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and many more because he carried on ebay bought into that group advocated making farmers and more more on the pilot market in nineteen eighty reagan about four bars important leader of the all that would help a narcotic farm programs led by that that ten years and then continuing on in here we get programs about a quarter the economy alone and they're going to be in the department so hard for i think he didn't voluntarily daimler negotiate with republicans you know he ran aground over europe when he tried to the european public probably was a country and move on because of american
leadership i don't know is the bush was four les subsidies from the european community and trying to create world market or at least that's what he claimed to be trying to do harm one is stronger world market for kansas farmers in general and what we've done differently do you think well i think you know that they've been dumping rain on the market and that that was not what the character in a plan to win the democratic culture producers in the world driving down to the level of the we talk about production really alone has more
farmland in all of europe so that was where the real threat is coming from that they lived and worked with a flood of cheap products coming out of the country that treats their farmers like it but as the us on guns enter expensive and how only ever be willing to work together that we can work together and in a war hero ethan word world and they're kind of break and begin to pray what do you hope the next secretary of agriculture possesses in terms of qualifications well i would go ahead and
the minute i think that we do on background eu and the knowledge of what it is to operate on what we need to do an independent farmer problem that we haven't had in years more at right right he had to go someone has actually been out there and then owner botched week minnesota been a
culture you know he maybe he made including a lot of it honey i understand eric does the national farmers union have a very big voice in terms of mentioning the womb they think might be qualified and her womb the adrenaline that now whether you know that's one thing that but i think that perhaps our bread cut her opponent came out recently to the people or will they get when they play in nineteen ninety nine percent of the phone in oh
no when sars time you were pleased with the secretary of agriculture dan barber don't know that they you know they go a long way back to people in the community that work today called random you didn't even know ivan why is president of the kansas farmers union president bush's big agriculture secretary clayton jaeger is his choice to be the new leader of the republican party and hutchinson i'm nancy finken first
and foremost we're kind of settled and because we got a lot of new people lots of freshman cover most of the history of the legislature we're in a swell body and the first day in the committee assignments and point that they have been able to lead formally made and we do have i kind of organizational meeting and then from then on i think will really get down to some serious work because the problems are serious people in the state of kansas i think it was a lot of selection have stated very clearly what government to start solving their problems so we're going to try and other people in kansas have to understand but there was not enough dollars to go around just like a dome is not enough and the state government either you have to make tough choices about where those dollars are spent we're going to try to do that was really inefficiently and then from that awkward and look at all the questions that are being raised by our heart
let's go four hillary riding in a lot of peripheral issues that are important to individuals across the state were illiterate in a relentlessly pension were analytic the ethics proposals the public matters about campaign finance and basically try to do it's solid common sense jobs people have to understand i think they did look there's no free lunch he can't get something for nothing we can all of us we pay for oil palms resort of divided we want everything done we would get highways we would good noble holds institutions and good quality education then we want health care for everyone and we want children to be taken care of and you know on and on at the same time the same people who want all those things oh really and so it puts the
politicians in a situation i think where we all have to say were caught between the people wanting things and the people who don't want to pay for things and in between there somewhere we make decisions and nobody seems to be totally happy so and you know we're basically typical session in a time and place when things are tough and people are a little bit concerned i think every word about their own future here we may be on the verge of a warrant first major work for a long time for this country we have to hold on problems you get it it saw the problems on the other side the court however i've got some wonderful legislators to work with your honest of progress even thought going to try to do their best to democracy it's not an easy system but it's the buses trundle other night and contort all are sitting down and working together i think the republicans and the democrats in the house of representatives are going to have to work together you're going to
find a lot more consensus between the two parties probably best politics will be cooperation rather than fighting each other and i think it'll be interesting to see if they can make it what emerges and a major identity asian properties actually for social services parts of the same scene to demand more money how many other things do you think in general are in theory are going to be a budget problem and how many are going to be policy procedure and better management areas i think almost anything we talk about it or look at in terms of policy a better procedure you can try to do what you do better and more efficiently obviously barton recounted for short of money there's no question about that and i think we do that we have to set priorities in we talk about children and people in education and things i care about other people of other priorities for the you know the simple fact of the matter is that
we may not and you know i don't know if your house knows exactly what this session will produce in the way of property tax relief will it will produce in the way that the budget crisis and what need in the budget crisis is at the session i did not have a commanding majority of sixty three democrats and sixty two republicans were going to have to work together sit down at the table and maybe in a few weeks as we get more facts and we look at the facts carefully will decide i don't think anyone in the world speaking of the world you mentioned the situation of course in the middle east also the recession that the united states needs to be in right now how does that then influence the amount of concern that you have about possibly being able to find an existing in future program says the government is your own question
do it jeopardize in the future on the inside of her question in the last session or two that were getting into the air with artie it easy choices left you know we can't continue to raise large tax burdens because people can't pay them we can't afford the things we have perhaps so we may have to make choices that i wanted making that that's a tough question was that every time when you felt like that i know there were years in the past five years came when when inflation was driving government and their revenues and every year there was enough money to cover your basic programs in the arguments were about new programs not all those we were talking about closing schools and problems of concentration of
consolidation we were talking about how to do better known and a better wheel and try to get something done differently in the last few years that is not the case you know the inflation hasn't affected taxes anymore it's going to be quite a change that has been to change federal government's back down from its responsibilities that mandate that we do all these things about using the resources that's a problem the more that goes to do with less resources them or other things we care about to be found a conversation a communication we had with governor like jon kaney is being sworn in on monday i'm ashley given you any indication what might be hearing in her state of the state address oddly she's gonna take a realistic budget picture and took attacks and for the legislature and now she's going to try to protect programs that she cares about issues going to be a parallel stewart host two budget plan i think the legislature is going to have to decide at
your looks at all those budget items and all the statements and physicians should place where they want to go in those years could be advocating for citizens of michigan referendum on those years when you talk about property tax relief try to be conservative about it and kind of like everyone else waiting to see you know the full picture will rely upon us well probably the color will speak to the legislature in the toy section of gender and at that time we'll get a clearer statement as far as where she has finally mr conley on the deployment you explain of issues like intellectualism is chicken embryos she can do it over to the rest of the reality dictates the results state representative martin baucus is the speaker of the kansas house of representatives this session is the first time the democrats have been in control that house in many years and legends and i'm nancy finken
well yeah and we had a lot of inquiries bearing down on the deadline that had been set for an iraqi pull out of kuwait in question and again we don't know thank you when fans distance however the marquette
on average risen twenty fifth twenty seven percent after the gold he wanted to do that and the year hitting the dead in an unheated beginning of a significant conflict to lay down where and that's a hard line to predict when the combat jack well and in that situation so the market reaction may be power in
recovery more rapid than we've seen in another situation because we get ninety five percent of the world on one side and those who were part of the other side there's been a lot of talk about diplomacy from peace talks going on have you seen the market react to those were some optimism and then only to see for instance that secretary state's vacant baker's meeting with nazis that fell through did you see the market down then plunge after that because of what what went on we saw dramatic drop a reporter that the way it worked they were unsuccessful and were met with little reaction whatsoever movement yesterday early in the market and the market was off quite a big thing in the morning was down as much as forty eight the mid forties early as far as the when they were originally intended
he's an and even though that was denied by cnn during during the afternoon with a reported that it still had a positive impact on the market got a lot of them have died in turn this down trends in the bond markets or two games before the end of the day are there any good byes right now because of what's going on as someone once again and is this a good time to do so in certain areas it is and you companies like pepsico
mcdonald's board of the wires mexico or eight other companies that are going to do well you know in a recessionary time in an all course detainees would do well to have a baby their parents hearing it here in america about those that maybe taboo was that we should stay away from because of the instability in one well her doctors would be one's probably stay away from not only from the mideast conflict by bit from the fact that that the whether that's going to be
oh oh what about those who are already holding stock is at which are encouraging them to do a wait and see them get out too soon good good quality earnings than later or a real band if all men and women in our nature and quality of a den power with edward d jones and company and hutchinson i'm nancy finken
and again i do and i do what would you guess is being terms of where the areas of the state that will see those line shifting amongst that ad alicia thank you
i am in a crack on the publication of the republican party thank you no and the thank
you i did i'm dumb question about the dominican team won it with the owner and i think the problem in a minute mm hmm i don't think people who had been politically vulnerable well i think that you have a government
of any big territory for the democrats i think the real emily really do with it what would you have been one of those really don't have the district's memorized explain where this isn't who represents us in the fifties i'm gonna
marry the pentagon right that's right above and that idea that had been covered multiple mobile little bit more quality of them vulnerable when we look at the population shift in the state from the rural areas into the more urban areas the district but that their state lawmaker level in both the house and the senate and now at the congressional level they're growing the number of miles that geography is spreading and makes it difficult when it's campaigning time or even communicating time
howell how much interest do think that lawmakers will have or how much sympathy think they'll have about that area of coverage that these people have to increase every time they have to come back and talk to there and now i know they want all right and the contamination
well manipulating the picket line that they felt that they didn't have a lot of dedication and generation them the geographical generation would become become less i'm going to be a major and again again dr joseph unique guess is a political
science professor at case date talking about the kansas state legislatures big job of redrawing the congressional district lines kansas will be losing one member in nineteen ninety two will be going from five districts to four and hutchinson i'm nancy finken co sponsored by congressman dan glickman of kansas the bill would establish a national waiting period of all hand gun purchases so law enforcement agencies can check to see if the purchaser is ineligible under federal law to own a handgun for example if you are a convicted felon or if you're an educated mentally incompetent right now under federal law you cannot own a handgun but there is no way to do a track on it of the brady bill would allow police officers to have seven days in which to check on your ability under existing law polling and before that issue a permit and the net result of this would be to keep a lot of people from getting guns like the guy who tried to shoot and kill president reagan
john hinckley from in fact getting those weapons that would not affect law abiding citizens at all and it's not an unreasonable situation to have to go through before you actually get your handgun permit goodman says some states were waiting periods are enough that show reduced number of heat of passion murders that as people go by got to go and shoot somebody instantaneously party have to make sure though that the criminal element and a deranged element who no longer are eligible for purchasing guns so there is a mechanism to stop them and i think that's what most people find that reasonable and recent polls show that over ninety percent of american people supported it and does not infringe on law abiding citizens a gun rights whatsoever you have in washington or i think there's a majority support for a job and we could not give it up for a vote last time end up but i think we're going to try to hit up for a vote this time on it i believe very
strongly that those people who want it continued akebono american to do what we need to recognize the time that the law enforcement requirements butter container port in local people will not be important but there's one iota but most assuredly the nra will protest loudly this bill as they have done in the past the national rifle association has not required any public statement yet about the proposed legislation but traditionally the nra is opposed to any restriction on firearms ownership i believe that there is certainly some folks that do not want to see any restrictions whatsoever on the firearms ownership i believe very strongly in the second amendment the right to bear arms but i do believe that for law enforcement purposes of the police deserve to have an opportunity to check to see if a convicted felon
or a basically a person who has to be on the show i say oh crazy person keep those people from getting firearms and right now there is if there is not waiting period is no way to check on these people and that law abiding citizens have them to danger personal danger an unusual homicide committed in this kind of context opposition but i have a feeling that the overwhelming majority of americans well over ninety percent in an overwhelming majority of members of the national rifle association which is a very good national organization would support this kind of measure do you think that i would give a false sense of security in the medina a certain section of the population that wouldn't that be able to be traced as should not own a firearm and then there are those who may have never gone and got a psychiatric evaluation or have never been a convicted felon who will still have their hands on firearms there's no cure all entered a crime in that country there are a lot of other things we have to do it for example people who illegally use firearms should have much tougher prison
sentences and and and people commit felonies and in connection with the commissioner really values of our nation of our panel is that one thing is we do is that it would take to be a segment of the american population which right now are not currently eligible to own a firearm but as the convicted felons and the mentally deranged alike it'll probably provide a mechanism to find out who these people are at the time nobody got it iconic year old crime problems like that will help tom and of course some of those who will steal their weapons and approaches them legally and unattractive and an accord with those people all you can do is when you catch him and they legally have a firearm and they commit a felony had it traveled that you can put away for a very long time in the penitentiary the brady bill which is named after the man who was president reagan's press secretary was shot by this guy john hinckley ridiculous and the cultural problems are a lot of other problems involve a crime of this country but one segment of america will help
congressman clyburn doesn't have any exact figures about how many people would likely be eligible to purchase handguns but he says no background checks at all it had detonated that maybe ten or fifteen percent of people who buy guns or people who are ineligible under federal law right now is convicted felons but all he had to do under an interstate that has no background check all you have to do is certify that you're eligible and there's really no way to check if you why you're not there you would be subject to a photo all crime if they caught you got this way out and i've been told that it's pretty easy to check and most jurisdictions who like up until the police officers in wichita you can check in twenty four hours there's really reason to wait for the sudden they perished and by the way this bill will provide that after the checklist completed all records would be expunged so that no clique agency would hold any existing files on you all kansas congressman dan glickman is the co sponsor of the brady bill the bill would establish a national waiting hear it on our hand gun purchases
in manhattan police lieutenant scott campbell says a city ordinance in effect for approximately ten years now requires a forty eight hour waiting period there any people because each community in kansas sets its own standards or ordinances about handgun control sometimes the ones that are in place can be ineffective if a nearby community doesn't have the
same sort of waiting period again it manhattan police lieutenant scott campbell two years ago former hutchinson city commissioner john corey one of the community to consider a forty eight hour waiting period on hand gun purchases it was defeated corey says because of his endorsement of the idf he lost some business and his family was receiving threats and threats and things like that i went to my family your daughter was on you your eyes will the concord going she jumped on the issue and shoot like you get yourself into when i knew something was
wrong and she would tell us you know you have a thing for him to do me in she was our american family but corey says his family supported his push for waiting period on hand gun purchases but the city council did not pass the proposed ordinance in hutchinson i'm nancy finken they don't know how we are providing to the community and only in the art called community no one being the patient and i wanted to do on the group are interested
in providing direct an event that are going to ensure that each of these communities is a representative of the survey we planned that was the audience that it randomly that there are barriers there as well and that will be the main thing he wanted an immigration
bill besides surveying community members are also targeting other groups businesses education people can only hope to get out of talking not just to the community but to me those supporters of the arts sixteen twenty eight are we providing what we're providing it being
received on the tv art and contracted it whether they you know what her they planned the party in november over the coming year and ninety one when applied to grant from plant the grant amounts to range between grant we will give the grand
and didn't come in and they get information that we received hundreds of them and they're going to come up with a plan and and let me tell you i don't know that we're not getting renewed my feeling of that we need to do things like the main thing that may have been providing and that they're willing to but one thing that has been talking about programming art of ballet and
i know the man that would really bring in the family as well as the parents and people donated their time and putting on the production to come to light that they did to make it was thought oh you know we'll pick that particular will feel the sort of a broader question that i don't want you and at the airport john d'angelo is the cultural arts director for the
wichita to palmer park and recreation about fifty groups have pooled their resources to survey their community about the cultural arts the survey will help them apply for an nea grants in april imagine said i'm nancy finken that's right calm down it might here
is a young people at that time about four hundred approximately the week economy ninety year olds we'd be willing to convert them right back and forth could find with young children in elementary school and i would be willing that's right college in crucial information about a lot of jobs and improve their lives and basically all about
grinding of college thousand and now the goal and right away now well we are crazy i
think that right now i'm here i like it i am what kind of response
i came here oh i don't know thank you to hear from new college give me an idea of what it looked like you're kind of write what i think because we believed in education that kind of thing and then also being a weird without having nationwide well we
did it thank you in order to provide good role model for children a lot of background and that really kind of opportunity that we felt we could have that what about the success on the end of the students in california many statistics that tell us that what you're doing is actually helping any of them in school early this year and debate they really did a number of things that i thought were energy for when they heard that the number of absentee not going down dramatically all right
i think that that i work on the part of the children are just going through the roof in terms of the economy you know we're not mean at that word because they feel that they really do have a future many of them may not have the letter r number of oh yeah right right i did
i will and he hopes that in six or ten years you may have a student athlete forcing kasich you went to grade school and add them right now each year the way that we didn't tell you that are different that may not be quite that there had been through all of the elementary grades and it's very hard to be night it'd be really nice if we could have a way to get there we did it
we hate it when of picking you know well we can go over to an attacker going to be quickly turned out whenever he when he got a grand jury it's really good gene smith is the public relations director for mcpherson college the college participate in an adopted college program with an elementary school in california i'm nancy finken
the poll says this is a familiar sound to christmas time the sound of the salvation army bell across the country between thanksgiving and christmas salvation army bell ringers brave all kinds of whether to encourage passage by drug money and they're bright red kettles captain porterfield directs the salvation army hutchinson he began on in california and i don't remember the exact date but it was an officer of the salvation army which saw thousands of people on the streets that we're going to be without food and so he decided that he would take a big open cattle out on the street and trying to raise funds to meet these needs for which began the cattle operation across the nation orfield says in hutchinson there are eighteen stands he says that it taught to sixteen failed each day their goal is to raise thirty thousand dollars into
kettles this year it works very well and there are we they have volunteers as well as now most of our bell ringers or even hired and that's true across the nation it is difficult to find volunteers to actually reading it on a regular basis across the nation so we have come to the point where we've had to pay a little more wage basically to get the lenders they're depending on the weather and the generosity of the agency may see these bell ringers inside the front courtyard just outside that's the merchants decision basically years to allowing them to go in between doors out at that point they cannot ring the bill as readily as they can outside they have to kind of call it down in tone it down and talk to people much more how personally i have tried to encourage them to stand out as much as they can because there's about appointed twenty five percent difference in the intake of our kettles if the
people are outside or if they're inside else i just reaches the people much more try it wearing a uniform which it this is seventy seven year old ruth slender she's been with the salvation army for fifty four years i think you know it's like family martin had six children that the night you gonna call one thousand it would be if you well i can give them there is a thing because of her history volunteering in working for the salvation army or its nose lots and lots of people and they stab it got money in a box and to share a memory or to see two more people scientists
yes tell me away in the media hype the for profit college got easter you see that women who had to work into that were made santa fe light effect she says she intends to do as long as she's able i cried for joy captain porterfield says christmas is the salvation army's biggest expenditure and it's also the biggest fundraising time the money raised during christmas is used throughout the year the salvation army gives christmas food baskets to families in need it also works with area businesses and the public to make sure that children receive toys a big project takes place in november when the toy job at the prison are prayers at the prison we go in
and offer to the inmates there an opportunity to select gifts for their children up through twelve years of age and with that they're able to make our christmas cards signed them to make hello name tags that go with it gives and then we bring those back here and we wrapped gives with utilizing clubs that have come an advisory board members to come and help as well as some of our own core people about rapping these gifts with christmas rap plus rapping i'm from ailing purposes and then we malin without any identification and to them of the salvation army so that actually the family the children particularly can feel that it's coming from betty porterfield says about four hundred families who receive donations from the salvation army this christmas season and that's about two
percent more than last year k shoulders is in charge of the salvation army in newton they tried to raise between five and six thousand dollars a christmas time they're two thirds of the way there but this year she says even more families are in need of help like its way out with at my here we took care of three hundred and four train might have a product of the four hundred they share any of the lions it's an increase well i think it becomes the economy in them at the joy a combination of playing childers says the salvation army is also the headquarters for the area food bank and that running way behind on polo collection that threaten to throw a lion and their goal for this year in point out the pan and we jumped on saturday when over half have why in sedgwick county approximately twenty two thousand people have applied for help this christmas season and that's two thousand more than last year
today connors with the salvation army says about eleven thousand of those people asked for help from the salvation army the rest have asked organizations i think it can have pride march along with what's happening nationwide economic and i think we're looking at greater need well i am me who have been waiting on the brain to economic hard to have at that i'm very hard to remain and i'd like that girl who cannot maintain its own of their own and that the coltrane perhaps i'm a triple right at the headline it impossible for them to do that as well and to provide any kind of battle meal kantor says the salvation army believes that
each child should get at least one of their christmas wishes come true so fifty six hundred kids will get toys this year at the angel tree program an opportunity to pick an incompetent president nieto have an email account at any account and i actually can bring it back to me we make it but we do it well it provides wrapping paper so that when the parents come and pick up a toy they can wrap the dead and they are from they are not in the nation army jim bell is the executive director of interfaith ministries in wichita he drags operation holiday this is the thirtieth year for the county wide program where food is distributed to needy families bell says operation holiday works together with toys for tots so each child in the family received two toys for christmas
we agree mehl says earlier this week the donations were down by fifteen thousand dollars however towards midweek more donations have been coming in he's hopeful that they could make up that fifteen thousand dollars shortfall in hutchinson i'm nancy finken
Nancy Finken Interviews
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Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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Compilation of Nancy Finken interviews with notable people in KS in the late 1980s.
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Programs for improving price of wheat for farmers, Invasion from Iraq makes cause for worries about stock market, Eliminating and adding district lines and its consequences and changes in Kansas.
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Chicago: “Nancy Finken Interviews,” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “Nancy Finken Interviews.” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Nancy Finken Interviews. Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from