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In her presentation Irene Scott refuted myths surrounding the passage of the amendment. On a point by point basis there are a lot of wild tales about its potential effects she said. But by far the most pervasive the answer that I heard most frequently was that it will destroy the family. It will cause rape to not be a crime in this country anymore. And we will all have to use the same toilet. I was I must admit that I was a little astounded because I was not aware that the only thing that held the family together in this country was a force of law. If the only thing that holds a family together as a group is law then we are is a country in real trouble indeed. What the amendment will actually do Scott stated is rectify imbalances in present law and procedure. She used this example of inadequacy in the Social Security system. It startled me to find that in this country there are seven and a half million single women over 65 who are collecting Social
Security. Half of that number have annual gross incomes of eighteen hundred eighty eight dollars a year on which they're surviving not living surviving. Why how does this come about why does it happen it happens because first of all women have been underpaid. Women who work earn $3 for every $5 million or so that their base pay for Social Security is smaller their work life is shorter but it doesn't mean that it's less important. In short far as their contribution to our society is concerned progress toward equality in Minnesota however hard the struggle looked pretty good to marry the Scottie. A regional attorney with Equal Opportunity Employment Commission in Chicago. She has testified four times before the Illinois legislature finding that each time the opposition mounted the Minnesotans have more sense. They just simply have more sense. In Wisconsin I was born with
Sen.. I go to Illinois and I nearly lose my money. And I grew up with the fundamental basic proposition that I was no different than myself. Oh man. That I had every right to go to law school. I had every right to become a lawyer. I was just as bright as the next person. And I wanted to give something to my society. And in my life each step of the way has been one enormous obstacle. And I think I have come this far in my life. As Irene has come this far and her. Only to be confronted by an integrated bathroom. Is an insult to mind. Recent changes in state and federal statutes give women some and they haven't had before. Scotty said. But these in her opinion are America medic surgery. The Equal Rights Amendment is the only vehicle to finally say to the to the judges to the legislators and I understand you have some winners in this
area. And I will not guarantee that that particular gentleman is going to ever think straight short of a law but I me I don't know what will help him. But the Equal Rights Amendment will make an impact that when the legislature decides to write a law. It's going to have to think twice. Because you see people say well you're getting it now. Yes we are. Simply because the drum is beating. But should that drum ever stop beating. There is nothing to say that they couldn't change those laws right back to what they were again. As quick as they are to correct some of the errors they'd be just as quick tomorrow to change the whole situation back to what it was the only thing they can say that is a constitutional and that puts it in writing that
irrevocably binds us. To the proposition that all persons are created equally that all persons have certain inalienable rights. Attorney Scott and the Scott he came to delude under the offices of a coalition of Pro E R A women's group. Some of the audience members had also been present a few weeks ago and Senator Florian Schimmel Esky presented his anti you are a position to a group of Catholic women. I'm Claudia Hampton in Duluth.
MPR News Feature
Supporters of the ERA Outline the Benefits of the Amendment
Contributing Organization
Minnesota Public Radio (St. Paul, Minnesota)
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Pro-ERA attorneys Irene Scott and Mary Sfasciotti speak in Duluth to clear up misconceptions of the Equal Rights Amendment, and to explain the benefits of such a measure.
Broadcast Date
Social Issues : 14000000-:General : 14025000-:Discrimination : 14025003
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Release Agent: Minnesota Public Radio
Wardrobe: Minnesota Public Radio(Reporter); Scott, Irene(Speaker); Sfasciotti, Mary(Speaker)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KSJN-FM (Minnesota Public Radio)
Identifier: file_metadata_10346227 (MPR File Name)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Duration: 0:04:50
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Chicago: “MPR News Feature; Supporters of the ERA Outline the Benefits of the Amendment,” 1975-10-31, Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “MPR News Feature; Supporters of the ERA Outline the Benefits of the Amendment.” 1975-10-31. Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: MPR News Feature; Supporters of the ERA Outline the Benefits of the Amendment. Boston, MA: Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from