I cannot talk an article on the popularization of science and technology and Bratislava radio here is one sound I repeat one sentence which I read to you and I so mad that any one of the academician do any better. We think it is a mistake in radio popularisation that Ellison I would add with education does not know that we live in a state of development which is characterized by the origin of a large number of new branches of science such as via physics psychophysiology biochemistry geochemistry half of chemistry by a key and so forth and that the process of intentionality and that ization is very critical. All sciences including social science that the process of the industrialization of science is developing rapidly and the development of science has ceased in that automation and specialization. But instead is seeking and finding new have mainly through the US planted of a new dialectical simplicity had
an attic an astronaut who was a member. So you see they really aren't behind him at all. It isn't. So much for a few observations about objectives and purposes in broadcasting but when you get fundamental enough to be just about the same everywhere and expressed in a rather similar light. And they are not here to resent a few case studies but these will really consist of nothing more than references to a few countries which it seems are doing outstanding work particularly while they're in school abroad to the. United Kingdom that is I think one of the leader if not the leader. There are radio broadcasts which began many years ago were under the aegis of the late Mary Somerville a woman who frequently has attended meetings of the National Association meditation project. There are radio brochures are remarkable the range of their material presented is remarkable. Their work and their layers and whether the educational establishment was very effectively achieved by setting up visual broadcasting Council which helped plan
programs and would help a great deal. Now that there is competition between BBC television an ITV television both of those organisations are doing television education and doing it very well it seems to me they also are talking about educational station they don't have any yet as far as I know and they are doing a certain amount of sort of university the air of broadcasting. Early mornings on Sunday and some other day certainly educational broadcasting in and out of school in Britain is one of the places where the work is done back to work in France. I'll always found very interesting. They've done television since 1951. They have a combination between our two you have the broadcasting organisation and they had a good national pedagogical Institute which provide again liaison between the educators and the teachers in the many unique features of French radio and this is just one thing for interest value programs for the children a
large captive if you read about the typical Lombardi's all the time go up and down the center never will they have education for them but I think you have interesting vision you have some of the same kind of thing I believe enough for there is short and or long way service for the children of families with government by the way. Italy is a country which has used television I think you know later Iceland the fact with their television school of which I felt the book. Right here they have vanished. First of all four children left to overlay in a lot of continue. And secondly in that getting serious illiteracy to make up the literacy which is called suggestive way. It is never too late. Here is a novel use of the media and I believe some have a good result. And finally and again I say this is just a survey is suggestive not by any company. And finally we have the teaching of language by broadcasters abroad the broadcasters abroad
have doesn't have them and we do know they have more languages in their own countries and more than it is an adjacent country this is a little bit of an aspect of cultural and or public doubt about education obviously if a foreigner can we hear a language he had direct access to something or other spoken or offended. But in going over lists of the language broadcasting in the European country I've been fighting left and right. France Russia US French German Polish That is French lessened in German Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian and Spanish by radio and completing two series of 30 television recordings around except Israel teaches Hebrew radio for them a man's desolated use of tele uninstall the German Arabic Somali Turkish and German. The Swedes to Swedish in. The Australians teach English for new Australians and they also use it in the NE Indonesian language so that
the Japanese to teach Japanese language in English. Indonesians Chinese Korean and Portuguese and in the United Kingdom and this is hardly an international broadcast not a domestic god since there is no manger. Major minority non-English speaking dual in the United Kingdom needs to get it by radio. But the United Kingdom teaches English and let me take a big bath in Bulgaria and Czech Finnish French German. Great. And Gary and Talia Persia Polish Rumanian Russian Serbo-Croat Spanish and partly I fear there must be more to the other someone here from the BBC are in no doubt they go after that one. And John we're going to tell us if he waited a little while. How many languages we speak teach English. You know I was in the night. Now there is a survey. Which of these are worth a lot of point out that they do it too. And secondly to suggest that they may do it just as well you know comparing them with.
And finally to suggest that the basics haven't got pretty much the same disillusioned appear to be much the same. And if they don't appear to be the same it's because the local situation requires. Inflexible localized approach. Our president Bill Harley has been attending some of the international meetings which have been devoted to education rather testy. He has consented to join us this morning and have us a little bit about evidences on the international front approaches common approaches to educational radio and taught. Religion from up here. He will raise one name and go on up to. The microphone as a. Hero. I'm. Only a pretty. Interesting. This writer. Thing. But. I tell you what
I'd like. My guardian to do this. But why does that special that all that come on down here. Let's get much cozier and I think this hands are communication potential. Also because I have a bad back of medicine that. They. Tend. To. Be some psychological thing about the first two rows of me on a Harley. Money. Doesn't. Flow there. All that. Suck money back. That fall there. Oddly. Enough I mean. I see. Them in my mind. We've got a pretty compact group here. Well I'll begin by.
Indicating that. That. I didn't get that all of the signals on this particular thing but since I've given I think now seven speeches at this convention and. It's now no wonder that in all the confusion I didn't get all of the information quite correctly but I understood my assignment would be primarily to talk about the European Broadcasting Union. And at least I'll devote perhaps most of my remarks to this and then we can go on and consider some other forms of international organization and activity. The. European Broadcasting Union headquartered in Geneva as a non-governmental international organization. Whose object. Obviously is to take care of the interests of organizations who operate broadcasting services it was founded back in 1925. And as its name indicates it involves the countries of Europe but also some
of those bordering on the Mediterranean. Only the European nations can be active voting members of the Union. But it does take in organizations in other parts of the world on an Associate Member basis. And this is a start of membership which the n. A B enjoys. Along with the six other broadcasting enterprises in the United States. The three commercial networks. They ne t. The EU it states Information Service and the broadcast Foundation of America. All of us are associate members of a be you and entitled to attend their general assemblies and to be involved in their committee structure. That we don't have voting privileges. There are now I believe some 27 active members of the Union and about twenty four associate members.
The administrative structure calls for a general assembly which meets once a year and then there's a. Minister a council that exercises the rights of the assembly. In between meetings of that body. The union has three standing committees a program technical and legal committee and then each of these committees can have certain study groups and it also has a permanent staff at Geneva and an engineering staff headquartered in Brussels. Its income is derived from dues. The program committee gets involved in such things as the study of problems raised by international exchange programs. Films News special programs designed to celebrate particular occasions. And its study groups are involved in activities such as the coordination of program exchanges of important topical events by your vision. They're very big for celebrating all kinds of festivals and whatnot by means of Eurovision I'll talk a little bit about that particular enterprise later.
Oh the one we're most interested in probably is the educational television Study Group. Which is concerned with such things as disseminating fuller information on the potentials of school television. Of studying co-production projects organizing in-service training courses for producers of school television. And producing an international series of school programs. They've been fairly active and in connecting training programs most of them in London. In training producers of school programmes and apparently are going to continue that activity. As a bird indicated they have now held two international conferences. Of radio and television organisations involved in school broadcasting. The first one is in Rome the second one was in Tokyo and they intend to hold another in Paris in 1967. So make your plans right now. We were able. By. Generous assistance of some friends in Washington.
To send official delegations. Representing the NABJ at both of these school conferences. And we are perfectly happy to say that they were given recognition in the form of the appointment of some of our officers both in the organization and conduct of the. Conferences. And. As participants that is people giving papers and so on and this was even more evident at the talk yo conference. Since we were better known by then in the councils of the ab you. I can go back and talk about these conferences at greater length. They were very interesting. And the but they raise some very interesting questions. And there are some people here in this room that Miers was either maybe someone
else who can augment my comments. The question. That I think emerges is whether. Broadcasting enterprises as such are the appropriate auspices for holding. Conferences on the use of radio and television and instruction. That is these were governmental broadcasting systems. These were the operators of the hardware essentially say who are holding the meeting. And the result is. Almost predictable and is the kind of thing that we're all guilty of so many times we want a conference and what happens. You arrange for a lot of participants and they get out and they just talk about the raid achievement of what they have done in their own city and their own county and their state. And when you have an international conference exactly the same thing takes part. Everybody gets up and says Well. In Kenya we're doing this. And in Japan we do such
and such and so on so. The problem is. That you don't have any evidences of advancing the art.. No. You don't have the kinds of people who are really thinking about the nature of the learning process. You don't get these kinds of insights and. Intellectual applications involved at these conferences. So this concerns us a bit. And. I guess I won't go into this but we have some We've been talking with a number of people around the world particularly in the around the Pacific Rim. Where the reference to organizing some other kinds of. Arrangements for a meeting on this level in which there's a little higher degree of. Educational concerns involved rather than just. Getting out and indicating just what you're doing and boasting of what you're doing so that everybody can be properly awed. And
influence they under developed nations and thinking that you're the proper person to come to for advice and counsel. Well we're going to talk about that somewhat but I don't want to be diverted too much in my discussion of the EU. But I would say that even you. And quite understandably. Is. Protective of its own interests and concerns it's whenever there's a cause or a consideration of some kind of an international conference or activity. They always sort of take the attitude of. Well we're not sure that we want to go into this or let these other people in because these are not broadcasting people and therefore we're not going to have anything to do with us or not let them come in and upset the apple cart. As we're the operators of this equipment.
And these other people really don't know what they're doing. And we're going to keep this closely knit. And there are there are reasons for this which are not inappropriate. But they're also on the other side some things that E.B. you should not undertake. They can't have it both ways. Now the EU does cooperate though with a large number of international organisations including United Nations and you Nasco in the World Health Organization. And the International Labor Organization and so on and it gives sanction to a number of international festivals competitions of various kinds and. And undertakes to exercise a little discipline in this area which as you know. Deliberates all over the place everybody in every city in Europe practically wants to get some tourist business cooks up the idea of having come at some kind of an international television or film festival or whatnot. And. And this is just running riot and the AB You attempts to.
To require before you don't get any sanction to this kind of thing the submission complete plans and standards involved in the contest and so on and has. Attempted to. To keep these down to a few that it recognizes of some importance. These Now include the Khan film festival the Golden Rose contest of Montreaux. The international television fast of all that Mama Carlo the Salzburg opera prize in the Prix Italia. In the tactical Theel edu. Keeps its members informed concerning our research work and cooperates with other international organizations which handle summer activities. In program production and program exchange. It carries on liaison between different countries and provides.
A legal service in relation to questions that. Arise out of that kind of international activity. For decades we've had copyright governed by international conventions. And the same is not true of the rights of performers and those of recording and music publishing firms and the legal committee informs members of treaties that govern and international performance agreements represents the countries a negotiation is involved in these agreements. It was instrumental in drawing up the Baronne. Convention on universal copyright. As bird mentioned all of these activities are are regularly reported in its magazine. There as he said with a pretty good cover and at least once a year they get special educational. Versions. And I think pretty high quality of articles. They tend to be reports by a
member of the constituent members on what's going on in their area. And we've had the opportunity of contributing several times about the nature of the educational broadcasting movement in this country. Birds like Apollo authored one of these Bob Suki did another for us. If anyone has an urge to get some international exposure. And would like to send in a manuscript we would be glad to submit this for consideration. For publication in the B you about some phase of educational broadcasting in this country. And this will have wide international currency. Now a word about your vision about which you've heard I'm sure but may not know too much. Involves a television services in the northwest and south of Europe for international exchange of television programs. And this was a heck
of a thing to get launched because of the tremendous problems that were involved. They had to join the various existing national networks together but on different sides of the front areas you'd have all different kinds of television standards. So there were tremendous problems in making adaptations to make these things compatible not only whether various nations in Europe. About also to convert in such a way that they could use American tape recorded programs and look into those relayed by transatlantic relay or satellite. The technical coordination center for your evasion is in Brussels. At present that includes 18 television services and 16 European countries. Now. Why is any a b belong to the EPU. Well I think there are several. Benefits that we derive from this. The first place we get some actual material benefit in the form of some distinguished international programs that. We've been able to utilize on our
radio network. They as I said before are great ones for celebrating some kind of an occasion and frequently turn out special programs in connection with some particular week. And we have been able to utilize some of these programs particularly when they are music. It gives us access to information on international regulations regarding the exchange of programs and copyright performance rights labor relations and so on. It gives us an opportunity to participate in international conferences on the instructional uses a radio and television. It gives us participation in activities relating to the assisting. Of. Underdeveloped nations in the development of radio and television systems. We have a permanent committee. For this purpose. We. Join in helping to seek solution of many international. Problems and which cooperation is useful. And which
advance the general cause of broadcasting everywhere. And then it gives us a broad acquaintanceship. With. People with leaders of broadcasting organizations around the world. Which serve as useful useful contacts. In any matters of interest in various parts of the world that may arise. And that particularly as hosts for NABJ personnel visiting abroad or or who are given foreign assignments just before I left Washington I see. Three sets of letters for an AB personnel who are either there or on their way or soon departing. For various study projects in broadcasting in and around Europe. Dr Palos living next week. Is going to spend what six months. I don't like why I should be telling your story.
At the Geneva largely headquarter to TB you. Roy Vogelman from. My old stamping ground W.H. I left a couple of weeks ago for study in Germany France and England. On the handling of controversial matters and public affairs programming. And Walter Emery left last week to spend a bout a year or nine months or so and almost all of the countries. Of Europe studying the various. Regulatory systems that are in force. And in all these occasions you say going on our list of acquaintanceships through E.B. you can write letters and. And uh provide valuable contacts for all of our people who are. Have the privilege of undertaking assignments of this kind. So distance of family of any of you. Our going abroad and want opportunities
for visiting broadcasting systems and stations and so on. We can and we are happy to give you this kind of. Access. Through the contacts that we have and many of these arise through our membership in edu. Now. To what degree my remarks were prepared that that ends that portion I'm going to ad lib completely from here I mean because Dr pollo said well I want to talk about you know the whole range of international organisations people and agencies involved in educational broadcasting that's. A pretty big spectrum but let me suggest some things and then I hope that we'll have. A kind of a cooperative enterprise in the sense that we have a lot of expertise here and. In various areas that can be brought to bear and help me flesh out this outline. In addition to the E.B. you know there is another similar
organization involving the Communist Bloc nations. O o r t o I R T. You're not likely to have too much communication with that group. But you should know that there is such an organization and the EPU interestingly enough has been having several conversations with all I RTd in an effort to have a joint. And a fact world meeting with them. Whether this will ever come off I don't know but they have been there. Oh. And I forgot that the friend and I mean in effect an international organization and maybe a window. And of course we have a the world organization the United Nations. And particularly in Nesco with its committee on mass media which is very active all around the world both from a standpoint of. Publication dissemination of information. In the
conduct of seminars and conferences of various kinds. And in the pilot projects in relation to the introduction of media in the service of education in the underdeveloped areas of the world they've had such things as conferences of newspaper editors in Africa. They've had at least one or two conferences on programmed instruction. In Africa and also in television. They've just finished. I understand a very successful meeting in Mexico City. Which is that which RC Norris was one of the staff. RC Norris used to be here at Austin. And sons and they also do some surveys and feasibility studies regarding the establishment of a television system.
They did the early early pioneer study and in Bogota on the possibilities there are optically for radio and they did one in Israel and a number of places around the world. So they're active in this area and any Maybe as a member of is represented on the National Commission for UNESCO's and therefore has the opportunity of participating in their consuls and representing educational broadcasting. And also is active in some of their committees. There are. A number of. Agencies sometimes out of place I. Helium as in air heat and ranging down to downright Industrial of business entrepreneurship so. Involved in this question of international development and the Afro Asian Institute is one. And one of our
former ne be people like you said the head is working for them and I get the OPI and I. Wasn't even really Bret's as an outfit out in California anybody remember that. I can't think of it but there are a number of these and there are more and more of them developing as more and more interest is emerging and. In helping these programs of assistance in various parts of the of the world. International departments of networks are becoming very active and in this kind of development and the electronic manufacturers. Understandably are are interested in developing the uses of. Broadcast media in the various countries. The time life has been very active in a number of parts of the world and surveying the possibilities of. Establishing or helping to establish broadcast systems. Our. Foundations in this
country and in some other parts of the world. Have been funding various kinds of pilot projects the Ford Foundation naturally as you know is involved in a number of areas India. And Africa and nothing else. Foundation of England is doing the same kind of thing principally in Africa. We have a lovely situation in Nigeria where we have. The Nuffield Foundation and the Ford Foundation. And a ID and somebody else. Us I am I don't know everybody but his brother is involved in that particular country. All in some aspect of the application of media to the educational process. Our own government is also involved in the various activities of various departments. The Department of Interior interest. Me not is the one which. We're involved in in the Samoa project. Because a department terrier
has this responsibility for a trust Island. Such as Samoa. And. So this is the way we became involved in the Samoan activity and television. The Peace Corps as you know is. Going into this is already involved in Bogota and Ted Myers is here who can speak to this. And they I think are considering possibility of going. Elsewhere possibly into Africa. We're involving Peace Corps personnel and. In training and assistance and in the use of educational television. And the U.S. I am Voice of America of course which we'll hear more about presumably tonight from Mr. Rowan. Is heavily involved all over the world. So. It's a great deal of activity both and. In the exchange of materials back and forth between countries between our country and many other countries. And why
such a range of assistance programs. And I think I would like to to wind this up and let other people get in the act by. By just. Addressing myself for a moment to the notion of. Why. What what's our interest in this you know why should we be concerned about. What happens in Nigeria. In India or whatever. The use of educational television and radio. Seems to me it's both an opportunity. And an obligation and a responsibility. For those of us who have some expertise in the use of radio and television. In education. To help advance our national purpose in this international area. I want to make a speech about this but I think that most people would agree. That. Are peace and prosperity certainly regardless of what
the humanitarian aspects are. And maybe our survival. Depends on the establishment of some kind of a stable world order. And we sure as the devil are not going to have any stable world order in a world in which two thirds of the population is. Almost inert. Ignorant and inert in which they cannot possibly be effective participants in a world society. Because of ignorance and malnutrition and disease. And the economists have finally come around to the realization that. That the first. Element. In raising the economic I mean the economic and the social well-being of any nation depends upon. The well-being of the people involved so that investment in human resources really is the place to begin. And in that investment. Education obviously has a tremendously important role. So.
If you. Accept that sort of general premises. And you consider the magnitude of the job to be done. We'll never make any kind of. Advancement in this area and last we can find means of. Making a massive application of technology. In the hopes that we can advance three development of the underprivileged two thirds of the world's population. And so I think that educational broadcasters have a real opportunity to. Advance our national purpose.
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National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention
National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 1)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 1) ,” 1964-10-28, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 1) .” 1964-10-28. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention - International EJ Broad around the world (Reel 1) . Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from