Tales of Haven Bay

- Transcript
Haven baby episode 37. Abalone a tad like the young woman that owns the pro pine plant is certainly having man trouble not only US Forest gnomon causing her all sorts of problems at the factory but her boyfriend Robert seems to have forgotten her completely in his pursuit of a chart. Maybe we'd better drop into Abby's office at the pro pine plant and seen wants. Me to stay and wait. Where's. The fun Bobby. I mean Robert showing only hogs are you out. They're not from lobby they're from the Forest Lawn where What's it say. I'm truly sorry about the other day my convictions overtook my emotions. Please let's get together on neutral ground and tong. How about not a crab pot. 8:00
p.m. I'll be waiting. Give me a second chance. Force him on. WOW IT nerd out great. Totally embarrassed me. Point was not Mr. Shand way a couple of days ago I want to launch like he came up to me and barely introduced himself as starting gallant in front of everybody on how the happy faces work out everyone I'm not going to meet him tonight yet mount me wiser to gone home and stand when it could some of this nonsense out of the press. Go talk to the man but be on your guard. Watch what you say. Chlorine all because you think I should. But it's not what all I wanted to do tonight. I didn't think you'd show up. Here. I am. You look very nice. Thanks. Would you like things before you order. Oh yes. Let me see your wine list. Let's see. Who will have your best boys. 76.
Does that sound good to you. Know. What would you suggest then. Water. Oh OK. Make that two waters. Would you like that water with an avocado pit. Oh yes yes. Do with the pit please. I'll be right back. I'm really glad you came. I did want to apologize in person about what I'm calling the lunch incident. I must have had low blood sugar that day. I usually don't come off like that for my first impression. I know I was pretty harsh and I I hope tonight we can reasonably discuss the problems pro pine is creating. Oh here's our water. What's refreshing ha. Yes. I just love water water in this town is the best I've ever had. You know where it comes from. No. Well. Well the crab pot looks like a really nice restaurant. Have you had the crab here.
No. What a coincidence. Me neither. Looks like Forrest Belmont is trying to gain the attentions of Mr Chadwick. Could there be more to this man than meets the eye. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Haven episode thirty eight. It's the kind of place where you're always sure to bump into someone you know even if it's
just the owner Barney was the first human. Oh yeah. It was a dead poet laureate your bet. What is it you're shaking like a leaf whatever that is Barney fixed me one quick. Sure. Only I'm warning you you got to go easy on these bear guns I don't call him that for nothing because even one day if I told you I saw a hundred and fifty foot salmon tonight I'd say it was time for you to make an appointment with that shrink doc face factor face saw too though he won't admit it. He says it must be some perfectly explainable to say just what are you talking about. The doctor and I were out my skiff and just what were you doing on a boat ride at night with another man Barney. Don't be childish Richard and I were just. Richard is it. How long has this been. Don't be tiresome. Get me that drink will you. I'll get you your drink but then you got some explaining. Turn on the radio. You're right. Residents of Haven
may stop what you're doing and live with me. I haven't been feeling sad and depressed and just a little bit crazy lately haven't you. Well I have to and I didn't know why either. But last night I found out the reason it this radio station group that Dr. Richard bass has been paying money to make sure everything you heard on the air would make you feel glorious Golding and Richard bass I've been trying to turn Haven Bay radio into one big and or boil everything right or more and who knows what we've got to do. We're going to buy this radio station ourselves and run it the way it should be run right. John make our loads lighter and our days with your able Bay radio can be long.
I need a contribution from each and every one that's listening right now. If we can raise a bunch of money right we can turn this radio station back into something you'll be proud of. Now call me at the station and tell me how much you can give or bring it back and throw it in their room when your friends and neighbors don't let me down. Now here's what I'm going to do with this. I'm supposed to be playing there in the right. I'm here waiting for your and your money. In the meantime let's say. That doesn't run on any of the customers hear it. I'm going over to the station and give Miss Jonnie day a piece of my mind right before I fire her. You can't do that. Oh I can't just watch.
Well maybe she can fire Johnny but he can't make me turn Iraq. If you were having a fundraiser for a radio and this is just day to me to answer that plate of crap. You go to him with the line like you said but I know you wouldn't think of anything from that. So.
You're getting out here. This is going to get me going to need some help. Things are beginning to heat up and as morale. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Episode 39 of tales of Haven Bay.
Things seem to be getting out of hand at the moment in Haven Bay even at the radio station just today in Dr. Richard bass was ride big glorious balding to make us play all that sad step. You're not going Grazie they were just trying to make you think you were. Now we're trying to raise money to buy a radio ourselves. So what could be the way you liked it. But hurry. We're running out of time. Give me a call and tell me how much you could get give or break it by the station and throw it through their room window and just watch and me are locked in the air. But I don't know how much longer we can hold out so hard. Why they are your low brow money.
But I think that's what's really good is he's grown Esmerelda with letting him have his and. We heard you on the radio over at the pit. We thought we'd come over and see if we could help. Bless you Barney. As a matter of fact you planned. The phones are ringing off the hook and I can't keep up with them. But while. Her Gori was going for the cops so I thought Admiral that might buy you a little time but it was really just got no teeth. She's just a misfit yet. Yeah but the cops don't know that. Serves them right for not drinking in my bar. Well don't eat with my brother here to help us with the bones and Esmerelda to keep the police at bay. You won't be needing me I'll see you later good luck. And us and you can't leave now. Alright Johnny I must I have a few ideas about this enormous station I have to see of I'm right. Lock the door behind me no good luck. Well. It's a heck of a time to go play detective. But then
Edison has never been exactly predictable hereby start adding up what's coming and so far the calculator's ride year. I'll get the ball. Holy cow that's a pile of money. No let's see this is where the monster sermon has been seen most often. According to my calculations it sort of pierced soon. All I can do now is sit back and wait. Oh. What's that. It's old in the deep water but it appears to be headed this way. Yes silvery here it comes. Study notice and study you know. I knew it I knew I was right. I know the secret of the joint. SIMON Yeah I know this when this project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council Army arts
with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Haven Bay episode number 40. You know all of that said there was something funny about that Ford's Belmont. I know Robert McClelland as a reporter felt the same way. That's why I'm not surprised to find him and his camera crew at the crime. Angela thanks so much for letting me take my exposé here. I can't wait to see a statesman and walks. Ok cool. Start with the introduction. The truth about Beaumont
forest. That sounds so professional. The truth about forest. What do you you know what a scam artist. I was a tax against pro kind of a purely self-serving theory or motive. I don't believe it. You didn't tell me you were planning to well I wanted knowing how you feel about it makes me respect you even more for letting me do this. I changed my mind you can't shoot your dirty in my clean right you do that my camera crews here scripts all written. It should be walking in for lunch anywhere you'll just have to bully for you. When did you. A few minutes ago. I may hate your slimy guts to enter a place. But I agree with you on one thing. I think you should throw this sleazy reporter out of here to tell me that I will throw this bum out but not because I think it's Gloria.
But there are some of us have it my dear and so would you ladies mind moving over just a bit. I need a little more light to start really not. But I have proof that Forrest self-described consumer advocate wants because he owns a pine forest and stands to clean up. He's the nearest distributor. Get it for sperm and he's brought a lot of people into my new Tony. Always out for the quick buck. Gloria you think I should be able to film here. I do not I just think as usual is doing things for all the wrong reasons right. Well certainly not selling out a man just to get your restaurant on TV. If you use the name of a restaurant you will.
Well I wasn't planning to. But sure I'll do it. I'll put your name on the piece. All right. Ok boys. Roll them. I'm not a consumer advocate. You know Eric Holder of the Beaumont Port in Washington State just east of it we call the largest and nearest supply of natural prices in the United States. He's using the town of Haven Bay is nothing but the tool of a multinational Hunston. Joining us this controversy over time will have to be re-examined in the light of this latest round of hearings in action this week forceful on so-called consumer advocates as you know you need to hold it in the moment for it for a speedy Robert not reporting Kraft restaurants like that. Why for us both a lot of him trying to stir up trouble with. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts
with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Tales of haven by episode 41. Last time we saw Ed it's a lot out on the wharf. Said he'd finally figured out the mystery of the giant fish. Now Ollie has to do is see if he's right. There it is exactly when I calculated it would appear it's snow really on it's coming.
And as we have been looking at you what are you doing here. I mean just see us as being just like so I was talking about you and me on that day decided to come visit. Well it's certainly good to see you again. What do you know you've been scaring the good people of this town half to death. We are sorry and I want to make sure I'm not going to let our light yeah on the way. Yeah disguising our submission. I know that much about it not love my confession I hate to seem too severe a critic but this kind of does not grow this big anywhere on the planet. That's why you've been scaring people. You know I didn't see you there like that and I don't have any just let Thank you know you change
your look like a sermon. My next I'll say things you are wrong but we should not argue our best friend I know I just want to get not for you at that time many years ago it would have been just glad that you will ever know all I did was a little more that I had gotten them that maybe they thought I trusted hasn't given you any more problems since then. Thank you for your kind invitation knowing as not to look at how many got back in exhaust size that you were using that way how do you think I cited a drivers never going anywhere without the instruction. You know Anderson what a blessing let me make it.
I've been meaning to ask you about that in a way out granted you mean. Yes it certainly was doing. I was able to sell the formula to a man in town who gave me enough money for it to live comfortably and do what I please. Since then which has made my life very pleasant. The man went on to become a great captain of industry on this planet and his daughter continues to enrich the lives of many people using your formula. I mean at my gate and if you want me to say is that you know we have seen you you must be going. But he wants to know why that banks around you and I can't get any industry has been using the phone. I don't understand who is or what doesn't formula to make pints and have to do with big fish. What is send mindset. Well that's a certain kind of tree smell that people on this planet are very fond of. But you know isn't
that what you let me. It's milk just like pine scent. Not me. Value added on mine you said that was big enough. What are you trying to tell me. They must go back and saying you want to drop my game and not as. Quick So size one shot. No what was that all about. Oh yeah. I know you are like me.
Right now. That's very yummy let me get over morally here and we'll see how bad they really want to come here. Be careful you don't scare the bears are there. Ha. Moreover these. Are rare. That oughta hold him for a while only being a Burns could move that up bro since you want the police school. This is Johnny did your deejay at work trying to raise enough money to buy this place and run it the way you want it run. I want to thank you all. Well I'm going to wait like your hard earned bucks to help out. But. We still don't have enough time is running out of here. So if you haven't yet. Now we need.
Oh you good folks listening to help out my kids out right newsboys Carter looks like he succeeded used tear gas. Hurry hurry. Maybe Jani tried to get those aides to help her out. Will her fundraising rise to see who know only the people listening to future chapters all tales all. Even though. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council Army arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Haven baby episode forty two.
One thing you can say for abalone a tad wet. And the pressure is on. You can really rise to the occasion. I look horrible. I look like someone from Mars. What did you call this powder dressing and you look fine. Straighten the tie a bit. I've never worn a suit are you bloody smart. It's good it gives you the right image. I never thought I would be so nervous. Gosh we're just going to hand you got a few minutes yet just be allowed to wear my B vitamin. Just remember Mr. Van Wyk that workers all love you. And besides I got an extra. Hour off so they could attend. Just make a good impression on the media. And you're home free. It's time now. OK here I go. Public Speaker number one.
Is this thing on. Oh I bring on new workers of my plan for us. I've called you all here today to tell you how much my decision is to continue producing the happy face cardioid her eyes are on very aware of the accusations against the pipeline. What as I've searched. Microscopically examined every aspect of our plans operation. I can find no reason not to continue making a baseball. Oh I mean there are no hard substances involved making the happy days. I would never put any of my workers be in jeopardy for money's sake. No we will weather this storm together snow stronger in the end. Thank you thank you for me. Oh I'm so glad you could come to lunch. No problem Tony my
bar sort of runs itself. The man at the electric grid and by the way I prefer Antoinette. Oh I can fix about anything if I think about it long enough. Well it looks like not really. I can show you how this works if you want. That would be most enlightening. Let me get an apron you might get dirty. Oh I don't mind getting dirty but you can't get grease out of silk. Yeah I got of a sow's ear. Now see here where this wire comes in. Lava grease on the connection. It shorted out your storm. That's the problem. It's why you got it Tony. Now we'll unplug the stove and clean out the grease and reconnect life. You're a good teacher and you're a good student. Wait you got grease and no o stand still I'll get it. But now that the weight is say my name.
This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Tales of Haven baby episode 43. Despite all the turmoil some things continue as usual. The winter Wagner festival for instance. Tonight's the big night when virtually the whole town shows up at the old war for an
outside performance. The grandson Molly. Are you sure you want to sit with me Tony. I tell you I never know when to clap just clap but I tell you. And what are you doing with that at the opera. You kid. I heard it was jam night here at the festival and people can bring their instruments and play along. They don't allow people to play along to Wagner. They will maybe you never heard of the fuse boxes round where no frat babes with the horns come on I'm going to let them have. Put that thing away. Look out some people want to get by you a pardon. Excuse me Mr. Chadwick Do you mind if I sit here between you and Mr. Watt. I guess not. Doesn't bother me fella knock yourself out. Hey you bring your axe. I beg your pardon. Your ex your instrument. It's their night here. The winter Wagner festival. That's right.
It's about to start. Here comes Mr we. Think young man. Do. You know. My. Mom. You don't look like it
if my work right here in Wales. This is great. I can look out the harbor and see the whole fleet. Wow. Look Tony got a new board. Looks like he's got a hair spec in the crank and remote trailer. Back when you grow up body past the boat ramp losing life. I'm not one. Of course I thought away right. Thank God that's no whale at Abbey. It's what. God. Gives. Us.
It must be 100 feet. Imagine how that would looks. Paying above the bar the bare poverty course would have moved some of the home girls. Now wait a minute. I thought we had this big fish thing all straightened out. But if everyone at the festival saw it it can't be imaginary. Don't tell me after all this that there really is a big fish. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Haven by episode 44.
One place I know I was going to call it when we left she was locked in the air room of the Hayden Bay radio station trying to raise enough money over the air to buy out Gloria Scully. Marnie was scared off the police with his bare as Mirelle does the ones Gloria gets that's not going to work. Knows as well as harmless looks like time has about run out. Johnny is my figure is right is usually pretty good. Couple all the phones ringing. And of. Course the bear pit I'm used to working with. I'd love to hear about it but we're running out of time all right places you've done it. We got you got a spare.
Barney that's wonderful. What good. Warrior. Letter and Barney. All right you can tell me. Where you wait. I knew it was you Barney when I heard that ridiculous Burns voice screaming bear. Oh developed a taste for depressing music. Yes it looks like she's eaten half the records that were on the new play list. Let's mind the grease as. Well Bernie aside from the gall of locking me out of my own station and aiding and abetting a mutinous riot. I'm surprised that a good businessman like you would like to bear eat up my profits. Don't have to pay for all those you know. Vinyl isn't cheap. I didn't think you'd heard me say she doesn't have any use for me since she's buying the station.
What. That's right Miss Golding. I took your advice and raised some money lots of money. Here it is. Cash checks. Pledges that I'll collect on this afternoon. Now you got your money and the people of Haven buy have got the radio station back. Well. I don't know what Johnny thinks. I've been in business for longer than I'd care to admit. And this is the first time I've ever seen a deal come off to everyone's benefit. Saying Gloria has Barney. I kind of assume we're out of swoon with each other I mean with a capital T Barney. Not that it hasn't been laughs. You going to stick around Haven Bay. No Barney I'm out of this pop stand. I'm headed for a number one market. It's a tough world out there when you're by yourself Gloria. I won't be by myself. I'm going with the only man I've ever met who could look at the squalor and psychosis of Los Angeles like square in the eye and say Bring it on.
Like Haven Bay is going to have to look for a new doctor. Well listen you go stop by the pit before you leave town and let me buy your one just for old times. You're OK. No hard feelings. We had some good times. Johnny I'm off. Good bye miss. Good luck. Thanks Johnny. And good luck in your new career broadcast management. So long as. Well thank goodness for that. Now at least one of Haven day's problems has been solved. But there's a lot more left to go in the story so I certainly hope you are listening to the next half of the details. Even with.
This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Episode 45 of tales of Haven date. At least it's nice to know that Haven Bay finally has its radio station back the way it should be.
We joined Johnny there as he fills in her friend Addison watch on the results of her fundraiser. She was moving to Los Angeles with Dr. face. Do you believe that. So that's the whole story Addison. I'm still amazed at the good folks of Haven Bay came up with the money for the station. You've done a very good thing here Johnnie. Well it couldn't have happened without your brother's help or yours either Anderson. Although Barney did stay and help answer the phone. Yes I'm sorry I had to run off like that Johnnie but I knew your fundraiser would be successful and I had a very important appointment to keep at a very particular. Time as a result of it I'm happy to say I believe I've solved one mystery and have an important clue to another. Really. I think some of the reports of a huge salmon were caused by some friends of mine to alienate only ends not illegal ones I hope. I heard something about some of the regions and Russians in town. Legal or not my alien friends are certainly harmless. They had hoped not to alarm the
populace. What an unfortunate mistake and reports no perspective. Addison. Sometimes you might as well be talking Esperanto as much as I understand. Unfortunately the sighting at the Winter Wagner festival now leads me to believe we might be seeing more big fish after all. Johnny tell me what do you know about what the company the secret formula just that old man Chadwick stumbled on a way to process fish guts into something that smelled so much like pine trees. A woodpecker would drowned in it. Would you be surprised to learn that it was I who provided Mr. Chadwick with a secret process. That he had bought it from me at a price that has enabled me to lead a comfortable inventor's life ever since. Well truth be told no it wouldn't surprise me. That story's been going around town for years. I never knew if that was true or not. But since you never mentioned it you were too polite to ask. You are priceless friend Johnny. No Would it surprise you if I told you that it was not I came up with a formula that someone had given it to me.
What Edison Are you serious. The two alien friends I mentioned earlier it was on the table in my shop the day they left 40 years ago. I assumed correctly that it was a token of thanks in exchange for a small favor I'd done them. Hold on at this and let me get this straight. When you say aliens you mean that is right. Johnny They don't come from around here. Don't tell me more I don't want to know. But what does all this time stuff have to do with the big fish. When I found the bowl of solution I assumed from its fragrance it was fine sand. So. Well something they said when I saw them again just now has me wondering. I'm beginning to think their gift was intended to be even more socially useful than I'd imagine with it. They were giving us the power to feed the world's masses and I limited hunger for ever hand stick Nuku Danimal to replace the cow and be humiliated it wasn't supposed to be pine sand. I believe it only happened in
the wonderful world of coincidence. Just smell like pine trees. It was supposed to be this prove. Russell diet supplement that would allow us to grow salmon all the Normas why and let this be a lesson to you. Don't leave things lying about without properly labeling them. You can see what kind of trouble it causes. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Tales of Haven baby episode forty six.
Forrest Beaumont who is calling himself a consumer advocate has been exposed by the television reporter Robert knob as the owner of a huge pine forest in Washington State who was hoping to make a killing by forcing pro pine to switch to a natural pine scent. It's not surprising that he'd be a little shamefaced when he runs into Robert at the bear pit. Well if it isn't for us what brings you to is that too expensive for you. Now that we've shut the lid on your little deal I was a fool now that your evil plan has been squashed. You're right. Those were unreasonable demands. You should hate me. So sorry I apologize.
Sorry it ruins all the fun of having destroyed you. I'm really sorry I know you're right. I threaten hundreds of families livelihoods. I tried to get pro pine to make naturally scented white so you're sorry. All right already already but a couple of those Broady barbecue burgers in the Rain Forest Forest don't take it so hard. People in this town have short memories of yesterday's winter Wagner festival fiasco. They're not thinking of you. You're yesterday's news they say. Why are you being so kind. You know forest hasn't been so bad you shook up our town woke us up got our blood pumping. It was interesting. Just between you and me could be used to you know really do any of you stop me before I could. Well I am pretty good I would have destroyed Apollonius operation within days my disclosure that the plant was dumping massive amounts of propane would have meant the end of the factory
and the town. I'm so sorry about what I was saying that I'm really no know about the dumping. Well for the past six months the plant has been siphoning excess propane into Ferguson's code do you know what you're saying. That's where the fish hatchery is millions of tiny fish let loose into the ocean after swimming through pro-pot. The big fish get it all the big bass is Roeser to pro pod means a big fish. You think exposure probe line produces big fish. Yes now that we could have some interesting possibilities. Interesting possibilities. Oh no not this close to the end of the story. There are only a few more chapters of. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts
with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Tales of Haven Bay episode 47. Well. Several people have had their plans disrupted. Forrest Belmont was exposed as a rich lumber magnate trying to make a killing at the expense of abalone a tad late. But instead he's wound up losing his heart to her and doctor faces to the press the entire town of
Haven day by using glorious Kaldis radio station was courted by Johnny day's fundraiser to buy the station some Gloria. It's not surprising that the doctor and lawyer walking on the beach and pondering their future. Sure what do you think of when we walk along just the most alone on a misty dogs lost in or the Hawks office furniture office per truck. Oh you know if it hadn't been for you I never could have had that office furniture that I always dream Martin but I was hoping for something a little more drama. Oh honey you have time enough for that on the boat trip down to L.A. People have everything we've ever wanted custom designed kitchens in muted earth tones of rust and gold or so during the non happy people who have unfurled from their jobs with the Defense Department in expensive patio furniture that's been built by illegal alien Ministry of people with
neurological disease from the drinking the wall Richard it sounds like almost too good to be true. Kind of corny. How things work out I mean between you and me. The big fish in the river Biden revives the law like me to really make sure think I'm a true believer of the dross. Might we just might be something bigger up or something that might be looking down on us like in the US government make you one and it makes me think of a new Mercedes and have a tennis court in the backyard. And it makes me think of you. Oh I do love you. Which can I ask you just one thing you have spared. Me I called. Dick. And never. I didn't think so. Well it doesn't matter Richard. I'll just be Mrs Doctor face in a few short days. Is about Abby and Flora spelled walking in the mist. But I wonder if they're in as
much love as we hope. I don't know. Why did you just call me the crew. I knew that you had a very profound social conscience and I wanted to impress you sneaking into my house and putting the polish on what it was trying to impress me. It's a type of dialectic understanding through opposition and shaping a happy face into my dogs. Trying to impress me. I had to get your attention. You got my attention. You impressed me all right. You're pressing me that your really really creepy. Anyone who would do that to a dog or so I didn't have them in the same sense. But I think what we could do together in the Chadwicks we could sponsor terror seminars in the school an Astral Plane athletic events we could bring Paul Winter up to organizing all animal Glee Club Abby Abby we could do some good in the world.
We could make a difference on the planet to explore the tour as a romantic evening isn't it. Why don't no doctor face it seems kind of what works. Why what a good way. I mean the rain doctor face it's pouring out rain is it raining. No I don't think so. This is just a light. Fog. For you we'd better hurry. We cannot be late for the evening boat to the sisterhood real. Good bargain. Good boy. The City of Angels. Are they going to the comet tonight. Thanks. Come on let's talk about that. It sure is funny how things work out. Who would have thought that Forrest and Abby would be sweet on each other. After all the problems he caused her. Just goes to show you never can tell which is the best reason in the world. Stay tuned for the next chapter of tales of Haven Bay.
This project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska. Episode 48 tales of Haven baby. Despite all the trouble for us moment calls add a tad late. The owner of
the pro my client basically resolved their differences. Well more than that. I'd say more power is missed here Greg. I bet they are from Forest. Bottom line I guess his new campaign is tearing your office or do I. Look at that size of that blown. Yeah there was a lot of this too let's then tell Mike who lives in me. Yours is that I mean romantic. Why that's real but where are we going to put them. See we can move the computer out of the hall and move the desk over you know move it out to the hall to see if they can get a hole in the ceiling. They are going to have a light over here and get some water. Yes ma'am. I better get home. Oh we're walkin to paradise. Is there an angel of love over here. Come on come on don't I've brought your future with me.
Addison and Forest thanks for the flowers. Well thank you of the loan you know but I had no idea that you like them Abbie I really like them. Oh I see you will a bone you know this man has more than followers to offer you talk young bone. Medicine has a great idea for a savvy a merger between our two interests. We can use my pine forests were naturally scented cardioid or risers but could we really get the pine trees a smell like pine if an ocean creature can be made to smell like a plane tree. Just think what a pine tree could do. All things are possible. Well yeah that would work I mean. It makes sense but what I do know this but hope haunts of a zillion gallons out of the air that is Edison stroke of genius will start a new subsidiary to manufacture and distribute the propane solution as in larger will have to change the name. But once word gets out we'll have more orders than we can handle.
You to work out the details. I'm going back to my shop I want to work on the hinds and from pine trees idea. Bravo Abby. The merger would involve more than my forest and your factory. Oh I know we need more broom I could build a new backer in the vacant subdivision across the road. It's Abbey now it's much bigger than it looks. We leave you right for us. We will build a factory to gather and build a life together. The Ultimate Merger mean a legal contract with lawyers and everything. Yes a legal contract but no lawyers Alvy just a preacher. Why marry me. Yes. I'm feeling awfully warm. I mean really warm. Oh I forgot to look for the orchids. Let's go over to the window. There.
One over there on that hill or ceremony there our winter there. Now our scholars and others say don't worry primer or in the water. Where the floor is not a marriage made in heaven or at least in Haven bet. What more could possibly happen. Tune into the next chapter to find out why this project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the arts with distribution made possible by the Alaska Public Radio Network. Tales of Haven Bay was produced at Raven radio in Sitka Alaska.
- Series
- Tales of Haven Bay
- Contributing Organization
- KCAW (Sitka, Alaska)
- cpb-aacip/190-246q596c
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- Description
- Series Description
- Tales of Haven Bay and its successors are radio theater series that parodies small town Alaska.
- Description
- Episodes 37-48. The Haven Bay series parodies small-town living in Southeast Alaska.
- Genres
- Radio Theater
- Topics
- Local Communities
- Theater
- Subjects
- Sitka; Alaska
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:56:55
- Credits
: Raven Radio Foundation Inc
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
KCAW-FM (Raven Radio Foundation, Inc.)
Identifier: HB-026 (KCAW-FM)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
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- Citations
- Chicago: “Tales of Haven Bay,” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-190-246q596c.
- MLA: “Tales of Haven Bay.” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-190-246q596c>.
- APA: Tales of Haven Bay. Boston, MA: KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-190-246q596c