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Good evening and welcome to the upper crumbling camera. Later tonight we'll take a look at the current art exhibit at the Tennessee Tech's art gallery. And we'll also learn about the Kennel Club. But first some highlights of the OVC basketball media day. Ohio Valley conference basketball coaches recently addressed the media on OBC basketball media day in Nashville. The coaches spoke in reverse order of how they were picked to finish the women's head coaches went first followed by the men's head coaches. Here are excerpts from media day. You see a lot of new faces this year. MARTIN We're excited about the young ladies that we have brought in the new Sunnies and agree with the other members that are here that this should be a tight race in the OVC there's going to be an exciting games and we're we're still a young ball club but excited to be working that we've gotten to move back to October the 15th and this has been a good plus for a no.
MARTIN And I'm sure the other programs just because you have a lot of young that have an opportunity to learn a lot of a lot about the game of basketball. Last year I kind of started out in same situation. What a new ball club this is my second year here. Second year with Murray states program now we've got nine new faces. We're working awfully hard right now. I wish we could have started a little sooner that October 15th. That's kind of I'm feeling right now. But I tell you this I've got a good group that's going to take and play awfully hard. They're working to get better every day. We're beating up on each other. Between flu flu virus and whatever it may be a we're managing to get at least 10 to the court every day. I think some of things I guess we can look for from Murray State this year is that we hopefully get to you know a bit more up tempo you know. I want it to last you wind up not have any athlete at the league as I thought it would like to be in and out and
accomplished at. I think this year will you know will get better I think will be a lot better than we were last year because I think we'll match up a little bit in the league. Everybody kind of just kind of overpowered us inside and I think we've got some kids inside and that will help us. I have changed my whole entire coaching philosophy based on the fact that. I have no players. We have nine players eight which will play this year. Then when you have only eight bodies you have to change a lot of thinking every day in practice is a new experience for me I've been coaching for 12 years and now everything I've ever done and ever thought was right. I am now changing everything from my office to my defense to my everything. Anything all the drills we do are different every day and practice is an experience which I guess is a good thing. I think sometimes we as coaches become so strong minded and stubborn that we don't change be expect things. You know kids just to do it do the thing that's why this is my philosophy. You fit into it. Unfortunately I had to take a step back and look at my team and say
these kids will not fit into the philosophy that I have. So therefore we are all different coaches throw away all your films last year they're not going to help you. We are not going to. I'm one of those offices not one of those fast breaks not one of those defenses. So I encourage you to get out there and do that tape exchange because even I don't know what's going to be out there says NRA. Our little book here that we have for starters returning in my notes I wrote that we had written down that we have five stars returning because as a lot of you know that one spot rotated on a nightly basis. We returned eight of nine players from our team in Jan and I can sympathize with you this year. It is very difficult and you do change your plans but we feel very fortunate those young ladies have a lot of playing time under their belt and it's already shown up in our practice time that that that's going to do nothing but help us. In addition to that we add seven newcomers. We do have a squad of 15 this year and it's been a terrific experience for us as coaches at Austin Peay. What are you going to see out of Austin Peay this year. I think you're going to see a group of kids who play very very hard they're very very
competitive night in and night out. We help to put a team on the floor that it's going to be prepared to win. And you know I I was thinking a while ago we were taught you're almost talking up here. The thing that I think is most special about this group of young ladies if I had a child or a boy or a girl I would really be excited that they were involved with the kinds of people that we have in our program. They're very special young ladies and they're very fun to coach. And I think that makes our job as coaches so much easier and I appreciate that we entered this conference I guess four years ago now. We started it with four freshmen our five freshmen and a couple of older kids. And you know you live for the day that your kids get to be seniors and you know I think everybody's favorite statement is that you can only be a freshman one year you can only be a sophomore one year in and then you get to mature and and you get to reap the benefits of this. And I was really looking forward to this year. We do have seven of our top eight players are returner from last
year's Why'd I do it. I'm very fortunate to have five seniors. There were years I think that we lacked senior leadership and I've got five personalities this year that that are quality kids. They are the kind of kids that La Donna spoke of that you might adopt as a as a daughter. And so I'm very proud of that. Unfortunately as you go through for and they play for three years and they finally get to be seniors sometimes any injuries that they may have had along the way become compound and like many of the coaches here. We have also had our share of injuries. The conference as a whole in the three prior years that I was in it. Never seen this kind of balance. There is not a weak sister in the bunch. I think I think the top echelon is as good as we've ever had it. I know the bottom Echelon is better than we've ever had it in the years that I've been what I look at most right now for our team this is really we're in a rebuilding process
is next year will be another rebuilding process because we will finally this year get to sign the kids we need for the next year. We're a year behind right now recruiting to be honestly with our team because we lost so many people light and didn't get a chance to replace him. But I will tell you this we're going to listen up and we don't play hard. I don't know what the outcome will be but every night out we go play your heart. I really don't know what to tell you a lot of it will depend really on our kids the new kids how quick they adjust to our league play and I will tell you that's a big adjustment. And just like he had to reiterate what he said. This conference is very well balanced. And it's very indicative and to me of the caliber of Division One basketball you look for right balance probably the best outside shooters in the country play in this conference. And it's great when someone I'm sitting right over here George you don't they don't she to me better not kid shoot him. I'm telling you. And course all these other people.
Have some great shooters and people that play to it but a great league and great coaches and I look forward to look forward every year to the competition implying and what have you and Excel for World. Google play a completely different type of basketball game than I've ever played before as a college basketball coach or as a mascot for 26 years I've had a post player late means going last four years have had Purcel Robison her two thousand and three points are gone so we have to look to other avenues issuers who will be the board detainee dry dry dish and hopefully deliver. Now they'll be saying we will get the first three done to delivery what to say about that this says can be a real interesting basketball team and as I said the conference race you could lose a lot conference game and still finished pretty high. He used to feed it the last two games you probably couldn't win it. I know last year the conference champion was it two or three races and won it. And and you know this year it could be even more because that's how good our copper is not
how bad some is it winces had that the conference is an hour it is the go to the caucus race without losing some basketball games. Tennessee Tech was picked second in the league race but picked up five first place votes in the in the preseason poll. They've got six letter winners and four starters back from the 17 12 team a year ago and they have an amazing streak going this year they'll be trying for their 12th straight OVC tournament championship game and they are coached by have Bill Laurel this year something I had mentioned earlier to the coaches something we're very proud of a Tennessee Tech. This is the 25th anniversary for women's basketball Tennessee Tech they go and they go out for celebrate a 25th anniversary. You'll say well that's a that's a small point you know that's going to happen happened some time. Well we're very proud of it. Tennessee Tech was a fore runner and stepped up women's basketball Mary no matter started to program. And those of you know anything about the history of women's basketball Benny crash you know what it was like 25 years ago when the trip's in the bone and. Some of you started then you know there was no budget there wasn't any travel plans you just had to get up and go
you had to beg borrow and steal until we get to this point now the support that we're getting and a lot of us know where we're going but we forget where we've been. So these 25 years of women's basketball we're going to have a reunion this January in Cookeville for all our players we're voting all the former graduates and players back and we look for that to be a big evening. And Coca-Cola is Camembert they have a bottle for us that has reaches back to our history it's 25 years of Eagle at basketball. And so they're having a bottle it's going to be released in the cooking Larry which we're very proud of. And we also have a pin is being produced. We're going to be using to throughout the year. The first two weeks of the season this year will go back to October 15th. You know I think it's been a good addition. I was a little you know some of our players would never start on October 15th. Only two more weeks of practice but it's going so quickly. I think it's been a real benefit one to teaching too. You get a chance to evaluate the players will more fairly instead of judging real quickly and three you get a chance to work with more combinations. And I think
it's been really will benefit us. You know we start conditioning like the first Monday in August when we get back and we lift weights 4 days a week at 6 a.m. we run we do all those kind of things. And so starting practice on the 15th was a little bit jump into it so it worked out well for us we benefited from and I think it's made us at this point in time a little more relaxed. And if I could. You know we've had you know several years I've been in the OVC Laurie mentions 15 is my 14th year I don't think I've ever had as much fun in the first two weeks of practice when I've had this year with this crew. The young ladies I have returning in the new ones they have really been fun to be around a very you know if you to be there at 6 o'clock that they're 10 to 6 if you don't be there at eight o'clock in their quarter day they're really good about you know just setting a standard and so I really appreciated their what they've gone through this preseason they've really been fun to work with I mean just very relaxed very intent just doing a great job. Tonya Lovelace a senior in Terrence Otis B have been selected captains of our team we did that last night. Two young ladies very deserving they made a pre-season OVC second
team and you know time is a fifth year senior and Terrance is a junior and they really have provided special leadership both on and off the court leadership is not just on the court leadership's off the court I think the players feel accountable these young ladies and what they can do for him. You know being a total Captain we got three freshmen this year Sherry Lewis Andrea Baldwin Rebecca clay Bo. They'll all bring something special to our team. Biggest thing is that we were not very deep last year we had to play several people in different positions. We lost some people also. And we struggled last year. We did we just really didn't get any continuity and I think we're very fortunate what we accomplished last year to come in second place. You know as a coach you don't ever think about where you're going to finish you keep trying to survive it day by day and that's what we try to do. And I think the team really did a great job last year and getting where they got and I think this team this year with the addition of people they can just keep working hard we'll see what happens. We also have a transfer in chief from University of Florida Elizabeth Maxwell she's from Livingston
Tennessee and she'll be a welcome addition she's a great young lady she's she's somebody that I think is kind of neat she plays golf and we're going to plan a lot of after she gets done this year we're going to play in a lot of two person scrambles and. She's about a 3 handicap and we're going to sandbag a lot little so don't invite me. But Liz was a great golfer and so we know we're going to play some golf at the she has done this year and she hit the ball a ton. Our first exhibition game is November 14th. It's going to be against an A you team out of Atlanta and that a huge team out of Atlanta features a young lady who has set a scoring record in the OVC Cheryl Taylor Sure lives in the Atlanta area she's also played a lot of professional basketball and Cheryl's coming up with her team to play us on November 14th which should be a great evening. Cheryl you know her coach told me last night she's playing better and ever so I'm going to have to really probably take her out to dinner and do something slow down at night because she was a great player and you'll be seeing she continue to be even after she graduated. But that's our first exhibition game the November 21st we play the
Australian team coming in their record in the last couple years playing in the United States is 65 and seven. You know then after that you know we take a hardship tour I just can't believe we got to do it but we're leaving November 22nd for Hawaii. And at twelve o'clock we'll be drawing a list of us I.D. names we have one ticket little taken as ID from the U.S. to go with us. One extra ticket so sign up leave a drop. Believe that one. But we're leaving November 22nd for Hawaii. You know we feel like we always play competitive schedule we're going to go over there and we've got to open up the University of North Carolina. And then we go on from there and we come home we get Southern and we also have a home game this year. I got a call last year Louisiana Tech is coming into our place to play us December 18th and that's a Sunday afternoon we're looking forward to that that was a little trip for them to bring Amy Brown back home. We saw it at the match. Amy Brown played at Livingston with Elizabeth so we look forward to and to entertain them in Cookeville at this time I don't know what about 4:30 that day whether we'll enjoy it or not. But at this time we
do. I agree with everybody else you know Warren I think the conference that a great job last year of running the championship here in Nashville it was really fun for the players it was a great great three days our players had fun. It's nice to see the players enjoy each other on the court and a chance to spend some time with them too many times you know we move into a city with the players and the players don't get a chance to spend time with each other. I think those three days they did. It's always good to spend time with the coaches and I thought the 28 ran well here in Nashville they did a wonderful job. I think the conference this year for him even last year was well balanced. I just think it went well and it's a credit to all the coaches and I've been saying for years the coaches in this conference do a great job. And I think the promotion of women's basketball needs to continue. We don't need to say we're satisfied with it we need to continue doing what we can do. I think it's a game which has progressed I think it's a great game which was a little more time a little more effort a little more money will continue to progress and so we look forward to the future of the early say as well as what we can present this year in the present. So we look forward to it it's going be a great year. So good luck to
everybody in the preseason and we look forward to seeing you know fill in and visit with you and your team. We were really pleased with our team last year I think that to some extent we all Richie in some areas and I do believe that we do have some very good basketball players on our team also. I think that everything just head on heels work out very well. In order for us us to win and I think that is going to be more than a challenge this year for that for that to be repeated in a course that's everyone's goal appears to win it all in and to get to the conference tournament number one and then to try to play for the championship and win it possibly And of course. You know with us we want to try to do the same thing we heard about a lot of the great quality shooters in our conference and I'm thinking I don't have any of these supers on might say Manado really don't know you know what we're going to do about that but we tried to make up for it with playing a little bit different style of defense when we got to the conference last year and in adding more full court pressure work and IT workforce I'm sure people
be very prepared for a bit. We will continue to do that. You know I'm still I'm very optimistic I think that you know being chosen to be the you know the top team in the conference that's buying off a lot. You know I'm happy that people think that because five years ago you know that would not have been a question we would not have you know been sitting in the seats. That's a positive be sitting here and I think that you know we'll just have to work very hard. Like the other programs who are up here and and challenge people every day that we go out to play and I think that we will do that. Larry Joe says something I think is indicative of his team and hopefully will be a trademark as I continue to culture of my teams that they will come out and play hard. And if we do that I think that we will you know have a successful year you know whatever the final outcome is. We're very excited about the conference race much like we talked about with the women this morning the men's race is extremely balanced now with Murray State and Tennessee state pick tied for the top spot in the race.
We'll start with the team that was picked ninth the University of Tennessee at Martin paces returned three starters and five Letterman from last year's team and they're coached by head coach Calif their coach Luther. I'm genuinely excited about this year's basketball team. As you can tell from the sound of my hoarseness of my voice we've been we've been working at it for a couple of weeks. This is the best group of young men I've had a chance to work with since I've been in Tennessee Martin. It's a very enthusiastic bunch. It's a very hardworking bunch. For the first time we've got a small nucleus of players back to be able to build around. And they've been a big help to us we do have 10 new players on a squad. And I've learned one thing since I've been back in the league. It's been a great lesson in humility. I really came back the first year the first year we were in the league the coaches said we'd finish last. And I really thought I could take five p u guys and not finish last but we
did finish last and so I learned a great deal of respect for them and I was convinced the next year there was no way I'd finish last. They picked me to finish last last year and we have great coaches in this league that have great ability to be able analyze personnel and also the judge her coaching ability and we finish last again. I think this year we're going to prove them wrong. Next up is Tennessee Tech the Golden Eagles have three starters and six Letterman retiring clearing the 1994 newcomer of the year and Carlos Floyd the Golden Eagles are coached by Frank arrow co-chair. You know I think the additional two weeks all of us coach is lacking a specialist guys who have a lot of new players. We've lost five starters over the last two years in two successive years so we're almost replacing an entire basketball team. But I really feel good about our basketball team I've enjoyed the two weeks. I'm looking forward to the season I think
we're going to be a better basketball team than a lot of people might think we are. Any 10 you've got six new guys in addition of those three starters returning that we think really add a lot to our basketball team. Been at it long enough to know that when you've got new players you're going to make mistakes you're going to be inexperienced for a while you're going to do things. But I like the the flow of this team we've got some shooters we've got some quickness I think our returning players are improved. I think the range over there are big 7 footer is going to be a much better off things of player. I think Carlos flow would improve his game he got much stronger great BE ABLE TO gotten stronger. And I think there Eric Mitchell that helped us off the bench is much improved player. And again the new guys of the six new guys we brought in if they're all healthy all six of the play for us early in the season and I think they're bring a lot to us I think the league's really balanced and it's hard for me to imagine that Murray or Tennessee state are going to be any better than they were last year I think they'll be close to that level
and I think everyone else will move up. Most everyone else has lots of returning players I think the league will be a very exciting basketball league. Our schedule had a fan come up the other day and say you know you're not you're not playing any big time teams you got a double schedule when we only go to Georgia and Vanderbilt in Tennessee so we might have spoiled her by last year about play in the world that we did it. I'm glad the term is back in Nashville I think that's good for our league I think. Is that tournament grows it will be a great opportunity for the fans in Nashville and for the fans and Lee. And I'm looking forward into the season and we've got some new and exciting players and I think most of fire when you come to our game you're going to program early because we do have so many new players play enforcement. But I really am I feel like this basketball team that we've got Tennessee to we're picked seventh. We've got seven new players I don't think will finish there Tim Gaither was not picked on the all league team. I think he'll be in the all League team when it's over. Very nice player David. Washington
gets eligible. December 18th I think will be a little bit better when we get him and overall I think we've got a chance to be a productive team. I see a couple young people in the in the crowd and I make one comment about that. Our league has very good players. And you grow close to different kids and different programs. I see Tim Horton sitting over there. He's a great young players a great young guy I see some other people. Our league also is a league that has to raise players and the savage kid might be the best example of that in our league. There's a guy that's raised his work level raised his accountability and now is one of the premier players in the league and we think we've got a couple people who might be able to do that as well. Where you got sick 16 years back. Probably our. Kid that. Will be an impact force for you guys in the media would be Jamal Morgan he's probably one of the most improved basketball players I've ever coached I've been around that fellow's a long time and he's worked hard he's he's more should D.C.
and we were played at Legacy summer and he came back and seemed like he was really ready to play go along with the I don't know whether it's just the kids that were recruiting or not but I really like my basketball team not that we're going to win a lot of basketball games but we got a lot of good kids. They're working hard they're playing hard or doing what I asked them so you know there are a lot of very likeable bunch I don't know how good we're going to be and we got some fries and we went out and you know we start the death penalty this year. We only got two years forward plan determine our thoughts. These are by this is a death penalty but we had a freshman this year and he came up to me and he said Coach you know he won't shoot very well doc at telling us that you're better shooter and he says You make me nervous. I said what he says you know when you're out here watch me shoot you make me nervous. And I says Well I think we've got a problem. He said it was a set up plan to be at all the games this year. So in 0 6 that might be a little bit high for us I be honest with you I figure we come in
and I would probably be the bottom two. But I'm like a hope that our kids will take the challenge and will be a little bit better. There's going to be a lot of new faces a lot of new people and Eastern Kentucky University of which you know I'm glad about that change is going to be friendly to us this year and I want to repeat that. I thought maybe as only one lesson in practice little bit maybe I shouldn't be but it's been enjoyable enormously enjoyable and a lot of fun with these guys. We've only got 11 on scholarship and we're practicing about 12 or 13 and it's working out pretty well right now we do have four guards returning actually three and one inside player that the average about two minutes a game so we lost a lot of people. And again we're looking at that as a challenge a lot of fun we have a lot of fun with it and as I survey the league now I get to talk to a few people. Looks like there's going to be an enormous amount of change. Again continuity experience are great words for a basketball team but we're taking this as a great challenge. Coach Kidd the football coach and I we have a
combined record about 298 wins. He's about 270 I think but. It's it's it's fun and challenge and we've got a lot of experience back you know really simply come down to their attitude. I thought we were playing really well late in the season. We had some real good wins and by good wins and stuff. I mean I mean we beat some really good teams at near the end of the season and I felt like Murray was obviously always a big problem for us you know they've been a class in the league as far as regular season and the 15 0 1 record was phenomenal and frankly they did a great job in the tournament and early into the year. But I found out why it's hard to win on the road in this league last year. And I think it's a key it's going to help us this year. We're going to bring along our own shot clocks. That's the key this year. If anyone wants to know any writer guy that's really the key to the season for us we're going to bring our own shot clocks on the road because we were at Murray State last year in a
tight game and I like the people at Murray. Everybody's they're nice I like their fans we talk a lot during the game they talk to me and we really have a lot of fun at work. I began a class clay stone era kids play hard. Scott does a great job I really like everything about it. But we walked in the gym in the shot Cox not working that night so the announcer tells me that he's going to read off the end of the shot clock if it gets down there for us. So I thought OK no big deal that you know I mean I don't like that but it will be OK. So Murray was out we had the ball one time and he went five four three two one on the shot clock I saw you know was pretty good as about five seconds and then Murray there lately again which is up by four. They're going to shot clock down. Now look at the guy he's going. And then it was five. For I don't think you ever got to one. I think you fell asleep before you got the one. So the key to the season is bring your own shot
clock. And I think we can get some W's on the road a few key comments about our league. I think that naturally I think that Murray and TS You have to be considered favorites and I'll tell you why and in my mind not only because they're well coached and they have good players but they're proven. I think those are the two teams that have recently they've been there. They've won this league they've won the tournaments. But I think that they you can obviously make a case for them with without any problem. The rest of us are kind of one of these really. But as I look up and down this table I think that you can make a case for why you better be ready to play every night in this league in no particular order I really feel like that Dave's team could be the sleeper. I've seen Washington play I know but Tim Gaither I think Mike has a wonderful back court and you really have to be ready to play when you go see them. I think Cal's team is steadily improving as as he said in
and there's a guy that's coaching them that has one more OBC titles I suspect and all of the people in this room put together. Frankly I've already spoken about his team Ron's got six seniors Dick dicks team could be the most dangerous team in the league. Frank has got something on his team that nobody else has and Lorenzo Coleman and of course Scott's team have spoken about. I think that as a coach when you sit back you think well Popeye's gone Warren kids gone now Carlos is gone maybe life would be a little easier. Not true not true in this league and and I'm encouraged about our team too. As was mentioned we return 10 players and for starters. You know I think that we have some quality and depth that four positions. Let me say say this that it is going to be a very competitive situation I think a lot of coaches have alluded to that. I really feel good that from this standpoint I don't
put much stock in. Pre-season predictions and all that. Two years ago on my first year in a league we had this up in Kentucky and I got to go first in I was late getting there and I was taught about being nice because I was new in the league and that's when I found out they go in inverse order where you pick. And then the next year you got to go up there pretty high again I think we moved up 1 slot and we finished first and last year we picked second and we did win the tournament so you know it's not so much you know where you are right now I guess it's good to sell some newspapers and draw some interest to the basketball season but you know I think all these coaches will attest as they say just going right down the line minutes is a tremendous basketball if you know really. I've said this from day one you can't get any more competitive than that and the teams in this league. I think everybody is looking forward to a big season. Hopefully by the time the bell rings and in early November we can assemble the old with the new and try to have a
deep rotation develop the same style I think we've recruited to that style. But the biggest thing I think we need is time out there working very hard. I can say that for them in. I can praise him in one area after two weeks of practice is the hardest team that I've had working out in. If I could try to get one thing from my team that's what I always stress is work hard so I'm very plays with them and we're going to have a great leg and I want to wish everybody up here. Best of luck this year and hopefully all of us can go out a leg and get some big victories and start to get some respect back that our conference deserves it's its is it's as good as a lot of legs and it's better than quite a few out there this Saturday. The upper Cumberland Kennel Club will hold an American Kennel Club sanctioned B match at the National Guard armory here in Cookeville. Sandra Moore tells us about the match and the Kennel Club.
This Saturday starting at 8 a.m. and run into about 3:00 p.m. We're going to have an American Kennel Club sanctioned maybe Manche and the National Guard armory. It's off of South willow on 5 on 5 gold Avenue at the armory. It's kind of like a practice show. No actual points are awarded. Most know is that eventually sometime their championships do start out their show careers at these practice shows. Do you have to have any registered dog to be in this show. Yes dogs at these shows have to be registered with the American Kennel Club. Now they don't have to necessarily be show quality because this is a practice show I don't even have to be trained because that's what that's why we have these shows is to get young dogs ready for the ring. But for people who want to just see how their dogs they accept I would if I have a race to dock they would just need to bring the number that's on the slip that they hail from on the ridge drenching pipers.
Can we talk a little bit now about the Kennel Club. Yes the upper Cumberland County Club has been in existence for a long time but unfortunately I don't think everybody knows that there is one. We cover Cumberland why not Mike and counties all of the counties in the African region and we have members from all these counties. Where nonprofit organization we try to have two or three of these practice shows a year. We also have very cost reasonable obedience classes for people to socialize their dogs three times a year. And we don't make any money because we don't make any money as they try inners who do these quiet. We also give canine good citizenship tests to the public and that is a task that the American camp club allows mixed breed dogs to despite you know along with the purebred dogs. We meet once a month at Patton County Library with the third Thursday of each month to 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the
meeting room. And we try to have a program that's you know interesting to to anyone who has a dog. We're not just for people who have purebred dogs but for anybody who loves their spot there Snoopy you know you don't really need to own a dog. You know I would grab members that don't even own dogs that they they just love dogs and they're interested in dog welfare. We we don't have a lot of money to contribute to other warnings actions but what we did have. Several times a year we didn't mind other donations such as the flood zone in Georgia when a lot of people in their pants were. Washed away. Last year there was a flood in Missouri. We also have my donations to such friends as the AIDS hospices that helped to house and find homes for pets that have belonged to AIDS patients that are unable to care for their pets and more. Why do you think it's important to have happen. You know what. Well what we would really
like to to do and more than all the other things it is to help people understand how they need to treat their their dogs. It's really important a lot of people don't have a basic understanding they get a pet and it's real cute and fluffy and then all of a sudden that how this 70 pound monster with who is doing things that aren't cute anymore when that you know when they bought you overnight shred paper are things like that. But yeah you know if they can come to us might be and seek a little guidance before they let their self get through this really frustrating stage but we're not here to experience that most of us have with dogs. Someone might be able to help them so that they can have a good relationship and continue to enjoy their pet and it doesn't end up dumped on the roadside at the dump or into you know humane shelter somewhere or put to sleep just because I can't tolerate the temperament anymore. Dude this is the Kennel Club work closely with the Humane Society you are way down her site.
A lot of fire members do rescue work on their own. Like I said we don't have a huge fund to fund rescue work or you mine work. We have several members myself have we rescued 3 4 5 the Hawks last year found homes for some of them. An example three of them are still living in my house. That you know you just gotta love Moll. Do you have fundraisers for the. Air air practice matches that would charge like $5 for that's one of my fund raisers. Or obedience classes which are sturdy dollars for six weeks of classes that those are two primary fundraisers. For the club. We don't need bike sales are things like back. Course you know we would take we would take all the night. So if somebody wants to be in this weekend show that it should come between 8 a.m. I am to pre-register to the National Guard armory. Bring your dogs registration number. And
your dot on a nice release and we also we have classes for puppies three to six months old fixed and then down to 12. Adult dog classes and we also have some account junior showmanship that's fun for the kids and the judges don't judge the dogs I judge how well the kid walking around the ring with the dogs so that even the children can have fun with it. And if somebody wants to maybe gets more information on the kennel club they can call me at 5 2 3 3 5. And I'll be happy to make sure they get a sand camp live on application if they're interested in joining. Since a couple doesn't have a lot of kind of related activities we would really want to see a lot of people even if I don't bring a dog just come out to the mats to see what it's all about we're going to have refreshments hot dogs and cokes. People can care and purchase from her recently and to see what it's all about so we're all about safety a lot of mean part of everything. There are some familiar paintings on display this month at the Tennessee Tech University art
gallery in the university center. We talked to Sally crane Jager about the current exhibition and how it came to be an exhibit for the month of November is by David Campbell who is not a new name or new face or in some cases some of the types of paintings are not an open community. Visitors to the exhibit will be here from November the 8th and tail December the 9th and the gallery hours are Monday through Friday before and Sunday from 1 disarray. I understand that when he retired he said Good. Now you can have an exhibit is that right. I guess I almost said those very words I didn't know at his retirement dinner. I think when I said my words that I wanted to say I ended them by saying. And since you now have so much time to play it in your immediate future we expect you to have an exhibit at Tennessee Tech and the university art gallery and so sure enough now you don't paint a watercolor generally. Now I get why do you admire his paintings because he does.
This so well. David Cameron I go way back in terms of our being painting colleagues in sharing different ideas about paintings I guess probably there couldn't be anything painters who painted differently as David and I do. But the freshness that he achieves when he uses water colors is remarkable. And whether David realizes it or not there are abstract qualities in all of its planes that are in there a couple of them that the Montana barns that I would like and I just like that about his watercolors they're very fresh with watercolor you lay it on the paper and it absorbs into the surface of the paper and that's it. You can go back and add darker colors but you cannot back up and lighten it and if you're a Sins of that use of water color and you say well made. It's very nice to be able to show my things here and they have arranged them very nicely and I'm appreciate the show it's
very nice. Well I'm sure that everyone in Cookeville and the surrounding region will enjoy coming and looking at your paintings because there is a nonstarter in your paintings and some of them are things but you make them not look decrepit I guess. Well some of them were decrypted to start with I guess. But what I like to do is make them look good even if they're decrypted or old or. Falling down that's part of the fun of painting is to make all things look bright and interesting. You still do a lot of barns. It was a lot of church. It seems like I'm attracted to Byron for some reason I'm not sure why. I understand that one of your sons now lives in Montana and I have people coming to see this exhibit they're going to see some Montana barn. Yes there's a few scenes from Montana which is a different kind of country from around here. That area is called Big Sky. Course there's a town there resort called Big Sky but that's because just
everywhere you look you see sky and that requires a different kind of painting. If you do much of that course are mountainous too. In the western part of Montana which is where he lives in the Bozeman area. I think one of the things that Peggy mentioned to me that if I look at the pictures of the barns from Montana and the barns from Tennessee that I want to see there are no trees right. Well the trees are quite different. Yes there is one of those yellow ones. The Aspens are we don't see them so much around here but they're very pretty against the dark greens of the pines in the mountains and so what those mountains are quite different from ours the Rockies. Isn't hard when you go from like Tennessee to Montana do you make your points differently if you should I guess holler. That's right. The colors are different. That's right. The mountains here covered with green or blue in the distance but there they are darkened and black almost in some areas where the snow in
between the snow. It's quite a different thing to paint the mountains there and paint the whole landscape because it's tans and the Browns are so predominant in the Western scenes. I notice you also have another son that lives in Georgia and we have a scene over here with Georgia pecan tree is. I was fascinated with the becan Grove in southern Georgia. They're planted in rows so that no matter where you go you have a kind of evenness in the in the Pecan fields and they're all set in rows and they harvest them by shaking the tree and picking them up. It's a big business down in south Georgia because only they say pecans I think in South America. Now I also see the influence of your move to East Tennessee and you have some interesting things from Tennessee. Well John Ford you like.
Yes I I painted the mill at Pigeon Forge some time ago but that's near where we live now and. Are there some others I guess there is one. Are you a father I think is a pigeon. I don't know the farmer scene from Bridget forgot about farmers from proper Grove Poplar Grove. Yes he painted that before we left here. He said he was a farmer out on the road to proper Grove or out in that area. I think he's died now but he he farmed the old fashioned way with haystacks and that old tractor. You know it's rare to see that you do a person in your painting. What was special about what I want autographs. Of course to work from there. A friend of mine Joe Fields took the picture and we both liked the picture so well that I said I'm going to see if I can't paint him. But the trouble with people with people
is that they don't hold still and you have to you have to either photograph them or just add them later. And I have I haven't done that very much I really need to work on that because if you can put people in it. It makes the picture a little more lively a little more human some way I'm going to work on that now that I'm retired want to work on that. I do seem to have an ability to capture the essence of an old building and I've I don't know why but you do. I don't know why either that a friend of my you say David. You make the building sit on the land and I guess I do but I don't know why a lot of people paint buildings and they seem to stick up or not fit or not sit down on the land. But mine seem to I don't know why I don't have a unique I've never seen the small ones before is that something you've done since you retired you always do the real
small one small painting. I've been asked about a lot more difficult to do that at that size. No it's easier to do the smaller ones I think. Well of course there's not as much paint just time it starts to get better but you know what he had an interception out of it or whatever. I found a little packet of postcard size watercolor paper and somebody gave me a little pallet so I carry it with me and and some of these were painted on the spot or just easily held in your hand and done that. I guess I've always done little ones but I've never worried about framing them but they look nice and they're some medium sized medium sized ones too that are kind of nice in the show. It concentrates the color and and you can. I like the small
ones. You're going to do a demonstration for students today if you have a unique anyone that's familiar and knows that you do watercolor vertically vertically. It's a lot. And then I was able to. Lying in front of. Yeah that's true. I learned from the man at least I studied with a man who specialized in doing it in this form and he part of the advantage of putting it up like this is people can see it. If I wanted to I could do it down low but this way you know you can do a demonstration and folks can see what you're doing and that's Night course with water color the water has a tendency to run down. Well if you have to be careful of that or worry about that or not put so much paint on and and the water depends on the paper and the amount of water you use it works alright and just you just have to watch what you're doing. Sometimes it's good to put it down a few minutes
to get the wash turned right and then set it back up. And I don't have any trouble with doing it like this and I and you can step back from it and look at it. Get it. Get the idea. Do you always start with a sketch before you start. What I usually start with a sketch of some sort. Yeah. So you know what what what's going to be. Yes I really need to know what's going on. I don't know what I'm doing with it help that is get what I like to do. It's going to give you some direction brushstroke. He got sky and that more or less.
This is no barn I saw on my way to church today and I thought it catches my eye so I took a photograph of it. Actually what what's got to be done before you start to paint is to kind of know what you're going to do. I had I took the photograph but the photograph leaves a lot to be desired. And so it's just. It just helps me to know where to put the roof of the barn and that sort of thing. The thing it has done is a value sketch a rough sketch so that I know what some of these what's happening according to these principles so that I'm going to have light
against dark which is the value thing or I'm going to have a certain color against another color that harmonizes and gives unity and and all these ideas here. Obviously I'm not being as careful as I would be if I were doing a commission or something that had to be exactly right. OK. Needs and they some real Darcs now to make it to make it work. And it's worked on that part of it just my Darcs. Are not black. There's no black in the palette either. And to really do dark I use the term marine blue and they're burnt umber. And those two together are already the best for the real dark colors.
One of the problems with water color is not knowing when you're done. But. It was that we read what one of the problem with doing nothing is you don't know when you're finished. OK. And my friend Mrs. Pran you ma'am remember her some of you maybe remember she said text 3 people to do a water color one to hold the brush was to tell you when to stop when the child has Make it stop. I've reached that point yet but let's finish up with something here. Yes all right.
One of the things it's important to do is not put anything important on the edge. But put that should happen. I star in the in the painting where everything sort of points to it. And then fade out the rest sort of like a photograph it's out of focus on the side. And now my man let down a bit with some rocks or something here in front of the wall there. Well I could fiddle with it some more but that's the idea. Yeah. Thanks.
And so what are you looking forward to in the exhibit or in what you're going to do in the future. Paint war paint more and learn how to do it. I'm sure everyone in town. You certainly know how to do it already. Maybe by the time I'm old I'll learn how to do it. Is there anything you'd like to add about the exhibit or anything. No I'm just I'm amazed that that that people like them. I I never feel like they're done very well or I wished I had done it better. And everybody says no it's fine. Well OK I'm appreciative of the fact that people appreciate them and I'm glad of that. I know you have an assistant now that goes. Time a second daughter I'm passing on the tradition of painting in the camp heading my 3 year old granddaughter in Montana
and she and I paint together when we get it together out there. We had a funny thing happened I'd just day after day she'd want to paint so we get a little little jars of tempera paint which I'd take the lid off one and she'd put it in put a little of that on that's enough to turn it. And so she didn't get a mixed up. Finally we got a bunch of things done on paper and I set them aside and later I took a frame and moved it around on some of the pictures and said Now that's nice. I'll just frame that part of the picture she made so I framed quite a number of hers and put one up in our kitchen finally and someone said well that's nice Why didn't she sign it. So maybe not you wanted me to join in but hey you.
Next week on our crumbling camera one of our stories takes a look at a program that helps parents get their GED while their preschoolers work on basic skills. All in the same environment. It's called an even start program Family Literacy is really a concept of putting families together especially parents and their young children. We work with children of Ages 0 through 4 in our centers and we also work with parents who have five to seven year olds which might be in kindergarten are they may be in public schools. So we try to cover the range of young children here. And.
The curriculum that we have includes adult basic education. Parents can come here who want to get a GED or they can come here because they want to learn basic skills like learning to read better. It has meant a lot to me because I'm working to get my GED. They were my kids were specked me in other words and I can respect myself because I quit high school. And I think it was important and it is very important to finish Vasco or teacher G'day. I'm trying to show my kids that they really made it and they can't come or else I will mamma be into because mom is during the day or bad 18 yr old has already done it and we're trying to show an example for them and I hope it works. Or not but I hope and. Finally tonight we give you a glimpse of the tumble beauty of Burgess falls videotaped by Richard Castle on a beautiful November day. Yes.
The Upper Cumberland Camera
Episode Number
Producing Organization
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WCTE (Cookeville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
This episode features segments detailing the Ohio Valley Conference Basketball Media Day, the Upper Cumberland Kennel Club, and the Tennessee Tech Art Gallery.
Series Description
The Upper Cumberland Camera is a magazine featuring segments highlighting local Tennessee communities and culture.
Created Date
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Local Communities
WCTE-TV Cookeville, TN. Copyright 1994
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Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Castle, Donna
Producing Organization: WCTE
Publisher: WCTE
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: ma/ucc1130/94 (WCTE)
Format: U-matic: SP
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:59:03
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Chicago: “The Upper Cumberland Camera; 1130,” 1994-06-17, WCTE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “The Upper Cumberland Camera; 1130.” 1994-06-17. WCTE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The Upper Cumberland Camera; 1130. Boston, MA: WCTE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from