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See my backpack as one of the chosen followers of the Honorable Elijah Mohammed Minister Louis Farrakhan reverently articulate the same purpose and ideology of the Black Muslims the general public in this country who does this well so well in fact that he is responsible for a weekly program and titled Mr. Mohammed speaks on national broadcast throughout some 30 cities across the United States before moving in 1965 to his present position as the Minister of Temple number seven in New York City. Minister Farrakhan was formerly known as Minister Louis ex of Mohammed's temple here in Boston tonight. It is say brothers privilege to devote the entire hour to Minister Farrakhan and the Black Muslim philosophy. Welcome to the show. It's an honor to be here. It's my honor to have you here. Thank you.
I'd like to know. You know and I'm sure that a lot of people would like to know and create more understanding and you know about what the Black Muslim movement is about in this country. In fact what does it take to become a minister that might be a good place to start. First I would say that the Black Muslim movement in America under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is passionately concerned with three essentials of life for black people freedom justice and equality and by free we don't mean free in name what we mean free in fact and freedom we don't mean just the freedom to move about in Boston Massachusetts
or in New York City or in California but the freedom of mind to be one's own self the freedom economically to do for self the freedom politically to govern sound the freedom spiritually to worship our own God and the freedom morally to walk in harmony with the divine laws under which we are created to be a minister of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is to be a follower of his for all of Elijah Muhammad is follow was actually ministers and a minister by definition is a servant of a sovereign or a king or an ambassador of a government. Every man who knows the truth any particle of the truth is responsible to minister what he knows to his brother or sister who does not know any man who has some
skills some learning should minister unto his people to lift the level of his people that we may work together as brothers. It's a beautiful thing that this program is called Save brother because the Honorable Elijah Mohammad doesn't want us just to say brother he wants us to be bread. And he teaches us that no man can say brother or be a brother until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. And I think that to be a minister the Honorable Elijah Muhammad means to me to love your brother as you love yourself. And then channel all of your energies all of your resources all of your talents even your very life itself to the service of that community that you reply to. It's very beautiful very positive very positive.
You specifically what. What does that mean for you relative to your work. Does it give your work more definition. Indeed as the minister of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad of Temple number seven a new york city and his national representative do. I am blessed to represent Mr. Muhammad and his message that all Mighty God Allah has given to him for the redemption of our people in every city in America. So my ministry is to in effect open the spiritually blind eyes of black people to make a black man who has never wanted to listen to another black man make him heed and give that black man after hearing and seeing a tongue to speak and legs to stand up and to give him direction for his life. This is the role that I'm playing under the guidance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Can you speak to some of the very concrete kind of programs that the nation now has in Prague. Progress on a national basis. Yes. To understand the program and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and how it relates to all black people is first to understand what is Mr. Muhammad's mission what is his purpose for being here. Is he just a leader that jumped up yesterday and wanted some followers. Is he a religious fanatic is he a fake is you a charlatan is your man that's just concerned with a new direction for black people. What is his purpose. What are his roots. We believe that Elijah Muhammad is the last messenger of Almighty God. A law that will appear anywhere in the world to any people.
We believe that Elijah Muhammad is presence in America is in Divine fulfillment of divine prophecy. We believe that the black man in America was prophesied to go into bondage in a strange land among the strange people to suffer and be afflicted for 400 years. We believe that we have fulfilled prophecy and as it is prophesied that in the last days God would raise up from among this people who would be in a Strange Land afflicted and suffering despised then rejected that God would raise up a messenger from among their brethren who would be the like of Moses. Well it would be impossible for us to have a man to relate to us like Moses. If we were not in a similar position as Israel was to Egypt Israel was a
slave to Egypt. The black man of America is a modern 20th century slave to the United States government. Israel was in Egypt for 400 years. Robbed of the knowledge of themselves in their own God totally subjected to the will and wish of Pharaoh and the Egyptian people. The black man of America is a people totally robbed of the knowledge of self and totally subjected to the will and wish of the white America robbed of the knowledge of our own God and our own culture and our own historical roots. So as Moses had to free Israel from the grip of Pharaoh and lead Israel first to spiritual freedom to mental freedom to intellectual freedom to political freedom in a land of their own and to our moral
rectitude for their having followed Farrows evil ways for 400 years. They had become like Pharaoh and Pharaoh was a wicked man. The Egyptians were wicked people. So is it with white America. This is a wicked govern and we live among a wicked people who have done every evil imaginable so wicked that they would make the freakish people of Sodom and Gomorrah look like. So evil in their enslavement of the black man too they would make Pharaoh look like the Garden of Paradise. This is the kind of people that the black man of America has come up and so as Moses had to do all of this for Israel Elijah Muhammad program must do all of this for the Black Men of America. So now that we have laid the backdrop for messenger Elijah Mohammed's program we can fit his program into the
context of prophecy. Number one liberate the black man spiritually and mentally from the top. It's interesting to note that Pharaoh taught Israel to worship him as a god. In white America has subtly and overtly taught black people to worship white people as God. They painted pictures of Jesus actually there were no cameras in the days of Jesus. So whatever picture that we have on our wall of the Savior it would have to be the imagination of some artists. But though Jesus was born of an Egyptian mother. And a Palestinian father. In the dominant Muslim world dark area of the world. And though the pope in his rooms in the Vatican shows a picture of a black man dun and a black baby
Jesus. And those were scholars and scientists of religion agree that Jesus could not have been the pale skinned white man that he appears to be in the American context of religion. These people fashion Jesus in their own image and then cause black people to bow down and worship this Jesus. But in reality worshipping white as though white were totally right in the educational institutions they subtly taught us to look up to every white father Archimedes boy you knew Socrates Plato as though these whites were the fathers of all learning when in reality learning started with the black man and shall indeed end with the black man. So Mahomet has to liberate the black man from his false worship of white people and liberate the black man from self hatred. So this is
done by teaching the black man the knowledge of himself the knowledge of God. The knowledge of the true religion of God. Then after we know this we fall in love with self. We unify among Selvin we are ready to do constructive things for them. So Mr. Muhammad teaches us. Set up your own school. If you're going to be a free people you can't put your babies in the lap of your enemy and expect your enemy to train your children to be serviceable to themselves. So to that end the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has set up universities of Islam in 46 cities in America. What good is theory without some practical arena to apply what you learned in theory. And since we must go to white people for jobs for food food clothing and shelter we are totally dependent. So the Honorable Elijah Muhammad sends to us black men if you want to be free you've got to take your mouth out of the white man's kitchen. You've got to kill yourself you've got to show it to yourself. You've got to do for yourself what you have
been up to now begging white people to do for you. And so now we have embarked upon a vigorous farm program to feed a vigorous wool growing cotton growing program so that we may close. So we've embarked upon a very vigorous economic program so that we can in effect be self-sustaining. So when you understand. Elijah Mahomet's program fit it into the context of prophecy. You can see that he is the liberator of the black man in America. And in reality if it is a black man on the earth desires to be liberated. Elijah Muhammad is the do. You grow up. And. Minister Farrakhan Were you ever a Christian. Yes. Yes.
I grew up. As the Holy Koran teaches us we are born by nature Muslims it is our parents who made us otherwise. The black man by nature is naturally formed in the right way of God. Our fathers were made Christian by the saying slave masters that brought our fathers into slavery. We were not that inept. So now Mr. Muhammad poses to us a very beautiful and rhetorical question. He asks If a man will not treat you right. What would make you think that man would teach you. And so the white man who never treated us right became our religious instructor we never got Christianity from Jesus or from Peter Paul or any of the disciples. We got it from the children of
our slave masters after they deprived us of even the right to read scripture for three hundred years then one hundred years ago they let us into the churches. So I did grow up in an Episcopal church in which my mother brought me up in as her parents brought her up in that particular phase of Christianity. But I like most young Christians began to recognize that something was wrong with religion as it was being preached and practiced in America and it was not until I bumped into the teachings of Islam as taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. That my soul was actually satisfied. I'll be interested to know how you bumped into those teachings brother. As all of us are bumping into things these days you know and when you bump into things that's a sign that you are stumbling and you
don't have light because when a man has light he can see around obstacles and he bumps into nothing. All right. So we will put in the dock as Messenger Muhammad teaches us. And so I was stumbling around looking for a better way of life. My mother at a young age used to teach me about the struggle of black people and I always wanted to see black people have a better way to live under better conditions. So I was always looking for that means to give black people that better way and put them in that better condition. When I went south to college I can remember watching the pastor you know slip around with the young girls on the college campus and I watched in the south where we couldn't go to a white church to worship we had around the black church to worship and when we went to the white church they would put us in the balcony and that's said
truly is wrong with this teaching and with the man teaching. So finally I was playing in a nightclub in Chicago and one of my friends from Boston was visiting Chicago at the annual Muslims convention and he asked me what I come along with him. And to hear the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I had heard about this man and of course I had heard he was a hate teacher and radical. I didn't want anything to do with him myself. In fact I was very surprised at my friend that even bothered to listen to a man that was reputed to be a nut if you pardon the expression but I decided for friendship's sake I would go listen to Mr. Muhammad and have been listening to him it was. Right in in the cities where black mayors had been recently elected.
Have any of those mayors been supportive of your movement. Can you think of any instances. Yes. All of the mayors in the black the black mayors of the cities of America that I have come in contact with and I have come in contact with many of them have great respect for the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Pardon me and they have great respect for the results of his work in the black community. It wouldn't be politically was for them to say that they embrace in totality. Mr. Muhammad is teaching philosophy on program but since the Muslims are a growing influence in every major city it is politically why even if you don't believe it yourself to say a good word to the Muslims it can help to keep a lot of
headaches off of Black Mayors. Here's what I do know that Mayor Richard Hatcher has great respect for the Muslims. Mayor a former mayor Stokes has great respect for the Muslims. Bradley in Los Angeles has great respect for the Muslims. The new man is in the south and in Atlanta has great respect for the Muslims. The mayor and Fayette Mississippi has great respect for the Muslims. A man would have to be out of his mind in this day of enlightenment not to have respect for a man who is reforming drug addicts taking our people off the corner and giving them useful lives they would have to be out of their mind not to have respect for a man who is unifying every segment of the black community into a constructive force for good.
So all of them have great respect for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. What kind of opposition have Has have you been confronted with or what kind of attack has been coming from the white community given that that you have a very positive program for black people if you don't mind rather tough. I would like to in answering this question go back into the history of the last 10 or so years to show people who may be listening to this are viewing this telecast how the strategy of the enemy changes with the advancement of the black communities intelligence or with the growth of our intelligence knowing that they had taught our people that hate is evil and love is good and that we
should love everybody and knowing that they had taught us to love everybody except ourselves and knowing that we were taught to hate ourselves. But this was very subtle. When the Muslims came to national public attention they accused us of being hate teachers. They accused Mr. Muhammad of teaching black supremacy. They accused him of being anti Christian anti American anti God and secretly in league with foreign powers to overthrow the United States government. All of this was definitely inflammatory in the black community. Ten to 12 years ago 15 years better they were able to get the spokesman for the police. P. The spokesman for CORE the spokesman for black
church groups to speak out against the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and this served to throw a veil over Mr. Muhammad and a veil over the Muslim. And this was designed by the propaganda machine of white America to cause black people to hate me like you Muhammad hate the Muslims and have nothing to do with it. But as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teachings began to penetrate the black community and to penetrate this veil of propaganda. People began to see that Mr. Muhammad was not teaching hate but as a profound teacher was teaching truth. And if you could charge him with teaching anything you would have to say he's teaching black people to love themselves. They begin to see that Elijah Muhammad was not anti-God but was the most profound teacher of God that has ever arisen among men.
They began to see that Elijah Muhammad was not Jesus but he was teaching his followers into a profound love and respect of Jesus. In fact we know the man so well that we love him with every fiber of our being and challenge any Christian that we know him better than the Christians in fact we know him better than the Pope of Rome and we'll prove it to the pope to the cardinal to the Archbishop. We know more about Jesus than any man who preaches Jesus for he was not their brother he was saved brother. Actually there. I didn't. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Excuse me. I'm kind of a long way to go. Go. But what we wanted to show was that as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to beat back that kind of propaganda the propagandists then had to use a different technique
with the emergence of Mr. Muhammad's economic program and the sophistication of young blacks as our young black brothers and sisters went to college and learned about capitalism and learned about communism and learned about socialism and learned about different forms of economic systems and forms of government then shrewdly white people characterize the economic advancement of the Black Muslims as black capitalism which was in effect saying that you're only throwing off one form of imperialism to accept another. And so this turned black people off from us. And then as the brothers and sisters began to get really into this and began to study economics they could see that he lied them Mohamed was in no way an advocate of black capitalism but was an advocate of using the means that are at hand to build an economy for black people. Now
then Elijah Muhammad is getting through to his people. So immediately now the propagand is out we're we don't want any form of religion. See. So all of this is used to keep people away from Elijah Muhammad and now whites have gotten to the point where they cannot get any black leader to stand up and speak against us. So subtly now they are planting in the ranks of the Muslims even as the planet men in the ranks of the Panthers and other black groups what they call provocateurs people who really don't believe in what you're saying but they can say right on brother. But they don't me right on it to our goal they mean right or whatever you say to Washington D.C. right on to the CIA right on to the FBI right on to your destruction. So the ranks of the Muslims have been honeycomb with these kinds of
rotten characters who would go out and do things that no Muslim would ever do. And when it is read in the paper muslim murders seven Muslims in Washington D.C. Black Muslims kill little babies. So this is the kind of thing that we are charged with that we have nothing to do with it all but the enemy is planting these kinds of characters among us to give us a black eye or a white eye in the eye of our people. But all of that will not work. Rather people are wise enough today to see around the machinations of the end. Could you discuss the the education program the university the University of Islam and give us some insight as to what that's about. Very briefly brother the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is saying to our people if you think enough of your wealth to put it in banks so that a thief will not rob you of your wealth
if you think enough of your jewels to lock your jewels up so that a thief will steal you do you. How foolish Are we as a people to put our future in the hands of our enemies. That kinda got those two German words kinda meaning children and gotten meaning God. And if we look at the dictionary definition of the word garden it says a garden is a very fertile and delightful spot good for planting seeds in the formative years of a child's life that's the best time to plant a seed in the unsuspecting mind of that child. The child can't protect itself from the seed any more than a garden can protect itself against any sea that's thrown in it. And so since the
unsophisticated eyes not able to look at scenes and tell the rose from the Gladiolas all this one that see that seed from another seed. Likewise our parents don't know the destructive seeds that are sown in our children's minds. In that class it is called. Kinda got it but in that first level of learning the seed of black self-hatred is sown in that first level of learning the seed of submission to white values is sown in that first level of learning the seed of Orbison's sin obedience and willing acceptance of the norm the standards the tutelage of whites is accepted or soon so that when you grow up after coming out of college you have a degree but the seed planted way back in kindergarden is now seen in full effect.
You got a degree but you can't do anything constructive for yourself. You have a degree but you're still going back to the White man begging him looking up to him to provide you and me with our necessities of life. And so the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says if we're going to be a free people we've got to take the reins of education of our children into our own hands and so we begin right at the first level putting college subjects into our babies minds at the first level. We don't have any kinda God. We start right off at three and a half years old with the first level of balloon and we teach our children language chemistry physics mathematics all of it. The germ of it is put in at three and one half years old. And from that germ it evolved into that great tree of universal stood. And that's why we called our schools.
The University of Islam because at the first level the child was taught subjects pertaining to the universe. That's the first time I heard it. Would you be willing to entertain some questions from our audience. We would love to do you like to take some questions from our audience at this point. We should all be shild. I guess it was about six months ago when I was in Richmond I spoke with some members of the nation who had received invitations from Ken and Mao and to visit the People's Republic of China. Could you comment on the connection or the interest at ten and now and then. Muslim. I have heard that Chairman Mao is very interested in the Nation of Islam's growth and development in
America. And we have had a sister who is in the Nation of Islam who did travel to the People's Republic of China. You know her as the poet his sister Sonja's sunshades and she was very warmly and well-received in the People's Republic of China as every struggling nation on Earth today is looking at the struggle of other independent nations. The Chinese people are very interested in seeing how Elijah Muhammad copes with the building of a nation. In the house of his enemy and it is so intriguing to them to see Muhammad produce a complete change in his people without a gun.
Chairman Mao said from what I have heard that I think it is that freedom is coming out of the barrel of a gun. I think I'm misquoting it. But for all practical purposes the black man in America has not the barrel nor the gun. White folks own the land is producing the tree that would make the barrel and white folks own the iron ore that you turn into steel in the old steel mill to make the gun. So Elijah Muhammad can't forge the way to freedom for black people in the same way that mounts that tone could forge the instruments of liberation for the Peoples Republic of China. For we are in the very hands of the enemy the minority and the enemy is the majority. So Elijah Muhammad has to be a skilled genius in the law of the land
as well as in the mentality of the enemy and in the psych of the black man to move in between these great forces and raise his people up keeping them free from harm and danger as he forms them wisely in molds and shapes them into an independent nation. I tell you sister if you like your mom it is not guided by God to do what you do. I don't believe one of us could stand in America as Muslims and be alive for one tenth of a second with the hatred of the government and these people for what we have are mighty protective in Allah and we have the best guidance ever to come to any people in. Elijah Muhammad and his teachings. Think about it. We are in the midst of our enemies and thriving.
When some of you cannot thrive in the midst of you our friends in that something I do check them out here we are hated by the government hated by our own people and you don't see a frown. You know frowns in our faces. You don't see us shook up over the events of the time you don't see us upset and in fear of what will come tomorrow because we knew tomorrow yesterday under the guiding light of your life Mohamed we were prepared for tomorrow the day before yesterday. So all we do is brace up and walk into tomorrow girded up today. That's why I would say to you if you will why respect the man that is growing but God in the midst of you for your guidance and remember that your guidance is not going to come from China. Moutet tomb is a
Chinese leader for the Chinese people. He is not Japanese and is not Korean. He was produced out of the bowels of the suffering and longing of his people to be delivered. He is that man as the Africans today on the continent are producing their own leaders as the Latin Americans are producing their own leaders. Black America cannot look to Latin America to Castro. You can look even to black Africa for your experience is so unique and your position is so unique. You have got to be able to produce your leadership from yourselves. Otherwise you will never be respected by the nations of the earth and you will leave servitude slavery in America to become the servants of others. If you don't get a leader that is guided properly for you again. Thank you sister come. Up.
With the questions rather than and don't be bashful. You speak to the educational system of Islam and how we prepare our people in the future that type of. We can get into being in school myself. I wonder what kind of thing should I be doing. Can I do in the nation I understand we need now has to live for ourselves to live with our enemies and our friends. But beyond that to make nation grow what types of subjects what types of areas of development would you suggest we get into. Thank you. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says this brother and brothers and sisters if you notice the enemy always wants to put our people into liberal arts courses. So many of us are sociology majors psychology majors music majors song and dance majors. And we're into
college and this program or that program which is really to give you a status symbol in a Bachelor of Science degree which will not equip not qualify you to do anything constructive for the Advancement of yourself know your people. So many of our people in college on these programs in black studies are studying that which actually cannot give us too much benefit. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad admonishes us and wanted to spend your time studying those courses which lead to Mission building. We need good teachers because teachers must be number one. Teachers are the shapers and molders of the mind and out of the minds of men come the civilization of man. So a good teacher
is important. Don't be a teacher just because it's offering you so much and so much money. Be a teacher because that's what you love to do. Otherwise don't do it at all. Get in too. Then why study of history. Because if a man doesn't know what was messenger Muhammad says he can't understand what is and can never adequately prepare for what is yet to come. History of all the studies he says is most attractive and a man must study history and he must know what history to study you must know the history of those men and women who built governments and civilizations. Because you are being challenged today to do that you must learn language. How can you communicate your ideas effectively to the peoples of the world. If you just learn hausa or your tuba or an African tribal language it is good to know our
tribal language. Don't misunderstand me but if you feel that because you've learned how all you've learned Yoba all you've learned was that the Swahili that you are now into something and you can't communicate with a black rubber who is from another tribe who doesn't speak Howso he doesn't speak Yoda but who doesn't speak Swahili but he's been mastered by the French so he can't communicate with you in a tribal language. What if you spoke French. You could talk with him if you spoke Spanish. You could talk with your brothers and sisters around the real central and South America. We must master number one the English language because that's the language that we speak. The only language that the white man permitted us to learn and is the language is tricked us in. So you've got to master the master Spanish so you can talk to your brothers in Central and South America. Master French so you can talk to your African brother and then get into the
African languages get into the far eastern languages because if you're going to be a nation you're going to have to be an ambassador and an ambassador must speak the language of the people to whom he is sent to communicate his own ideas in government policy. Now that's on one level. We need doctors. We need hospital technicians of every kind. We need people skilled in international law now. But that's not the base of nation building the base of nation building starts with all of your engineering skills. So teachers messenger Elijah Muhammad we must be profound in mathematics profound in physics and chemistry and all of the branches of biology and all of the sciences. We must have a scientific background that is strong. And on that foundation you embellish it with it and you embellish it with culture. But if you're going
to be the song and dance man and let others get into engineering then you will always be the flunky the tool and the Fool of other societies and civilizations. So please don't tell us that you were in the latest African dance. Please don't tell us that you learned how to beat the drum because your African brother can beat the drum and he can do the dance. But he's learning engineering skills now because he's going to build up Africa for the Africans. What are you going to build. You must build the black man up for the black man. Thank you. Got some other questions up there. Yes sir. And the problems of the problems of black people here in this country are the same throughout this country. And
the solution has to be the same in Africa as well. The problem is fundamentally it's the same problem that we're dealing with here as well as in Africa. And the solutions have to be the same. Now what channels exist between Black Muslim movement here with other African liberation movements. Now when you say brother. First of all where are you from. I'm from East Africa Somalia Somalia. We meet people overseas before. No you haven't never met this. Well it's a pleasure to meet you brother from East Africa. Yes you're right brother. All of the problems of black people are dark are similar. Our solutions will not be totally the same because of different factors that each of us face in effecting the
liberation of our people. But what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is teaching us the charity begins at home and then it spreads abroad. The black man in America must get himself together here and then reach his hand across the water to his black brother in Africa and link up with dark people all over the world. But I cannot help my brother in his struggle. If I am not helped in my own struggle it's like one man hanging from a tree looking at his brother hanging from a tree. And he says to his brother who is hanging. You know something. I want to help you get down. How can you help the hanging man over there until you get down off the tree yourself in Somalia. You cannot help the people in Uganda. You cannot help the people in Nigeria. Until Somalia is
brought together firmly and then the linking up of the freedom movements in Somalia Zimbabwe and everywhere in Africa. So it is in America we cannot lend but a vocal support to the liberation movement in Africa while we in America are still struggling for our liberation. But once our hands are free you are our kith and kin our flesh and blood. How can we get free and see you suffer. No. And if you are free first how could you remain free and see your struggling brother without lending us or helping him. So who ever gets out first. It's our duty to help the next. I do you know just any connection to that doesn't it. I totally agree with what you were saying in the sense that one we have to solve the problems there at home and really put ourselves there as well.
And then extending Sept.. But is there not also the need for simultaneous work as we are strengthening our forces and efforts at home at the same time simultaneously reaching out so that it becomes a process that goes hand in hand. So resentence and every day streaming in and out of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told our great men of learning scientists of every kind from Africa and Asia meeting with Messenger Elijah Muhammad exchanging view maybe tomorrow in the very near future you will hear of the Muslim movement in America trading with independent nations of Africa. There is so but this is the way we strengthen one another through relationships.
On this level and then the trade level and then exchanging culture. Do you think this is coming. Thank you. Do you have any other questions. Oh I can feel some questions rolling around in their minds but I don't want our brothers and sisters to ever be bashful or afraid or ashamed to ask a question because you are at home. Come on. I really like to know after the fall of America assuming that that's happening what happened happening where then as a people black people in America would I work them be toward rebuilding what has fallen or gone someplace else or. You know I've heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say it could go either way. We could leave or we could as the scripture teaches rebuild
the wasted desolate cities of America. Rather I don't like to talk so bullying is the enemy but it is written in Scripture language that it is God's own will to give the kingdom to rule to govern. Brother you are going to be an independent me if it's here or elsewhere. We are going to room wherever we are and if we are here naturally. Mohammed teaches us that there's going to be revolution in this country. There's going to be some destroyed cities in this country. And if it is here we're going to have to rebuild and rebuild according to the design that's coming out of our minds and out of our hearts. And so if it's here we will rebuild here if it's elsewhere where ever we are. We're going to have to rule and govern ourselves.
But it is a sure thing rather that America is falling and she will never never arise again. Minister Farrakhan. Yes. How does the nation relate to our brothers and sisters who have not converted to the faith for example. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be very resourceful to the nation who you know are not or non-Muslim. I mean how can they establish a working relationship or is that in fact possible. Yes. You know Brother this is the first time that I've met you but I feel as though I've known you all my life. How do we relate to non-Muslim. We don't look upon you as a non Muslim to us. There is no such thing as a black person who is a non-Muslim. They are just black people who know that they are Muslims and black people who haven't become aware of that fact. I
love you as my brother. We love you as a brother. Our life and our death is for you all right. So it's easy for us to relate to you. Everything that he lied to Mohamed is building in America. He's not just building it for the few Muslim followers that he has. He's building it for all black people in America to share in and to enjoy the fruits of. So whatever we build if you have the skills. Come on brother it's your work you build it for all black people not build it with the narrow thing in mind that this is just for these Muslims. No no no. These Moslems are 30 million in number. So whatever we were trying to build for black people or for none at all. What would be a good place for for for non-Muslims. You know just using that for the for the time being to begin
to relate to the nation. I mean for example here we are in Boston. Could people come to the temple is that a good place to start. That's right. I think that Mohammad Stempel is the best place to stop so many people think that you have to be a Muslim to go to the temple or you have to know that you a Muslim to go to the temple but the temple belongs to every black man woman and child in Boston. It's located at 35 into Beale Street and the meetings are Wednesdays at 8:00 Fridays at 8:00 and Sundays at 2:00. To which all of the public is invited. Now you go. You sit. You listen to the lecture. You ask questions of the minutes. And here in Boston we have one of the most dynamic ministers that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad dance and that's minister come out Majid. I'm sure everyone in Boston knows him by now and if you don't know him you should go there and get to know him. That's the first place. And then from there if you'd like to get to know the Muslims
you'll visit the University of Islam. It's in its embryonic state but it's right across the street. I think it's 34 into Beale Street is the universe to be slow. I think we all should get together and exchange ideas and then accept that idea that's the most forward moving and progressive unite behind it and push it over the top. And the brothers also have a beautiful supermarket the brothers supermarket to Blue Hill Avenue in Dorchester and right in Grove Hall they have a beautiful fish market and restaurant. If you really want to see what the Muslims are attempting to do on a local level get around the Muslim community then ask questions and then put your expertise with the knowledge that Elijah Muhammad is bringing in. Pretty soon we'll be able to raise schools all over the city with black teachers in command. We won't have to go to the school board or seek any
position on their school board. We have the. Then run our own school rules. Will there be any new developments or new programs coming out of the nation that we can look forward to seeing indeed. In fact we're just getting started. Oh yes. We're just getting started. We have a very marvelous program now and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is using the fishing trawlers of the government of Japan all the Japp to get fish in South American waters for the black community. Now in San Francisco Los Angeles Houston New York City. Our ports of entry and we have millions and millions of pounds of fish streaming into the country. What are you trying to do Mr. Muhammad. We're trying to offer good food
to our people at lower then they can buy it in a supermarket lower than it is on the American market. Soon we'll be able to offer up people clothing every item of clothing that you can imagine made by your own brothers in Africa and Asia and you can buy pairs of shoes not these $20 $30 $40 $50 high heeled shoes that you may tumble down and break your neck is intelligently made to buy your African and Asian brothers at a price that the poorest family can afford. What Mr. Muhammad wants to do is raise the standard of living of our people when we are embarking on a very wonderful project now of raising monies to build an example or a model hospital in Chicago from which will spring hospitals for black people in the major cities of America along with
health care stations on the highways of America manned by black doctors and Asiatic doctors to serve our people. All this so much that Mr. Muhammad is planning. We plan a network of radio and television stations. We are now planning to get up in the sky and probably within the next six months you may look up and you may see it's not a bird it's a plane. And it's on a plane because what Mohamed is is doing and thinking about is not just nation talk he's talking about nation build and he's doing and all he needs is your expertise and the expertise of our black brothers and sisters whether you're committed to the religious philosophy or not. You're a black brother and a black sister and sayd brother you should be committed
to nation build. Do you have relations with any other foreign governments. You mentioned the Japanese travelers. Yes. All right. We have relations with many foreign governments. I don't think it would be wise this time. You're very good to mention them. But we can safely say we're OK. Relations with the foreign government that see we've only got a couple of minutes left. Would you like to sort of wrap things up. Is there anything you'd like to say to our audience in closing Yes I would love to say to each and every one of you and first to you brother. Our thanks and deep appreciation for the honor of being on your show. It's on. And to our beautiful beloved black brothers and sisters of Boston the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is passionately concerned for your and my survival in
this critical hour of the fall of America. Economics is in chaos. Politics is in chaos. Cities are in ruins. And what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wants you and me to do is learn to love each other and unite with self. Stop bickering and fighting among us. Learn to tolerate our differences. Listen Muhammad says Learn to love and respect and protect. You are a black woman. For without you a black woman you have no future at all. Leave the white man's woman alone save brother and come on home to your black sister who is your mother and will be the mother of our new civilization of black people. Thank you for listening and May Allah grant each and every one of you the light of understanding and get on down to the temple and hear minister come out and
gied it 35 into Beale Street any Wednesday at 8:00 Friday and Sunday to you and to you I say Say rather don't say brother. Be a breath. We've been honored today to have with us Minister Louis Farrakhan. I want to thank you again. Thank you sir. Thank you again. And remember be good to yourself
Say Brother
Louis Farrakhan
Episode Number
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Program consists of an hour-long interview with Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan answers questions (posed by both host Topper Carew and the audience) that include what it takes to become a Minister with the Nation, what the mission of the Nation means to Farrakhan personally, what are some of the Nation's national programs for African Americans, if Farrakhan was ever a Christian, if African American mayors (and Black leadership) have been supportive of the movement, what kinds of opposition has he been confronted with from the white community, what is the University of Islam, what the links are between the interests of Chairman Mao and the Nation of Islam, what kinds of subjects African Americans should study for personal growth and for the sake of developing their minds, and what channels exist between the Nation and other Black Liberation movements. Farrakhan speaks both to his personal discovery of the teachings of Islam and to the divine guidance, as well as services the Nation's spiritual leader (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) provides for African Americans in the United States.
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Farrakhan, Louis; race relations; Black nationalism; Civil Rights; civil rights leaders; Nation of Islam (Chicago, Ill.)
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Rights Note:It is the responsibility of a production to investigate and re-clear all rights before re-use in any project.,Rights Type:All,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
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Interviewee2: Baltimore Gas & Electric
Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: b78b67837ebb52ce1bba2f0ec361299fe8b5fcd1 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 01:00:38;15
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Chicago: “Say Brother; Louis Farrakhan; 305,” 1973-11-08, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 19, 2024,
MLA: “Say Brother; Louis Farrakhan; 305.” 1973-11-08. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Say Brother; Louis Farrakhan; 305. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from