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this is morning edition i'm dan steiner when samuel nussbaum was liberated from a nazi concentration camp in nineteen forty five he never thought he'd see his persecutors brought to justice but one day in nineteen eighty seven while most bomb was reading a newspaper as kansas city home he saw photographs that brought back memories donald was seen in him or was it and i can see still the core american to sony pictures lose it he also shalom chopped fresh from britain got caught the notion all my classes at the fifty authorities had come to give me a shot you know i'll walk up position of the shooter is alive and to govern german authorities had finally managed to extradite yosef farmer from argentina he was an ss commander who ruled the jewish ghetto in a city called china still along the polish ukrainian border where nussbaum had once been imprisoned there was accused of killing more than three thousand jews during the or this summer he was tried in a german court and
sentenced to life in prison for those killings as bomb played a major role in that conviction by testifying is a key prosecution witness in what historians believe may have been the world's last trial of a major nazi war criminal melinda we're reports dana can't believe he's a seventy two year old survivor of the holocaust just that disney the fisherman's cap and takes up his glasses you can see him as a strong yen and it was before the war the irony wants to make a point and takes you back to nineteen forty three when you work as a plumber for isis commander joseph schlumberger news from was valuable to the nazis because he could fix fossett's build latrines and best of all he knew how to make the distillery cat schlumberger and his officers supplied with vodka cancer and as an insurance policies towards
they also allowed him to see things he'd rather forget and jerry autumn day news from remembers working on the distillery we heard a commotion it looked out the window he saw about thirty people who had been caught and hiding from angry took the men women and children and shove them into a cramped prison cell with only one tiny opening for air ms benz as the torture he saw and it's impossible to forget it was so many people most of all i seen how depressed until it was processed it and they couldn't believe that the women start crying steaming them to do when the whole point of doggy dilemmas where you have a public school campus and
today he told the people wounded as time progressed those thirty people you know in comparison to what would happen later that autumn the nazis rounded up twelve hundred others may go who'd been hiding and shot them one by one the only reason he's found was there was that he had a passport new summer listening and barrack a few blocks away listening every show that was sort of cool moon
of all the atrocities news i'm witnessed a smaller scale personal events that you're members again and again examples of inhumanity that might not be noticed in the history books like today's from better brought news i'm along for a family while me and ham and there's both good grades and his wife walked here kosovo's women and then there was a giant man laying on this show by the sharp on the more problems body bleeding because nobody was helping you know and he stopped right next to him in the two when it opened his lawyer and a guy said fossum boss fausto his water or his body and schlumberger when theaters right for conflict them along the stomach in the dukakis pistol
i shouldn't publish look on the message what she's going to do but she couldn't look chic after months of news from watched as other residents of china's food diet or disappeared while he was kept alive because of his plumbing skills skills that unfortunately we're not enough to protect his family remembers watching a transport train to leave with his family destined for the concentration camps typically have collected class and now one of luck because the chores to my family was locked in and the costs are not like the mom and i didn't know it should close with alternative father and mother and four
sisters and it should be disclosed told pollsters have tried doing the torture and suffering six concentration camps families the most liberated in nineteen forty five his goal to survive continued after the war when he came to the united states family and build a successful business in kansas city but it was a dedication to those who didn't survive that compelled him to travel to stuttgart germany this year for schlumberger his trial for weeks before the trial news bomb didn't sleep instead he racked his memory for every name event or
piece of evidence that would help bring schlumberger to justice prosecutors a new scam six hours of detail testimony was crucial because he was one of the few people alive who had actually witnessed sean baker's acts of mass murder i wish we lived under that when you won the conviction of joseph stalin baghdad has continued lessons of relief he says the trial could only he'll so much renee is beyond forgiveness is impossible all the people infected because my family spoke to my family i cannot forgive me i'm alive and therefore their mother an assist of some of those for forgiveness they were killed and i think more right because
the killings are children of the troubled korean about thirty of course in the court and screamed stop common get a shot of the baby the school who would do that forty eight it fbi has been anyway this argument medical background make him more than qualified
to monitor clinics in camden where abortions are performed any that can and have paid a decade of it and she relayed to the second chance in her administration oh yeah but it can of political fight about the redemptive quality appointment extraordinarily unusual uncommon to get such a feeling of crimea is now a major policy actor wagner johnson was arrested and convicted for criminal trespass during last summer's
highly publicized anti abortion protests government fined one thousand dollars in order to serve six months in jail a judge paul kaplowitz children's rod blagojevich would do that the either the law because preventing abortion even greater community confirmed and criminal trespass and within the abortion rights community are outraged calling kelly johnson with the national organization for women's tennis court has allowed has personally to interfere again we could come up with an excuse and all i can really truly believe that it will go back at appeals court decision and for anti abortion protestor till then she's the court's ruling gives her encouragement to continue in the movement and television and what kind of public radio and mr whitener thinks
tomorrow joint chiefs of staff chairman colin powell and about a hundred us army veterans will gather at fort leavenworth on one of the army's most decorated regiments during ceremonies at the northeast kansas based how will dedicate a monument to the buffalo soldiers an all black calvary human to organized in kansas shortly after the civil war tomorrow's celebration marks the first time the nation has memorialized the buffalo soldiers and on which powell and others say is long overdue the new monument stands on the hill at the edge of the small waterfall with a massive bronze sculpture of a ring stallion written by buffalo soldier who's dressed in cavalry battle gear before the figure was built the only formal tribute to the buffalo soldiers in the country where two
gravel valleys at the leavenworth base that were named after the ninth and ten calories into the buffalo soldiers were disbanded in nineteen fifty two the veterans were ignored seventy seven year old ella robinson is one of about three hundred surviving buffalo soldiers herded onto the arsenal and kansas city kansas reason but about americans as he himself made a statement that there is a history teacher and he said that to you cause i must apologize to you as i was a history teacher but i never knew anything about the town common and he apologized but like most buffalo soldiers robinson says he never saw battle while he was an expert marksman he spent most of his time running horses for the white office serves polo games because of racism blacks were often assigned to army jobs that some consider less honorable the early days of the buffalo soldiers african americans were considered
to be sent human and cowards and capable of finding their word for less food and pay an inferior course is the second rate equipment robinson says he and other black soldiers have forgiven most of the hardships they endured and now think only of their accomplishments henry hall well it's a seventy seven year old buffalo veteran who served with robinson as a bandleader he says black soldiers accepted racism because they were forced to but i mean you were required to conduct yourself in accord with the policies of the country with the policies of the pentagon from the time you couldn't own spin on a motel continue the minutemen in their restaurants could buy cigarettes among european for tickets spoken sometimes of this time whether you know it was something that you had discovered man despite their poor treatment of
buffalo soldiers have any desertion rate there was only a third that of white soldiers hallowell says he and other buffalo's wanted to prove they were just as capable as whites during their eighty six years of service to black troops laid hundreds of miles of roads and telegraph lines protected state colleges and waged major battles against american indians during western expansionism some historians say the buffalo soldiers got their name from native americans who admire the soldiers bravery about their hair and skin resemble the buffalo's a lot has changed since hollowell and robertson served in the army after president harry truman integrated american troops in the early nineteen fifties black soldiers began to receive more equal treatment and recognition robinson of hopewell say they believe that helped pave the way for the freedoms and privileges black soldiers have today i felt that we had made the side because i mean it took the hallmarks that kicks an embarrassment and things of that sort but look at paid off independents moment where you're
one of the main leaders of those and the servers i was like i'm also his poem howl so when i went it was medieval and so you know but the first thing to feel you have a duty of you feel proud to be important and the embassy the results more than a month old the sole if i can help somebody then my living will not have been in vain and for how we were trying to help to bring people can together so that the united states can realizes the maximum potential of all its subjects and that body martin mm
hmm today hollowell says he's still trying to bring people together and get past mistakes although he's retired he teaches and plays music at the leavenworth military prison in hopes of rehabilitating inmates robinson was a quiet life in leavenworth where he builds furniture as a hobby has been retired since the nineteen seventies after working nearly two decades as a janitor at the town's be a hospital to date there you are reforms and fading memories are all that's left from their services buffalo soldiers is still have stories to tell the struggle to remember the names of friends who died in past wars and while they felt forgotten since leaving the army robinson says the new monument nixon finally feel like a hero and retirement applause and local weather and say what that's i mean an actual value our beautiful feeling to me
change caldwell says he hopes the monument will wear my future generations to emulate the courage of the buffalo soldiers that it would be an inspiration for women truro want to learn the truth about what has gone on in the past so that they will have a sense of appreciation for their obligations to participate and the manner in which no one can say anything i danced their way to britain and
three things either way he conducts himself nor out to be great tomorrow's dedication to the buffalo soldiers begins at six thirty in the evening with an address by colin powell organizers of the ceremonies are also plenty of commemorative stamp this is morning edition mm mm
liane mm mm these
democratic candidates are from topeka and one bob dole out about this but that's where the similarities end or yo taylor the longtime behind mccain party worker and potentially managed a treasury family comes in ninety nine the campaign bills that she's running because she is among those who are angry and indignant senator bob dole had forgotten candidate the party leadership have endorsed a gallon like their candidate had virtually ignored a campaign of her primary opponent is part of the character named reverend fred phelps belted campaigning primarily on anti gay platform and routinely blast what he called the homosexual agenda phelps ran unsuccessfully for governor in nineteen ninety and maybe best known statewide for his protests that if you hold it at that depth the primary election is next tuesday at the statehouse right there in effect and
for a photography studio in downtown topeka out us senate candidate cory l l e coli in a borrowed kelly greenfield for campaign picture what the picture there for a national magazine have been located election a relative unknown she even included by the national media and the party in the circle of popular democratic women candidates for challenging the global wave in congress but it's no coincidence alvin wayne from democratic insiders fed can to pick a candidate he complained that the profile a woman from an hour period we're ground running and taking action one in new england and one that would require a lot of hard work
critics say the younger eventually come about is because the democrats needed a candidate any candidate prevailed critical of the day she is not focused on the issue is that erdogan can see the theory of candidate and she's running against bob dole because she had among the candidates who are angry and indignant that it will have gotten if they'd i mean he had the injury hit print operation a deal with a single parent a longtime democratic party worker who managed a treasure valley companies think that's what campaign in nineteen ninety eight before gloria o'dell can challenge doshi month this point if you get to twenty twelve when fred phelps while adele has refused to acknowledge that vocal an orthodox campaign tactics failed politically hard i didn't get thirty second commercial
logo cable channel this week throughout this day and it's just not he felt in his family taken almost delay on tpp street corner blasting out the health of their elected officials and helps formulate target from a factual phelps who ran unsuccessfully for governor in nineteen ninety eight at best known statewide for his and he gave a demonstration that the fuel that a pickup fell to the anti abortion and fiscally conservative and that he would support a national health care program not provided for and pirates before we'll
discuss the democratic party leadership is virtually ignoring that helped candidate state party chairman john byrd called felt about weight and had endured through a gallon the party's candidate helps respond to the democratic cold shoulder by calling a democrat the party of baby killers come and factual felt that i don't favor of next tuesday in the august fourth democratic primary and it's public radio i can right there in topeka thought if they live by doling out a hundred fifty three to three kids do if a legislator and two to remember that the governor's staff for three days second favorite
it's been carrying out a bomb or three people that are special people the states and i'm going to certify them and they don't have to go through regular channels if it refuses to revive devon will either ask the court to oust him from office or filed felony criminal charges supporters call death and action politically motivated and they did it wouldn't be happening if the event which i was voting a republican governor after governor jan things you can do to give the portrait and then the matter is now in leafy the tourney and father's day now five camel like they're well folks some of you will remember that i was smitten with cubans our last valentine's day here's a woman newly near here kansas stood up and said bring the vfw one night she was arrested fresh air a little spring in winter my life she is viola humble recently have been courting ever since now you know they call it alive with
independence day historian and a white firework shows zena red glare of doom in iraq that i don't like firecrackers seen too many kids with their fingers blown off or nie behind a patch i don't write parade and happier when people marched their own case in their own direction but it like independence and i'm glad when all the old folks in here are kansas celebrate divorce initiated ago our grain elevator to a swat flies and share the kind of pot but we're used to the old recipes for soft fruit well i invited iola humbled to hear july fourth reunion she tried a chicken turn over a jello mold and i picked her up at noon we ate and i visit with old friends but she made him wince we sang to us a few young folks drove chris basins where we talked we harvest not very good livestock prices not very good and whether not very good with the sunset
when all night sky was shot through a start i put my arm around iowa humbled shoulder like arrested her shoulder blade made a while i said look at those stars that only thing and here again is much older than i am but i'm still young enough to feel impetuous whole i whispered apology to come live with me and my house william she took a deep breath she laid out so slow march on williams' use it would ever make you think a couple of old birds like us will belong to go up in the same house who said anything about getting along i ask dias you come live with me want to sit on the porch and i'd not have to worry about driving you well i won't see you first thing in the morning when the back so stiff i can't think of a single good reason to get out of there i want to feel you're not your shoulders when we watch tv on the couch and they do bickering and disagreeing with each other as much as we like get along we do it we talked your daughter i will not she said i dont need to its independence day and i'm
an independent woman you pick me up first thing in the morning i have my things packed and she keeps my cheek july fifth hour was up before dawn pacing i couldn't eat breakfast only one start quieted down with the promise of sunrise i started the drive between here and near here heavily air i stop the car suddenly unsure of what i was doing the sun that big star lifted off the eastern horizon and they're doing it in the question abandoned building somebody first homestead house i can't remember who's with the sun behind in every crack glowed every shattered windows are calling the whole thing was shot through with so much light it looked like it might explore it was beautiful more beautiful than a snob bungalow or passed out building or painted bar it was old and decrepit and useless but it was awful good rolling sunlight for going in the morning the radiating light and you know
i'd iowa humble was ready and waiting when i pull into her drive first district is huge by comparison to the other district and trying to square footage big first run three hundred fifty miles east to west from colorado to junction city and more than two hundred miles from north to south he got a lot of only about fifty three thousand rural congressional district left in the united states fifty fifty year old pat roberts has represented the first district in nineteen eighty he'd championed health care and agriculture roberts doubts that democratic opposition will be able to paint him redefine watch you to challenge other incumbents robert o'keefe reports congressional reform and disclosure that situation particularly on monday legislation on a clue about to close the bag and to provide for public disclosure that was an outcry over some of the congress and
that the other side of that you have to let the people know exactly what is going on cotton our banking scandal he downs and democratic candidate doing well the crucial point of restoring some people three character integrity at forty percent weinstein was to robert through unilateral actions as the first district and the congressman who can restore faith and confidence in the federal government take the old west is a businessman and former west also criticizes roberts for carpet bagging that the congressman had never really lived
in the district robert district come from his decade long employment with former congressman keith sebelius thirtieth to believe has been extradited fifteen from nineteen sixty to nineteen eighty eight charge for roberts than one that is never mind came when the majority of voters that john declined the lanes in the last three hundred and forty three that's right and i miss that twenty years traveling the first district of the marketing representative for ibm is very concerned about the federal debt and
rural healthcare five of the final democratic congressional contender and thirty five year old jeremiah that god faith feldman says you know and now to the newcomer to congressional politics the three democrats all say they're running to offer reporters a choice that the incumbent robert have helped defeat for fixed terms on earth now be held accountable he is proud of his record and very in touch with the district that he receives one hundred fifty pieces of mail almost daily dosed according to robert's autumn western kansas farmers robert is unopposed in the republican primary of three democrats will face off next tuesday in the august fourth primary election
for cuba's public radio here in topeka members of the group the neighborhood association say studies show electromagnetic fields emitted by the power line could cause cancer and the spokeswoman tovia smith wildcats as a recent meeting with kansas power and light failed to resolve the four month old dispute she says residents in historic old west lawrence will likely simply piano utility decides to build a power line near their homes i think always more is i called lawrence would be horrified if in fact aiding a proposed to come right three i was lawrence with something like this smith claims kbr hasn't made any efforts to provide new alternatives to their power line proposal can peel spokeswoman michelle quick and pushes the power company has gone out of its way to meet with the residents and resolve the safety dispute smith says the neighborhood group may also file a formal complaint with the kansas corporation commission to delay key bills plants smith says no date has been set for action forty a
new iraq killed him in fact go may attempt to kidnap fair trial judge daniel mitchell that palin will remain in protective custody until a september trial can determine our future a white nosed juvenile custody matters the infield go katie open to the public critically it one year old child at that time diagnosed is malnourished the naked weighed only ten pounds to a small religious group that sean conventional medical treatment and objective all along to a state intervention the state has ordered special protection for alex foster family the infamous goat have located the home state welfare officials say alan commission have improved well in protective custody because
wagner police say the victim is twenty four year old jeffrey holding a former university of kansas student hallie was pronounced dead early yesterday morning after police found him lying in a pool of blood on the harbor road less than a block south of twenty third street investigators aren't saying how holly died at area residents say they heard gunshots and a speeding car shortly before police arrived at the scene last december holly was arrested and charged with stealing more than fourteen thousand dollars in cash and property from a locker room and the university of kansas allen fieldhouse the items were taken from members of the central missouri state basketball team during again with k u well the charges were dropped authorities have said they plan to file other unspecified charges against calling an autopsy was completed yesterday and police say they plan to release more information about the case at a press conference later this morning for gay a new iron rod hilton police say the burner victim was twenty four year old jeffrey holly former university of kansas didn't police found hawley shortly after one
o'clock yesterday morning lying in a pool of blood on the harbor road less than a block south of twenty third street he died later at lawrence memorial hospital of multiple gunshot wounds investigators are releasing little information about holly and won't say whether they have any suspects or motives in the case sergeant mark ward the reserves forever last december holly was arrested and charged with stealing more than fourteen thousand dollars in cash and property from a locker room and do use allen fieldhouse the items were taken from members of the central missouri state basketball team during a game with you well the charges were dropped authorities have said they plan to file other unspecified charges against ali ali's death marks this year's first fatal shooting in lawrence pretty a new iron rod hilton the attorney general the way the family cheering django infusion of tamped down because he allegedly brought out hundreds at three to take a three three state
official ken fed staff that have depression or even for fabricating i can defend and they needed to play a tiny voted pension problems in the current charges against him in court advantage for turner trial in federal court of perjury charges in connection with a decade old sexual harassment that night the governor's allegations a cheap shot the governor for definite in cahoots with the governor mike hayden to regain control of the office now a fifth and you i think you have all the allegations about it haven't held next week you're not there's legal action going without health care
jan meyers describes the election year as unusual a three term congresswoman myers says voters seem to be very angry he acknowledges with a banking scandal and other perks come with has brought much of that anger on itself mired down however the frustration with washington will persuade third district voters to oust her from office i don't think i have that kind of rejection and for my district but i know that only the country people feel like well maybe this is the year that lightning will strike in iowa when there's so much kind of revealing about congress did not mention the latest post office scandal as one of the congressional benefits now under investigation she was caught in that way out fires office allegedly allowed congressional postal employees to pick up and deliver campaign know which federal campaign rules prohibit the most vocal and hard hit of
meyer's critics his primary opponent representative kerry patrick patrick says meyer's use effective in congress in common ayers insurance has the same can be said about patrick the legislative record patrick is perhaps best known for introducing controversial legislation that if passed would have paid welfare mothers day is the northland birth control device at one point in of legislative career a democratic state senator tried to have patrick declared that reptiles someone like him and rightfully so patrick there's polling shows he's running neck in that we've encountered in the effort to oust myers are two political newcomers carry out of the prairie village in jim hall of feel well into the rage out of frustration out of an attorney and businessman that he could not fit that and what the deficit and national debt continue to grow
at doing that the solution and that the congress must provide incentives to spur the economy he supports investment tax credits and rolling back the social security tax rate to a pay as you go through the final candidate jim hall a biology teacher is taking the high road in the direction and has refused to join the jihad bashing cafeterias one thing that really happened to get him off the ballot i'm too is concerned about the nation's
economy and the way small businesses should be given a break he figures many of the matinee composed by the federal government should be lifted on doors and education reform minded money or she is writing about to run this race that's their the large bloc of undecided voters those voters will go to the polls next tuesday to select the republican candidate for congress with public radio i can identify the statehouse could probably be fair that bob dole is currently the state's most famous rather than in nineteen sixty eight he's represented can live anywhere from ad i came through the ranks to become a leader of the senate republicans and it's also been a gop nominee for president and vice president he had a powerful man in washington adult critic he's been out before tomorrow and have forgotten what it's like to be a candidate television critic firearm that maybe threw out the door cut it means the interview is being
recorded it's b back in canada only about ten times this year to be fair he could not travel during the first four months of nineteen ninety eight year he was recovering from prostate cancer the primary campaign thus far have been waged on tv paul is running ads that in fact they are designed to have quite a new generation of voters to the senior senator stage three major events are springing russian president
boris yeltsin and accountants and brain former president richard nixon and family thought that he liked his job and believes he is good at it that he knows they do and i don't think the point is that congress has not dealt with the death of that but it's going to four trillion dollars during those twenty four years in office it's also the death of that the prom douglas county farmer richard reinwald to interview at third way a lot of the retired autoworker taxpayer lobbyist and former youth of congress has got to get the economy up people back to work it's boring
capital gains taxes and taking welfare and food stamp money and giving it to companies and those companies he says can forage provide jobs and defeat the people who know this country the goal of the brilliant person victor the incumbent has been in office too long and as a politician no longer have hands on experience it won't says he can't provide practical solutions not political fixes the nation's problems that leaves many candidates or ready for that change what is his biggest problem is name recognition
having barco has plenty of oil also plans to spend six thousand dollars this primary though on the other hand have given more than that way his campaign america pac has donated a pilot whose state legislative races political analysts believe could garner as much as thirty percent of the vote in protest that had bob dole be nearly impossible to be in kansas primary is tuesday august fourth forget those public radio i'm here at the statehouse third congressional district is made up of urban campus for the counties now douglas county and the moral miami county ariz quote it in the fourth fifth third district have for years not only republican leadership democratic congressional candidate george david he's quick to correct when the third district is described as predominantly republican davis points out why not counting if a democratic
stronghold and the douglas county it wasn't joe reapportionment represented by a democratic congressman is that if it was really frustrated and that got him into this race a fifth gen myers maybe headlines lately she's probably very honest but they didn't believe she's ineffective in washington i was looking for a candidate to support in his element to it does actually go out and campaign true for a person that would do what the majority of people and close to him to help solve these problems remembering david that construction supervisor that he had a job for nancy brink project an under bite yet david mckeague used to making our budget cutting measure something
he believed calm with me very concerned about the national debt deficit spending and unemployment also seeking the democratic nomination any state representative tom work was that his primary focus of the election his campaign finance reform he believes the wealthiest special interest groups have too much control the part of the prophet political leaders the prime focus of my campaign just announced by comparison there's a shift in an officer ticketed over six hundred thousand dollars and their contributions and i'm sure they have gotten better competition and something that people are not going to have that with me love emporia state university graduate refurbish its old house didn't have the friday he served two years in the cab of the
legislature that perhaps best known for his tough anti abortion than the democratic candidate well usually think we've reported on philosophical issues that he occasionally sought advice from republican representative terri patrick rodriguez seeking the gop nomination for that feat of democratic candidate say it's been difficult to get attention in the district into the league of women voters shun them holding only a republican for up davidson love faith up next tuesday august fourth primary public radio i'm emma wagner at the statehouse it's legislators last three election bid of political insiders say a number of factors contributing to the downfall of representative elizabeth baker georgia bradford and jackson why do we apportion that the anti incumbent feeling that a long family of strong and the
abortion vote abortion has been a key issue in a wichita anti abortion group's probably count campaigned for abortion rights legislators in and not only that he is you give people have brought their successful candidate bob gass school republican from lobbying effort that effort was to work to go to a todd lodwick is not worthy of canada's reservation the general election in november third at the piano and there is democratic leaders to believe he'd fit the profile of the candidate who could be thoughtful same way she had a woman's expected during the next ninety days to control
ago as the ultimate washington insider out of touch with kansas spry there are only obligation to make that argument but he doubts they can make it easily won his party's nomination in primary opponent richard walden o'dell family the departed pico attorney fred phelps to become the democratic party nominee for the us senate seat filled by nineteen sixty eights uplifting alex wagner it's attorney general bob stephan had accused lacy of giving hunter safety certificates to three state workers without requiring the employees to take mandatory training
courses and lacey been taken to court and found guilty of the charges he could have been sentenced to five years in prison and fined ten thousand dollars but at a news conference yesterday stephens said he won't file criminal charges against lacey now that the secretary has resigned lacey has held the position which pays seventy thousand dollars a year since then he appointed him in january of nineteen ninety one place he says he wasn't pressured by the governor to leave and that he split is the controversy is over lacey will leave the administration on august seventeenth for katie and you know i'm robbie coltrane much to the chagrin of the democratic party activists many have given up on political job to a republican the governor of the time she had to look beyond politics that jews would you write because you believe he has the power
the department of commerce and dr in communication and the cooperation with the economy can't believe people will come on any foreign policy to midnight without the governor's choice and he thought that the job to which local and former gop gubernatorial candidate that i get they fired her original commerce secretary more integral although republican week ago terrific much negative publicity out of late to do with appointments to have that love by the talk that we hear in jekyll at that forced to resign this week over falsified documents now it's time to have a live virus economic
development he was forced to step down because he allegedly had fallen apart from hunter think the document that they're more interested in economic development that more stories about jack way things are people working on the chain not only over the lady gaga of earth evolve over the appointment of convicted child molester he met yoko overseeing the state's new abortion letterman have or who lived league having a democrat a republican mayor bob knight if we did not have the movie cake top democratic
party activists now find him a live virus oh really all of it for a quarter of all the whole port of origin crew so
how much is this costing taxpayers each year and was puerto rico or on your phone and you know we normally hard core of well known people here who run the worker record apart and you you go oh is warranted or oil rig well the people who are voting for her for the job or the return of a court order
or a new new order or our money the way we want to do what makes the flint hills center specifically so unique well you know one hundred years of arcane here at wimbledon and go and you go to an er we go from things that are a little more urgent all the clue twenty years every time you go the world that we're all a big year or so her her mother and her baby who work or her mothers with children are living in a road when
we have the mothers of the forty children with and that we have of a top or double poor women hargrove a vapour trail of the report all that his new program will even or they want to bury their ears or women were more work or ring three there would be no war or are there are a lot of rules but the students have to follow new iraq for men or nose rings for women for example there are routine inspections
would you call the center a fairly stringent program or a bill called the listeners a new order will have one of these young people go pole vault and orders for the rosary during the report a ruler or common true never order when you go or people have their own twenty eight so you're not only teaching them job skills you're teaching them living skills well are you the rain
we don't know many of the students are people who had among other things problems in getting motivated and then they dropped out of high school what incentives are there for students at the job corps center read empire builder route that order no one will once wrote that were pretty intimate very brave that were all we don't have a
level of the river and in your current role there you go oh no
KANU News Retention
Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor, Surviving Buffalo Soldier
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Morning Edition with Vance Heiner, Interview with Nazi concentration camp survivor Samuel Nusbaum, KS Governor Joan Finney speaks, Interview with surviving buffalo soldier Elmer Robinson.
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Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “KANU News Retention; Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor, Surviving Buffalo Soldier,” 1992-07-01, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “KANU News Retention; Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor, Surviving Buffalo Soldier.” 1992-07-01. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: KANU News Retention; Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor, Surviving Buffalo Soldier. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from