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And Robinson one woman story tape number three. January 21 1980. Red Cloud Productions. W G B Y. A. If I wing program into motion material would be disturbing if what your viewers discretion is advised. When John came I was still in a private duty as Rita Manning and she really she hated him and I said very very well.
So we were going to have and is it changing back to when they're in their physical condition that you choose to use. Yeah absolutely. She aggression in the bed she didn't want to go big. She refused to walk. She shut up her phone to people for five days and there were no incoming calls Gen-Y So your friend. So I didn't really respond when I talked to her. Just simple question that sometimes after two or three time. Well. And OH OH OH OH OH OH
OH OH OH OH OH OH OH. I was and was concerned. OK. She's talking about one more thing that you did manage to teach me. Tell me anyway to get it to shift. OK you know each of the panelists tell me I thought I might was I was such a wide area and trying right now are down there. I didn't write the song. Nothing so I find I have my answer that once you know of your
Spacey words you know what that is so we are thinking we're going there for an exam to get the rich right. Not that I'm sure it's a good one. The more you you but it doesn't last. When will you know when you get off. Yes I want to know. I want to sit around with crime. Yes. Yeah and you know I know she's alive. It's that talk with us in about I said this is not living a life that's not worth it to and I said I can't stand one more thing one more needle that
I broke down crying. I just think they were like crying him. Oh I thought. So you sit here in my shoes you might feel the same way. I just it's not there's no point in living this way. Any time a lot of positive things that you know that it looks much better inside than it thought would. And he really felt get this church under control.
The chemo working so I could have another good period like I had last year. He was very sad that very well. Two days later he was taken to the hospital. Dr Marston was on vacation and a colleague of his Peter Deco's was covering his cases for him. I know that it was shows. I think we've got to find out why he had attempted to correct that and get some kind of take as I don't really think you're in the best condition. This this
operation any more so if you go back. Oh yes we can do things. We should get the X-rays Well we should get out there. The House office has set a bad case according to standard procedures. She might stand
out there. That's right. I mean
you know. When I got back from being like that part.
Just what is sinful. I was just. It's
good to hear you're completely medication. She does the census rushed at the height but she is a
doctor most came in from his vacation to talk to me. So what I was like I agree or if I had seen you especially I would like to see a sort of you know what I think this may be my final scene. She's always expressed like that. As for you I think too much to say I miss you too strong I mean just I'm not talking about fight just talk about the car. Continuous I mean I just don't think so. Why don't you think about this. We should see
should be doing everything we can to keep it calm regardless of how much medication the medication we get at this point. You know free snow around Sochi would not bother me because this would keep working. I feel that if Secretary contribute something good comes you know since infection it's hard not to mention the actions of a reasonable attempt at treating septicemia specific antibiotic use reason. Yeah Joan surprises us. Yeah I know. Rallies over the next two three days that will. Take it from there. But beyond this surgery any question just how to get the anesthesiologist. Even so that's all. Secondly I think some of the other things that we might do so I just think it's a great question.
Respirators insured patients. I would vote against it. I could just because I think like they really could complicate already I think it reasonable to give her because the end the key is going to be again. After seeing how good was I came back again to try and persuade doctors to
take off and arctics. I mean your professional colleagues would agree with that it was good that you want to continue with this junk. I'm sure you would find some talk the way we approach the way I approach this present time. This may change a few years from now but I feel that we do not have the right to hasten approaches. It sounds to me that to me that about hastening the situation teach me as a life complex that that's that that really the putting it in that language is really not doing
justice to the complexity of the problem. There certainly are the few jobs great I would say this with the antibiotics she has a small but definite chance to get over the fact you know that we would then have to be there to fight whatever the battle need to be without the antibiotics. Virtually no water rights or germs Andrea came to say goodbye. She did say something like this when you say something like that you die pretty
feeling is about right. She doesn't want you to read a lot into me so you think I was here because she was so terribly sick. She's just like it. Dragons friends and nurses came in to keep vigil with me. It was a long long night. During
the last hours of John's life she was no longer in a. Eleven o'clock at night 14 John died. Joan Leona Robinson date of death and 4 to 75. Oh yeah this is Robinson. Yeah yeah just now. Thanks
to trends and traffic so difficult today right down to our travel from just
to back. It was extraordinary that this Louis my life. When I was away and he was away and when she felt I suppose that she still had the strength of mind to compose this last message. This is what you wrote a few days before she died. Living with counsel has been the greatest challenge of my life for the past three and since I was Die I've been so disk that I was sort of taking my life. It's meant much pain and suffering months in hospital with me. It's at least depend see I've several
times wanted to give up especially these last months. Yet at the same time these years have meant good things I have adored was felt ill in fact I was able to keep working. The first one yes. It's a time when I met and married attic my deah second husband whose love and support and plain hard work are probably being the most important factor keeping me alive so long. He has given much to me and given up much for me. It's been a time of getting closer to friends especially to my Alexa who has done so much listening and is always making me unexpected presence. It's meant being able for the first time to own my own home which gives me so much satisfaction and pleasure. It's meant being in a film about myself a film which I hope will be socially useful. It's helped
me feel socially PSLE not just a patient and a parasite and it's also bought me new friends and a sustaining interest. It's meant getting to know my doctor and oncologist speak to Mostyn better and better and finding him a rare combination of superb and true humanness. He listens to me and responds. I suppose finding out how many people do care and do want to help has been the biggest revelation and gratification. I still obviously would rather not have cats but my own experience with it has had positives as well as negatives. It is not necessarily the dreaded death sentence we think of when we can't see. I still have my desk to look at it too and I do feel it. I hope it will be without too much pain and
that I hope I'll be able to reach the stage of acceptance and peace. You know. They'd your funding for this
program has been provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The Massachusetts foundation for the Humanities and the policy the Rockefeller Foundation the National Down with the Begin then at the public television stations the gaming Runyon Walter Winchell parents your father the General Mills and the Reuben Family Foundation the woman.
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Joan Robinson: One Woman's Story
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
WGBY (Springfield, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/114-89d51n2p).
Candid dcoumentary of journalist Joan Robinson & her battle with ovarian cancer. Tape 3 of 3
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Copyright Holder: Red Cloud Productions
Producer: Mary Feldhaus Weber
Producer: Jon Child
Producer: Christine Herbes
Producing Organization: WGBY
Publisher: WGBY
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: AC571229222 (WGBY Library & Archives)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:26:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Joan Robinson: One Woman's Story,” 1980-01-01, WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
MLA: “Joan Robinson: One Woman's Story.” 1980-01-01. WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
APA: Joan Robinson: One Woman's Story. Boston, MA: WGBY, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from