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But I've been in marketing and I want to run I was out of my mouth. Thank you not sure I know gave it to much during the day but my dollar Burning Man March 13 killed it. We're going to have not the only of it. I paired down with Warren in a man who got married. I want him bad not to want to grow we were two minutes right. I raised my own but wanted to know my run from I don't want you all want to get out of double meaning. The conveyer. I'm not going to go in. We came from the town of the northwest Alabama man no I don't know either way don't raise my children like that right now I thank God I didn't read 9/11 I'm only having one year all my land given praise in the stand this late in a lot of too much pain to get the blue guys are blue guys are Blue Dog long legged man and believe that Dad know when he looks sad. The worst name play should I ever had a gun salute you got a blue got booed
old lag blues. When they shut major They are close to look at the row children kind of have my knowledge of how we got to Buddha God to boot God delude to lose. Their money knowing Tony how HUGE more and more that if I had more nationally not more here tomorrow with fewer people I mean my people I mean my people and you know people are now what they said before people are going to go pick right me by people you know people would get more than five morning at point but not morning or you know people I mean my people I mean my people you know people remember fiction people are people of good know people like me my people you don't think some people are people working in a Mormon farm or had my view not mourning in one category. But. He was on my
own. You know damn my power. How can I. My time. He said. He would. Be here today Kyra. I can. Hear. The.
Sound from I hear down. How can. My on the right hand get him down there dead. Borrow from my dad. Came down. If I want to work in a coal mine. 9 came third during my first goal line. But what I give a damn to the mineworkers
I only give a damn for 20 19 and 22. I want to 1956. Oh well you know what you wrote for Mother Jones would die off. But we did the carpet bomb to the mother don't you know I'm washing my eyes. On. Me. John. I mean you know not very nice. Now. I know it takes up to now 13 killed in a radio lab. Now you've got to spend many years before you do it all I've done to make a living from let me start with work and hold in the cold.
But I made all right could he get me are never down in the morning that you gave me you wouldn't pain you couldn't get it from the coal company name and give it to nobody. Everybody was in the same boat. You barely had enough to eat your neighbor you just had to back. Thank. You. Well let me. On. Now. Now.
You ready. Well. Me now. Can
I. Was. It. The. Me. Yeah.
Yeah I know. You see I don't wait to be. Here. You know what your make up call. I know this is a mind where the water run down my back and a mouth put a
piece of cake you know my hand but a vein of water all that would come through the roof so I could to have not a lot of state dish in a place for that to come through and come outside. Colby went to the top and I headed down to my mum to feed into a treat and I shot my father. Rossmiller applying take my time to get my coat so I would have to get him out. You mean very real room. One. Time.
Where you know knees. And rationally get a little pat down you big. I get back I'm trying to locate. Cain an occasional road today. Maybe Maine Totenberg any kind of thing he did today. If you. Oh. Yeah. Here.
Peter down the road one day and I didn't like it when I took off later you know. She put her face down put Proudfoot face not a target to catch up with so I asked her that day. No going home where she had both said nah she didn't know where should I be on my door no I won't know I had one child one on the house you know that she hadn't read it quick guy should go away. I went off you know I was looking around. Here come the guy I'm with Syria no. That's when she would shift you know so he can finally get Tara's chatting back up play and I will give away you know initial sign pathnames
food and now she and the kitchen and washing dishes she told me not to come back anymore. He's already to hang around and get ready while you know she come out of the kitchen. Wife I know we're not going to play a good old Kurama army are going you know I had to Genma what I was going to play I don't know what put it will come out of the wood like you know to hear good religious songs she was a Christian so she come through the room. All right you got of the hand. And we went to the back room and I could argue it's all God's plan that get Tory Tory going to wear out all I've got on out are going to get to play you know leave the lady a lady again. Sure she had three songs. Guitar not right on a couple on the plane
are going to hurt my. Game. I had no. Fear. Raising a kid you know may be
my 3. Do you believe me. Oh me. I'm not three. Games now. All three. You there. I was and I know there are other more bad I got it at Apollo 11. So you know we're going to hear that happen happen where I'm hoping to gain a little known in the right out of Paul. We've had a few left like everybody else rather than one I will
fade away never want to go. Never thought of that nobody had trouble enough that nobody thought had man no woman any more this world lawyer jaded born of woman in a few days food nobody What has John Karr probably done more I don't care how much money you got you know how ppl here throughout you don't feel the same way. They have a few little deaths but if a man along a road one another well enough to stay together these time they just forget that that's just going to hear their container go look. Oh do I know the future the way they look good. Good luck to the poor people but we don't share. All we do kind of have something good one place to let you know we can protest for
we can contain it that way you don't own up to leave here and what Either way don't take us away. Merican had plenty and I have to ride after bad b show lane. Pick your brain. Whole upturn. Hey did you know or even care how many take a car of my own ground to get to me about nothing but a show called Little Sony. You were trying to raise my hand. You never good nobody stole your name added to your rant timed out whole garden with the byline part right here but I didn't. Could me and a whole lot my life and a whole car big trap that look he ran saying else to Michael you have a problem. We're both for college you couldn't
afford a washing machine I hardly wash our hands wash board. Anyway if you could do. Make some degree of local hero out there are not paranoid Rainman home I had background in my back and they never let me work in Amman the more time that we talk about it I never work in the morning. I would know the most it wouldn't have made a comment one that I knew one man thing they could do about it and said no you and you couldn't make them work mate I would disable an ad contract again so I did more normal I didn't get time for supper go up and here was some time to take it with me as one of them our time and we both tried to. We whipped him some of the Van Orden needed a little bit you know it's going to but we never would mean Dormy don't want to but we have you know my young a very neat thing were
We'll give our children the best part about if I had a dime in my pocket and one of mine did I give it to. Oh certainly you know they were down over land are strictly mining cooking for the kids. Pic of Canaan but the kids they have a great lot of guard are canon. As a kid they'd have Harvey J he had. Yeah are here to hurl every one of our kids. Oh we've been and you don't give the best with the we're headed good. None of the chaff Will Cain would fail. Yeah I can't get over it. We can't wait to go to the outer again. Why. Why did a lot of your chief I'll tell me
why not a lot of people nice to me a lot again. Why do you hate about me. Why did you learn today. Me. We came down for the latter day. Why again. You're lying again. You are again. You're bound to be one more my calf. Summer camp. Lord why dare bulge all over the water and why don't they. Already you know I don't care what you want to say right here 21. I want to hang in the world. But politics when they get started. Corporate
Democratic Party I love the Watergate now. Every minute of it you know this right. If people can get real right. And get to be on the menu and people are going to have to guess why that happened. Sorry we know. Our chair trying to move tomorrow to bomb one of the our home. They are here they are trying to make a little bit better. Making a song
on people can come home for a candidate. She tore down her heart shaped good God already I can find I can borrow Peabody Yeah yeah. Who I Am. Carol mama shot go through she got all of Bush's death row but threw up for another behind a big tree you know right away that finally does get a woman among them. Whew they weighed me so I'm going to get your hair dear for the hours. How did you know I had no don't do it without a little rain. You know you know how lucky they were the water you know could they just. Get up a phony cash flow prove to you that if you look at the results are. Yes. OK.
All right. OK. Oh. Oh. On Nam bread for the baby. A nice day. Yes that's right. I guess that's the way it's like you know vertebrates get it. If you are late in the polls
they're going to figure out who all the our God given. To you. The longshot Tommy Campbell. He's America's great wrong on there to never make it through No. Charm are but a pod to make it to Paul. Take your own time rupie not about me and Mom had taken care of them bold baby on the. Floor shouts on the Kanimbla. Why. Try do you. Know what I'm doing that hard. CRI here. You know it's my
and I know that's Mother Jones as. Well. People lead me on the train. Wow that's true. There take one card saying in a meal or an entire chain in the menu. Hard Creek Mountain. Do you know what Mother Jones Yes I know that's Mother don't you. Hey Mike I can't get it back. I need all the coal mines background
I'd like to do a lot of science. Looks like I'm going to battle with it you know I could never get my voice right and never knew any of the Danimal which is why I'm dying about it. I'm still a union man and if I don't have my name on the book if I don't get my pension I guess I'm one of the stronger union man and one of the good union anybody in the world. I don't include nobody of course and I know what it means to people to me to review a novel one hundred percent unionized. And if you know that you won't down your men if you know that you will take it not that you want to scab again you know the name. If you are that you won't work for our own union why. And if you are that I want to protect you know your man if are you ready you won't want you
you never want to loke outweighed to put him back in pain. When you stay I'll tell you when you won't work now you will let nobody here if you want to present you know. But I'm still fighting. I'm looking for my young and fine cannot mend tired to do it at work but I now long and I won't quit trying and I get it and if I don't never get out I had to manage Not me. Oh I've got to say about it. When you're playing in the front of the room. You mom Rosie you know the little thing and. I don't know. I don't know if I'm no good to you you know that I mean right here certainly. Not you know knowledge
being all inclusive not Soldo or so. The. Only reason. Why we come here why are you saying one place or not out of order. Now none of them have been out of the box out of the window you know. OK I know. I'm going to get my little place here again who I'm not. Paying that. Much. The you. Know.
I can't lie to me and me. But I hear you can be a. Long piece of. You and me. Back to my. Friend.
But. For the record out of that New Mexico City character you can write whatever Dear American and I have. Gone from we should not be limited by the time we have a new model. You say goodnight Kate. You have enough money on your counter perfectly. The nonunion doctors get paid
for what you can't get over you know how I'm going to play around with. The Army and my current character your foreign You piss. Boy you don't know what you've got here. You want to let me know. When. They. Are.
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Nimrod Workman: To Fit My Own Category
Contributing Organization
Appalshop, Inc. (Whitesburg, Kentucky)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/138-504xh5q1).
No description available
Broadcast Date
Social Issues
Media type
Moving Image
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Appalshop, Inc. (WMMT and Appalshop Films)
Identifier: 00012018 (Appalshop Barcode)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:35:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Nimrod Workman: To Fit My Own Category,” 1975-06-03, Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 7, 2025,
MLA: “Nimrod Workman: To Fit My Own Category.” 1975-06-03. Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 7, 2025. <>.
APA: Nimrod Workman: To Fit My Own Category. Boston, MA: Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from