Destination Haven Bay

- Transcript
Why why is destination haven been a poseur number 11 to be plated $5500 while. On her way to Florida runway one more point like a life where water and re the radio that they either pay over. Sure is martial law is one tough cop. She'd have to be visit Barney Watts bear pit lounge in the middle of the morning. Sheriff law what going to get you for me Barney I want a case not
a body of morality and at least not this time. I've got bigger fish to fry. You've heard about these oil tankers disappearing off the coast. Yeah so too big to hide I'm in here stop clowning wot not don't let this get around but they figured out that both of the tankers were just off Haven bay when they disappeared. So guess who got a call today from the FBI. I don't know let's see now why not. For the FBI to call you Mark for what they were. I'm supposed to keep my eyes peeled for any suspicious looking characters around town. Hell I got a whole room full of them back there by the pool. Not your regulars Barney I mean strangers seen any already. Give me a bear burger what you have. Oh hi I'm Asha trees all round up in a marsh or if it's about that poets jam really don't feel so bad. Nobody knew it would be as awful as that wasn't my fault. And besides that's not what I'm talking about. You seen any suspicious looking characters around town lately Jack
ain't seen one new person in town for the last six weeks unless you count that yeast fella the poet. Did he stick around. Yeah didn't you know he spent his honorarium buying drinks for the boys here in the pit and now he says he can't afford a plane ticket out of town. Boy that statewide airlines really ticks me off. He is a pretty fishy character. But but no the tanker started disappearing before he got here so it can't be him. I think he's all right. Says he likes it here so much as they are going to stick around long enough to write The Great American Novel. Can you imagine about even Benny. I thought he was a poet. Yeah well that kind of poetry you can't tell it from prose. Thanks Barney Rodger pass the hot sauce Well yeah. Well if you ask me if it's Sam Taiwanese high seas matters I'll bet they're going after our giant even basic salmon and picking up a tanker there's a bike it understand with factory ships are pretty big. If that were the
case there'd be more than oil tankers missing. I haven't heard of any other kinds of boats disappearing you know one of them from maybe the trawler is in a joint venture with the people who own the gear matters and I think they'd be going after the hands rollers. No Barney I'm with the FBI. I think it's terrorists. I didn't know he was with the FBI in March. Well whatever or whoever it is I hope this gets settled before tourist season if tankers are disappearing. What's to keep us from losing tour boats. Hey you know it could be a way to attract more tourists. Look what happened in Bermuda. And lost their planes. If you go ships and suddenly the educate the society decides to hold a convention early. Well the weather's a lot better but you may be right. Maybe we should be going after that kind of tourist. You know some of them new age types you read about down in California. I could get a few of those weird type magazines into the store.
Maybe start selling a whole new line of products like stuff I heard those people like everything like like bread like mail like milk like rock like novels. Yes too long as I don't have to sell light beer. I don't know if I like the idea of bringing in weird tourists. Oh I think that's redundant. Kind of like this. I could figure out a new drink. Let's see if I can tanker it wrong. Look who is with whom. Sounds interesting. Hey Charlie while we're here I got something new I want you to try it for me. Just a reminder this is the world of radio fantasy. Don't try this in real life. Why
just a nation Haven big episode number 12 to be played at $6000. Why. Don't you make her way to the border. Runway 1 more point. You like my wife well over water re the radio that they didn't even pay over. You're tired of the same old faces day in and day out it's microscopes restored.
That's why he's fairly excited when he gets to help a beautiful stranger in the checkout lane. Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find molten oat flakes. Not St. Helens red box right now. I want the food brand. There are dramatic new ties blue our green box I think. Oh OK there right above your head there on the shelf. There they are. I looked everywhere and sort of hard to find things in here. Hows this store organized alphabetically. No I do apply wherever something comes from. So see over there that's everything we get from Oregon. And this year shelves from Seattle and that section is the stuff from Taiwan. Oh I see. Where's the locally grown organic food. You must be new in town I just moved here. You know I'm really impressed so far by haven. Now I
know I can go shopping. I was scared that all I could buy at here was meat. Well I try to stock a bit of everything. There's lots of different kinds of folks and even lots of different tastes. I'm shocked mother by the way. Call me Chuck. I run the store here among other things. Nice name and say Chuck. Excuse me I find the swelling. You are I mean pleased to meet you. When did you get to town with swelling yesterday. I really felt like I'd come home. You see I've lived here before and really when was that. In the 14 hundreds. Except you wouldn't have recognized me back then I was a whale. Were you here then. Feels like it. No I mean where were you in the fourteen hundred gosh I don't know.
I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch. You want to check out now. Oh yes. Wait I wanted a copy of new vision new divisions. We keep that in the back room. Now it's not that kind of magazine. I mean even though personally I'm in favor of personal narrative. We keep all the magazines in the back room. I don't have room up here. Hey I don't know for your new visions for this lady will you. That's new visions and I our lady I don't not like to be addressed by that word but I guess sex is just an attitude don't you. Yeah right. This thing is always jammed. Oh it's the only way to make it work.
Maybe if you found love and gentleness in your heart and then ask it to work it would. Here let me try all. Of that period. How do you do that if you are as high a volume desire I am you would see I just vibrated my hand at the same harmonic frequency as the register may look like an animate object but it's not nothing is you know where I'll be. What revives. OK just busy. I could feel his stress pattern a mile away. You and he both could really benefit by coming to my office. Yes I'm opening up a practice in Haven.
I mean you're a doctor what do you practice. Everything in the universe. That's of any use carat weight loss psychic balance hypnotism. Oh I get it tell me. Think you could do anything about these blisters you're definitely from a third level anxiety. You see you were a bricklayer in a former life. I had a case just like this when I was Michelangelo. I miss Welling. I've been looking all over for you. Oh wow I'm sorry. Do you know you don't you just think you do. I'd say size 15 is pretty gosh darn big give Yast me non-fans who both have body hallucinations that are travel nuts. Here's my card. Come by tomorrow. It's been
really intense meeting you Jack. Yeah likewise. Tomorrow Tommy. I thought you were so nice yesterday giving me a ride from the airport. If you'd help me today with all these pro 3 4 ways I can do since you have to tie my cat for free. How is he doing. She only had one pound of food today and she sought me out going Oh I'm so delighted we're I know Holland there is that weird card changes in the light. Fonda's house of swell miss channeling Crystal past lives for future reference. Let all your hearts beat as one number thirteen Windham Hill trailer court not case I'd say. But she did fix the cash register.
What destination Haven Bay episode number 13 to be played at $6500 one. On one on her way to the Florida runway one more point. You like my wife well over water a the radio
that they gave the bay over. You're. A big success for Hayden they were looking for but they're not seeming to be right now since there's a new business and a new business man. And so I hereby bring this meeting of the Haven Bay boosters to order and first on our agenda. We'd like to welcome a new member tonight. Let's give a big haven a welcome to the new owner of propane tycoon and self-made prospector backstrap Silverstein. Mr. Silverstein we extend the warm hand of friendship to you. Greet more like yes welcome to the haven. Well thank
you kindly. It's sure nice to finally be movement in the right circles. We all know that some day you strike it rich backstrap now with your penicillin go in the mold of the town is finally set. It doesn't take a feverish imagination to think of a brilliant future for that. Jobs lots of jobs and later of course you'll be wanting to think of investments. Yeah the transmitter radio station is acting out. I was thinking of a new airline. Well I think Mr. Silverstein has a look of a man who believes in public service. For instance the sheriff's offices get in bad shape. Mike your desk you just got a new one last year. Me Finish Barney. I was about to say that I can't find my desk because the ceiling fell in last week. Since the bars on the cells rusted out of had to tie the prisoners in with clothesline and my sheriff's car I had to fasten the back doors with rubber bands because they won't lock anymore. My last prisoner kept laughing all the way to the
jail. It hurts when you're the sheriff and your prisoners laugh at you. Well heck when you get down to it there isn't anybody in this room that couldn't benefit from a wise investor. Now take the bear pit for instance. I've been thinking of modernizing the place you know what better for the Earth than all. Maybe give all new workers in town a place they could call home. I could maybe change the name of the place to minors be it. I thought minors Werner learned to go into a bar. I don't see why you'd bother changing the name what your customers already get the shaft. And hey. Speaking of bears I got another complaint this week to be nickel so your bear looked at her funny the other day that couldn't be an admiral look. That musta been gladly gladly. Yeah gladly The cross-eyed bear are a funny lot but I'm tellin you that beer of yours has got to go on a leash. Frightening little scaring children upsetting the tourists tourists. Gee I hadn't thought about that. Do you guys lay off me. I never heard anybody be an gummed to death by a
bear and you know that's always a morale we could do to be struggle if you didn't grow up around here. He never got any better training. Oh what little kids in town know as Mirelle that they think over their big fat grandmother in a brown fur coat. She ate the contestants when they held the Olympic salmon Derby here Barney. What if she turned on a tourist. People are turned on by different things Marcia drugs art beauty. Look let's just drop it yeah we were not given backstrap here a very good impression. Stick to the agenda. What's next. The proposed sensitivity session at Fonda's house of wellness. Are we going or not. What's it going to set us back. I don't know I don't think I need to attend. I'm pretty aware of tourist needs already and I'm still pretty new here. My government won't be sent to the kiddie stuff you know about. There's a new hypnotist in town name upon the swelling. She's made a proposal to the boosters that she put on a group workshop to help us
understand the needs and wants of tourists. She says we subconsciously resent them and unconsciously hurt their feelings so that when they get home they tell their friends not to come they even baby she thinks our tourist business would pick up if we could all change our attitude especially Barneys. But it's not their feelings. It's your wild they are running around town. I'm a sensitive as anybody. Stuff it Marcia. I'm really sensitive about my bear. If you ask me I think oh man good do ism sensitivity training. Chuck all you think about is making a buck off the tourist money. You gotta admit you're awful prickly at times and then good. So they were it's been probably in Edisons lab where he's been for the past month. We're going on a damn fool invention he has been should go because it would get him out of that lab for a change. Why I bet even backstrap here would like to go. Wouldn't you. Know it one really touchy feely hogwash right.
I don't deal with trite but you deal with your miners when they like a sensitive caring boss who would like to get in touch with their feelings and who knows maybe someone might find you more attractive if you did it right. That's settled then the man to go to Fonda sensitivity session because they need to be more sensitive to other's feelings. Well but Marcia might want Silverstein. You're going to find it. Got it. Yeah yeah there are. Goes another skirmish in the war between the sexes but the big question is are the women of Haven day wise to put their men in the clutches of the swelling. Why
this is the best of nation Haven Bay episode number 14 to be plated $7000 when. They heard the way the current runway one more point. You like my wife well over water and rave a radio that they didn't even pay over. What do you think Pirates spend all their time doing violent and bloody deeds. Of course not.
And spending holidays with their families not the same as doing. I mean really running the place is like yes. Look I'm literally going to have a party gotten right cake and ice cream right. Maybe I can restart the regret York inclosure drooly traps and listen to your elders. Our will be swapped on the deck with your stinking little lives. I was. Right. It's Captain Spike's birthday. And don't be asking how old he is or he'll be walking the plank. That's what I mean really. Round Bob's right high and that they're all right for when I die dear sweet shark bait we're talking about your sorry excuse for a ship not to meet Brian brain Ballou got her
wound right. Oh yeah from the yard arm down. Oh wow. Fine point or later. This is the best writing. I've ever run up yes. Rivets minus or you know on your feet you broken winged albatross. The kids need something to gnaw on into the galley with you and me. Cake cake cake. I see it's going to be very fat. Yeah but it is very minor out cm of break yes. Daily score for manners manners to men are you know and your best were in the owners. And I want to
open up. Oh. I know. Bring your waste goes if you don't hold your we must close for half a minute we're going to play some games now. I don't wanna play games I want I want my my oh everything was it's in there you know who I don't know merry go around your I have grown herring at torn table for me radio station. Near gate or that door and table are all stuffy in the ground. OK I thought we were going to play the game right. Yeah let's play a game so we can meet. You. At or AIDS me hearties were gong to play an old pirate game should be called and that turned out alright.
Parents again we did prove why didn't we. The guy's. Going to be bad luck to have a parrot and the crows. Yes it's going up and get a little wharf rat. It's good I guess that you dug down all the mutineer your talk and go flying from the yardarm for that you don't want the bird doing to be heard again. You read my writing down down and meet her again soon on hammer of wrong. I'm going to be paying you to do that kind of this you big birthday party. But I could be in this stupid play right.
Way. What is his destination Haven Bay episode number 15 to be played at seven thousand five hundred dollars one. Point on on her way to Florida runway one more point.
You like my wife over water. Re the radio that they didn't even pay over. Remote as it is even Haven Bay feels the effects of events and you know that in unsensible capital city and that's where we find ourselves at the moment as the suave handsome and a pretty mobile state lawyer Richard nouveau spends some time on that favorite project of every yuppie building the new dream house. Yeah the only way to get the tickets now let's see that the bathroom fixtures and Sultan at 3 o'clock. Hello statewide airlines. Yes I'll hold. Lessee. Rats. Then I'll have to drive across town to get the Italian work with all those pockets and buckets.
HELLO YES YES HELLO statewide airlines. Yes this is Dick nouveau calling from Juneau and I'm calling to see if you have any discount fares for flights. When do I have to buy the ticket. Oh I see. I'm past the deadline. Well when was the deadline. But I would have only been 12 years old and nine hundred sixty two. Yes I understand that you don't make the rules. Perhaps you didn't hear me at the beginning. This is Dick nouveau. I'm calling from Juno. I'm a lawyer for the state of Alaska. I see. Yes well OK then what are your regular fares. I see. OK let me write this down. You have several different packages. The Manual Noriega ferry. Yes around trip with with no questions. Just lots of cash up
front. I see. And the Shah of Iran fare a luxury one way ticket. But no one will meet me at the airport. Do you have any of those left. No. OK just tell me what do you have. The Ben grewsome door fair. That's fine. All restrictions. OK just tell me what they are. I have to share my seat during takeoff and landing and I can't talk during the entire flight. But but that's outrageous. I know I know I can always use another major airline or I can stand on my roof and flap my arms. Oh ok so. So when can I buy the ticket. I see. I can I can buy the ticket on any day that has an R in it during the month that begins with F if I'm leaving from a city that has a population of over 20000. Right.
With a heritage based in Western European traditions. Right. That seems a little restrictive isn't there any other option. No I'm not a particularly strong swimmer. All right. Just booked me for the 10. OK. OK. No no I do have some requests for my meal. I'd like the low cal low salt high fiber low cholesterol high zinc low mucus executive plate. No. Well how about a fillet of sole and a light white sauce right. While fruit and Bavarian asparagus and Senna papaya leaves. No can do. OK tell me what you've got a fried egg sandwich and a fudge bar. Anything else complementary ice water. You're all heart.
Now do not just listen I want to get one thing straight. Last time you gave me a baggage claim for St. Petersburg Florida when I was going to Anchorage. Well well true that's where my bags did in the up but no you know you didn't charge me to have them sent to Florida. Yes yes I imagine it is expensive the fly bags around the way your company does. I'm sorry no I don't have a bad attitude. No no please i really want to fly with your company. No no of course I don't want to try and walk the entire coastline of British Columbia. But what you want me to say what yes yes and yes of course I want to ticket all right to the customer's credo. Statewide Airlines doesn't do anything it doesn't want to.
It chooses to come to my town out of the goodness of its heart. Even even though it loses money on every takeoff and landing I promise not to be a sniveling wimp when I fly with state wide because I know they are doing me a favor by just letting me on one of their planes. OK is that it. Yes yes thank you. Thank you very much. Yes yes I tick itself off in the check in the deed to my house in the mail yet. Yes thank you. You knew that it was a lot easier than the last term. Better not remind Dick that he forgot to ask about his frequent flyer mileage. Or will have to hear this episode all over again. This is destination Haven Bay episode number 16 to be played at a thousand
dollars. On her way to Florida runway one more point. You're like oh my where moderate the radio that they didn't even pay over. Oh it's been a while since we listened in on our favorite radio station. We mean of course the only radio station Haven baby Radio you're listening to Haven Bay radio and I'm Johnny de your deejay. We'll be back with more music after this. You know sometimes those long winter nights can make you feel a little.
But the light of his mystery crystals might be just what it takes to pep you up again. You need some self help. Remember Fonda's wellness is now here to help yourself help yourself whether it's a minor personality or a complete personality make over. Or even if you just want to talk to your favorite dead rock musician you've got a friend fondest hopes of us number 30 second trailer past alone or by appointment. We're going back to some more music now where the good Lord. Morning Mr. Watt I have the breakfast special. Well for me that's just excellent. We're just plain folks around here used to lewd you find say I heard you at the poets yammering the other
night. I kind of like some of the old mission type director especially not too much tomato juice. I'm not surprised you like those poems Barney. Since I myself am highly critical of my own work I find that appreciation rewarding. Put a big piece of celery in that glass there if you don't mind. Right into the basket this morning. Martha what's your pitch. She's back in here we do our business. If you know what I mean. Nothing beats came to me what's wrong when I am brave. Free station is that right. I don't hurt any other stations around. I'm never picked up another station on the radio.
Really. Right very. Hard There is much that I don't know. Their fear of law coming in. Hey Marsh if you hear the radio you hear it's all over my to a police intercom system. Some clown doing an Errol Flynn imitation but that's not why I'm here watch Marcia. Don't you think we ought to go look in on Johnny and I'm here because it your behavior is Mirelle the what she done. She's outback isn't she. The folks next door complaining about their flight their flops you know I mean they are doing their best. Oh Ellie's full of I can't help it if it had rained all weekend I gotta go somewhere. Besides I really think Johnny that's not good enough for the Fly Boy you know I'm giving you a ticket for a leash law violations sake. Did you turn that radio down. Well OK
if they. It's coming through even after I turned it off. Not to alarm you but I believe it's also coming through the blender burning also lights also never does it I'm going to go see if Johnny's OK it's not likely to pull a stunt like this one I'll talk to you later. He's looking after the game waiting for me. One licensed radio broadcaster a federal offense. You know just your ordinary quiet every threat Alaskan cruise is just biding your mind for help myself to another Becker's vessel looks like leaving rain or fine I can only guess the state radio station for further developments. Why
destination Haven Bay episode number 17 to be played at eight thousand five hundred dollars when. On on her way to Florida runway one more point. You like my wife where water and raised the radio that they gave the bay over. We find Barney in Edisons workshop talking to scientist Ben good who is working on the suspension of an old pickup truck.
But of course this being haven not just any old pickup truck. Oh I bet you have to get some pretty special fuel to make this baby go or I mean I bet you can't run a time machine on a regular gasoline even if it does look like a rusty 1948 Ford pick up truck with an old mattress from oil and an empty filing cabinet piled in the back. What we should about do it. I think the time machine is ready for a maiden voyage. What are you going to power. I'm not quite sure I was going to name her after my mother but the pool of joy just doesn't sound right somehow. Any suggestion. Time truck elegant in its simplicity. I like it. The time truck it is now. You finish setting the co-ordinates Memphis Tennessee 1956
1956. You aren't serious about kidnapping Elvis and bringing him to the future haven. I mean that the president. I mean I would never joke about the king of rock n roll Barney. This world isn't desperate straits what with Nationwide famine increasing global tensions and ecological disasters constantly threatening only one man can reach out to everyone on this planet and bring us all together. Did you know that more people have heard Elvis Presley's voice than that of any other person in the whole of history. But he was only a rock and roll Barney. If you weren't one of the best friends I have and the brother of my mentor and teacher Edison Watts. That remark would mean the end of our friendship. I'm sorry ma'am. I guess I just forgot how strongly I feel about him. Look let me give you a hand getting this machine going to apologize.
Well all right Barney. You can hand me that stereo on top of the workbench. With this for you go listen to it on your trip. I've already told you I'm not going back in time at all. It would be much too dangerous. My presence in the past could inadvertently alter the present drastically. No this is the beat to bring Elvis to us. However the time trucks coordinates so that it appears right outside Elvis's Memphis home listen to what's on the record. Earthquake you may get most Exactly. Sing a song which he won't actually perform for several years later. Naturally enough you'll be curious hearing his own voice singing this unfamiliar song climb into the cab of the time truck and be transported back to this lab in our own time. Ingenious How can you make sure the truck will go where you want it to go. If you look at the dashboard right below the fuzzy dice you'll see a digital display
terminal. That's where I type in the coordinates to time and place. I've already entered the year nine hundred fifty six. Now all I need are the coordinates for Memphis. So if you'll just look in that Atlas over there and read me the latitude and longitude of Memphis I'll type it in and start her up. Gotcha man. Last time I was in Reno I met Garth. Here it is Memphis 31 degrees 40 minutes latitude 29 degrees 84 minutes. Are you sure that doesn't sound right. Sure I'm sure that's exactly what it says here. Well OK. Right that's the key. Sometimes it takes a couple of turns. Could you talk to the beer or grab some starter cables I think it's the battery.
Sure thing. You might as well give it one more try. You know it well I might as well send it off. Take this brick and put it on Excel or later. It's gone hon. Gosh I guess I am a genius. Something both those coordinates go for is that Atlas. Here it is. What's this. Oh no no Barney that's caught just at the time trucked to the ruins of Memphis Egypt. Don't want my life's work destroyed by an illiterate bartender.
Why it's knowing they're going on with the sea. You must've been triggered. By what sitting in the cab there are two figures pristine shimmering roads going more they look like. One. One destination Haven Bay episode number 18 to be played at knowing thousand
dollars. Why why. I don't own the record. Go out my way to the part of runway 1 more point like I'm on my way over water and raise the radio that they didn't even pay over. Last time I asked a doctor just as his time issue pickup truck had returned from the past caring to miss Derrius. They looked like a
man and a woman with copper colored skin and golden head dresses and jewels pectorals. But how could they have seen me. What do you say to people from a cultural were three thousand years old. I'll just have to smile and speak calmly Oh you have troubled our area. Who are you. Other band. My name's King Tut income. You can call me Pharaoh for sure. And this here is my wife. Queen How do you pronounce it again sweetheart. I'm guessing right. Anyhow she's known up and down that ole river knowledge a little lady ain't you little kid you just kin around for the strange little Jackal. Anyways where
blazes the go the people who make your coins. Do you speak English English. I don't know what you mean by that being around the city a mix of nearby talk like this. How did you enter my time trucks. Oh you mean that odd looking chariot. Man it's like this. Normally I'm down south in the City of Thieves but Little Egypt here. I think with that you daughters it has kin folk in Memphis so we pull the ole roll bars down the river a ways to say howdy. Well what with me being in the one true king of Egypt and the human vessel for most holy RA after the big welcoming picnic we were asked to drop by the old temple in a way back to the barge and perform some quick sacrifice. Imagine our surprise when right there on the corner of papyrus in Assyria just a block away from the temple of Ron. Smack dab in front of the temple of halal this is sit in your pretty little chariot planned out a holy chant to Elvis
somehow. Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that Elvis was a roan in your time over three thousand years ago. I don't know what you mean by heart but sure oh well this has been worse. The myth of long as I can remember his own Howrah glyph and everything I. Say. Have you seen him recently. Who do you think you get a little bit chunky. This is incredible. Go on. Well anyways we decided to hop in your contraction here and see where the priest thing in the chant was. I was just shaking in your glove compartment when there was a sound like this. Meaning meaning meaning meaning and banks. And here we are snug as a scared going to remain in your palace shack is more like it. It's small crowded man. Hush your mouth. I thought about her being. She don't travel well so. Speaking of which I wonder if you could tell us just where in the things are we.
Well I'm not sure if you can understand this but it isn't only a question of where but of when you see because of my assistant's mistake my jury was sent to your town instead of to another Memphis quite a long ways away but for some reason I don't understand yet. It also went back in time to your era instead of true. The World a whole heap of time ahead in the future. That's too bad. I thought we were dead and I could really start to enjoy myself. Oh well time and. Money though this is kind of like waking up after they've made money. But I still think I have all my internal organs so where are we exactly. Well look here on this map that's where your town is see and this is where you are know on the coast of the land on the other side of the earth
in a place called Haven Bay Alaska. Look up there right opposite Haven Bay. That's where Port Alexandria you sure sugar they know a mile but darken Musk I do believe you're right. That must means they could crystals around here by what Christine. In. The air could you. Explain to me something here about yours. Why all right. What is it you would like to know. Oh good job money. He didn't say that before Gomer. Now what do we do. Find the star at Memphis. It worries me that you're my brother. Please hope your stupidity isn't hereditary. Now let's get going. OK well can anything you say. Boy I sure hope the merchants around here take good clinics Brit So Hayden Bay's sister city is actually port Alexandria
and Memphis Tennessee sister city must mean Memphis one wonders is the sister city new port side called starboard side. Destination even Bay. This is episode number 19 to be played
at nine thousand five hundred dollar. Point like that. They hold her with. The swellings pulse and swell most located in the trailer park atop Wyndham Hill seems to be the new place in Haven bays for people to go through problems.
Looks like Saunders current patient is leaving. Let's listen to by now Mrs. Nichols I'm sure that will be much better about you. Using his litter box after today's session I'll see you next week same time. What a bore that Mrs. Nichols and that kept up hers. What a spoiled little monster. Not you honey Kat. You come here. You're beautiful too. So we cat a little scratch behind me here. If you're a week thing aren't you. Not like that nasty tabby. Somehow when we came to Haven Bay I didn't expect the bulk of the work to be pet hypnosis. But they seem to eat it up here and their animals are as neurotic as they are. Let's see. When's my next appointment. Four o'clock. I gives me a few minutes to relax first.
How about the music and the cat. Paul Winter and shadow X.. George Winston. Ah Crystal Silence. That would be nice. There during your radio station. Hey Ira Ira or whether you want to be or not have read this is any of that bad day. And you get a request where you know what you can do with it. Don't let me hide you can't take it bare and doggone it that awful radio station is everywhere. You can't even listen to your own music in this place. I still don't know what were doing and back of beyond Alaska honey cad. I knew what made me come here. I still haven't found out what I've been searching for. Whatever that is
it's a good thing my clients can't hear me now hey honey if I can't listen to some nice peaceful music at least I can spend a few minutes playing with you. I don't know why but it always relaxes me. You want me to swing a cat and mouse for you. I'm going there. That's a good kitty. I like this though do you. I must. Nicest cat I had ever seen. And those glittering rinds going to her mother understand why that old man in the Magic Shop let me have it so cheap it was almost as if he was glad to get rid of it. Oh well. You don't care do you honey. You just have to swing it in front of you and back and forth. I thought that.
How. Would your life what Off subject to tornado threats where you were and toyed with forces beyond your comprehension and control one. But are you already holding all of all going to ruin our way all far when all
is going according why we'll has led you and you are no very near here. What's wrong anyone else and that's good. It's going to be a little what oh Eric to lose you know the longer where the hype used to port Alexandria hit last year than important but now also all witchy through and I am at last all able to see the crystal clearly this tall row of men as have been discovered by a woolly blundering man I don't know its power and he uses it instead for my purposes of his own. He must not be allowed to retain possession of a crossbow. Many are
now seeking it. But you know for her go to her room. You will recognize this man by the strange way in which he speaks. His name is Rabbit. I will return later. Ha. Well. Miss Why are you in there. I mean from my 4 o'clock appointment about my blisters remember. Be right with you OK. But don't be long my blisters are killing me. I did I must have dozed off for a second. Sorry honey Cass I won't be able to play with you anymore for a while. I need to get busy. You can entertain yourself though and to pretty cutting remarks from that
Scythian must be a sharp guy. Can all these new age business be nothing but games. Why this is destination Haven Bay episode number 20 to be played at $10000. What. Went on on the record.
Oh my way or the part of runway 1 more point that you like my wife well over water a the radio that they didn't even pay over. You're. Talk Smucker's been complaining about airline service behavior for time but it looks like he's finally going to do something about it. He runs by the radio station to run it by Johnny they hired Johnny. Why hello Jack. What brings you to even buy a radio. I got that spot I want you to run for me. It just came back from the ad agency for the grocery store. But we just got a new not the same for the store this is from my new business new business. Yeah I finally got fed up with state wide airlines after the poets jam Berry when they made all those people from Juneau go by way of Dallas-Fort Worth. I figured that instead of continuing a bellyache about him I would do something so I talked backstrap into fronting me the money. And here
I am. Here you are hot shucks airline. You mean you started your own airline that's right. We'll be having a big open house at the landing strip this weekend. So you want to come by. Running an airline is big business it's a lot of work and a lot of headaches. So is flying with state wide. But who are you going to hire. Nobody at least not at first. I figured I could do it all by myself. I ran the grocery store for years without any help and I bet that's at least as hard as running an airline. Now that I got out oh helping me out in the store that leave me free to run the airlines in my spare time. Gee I don't know Jack this sound out here. Listen to my new ad it says it all better than I could. The barber shop as we know there's a new bird in the skies of Alaska.
Flying with the spirit of Kitty Hawk he atmosphere of free enterprise. This bird is dropping great deals on everyone as it flies overhead. This bird is jokes. Here are law books the spirit of full week. Hello everyone. This is Chuck Smucker owner and operator of jux airlines. All of me at Chucks are excited to announce that we I will be off the ground soon offering those great deals on travel that only free enterprise and free choice can offer. Of course it's not free. That would be dumb but it shocks will get you south for less money than it would take to marry itself in a cardboard box. And at half the time and nearly twice the conference you might ask yourself how in the heck can you do it. And sometimes I wonder myself because here at Chucks I do it all and pass the savings on to you.
That's right here at the shops I'm your pilot copilot. Ground Crew and alike. Trying to Navigation System Three hand first and if the weather isn't too nasty and I can tie the stick back I'll come to the cabin and serve you some of those great honey pork rinds and tap beer that makes any trip up party right pork rinds just say where are we. Luhan Ach no don't worry about the little things. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. And on each flight with Chuck airlines will give you a free bag of styrofoam packing peanuts to help with all of your shipping needs. So remember if you're flying across the country or just across town call us here at chunks we might be going down your way. It was very dark saw five on
Chuck's airlines door Stairway to Heaven and four other locations in the Great Northwest mine mine M&M house bitching marry you find liar as a financial venture outside of one's ordinary business.
- Series
- Destination Haven Bay
- Contributing Organization
- KCAW (Sitka, Alaska)
- cpb-aacip/190-956djshb
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/190-956djshb).
- Description
- Series Description
- Tales of Haven Bay and its successors are radio theater series that parodies small town Alaska.
- Description
- Episodes 11-20. The Haven Bay series parodies small-town living in Southeast Alaska. [note: box label says Episodes 11-20 but typed rundown lists only 11-18]
- Genres
- Radio Theater
- Topics
- Local Communities
- Theater
- Subjects
- Sitka; Alaska
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 01:06:04
- Credits
: Raven Radio Foundation Inc
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
KCAW-FM (Raven Radio Foundation, Inc.)
Identifier: HB-002 (KCAW-FM)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Destination Haven Bay,” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025,
- MLA: “Destination Haven Bay.” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <>.
- APA: Destination Haven Bay. Boston, MA: KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from