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It. Was. A. Boy. Yeah he. Was. Here. Why. Not. I welcome the hodgepodge lodge. Julie and I are thinking about the kinds of things to grow in winter to make your house or your room cheerful when everything's still sort of that outside. We have a couple of things here on the table. I'm just going right to ask Julian house some questions about them. See if you can think of the answers. And what do you think that is Julie. Well yeah but don't you have any idea how some
good good. I don't want to dig these up as it might hurt them from growing but we'll see. We'll see what a bob looks like a little later on do you know what the name of those. What kind of hours do you think they're going to have seen on the fly as you see them in the spring in your front yard. And sometimes you see them in the tens of store and they have purple or yellow blossoms and their name is like something out toad or a frog want to What do you call that noise of a frog trout. Very good. Crocus that's what those are going to be and they're just getting started. What do you think this is how this perennial plant with nice green leaves. Well I'll give you a hint. What's this. Great fruit. Great well. Great fruit tree a little baby grapefruit tree. And what do you think you have to do to get a great
fruit tree house. What do you plan any room for right. We open up our grapefruit and seeing if there are some seeds inside. Now days you know. Farmers are so tricky I think they might have some great food they don't have seeds and one that be a surprise. You're going to find out we're in luck. This grapefruit has a few scenes and I want that I do have them and I have to think they would go very well. It's a good thing I already have some growing There's a look right. Oh my that was a sort of a square Caesar here. Well there is one I didn't cut good. Do you like grapefruit. I like the pink grapefruit best of all when you put it on your shoulder. When people saw I think some people put honey too. That's very good your guy that. Well how
big do you suppose a grapefruit tree has to be before it has a big fruit on it. You know there's growth right. And can you grow one around here. Plant one else I know why. Because there's got to be right. That's why it's fun to start with one inside. I have a bigger one over in my window so we take a little trip over there and see how big one gets after it's about seven or eight years old maybe as old as some of you would like to see it. Take my knife along as I might need it a little later. You can sit on one of that about here this isn't handsome. You know special pot. Now let's see it's got some different things on feel right in there. What do you feel about the art forms that you have great fruit trees have thorns. Now how do the leaves feel.
Smooth and sort of tough don't click there are there are. Some of them. Looks like I'll get my dust cloth over here and get my dusting Doesn't that sort of like like rocks have got right. Well I set it outside the summer time so probably old but did take a bite out of. There is one that's about as old as your children are but they'll never have any great food on around here but that's just one thing to make your house look pretty in the winter. Would you like to see so my other things that you can start in your house and cheer up. Thank during a long cold winter it was a lot better. Where shall we start and we start with let's start with only the littlest things first OK and work up to the big things. Now I think you might have some idea what kind of stuff is in this little bird so down Julie we all pass it off I said over to animal layers like
bird seed right. Right and why do you suppose I put on a sponge. How can you know what what the sponge is due. To what may absorb water. So what was I trying to do. Can you see let's have more ice. Right and what happened. Can you see what happened to someone. Thank you. They watch the group from the more they rooted in they say there's a grain of wheat and some little pieces of metal what I think and there was a sunflower seed in here that there is another verse that sunflower seed that had a root on that Windows and I responded Oh thank you feeling that there's no real oh there's one. It looks like you know what I was like a little animal getting a road on. There's the tallest one that's going to grow up and look like some kind of grass.
Funny looking. That's wheat that's wheat like you have in your cereal some morning. That's got them that's got a root and a lead coming up. So if you're in a hurry to get something growing just take a handful of bird seed and a parakeet or see that you put up for the birds. Get a wet sponge sprinkle the seed on the sponge and your business. Pretty soon the grass will be so high you might even have to cut it she said. If you just put all would soon be filled with roots right but if you get too wet then they go sort of gets moldy and sour that's why it's a good idea to have your seeds on a sponge. And how you want to stuff that's fun back in the bowl for me. And we'll see. What other interesting things we can find. Oh vegetables do children like vegetables. Yes all kinds of vegetables. Not one of those trying to turn it good. And what do you notice about it. Once. I guess those are the old
rows from where it was in the ground last summer. What's going on here. It's not hard inside my don't you know what I like to do with. Turnip late greens I buy their full of vitamins and if you take it. If your mother has turnips for supper ask her to save the tops. Cut up the sure she cuts them off with a little bit of turnip on them. I'd like to see this last turn and then all you have to do is plant them in a little bit of water and you'll have a little turnip patch and every time you feel like a little nibble just come by and pinch awfully. And it'll keep growing for quite a while. And some other vegetables you can do that way too. Here's why that you recognize radish look out nicely that's perking up there do you like radishes. Yes good with salt no spying. How
about you help. Sometimes like sometimes our very hot are they and burn your tongue. But even if you don't like them it's funded to try to grow them. Grow the tops. It's like a bite of that I never tasted a radish tops. You know lots of people throw all their vegetable tops that way but they're really full of vitamins and even if you don't like the them plain you go throw them into your tossed salad. No one would even know they were there. What's another vegetable that you cut the tops off. Can't you come right here on Earth. And say we've got some that have oh oh there is on the rack that looks like it has a forest on top that you can get when you but when you take a carrot out of the package. Sometimes you can't even see any top on it at all. But if you just cut off the top and put it you want it in some water. Usually there are some little rods there that will start to grow. And pretty soon you'll get some nice green carrot tops when they want a carrot top.
You're going to be so healthy right. Well that's a very good isn't it. You. Might be carrying something right. Right it has a little bit of a carrot in it. Well those are the kind you think of any other vegetables that I don't have that you might that you might cut the tops off and put in a dish of water. What's a vegetable that's sort of dark red meat out. Well yeah but I don't think that that is not a topic at all. It's tough like and hard real hard tough like a tart. It's dark red darker than the sort of radical. And some people make soup out of them I think. Don't you ever have that soup at your house. Now it's made out of beets. Yes it will be to those towers are going to have a need to use life. I don't like beads very well myself but I do like that. I like to watch the tops grow
so try that sometime. You only was looking at those crocus bulbs. And I don't see what a bald look like what is this in this jar and an onion it's sort of a bowl. And I put this in the water because I want you to see how many roots onions got on them and look how many roots my own and got only two. But you try and I bet your onion will get lots of roots. The roots grow down. And what comes up. Oh yeah mine hasn't started to get any green leaves all yet but that's what'll happen. It will grow for a long time. Roots go all way down to the bottom. If you have a sister or a brother you might have an onion race. You never think of having an onion growing rice at your house. Each of you get a jar and each of you get an onion and see whose onions roots touch the bottom first. Or when Johnny gets the toast ladies you see.
Feel that you are. Right. Write the letter for me give me a line to get all tangled up in rhyme because I don't have any place to go. Now listen and keep growing for ever in just plain water. No it's using up the food that's inside the onion is another pretty soon and you'll get all shriveled up. But if you want to keep growing What could you do when spring comes. Plenty of room. Right take it out plant your guard honks your flowers right. Right not reminds me I think I have some of those. Right you're right in saying it looks like a movie. Then let's say like and I'm now this is this is a nice container because you can see the rowing right on top of the gravel and this is a very easy thing to grow.
What do you call these do you know. Paper like Paperwhite Narcissus. And they're up there so tall that I want you to smell them because they're so good and you know there's one hanging down low so you can you know when the smell is not delicious. Sort of like if you're missing that. Now why don't these need any dirt. Where are they getting their food. You might understand. Well yes they need water from the stones. But it's just like the you know it's not the food is in the bulbs. All that you can see there isn't really right. Yes. Would you let me see if we can lift it off. I've got some pebbles in Fallout to lift it up and you can see all the roots are grown together. Look at that what is that remind you of a whole nest of worms worms or some eggs what they're you know they're shaping like the bowl they're taking the shape of the bowl because that's only where they can go they
can't go down into the ground like they would if they were outside. But this is a nice way to get some greenery and some. Nice fragrance in your house while it's still winter. And you can after they've bloomed inside you can plant them outside and they might bloom again next spring outside Paperwhite Narcissus. That's a long name but it's a pretty one from Bo. Well I'm putting NOT away and take a look at this funny looking. Thing. When you're raised those are your house. At your house. What do you call it. So if you know the name it has two meanings. Some people call one name and some people call the other. What does remind you of something that grows on the tree at yellow and we eat it in the fall here where there is growing
tree now right. Yeah well this is some people call this an alligator pear. I'm not sure why maybe they think alligators have skin like that. It's green light. Like Bob might like but I call that avocado. I thought that was quite right. Right well usually when you get them they're very they come from Florida other warm places and they're very hard you have to wait till they get soft. And what do you think we're going to find in the middle of. A pit. One night. Oh what would you call that what we find in the Great. Sea. See what we're going to find in here I think I won big.
Wow look at that. That's a giant Oh and look what's already started to happen. It's starting to grow so that one will be easy to get a plant out of like you have to do when you put it like this like this. Perhaps. My friend was my friend's friend for growing ranch and this had cracked open at the time and there was some. Bernstein like resemblance things like that in a minute. But this is how it looks when you first start it. And see how you put toothpicks in the sides to hold it up and then it starts to crack soft. No feel it's still hard. I feel inside and the flesh no flap side is the side you put down and the pointy side is a side you put up the roots are going to come out here and the sprout out the top. Now let's see if we have one that's already started. That's a different kind. But then I worry that kids have a different kind. Right there are lots of guys some are big and some are little and
this one has already cracked. There's a great cry and here comes the. Leaves right out the palms a lot of roots. And there are the roots. Look at those roots big groups and little roads. Now do you think this can stay in the water forever. What would you have to do with this pretty soon. When it gets planted in your garden. Well more and more you know it's better because of us that summer. If you're growing one in summer then you could put it in your garden for the summer but this is another tree like this grapefruit tree that comes from Florida and places where it's hot and up. If you want to grow it up here you have to keep it inside in the winter. Again it. Is not nice we have we have how many stages do we have. We have won. One two three four right from the sea to the sea that's just getting started to the sea that's got the Grammys are starting.
Yes it's maybe not maybe we should be in here and yeah he's going to stay just that can you. Oh if we ever rally right if we if we move to Florida we move hodgepodge lodge to Florida and put the tree outside. We might someday get the Gabba How long would that be a surprise. The same I want to taste of avocado. Just just right. Usually children don't like avocados very much but grownups do. My mother. Well I think I'll have the rest of that for breakfast or supper. That's a delicious ripe one. What's the name of this now. What's another name for alligator pear. That one next time I'll eat my shoe of an animal
and let's run sort of big right. They look like sort of an animal to me. Doesn't that sort of does it remind you of a bird or a bird. Or what do you think it really is. R C and C you know what it is just a plain old potato. That's recognized as a big potato. Must be because it's we would die. It's been out in the light when you keep it in the light they start to get green. But look what's happening. Leaves are starting to grow here and look where it's been in the water. Roots I like certainly could take off the ice from the sea going up to the sprouts a compromise yes. So that's another idea. Think think how easy that is just to take a potato put it in a dish of water
and go away for a little while when you come back maybe in a week or do you have some green and some roots. And speaking of potatoes that's a sweet potato makes a nice plant. Through this what looks like a sweet potato with a little pea size. Yes that's us and that's going to be a fun you know animal to live. Somebody said they thought this looked like ivy it almost does and that if you don't look and see where all the pretty vines are coming from So You Think You just don't know like you just don't like the beeper. But you're going to think if you're going to try to grow sweet potato plant you want to try to get one from mom stand along the road and the ones in the stores sometimes have poison on them to keep them from growing. And you can wait and wait and wait and never get any sweet potato vine so if you're out in the country sometime in Paso you know one of those fruit markets. That's a good place to try to get a sweet potato to grow.
So that's very easy isn't it. All you have to do a little bit of water. Don't let it dry up and you can take this potato or and this potato and plant them in your garden in the summer time. I get a lot more potatoes that wind up being surprised that they give a hole and put the potato in and then they get up and the end of the summer and I would up with nails for the whole family to. Get what I want then. This sometimes writes I'm trying to. Hold plants here. She only ones that write you always get some one. That you get something else too. There is an interesting little thing you will recognize this I love pineapple but this is the way a pine apples really grow in Hawaii. On top of the stem and I don't think you could probably get one to grow like this because this came from US special floral shop but you can take the top of your pineapple
that you can eat at home and stick it in a pot like this and you'll get beautiful leaves you can and maybe you get a pineapple. She did get one and of course you can get one then you can think you know. Right I can smell this one is getting right is a little too far away for you. What do you notice about those leaves. I think when I remind you of some kind of a tool that your father uses saw Aren't they just like you. Well I don't know just to be patriotic. Right. Martha has a. Pineapple. Right. Oh you're lucky. Well I don't think you think it takes 20 too much fun plenty Jess. But they have that great big tree. It's fun and like I say you've been doing some research really. Here is another surprise present for a new present for you. What
does that feel like they know if you eat the day inside you'll find. What you know now inside most everything that you read at any kind of fruit you'll find the seed. And here's what it takes he looks like it's long and thin and looks. Right and looks like it's gonna break in half but it isn't it's very very tough but I have a friend of mine who likes to try different things and she decided. That she would like to see if she could get a date tree. So she planted a seed. And this is what came up. But it's taken two years to you know where to get those little tiny date Paul this is a kind of poetry. It may be what you write very good as well. Yeah the moment adds. Oh that's a good word right. Takes a long
time for for this guy on our list to have dates on Probably not unless we move to California or lose their hero does it. And planet is a gotta have dates on but it's curious to say Would you like to see my palm tree and show your friends your little palm tree. Even if it's a day trade. Rounds I give you some ideas of something you might do. At home. Here's one more idea. You don't have to plant. Seeds. Sometimes it's just as much fun. To go for a walk out in the yard. Where everything is sort of dead. And just break off branches of things as you're walking by and you come back in the house and see. What will happen to them if you stick them in water you know warm by well they won't really grow. You know like get someone sometimes they will get roads but the main thing that happened usually is that their buds get fat and ice and they'll
start to bloom. Now these little buds are still very small but you can see they're getting a little green on the sea. They're almost ready to pop open. And this is one of your old friends that everybody recognizes in the spring when it's got yellow flowers on. Forsythia. First of all I do have a baby pussy willow here too now. I was going to say in the spring. Because you can say well I'm right right. Oh yes there is a baby pussy well that you can really see see. Get your finger off Julie so we can all see. Please thank you. See that little tiny baby pussy will. So spring can't be far away when you can see the pussy willows right. There and they're saying that this looks so you know that's another pussy will. And that. To me at least thing if the mighty pussy where are. Well that's a sign of spring everybody's tired of the long hard winter and they're anxious to see spring come. So you might not think this is a very beautiful bouquet the way it looks at me in the
beginning but it's full of surprises. In about a week or ten days instead of a whole bunch of dead looking branches you'll have a bunch of flowers. I don't just stop with the things in your yard you can go down to the swap or the woods and pick some branches there. This is up curious curious plant that has little round buds on it and getting fat. And the thing I like about it best is it has a smell. It smells spicy and you smell that we're broken up. Spice bush. So I look around at your house and the kitchen out in the yard or at the grocery store and see what the possibilities are. See if you can find something that you can start right now in a little bit of water and have yourself have yourself a nice garden inside for the rest of the winter. It really is fun. Are you going to do that when you go home
how I'm doing good. Well enjoy it. Try starting something maybe they'll bring it back and show it to me and you know something you plant plant grows and we should write me a letter and tell me about it. Have fun with nature and come back again. Were. Were. Were were. Were. Were. Were. Were.
Were. Were. Way up. For public broadcast.
Hodge Podge Lodge
Episode Number
Things To Grow In Winter
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Hodge Podge Lodge is an educational children's show.
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Copyright Holder: MPT
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
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Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 35191.0 (MPT)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Hodge Podge Lodge; 297; Things To Grow In Winter,” 1972-06-17, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 26, 2025,
MLA: “Hodge Podge Lodge; 297; Things To Grow In Winter.” 1972-06-17. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 26, 2025. <>.
APA: Hodge Podge Lodge; 297; Things To Grow In Winter. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from