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fb so yes oh yes
and it has forced the local power that and the local powers connected with state national power in his kids in neckties and more to the north but the fact that he is a northerner will is striking that insulated can rice aristocracy that has felt itself rome how often in command of everything social and economic scientist james campbell black that he's the northward i don't know which of those came in the most humble perhaps it is and as striking as the fact that he's black and he combined race with etiology based upon truly a
lifestyle being you can further entrenched and talent that would despise so here comes a northerner an outside agitator turn in action has lingered into a room and he sees one maybe he's not quite a man claiming to be a man and innocent power structure that is long sleep says this industry people at mechanics have also been the slam <unk> person as somehow unless you have been born rice aristocracy so if people like bodner to reestablish a plantation agricultural land owned by her father i'm trying to say
if it's not for the trouble they were having with the north of labor educators in campbell's loss these agitators would stop calling workers away from the plantation stop calling them away from the bosom of the family with the saddest family again and inspect homes to actually do you know the players have their society it is so neat is called in the middle of the day or by camel to explain what was going on with reconstruction georgiou the new laws coming out of the state senate where the local national issues against him preen whites in june and shoot at them
in the election of eighteen sixty eight the truly revolutionary wonderful with with of course elaine's voting for the first time and elect candidates of their choice to his campaign is running for state senate and also local <unk> justice he's the two second senatorial district that is in that splits the vote for him and the democratic candidate the democratic candidate is very a hulking warrior who plan to william robert gillette and her vision the chicken
plant or recently in mcintosh county perhaps this is the second factor that will swell well timed to go to sugar and it's going into the open so georgia cities what is a lost work through his registering votes and through the most people have that he is a friend of different people in the dutch town is selection tip to the second cause is crucial weigh in october nineteen sixties and his selection as local justice and peace is equally as important no more important though were some people want to put the level of political managers caucuses is higher than the state now says cantor and so
he says he sees and they're connected you have to control things things at the state level to influence things at the local law now etc these walkouts or the other he returned to how much you're supposed to have sometimes a slow the justice of the peace sometimes systems offices state senator and sometimes systems buying a traveling to washington consumer virtual summer but just as the city's operating
well known in republican party politics it because of his activities in the constitutional convention he knows the newly elected government official who was the manager of the constitution convention already booked his radical exhaustion were wonderful in new york lived in the south or five or six years working with expanding the root system so we just thought that is an ally of tunis campbell this idea that the senate is as a majority of people lined with the program the house congressman from strangers democratic majority so thomas campbell comes in he already has as your own matters he is in fact on the committee to present be since reading this to the governor you
actually physically goes to see the governor and says we are ready to do this in route to do that tripoli reasonable expectation for people to tell truth under oath so he pushes things and sent in georgian show and pushes a test drive making officeholders clear that they had never taken of course against the united states were important calls it gets to this and he sees a new chance
there is strength now is about the idea of separatism to become strong is the fact that there's a working majority that can make something into his campaign tends to compress the issues flow is always been interested in education sewage occasions that the pop business he also during the constitutional convention he oh yeah because you want to call this is so crucial convention christian so you
this innocent who's a musician education that's at the top of the agenda and continues its effort to calm to tj to me he continues his effort against imprisonment for that he's insisted upon having three vote oh blocks reflected in the jury box looking for a lot of white voters but taken over and i'm trying to just excel he's interested as well and making certain that the people around him in shaping legislation more well qualified to do so while the fourteenth amendment excluded former confederate officers from spokane state governments and the reconstruction acts themselves required test of
oh by the fisheries in the new state governments we're really just in the united states and the promising to uphold the law will campbell looking at the many of the legislature reason says knew that they were qualified but many of them were put their hands on the books of the pistols and guns that were into the chamber really didn't speak late date they shuffle their feet they don't invest in a day you talked about that congo senators insolent ranting on just what he was saying i think we should extend the homestead exemption so that poor people who've just gotten land are exempt from paying taxes a limited amount of acreage unlimited amount of property so that when they default on the shifting women take away this promise
of a new life oh yeah you're in this report that might be university of sixty eight was in the city again so of course in scotland session early in sixty eight and more true weekend sixty eight nathan winston engine in march nineteen sixty within two weeks of nixon forced visitors think there's a riot in camilla georgia where african americans at a political meeting that shot and killed it's also the year of the presidential election years running for president and in
grants with the political meetings and supportive grandin supportive of reconstruction violence race is every june treatment room thank you baker was outspoken in the fact that there are a thousand to two thousand african americans who have been killed in this period there white state senators to legislature again called the interventionist foreign to increase into the eighteen seventies were taken seventy six screens ok this
will cost of their own within moments of of taking all things like legislations what legislators working under attack by whites in both the senate and the house and the georgia constitution not specifically mentioned in the constitution the georgia constitution did not specifically allow officeholder and by black americans listen specifically authorize office a limbo it was it was a good job but they're so democrats in the house joined by republican moderates and others saw chance to remove plaques from office because the constitution mission so that there was a concerted effort in the senate to move came which of
course cost him two to work obviously opposed that expulsion over an eight day period he spoke at length on many hours on each of those days in supporting the right of blacks to hold office in georgia in action period in arguing for black office alone what can go up the issue of race and he talked about civilization the kinds of lights to be civilized and in
dr karen followers a revolution in the fall when in fact it was the same white men were holding blackstone the climate for purposes for social justice having seen screen aided by telling black voters which is what representations based on in this country that it made no sense to work in the other officeholders that ct screening the black voters could not be held by a black man worth most of the state newspapers when the hands of democratic process there are very few
republican papers at this time and so but the reporting coming out of the senate want to focus on the fact that that here is a black guy standing out accusing wants this accusing lines of that in any language that would not be allowed i mean many of the papers would say implicit in abortion without any way short of the cobo center in speaking about things that he knows little about in this case the press why legislate orson in the wide public in june june two more afraid of like
success in many cases there's also were going around of course that blacks can't make it on their own but blacks were infused the blocks are uncivilized and so let's have a great fear that blacks will work and we'll succeed but they have a greater fear that they will raise as for gigs the explosion of black legislators including thirty two man three senators and twenty members of the house
immediately after being expelled the issue since a national she will the federal government we're doing this and sustainable reconstruction congressional mandate so the actual senators the state this season discuss what should be done and campbell and his son who's a member of the georgia house are designated to go to washington to speak with radicals in washington today to tell them what's going on and to regain years he's been
in washington demanding missions in that place which also are a senator from massachusetts he's talking with thomas campbell rest the massachusetts home for a long time and into the scandal centers ford and swell to enormous size he hears that you hear is what we fought the civil war or hear is one i got no help for sitting in the chair of the usa bliss ride out of this plan to hold office in june she'll be contested by by southerners should not contested by democrats and should be supported the us congress back in june june scandal rebel from all the support of the georgia constitution a phrase that says
no discrimination lee made la based upon race ethnicity or previous condition show that well those exact words and fifty so they're very similar roots in the fifteenth amendment and camel claimed that used that phrasing that became part of the fifteenth amendment with soul or whatever the case so songer was the key sponsor of the fifteenth amendment determined with anything with campbell that this is a way to protect the black caucus holding there are other meanings than with us grant encampments and were subjected to there's great fear involved here because others to go to washington and that are killed on the way to and from washington people have their houses burned down to scandalize it's such
a big shot with his wife karen also like the time for the same reasons he's going to washington this is big well one of the big questions of reconstruction of course is oh what does it mean in the south was defeated in the war but racism has not been defeated racial equality has the edge and southern whites are continuing to work when they're you misunderstand the reconstruction is we're not finish it and i think once
mr ku klux klan a participation by phone contract barred from the confederate cabinet as well as from the confederate military mean that they're going to stand up and stop reconstruction has forced the altair is romance patients ideology where they can still read will the shy away from intervenes that appears some states' rights versus national issue versus not mr andrew johnson's among some white southerners wonderful was for him to establish a new system and keeping labor control but the idea of
removing federal troops from georgia is important making sixty eight when the constitutional convention established a new constitution through june chairman after votes were made june june was deemed reconstruct the good ones century constructed in his dissent that the troops should remove their listener thousand soldiers all you know i'm trying to to enforce reconstruction acts in the entire state of june two thousand soldiers in doing that the largest state in the south outside texas half of the soldiers in the classroom to work most of the soldiers in susceptible to bribes a lot of the soldiers being housed in the homes of the wind planners long white southern redeemer stronger even though there
was no authority that can intimidate them once june to reconstruct the way some actors for the committee it's b so that long ago when we can all
go to washington to to complain about conditions in georgia is a revolutionary moment in the white southerners we'll remember garry owens against evolution and talking about what was going on in the south it's also part of the law schools and how white southerners to claim closer together when their point that they're doing this role you should you do you're not treating these people critically ill and so for camel him to go worth it and were returning home are being able to have access to the president announced that it's coming into use and slammed the way of life that they had long been holding up under a pro slavery or ideas that our
wine cellars with troops well understand that jason and lover and the problems with pain two years negotiating with a reflection of this is the yacht he worked for supremacy and called himself in that particular didn't want to cut that tom bit two hundred and sixty thousand confederates attacked on the graves who knew that the bonds that they could still read the names on wooden grave markers their widows in black walking the streets of their recent home in this action by black man seemed to be a couple how to do with me
well joseph expulsion of all blacks in the south no was not unexpected sight unseen northerners nodding their heads and saying they're they go in and we're going to get these people to accept the fact that they lost a word determine the terms of reconciliation and many people in the north you see my goodness is that if the federal government allows what officeholders in in georgia next county pennsylvania voters all over ohio and indiana maybe we need the klan here so i think that that there's a variation in the way of people fall in that too working with thinking about next fall
is difficult but the radical certainly phone calls and expulsion of calls to evacuate are calls to to see if they could correctly the ku klux klan and so they'll call standing or four walls to stop conspiratorial organizations such as the clan from under him on a mission in a while i think ms bloom
yes ok with cabinets forced from state politics by democratic new princeton says that ousted him from power and by series of waltzes to keep him with the court cases and he returned to his base in his face was black population in and around daring at mcintosh county
ms alice us please how to use could hear complaints and says sure to rest the funders so the mcintosh county campbell relied on the support of the black community and the power of the black majority two to push forward in life majority to push forward no walk our own experience in how he was determined not to let wants overcome blacks in areas that he could control could control was going on at the state controls going home at the national level but on the local level to his
office he could make decisions that affected people's lives on a daily basis he couldn't protect them secret support labor's gotten there are fights against him and nurse who wins reconstruction white planters who moved away from mcintosh county in wafers under federal control stand back into the year there were also afraid what might happen if they lost their land and they understood that positions spot decisions for them the fight to regain says the planners came back to establish their dominance in the area and they formed themselves into white
schools alterman pole and the altamont hall to get a second chance it's stated in the complaint has cameras tolerance american trash can work was and trish higher power no one exemplified this moribund van baal or return to followers plantation
house anyway is to refute the chain restaurants and huge plantation anbar had been part of a part of the civil war was before but thomas campbell was part of this and she was involved in not a brothers war but when her parents were divorced when she took sides and she signed with the south and a full moon when she had the opportunity to go back to the mcintosh county in recessed a wonderful fairy tale world overnight loans and specials and butler encounter to scan james campbell was surprising to a black leaders not signed contracts with her story with her and she was insisting that they signed something to be part of your teenager that she had to negotiate not only with former slaves who her
father have been benevolent kind to wonderful master that that she had to do with their skin and if she has treated the workers campbell of course would send the shirt over won't work over himself and talk with this for a moment so the fed try to reestablish a lot of school and she had difficulty understanding that the world was gone because she she will later write a journal of her experiences too the plantation system in direct refutation or from moshe schwartz of the north and in a nationalist who attacked on the scam as well for his efforts along letters so china one by one to two bright lights is a kind of good
mistress i know you remember my father and son remember me and then things are going to be my mother and things will be wonderful just say here and then we potentially all laborers are saying well known talking with victims' campbell and he says that these huge asylums a solution ask for this in today's all tech can you provide this kind of house you know and in each letter had an individual long list of meat which is of course correct the leaders are individuals they need to convey complex individual indians different skills it is
to play yes so boehner's trying to bust some critics of the situation
including one with the special interests who want to scan you he said you try to reestablish water what each country is that it's the plantation she mentioned for all the time they were brought into the workers one by one to sign contracts all are interviewed on the levers for
positions on her plantation she expected them to be thankful for the new position she was giving to return to the old ways to return to the convention actually what you wear glasses an individual plans plus you have to talk like sue to enforce the room my mom had it and yet he says he is
i know so this is less than sixty years ago confronted with the laborers who knew their rights and hidden council longer contracts and abilities can or could not accept and boehner could not accept and cannot accept the situation i don't want to sit in the way
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American Experience
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War
Raw Footage
Interview with Russell Duncan, Historian, University of Copenhagen, part 3 of 5
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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In the tumultuous years after the Civil War (1863-77), America grappled with how to rebuild itself, how to successfully bring the South back into the Union and how to bring former slaves into the life of the country. Topics include Tunis Campbell as a northerner and outside agitator, running for Georgia senate, Nathan Forrest organizes the Ku Klux Klan, expulsion of black legislators, Fan Butler
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
American history, African Americans, civil rights, racism, Reconstruction, Confederacy, voting rights, slavery, emancipation
(c) 2004-2017 WGBH Educational Foundation
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Duration: 0:45:09

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Duration: 00:45:09
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Chicago: “American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Russell Duncan, Historian, University of Copenhagen, part 3 of 5,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 22, 2025,
MLA: “American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Russell Duncan, Historian, University of Copenhagen, part 3 of 5.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 22, 2025. <>.
APA: American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Russell Duncan, Historian, University of Copenhagen, part 3 of 5. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from