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i thought i threw ii we came to play it's
b those banks it's
b this is big for
many many years whoa that eu whoa dan glickman is the democratic incumbent is thirty four married and has two children is a former trial attorney for the us securities
exchange commission and a partner in the law firm of sergeant brandon goodman here in wichita from nineteen seventy three until nineteen seventy six he was a member of the wichita board of education and served as president of the board in nineteen seventy six seeking a second term the us congress and many say he is cover all the bases but coming home often holding town meetings and also by winning one of the watchdog of the treasury warrants which is given once every two years but the national associated businessman if there is any time to charlatans crowd is criticism by some as voting record favors labor this draws the ire of mosul hold dear leader the right to work law republican candidate jim had seized thirty single and a graduate of baylor university with a degree in psychology is director of customer relations a dole foods and while in the air force he was commander of the titan two nuclear missile complex he was a cap of the time his discharge in nineteen seventy three it was his former
connection with a tightened to this doing him the most press during the campaign and august twenty four propeller leak of a titan missile site near our kansas which killed two of critically injured another costly to charge the airport with negligence remember the airport to let the news conference and not have any airports affiliation with his media campaign received additional fuel he has also asked for a congressional inquiry into the incident for a move to move to move to move to move to move to move to move the point is
both fb to pj as boy it
root root root root root root root root root for charles warner is housing court native the local housing authority he outlines the concept behind la ha mobility and was greeted nineteen sixty five primarily to provide low income housing to relieve population that we had that time and we're gonna find a nineteen sixty six six six and expanded
to include families mainly the housing authority's this is created to a system provide housing in an area where they behead general population and a warrant level agencies are not providing that kind of housing in terms of overall community in terms of the shortage of spoken about i understand that you now trying to expand into the county and to some of the small towns in the county could you give me some rationale that oration over that is the fact that there is a shortage of thousands around the county and the city wichita kansas right now has a contract with the federal government provides to provide assistance in housing only within the city limits in wichita kansas we are by by law required to take an application from anyone in the states and if there is is if we're the only viable housing in haiti
within this county to provide housing people then apply here and his new program recall section eight if through some corporate agreement with the county but without saying that we could do business in their particular setting that means he's paying any assistance to some private owner that might own a house that that individual is residing in the monastery and in god we could be we could be and take that house into the program and various systems on and that's what we're pushing for in terms of what the people in maine where they are not too rotten quietest construct house and that's way down the line mays has a population of more than seven hundred made any breads instructor heights high school similar tale at shady client because of patient a county wide housing authority he says there is no land for development and very little rental property he was asked how the people of masefield audie l a j proposal now some people have said anything
to me about have indicated that they're not and i think probably that's based upon what they've seen on television with the problems of the housing authority in which thought of that steve think their fear is a basement that they don't run low income families in their area well i think they think that it would turn out like a situation in which i think they think that the best om four invited really maybe hasn't watched there is new what sort of stigma or what sort of picture do on these residents were you yourself a low income house well i am myself oh you know i don't know the names of the housing developers warn them and in the southeast part of wichita that some church built and i sought to carry a girl you know from the families that were living there and you know that as my thoughts were there have a very nice
to begin with and that it turned out to be you know dana devastated by lower income housing is in chile's another rural community in sedgwick county mayor robert taylor is doubtful that fits well the main character seemed to be a little bit blurry people in the town the problem my mind of audience that we have we have low income we have the high in family we're typical town that respect and there it's india may be fair to a lot of people that might become a world knowledge with the lower income people say they failed to
realize i think that lower income people than necessarily mean lower class people taylor believes cheese residents one fourth of whom are retired persons are content with the present situation we foresees eventual change oh i think they're probably and hand them with the city the way it is the way they rely exclusive unions as it is now an expansion with it they'll realize of course that do not to go into it and i see you feel that low income housing will come at some point that yes they will porter is aware of the negative image of villagers he spoke of reasons and solutions the state with them is that you put to many low income people with the same kinds of problems and one concentrated area and they're about pre existing love discontent for that community or that neighborhood was the house is located
and this is traditionally the rhapsody which god has no racial connotations for pigmentation i might say connotations to it it has a neat economic stigma that most communities do not want to absorb that they could handle one to two houses here and they're of low income folks but when you concentrate and you create the county and some animosity that has been voiced and here across states in terms of communities do not want to accept public housing into their communities and that i think is the tree and come into the training which ali g is that he's a city which he uses in his new project we're martin callanan take on is a sixty six single family housing units one unit or brought to let the entire community and serve low income and more the economic strain of that one individual versus put and fifty
individuals of low economics davidson expect a community to absorb that kind of the economic strain and stress so in order to change the image of public housing you'd have to change the method in which you either constructed or go that trying to provide it for those in need and that's the concern of some layers seem to be that low income people would be coming to the area with a beach area say there's the major resistance to the program i think it is i think there are some other rather concerns effect this is low income people than that which talkie iss international community's no they're not and this is not why we're trying to get to that to initiate a program of cooperation between these small communities we're trying to do is to give them an opportunity to utilize form of federal dollars that might be available and to come to the community in addition we have federal dollars here
which is limited only to the city wichita kansas in terms of subsidies for people already qualify might be on a waiting list right now for housing that honors program with how's it right where i am and when i say that the the owner of the property is the manager or reduce the subsidy to him he has the right to fit make repairs you know communicate directly with the tenant and we're just not involve we're here as opinionated and to make sure that he's getting his third hour for that probably are trying to house an individual with him a pc and la shea first approached the cities in the county there was skepticism on the part of the rural mayors gero yoakum as mayor of derby the largest city in sedgwick county outside wichita there is cooperation was seen as essential yoko was passed president a rural mayors association recall his initial impressions
suit hey ho ho fb luke
it's better to pay off buying it's been it's been the pittsburgh has been a peak
chef in time i'm gonna come and the pope is both fb there's
been a piece by
it's been it's a pain eight
the pope has been no and vin fb
this is because it's bad fb it's both
the police chief it's been well it is it is not going to go is there
the police it's bad the pope fb
fb facebook fb
our society's dominated by credit buy now pay later has permeated every vestige of the american lifestyle for meals to mansions and grieving excursions to college educations our national lead to use some help and to her charge the american obsession with creating genetically because a particular has created a multi billion dollar industry master charge fees and diners club cards clark american express and multitudes of gasoline airline departments charge what's unique shots often required the interest rates as high as eighteen percent activists list bank savings and loans finance companies and countless employee pretty easy access to potentially unlimited credit done to the average consumer and how does he handle the national
consumer indebtedness that has risen from twenty billion dollars to two hundred and ten billion dollars in less than twenty years for many americans the easy credit to a deluge of bunnies off into the throes of financial disaster for gm hopes to retire from the military after twenty four years of active duty he and his wife mary margaret have four children in her twenties for years gm had good credit an above average income even after retirement gi benefits supported his family and provided him for college education after graduation he was unable to find a company willing to hire a middle aged accountant with no previous accounting experience it was during his period of unemployment that the easy credit lamia juggling act which he had major years finally collapsed and were speaking we are we were always able was on active duty to know
david wish we had what's the saying rock steven levitan peter to pay paul and we can show from the towns back and forth and only made a monthly payment somebody you stop making payments in atlanta and is are as i am especially when you make minimum payment month the average of three just keep said no open up and sometimes you're not really making friends who just an email came along the interest in the team and the bill gets larger it was quite a burden on the internet three months a couple years ago and i develop that liberation war and about how my ability to pay my bills to pay you
really don't always pay your bills before our own oil that was one of things as they say my father credit press part was that each person each individual should be responsible for paying their bills that was a miner too and there was an obligation a person should should meet at halftime that will actually where i believe we got elected surely that outside of the monthly payment far home the girl making payments on this council must mandate that's not a thousand hours into an approximately how many donors publicly well i do mention the companies are known leftist know we're three department store cards only add
to the bankers' bank cards in the public than fifty yesterday so ricard so more than twenty characters so more than they give us to allow all right when did you start noticing that you get you in trouble christmas as joe well i use a terrible that's doing they're doing room robbing peter to pay paul it as well as when i can run about money from computer for people suffering from the effects of credit abuse the options range from a general belt tightening to the declaration of bankruptcy and alternative for many americans has been the consumer credit counseling service a division of the retail credit bureau here those in trouble with those hoping to avoid trouble can receive budget counseling educational proper continues or join a quick adjustment program jim hoberman is executive director of the consumer credit counseling service
i you know personally the credit as an asset if these problems i think the you know buy now pay later has been a lot for the economy in this country has made in this country you don't really want is today urged or you know a major major part of that answer is definitely a sense of privilege in addition to guarantee like anybody anything use them intelligently and did not abuse but then i thought i think it's true it would certainly mean by created using in with rob abuse was right terminology done some people abuse of purposely undoubtedly the percentage on that is relatively low if you
look at the statistics a statewide or nationwide ad that goes back to virtually a lack of self discipline against the spending habits of an individual in other words they see something over here today they want they want it now they buying without thinking what this is going to either to their budget and they forget about don't walk there you know ability to pay us jim and mary hooks that looked at several options the requests for consolidation loan was turned out by finance companies at consumer credit they join the day just the program which began with unnecessary criticism just tap on the credit card and in fact the coasters you don't want a tie would go to do with the scissors and its president and it was twenty minutes ago and now twenty minutes twenty mostly what happened well my wife is destroying wrote a check
for the date and now we satisfy those obligations the senate has done that it's not that we have a low income women it's very good income it's just that we were exceeding purchases and once we made up her mind it we won't stop purchasing and start repaying and the plane was sent to say it was easy there were some sacrifice one of the independent grocery shelves and ryan
are one of the major sacrifices for the folks that was the loss of their own in this house for a week and region for a scene from her family home on a homemade archivist i don't know is the status or status symbol but as i say and i was raised with both split into day here you pay your way to the cures for credit abuse are often severe but there were telltale symptoms along the way jim wildman provides an early warning signs anytime that you have more than ten percent of your take home
pay each month going into regular payments other than your house payment when you know you're that's that's a danger sign right there ten percent support of a figure if you're in the fifteen percent thats students still live with that if you want a property manager lenny let anybody today that has over twenty percent of their intent going into a revolving charge against car payments anything other than asking that those people are our right on the verge of getting in trouble financially if any type of violence expected expenditure rockets one of the things that you need to watch for is that the un has tomato lover if you are continually lengthening the repayment or that should write up a little bit of a red flag in other words
two years ago when you bought an item you took it out on a twelve month contracts today you're asking for twenty four months or thirty minutes when you're idling in and you find yourself with the inability to make a larger down payment on that night to smaller down payments and which is definitely felt huge payments it's going to definitely increase you know the average charge that when you start the next minute you can't make the fifty percent down payment you were a couple years ago because of the other that's going out because of inflation the cost of the lives of the cessna that it is yosef like yeah you find yourself with the inability of the end of the month to pay off a revolver and charged are like for say that are still there and look at that and find yourself making the minimum payment if the next
sales receiving you find that the debt balances actually higher than what was a month before it even after they received payment that is fine spielberg wont sign that something is writing a better sit down and take a look at your financial situation when you find out that you are running behind constantly on installment payments and you get in the position that you didn't catch that and you have to do in and refinance and again that maybe extend the terms it required you know you can make a lot more of those are some of the real early warning signs that you need to send down samantha pfeifer has been hand and talk about their financial situation shopping in the grave sins room of movies like many human endeavors began the walls of gray and they
are going to know very mainstream sound is a cadillac i think e use he was
singing ho most of those places in areas of the state breaux bacon forty seven as a resident of conway kansas
he attended the american academy of college in denver and wichita state university he is married and the father of ten children his party affiliation necessitates a strong stand against alcohol he also stand strongly behind other conservative measures endorsed by the prohibition party he stresses the need for a layman input into the office of attorney general and six to bar the press from court cases dealing with absentee in violent crime i threw ii will adopt a resolution approved
revisions that ruins the only use of sales tax revenue that freezes benefits create nineteen seventy nine ninety eight ninety one dr seuss that recent legislation a stroke or heart or expenditures as tex ritter and seventy nine or three to instruct the city attorney to take whatever action is necessary place of one half cent sales tax option number general election ballot with those words the question of the citywide half cent sales tax was once again plays before the borders of wichita as recently as three months ago wichita voters alongside rick county resident scientifically similar question on a county wide sales tax break to one margin and the first attempt to raise additional revenue or a sales tax or fail knowledge primer city officially announced their birth of the nineteen seventy nine budget which allocated six percent plus forty hours a month pay increases for city fire and police personnel needed bargaining units for police and fire had reached a contract agreement with the
city at that time in late august the firefighters unanimously rejected the city's pay hike off negotiations between the city and the firefighters union continued until september eleventh when the disgruntled fireman walked off their jobs for the second time in as many months they were join shortly thereafter by members of the fraternal order of police and at their peak district is total about one a half which tells police and fire personnel the heart of the dispute was money the unions wanted an additional three percent to six percent and forty dollars come on the regional an offer by the city the city said it didn't have the money spigot was subtle and complicated two part agreement which in part called for the city to once again places sales tax question before wichita voters if the sales tax passes police and fire personnel will receive the additional three percent pay increases the request on gender or one nineteen seventy nine in addition the contractor become a
three year deal apparently a four percent rate and a forty eight percent cost of living adjustment in nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty one the tax question failed the contract comes in one year contract and the additional three percent increase does not take effect until september of nineteen seventy nine all parties to the agreement pledged to work of art what adoption half cent sales tax at that point on the issue seemed quite clear if you thought police and fire personnel conserve more money support the tax if you did not oppose within the county decided to complicate the issue something that he too many patients in ireland approached the same actually increase hours forced public protection personnel such a county administrator john lavelle support for the motion was not unanimous and one citizen accused the county of jumping on the city's ban what really what we're here for well
anything that have seen sales tax will be electric diversity so that the guy didn't say anything that let's go let's go what are you trying to radical militants at their election of your constituents saying that they don't want to say it the repetitive and to you about life that the end of it we don't have the money again commissioner scott's position prevails and emotion in placer county why question on the bow was passed to do one with county commissioner john hill voting in the night so then there were two tax question about one for the city and one for the county the
city thought that was one too many tax questions for the bow they also felt that they were bound by their contracts with police and fire unions to keep their tax question on the bow so they went to the county commission meeting the following week to ask the county commissioners to remove the county's question from the bow the second is the opportunity for the county va says the city and securing three years of labor means with a major portion of the city's workforce by withdrawing the county wide half cent sales tax propositions on the november ballot those would be set and the longer the incentive current resolution that would be less confusion and putting them on the bow and then ask why we need this we need a sales same as the city of wichita thanks alex
protection of infections are going to england winning the sales that are the same reasons they would only the county commission took no action in the city's request into jack's questions remain about the november election residents of wichita middle of the tax questions county residents living outside of wichita countrywide question of the possible giving the city the opportunity to have the individual person tax component totally checks to once on october tenth the wichita state commission that resolution stating questions pass the city will not exercise of volatility the additional tax how much money and about five hundred thousand people
that's money would be used is of course a major concern to the voters and both commissions took specific actions to define their intense for the phones should the voters approve the tax question the city estimated it would use them monies for the fall and purposes one the violent ritual three percent pay increase in nineteen seventy nine for city police firefighters and employees in a couple of classification also a promotion for the sales tax heavily emphasizes the pain gracious for fire police personnel put some firemen are not the only city employees who will benefit from the tax also a personal prosecution six twenty five or receive an additional three percent raise city employees in their prosecution in between eleven thousand five hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and sixty six dollars and depending upon the light streams to the city to to restore replace and per person now general law nineteen seventy eight law this will provide local farmers what was considered to be a full complement of personnel and
restore them but it's much too equipment that was originally kept the nineteen seventy nine budget and three property taxes in the city it's resolution place in the tax question on the album about the county commission stated that they generate revenues if passed will be used for quote public protection services and for the reduction of airborne property taxes close quote the candidate five protection services to mean the services provided by the county sheriff and charlie parker in emergency medical services revenue used to increase hours and benefits of those departments kmetz the roses offer was sitting in other words nine percent of forty dollars a month are additional revenue will be used to reduce the property it they pointed out the democrats lost the county fire department is not only see sales tax on the consequences if special legislation to rectify that hollow but those are listening to their respects parish of the tax passed is obvious that all of us will pay more money for a regional forces
but how much the county projects for the family for with an annual income of fifteen thousand dollars will pay an additional thirty dollars in sales tax over a twelve month period if our fictional family lives in a three thousand dollar home the county for that computes the family's property tax bill will be reduced by fifty dollars and seventy six cents on their november nineteen seventy nine that statement please remember that nineteen seventy nine taxes will have already been paid another november nineteen seventy nine tax bill is ready for making at taxes if the sales tax passes the family paying the additional investment tax beginning of february of nineteen seventy nine and are making eighty we estimate based on the county figures that affects your fellow korea told fifty seven dollars and fifty cents in additional sales tax for that point three more pre consequently there will be an additional six dollars and seventy four cents in taxes the difference between fifty seven out of fifty cent sales tax paid and a fifty
dollars and seventy six project a reduction in property tax should the sales tax plans in summary november ballot contained to sales tax question on for the city of wichita and one percent of county the governing bodies the ways that the revenue generated such attacks will be used primarily for that spelling improvements police and fire personnel and property tax reduction should note that says pass the soviet resort and droids heston tax for the wichita residents will pay no more than a half cent sales tax because there's an underlying implication election is labor rights protect the city and police personnel will have a three year contract minimum salary increases versus nineteen ninety one cost of living increases could push those entrances high school or so if the test fails to contract workers to one year pat shanahan investors i guess i'm
less than enthusiastic this time than the feeling that perhaps a gun has been put at the head of the city what this really means is the city has lost its unions have won and we've a pan and as i said if it was just this time i guess i can't overlook that i'm very concerned what the future holds and i guess that means it's already been asked about what does the law means what is a contract me and even though these contracts or sign i'm not sure that we won't be some time at the same place again eight you
now the reason this performance will be seen at that moment i was unrest in north carolina i was surprised that no idea how long we've heard well you were you surprised i guess you don't think of the classical actors coming from north carolina i saw many of america's classical actors to come from the south alabama georgia north carolina virginia and so there's something about i have a love of language and that happens early i don't know quite why it happened to me that i did very early on loved the language and a love soundbite
of music and he's been waiting who want to play here that so there's a review of the league's very clear that you
know that my i had the hole oh yes we did you know i see a horse oh yeah i am not going to hire me
maybe it really is beauty thank you it is mm
hmm here today now nico things so enormous now the number one of getting this seems to be the
individual attention in reading and writing learning sentences about learning what beautiful sentences about the odd or not reading i don't think that young people aren't reading as much as we did when i was coming along with having that was a long time ago that the world has changed and mental models way that i think it is sad that we're more attuned to sitting and watching a television set and we aren't enjoying the wonderful privacy of the book and we're going to hear in their own heads up great line of great stories of being were written and we can enjoy the spoken word as such as a donation ideas but when it does have a people are exposed to an instance i have never failed at the precinct them wonderful via something like that not often record that a live human being speaking these things in my case i grew a political issue it had red to ivins
had and how much of the thing that i'm not that crushed an educational system that will be low and as everyone wonders and they ask you and they talk about you done shakespeare and template over why carver's country while little house on the prairie i spent most of my career so far on stage because i felt most comfortable with the theater at being on stage was the most important thing in my life and i could do those plays that i have admired and loved that always wanted a world that part i wanted to write that i want to be a part of this situation and that i did that about twenty five years and i loved it and then i began to feel that i'm repeating myself and stopped growing and overcome his collectibles as i was just two years ago so that happened i didn't really know where i was going that time cause
fires was the next up on stage and then i began to do some television to have done a and for the vatican to focus on the present and the camera technique and i began to push more and that's major interstate for scuttling off the stage while i need to change and to shift nowadays you know malaysians shifted gears sort of thing mm hmm you essentially saying true thin mob was humanity but you do have a different hue to a small onion three hundred to three thousand people in london with its large because the stage you have to be a lot of the microcosm of the bank located he's got to hear he's got to see also some from the camera i learned the technique of not acting largely but small and these armed intruder could make you weak you deny the
novel the great relief of it is a weakened deceptive in the division reality reality of true great and that's where they have a problem that have opinions about each apparent reality about actual great laughter and seven years in new york and playing all over the country and canada you onstage and said find out if i can make it to you i'm working forty weeks a year on stage an astonishing record for today i wanted to interview talked about growing and i need to grow i think during the performance there was some mention of money in and make you more money or less true when you go to the
you go into the theater it's not money or fame or fortunately dr you have something i think we probably born with such as something that is part of our conditioning as children there some psychic spiritual matters and so you go into it and if you know that you must do you doing come hell i was starvation a lot but we'll go through that have minded anything to be able to perform because that makes him so i'm saying oh let's preserve the pony do so as anyone who wants to be a mini the option to forgive a creative or whatnot the combination so this presented what i wanted to ask about myself by doing plays and i wanted to go where they were being done and it was never much money that there's so little money that electric made many are sitting on the stage you may make a big hit on broadway with a few and
far between and so you'd keep working and you go to regional theater star college going to is big too little too was that two adults and two is a bitch stayed busy but you don't make much money you begin to wander africa center time women i mean about a and those are the professions so full of those friends of mine who decided to film and making moment that i am and i thought about it much and so many of them decide that children coming along and send them to school and then stop being self indulgent doing just that plays out a way so you'd be within the bank and i thought coach is built on its success in television and successes in terms of money and the only thing at which i am rejected for a long time they cannot live outside the mainstream i must become a part of that in fact is in television show so i made the move and making more money doing fine a selected i would tell you someday with
but i'm enjoying it because i'm learning and growing you gave up to do it i guess this is not for the idea that the second adolescence i think i think i'm i'm not to an outlaw the flow along adolescence which i have my only security was being onstage is no longer just a state that isn't alone in general i can be secured in the world itself and then that since i've given up on what was once a conflict but i haven't really given up because i found great comfort by moving up in the oh la ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh opinion paul's editorials and political endorsements of come into common use but many members of the media newspapers magazines and radio and tell you now the only issues the candidates of their choice our panelists they have a highly easy entering into a media outlet to take on russia as a sort of alliances amazing so that is what ethical standards are involved the use of these techniques and one far reaching effects on the public just who makes a final decision based on what criteria and to what degree of accuracy identity around for patience and what degree of responsibility of the media except after making its opinion clear to the public h o o
o o o o o o o and then after an incident occurred and that other women have complained about that particular tune and soon they'll deign to the boss taken them now you guys ready ste you do these movies movies movie you do do you do the movie's ste as holiday shopping
get you down but you still wrestling in your mind as to what to get that special someone the gift list you know the person who was too has everything demands every ounce of victory over to find that one gets that special that's unique when the canvas fishing in commission may have just been interviewed problem of your consider giving the fortieth that's really an american buffalo or more properly advice in the very same country that used to roam the kansas plains and returns until ten the west coasters water and near extinction fifty van many groups there are the civil war and the program has been successful so successful that the commission will hold the fortunes of the treaty those things as much as twenty four
practical vocals grabbed his room when consumer reports it was boarded fifty years you know i mean and officials think of it that you can make you could seriously folks far away as washington with the commission expects between five hundred and thirteen dollars and fifty eight some buyers are looking for animals to improve their lives are seeking specially and filaments like buffalo burgers and buffalo stakes
many individuals by an animal for slaughter because the buffalo me as less cluster opened the still image percent of world because they want to own a little piece of american history is being the patient a v so the e e e e e e
n u i got in trouble yesterday armed with nbc radio and i called him up he's and i said that this is a massive bomb being the daughter about land and promised she would deliver another campaign what he was to reinvent television two hours dole was always goodall is that i love to see him run again because the vows column about five so i asked about that one family gathers a siren or your reaction to those images in having a duck wider build a smile that the minute that power and then i was a great band the last of our
year ago nothing to do turn on the tv and over relied on channel eight <unk> and jenna you say rather a demonstration in washington and they were all from this country over a pennsylvanian or i saw two tractors with diplomatic pay for the farmer by the way let's make that clear i like to eat and i'm like when i was so i was up in great bend this is a i'm a guy gave me a joke up there and he never knew what he was doing because they don't know what i did it was a great challenge a player martin county college didn't get it but you can't tell it's a small college level in the yearbook as one picture provisional votes that that so his hunting
season now i'm pulling over motorola are literally hear it in third look like the greeting party really eastern liberal washingtonian polling in the lead there are getting their shotguns over the dumpster and scraping the rabbits are a lot of people knew the bottom you a convincing so and then there were also some farmers there who are caucus and getting ready to come to washington to demonstrate they sell are i was talking to some of these guys and i survived for more jazz reporter think and i'm i say being a city lot under several former strike or so a longshoreman i can understand factory workers the farmers and this guy that he really had an easy markets violently newsweek we stop and looking at the cars a lot
la and we go right to the borders we go right to the action in fact other lady is working on a border surge we're talking here now and they're probably sitting on some liquor store located outside the state and they're watching or four people from can lose can put the victory in their trunk or in their car and the agents are key to garner surveillance they fall of that vehicle interest at kansas and we can get lots of action films of the main concerns christian
applause eight this bottle bears a taxpayer in the state of oklahoma in kansas is contraband and illegal possession and partial by a fire but the five hundred dollars and six months in jail the vault the halls of this and other containers of alcoholic beverages is located in the state office building in topeka each year murderous are stopped and robert taitt spirits are confiscated by agents of the kansas alcoholic beverage control or abc this christmas season is a time of the year much of his own tax collector makes its way into kansas bill's true or cheap imports but officer for the abc says the problem is a serious one that cost kansas millions of tax dollars each year to seventy seven now people are live in kansas purchase
approximately seventy million dollars of liquor from out of state source and if that figures true and we would've lost six hundred and eighty thousand dollars an enforcement tax that's a four percent enforcement tax on sales of retail any remorse all lost approximately one point five million dollars and young age text really young age that's consistent the two and a half dollars a gallon and spirits gin vodka bourbons and from fifty cents to seventy five cents a gallon wine if it's a white wine is fifty cents a gallon if it's fortified wine is seventy five cents a gallon and eighteen cents a gallon on beer own let's be on wage tax so i think we lost about
half dozen young age pecks and a six hundred eighty thousand dollars on enforcement tactics he arrived seventeen million dollar figure what he called a detailed formula he mentioned a recent survey which showed the nineteen seventy seven tim interior kansas counties were five million dollars more alcohol than ten selected border counties there are forty border counties around the state the major trafficking of illegal beverages occurs while on the kansas missouri and kansas oklahoma borders he gave a few reasons why he believes people buy liquor out of state i think that people buy their liquor other states mainly it's a convenience in some cases they're they're in a bind fans of the storm's way they've sent me a these are cards we don't allow retailers to use ebay rare cards and retailers in cans is when they sell liquor they must
sell it for cash or for a personal check and in other states surrounding us they can use these visa card to master jordan thank americans for maybe that's reason and then of course i think another reason is it's a savings lakers a lot cheaper some of these lost leaders insist a little cheaper in another state so for those reasons is why i think people by money that only taking from the state coffers by the contraband trade but also from the county treasury is sixty percent of all money is collected and state on the porpoise enforcement tax a prorated distributed among the one hundred and five and discounts even the seven so we see which are the important herds remaining wichita and sedgwick county a prime contributor to five point nine million dollars collected and candace important taxes in nineteen seventy seven in
kenya it'll work out that way it's by monica it's both
Count on Dan
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PBS Kansas (Wichita, Kansas)
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Interviewee: Mitze, Jim
Producing Organization: KPTS
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-5172245e7b8 (Filename)
Format: VHS
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Chicago: “Count on Dan,” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “Count on Dan.” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Count on Dan. Boston, MA: PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from