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This produces writes broadcasts or produces actually a crisis the children. Do know the notion of doing it consciously. I don't normally think first magazine receivers one was going to be a complete As we were by writing saying. I did the eye thing lessening to the day that companies it's already being done on television and expecting that I'm going to come here and hear that if they heard the fact the child said I like the radio version better because the scenery is better and you're dreaming of. Ladies and Gentlemen this is the one who give you the scenery of Radio thank you very much. Thank you very much. For your digesting this British understatement to introduce another good friend from the Netherlands. Mr. Young domino. He doesn't like the hyphen. I'm saying and I'm saying
he's the assistant director of the Netherlands Information Service in New York he's a professional diplomat. Became the information officer because of vested interest in diplomacy. He served in the United Kingdom and India Pakistan Japan Korea Germany South Africa and United States. He's interested in literature and music and one can't deny the stoutly he's also interested in propaganda. I give you Mr. Diamond most Thank you very much. Of course I feel like David I have to go it has just spoken with you as you probably never would have Kingdom in the Netherlands live crossed and will see you always joining hands we had five floors the benches once trained we want to set it up meaning that we say we want three in day two. This is I think the same information. It depends where you get it from reading the dozens are straightaway to disadvantage with the British because we speak the wrong language.
Why did our international broadcasting is done. Because we do it in two different ways. First of all through our domestic radio which can be picked up in most parts of Europe people just tune into the AM station. Of course our newscast in our countries cannot be understood by the other Europeans. I do not know who suffers most. They hate domestic radio completely caters for listeners. In Holland they domestic radio in a way does do international broadcasting because it exchanges programs through the European Broadcasting Union. We had this morning a discussion on interchange between stations and here you can see something of that going on in Europe at the moment where BBC Young Rajan Dutch domestic radio isn't right if you are fast into change programmes. We have set up at the same time another organization rather near land. We held on rope
which does nothing else but cater for a foreign audience. We had to do that because how domestic programs are limited in range of perception. The language barrier and we do have a very strong desire in the Netherlands to present our country through radio to the world and keep in contact with people not people who settled in so many parts of the world and it is on this particular part of international broadcasting from the Netherlands. I would like to talk to you in 30 minutes because many speakers although Jacques is not a good speaking to one of my writing you know and as I said broadcast exclusively to international audience and its programmes again Cordingley Rodney Long is an independent organization. It's not a government agency or a channel for airing views and ideas of the Netherlands government. I'm a government official and I feel always very sure when Ronnie Lott has done something God and I have to say I have nothing to do with it.
The structure of religion a long it can best be compared to that of an American Foundation and I think that I may underline and I think this is most important. The independence of rot in a land that Robin had learned from time to time and its international broadcast as views and opinions which are contradictory to the government of the Netherlands. But I think that's a fundamental thing. If you want to have international broadcasters write enabled is financed by the people of the Netherlands we do not as yet. I think this is a great pity. As commercial radio in the Netherlands and each listener in Holland has to pay a fee out of these fees ragin a lot is financed a certain percentage of technical aid is bringing of an image of the Netherlands by radio. We do in three different ways we do it by direct shortwave broadcasts by relay programmes broadcast life via foreign station and by transcription programmes rather nettled operates on the shortwave as a number of powerful transmitters I don't know how many but it's less than the BBC. It was
about 25 programs day each of these programmes we beamed to one particular area of the world. I think a breakdown is interesting we broadcast 10 in Dutch 5 in English or American and English 4 in Spanish 3 in Arabic two in Indonesia and one in Africa. On the shortwave Rudranil on broadcasts provides for 10000 broadcasting hours a year. And since last years for the facilities of Trans World radio relay station on the island of Borneo and the Netherlands Antilles we have added another 1000 hours. Now what does RA do not want to do with this and who do they want to reach. Well on the one hand Dutch settlers brought I'm loath to use the word expatriates because it got such a double meaning in this country but that's really what they are. But in the script it says setters and secondly the local population in a given area do you. If I give you a summary of the programming which is used for the programmes I think you get the idea which is
behind our operation. For Dutch settlers residing in countries where news is biased and such countries do exist newscast are prime important they give some background information when discussing the new domiciled controversial subjects in which their former homeland is involved. And secondly they keep such as informed about cultural economic and other developments in the Netherlands in the same right but with a different approach rather nettled hopes to reduce the local population via the short way. We do know that a client like so many other stations experts from the countries to which we broadcast because we think they can do the job better. I think a breakdown of the programming in percentages is of interest. Twenty six percent of our total programming goes in news 20 percent the contrary 40 religion 60 sports a little 11 to like music 25 percent to good music and 80 percent to the rest. And there's a high percentage of straight news reporting indicates that Rajan a lot believes
there is a need in this world for objective international news broadcast. The second biggest lies of the programming good music whatever that may be. Ranges from the classical to the ultra modern fits in very well I think with the aims and objectives of the enemy. Me because this type of good music is of course not only cultural but also of an educational value. Do we get any response to our programming. Well from Indonesia which we have long long long relations with we have about 20000 letters a year and if the listening audience can be measured there are to moment 5000 people of them all over the world who have enlisted enrolled in a program that by radio. I would like to mention here a real old timer on the short wave which is now right the name on the happy Station Program at the station was at the start which was the
first radio shortwave radio in English from a non-English speaking country is running in its thirty seventh year at the moment. Another way in which Dr. Nuland is trying to reach an international audience is by relay programs which the host station receives life either by cable or by shortwave as Jack has just told you. The BBC is now going to plan such a thing. Where's the NABJ Jack. We have done so for more than a year when we have sent through cables to WRVA our New York European review and transatlantic profile which WRVA are sent down to NABJ which is then presented to the stations. It was these two programs rather nettled in fact steps beyond broadcasting from the Netherlands into broadcasting from your job graphically the Netherlands is in a very fortunate position situated as we are in the heart of Europe. Our heart is our gateway to Europe and for centuries not only trade but also ideas have flowed through our
country to other continents and I think it's quite natural that riding Nayland has taken upon it the task of presenting Europe to the rest of the world. In the programme European review for instance we analyze the complexity of an integrated Europe try to explain it by making use of correspondents around in a knot in the various countries where they are stationed. Transatlantic profiles and other NABC program goes deeper into the personal side of it and the people involved in these programs. I think the scope of a program like this is very well illustrated that ANY be asked as in November 64 to make a special program with your band reactions to the election of Lyndon B Johnson as president of the United States of America. The third method is at present most in demand here in the United States is bad transcription program. A fundamental thinking behind a program is best illustrated if I give you a breakdown again is what do we send. We send series of 15 programs each devoted to Mother
Netherlands composers series of modern Dutch opera house music by Dutch composers interpreted by Dutch artists and doesn't chamber music played by dozens jamming music artists. Well if you know say the word propaganda I quite agree but I think this is not propaganda. This is bringing something of one country to the other. We are not there to interpret Beethoven but a concert about Locusta because you can get those at some goodies any time series like the ones we send out are specially in the mountain university radio stations where the audience we find eagerly compares their own achievements with those in other countries. And there again I think is that it is such an important thing. Saying is that we link up the world through all these modern communications that we have. How much do you know in this country. What we do in Europe and how much do we really know and Europe. What do you do. There are too many people in the United States who still think of us as the boy with the finger in the back. That we're not only ending modern music
in the in the Afghan God we have brought out an album that folk probably moved. Actually it started out when I wrote a letter and said hootenannies was so popular in the United States and Roger nettle presented promptly the truckload relive old songs and rearranged and played by members of the famed school talk about locust and it was not it was never. Really any writing and has released another program and cultural program. I would call it an educational program possible to make sure we got that luncheon yesterday citation for a large European review rather than a long tries to analyze your opinion. It's a chair as seen by another European. Not anymore. Our own parish we want to go further on. Try to interpret it for you. A side by side with our good music we present light music combos jazz programs that are not my favorites. Let's get over it. Another
thing and I think I help programming is crowd make sure if you look at it Armont side of the scale a program like that is John time which is extremely popular with rock n roll stations to a comprehensive study of five centuries of Dutch music. Again I think this is not cultural broadcasting this is educational broadcasting. And this program we have run from the 15th century Dutch composer by the name of Yacub Albrecht. You can't announce it until the 20th century Dutch composer Philip pappa. Now if a transcription service is to be successful not only must the programs offered and the technical qualities of the recordings be first class but they must be available in quantity to satisfy the market. The quantity problem was solved shortly after the world or by producing all our programs a long playing records and over the years the system has proved satisfactory. A matinee will now release a three to four series of approximately 15 programs a year since
1963 I may add that we offer these programs both in stereo and Monaro. There isn't stereo in the Netherlands but we do cater for our friends. It is not intentional Ravenel not to compete with commercial record companies. The aim is to offer a balanced cultural picture of the country stressing particularly those achievements which although First-Class can not be classified as popular. Culture I think can never be isolated to keep it alive. We need constant exchange constant education about what others around us are thinking and doing. That's educational broadcasting can become something model. It could at the same time be called cultural exchange broadcast and vice versa and this is a subject very dear to my heart. Educational broadcasting should not restrict itself to its immediate surroundings but be what it is in the first place. Communication which can reach far beyond the home parish
and our own country. Thank you Iowa. Thank you. Am down on. On the problem of international broadcasting just in general. There's one pitfall that faces all of us which is the one you might call us no centrism that we are so interested in ourselves will assume that overseas audiences are just as interested in hearing about ourselves. I mean it seems to me I've even caught the BBC external service on occasion introducing new programs probably from the WHO service like effect and I wish to have observations on bed watching on the cuts well and
I just wait here for you. We fall into the sea. Voice of America for me is the same but we did hit upon an idea in quite some time ago which business centric all right but because it was aimed at a certain sector of well society it is the academics Well says I society. We assumed that they would have intellectual curiosity about any country ours included and so the forum project was built on sand over time years in challenge as a forum for his foreign editor for The Voice of America. He's indisposed today so he's graciously committed his assistant to destroy make sad you know to come and tell us about the fourth project joy it was
one with North Carolina. Undergraduate working at Tulane. How do you know about and got a master's from the University of Virginia and international relations. I must first meet quite happy that joy is here to bring you some sex appeal. So I give you two anything. Thank you very much like mine was today. Let me ask you live to a third lecture on the philosophy of science. With with one station identification. Looks at this as a
methodological individual as a professional in the field. Unless of course there are some philosophers of science and not you. Astonished form. Be asked in just unheard of and place for lecture series and asked two years ago one of the series from the check was a block year with this excellent introduction of science books
by two of the jurors for the Arts and Sciences and century America. For six years. The broadcast lectures there and being recorded by the experts themselves by artists scholars scientists. The lectures are distributed as follow up in book form. The way Washington State's Information Service hosts oversee 30 Sirius have been broadcast today. American thought in the hard sciences the social sciences and the humanities. Their
first of all in English and then two selected areas in translation. The printed version for the overseas distribution originally is a multiple of and is not in this book for of course all over. Politics and Government which is the most recent was can that works. And 60 have. Softcover edition arrangements with the publishing series
concept for their program. The original objectives were and when they came first of all to establish communication between artists and scientists and their lives abroad then also Second Life. In this same vein two American interests were American and were at the moment and of course to gain appreciation for these developments was not intended at first. One specific area to the scholars of all areas to develop
to develop a community for discussion and exchange. Cheers of course. And frankly I can see first the intellectual community this small group within the country that there and the ideas and policy and balance was saucy to me. That would be a definite yes to the specialist. The thought provoking to the specialist as well. The lecture is devoted strictly to the subject at hand. There is no intent and no desire to slight the lecture in any way.
There are no engine in the traditional sense. There are no second interpretations. The speak for themselves and speak themselves. The appeal of this direct confrontation between the intellectual and articulate and interested groups such as Dr. Dudley to develop a strong sense to do. Dr. James Farmer there is more stage
Archibald Cox and art of the life. And to discuss their own work. In this online form or conference are interesting and interesting from the medical center and Sun for example. This is another dimension to the forum and disciplined attention
on this form. With a series of popular modernization. I'm not a decisive factor in forms of overseeing the public series if we're listening to the published version or look over points discuss them. His friends published versions are available in book form of course. The version printed form a shelf you can go back to the numerous times for reference purposes on two fronts. It's been an exciting development and an exciting experiment in the round low educational
broadcast involved and and in forming just a communicating utilizing radio and the print version form reaches out to media to accomplish a need you know. The conscious effort to drive within the range of principal and interest of the minds of its listeners as the prison for a lot of work has put it to them. And mission of our society in terms of the them and our actions effect has attempted to show that American experience can
have relevance to society. Special things are over and discussing only accomplishments the problems and frustrations that we as a society face accomplish. And my colleague from the Netherlands was talking about. Just from the angle of the technical side the foreign production coordinator for a modest honorarium resigns and the outstanding colleagues of his video rooms
for professional suitability. The introduction. Production of course is done by the Forum star. The song currently in the hard sciences of the sciences is that a common present for developmental problems. The stations here and overseas by the side of the graphic statues to the
public. Part of the world of four hour broadcast from Washington Russian broadcasting from China the Bulgarian service service. Radio Networks over seas that have taken for serious form local placement networks include CBC island and Spanish national. Translations of course in other languages from the printed
version around the world Africa South America the Far East and pretty extensively by university. Some were discussion debates and in the case of the books alone there are often textbooks. Foreign materials are also used incidentally for just English teaching purposes. For the United States Information Agency. Are you in the libraries force and conference in various means throughout the embassy itself the attachés the scientific attache. So you were taken seriously for a special conference agricultural I wish for this series
on agriculture. The Agency for International Development has been using the forum series Knowsley population series that they have distributed in numerous areas throughout the world. The Peace Corps gets in the future and has endorsed Al Gore in the recent developments. Societies here in the United States out on high res with their particular subject oversee a forum for from person to person and from media to media. A hundred a week and the four of us about the series
judging from the Snellen from transistor on the audience of the professionals in a given field. There are also white collar workers here from this faction. We literally received mail from all corners of the world from gaster to the South Sea just a couple of excerpts that were there. The America I teach and write are very useful not only to me providing you with an excellent source of information postgraduate courses. At the local college incidentally discovered for term papers I think around the world.
So my pupils at the high school where I teach the scientific course to become engineers are groundless and involved in other scientific activities lectures books and a country with a lot of books. Is your gracious help these lectures provide the students with an up to date course of information and what is most important. They handle upon us. So when I thank you for that. I also speak on behalf of my students and their rights are most interesting and informative and above all the program offers a wonderful opportunity to the people the world over. More especially students from the lectures by the world's authorities in the field which would otherwise be quite impossible.
For Jews to have. Their own state your right to listen to some of the lectures given by a number of distinguished Americans and wisdom and particularly to my area as a planet in various cultural and physical problems and development problems and policies. Of course by the potential of one series from the University of California from listening to.
Both. Forums and take the discussion opinions of women held between American and Japanese and surprise that Americans have died as well. This is the pattern Rama for the Arts and Sciences in mid-century America. There are enough disciplines and enough areas that benefit from them and a disciplinary approach to keep for going well past the year 2000. Currently on the air we have modernisation the dynamics of growth and geography series up how soon we will know how economics sociology Nair something new. And urbanization. It sounds as
if you're centric but your are hoping to establish a community of thought that my colleague has mentioned before. Thank you. Ooh. This is the. Educational broadcasting in the higher level a level of higher and higher education. Our Peace Corps volunteers have demonstrated that they can make wonderful teachers at almost any level. I'd like to hear a few minutes to have one of the Peace Corps project at the elementary school level we're fortunate to have with this Mr. James Coburn who is rich. I don't know how recently but you certainly were at the president and
participated in the Peace Corps project in Colombia. Mr. James called Thank You I VERY try to explain to you something rather promptly. With in the battle last year Peace Corps received requests for at least information from something like 40 nations in the world requesting information about educational television. I should explain here to that I don't quite fit with the rest of the panel in the sense that Peace Corps does not broadcast television itself. He scores in the position of helping a host country develop its own television system and in the case of Columbia in school programming for the primary level the pilot project for what promises to be a sizable part
of a peace corps activity over the next 5 10 years and perhaps beyond that was the project and still is the project in Colombia. This project started in 1063. Our first programming went on the air in March of 1964. The project includes all of those things which you might expect in a television project that is production and technical personnel. We like to feel that the success of this project is due in large part to the utilization of the 70 volunteers that went to Columbia in this project 50 including myself were utilisation volunteers. That is to say that we worked directly in the classroom with the classroom teacher and in some cases with the children in order to make sure that the
project was centered on the most important element of the whole project which is to say a classroom and ultimately the mind of the child. It's trying to learn. The job of utilisation volunteers in this case was to instruct teachers in the use of the television sets and its technical aspects. Also to learn ourselves as much about the Colombian educational system as possible and to help the teachers adapt our classes and to their curriculum into their teaching on a day to day basis and at the same time to provide feedback to the Studios in order to make certain again that the programming that was presented there indeed serve the needs of the classroom.
This basically is the idea of peace corps participation in a television project abroad. Several other countries are probably within the next several months we'll have contracts with Peace Corps and Peace Corps will again on the basis of the success of the pilot project in Colombia. Try this in other countries. There is a small group of volunteers at present in Peru though this is not a full scale project yet only seven volunteers of their own sort of a feeler basis. And I would like to announce that this is something. We're very proud of that Colombia will very soon become a training center for all of Latin America. Educational Television that is to say that the Colombian government with some Peace Corp as a patient
will sponsor seminars conferences on a long range basis for teachers administrators and government officials from all over Latin America to introduce to them the idea of educational television and to give training in the organization and planning and running of projects all over South America and Central America. Thank you. Thank you very much James code for that wonderfully condensed wonderful story we have a few minutes here and if anyone would like to ask a one or two questions I think that if we leave by five minutes past we'll we'll have 10 minutes to get to get seated for the vice president. So I'm sorry that we didn't get had the benefit of Mr. Hashimoto's
information we seem to have missed connections somehow I'm sure. But there we are. And the question is then YES it. Will be. I think the best and most expeditious way were Bay to bring it head to our studios in New York have the participants there and then start shooting it out from New York. You know what if anyone can afford to come there to connect in take it neither that's going to be quite expensive thing I said in the program. I was there any other questions.
It's a little. HARD I'M AFRAID TO doesn't meet at this moment. Stanley said they're required in this country and I'm most popular messing up in Holland and I believe no information is better than bad. Probably cost me my job. Yes. This is a for this is a discussion you may not see short views pleases. This will go to Ed and the Jerry said and will then be distributed. He plans to bring it I think I'm right Gary in saying this you plan to bring in national stations and I think there's a pretty wide distribution generated. Yes.
Yes and if I live near any of what you or any are else or what you write here the BBC does this very extensive transcription. So yeah like you said yes we'll send you to the Pantheon. No no they totally offering you some housing different programs but every year. In Europe. Not sufficiently You know that you know that there is no know little of God not sufficiently to use it as a firm at the moment based in Holland which is doing a lot of
videotaping in Europe on behalf of American networks. You know it's sort of pro-U.S. this place where you must agree and there's no charge for the use of you and you. Oh yes very very. Did you hear the question and say The question is do we know anything about teleprompter or agency which is secularized
sending services that are to be forthcoming in the way of exchange tapes and so forth. The answer seems to be that it's private distributing agency which will sell these these tapes or services. And let's face it you're saying. Alpine was Australia so it's not very good and beyond that we don't it's a new new thing right. You know there you go. We have time for one more question or comment. Yes sir.
Recently I hear you know the way. This makes me thing for both of us we're going nowhere. This interview this is your addition stronger strong I think perhaps what you're thinking of is the fact this thing maybe your country is a standing back and waiting to see the results of the representation they've made to come said about the area. It may be that that was history. Yes it's still a very lively and lively
everything no injuries. Carol thank you very much joining fan joining. Jacka stripper James gold. Thing night right there with me. And there they were there. Is a get. Together. Yes Israel. Being human. If the
first few. Songs. From the. Same. Confession. Thing. Is. Going on recently finished. Doing. Something. Nothing. Nothing nothing. Or there was. A good thing and the liberals are doing it. This isn't anything but I do not want to there think of it with your writing of the letters to. And from the. Things it was Muslims in a long list of them I'm very good with feelings reveal when you're. On the filibuster and with nothing. Sandman's is a. Good thing a
real civil. Yes. It is an awesome way. You're watching it. In San Francisco there were some research on. The different the terminus is that this is a little absent from. The start of public opinion. Well. You're right yeah right. This is with you for your viewers. Sorry Mr. countryman Mr.. Trump of course this is because the truth
is I was looking forward to hearing him speak. John something you're going to go through that you're trying to break. My thanks to you just going to the far left. Oh yes. Big problem. Thank you. No wonder you're looking for this to get things right with me. And you're going to be. Friends and. They are. Things that are still white because they didn't give you. Something and you're in it in terms of what I'm trying to think of you.
It's wrong to comment or that you might feel men being in the right place for me is a bit like going see Runyon Rosen when your sugar was regulatory affairs with her you know you're going to rewrite rice or breaks a couple very Isn't it wonderful better this way to your exit I should say he's willing to change it I guess. Can you kind of assume you're going to turn around to see him and I seriously getting images in your mind as a minor and you're never going back to seeing them again. Thanks for yours because finally I'm free of my meeting him and this will tell you that you like to do if we are going to be are you going I was going on the right of your theory you're going to hear the story and
you're going to be using a girl saying yes you are going to increase. Your misery and you're going to be going through misery for you. Yeah I don't think it's going to be stuck into you know things in life.
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1965 National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention
A Survey of International Broadcasting Activities
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 5509 (University of Maryland)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “1965 National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; A Survey of International Broadcasting Activities,” 1965-11-03, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “1965 National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; A Survey of International Broadcasting Activities.” 1965-11-03. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: 1965 National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention; A Survey of International Broadcasting Activities. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from