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We. Went back to being in slavery when good men and women couldn't drag you out of downtown get them with the state can use a lab if they wanted to go to school. A an illegal problem demand there really all right good old days that is the kernel of escapism. Some young people that they. Can experience just told the price is going to take periods you want to put deep in their own homes. But no matter what they take a trip to when they come back they will know in the same hour strip that the null for all. You can get it. Skate re-allocate under the tram escape by selling some revolutionary thing in the system. Getting out of the system isn't as easy as the suffering philosophically to levy. You can feel yourself take when the room dealing with the
truth as a movement think again his heart soul seem you've got a girl emptiness that logic because you made yourself dealing with that subject that reality engulfed by object a reality that will whack you out. You may be standing in the ministry quick say and think that you're standing on solid ground. Talk him out of the mood then get in his heart so was he and you keep don't think and you got a few close second to come the gift of that overpowering object in reality that is about to engulf you in the back of the mole. And you sometimes a car analogy. And I'm not sure about the system. Sure the system is in a crisis. The system is gold off the heel. And yet.
For whatever reason we are trapped in that system. Hottest people about. Me to this is where the demon pole of the Christian church could come in if it is not lost its stable. That same poll the limit is that we cannot see ourselves without saving our economy. That's playing to the memory person. We really rather believe it is that a black set up the system is going to heal and move them as a self-righteous to say let them die. Beyond the shadow of the CA. Where the two of us in the back seat voted to system go ahead with a coup. To check would be spam folder. Taking.
Take some of the human rights are still in the front seat next to them loosened and the Legal make too many of them will. Be our audience. And we'll be the most astute as have the Mamas and the others have done the military don't even turn the worn look below where I want it to system by the living he'll wait for your joke or somebody. Laura you going to hear. Sure it's all reassess a sense to us that. We must in order to see the human race. You loon assholes particularly. That we must leave the land of the power as opposed to having a seizure in the series of the crisis the in power will the capital saying we must use remove all day the
man Babe and move unborn baby by the man baby and Susie you as appalled that you haven't a seizure. We must leave back to California. Cease killing all you we cannot do was the yes no hiding place. And analogy will you. Again I'm just fine for caring. For those that have to escape reality. Sure. I told the students a kid stayed a few days ago. Some in. Confusion were preparing to kill themselves and all cannot put down a family have taken meaningless activity. I don't want to be in the system. Therefore I well I'm a jack. I'm a jackass and moon has made in the same system. Apples and
avocados made in the same system. Balloon and steak. Come out the same system in about who came and we all know how we did medicine federal government 10 percent state the Minnesota same system in the Fall years as people are called to look for some good reason. It is lawyers again. Our job is not to get you to deny him but the make a pillow beside him. You'll come in. That is what do you call to do. We cannot escape responsibility. Talk. You go to the graveyard of the Rose Bowl. Focus in Kent State. On the ferry from Jackson State out of here from South Carolina State and use the sea adjusting men move.
Some basic rig. Will be the name. Among them will be out by date when they were born. That is once out about the limit. When we were both on we didn't have anything to do with when we were bone. Not what we would be bone of another color of our skins and other conditions that our parents met in the physically all materially when we were born to the law. Few of us have anything to do with the racists who are going to know who you are not how. You almost move the ball to our law even though we attempt to commit suicide. We can't determine accurately agreeing that the other out. That is standard and everybody understands that day that
date is some kid. Then the people who run the responsibilities that Ingleborough hate the All Blacks hate them white heat Bill Brown hate their female that you can not change. That is going to spend their lives aborting the best bait that you can change. Before you believe in predestination or not you can't change that. Little baby look it is going to occur. Your man's energy in harmony with Gods may still meet but God will not change it. That gets you can a fact get in your existential dilemma is the best in between being and date. You got to move it all back dash. And your contribution to human can got to come
someplace in the out your deceptive thing about Tuesday is that there's a goal is a straight line but we move along to where it's all someday we'll just. Be. It's rare you get sent to this rich a sum to believe in Goldman Sachs was the number one of his goals. We'll response with out a Dash 8. I want you all to hear me today. We got to hang out the beach and restore what. I knew would happen the first time. We got trapped in the parable of the Talents. You know one man had done. Not only had to win another one had won. Jesus paid the church would live on.
But that is the most significant rule and he left the church with the keys to the kingdom. Because you had to do certain things to be able to leave the keys to get it in the dark. Among other things you had to know that everybody. And everybody. Among other things you had to start on the knoll. Among other things and you had to beat sell them the passion and then still having a pretty good case and you want the update that God gave you and God's time as a panel to turn the June God's timetable. Some of us then had the key thing we wanted real estate. When it popularity. Build up charge of the house to show respectability. And so should I accept the Bill Adair and say we Barack the one talent. The
goal not just put his vision. Do we see what is in our children leaving out Helms. At people when the last of us taken over nations the feed the holy day the only gift that God will cause me to know you know. That as much as any gifts. We have one talent. Which are trusting me oh no. If we had waited only mole was the one telling me. Not all of you are the cowards. And it should be a. Reason to people pay us any attention now. The churches lol. Oh it's a real Akara told. Because it is not who gets Christian added to take.
There were 2000 churches some discomfiture and feeding the hungry. In the 2000 that you and your congregation could do the Agriculture Department and say feed the hungry. Not only does it meet the be done. We know how to do it. You would have a car a cab with you haven't done it all. You forfeited the right to toll. 2000 churches he had dropped resist programs telling young bowlers to grow up and learn how to be healing rather than kilo's told the law for Jesus sake soon he went to Washington DC. You would need to take a resolution and take out just take out the date to choose the ball on the span of life and how and not the two year old you would help a follower take. The over 2000 churches in this condition who think prison is coming
out of jail consulted the church of then do you rehabilitate it. You can attack the penal system you know you just intrude and barbaric and you would kill her because she would have attacked but if you would not do that you'll have the power to. Jesus was proclaiming his word. Whopper claiming his word about feed the hungry. That's all we ask you to do. I don't know what your resolutions are. You said pull the neck down you're going to say it he said it. Liberate the captain he said bring the good news to the pill. A simple program said standing on the mark. Disappointed the prophet Isaiah. Willingness to let justice roll of his wealth and righteousness for the mighty stream he supported that knowledge and that's what the program is.
Jesus was proclaiming that he would not bow to the tactile no battle of attack Jesus to be enrolled. Nobody called him a lie. Just as when the Pakis feeding back what nobody said they were old they question the character of the Holy Spirit in the home. They didn't say Jesus was rolled the man said that he had a direct test. Does he speak. That is the question. Just to have a resolution to appreciate. Our revolution to help the blood people I want to see done people. Somebody is going to attack to check the big last bar one of our to do sweet. How many people had to fake. How many youngsters in your church bungalow.
If you were to get your car at the bank to be Integrity up the charts break. The collective body. As I close to dating. We got to move on to. Restoring the new vision. In our small way in Chicago. Operation bread basket chopper stood at Cape vision on TALK. But I'm not leaving the church but extending it. Into the community. Not leaving it. But extending it and repeating our theology from Come all ye who are worthy to join my church. Into Google. And he held up the people off. We stood the rebels out of Syria.
The only question is theological and the web the Pistole. Hostage got you guessed me to the point I'm in a position to be my brother's keeper for the righteous position. Fact of the matter he is real not our brother's keeper we are our brothers growing up in the hour go through the media campaign he position can hear other people and he is the captive. Listen to me. Here trying not just to feed the poor but to help pay the poor off to feed themselves. But you first got to start where they are you can give a hungry man a fish and that will satisfy on the day. But if you teach him how to fish he can supply of himself the rest of his life. So you are leaving the boat a little below the RIGHT NOW do you think. And the training. We've taken the small garbage man. Castoffs
the ghetto stole to give black jobless men the right to pick up garbage in the ghetto. Forced to chain store and P in P at 72 store The Chicago Code in the black community don't the poor black managers. We made a proposition we consider Christian witness. We want the GABA chimneys for the stone was picked up by garbage men who live in this community. We were big men to control of exterminating the kill the rats and roaches. No black group controlled exterminate the rats and roaches in the ghetto in America. We were like me and to build the future changed at least in the black community we were the money from change both in the blood bank. And they come with us with some old spurious logic like. But you ain't big enough to hold your money. Asses So your conclusion is that says My Big game big up the whole my money is that you then keep my money I say but the other side is let me expand
my bake. I can keep my money and the term which way it goes. Thought. This is back to now becoming changed and got executive jobs this day with the $6000 in debt and I'm not getting them from this convention. Only this member church example means you will not give a damn thing. We're talking about saving a nation. Where we need to build a registration truck in at least 20 citizen States. Dr. King gave his link just to the room where people actually did this convention just as the government is building a monument to its politician John Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy. It is this Chuck is ya. The monument to the greatest living to the
greatest pocket Baptist that this country has produced. It is your job to be on the monument to Martin King in the jaw jaw. It is the government's job to resurrect the problem little known resurrect twice the tailgate. But Assad has had to do it then you have a school of thought of. The government to run on if not direct then. So I'll be talking with leaders of this conviction. In a way as Christian as I know how reserving my pride in my integrity that we got protected you need to consider supporting but we need to go for the net. 1972. We need to run a black man to president.
Of the country. You are allowed to travel out y'all ran a black mob presenters convention yelled and drew apart. He's pretty intelligent sin the PIAA. War. It is good for the convention it may be good for the country. Her goal is to win look the B'nai team scripted to. Coach was in dire need of leadership. That was Dr. Ralph Bunche Amanda Noble Peace Prize in healing. And that was Eisenhower man with a heart for the medals for having met killing charades and this nation chose to kill us and did not even consider the Khilafah called The Healing of the black men. The Christian Church must a bill of goods that cannot resist bacon there are black men capable of pallid little black men at this point in history people meeting this nation out of this mess.
John Conyers is capable call Stokes as capable should the chosen most capable person is capable. There are kids who will move on right now from the lunch. You can sass the party you wanna. But the present white leadership of the nation has started at the right to lead the nation out of the mall Raud bag in this crisis. That's the facts were. Wake. We will move into that new world. Where men study warm a mob. That aviation. One church. One People One school system. One housing system. Stop will not. Feed the Hungry. Leadership from the rim not
a monument to man Luther King and his work. But all in debt to a new badge assistant. We'll consider sending our young people to school abductors will study the art and the science of medicine. They will study and other to distribute public he'll take as oppose to accruing personal will. We will new doctors. We were the lawyers. Who gave the law school. Started out in Science of jurisprudence. But lawyers who be more concerned about spreading justice. Then getting a judgeship. We were new lawyers. We will move. Teachers teachers who teach because they've been told to teach teachers who teach the Lord not just teach film that we will talk to each of them little creatures little creatures who prop the sun are not proper to your
teachers who were bent upon the price of crude warm to the truth of fiction in the beginning of the action. Now we're about to say A. Little. Not worrying about whether you go to you in heaven. Right. LOL For you go back there on the left was one of the four of us just want to say I wanted to go into a Oh that's all you want to do she's got a tooth brush and start a rumor mill. Told. T warranty. Reverend Joe Morton's pastor of the First Baptist Church of metal in Michigan.
Jesse Jackson Speaks at the American Baptist Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Contributing Organization
WYSO (Yellow Springs, Ohio)
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Jesse Jackson (b. October 8, 1941) spoke at the American Baptist Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 14, 1971. He talked about how to use power to change the conditions in the black community and gain equality. Jackson called for a new vision for the black community to regain its moral authority to ?get the integrity of the church back as a collective body.? He called for running a black man in the 1972 Presidential election. He said there were many capable black leaders and they were needed to fill all professional levels to serve the black community. This audio recording PA 94 is part of a set of reels. The other reels cannot be located.
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African Americans; Civil Rights
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Wardrobe: WYSO FM 91.3 Public Radio
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WYSO-FM (WYSO Public Radio)
Identifier: WYSO_PA_94 (WYSO FM 91.3 Public Radio; CONTENTdm Version 5.1.0;
Format: Audio/wav
WYSO-FM (WYSO Public Radio)
Identifier: PA 94 (WYSO)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Dub
Duration: 0:24:17
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Chicago: “Jesse Jackson Speaks at the American Baptist Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” 1971-05-14, WYSO, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 21, 2025,
MLA: “Jesse Jackson Speaks at the American Baptist Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota.” 1971-05-14. WYSO, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 21, 2025. <>.
APA: Jesse Jackson Speaks at the American Baptist Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Boston, MA: WYSO, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from