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     Interview with Ted Tunnell, Historian, Virginia Commonwealth University,
    part 4 of 5
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i am katie says it is prisoners still standing when katie oliver roeder darling president of the terrible nine she and the other wives have passed the starlight plantation why it cannot see he ask our own reply katie you cannot come up here and don't think of coming for one moment we are all right and bridges that everything will turn out right andy island will see that we are not harm has not tried to reassure his wife too neither of the presents i think
they need to give us a fair show and i think we can convince them that we are not to blame for what's happened in dresden daughter support and comfort in this time trial for heating do you just won this is our last vestige uk don't worry this you know his behalf by ron's last elusive the libyans don't work
he writes for your this case you read more at night he lives his last an empty on sunday morning it without me so i am glad that i have not gotten along just the jet fuel we begin with its owner of the day but
marcus and i think so i think the majority of white and we can shatter we'd like to see a vehicle can say that the role of the year members of the same sun a lot they have a chain wanted one a tragic one so they don't know they don't want to see these people what they have known for two with three youth shot that there's another reason why you don't see old so they would like to see i think amazing like to see these people say like to see the exiled what a lot on saturday and he
goes to be a vote of the history of haiti and we saw one of the one of the prisoners he takes inside and i walked in and we're now one of the prisoners is thomas japanese person to turn and he warns now and a couple of the others that want to stay here in the shadow of a couple of days but the longest worse we have now and most of the others there was a minute long are they simply walk out with one exception hillary stuff says he doesn't want to go and thoughtless abdication crisis and the war and companies thought of the only one of the prisoners who are in fact the state
law the others will decide fb clothing that the trial mostly the upright with their hands with capital as they can because they're going to be a journey for more money dollars you know ten o'clock in the east river run trend worth two
prominent lawyers allow us to start with a plantation yes they are ferried across the river and from now on the west bank of the river you are just avoiding the red river parish to react and then they stopped robinson house would be in robinson's unit in expecting twenty five billion for better watermelon preserves their old now and headed north again the abnormal for when the wind recently is starting to get stronger after about three miles for this report and they look back and see a larger body the roof we knew ryan hart who's the appointment i
see but the people that we're out of the recession here as these territorial why risk losing and how fraught with a heavily bearded man's registry produced by and as he approaches the line and why it squeeze out to clear the path of sheer the prisoners but the guards just sits at the head of the apollo of the six republicans suddenly see these new upcoming young woman than ones whose lives in all of the korean war shop from the santa barbara twitchell supposedly trying to hire somebody you don't i don't want to die i could log a bullet hits in the face three of the men were captured and the attention to play school warns the war and they actually weren't executed in the last one last one is given the option of making a run for the
forest see before as though there's to be making thirty as seen and he declined to offer in to his friends were going into an old six republicans are dead newer of the gods takes the prisoner is not your way and there is going to separate places but some of this around the grace of things that end and there they say until a couple months later when troops from seven calvary and with that the piece
ms baer thank you this is big a million dollars to the profession has begun on the gate strong now probably stretched over five one or buy yachts three in the afternoon he was the people at the grier only there were recent article for three series were caught we're importing look back and see what your fifty million writing hard to overtake them
at the front of this book isn't a big bearded men swept just draining from his body new people come along harmonies big bearded man as he approaches the beer gardens green gotta get out of the way or share the prisoners that the guards here the way offered no resistance that the head of the top six republicans look back when i didn't see these people coming are streams out now why are your lives lee says for you or killed quickly over twitch all those mysteries that somebody gave me a gun law in its first three you down immediately three attack why is that who plays for words
you're there they execute to the military's top the third one they offering the option of making a run for his life there that tree line a couple hundred yards and why let's see if you can make it to the tree line with all the shooting he declines the water the july friends now in the shooting death of someone doing all this the story goes that one of the guards and then the stringfellow but clearly had not anticipated this outcome supposedly ordered to buy these men's lives vj thousand dollars for the life of every one of these men but he doesn't have the money on hand and so the instead after the new orleans
saints no taste of audiences back into the red chile robinson house and so where in your work having parish gray is great it's the three way there they remained until a couple months later and attachment of the seven thousand homes along this in terms of body style beard we could rent and we give these are half christian mississippi when the news broadcasts a warrior named him as her stories and sends them a telegraph a message of pass christian and why imagine
to its roman peace and then read that i've been reading you in reading your reading it again things got a sense that they can pull the shoelace some simply main concern they take it takes to train in new orleans go to the customs house they're going to kill confirms that all six men have been too those in the united states courthouse which is the office is going to get an appointment that day as united states commissioner is going to do are they will not get away you bring guests with that wassel republicans
yeah you have the visions of an entire parish also taken public officials of red river parish and simple he executed and half in red river can happen anywhere and friedman yeah the white meat intake white republican officials and executed in cold blood what do you no longer set lose their it was a candid last year who was stationed in louisiana and novelist merrow reported activity i think that for miles and miles and miles and miles in any direction from fiction eli manning was in any way last week in their
houses we do he returns that river parish with a company united states troops he's got the arrest warrants for more
than a year in late september true jew returns to marriage you've got so when he's got an appointed commission which authorizes him to investigate the crime he sets up shop at the courthouse and causing people to get you to do to try to find out what happened the problem is getting anybody to testify understand court warrants and what happened that night is the ruling in the morning so that people can't see so he finds out what hats using to compile a list of culprits that he believes is responsible for the massacres what can he get any want to supply more than
simply season a problematic but he goes back and wars and the next time he comes back is that arrest warrants for the detachment so power lines down shreveport but on his solo parish and red river parish an officer in charge of this new coffee you've got on the wall lists the names that would have to supply the earth before even worse it's only one that he's going around arresting people use less some people don't know who will wear some people my knee a full us house and the us thirteen town leaders that sunday morning and the whole listen still perish and it is fair twenty five
people are arrested for the city these people are housing projects or house and they remained there movie he's in the four elections but they will never lost heart which you can never get the candidates than new breed these people are troubling teatro with perhaps that has been haunting us yes it is
what i don't think he's thinking about the risk and the and his sense of guilt i think you get it by putting his life at risk he perhaps insane way i am but pretty soon by comedian wyatt received some way it owns what happened to his brothers to his brother and to his drug laws are only thing you have to master your status is so sincere restore science in our parish but he's also been a silly two dangers friends they say in harrison
plus a year after the massacre he do that a lot and very nice to his childhood sweetheart in rio there was a boy a sweetheart in reality even uses acquaintance with her a few even the war began in rio they haven't gotten easier to elko and he did he returns to warrant and from new orleans they're not to repeat the human rights in this remarkable letter he tells her that he is a senior telling the man who share that iran to move is distill the very vague he says in the letter that you need to get that word is this one way around the streets looking for danger which one we cannot find
the us that he is afraid it is a wrestling of themselves in a dilemma and gas industry says in a room with his widowed sister is and his mother and as the law is known voice the mother insists his craw he had decided to do two breaking walls and in gaza have been killed three people were as he prepares to barton's mission india years ago away from the region she turns she stands in the way
of what she has the us do it was with this if bikinis and he says the legislation you don't want war and to his fellow republican wasn't just in late voting state because so there's a great danger that the assassin
i think he himself discount for the possibility that he himself will be attacked because two members of three members of his family had already then geo an attack on him will only bring or listen to write or parish to his family more cries for northern eventually everybody's conservative republicans want immigration law he doesn't want to share his label will make worse he goes and finds an unusual number of prominent democrats and to have some kind of power through the isolated a closed door an issue only afterwards who believe that line compared
the next morning police who recently you can chat is he here you use a lot and here were the red river ferry mile or so well what they don't know is that early that morning the strangely planned manned written into her shack humans were all waiting for replied roberts happen now move risks place and possibly force with six he goes to the blacksmith shop and their lips wait a couple hours just family and wait until he sees twichell opened in berlin will approach the river here this strangely and the masses were for
the masses were pooled repeat while rome winds down and see guys were so what's between buildings to the red river overlooking lay a theory of justice a small seattle area to agency in the theory of medianews thing are you also sees them walking on the bank high while the season and two rival from underneath his coat least greene sat down vote mitchell move faster get over this time though it's not a road which he pulled the pistol shot y love shoes and hit pitches to get to it in water and he's got one on a bow but the rhetoric on sweat so yes that is
right which really is not only the board boats to hang on my hand puts to bullets that are both his fifty at some points the last theory retains to reach down and vitamin susan day the men are the rifle is the rival senator at jost roses i was on this all and places and one that some point when he's been shot six times he whispers to the theory and then so when did the times and flint's face then water dripping with the court meanwhile assassins on this point thinks that balance is worse by law between the tower what's happening
to rethink them is you know i mean this really that as you would see it and the way certain when the house of black woman it's the new law and she asked him who she even uses yes a day in black registration systems i'm going to be at the point where we could go with the lectern at the eu by mr
narcisse worse and it houses morris he pulls a sixty shocking to you so yeah can you read a blacksmith shop and the nazis forced the polls sixty shah we did hear from the south you like those three tyson is horse walks between the source of the river wassel a riverbank with the rifle helen well the scientists may see from the river quito is sitting in the boat we a newspaper looks up and sees this mysteriously planted man walking by they seized the man lit writer and screams now down but you lose fast until the side of the boat with the fourteen or so he gets a bullet is what brian lloyd george came
pulls a pistol and it's all it's all the same sharp whitened city's hedges in the head and he pitches back though de cruces new water when he's got one up over the low hanging laundry collins there is a right he uses the hobbit is a lot of it on the boat and spain want the lion with two bullets that all the bones sticking the car twitter questions the bundys as ripe and pulls out his reward plays the weight of their various attempts to reach down and graduation water from assassin's bullets from the syrians here
it's fine if he is writer and has this question was down river will be they soon with the court the man now so why what's happened right in new projects children as the horse unwise to let black servant woman approaches it is he writes why she asking the machete and mounted and he says yes i've been black arabic and why you know why wasn't it as soon as the horses
appeared the ferryman got the spiritual side and managed to somehow rolling that's a hint was the house speaker shap and then the next day they take all these little wealth he lives your yet guarded night and they use the doctor comes out and can chat or a doctor use the times take turns to lie low garda station for links to the end is right going badly infected you can snow levy and one point a party oh median income can
chat busily and he serves the purpose is to find out how we're getting is victory or die and he writes in your article eventually snow in the meeting from his must have convinced them that he was very near death so leila in the daley years not really now oils he's been there
what is this now well listen i think that the first edition was coalescing after the birth education with a black religious revival near the shack in springfield and a group of black ministers come to see you the very upset because they say that the school board is going to be taken over bonnie an enemy of the race and the first thing to do is to close or what schools and twitch will
swear if it does not pass but the truth is this decision like so much else has to be on this grass one can understand there's something of that relationship why eric the concern is this is not simply for sale of truly representative he represented this dream truly biracial society and life between respect and dignity and he joins a chorus now and it becomes a metaphor for their own it's
b a subcommittee of the us house curious about red river to investigate this latest case that incident and the house representatives and the north has increasingly anxious to be rid of reconstruction so the question then arises here was grateful shah we can reuse and members of a sudden they have decided not because if you're a sunni so they call in theory on this is over seven days especially they try out of that prison here becomes that historic event shocked by his political enemies
and at these big stories of how generations ago he did the controversy republican or northeast asia the reconstruction everyone wants to find some reason other than politics with his assassination of the senate committee comes up with new orleans that go out of our interview which means obviously back
and the us the west is that the west is the office that icu into trying the shah with these big fat with the investigation says that they could become the bad guys the boiling them that it's ray hair says it's possible for this shoe and just hear the story of the courthouse once it works whoa you just know it's been a
week he's been through the show his sister
helen is when they make the jury once you find the louisiana every turn as they once a week or so then they get to try it and warns the stopover new gas in the us is over and for the united states because they went down well they're held the sole surviving member of his family will you indeed she has been to see a terrible stretch and that i was ill and ops last newsman and the many days of the life he has to sell it to them
thorndike know is is that he is the he's the glasgow he's the last of this a lot of people sickened indianapolis and jobs during the last days of her life shes the cost of a heat shield while awake and certain bit certainly as a passive her while moving nightmare of what's she has with its window show they return to a worse this that they got a lot of assassin work out why they would have rather say that the system kind of relaxes me this is a
dramatic moment it's also written for him it's a tragic moment it's also know he why every day that up until he believed that he would punish the murderers of this fear that you're finally seeing justice that that money was informed that helen's day this is the site he used to be really crying and realize you know that he knew that this is the reason
people say that it made the deal the president hates president hayes does not want to simply abandon southern republicans phillies republicans likely to live in you do it say our political process to prevent democrats from touring the power to say yes the republicans by republicans stayed in louisiana
the deal is this hughley goes back to see a survey i he says seven term legislature and then there's that washington and president hates that is part of our data points in the american consulate that he used or the way first and the first is the legislature a louisiana wants and one future is to seek justice of the supreme court of united states supreme court crossed the aisle and his degree in the y sees the mistake alliance is in
turns around us troops but they treat their parents why abel the electoral commission says it says its presidential election as laney says the pages to read the next president you were african drum well or whether the louisiana senate last year war and what is it
it is that the plane is the path to be done right that the others that you look at or a hat ridout says it's placed to the governorship troops protecting the republican statehouse return their parents in new orleans saint louis vuitton republicans are in a cast and most importantly mara liasson reports that one hundred tons of the fire chat and one hundred more fire base act why is that
well what they say is unknown but what did happen was that carter built a pair of wooden dolls was the gun attacks and co host of the poe shadow there was the simple a worry that white and see a time in the reconstruction fb
American Experience
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War
Raw Footage
Interview with Ted Tunnell, Historian, Virginia Commonwealth University, part 4 of 5
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-pc2t43k41s).
In the tumultuous years after the Civil War (1863-77), America grappled with how to rebuild itself, how to successfully bring the South back into the Union and how to bring former slaves into the life of the country. Tunnell discusses the life of Marshall Twitchell, violence in Coushatta, imprisonment, killing of Twitchell's family by White League at Coushatta, Twitchell attemps to bring them to trial, attempted assassination by strange rifleman, losing both of his arms, investigation of Coushatta murders, death of his last sibling.
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
American history, African Americans, civil rights, racism, Reconstruction, Confederacy, voting rights, slavery, emancipation
(c) 2004-2017 WGBH Educational Foundation
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Moving Image
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Identifier: barcode116337_Tunnell_04_SALES_ASP_h264 Amex 864x486.mp4 (unknown)
Duration: 0:50:04

Identifier: cpb-aacip-15-pc2t43k41s.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
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Duration: 00:50:04
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Chicago: “American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Ted Tunnell, Historian, Virginia Commonwealth University, part 4 of 5 ,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 6, 2025,
MLA: “American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Ted Tunnell, Historian, Virginia Commonwealth University, part 4 of 5 .” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 6, 2025. <>.
APA: American Experience; Reconstruction: The Second Civil War; Interview with Ted Tunnell, Historian, Virginia Commonwealth University, part 4 of 5 . Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from