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frustration and anger with the main feelings display last night's racism form how to make a huge campus is sutton vice chancellor of student affairs announced that probably monday he will release a statement that will address the fraternity incident and the problem of racism as a whole on the cave campus mark mccormack of blackness today says he wants action musicians also the former lord's police chief rod all and cable is director jim denny they heard a number of stories from black students about harassment they have received from lawyers and university police oh and then he said they were not aware of any such incident they said their apartments were not racially biased but the sentiment that was repeated again and again was that black students at katy you are tired of the all talk no action thinking that is taking place mccormack said that this is a potential powder keg something needs to be done this is lila tod fb oh yeah
and you using solid margin is in this area and that sense of do you hear from intervening time to time as well it happened with the movie titanic it's b the survey funded social and rehabilitation services was holier than the house version in the house where he was millions of dollars more expensive than the government recommended late saturday one legislative leaders find out for
sure that any compromise version of the bill would be vetoed they decided to give the governor the least expensive option the house version of the bill and letting people that overlap obsession the senate approved a bill that house democrats even those who voted for the original house bill didn't want to give the opportunity to do it and that's the next two weeks attacking alexander for overspending his budget but it was no question it intentionally underfunded and so they decided to vote against the us army as well and so did a group of conservative house republicans that coalition held a long and bitter debate about was defeated about me sunday morning i am right now and the other one hundred and fifty four members of the legislature will have a lot of unfinished business on the return of the end of the month for the obsession that is several spending measures they also have the usual probably can't leave
so i'm going to clean house he thought that the area that opportunity you be thinking if there is a climate where the parrot opportunity to move forward with the people and that we also broad reading probably mr kramer drew attention on september fifth when you listen to the president's war on drugs speech and then went to the lord's police station and slow tomorrow on a cigarette to get arrested it was his way of protesting the president's inclusion of a casual marijuana user of the war on drugs for one spot legalized he claims that would allow law enforcement to focus its attention on the dangerous drugs cocaine and methamphetamine use now kramer circulating petitions among registered democrats in the second congressional
district the kansas secretary of state's office says hewlett about thirteen hundred valid signatures in order to forgo the filing fee in seeking the democratic nomination for the us house from the second district cramer's campaign platform includes legalization of marijuana and he considers himself an environmentalist and a problem solver graders married and six children and is a sculptor and houses that i'm bob kirby and the it's imminent the dissenting opinion came from commissioner john kerry said he would not voting against religion
and whether the method used to hire him and he said with another candidate for the job earlier and profit off their pool of applicants candidate offered the job and on the offer that's right wouldn't have been the acting had a manager and you could walk that was a commissioner bob walters said the church committee one of energetic live more to say they lasted through the afternoon chancellor jane beauty in kansas city would call back to lower about four hundred students late in the afternoon angry at kempton expressed renewed concerns about the campus climate that would tolerate racial incident two weeks ago at a fraternity hi
liane and recruitment and retention remember we found our county district attorney is determining whether to prosecute the freshman fraternity membership to have instigated the racial incident two weeks ago on the caribbean yeah
yeah oh yeah oh the pope the
author of the new novel and how it felt very very vivid from the beach hi liane members of black men have to be a continued to push for the expulsion of the sigma alpha epsilon fraternity from kate use greek system but other larger concerns were cited as well such as a minority student recruitment and retention mormon or to graduate teaching assistant and a minority student cultural center
in response chancellor jane big cited specific improvements such as a fifty percent increase in numbers of minority grad students more scholarship money for women and minorities in the health sciences and the science is an additional two positions in the admissions office to deal with minority recruitment i have a poem regarding the indian and again i realize that they only for the way we only thing for a
long time and we're due process as any about three hundred fifty students were on hand in the stronghold for here i'm bob pretty some of our spiritual beliefs you know that we tend to think that if a little bit of that in that a lot of the internal is that they are intended to belong to them for their use in this particular afternoon many tribal police hold that view desecrated it did stir that this causes their spirit to become restless and to ponder and it could bring legal upon those who can that that kind of activity in those who bought her low as oil spills global warming and endangered rain forest hamlet of environmental consciousness of the american public to ohio unmatched in many years and
this awareness is probably most at it in kansas where people are banding together in a form of grassroots environmental organizations to make sure that environmental problems are taken seriously i think you wrote that's right charlene standard is the director of the kansas natural resource council and she has been working with grassroots groups for the last three years they find out that they're getting together and i'm completely fired that are like that standard says the success of grassroots organizations in kansas can be attributed to the state's political climate she says it is fairly easy for the job oh probably to have an impact on local government in some states the years of local government perk up going to the voices of demonstrators or the lobby but in kansas standards
as anyone expressing their concern for the environment can gain the attention of local lawmakers now that is bad all right oh god and indeed many kansas communities have been made more safe because of the efforts of grassroots groups in wichita a group called a place keepers initiated a battle against the toxic waste incinerator which ended in victory in the town of hazing group of individuals concern about their water supplies brought the building of
the battery plant which they feared would have contaminated their water through its manufacturing process a group of environmentalists may think in korea has built a public interest in developing a massive recycling program and indeed and the organizations concerned citizens of central kansas has gained the attention of the state legislature with its rigorous campaign against water pollution but stanton says the most positive aspect of these grassroots group says their ambition once they're caught with a specific problem which they've banded together for them begin exploring other environmental issues i have been on and how badly they have the average job like that that particular immediate issue that's it thank you
bye bye they are standard so the effectiveness of grassroots environmental groups on the local level opens new broader opportunities she said the kansas natural resource council was to develop an official state environmental agenda to corn and all the grassroot efforts once that is established he says the only remaining obstacles standing in the way of serious statewide environmental action will be the legislature in recent years has been less than sympathetic towards the environment but still believes the rise in the public's awareness of environmental issues could change all that especially in the fall when the voters go to the polls there you are politicians are always
looking for win win situations abuser programs where everybody gains and the losers are fewer family can snow has such a unique opportunity in energy efficiency investments consumers win with lower energy bills the economic health of the state and local communities or improved through increased local investments in lieu of higher energy bills and utilities would be under less strain to find more natural gas or financed expensive additional power plants and what of the growing awareness concerning environment that day to just rely on the corner a well cord eight state strategy of energy efficiency improvements would be a fitting tribute to a beleaguered mother various factors that converged to make the nineteen nineties such a conservation decade possible for kansas significant progress has been made in energy conservation technologies that were not commercially available ten years ago new gas furnaces are now over ninety percent efficient compared to the old standard for us is that we're less than sixty percent of fashion
variable speed electric motors are now readily available so the lettered needs track the actual demand of the season for a last lecture setting this technology is especially important for the industrial commercial sector one of the greatest areas improvement isn't whining you can now buy a replacement called for seventy five watt incandescent light that will last ten years is one fifth the energy reduce the need to burn four hundred pounds of coal and over the life of this one lightbulb cost you twenty one dollars instead of forty five dollars for that extra energy and the replacement bulbs have it wants to have in your home or how many are in the eight hundred and seventy thousand housing units in kansas let alone all the commercials doubt washington's kansas has sat on its hands long enough in this area a number of states are developing and implementing detailed energy conservation strategies rhode island has assembled a plan for all its commercial
industrial customers to retrofit lighting and replace electric motors the plant reduces the customers average electric usage by eighteen percent and as it at half the cost of supplying power for the present beneficial uses in the nineteen seventies and eighties pacific gas and electric serving sentences co developer thirty five hundred dollars the low interest energy conservation loan program for every one of its residential customers are helping their customers reduce energy needs to insulation and appliance replacements the companies that one point five billion on this long program instead of ten billion in building new power plants to supply the inefficient me that kansas now has the cushion of apple power plants and natural gas to give us the space to experiment instead of waiting for the next crisis neither supply our prize the state needs to embark on a ten year plan to insulate homes replaced lighting upgrade electric motors and educate are builders of new buildings it would be fitting to
start this new energy direction on april twenty second the key agency that help spearhead this plan would be the kansas corporation commission the governor has to appoint a new member to the commission just fine the commission is statutorily required to make certain that utility services are provided in the most cost efficient manner the commission has done a poor job and living up to that mandate a new commissioner and a new mandate would be a true a win win situation for all concerned especially mother so fish move john calhoun missouri native and a graduate of kansas state university feels
that the united states government didn't deal with the oil spill or acts on the way it should have and the laws in the us out there and to the people are really angry palin as that he was upset with the fact that the president never visited the state during the crisis he went on to say that the government needs to spend money to help ensure that something like this doesn't happen again i don't feel that the us was not and still isn't ready to handle a major oil spill things have returned to normal somewhat for homer alaska but calhoun feel that it wasn't with much help from the government he says they'd is buried her head in the sand and hope it would go away i'm steve lickteig you could go anywhere mm hmm
the organization no no no so it was an anti abortion lawmakers are able to add one last word to get the bill considered one more time the issue is dead for the session which were jewish or that will be an issue in upcoming legislative campaigns and the governor's race i'm jim mclean at that house the bill failed the
committee so go to the judiciary committee were in a call he said was he received a clear indication from a majority of his colleagues that they wanted to major again you can legally in the recession it's not true because we cannot obsession with senate republicans he says nothing has changed and so he says he doesn't plan to ask his committee to take action on the notification bill i know and then laughter if their teenage daughter were seeking abortions
after the house made significantly less restrictive than a lot of their members don't cook well what they would be willing to accept a compromise that button combined with a reluctance to tackle the issue in the senate and the bill and we couldn't afford it and it makes it more likely that abortion will be a big issue an upcoming and the governor's campaign book and publicly on jim mclean at the details
and the bill in its current form which is twenty million dollars over the budget the government recommended cuts must come from other areas drastic cuts in education in transportation it has a responsibility to maintain the budget and control spending and i'm really good about an authentic time legislators be held accountable for that if we in the attic and the vibe at all there will be a line that might be done in a line what we have thank you duke ellington or
the way that they did not do comedy and leading lawmakers added by federal mandate haven't been home and why tj the compromise plan created by representative keith romer mikhail republican representative joe biden had a good democrat would create one hundred and forty million dollars in property tax relief i mean you know one hundred thousand dollars back the court agreed he'll attack coupled with the corporate hack white and a compromise is just that a compromise is far from ideal property tax relief plan they wanted to get rid of it so i'm not looking for a package
a common denominator that people together or i can divine it in the way that i would like it better opponents of the proposal led by the so called republican rival to that all of its components have been debated and killed on the house floor during a regular fashion like it that he understands why they are refusing to compromise because they'll hear about it when they return home and we thought we have an income tax you tell me and i think that the more we do not have to think that they probably had a lot of it alvin crown the possibility that that even before he'd before you go that far down with the old tactic and when i believe in a significant enough they can
avoid actually pay more in fact than they would be click here and it has been the solution is to be a great copycats any kind of crucial to the hague administrator it obvious that the common or lacked leadership and later without a really late in the day if the health plan failed there is still hope for a property tax relief plan senator fred kirsten they will wait and see what
happens with a house plant and introduced their own package later that week the senate plan provides two hundred k million dollars and roll back public radio i'm jim wagner it i know come on i don't know people who intentionally you get the point
you need to have in the land you believe will against and in fact legally enter the last few weeks and in that way that's right who's blaming the legislature because he didn't think of leaders seeking reelection and it's making the job of the legislature nearly impossible to blame for the chaos belongs only to mike hayden if he had not been able to adequately protect them adequately fund programs for children with it economically disadvantaged enough targeted by rick rachel haden the situation much different he contended the legislature's inability to maintain the budget and it caught the backlog of
the commerce that the legislature might be held accountable for their spending be cut he will not operate the red look at that the way only taken in about the record are what i acknowledge an agreement on it that the movement matter will be in that governor and the legislature of social welfare budget that the democrats say if they meet with the governors the income that we get about twenty million over his recommendation the measure is going to get on the property tax relief if you don't compromise proposal that the government plane and by the only significant problems with it it would create one hundred forty million dollars in property tax relief one million in the
day they'll track the convention fifty million for an increase in contact with a lot of income of more than one hundred thousand dollars and fifty million dollar balance would come from a quote we can increase in a pack entire package would wail that will probably attack that i love of the night very clear on the fact that he and fellow democrat would not think he got an angle or whatever there would come a time when a few other hand and simply go home budget that the governor will be able to cling to victory but again the public radio i get wiped out videos quickly i agree oh
boy thank you you know you know in a political debate i mean
i feel for the village and for you know for the formal complaints have been filed with the district court charged with one count of disorderly conduct and what elements in the very early morning in march thirtieth boulevard allegedly flying from end of life good and be knocking them to the ground oh really no i'm fine five of them for five dollars
corporate greed in a real attack that compared to a quarter percent increase in health plan will lead to higher income camp the chairman of the committee fred kirsch that that planted more favorable to govern again i think i want an option for relief now they have a plan i would like to
go in and now on the plan and it'll be great eliminate some sales tax exemptions but not any of the really big ones go about the business or agricultural commodities and would increase the income tax for those relatively few kansans who make more than a hundred thousand dollars a year the plan is the product of negotiations between tax committee chairman keith well amanda keown republican and the ranking democrat on the committee john weidman of topeka try it another part of the total property tax relief package a constitutional amendment which would lower tax rate on commercial property has been approved by the senate and will be taken up by the house when the legislature convened for so called rabbit session next week we need to do that they need to begin their
work at that meeting committee chairman mckeon republican keith lowe and the ranking minority member to pick a democrat john wyden are expected to unveil it probably actually proposal they'd been working on a proposal in general terms what weighs approximately a hundred and fifty million dollars to provide proper it actually by repealing some exemptions sales tax and increasing its slightly at the same time and by increasing the income tax state representative john wyden what we've been looking for our common denominator if you put too much felt attraction at the democratic appointee our bracket upper income tax and that that is no good tax reform moving at any point along the democrats do it the tension has been a common denominator by common denominator right it means something that legislators on both sides of the aisle can support organization a proposal by house speaker jim begun to increase the sales tax by a false and then use the proceeds to reduced property taxes would've been it by a wide margin that most house
democrats voting against a little bit later a proposal to repeal a long list of big sales tax exemptions and use the money for probably to actually was also defeated with most house republicans running against it this latest proposal the product of weeks of bipartisan negotiations it does it give both sides a little of what they want representative white and so the boys will probably call for a quarter cent increase in the sales tax only is approximately fifteen million dollars and he says it will also call for the repeal between the really big one like a lottery ticket and coin operated laundry not touching that were put in there for economic development but really getting rid of that honor the new compromise proposal also adds a new element of the debate the income tax it seeks to increase attacks slightly for those kenyans who make more than a hundred thousand dollars a year doing that would contribute fifty million dollars to the property tax relief
fund so dearly great composer the plan would generate about a hundred and fifty million dollars total of money would be sent back to school speech to offset property taxes representative wyden says the plan looks good on paper and he says there will be a bridge to sum up both democrats and republicans but she's reluctant to say it's probably actually planned that a majority of the legislature will finally agree to support well it hard to try to find a fight that that common denominator the convention but then how badly as you had only i have no prediction about the outcome i only know that we're trying to work and public radio i'm jim mclean else good morning will and the promoter according to proponents of the change homeowners would experience with eleven percent reduction that rather than let a figurehead republican background under the sea and then
primary elections what happened along that path out of the house by a comfortable margin in a surprisingly candid the original bill emmott however removed about nine million dollars of revenue package meaning only one hundred twenty three million taxpayers could under the compromise plan represented at medicaid and that's the church remains very significant in fact they are they say they will babble
back and that one point five billion dollars package they widen every day so this area like yeah i did
actually thank you that's right both agree that the planet to travel to the camera and probably couldn't live and how will that four hundred public radio i'm camera like no we provide a lot of
times what you like the only way to report what would happen to our recycling bill would abolish you may remember one bill called for the creation of an imposition of cycling coordinator that person would be responsible for helping the beginning frankly quietly for years thank you the chairman of the energy committee they're going and korey republican committee report of the measure in the house included a provision into a bill to go and having a group of people who voted for who you hire that's when
amanda palmer members i know bill bill bill not really and then the family that they wanted to find a way to forge going to talk about them like we know so far that
hasn't happened you're right in part because of a strong public support for them and adam says she and many of the lawmakers are getting a lot of email urging their approval adam says she doesn't think the public will accept the senate's reason for opposing the majors because she says they wouldn't be really expensive to implement even in this extremely tight budget year this past week i think all that have been inundated with information about earth day the dramatic changes that the country believe to take account of beverage likely better care of her the cost of the bill are the maximum something like eighty dollars eighty thousand dollars to buy the fact the way the bending that this is the cause
clearly about because the problem here implementing the nation the curriculum policy would require state by recycled paper in increasing amounts cost of that program would go up but adam insist that the cost of recycled paper would decrease the big entities such as kansas state government which are buying large amounts of it or kansas public radio i'm jim mclean at the statehouse the windswept down with a passionate sigh the march rains followed once again this rolling hills so tires on what roads and the chirping of mating birds in the trees everywhere the glorious signs of rebirth it was enough to trick the ignorance soccer and a falling into a trap
the trap of believing that everything's gonna turn out okay sure enough suddenly it seems of someone opened a gigantic can of worms it's been there they were covering the sidewalks repulsive night crawler is some of the more than twelve inches in length aroused from the soaking earth by the simons of spring peccadillo i thought then allow them foot long worms on a number six a uniform fun this time here you go and a locker i remember the images that dettling warm but i got a letter from a retired newspaperman informing me that i didnt build a participle imagine my chagrin participles in their fellow modifiers are among the very worst things a person can dangle use properly and modifiers as respectable as any other part of speech in angola it's monstrous and obscenity
after hosting for three hours we turn the oven off that as a dangling modifiers you see how old your house too but it sounds we didn't rose for three hours they need did the possible the retired newspaperman caught me dangling reading turning off i thirty five the other day it seemed i was passing from iraqis of city time but yet didn't turn off i thirty five it had he offered another grotesque daimler from identification but working very hard the job was finished on time but jobs don't work people work don't you see sagging and even you could have paid mr preston call the house painter without accomplishing anything monday passed me by on the telephone the water in the pot boiled over i think you get the idea by the way my correspondent lawrence was the smallest most endangered species on earth people who care about grammar people i couldn't fill the
meeting room of the rock bottom motel with a watchdogs of the language those is don't give a hoot about double negatives split infinitive is dangling modifiers to most people are americans represent the zenith of parishioners who cares about good grammar they say could never never fill in one's stomach or put a bass boat in the driveway the moral issues are at stake here it's the old conflict between doing things the right way and doing things my way in these self indulgent times of cultural relativism the very idea that there is a right way is losing ground the world is swarming with people who think it's good to say i can hardly figure why he don't see these tides lettering speech would bar reasons as we're getting the percentage besides it's a free country hats off to the few rugged souls is still stand up rules who still believe that the things we're doing it's worth doing right
tearing up his business suit the telephone but was were clark kent became superman what faster than a speeding telephone booth for a fun activity all the family can enjoy a trend dangling modifiers in the privacy of your own home dangling modifier more disgusting than a night crawler and it doesn't catch fish anthony nineteen ninety will be happening all over lawrence and a festival sponsored by the university of kansas kansas and community environmental organizations that twentieth anniversary celebration and south park will include educational booths workshops like musical local artist and children's activities among compost lessons from master gardeners the city's wood chipper and fire department will be giving demonstrations recycling or the arab lawrence patricia martin says these events will not only be educational but shocking and breighton think anyone to be what kind of
problem that thing like a map mainly an apology what kind of reaction i have i do have the earth day parade will begin at two in the afternoon according to bruce blogs that the prey will travel stop a massachusetts treat to self park where will join the fare already in progress we have about thirty groups that have been an application by non got a phone call from at least ten more looks like about four hundred participants at this point in time we have them offload that are going to be entered a lot of children are getting caught in to represent their affinity with animal group i've heard that even agnes he probably made a guest appearance on a horse drawn cart and this came about as a gentle protest movement several years ago it represent the endangered species of frog that biologist thing could be eliminated with the construction of the freeway to the baker
wetlands a day off president of pew environs might iran so there'll be a candlelight vigil in the evening at the par five museums are also joining the grassroots effort that dispenser museum of art jenny frederick will demonstrate how to make paper by yanik and she would definitely got out about the part about half we have quality and to be good it will be a county wide recycling drive and the earth day rain forest run from the drive and wright will be used to buy and preserve rain forest land that costa rica newspapers laughter you know that aluminum will be accepted from eleven in the morning to three in the afternoon and pecans in parking lot in gage park you will be fine northward like hell
and back and if a fight cavemen have to wear you out when i read that there is also a one mile fun run yeah wow manhattan area residents can visit the whole at alternative agriculture fair that will be exhibit a flight home energy savings chemical reliant air and water conservation exhibit which will include how to put something in your toilet and it's not a break to make and use less water mccullough who is heading the its a celebration repay state says the exhibit's will focus on things the individual can do and i'm a really a major problem for the individual cannot solve a major pollution problem by vivaldi comparatively that there are things you can do with individual to i mean really you know
the disposable diaper it's been getting kind of abandoning lately it's been in modern wonder whether the parents who've used it over to house twenty five years for their children our throwaway society for that very reason that way now the word is out it takes five hundred years forward to disintegrate in a landfill and when you factor in the justin lawrence last year there were eleven hundred babies born who will each use about four thousand diners until their toilet trained and well that's a lot of seat covers so enter the new biodegradable diaper with cornstarch added to the plastic covering to encourage bacteria to break it down a landfill even this diaper is questionable because it requires sunlight and water to do that and according to jim power of the kansas department of health and environment that is and what the environmental protection agency has in mind for diapers or anything else for that matter in a landfill basically with the europa
camera would like just one of aleppo which they basically cleared the entrance of error or water to the fact that that is what epa work there and where we will be either be subtitled the regulations what they are released later this summer what of disposable diapers are an environmental upheaval and biodegradable divers don't do any better what's the answer zero how to use what hurts one report which will be a ballpark rebel which as we know it hasn't been invented yet let's go back to cloth diapers jim power isn't sure they are the answer either you're right and go
we ask marla maples of general diaper service a cloth diaper service in kansas city about that in some people say that cloth diaper services are doing just as much a disservice to the environment by putting cleaning chemicals into the sewage and water treatment systems how would you respond to that it's not really thought i know that i can pick all of that are the big car company that we do you play they are biodegradable and heard it to get it but there are a lot of apartheid era you can bet that they know that they are and that i like about it i am when that the right that are not get a lot of
that the disposable diaper controversy nationwide has breathed new life into the diaper service business general diaper service reported a fifty two percent increase in customer growth last year in lawrence and tim peake are several more diverse services have started out one stumbling block for the services and parents has been policies against using disposable diapers at daycare centers however that today's changing hilltop child development center on the kansas university campus has in the recent hey asked required the use of disposables center director joan rivers says even though it will be a cumbersome process for personnel to handle cloth diapers they are attempting to change if it's all going to age that diaper service then all the soiled diapers would be put into one container in and they would come and pick up their container we would have to separate them they would have to go if they were still they would have to remain so until that oversees pick them up and
one or two three parents who has selected an option we could handle that that if more i do it will have been a little bit hectic for us we would have to have more space than he would you know it would be a little more difficult the way i think you know as far as the parents want an option will have that option rivers says the response from parents interested in using the service so far has been meager making it appear that despite pressure from environmentalists the habit of using a plastic disposable diaper as a hard one to break i'm michelle corum this is morning edition on clay and you when you're young hero is frustrated because things don't change or if they do change they don't change fast enough when you know it's a comfort to housing status it i thought that the other day down here and this mini mart where i buy my beer and chewing tobacco when i was a young man proper young women had slogans to express their
principles heritage all once said to me lives that liquor sound never touch my now there was an incentive your degree of yourself let alone give kansas was legally dry had been since eighty one and was considered a progressive state is a alcohol was a national problem and with no federal war against alcohol but fort united a nation legislated self dry in nineteen ninety four said in stark folks myself included from lincoln i stopped at least for a month or two because a hilarious lives but when austin area last month sending the usa gave a prohibition in nineteen thirty three in kansas mostly given forty nine that we still got more laws than buttons on henrietta stress nowadays as well as a solid just say no and federal government has on beer cans in fine print like the part of the contract that screws you over their warning don't drink when you're pregnant don't drink when your driver operating
heavy machinery and drinking they cause health problems i love that kind understatement when my daddy used to say i'd stay out of the north forty the blowout of woke up on the wrong side of the bed or boys don't have any other side of the bed alcoholism neither neither does tobacco of course if that void anybody knows that he's it's a nice drooled brown juice into a couple of tries to look at it without a little turn of the stuff that i remember my first job outgoing henrietta shell said i don't smoke and i don't you know i don't go with the folks who do lots of folks you'd still made every hotel lobby hardware store banking growth should have been doing in the corner when was the last time south between accepting your county historical museum young clogged up the last big to hear many more years ago and the other day he took out the ashtrays too henrietta would be proud not only do you have a smoking section but you have to ask for an ashtray twenty years from now some will get will point to an
ashtray the museum displays a mommy what's that as trade a mother will say that what is good for the kid will ask the mother will explain a little kid smirks his mother is crazy to believe anyone would light a fire on his ticket back will suck up the smoke of blowout not the edges into a little plastic visitors corazon it but it's true of all of that and it hasn't changed since i was young there's a comfort in that you see on the campaign that we can and don't like our pleasure is there has been a little guilty of that syllabus the government for warnings smoking ordinance is their slogans for wars against bad habits and rescue henrietta pablo you a kiss clear back into the past by the time it reaches you smell alcohol and chewing tobacco of left it into the air and disappear that gets will be insecure is the memory of a brief love for you it was released april
eighteenth billings rotary announced that the company is establishing reclamation points for certain plastics at it sixty one stores across kansas dylan's will collect and recycle the clear plastic soft drink containers and the plastic no drugs can kiefer is a dylan's executive tech is the training and evaluation center for the handicapped in hutchinson tech workers will pre sorted and processed the plastic containers much as they already do with dylan's aluminum that's it talking
with ken keeper of dylan was reminded me of a conversation i had in december of nineteen eighty eight with jeff cheney the sales manager of a chicago company that buys a used i really do for right now the plastic jug recycling ever to dylan's is voluntary like aluminum the store won't pay you anything for your old milton pop containers but yet cheney urges that we consider the benefits of keeping these kind of that it is only in america you know you're
going out on our own and it's a great thing you know it is in a very good example of iran's one of the problems there one thing that a lot of people don't realize or don't think about it very likely and i know it's great to talk about collecting and recycling and making yeah well it would buy it and there are
how is that it here or i only nine million dollar million bill and bob this is going to be difficult believe me i'm not going to do a commentary this morning fb in particular i'm not going to come or not baseball how terrifically lucky we are to have the privilege of watching ads that watching over you lead to adapt billion dollars carry a picket line want to do something about apple agreed boycott every product to be advertised on a major league game and the only solution i'm not going to do a commentary on earth day either ideas little fort meade the liberal media event to make a point that ought to be part of everyday life anyway
forgive for me to say anything about that and i'm not going to comment on him at the marine's between the departures of larry brown and judith were mentally from kate you have to think about the portland think of prevailing i'm not going to comment on all of you who donated her time and harder to catch decay during the most recent pledge drive because of all virtually the only organ and i'm not saying anything about tv marti really wanted to help you my commentary this morning and not about the fragmentary and confused and probably the one other state legislatures dealing with property taxes required education coverage and confusing because what the legislature is doing is confusing the kansas legislature show that we find an alien lawmaking body that great state directly to our e flat want covered the core of the legislative version believe me nobody knew what was going on thought that everybody take a boy's wonder what the governors that ad campaign will make a lot of but i'm not commenting on that nothing anything above broccoli films that divide like the one by furthermore i'm not paying
anything about free speech and censorship not because that will be adding lined with liquor cabinet crescendo that already crashing our ear drums we're more channels now her speech another expression that we've ever had in our history we have so many no one could keep up with all the problem knowing that little bit were pretty scary twain said is a difference of opinion the next horse races shakespeare said a plague of opinion and they were on both sides like a leather jurgen well we've turned into a nation of horse races and reversible coats were willing to assume that we know the whole story and were especially willing to start name calling the times racism and censorship get thrown around with the slightest knowledge of the facts free speech is what's in danger here the trick is to find somebody who actually has something responsible and informed to say and that's one reason why i didn't do a commentary on matter any of the preceding topics this morning and told to just be difficult some days it all better off left unsaid
the confidence expressed by the people of this state in their system of higher education that came through in the creation of the margin of excellence package has had a remarkably stimulating effect on this institution the morale that was generated by not only the salary enhancements program enhancements that have gone with that package and it perhaps even more importantly the recognition of the importance of higher education to the future of the state hard to calculate but are absolutely palpable on campus every day my favorite story about that is that we never have gone on sabbatical in fact he spent his time residents in another country came back and felt a little like rip van winkle he looked around and said what happened here and the answer was what happened here was the effect of margin even the first
year in the the most important thing about a research university is that faculty have great desire to serve to do original research and creating work to engage students in those activities and to share their knowledge with the general public in a variety of different ways and that's traditionally called research teaching and service them are just made it possible in ways that the camp has an almost given up before them on this campus of the margin of excellence excitement generated by campaign kansas and the growing wealth generated by getting our enrollment numbers more under control of the state have to be tied together and appreciate what kind of climate this campus was experiencing this year it's my feeling that many faculty and the administrators that i've spoken with understand
the difficulties the state is it and i'm willing to wait their turn for the next part of the margin of excellence and for the completion of that particular step in the enhancement of the region's institutions what we're hopeful of is that we will not sustain damage during this period because that would cause us to lose much of the momentum and the excitement that the margins up to this point the university of kansas as a whole with its three campuses is certainly played its fair share in giving the state the necessary flexibility only way to solve the problems and i hope we have contributed and governor hadn't his budget message to the legislature in early january he did not recommend financing the third year appropriation for the margin of excellence citing the need for an austere budget for this approaching fiscal year the margin finances faculty salary increases and program improvements at this six state board of regents universities the program is designed to bring kansas faculty salaries in line with those at pier institutions in other
states the price tag for the first two years of margin of excellence funding was a bit more than twenty nine million dollars the final year of funding when funded will cost about sixteen and a half million more on bob pretty i'm fond of telling my acting students but all the characters that will ever play in some sense already inside them that they must take moral responsibility for them i quote about the gandhi the reason i am so tolerant of other people's savings is that i recognize my capacity to commit every one of them myself recently i attended a workshop on psychodrama given by dr adam bruckner of level the leader in the field knowing me to be an actor he called only two assistant demonstration and invited me to choose any character i wished and i didn't want to reveal too much my being my father or brother
what usually goes on in psycho drama know this private englishman was nothing of that i chose someone is far away from me as possible so i could safety hide behind so i thought i'd chosen for a while it did just fine what gives you the greatest satisfaction mr hector a blast i'm in a position to blank charmaine to our rightful place of a car his word what is the rightful place as the savior of the world video wasn't nations it holds the key to mankind destiny he has the courage to seek it at all costs so far so good i could even crack a joke or two kinds of people are going to dislike for bigger than dark about a study proving me further about the kind of people that made me angry kept challenging me to be specific and up from the lower depths came
there's anger about the powerlessness of a working class resentment of the aristocracy the way the mantle of privilege so easily antidote to enjoyable delight in having risen from obscurity to power suddenly the line between paul meyer and at all hitler grew very thin suddenly the reasons this english working class boy had been drawn to america a much clearer later one of the other workshop participants an american of ukrainian extraction told me that he'd noticed how real and i'm comfortable that moment had been forming and how he had resonated in the same thoughts and feelings recalling how easily and quickly the hitler in me and found voice we both acknowledged innocent that when opponents claim that it can go well but all too easily it can go
not so well we talk to the people as opposed to the aristocracy my russian friends spoke movingly of the true jeffersonian aristocracy that we enjoyed in america to paraphrase my job would integrate of rough rich people they have kids and they just die out that we're the people and they can't stop us we just keep a common cause we're the people at they were quite a conservative republican carriers i just happy occasion to listen to marley heated political discussions in with abstractions i really didn't understand mm hmm that curiosity by layered wilcox led to one of the largest
collections of activist and extremist literature available called i guess the time to wilcox collection is on display in the spencer research library at kansas university it features flyers posters and publications are protests from the thirties to today represented are the civil rights movement of the sixties to the more current material on abortion and the environment it's here you'll find the marijuana review prisoners free press and screw a newspaper publisher lawrence in the sixties with a cover story on how to start a campus revolution only the residential erin wilcox started this collection in the sixties when he attended k us a student in sociology and psychology we asked him at the exhibit opening reception about the potency of this kind of material in the nineties it was in the sixties in the sixties i think you were especially sensitive to any logical things that they were especially sensitive to ways to devote themselves to something bigger and better player
they weren't working why isn't that their fanaticism around today theories one for years the zhu zhu short ocean shut in the sixties there were real question there questions of people write on buses could get into college they censored and settle major issues of discrimination unfortunately one more and more oppression you say that extremists and extremism
extremists so what future not really most of them were left wing meeting attended a couple of collateral loan for his right wing organizations are the people are surprisingly like encourage surprise you know what you're looking for when you go to those meetings the kind of question i usually ask somebody is what was that in your life that led you to these beliefs what experience did you have led you to become a member of the ku klux klan organization or any other group and very often on one detail describing things that happened to them however what i found in many cases is that the actual reasons i'm renee montagne ann
cahill erin wilcox belong to students for democratic society today he calls himself a civil libertarian and supporter of free speech he continues to donate materials to the collection good morning got you against the tigers in the kansas collection of the spencer research library will make a campus for july exhibit hours are from eight to six monday through friday i'm michelle quorum this is morning edition on k n u there's an old stone wall around my house and present road not really even a wall anymore just a long
extended pile of broken rocks falling down into the grass and weeds something there is that doesn't love a wall that that sends the frozen ground swell under it and spills the upper borders and a son writes poet robert frost was a funny things we used them to defy the space to keep someone or something inside or more often to prevent the other from entering our world and affecting our lives infield times entire cities were built within high walls and no stranger could enter after darkness had fallen the chinese build a wall fifteen hundred miles long to keep out mongolia's from the north it didn't work though that are envisioned anyway the place that's our kitchen table reproduce the sixteenth century map of the world brought by a portuguese explorer the so called no world must have looked vast an undifferentiated to early european explorers no was no boundaries fast it was the heartland differentiated the native americans who lived
here for generations had cleared your trail divisions marked by the topography natural boundaries that was nonetheless when this referred to that mountain range does the territory of a tribal nation nationalism as a force which builds wasn't ayers them down defining who is in and who is out the germans themselves as one nation and that cold war masterpiece called the berlin wall is being reduced to paper waits the european states are pursuing economic integration they are taking down was among themselves but in the process of putting up a wall between europe and the rest of the world of course was not the physical barriers we put up a wall every time we create a political or psychological defense against a new idea or an unfamiliar lifestyle or different ethnic or religious group or a problem we don't know how to control was there ever a time when a wall could truly keep the other at a safe distance maybe but certainly no longer we've tried putting up walls around this country to keep
out drugs aids unpopular ideas illegal immigrants whatever but it hasn't worked justin was still there and the story of little red riding hood even of a california school district has locked up all copies of one version where he's heard it brings a bottle of wine to her grandmother nuclear weapons and stop by a wall and unclear whether it will affect everyone birthday talked of the interrelated ness of the global environment the reminder that oil spills in alaska can affect the wildlife populations thousands of miles away and they destroyed a rain forest in brazil to provide cheap for our living room furniture or beef or mcdonald's also means damaging a fragile ecosystem and eliminating hundreds of species of plant animal life acid rain the greenhouse effect the destruction of the ozone layer was on top there it's understandable i guess this desire to put up walls to define our space to isolate ourselves from what we view as undesirable and yet
before i build a wall and ask you know what i was whirling into or wanting out until i was like to give offense something there is that doesn't love a wall that wants it down
KANU News Retention
Contributing Organization
KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Reports on racism forum held on KU campus and president making a note to address Greek Life and the issue of it on campus (Black Men of Today), Police brutality and racial profiling, utilities, abortion, property tax, parenting / diapers, and nationalism.
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News Report
Social Issues
Politics and Government
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Host: Tie, Stevelin
Publisher: KPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-00a57bbea73 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “KANU News Retention,” 1986-02-01, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “KANU News Retention.” 1986-02-01. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: KANU News Retention. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from