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From deep inside your audio device of choice. May I compliment you on your audio device of choice, by the way today, it's very slimming. Let us gentlemen, you know that last night, if you're listening today, of course you're listening today, whenever you hear it, it's today. But last night for most of us who are listening to this program, I'm listening. I'm liking it so far. The last Republican debate before the New Hampshire primary was held, and Marco Rubio distinguished himself by repeating himself a bunch, which was caused for a lot of levity. But I don't know, I have to be honest with you, I didn't see, that's maybe the first of the debates I, I didn't see, I haven't seen in this cycle, because it's a cycle. But also this is New Orleans at carnival time, enough said.
So I don't know if they mentioned this, anybody mentioned this during the debate, but this week prior to the debate and they run up to the debate, there was a moment that if, if ever two words could have encapsulated the status of one person's political campaign up to the moment, this would have been the week that that happened. Here is Jeb Bush speaking to, well, Rally is a little overstated, a meeting somewhere in New Hampshire this week. No, that's not Jeb Bush. I know that. I work for Jeb Bush, that is not Jeb Bush. Here is Jeb Bush. I think the next president needs to be a lot quieter, but send a signal that we're prepared to act in the national security interests of this country to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world.
Please clap. Please clap. Ladies and gentlemen, please clap with that tone of, oh no, not this again. Yes, it's a hashtag, but it's more than a, it's a hashtag. It could be a, a tombstone. This I mentioned is New Orleans, where it went to this program originates. It is carnival time. People I know in this city, some of them actually dislike carnival. Some of them actually leave town because they're displeased with the behavior of our visitors. And to me, it's the most wonderful time of the year. And I think anybody who saw me or was with me about 12 hours ago would have bet serious money against my being here right now doing this show. I would have been among the people betting against it, but I am here and what you realize when you experience carnival in the New Orleans fashion, as opposed to in the tourist fashion,
is that it is most noticeably a celebration and a celebration, it's a, it's a joyous celebration. And for so surprisingly many New Orleansians who come out in various ways at this time of year, it's a celebration of creativity. And this program was going to be filled with that spirit. But this week, two people passed away who were in their own way, inspiringly creative to me. And so it is also a celebration of them. One of them was Dan Hicks, the singer-songwriter who came out of the Hade Ashbury scene of San Francisco in the late 1960s, came out of a rock band called The Charlotons and moved from there quite, quite quickly to an entirely different kind of music.
I first saw him, well, I know I think I saw him with the Charlotons, but the first time I saw him with this new band, it was a jazzy folk band, I think the way he described it, acoustic guitars, acoustic bass, fiddler, and two female backup singers. And the band was Dan Hicks and the Hot Lakes. And they did a week at the Trubador, the legendary Trubador nightclub in West Hollywood, California, where they recorded their first record as a band which spawned a couple of hitlets, if not actual hits. And I was present in one of the nights of that gig, I don't know if that was the night that was recorded. And then years later, years and years and years later, four years ago, I was honored to be invited to play as a bass player, a couple of songs at Dan's 70th birthday celebration in San Francisco, where an enormous number of musicians who had been influenced or touched by him in his career came by to play.
And so one of the things I'm doing on this program is paying musical tribute to the late great Dan Hicks on, hello, welcome to the show. And then again, girl once said, while making it, you can't breathe. The ego flies, taking his advice, he goes, he moves. And safe back in, big bob, he was on a heavy job. He heard a lot, said, come on, both of us go, he moves, he moves. Horse was in a race, he could win show our place, he came in first from out of his career.
He's like you've seen our copy, and you don't, don't, don't, don't exactly want to stop, it's a motion, a motion that makes you want, the girl came in, came in, came in, came in, came in with a motion that'll make you want, don't, come in, came in, came in with a motion that'll make you want to, give in your robot and roll, a truck drive you once said, I've got to sleep in, he took up, he'll hand it, we'll let him go, keep him alive. Keep them away when they're bushing down, I'll make you one of them Come on, come on And reasonably brought down, a clown could only frown But after a while he stopped to sculpt some dough
Where's the dough? And let all that he knew How to date, but didn't want to scroll He changed the mind, what's left of the dime? What's left of the dime? A real good friend of mine is busy doing time He got real brave and has to fake him some dough Where's the money? Where's the money? If you'll never, ever give me nothing else Where's the money? If you'll never, ever give me nothing else Where's the money? If you'll never, ever give me nothing else A box is in a ring, he hears that bell voting He went to fight with all his bopples and dough Where's the money? Thank you Please clap No, they did clap sir Ladies and gentlemen from New Orleans, Louisiana Home of this continent's finest carnival I think I'm Harry Scheer welcoming you to this edition of the show
Donald Trump on the, I did see some highlights of the debate Donald Trump and especially his Sunday morning Yacht show appearances Has now taken to saying that he would approve Reinstating waterboarding Or a hell of a lot worse his phrase He's he's single handedly I think when we look back on this campaign The undeniable contribution Donald Trump has made to political campaigning in America Has been to inject a hell of a lot more profanity than any candidate has ever done And you know, now it's going to be safe to be to work blue In a red state Statement he made though was he he reinstate waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse Because people over there are chopping heads off Apparently unaware of the fact that the people over there who chopping the most heads off Are the government of Saudi Arabia about which are freedom-loving friends in Saudi Arabia we now learn that
$681 million was transferred into the Malaysian prime ministers Personal bank account was a gift from the royal family of Saudi Arabia No corruption involved that's the conclusion of Malaysia's new attorney general The involvement of the Saudi royal family was an unexpected twist in the scandal over the mysterious funds transfer According to the Guardian and the troubles of an indebted state fund One Malaysia development burhad I am one mdb not IMDB Don't look me up on one mdb The chairman of the advisory board of that fund is the prime minister, Najib Razox There was no reason given as to why the donation was made to the prime minister That is between him and the Saudi family said the attorney general No criminal offense was committed in relation to three investigations submitted by Malaysia's anti-graphed agency
No further actually would be taken The Malaysian anti-corruption commission had earlier said the funds were a political donation from an unidentified Middle Eastern benefactor Najib has weathered months of calls from opposition leaders to resign He's denied any wrongdoing says he didn't take the money for personal gain The issue has been an unnecessary distraction he says Sounds like an American? Yes they do The leader of the opposition says the conclusion is utterly without merit In July last year this may be interesting background The prime minister had fired the country's previous attorney general who had led the investigation into the scandal for health reasons Even his first fiercest internal critics admit that he cannot be unceded at the moment And that 600...
681 million dollars from Saudi Arabia can't hurt Well if they're not chopping off heads they're sending over planes full of jet planes full of loot And on the subject of money there's going to be a lot of discussion of money today on the broadcast So fire went up a dollar bill that is Our friends at HSBC news of bad banks They're fined again They keep stumbling into these fines HSBC has now been fined $470 million The Saudis could make that good in one For abusive mortgage practices in relation to the 2007-2009 housing crisis in which millions of people lost their homes This is after Goldman Sachs paid a bigger fine for much the same reason It's a British bank HSBC which has previously been fined big money for laundering or violating ignoring the anti-mundi laundering provisions of American law
For the benefit of drug lords and terrorists as all But the British bank agreed to pay the fine to settle U.S. federal estate investigations into the abuses against homeowners struggling to keep up with mortgage payments The settlement with the Justice Department and 49 states plus Washington, D.C. Centres on allegations of the bank robos signed thousands of foreclosure documents that led to evictions Without properly reviewing the paperwork to prove that they actually were legally in a position to do the foreclosing You see as part of the fine HSBC was ordered to pay $59.3 million in compensation to borrowers who lost their homes in four years between 2008 and 2012 That money is going to stretch kind of thin. There are more than 135 eligible homeowners in New York alone, New York State Kathy Madison, chief executive of HSBC finance said we're pleased to have reached this settlement
You know what? Miscreant upon being found guilty of misfeasons. Issues of statements saying we're pleased. We're pleased to be punished It tells you something about the pain involved in that particular punishment She said throughout the crisis HSBC had quote state focused on home preservation and approached foreclosure as a last resort option The settlement requires HSBC to change some of its policies and take corrective actions including giving homeowners the chance to appeal foreclosures The bank must also install an independent monitor to oversee its compliance with the settlement This is similar to the huge $26 billion settlement struck with five of the nation's biggest banks four years ago Also 49 states and the Justice Department
The latest industry of fines U.S. is brought against HSBC including the $1.9 billion fine for a failing to implement money laundering Constraints and the number of people prosecuted personally and possibly facing jail time at HSBC as a result of all this Zero what's your point? They they they you know they're pleased they're pleased to be punished Maybe that's telling us more than they intend and now ladies and gentlemen news of the war won't you Now we can or we can choose not to worldwide responses to climate change could leave people worse off in the future According to a study conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and University of Queensland
The paper published a nature climate change discusses how certain adaptation strategies You know as we adapt to climate change may have a negative impact on nature which will in turn have a negative impact on people in the long term In response to climate change many local communities around the world are rapidly adjusting their livelihood practices to cope with climate change Sometimes with catastrophic implications for nature according to the principal research scientist on the study In Australia and Canada conservation reserves are being used as drought relief to feed livestock Forced in the Congo based in Africa are being cleared for agriculture and response to drought Coral reefs are being destroyed to build sea walls from the low-lying islands in Melanesia The researcher added these are just a few of the human responses to climate change that if left unchallenged may leave us worse off in the future due to their impacts on nature Functioning and intact grasslands forests wetlands and coral reefs represent our greatest protection against floods and storms
Apparently he's never heard of the Army Corps of Engineers The paper states that intact native forests have been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of floods as they did here in Louisiana when we had native cypress forests While coral reefs can reduce wave energy by an average of 97% providing a more cost-effective defense from storm surges than big ol' walls You see plus they're pretty Likewise coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and tidal marshes are proving to be a more cost-effective and ecologically sound alternative to buffering storms than conventional coastal engineering solutions Maybe he has heard of the Army Corps of Engineers But you know, how do you get jobs for contractors if you don't build some? Sir, hello, at Nature Climate Change. More than 100 million people a year at risk from increasing floods and tropical cyclones Ill-conceived adaptation measures that destroy the ecosystems which offer our most effective and inexpensive lines of defense must be avoided according to the study
The cost of adaptation to climate change could reach $100 billion a year in the coming decades but this is a small change when we consider the environmental and economic fallout from not using nature to help us cope with climate change This is partly because, I think, as a guy here in New Orleans, Rob Vercic, Dr. Rob Vercic, who in one of his books wrote about the fact that we don't have a way of assigning economic value to the contributions nature makes We just take it for granted that nature does it and then when it's gone, it's like, oh, how did that happen? But it doesn't get factored into our cost-benefit ratios because we give it no value But that's us. Ladies and gentlemen, the other person who passed away this week was of special interest to me. I grew up listening to the comedy of him and his partner was sort of game-changing. I think it's safe to say that they invented the modern radio comedy team, not guys who stood up in front of an audience in this large studio
but two fellows in this case who just sat in a radio studio with maybe an engineer or a producer and developed a much more intimate style of comedy as a result They sometimes they improvised, sometimes the material was scripted so you couldn't classify them as one of the other They had a partnership that lasted for more than 40 years. The name of the group, the name of the team was Bob and Ray Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding Ray passed away several years ago and Bob passed away this week I ran into them first, well, I'd put myself to sleep with my transistor radio listening to them night after night when I was a kid and then when I was 18 years old I went to New York City to work, yes, in an advertising agency, imagine that, think of the possibilities
and one of the things that I got to do, Bob and Ray in addition to doing this radio comedy and in later years a stage show and many, many appearances on the tonight show they had an advertising business, they did commercials, characters, amusing characters or commercials and they're probably their most famous campaign, at least in New York City, was for a beer called Peel's Beer, P-I-E-L in one of the German brewers and they did television commercials, animated characters that they voiced but they also did radio commercials and I was tasked, I was given the task of writing some of the radio commercials that summer that I worked at the advertising agency and so I found myself at the age of 18 producing a recording session with these guys that I had spent my childhood idolizing which was a thrilling experience and needless to say and then some years later I was able to sit in on their radio program and watch, watch the magic happen
anyway, we lost Bob Elliott this week, here is one of the classic pieces from Bob and Ray in the radio hello this is Howard Pendleton commonly known to you out there as Mr. Science, today we're going to deal with a miracle of gas refrigeration and here to assist me is a lad from New Orleans, Sanford Burger, Sandy that's great fish country down there isn't it well it's full of deer and elk too, you'll also find field mice, crows, hands, oxen, cats, owls, bugs I see, well the reason I mention fish, Sandy, is because I'm familiar with a fine seafood place down there Delicor its flounder palace, it must it's a must for any visitor well it's been off limits for seven years Mr. Science
Sandy let's talk a bit about refrigeration but hey all right Mr. Science, well doesn't it seem paradoxical to you that a refrigerator is made cold by a flame? holy cat, well I tell a gang of school lad I thought it was made cold by the ice cubes Mr. Science no nonsense, Sandy the principal involved here is the transfer of war matter to cold matter now did you ever notice what happens when you turn the refrigerator off? holy cat, yeah the food gets spoiled Mr. Science that's right Sandy and that's because the flame isn't supplying any cold am I making myself clear? well I can't exactly say that all this is rubbing off on me too well Mr. Science so far all I get out of it is if I jump into a flame I'm liable to cool off Sandy I'm going to open this refrigerator all right I'll back up look in there and tell me what you see oh gee it's all wet leap on lizards and the food in there is good and squashed up and there's cheese floating down on the bottom
well my wall is certainly perplexing to me I guess the Mr. Science custodian forgot to hook it up yes there's quite a stance there Sandy at any rate you can see what happened here the flame went out and the refrigerator warmed up because of it ah say Mr. Science wait wait wait let's shut the refrigerator doors yes there's a good amount of unbearableness around here now I'll get the gas flame going again in a no time at all here's a mass with the science you better wear gloves when you light it you'll freeze your fingers well there we are now the flame has lit in about a half hour the refrigerator will be freezing again any questions Sandy oh boy Mr. Science how come when my mother cooks a pot of soup on the stove how come we don't get a load of ice instead of a pot of soup oh well a stove is based on an entirely different principle Sandy in a stove the flame heats the soup you get what I mean oh yeah gee Mr. Science from now on I'm never going to throw an ice cube from a moving car
boy smokey the bed got enough trouble as it is good advice for all of us Sandy I'm glad I was given the opportunity to broaden your horizon today so this is Mr. Science Howard Pendleton saying knowledge is fruit for the mind so dry fruit consumption right on take a letter to someone waiting to hear from you take my letter you know I'm waiting to get some news from up the street
she's people I like to me news from up the street she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me
she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me
she's people I like to me she's people I like to me she's people I like to me I have an opportunity to meet and talk with our next guest here so would you tell us your name
and where you from sir? New York New York I am president and recording secretary right secretary of the S-T-O-A was that stand for the slow talkers of America
we believe in forming our thoughts, ideas, opinions, thoroughly before speaking so you'll never be misunderstood right? we will never be misunderstood we are here in Los Angeles attending our annual convention membership meeting convention all 200 members and 50 members
talking slowly as opposed to the members of the F-T-O-A we have a freedom which each new member must wear it Bob Ray on the tonight show and now the apologies of the week Chris Matthews and I've just obliterated a bit of the word in question
I have to apologize again for that word I don't know how I got into my head in the tonight's broadcast but it's a four-letter word I don't know how I got into my head but it's a four-letter word I don't know how I got into my head in the tonight's broadcast well it's cold in the winter the winter Nadia Hussein has been forced to apologize for swearing on lunchtime television
I didn't see him very well but my sister did and they were downstairs and they said oh my god he's so good looking but he's got an enormous butt she said so now when I met him for the first time the first thing I wanted to look at was his butt so I was like I've got to check if this a blank blank is as huge as I think it is the presenter had to step in and say she was sorry for the inappropriate language I apologize for the use of that word at lunchtime clearly embarrassed Mrs. Hussein added oops sorry from Thomas Keller chef and proprietor of per se restaurant in New York to our guests at all of our restaurants and our kitchens and dining rooms we make every effort to provide you with the best possible experience we consider it our professional responsibility
to ensure that every one of you feels special and cared for regretfully there are times when we do not meet those standards the fact that the New York Times restaurant critics dining experience at per se did not live up to his expectations and duars is greatly disappointing to me and my team we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards we are sorry we let you down when we fall short we work even harder and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz apologized for his campaign statements made on the day of the Iowa caucus strong in applying that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race Carson condemned the tactic as a dirty trick Donald Trump condemned it as fraud calling for a recount in Iowa until he decided he didn't care anymore the Cruz campaign has issued a public apology on CNN last night when our political team saw the CNN posting Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story that's fair game
what the team should have done to send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign which parenthetically was tweeted a moment later clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out that was a mistake from our end and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson Carson had in fact gone to Florida just according to his people to get some clean clothes I guess they don't have laundry and hotels anymore it beats me the apologies of the weaklands jama it is a copyrighted feature of this broadcast so watch it and now follow the dollar well it's about campaign money and Hillary Clinton threw down the challenge to Bernie Sanders at the Democratic debate or yeah the debate this week if you're the time for the end of these insinuations I've never changed my vote or my opinion for a contribution
Michael Isikov the investigative reporter for Yahoo News comes up with a guide to some of the key players in money raising for Hillary Clinton Doug Elmond Dorf runs subject matter a go-to democratic lobbying firm for corporate interests top clients Goldman Sachs and city group the American gaming association Facebook and Microsoft, Monsanto and the NFL he's a bundler for Hillary Clinton then there's Tony Podesta the brother of John Podesta Clinton's campaign chairman he runs the Podesta group a powerhouse lobbying firm for Lockheed Martin General Dynamics and Vectel Merck and Blue Cross Blue Shield and Wells Fargo and a couple other firms as well
Podesta has used his mansion to host Clinton fundraisers as well as a book party for the Clinton Super PAC then there's Tony Podesta's wife who battled with him over the expensive art in their home during a messy divorce rival firm Heather Podesta and partners representing a Wall Street investment firm owned by billionaire Ronald Pearlman as well as Marathon Oil and the National Pork Producers Council former Democratic Senator Evan Bye who bemoaned the corrosive impact on money and politics when he resigned his senatorial seat but now is a strategic advisor to a legal lobbying and fundraising juggernaut that represents Exxon mobile and the national association of manufacturers among others but wait there's more just a little bit more the Lloyd Blankfein the chairman of Goldman Sachs
among the Blankfein's executives Donald Mullen former chief of its credit department last year made a $1 million donation to Clinton's Super PAC and then of course George Soros and Heim Saban a one-time based guitarist and an Israeli rock band best known for creating the money Morphin Power Rangers he last year proclaimed he would spend whatever it takes to get her elected president he's donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation his wife serves on its board he's also head of Univision the largest Spanish language television network in the country CNN reported this week that Hillary and Bill Clinton earned more than $150 million in speaking fees from among others Goldman Sachs and UBS Hillary Clinton said this week she got $675,000 for some three speeches because that's what they offered me
it turns out to be her normal feet and CNN also reported that when Bernie Sanders ran for the Senate in 2006 the Democratic Sen. Campaign Committee pumped $37,000 into his race and included him in fundraising efforts spending ads spending money on ads for him among the top contributors to the Democratic Sen. Campaign Committee that year Goldman Sachs City Group Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase hard to have clean hands the Hillary Clinton campaign not really doubling down a new Hampshire Bernie Sanders reportedly having double digit lead sizable double double digit lead she is this weekend she is this weekend in Flint, Michigan you know there's great controversy over the poisoned water the lead and otherwise poisoned water drinking water in Flint, Michigan and Flint is a largely African American community and coincidentally the next big primary is in South Carolina a state with a large African American voting population
all sounds like another episode of Clinton something, moments from now here on the show Clinton something, the candidacy years I'm sorry madam secretary some bad news great what now we're down 40 new Hampshire now looking we both agreed your hamptures are nothing burger it's a Bernie burger that's right that's why we're flying to Flint And I'm sure it's a rare view mirror veil, okay, so what's the bad news?
No sparkling water on this flight Two hours without sparkling water. I'll be sparkling water waiting for us in Flint Mr. MOOC you may be the campaign manager, but as the candidate I think I understand the reason we're flying to Flint is to hammer home the fact that The water there isn't fit to drink the sparkling water is bottled of course of course Still it wouldn't surprise me if the republicans just bottled Flint water and spritzed it up I guess that's possible. Well, there will definitely be sparkling water on the flight back. Okay Now about South Carolina. Yep firewall where Bernie's go to die. Right, thanks. Yeah So have we sent our lucky coins down there? Well turns out Sanders won some of the Iowa coin tosses too, so still Don't tell me we didn't hold on to those coins
Well, they don't settle any other primaries by coin tosses So who knows what might need to be settled by a coin toss? Can we locate those coins? I'm not gonna tell you now Okay Now how are you doing scheduling the trip to Ferguson? Logistics aren't looking good Also only day available for an event was super balls on day So so so you'd be going down there to express your solidarity with people who are sitting at home watching football I can't believe you're telling me that all black people watch football. Oh, I'm not gonna tell you that well Ah, you take that call. I'll go down down the water. Hmm Hi, Bella. What's up? Oh, it's you know the answer to that? Your poll numbers your poll numbers You were right the first time. Hi, so So you're surrogate and cheat just wanted to run this by you before we set up the new think tank Okay, well, I'm I'm kind of swamped right now and I'm with sparkling water again
Just what do you want to run by me trying to get a final okay on a name for the think tank, which do you prefer? Center for the study of money and politics or the Institute for the study of money and politics That's why you're calling I'm the odd man out over here. I think Institute sounds stuffy and elitist Center to me sounds Centrist third way. That's right common sense as one word right as an adjective right I don't know Institute sounds more serious than center. I mean institute sounds more Institutional almost academic Well, word study would take care of that part. Look Tucks. We're doing this to blunt Sanders pitch about you being enthralled to your donors, right? So we want to say you're where the voters are on this right Where do you think the voters are in an institute or in the center? Well
What is Chelsea think she thinks she can get her husband's hedge fund to cover the startup costs and the media outreach for cool And just to keep the optics nice and clean They're going to funnel it through a Bohemian charity. Well, I don't even want to know about it I don't even want to tell you okay to it They wanted to get the settle in time to FedEx incorporation papers in before the weekend center. It is okay Who's running it? Well, you know, whichever podest is available fine. I guess Hey, huh no Hampshire's nothing and you really really did win Iowa Well Really I'm getting that old feeling again, Bill. It was a way. I'm feeling my aura of Inevitability slipping away again Tuts Your aura is intact You're the first woman to win Iowa. Well, but my lucky coins won't work in other states. No I just wish I had your likability numbers. Hey, I wish I had your personal discipline
Everybody's missing something. I'll talk to you later Hey, uh good news for a change. Oh, I didn't think things were bad enough that you needed to say that I just meant more good news for a change Okay, what well and the time since our last check Mm-hmm Sanders hasn't gone off in the poll. Really? Youthful angst and middle-aged angst together. They add up to Clinton something the candidacy years I
Can music Can music play it on the radio Music Music without a dime a dozen gold Favourites on the two parts are only half the show A lit up before she left me I ask you what it's all about She said I took her with her band where the band was on the stand plan Music Music She got us on the dance floor To me it was a sight
I never see my baby moving like the bush she made on me that night I did not have a chance the way that music made me dance. It was a wild music Wild music Can music Can music play it on the radio Can music Without a dime a dozen gold Favourites on the two parts are only half the show A lit up before she left me I ask you what it's all about Music The rhythm was all around us
We were stepping out my baby said I'm living for this music I ask you what it's all about I'm such a silly girl the stuff has got me in a world It's a live music And that was the night she left me dance to something to my memory My baby had to leave me for the drummer I guess I'll never solve that mystery I think I've learned my lesson just don't get too near the band when it's wild music A lit up before she left me I ask you what it's all about She says you feel like dancing like dancing You feel like stepping out
I'll never solve that mystery either And now news of our friend the atom Clean, safe, too cheap to meet her And the atom is operating Don't step on him According to government data there are about 15,000 uranium mines in the west 75% of them are on federal or tribal lands There is an environmental crisis according to an activist group called Clean Up the Mines The group demanding the federal agency Environmental protection agencies conduct studies on radiation levels in water supplies And move to clean up uranium waste A doctoral candidate in environmental sciences at Northern Arizona University tested the water near Sanders
Arizona found uranium levels of 47 parts per billion Well above the legal limit of 30 parts per billion The Sanders Unified School District draws water from wells where uranium levels have been tested that high Forcing the district to rely on bottled water for its offices There is uranium is over the limit it's been a mess says the school superintendent Bottle water costs come out of the district's budget And there seems to be this is from the Tucson Sentinel The EPA's regional office says it's been working to fix the problem of tainted water Being delivered to the community of Sanders And speaking of water and speaking of radiation We'll investigate high levels of radioactive contamination found in groundwater at Indian Point Energy Center According to Governor Andrew Cuomo Radioactive tritium contaminated water leaked into groundwater at the nuclear facility causing alarming levels That's a quote of radioactivity to be found at three of the 40 monitoring wells at the nuclear facility
Interestingly the government the governor and his family live in the same county where the nuclear plant is located Alacrity the name is proximity in his statement Cuomo says one of the wells reported a 65,000 percent spike in radioactivity The plant's owner and operator is energy corporation headquarter right here in Jollins They agree they're elevated levels of tritium in monitoring wells It's not on accordance with our standards but there's no health or safety consequence of the public says the energy statement It's our friend tritium, ladies and gentlemen Andrew Cuomo by the way reelected when he ran against in the Democratic primary for New York governor a female opponent Guess which one Hillary Clinton supported? Clue it wasn't the woman clean cheap safe to save to meter our friend the atom You
You You You
You You You know ladies and gentlemen one of the You know the Contemporary style a person or two sitting in a studio no audience is finished the show and there's no applause Jeb would you help me out here please clap there you go that's what I need Ladies and gentlemen that's going to conclude conclude this week's edition of the show the program returns next week at the same time over these same stations Over NPR worldwide throughout Europe the use and for 40 cable system in Japan around the world through the facilities of the American forces network up and down the east coast of North America Via the shortwave giant WBCQ the planet 7.490 megahertz shortwave on the mighty 104 in Berlin
It's been on Berliner On around the world via the Internet at two different locations live an archive whenever you want at harry and Available for your smartphone through and available as a free podcast count the ways you can do this iTunes Soundcloud Soundcloud side show network and tune in dot com And be just like having clean hands if you degree to join with you then would you alrighty thank you very much Uh-huh That's it for today's broadcast
The email address for this program yes there's still email The show comes to you from century of progress productions and originates through the facilities of and flagship station for the change is easy radio network Everywhere else is going to be just another Tuesday but I'll see you in the streets so long from New Orleans
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
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Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | Open/ Republican debates | 02:20 | Mardi Gras Spirit | 03:48 | Dan Hicks' death | 05:21 | 'Where's The Money' by Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks | 08:21 | Donald Trump | 09:25 | Our Freedmon-Loving Friends | 15:26 | News of the Warm : Human adjustments could worsen impact on environment | 18:57 | Death of Bob Elliot | 21:34 | 'Mister Science' by Bob & Ray | 24:51 | 'News From Up the Street' by Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks | 28:59 | 'Slow Talkers Of America' by Bob & Ray | 32:10 | The Apologies of the Week : Ted Cruz, Thomas Keller | 36:30 | Follow the Dollar : It's hard to have clean hands | 41:16 | Clintonsomething : Post-Iowa | 47:16 | 'Canned Music' by Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks | 50:45 | News of the Atom : Tritium in Gov. Cuomo's neighborhood | 53:52 | 'Carnival' by Stanton Moore Trio /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-275d4f0b378 (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2016-02-07,” 2016-02-07, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 4, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2016-02-07.” 2016-02-07. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2016-02-07. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from