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Tonight it's Paula's cooking with don't know vote yet. Owner of Graham's restaurant in Holyoke she'll be making the lumpy stuff. Shoppers and hamburger patties will also visit a Polish delicatessen with a local chef. Debbie Lorenz and Paul provost will be along to match wines with these great Polish recipes. That's all next on the menu on the menu is brought to you by the members of WG Why. Welcome to on the menu tonight I have a special guest Donna vulture who is the owner and chef
at Gramps a specialty of Polish Christine. And they're on Lyman street Holyoke. Jean said it good. And what have we got in store this evening for us all day today I'd be teach everyone nice nice Polish POWs. Yes yes how we cook gold. How we cook stuff cabbage. And staff tape it. And also if we have enough meat to make it valuable to get I can't wait to get started I'm particularly on the grumpy I always wanted to do one and now I get it from a professional. So here you can do it. Let's do it let's start with OK we stopped we'd cook cabbage. OK I'm going to have me put this doesn't make any difference what side it goes like. So if you speak it is you know easy if you don't have to know me you know. And in some hot water yes this is going to be in there for
about how long. Ten minutes ten minutes. Yes all we'll need. OK at this time we pepper me. Always people used to be beef. Yes but I thought it fed beef and pork together you know where peace is very tasty. It's not too tough. OK after you if you cook together so I buy a beer. Parker Ed but ice and the rice we've already pre-cooked right here is a little odd not that matchless I'll die until later. Yes and I could use to you as well if you want this is sometimes just too expensive for me to put in here right. OK yeah. So go ahead and start. OK. And they could be yeah. Can you prepare for me please you know. Yes in fact I have done a little preparing and I
have cut up half an onion and I have sorted it and it's now nice and translucent. Yeah. And ready to go into your mix through whatever you want. I do want to remind all of our viewers that we do have all of these recipes and they happen to be on our website you can go to dot org. Or if you prefer send in a self addressed stamped vote and we'll send it to you the old fashioned way and it will get to you just as well. So we put in half and half of it to the needs that you have. Yeah we put in the right and we're going to go ahead and put in all of the you know there you go oh OK you know but I'm not sure I need paper and south. So a little pepper a little salsa There we go. About an equal about you know we just basically did it. OK.
Somebody like Mark paper somebody like Mort Sahl so good. What do you know what is saying I need my glasses or your girl. Ah now at home I would just stick my fingers in there. Yeah and put that together. But that nowadays in a restaurant you have to be very concerned about glass everything else I think yes. It's a matter of facts Gramps restaurant you own this restaurant and operate it now for about a year and a half year and a half. This is true in our own existence. Over 25 years they're going to say OK I can remember going to Gramps when I used to live in Holyoke years ago. You're right it was right across from the martyrdom and there's a lot as a test you will learn what six days a week six days a week. I just you know you know you serve breakfast you serve lunch and you know you serve dinner as well right. Yes. And if someone has a special
event you handle that off going to say have special that all we prepared today had it far better they've had it and you various you know about how many people can your restaurant. But it was 60 people about 60 people. Yes. And Stan the Greek you know for a week with you know that things like that and all the food is Polish delicacies say yes. So that's absolutely great. It's easy to get to Lyman street. OK you know separate this so that's just about also the next thing we need to do of course is separate our cabbage I think our cabbages would be ready and I know maybe a little bit more a little bit more. OK so we have for meat and now you know what. Yes we take some Pan and we put it better today. OK let's do that. I guess that's just how I was going to use this crazy is going to go on The Golden
Key when it's completed correct. Tell me is it really history to go and did how did that come about do you know. There is a view to this very day all courtesy. It is some people put bacon inside the house you know the difference. But the does that really Or do you know Gollum. What do you do you try not to over mix the mixture or does nothing happen. Nothing have nothing happen. OK. And Mario makes you know really modern taste. He lay there because you know you have young and that I said everything's going to be up certainly in different parts of Poland I imagine you'll find the little variations on the recipe. Yeah as you say some will put in some bacon day and glancing at notes. Yeah you said we put sausage. I think I did. Yes they did sausage it and I think when I visited Poland once I was in the Novus 1 and that's why I had sausage at it instead.
But very tasty for you Do you eat. Sort of like that. Okay that's great. So we all say and we just toss that away. There we go. And it now awaits our cabbage. As a matter of fact while we wait for a cabbage to come about why don't we visit with a chef who happens to be in a Polish delicatessen right next to your shop. Yes what is it called the name. That's the parties then you've got this. That's what it's called it's not my main street next to Gramps. We're going to visit out markets to rest. How elate. Yeah hi there be the Loyola you have some beautiful me and she is with them. Of course what I come for is
kielbasa you have a house with different kinds can you tell me about them. First is Coke and small call might cure bossa me. Second one is just smoked. It's not cooked for people whole lives it was ready to eat. Even they say if it's not cooked right. Yeah and this little thin one here kinda wants our cabin also. Also killed us about the front the front spices ready with the flavor disk. Isn't that great. Do you have to cook that one might think you have to cook everything is ready to eat ready to eat. Wonderful smells so good all it out of me let me see what we have over there. OK Debbie let me show you our large variety of tea what we have over here. You know when this you do have on this coming so lots of lots of people in the interest of you know the drunk.
Sure. Well what if this one looks interesting what this one this one to you that is humans are special for one thought it was because our Reza Barry he goes and you know it's excellent excellent for for one. Now you have sobering varieties. Is it possible to combine these definitely definitely you kind of combine you know you know for example for example raspberry and the 130 You can combine it with Russ berry tea is excellent for one that also you can combine fruit tea with saw raspberry strawberry. Yes terrific. Yeah I notice you also have quite a variety of this car mostly from Poland and Germany. Yes yes. What other forum for everybody going to. And something from them is a little stronger than in there I think it has it this but you know Sam t
is just for people who bring this before people never had this kind of tea before so they you know they can taste it and you know they can judge for themselves like a man called all saw excellence for one very long when you analyze this. Well you know you do a wonderful job and you do a wonderful service for the for those of us who love Polish food. Thank you think you know my thoughts. Thank you for coming by. Thank you I just tell you Lou and see you next time you and. Welcome back to the kitchen where we're still in the process of making a lucky with Donna who happens to be the owner and chef of Gramps restaurant on lemon street in Holyoke. Yes thank you for starting this recipe off and we have boiled our cabbage now
actually just kept it hot you know 10 minutes Rice and I can already see where the leaves are beginning to separate so soft so very pretty but we can go now take out that core catlike that actually that comes out much easier after you go yes absolutely look at that great. And you have everyone leaves and then just how do you know you'll be full. Caray So what do you think and I and you have to look at this or call out. OK. That so OK this and without beautyful Bickley because this doesn't roll very nicely. Yeah and sometimes it's going to be tough you're going to tell you know. Just how much of a do you take you. You're doing it so quickly I can't follow you. How you view Walking get made I thought out you'll be doing like me. Well I'd like to come to your restaurant you know.
You know Larry Well you know I mean I love Polish food and and actually a lot of this food is shared with many of those countries like Ukraine right Russia Russian people just about people like you know you Sam think he's got everybody laugh whatever jam out Paul use. Yeah right. Humbug lumpy this is just one of the number one dishes in your restaurant. Close it could also say that if your interview will be full. Well since only going for we we've got enough leaves so. OK and now you do everything. Yup. I've got my all cut out that I missed one. Well you snuck that in on me you know that you know. OK you want me to take them oh off I'll take them all off you know. Yeah. They sell them. Yes. There we go. OK now we're going to have this meeting of the whole crew this time around. OK. OK we have me right. Yeah and I what they
do. I'll go ahead and I think one of the if I'm going away. OK there we go. Good line. I could have had a nice big oh I'm good so I take a hand like that. OK that is. Now do you charge extra for those big ones you know. OK. Look at what they do to get it. That's they go along just like an antenna Port au into this part here and here is what a little bit of water and that's for two on leaves. OK that but OK. That's what the Globe is going to sit on and there it goes down there nice and gentle. Golden Rod up there we had it. This is like production great all in all then and up great. One more time
and I think we've got our part. Now if you are if you wanted to do more than one way or can you do more than one long off notices with the right until it's filled up top of course right. I'm sure our crew will really be appreciated the fact that we're making a few more. I normally get a chance to taste it sometimes they don't invite you know. Yeah someone thought of the song make 12 20 and I don't he says they actually taste better the next day don't they. Yeah we get a there we go. OK good. There we go we want to save some of that meat for our next dish now. Next there is this completed or do is there some you know why don't we put a little bit a little bit of sauce here we got tomatoes. Yes but a little bit with their water. OK that's going to be very tasty right. And a lot of water.
OK. The water comes right up through the Ts right. And how long will these cook 45 45 minutes. OK I'll tell you and I want to remind all of our listeners that they will be able to pick up all of these recipes by simply going to our website which is WG y dot org or possibly if they prefer I go ahead and send a self-addressed stamped envelope and we'll send the recipe to you. So now we have our go lucky they are done. Oh yes I do have some meat left over. What are we going to do. We're going to now do some stuff. The peppers have OK. So same recipe for the meat the same just leave it exactly the way it is we tape it to my salad. So so just I'm going to take it. So this cat like you just cut out the core out during this.
That's neat by the way we're going to be making a sauce for this. Yes. So what how should we do that with just the tomato. Us OK she can base a little bit. OK let's do that and I'll take a little bit I want Maybe table spoon tables for nice and I thought so now you have a little bit of water in there. Yes so this is some people think you can make a paste and all but I preferred the crush the terrorists yes tomatoes and these have been look like they've been seeded as well. And there goes the sauce and this is going to be turned up a little bit and cooked away. I can throw that away. Good here for me. OK. I get to do the cleanup. Here we go. So no. Stuffed a pit stop the peppers STAFF OK. We have Korean paper. Yup your cats like that up take a meat party
say simple whose part. And the top goes on it. Then we already know that are OK. Into once again this is going into a pan with about two or three inches of water in it. Yes and how long these takes also the 45 minutes 45 minutes. So yes you could make both these at the same time. And you have two different you know these are from the same meat from the same meat but every bit different very different for different taste when you're OK in it goes and I can squeeze. Yeah that's good for you. Yeah OK. And now if you have one of the now you have flown for a lot of all I've got room for one more. Yeah. Oh OK. Now will we do with the top. We just won't put a top on this one. You try you a my and I might have thrown your top where I was going to do this. Well listen I'm not going to give up my full time job so. OK.
Yes we don't go there we go. Ok ok no one would like us to go and grab that top from the garbage and put it on. But that is cooking away now. We still have some meat left over. What are we going to do now. Values voters get to do a burger. OK I'm going to. Now we'll take it to me to go get their beef to have a little bit longer for me. I don't I used it all but I can maybe just you know you got what I know yeah. That's just a small amount. So I mean excuse me what you know what I know right. That's right too that I was going to stuff cabbage and stuff about that. OK. And get this going.
OK. I think pay Penn. And little salt pepper and I was south of Coffs. Because we probably won't have enough time to let the onion translucent and soft but if it was many bit of go ahead we will get inside and then what would you do just a little bit you know. Yeah so we're going to pretend that this is what we would actually have this cook a lot more before we do it would have it I say shocked and I'm going to empty that because we're going to cook our burgers and that and so we're going to. I mixed this and I'm going to play this and then put to know. But it's Graham. You know I use it ignore that and you do. OK
so now we know you're trying half the regular time. And there we go. And now there you go now take that another very healthy portion. And a little bit into the breadcrumbs it goes and I should put a little oil in here. Yes and where you will be very hot very hot. OK OK. Here we go. And I'm going to go ahead and put the first one in and the quadruped is just like OK 10 minutes of this and they'll be all done and well done it goes ahead and works out all of the rest of these burgers. What we're going to do now is go to table environ where our good friend Paul provost is there and we're going to put him to the test so he can come up with
some wonderful wines for our three Polish dishes. Let's go there right now. Down a wall check up Gramps in Holyoke has given us a typical Eastern European menu tonight and no doubt an Eastern European beer such as this Pilsner Urquell. I think the original pills as a matter of fact would work perfectly with that cuisine. But many of you may know that I am of French extraction and I think wine with every meal no matter how complex the combination would be the beverage of choice. I've selected a Gruner velt cleaner very difficult name to pronounce but I'm sure if you simply asked for a groovy most wine shops would be able to find a good illustration. This one
happens to be from Huber. It's the 2002 and every year there's a giant wine exposition that takes place in Austria where every producer submitted their Gruner Veltman are in the competition. In 2002 it was Hugh bears. Bruno felt cleaner that won the competition. We need not fear the tomatoes and cabbage and peppers in the combination of dishes here. This Bruner velt leaners up to the challenge rightness of flavor pinpoint acidity. It will do very nicely in that context. I'm Paul provost from table invite in town and country. Those are my picks for a copy of tonight's recipes simply near the sump addressed stamped envelope to you on the menu in 24 Hamden street Springfield Mass 0 1 1 0 3 0 2 online AWG y dot org. Well the use of the winds that Paul suggested and as you said he liked also to add a beer and I think that's a great idea right. Well
that's nice that of you. Paul provost and his people at the table in Vine do a wonderful job and we really do appreciate it. Now we're going to finish up our meal right Donna and I so we will put our burgers out for you and you. Prettied up the plates very nicely with all the little garnish is excellent. And of course our glum King we had while we were out we made a wonderful sauce for the Tom and of course this was our crushed tomatoes and water and salt and pepper and we used a little bit of the chicken base chicken base and then you add all that cream and flour plow it and thickened it all up and here it is here looking wonderful and we just simply pour it over Yanni anymore. Maybe a little bit louder. Yeah I like the sauce. Here we go. Boy I'll tell you. That looks absolutely
wonderful. OK. I guess it's really all in the tasting so let's give a taste here Donna to our burger who is totally cooked. What do you think. I like that wonderful letter. And yes you go right I have. Don I want to thank you. Donna we'll check from the gramps restaurant in Holyoke Massachusetts for being a part of the show tonight. Certainly what you prepared along with the wonderful sauce stuff but better with a different sauce by the way we didn't tell you but you listen Vetch That's right. Smith used to say that's right the sauce here is just your favorite tomato sauce and then of course burgers. Well I hope that you've enjoyed our show. I want to welcome you to our next on the menu. So you that last throw you on the
menu is brought to you by the members of WG wine in Bali from the northern village of dolo Italy to the banks of the Connecticut River. If we go family has upheld many traditions and recipes serving the people of western Massachusetts in the 1950s with the highest quality in service and specialty foods. Their family will be happy to assist you.
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On The Menu
Polish Cooking with Gramp's Restaurant
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
WGBY (Springfield, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/114-97kps1pc).
Episode Description
Donuta "Donna" Wojcik, co-owner of Gramp's Restaurant in Holyoke, Massachusetts, cooks Polish food with Roy. Chef Debi Llorens talks about Polish dishes, and Paul Provost recommends wine pairings.
Series Description
On the Menu is an instructional cooking show. Each episode has a local chef as a guest who demonstrates some of their favorite recipes.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Food and Cooking
Recipes 2002-2009
Copyright 2009 WGBY-TV
Media type
Moving Image
Guest: Wojcik, Donuta
Guest: Llorens, Debi
Guest: Provost, Paul
Host: Scott, Roy
Producer: Fraser, David
Producer: Rhinehart, Marc
Producing Organization: WGBY
Publisher: WGBY
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: L231523 (WGBY Library & Archives)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:26:50
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “On The Menu; Polish Cooking with Gramp's Restaurant,” 2004-10-14, WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 17, 2024,
MLA: “On The Menu; Polish Cooking with Gramp's Restaurant.” 2004-10-14. WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 17, 2024. <>.
APA: On The Menu; Polish Cooking with Gramp's Restaurant. Boston, MA: WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from