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     Migrant conference interviewee talks about United Farm Workers strike and
    the Teamsters
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Only optimistically as you know considering our size and the Teamsters and the money the Teamsters have right now they're saying right now there's a great strike going on in the in the Coachella Valley in the Coachella Valley there was 15 ranchers who were formerly you have w contracts who won the last negotiating last day of contract. Well the day after the contract ended they signed with the Teamsters and at that point the national AFL CIO finally took some stand and said that they they felt that the where's the solidarity between unions and what is the team what are the training teams you're trying to do to us here and they contributed a million point six two to the strike to strike benefits for United Farm Workers and it finally brought a commitment out of George Meany. So we're hoping that that's an indication of something they're going to continue to do and give us full full support money monetarily and publicity
wise and everything like that. There's a there's also a there's also a bill introduced by Senator Kennedy that'll be coming up in next in the next session not this year but the next session that will take some investigation. Of collusion between the Teamsters and the growers. Which which I feel personally if they if they do any any investigation at all it'll it'll prove they'll prove collusion.
MPR News Feature
Migrant conference interviewee talks about United Farm Workers strike and the Teamsters
Producing Organization
Minnesota Public Radio
Contributing Organization
Minnesota Public Radio (St. Paul, Minnesota)
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Episode Description
Interviewee, talks about the size of the UFW and Teamsters unions and the money the Teamsters have. Says ranchers formerly with UFW contracts signed with the Teamsters. The national AFL-CIO took a stand and contributed $1.6 million to strike benefits for United Farm Workers; it finally brought a commitment out of George Meaney. He hopes the strikers will get full support monetarily and with publicity. Bill introduced by Senator Kennedy for next session calls for an investigation between the Teamsters and the growers, says if any investigation is done at all it will prove collusion. Reporter MFG.
Asset type
Labor : 09000000-:Unions : 09010000; Economy, Business and Finance : 04000000-:Agriculture : 04001000-:General : 04001000
Unspecified (Content status: Edited program); Unspecified (Created or licensed from third party: No); Unspecified (Any explicit usage restrictions: No); Unspecified (Any distribution restrictions: Yes); Unspecified (Created by station only: Yes); Unspecified (Is part of content in public domain: No); Unspecified (Produced or funded by third party: No)
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Producing Organization: Minnesota Public Radio
Release Agent: Minnesota Public Radio
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KSJN-FM (Minnesota Public Radio)
Identifier: file_metadata_10398820 (MPR File Name)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Duration: 0:01:37
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “MPR News Feature; Migrant conference interviewee talks about United Farm Workers strike and the Teamsters ,” Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 3, 2024,
MLA: “MPR News Feature; Migrant conference interviewee talks about United Farm Workers strike and the Teamsters .” Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 3, 2024. <>.
APA: MPR News Feature; Migrant conference interviewee talks about United Farm Workers strike and the Teamsters . Boston, MA: Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from