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Welcome to Crimson & Gold Connection, keeping you connected to the people and current events at Pittsburgh State University. This is Trent Johnson, thanks for joining us for Crimson & Gold Connection. Today our guest is Director of International Programs and Services at Pittsburgh State University, Dr. Kathy Lee Arquino. Thanks for joining us for Crimson & Gold Connection, Dr. Arquino. Can you just start by telling us how most international students do find out about Pittsburgh State University? A lot of our international students find out by word of mouth. They may have a family member or friend that's here. Also, a lot of them will search online, so depending on the degree or what sort of institution and type of place are interested in coming to, they can find out about us through our website. Does Pittsburgh State University have any outreach to potential international students? Well, as I mentioned before, a lot of our students do learn about the university by word of mouth, but we also participate in different educational fairs where we will travel so
students can learn more about all types of institutions and we'll make sure that someone from Pittsburgh State is there to represent. We also do things online. There are ways that we can do webinars and also asking our fellow students and alumni further advertise the university and what they enjoyed about it to bring more students here. Talking specifically now about Pittsburgh State University, just tell us about some of the international student programs. Some of the programs that we have available are through our education abroad. There's a lot of different ways for students to study abroad, so American students and international students can learn more about other cultures by participating in different trips. International Student Association will also participate and organize different events that will bring students together. We also have a program called Pit Pals where we set up an American student with an international student so they can become friends and a lot of different faculty and as well as other staff sometimes ask to have international students come to their classes or come and speak
with some of the people in the office just so others can learn about their culture. Why do you think that there are so many international students that choose Pittsburgh State? One of the things that all of our students say is they enjoy the quality of the education as well as the familial atmosphere that's here, additionally out of the international office and other offices around campus that we're extremely helpful and friendly. What do you see as some of the biggest challenges that international students face once they get here? One of the challenges I think just for anybody but especially for them is that they've left their home. They're studying in a second language and then also learning a new culture. Also living in Pittsburgh if you do not have a car or rent one of the bicycles from Don Smith, it sometimes can be hard for traveling around and getting to other places. But I think one of the nice things is that we're very friendly and welcoming and so students are able to make friends and also find a home here. What can Pittsburgh State offer international students that they may not be able to get
if they chose to go to school at home? One of them is an American education, the type of expectations and also quality of what's offered with an education here is different. Several of our students want to be able to have an education not only maybe in America but from England or Australia because the skills and the knowledge they'll gain will help them when they go back home. What benefits do traditional students see from having class or group work with international students on campus? Several of the students that are here at Pitt State may not have an opportunity study abroad or may not know that they are interested in studying abroad. I think by having international students in their classes, they're able to learn more about the world right there in the classroom, able to make new friends, learn about different perspectives as well as learn about other parts of the world. How can international students become more integrated with the Pittsburgh community? I think a better question is what should we do as Americans here on campus to help our
international students feel more integrated? So I think some of the things that students can do as well as other faculty and staff is helps international students speak with them as you would any friend that you've had and also extend that hand and that warm welcome to sort of start some conversation. Have you seen any of these things that we're talking about now from outside organizations maybe not on campus that have reached out to international students? I think that in different ways that regardless of their international students or with the domestic students, there's a lot of things that are happening with interest in different groups. So depending on the group and the interest that they have, there's been a lot of collaboration that has taken place. And there are campus organizations you touched on a few of them earlier that are made for international students as well as traditional students to join. Can you talk about those groups a little bit? There are several different cultural groups that exist. So the Brazilian Student Association, the Chinese Culture Club, as I mentioned before, the International Student Association, these are just a few of the many, many different cultural
clubs that exist. We also have a lot of international students that participate in several of the other campus clubs that are here at PSU, for example, in Actus, maybe the MBA Association groups that are out of the college of technology. I think our international students very much want to be involved and so depending on interest, they're able to join these different student organizations as well as meet other people. What kind of events do these international student groups and organizations offer to try and maybe reel in some traditional students to get to know them? I mentioned before some of the cultural activities that take place. So the international gatherings are one way where students are able to not only try traditional food, but then also learn more about the country and also maybe hear some of the music, learn more about their government, politics, schooling, etc. Another way is through pit pals. I think that this is a fantastic program because it brings together American and international students.
And I also think that some of the groups, depending on what their interest may be, is that they'll put together maybe a 5K run or think of some other activities that will bring people together that might not necessarily only be about learning about different cultures. And can you just go in to depth a little bit about what the pit pals is? Sure. The pit pal program is that students can sign up if they would like to have an international or American buddy. So when international students come, they sign up and will be paired up with an American buddy and they will be friends. The American buddy will help them around, maybe take them to Walmart, bring them home for holidays. You know, just to be able to have a contact. So if students have questions, they already have a friend or someone who's willing to help them. What do you enjoy about your job and having so much contact with such a broad and diverse range of students? I love how our international students embrace life and how they're very excited to be here. They bring so much to our lives here, learning about their cultures, their experiences and also their interest for wanting to learn more about America and the university.
And finally, what would you say to any student that might be on the fence about getting involved in international groups or organizations? If you'd like to learn more about international programs that are available on campus, if you're interested in studying abroad, please come to Whitesit 118 and our staff is ready and eager to speak with you. Our guest today on Crimson and Gold Connection has been Pittsburgh State University, director of International Programs and Services, Dr. Kathy Lee Arquino. For KRPS and Crimson and Gold Connection, this is Trent Johnson. Join us for Crimson and Gold Connection, Wednesdays at 8.50 and Fridays at 350.
Crimson and Gold Connection
Cathy Lee Arcuino
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4-States Public Radio (Pittsburg, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Interview with Director of International Programs, Dr. Cathy Lee Arcuino
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Keeping you connected to the people and current events at Pittsburg State University
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Host: Johnson, Trent
Interviewee: Arcuino, Cathy Lee
Producing Organization: KRPS
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-1dd14a00af6 (Filename)
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Chicago: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Cathy Lee Arcuino,” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 8, 2024,
MLA: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Cathy Lee Arcuino.” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Crimson and Gold Connection; Cathy Lee Arcuino. Boston, MA: 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from