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from the leed center at the university of kansas k pr presents an hour with alan mullaly i'm kay macintyre alamo lolly is president and ceo of ford motor company hired adjoining ford in september two thousand six he was president and ceo of boeing commercial airplane division a lolly as a lawrence native he received a bachelor's and master's degrees in aerospace engineering from the university of kansas in two thousand to well ali received hughes highest award for distinguished service citation his appearances part of this year's anderson chandler lecture series a presentation of k u school of business in conjunction with the school of engineering his remarks were recorded on april sixteenth two thousand seventh and now here is alan mullaly or how are you did which has had in the us and a night unbelievable what a facility and so this only do you come i
don't know why that would tire and get back at his own here i couldn't find my mother where is my mother or that one was i like your would your book i mean i'm all our dreams of having my mother get a chance to hear better direction the power is all you know as the aclu lawyers kansas are either lawyers or the world that this is a labor taught me the bird was like just eleven beloved so long really glad to hear it as you hear that and i'm so glad to be here sorry ikea believe that you're all here is as raucous sessions now
you're my story is i have to go so much from my low profile and every terrorism resume read my photograph taken i think they have every picture of my nose years everywhere around the world of a white is it would take pictures of like that that i grew up in lawrence i was i was driving down the road come in the night and i was looking at all the customers i have my first tv guide around my first tape around the western world and i drove illegally around because i create a lawn mowing business i'm a little out of motorcycle that i put my lot more on the back and so i have first lonely does a sort of dylan's i made my way up from la a you know a bag or no sack of groceries eichner the first time a major setback for a bag stretcher because the customer had your groceries and you stretch the bag someone around to produce looking for the bags stretchers you're only alive people try to buy your head and i worked my way up thousand
nights a person who was a poet a quick stop the policies they had the ear are going to receive kansas and i was aware at the office the house were going to college and no one to hour and president kennedy was on tv and on there forget this he said we're going to go to the moon or looking for a few really really people in town have to be perfect and so all i think it cost of our success is due to the us and i was loving that the government allowed our and i said you know the president leads me i'd have so in one semester switch from all the liberal arts courses the cactus and chemistry and physics and so my got that ended by one of the flight school enjoying the air force
and come across license was on the way later i was right stuff was getting us to ignore the moon and the winner is all astronauts and then when we get to these battery testers are looking you know what they're going to see and then was to be like in silicon but just checking us all out and to take in all these tests in the final call me and the puzzle through a nickel miss it you know and i'm not perfect person to do that but we can't go on the program because you never dislike colorblindness and we have to do a manual landing on the moon in the sky which is gray and and and you can see there's lots of the other astronauts and i can remember i was just devastated or what year i was in and then switch my life for aeroplanes in space and fly and just loved it like him or talk about him meet
people and look just to see you know many people in this room that when i should do it an suv encouraged me that i loved art i love science and engineering and design and so you know i could continue and the american designer and my professor at the time had just come from from boeing he's editor atlantic says dynamite has been a long tradition of playing you in the space engineering sanctity of the ceo and we're making a contract with all the smartest people in the world and boeing and that is work for him and apply for a job and the hardness or very own of my volkswagen beetle and ability i knew all the benefits that go into the sales of movie seven brides for some brothers presenter hundred three sets out in the water so
i'm going to read seven years and then on their the art health contributed to every billionaire applying excessive listen i'm not quite that old in euros miles as cheese or watches the world and i never thought it boeing and then i got a call one day and eleven calls there goes lookin for for help and so is a decline because i just love bowling and it was so important was bigger than airplanes as getting people together around the world so and we find out how much more we had in common were different so they actually work to get enough i returned and so i get this call from bill ford ford led to things as an obscene phone call for pay for that the
pirates tried things like it's off the record it is for those of us in the camel it's all true and so i just i knew is in trouble cause it was built for the bill for for ford motor company it i found myself or couldn't say i just couldn't say no and so i i mean there's something very unique about this opportunity so nikki nine or five children with the working on the internet search of two all out to learn everything we can afford it he was in hell he was dealt with with that no turn around the ford worker very end i just couldn't say no so i visited him in no more excited about it is american icon was like owing to us companies phenomenal innovation for nike notary boeing nineteen
sixteen both committed to safety official transportation worldwide the value of peoples lives and they want to help create a viable for going forward nearly seven boeing couldn't compete you're competing is your bank forty billion dollars of taxpayer money to create their boots to compete with her bowling and i said we can compete in the automobile industry i just know that's not true and so i said no i actually said no and that was so nice i love you and trying to understand that you know please call change of mind and i hung up the phone i was one of those times in your life where you have to say to hear what you think so you know what you really think so i knew when i heard heard myself say that that it was over i had to go forward and so i called him back and said you still want me and said
absolutely of their early research center in kind of in the facility where the world but he insists so for now i'm a car guy cycle and whether say that mamma can retire from boeing and she said well it's so exciting and i'm going to go work for ford and cheese and my mom i didn't know as my mom says she has several original model t with your brother i mean she's like everything about american grown up with fourteen the tractors in the course of an inner question level or incompetent and i think we need to sit with you know your airplane diners en pure
love it that we knew the course might guess i know that customers are know about design and about the jury eleven the fx channel the global you know what comes with a downright they saw it was i didn't see my mother's expectations will have mothers right ok so another family was talk about you know i'm not and the real big long lectures and so ideally a big powerpoint presentation and and look every customer in person so i asked both teams in and there are in their staff what would be what i did add value to a life and they said we know this thing about working here and i think you think about i didn't get through two words working together scale like al gore invented
the internet and we're working together but i certainly love working together and i this was wonderful conversational the engineers didn't say and what they want to know the most about was when it was i really me an avid researcher with big programs and then third is contributing being part of it all are skilled how you do that and so that sort of both of the deans said that they'd begun to fight talk about so we never invent this but i believe in it so i thought i'd just sure that was a few years older boeing will that afford to open up and talk about which is like a sort of acutely because i won't chart noticed a likeable my own charts key evidence the couple chartered my charts so to see if they can find my chart
every sailing season now you know we'll have things have a lot to us and impossibly letter somewhere my most favorite parts is the biggest problem with communication is illusion that your curse that we're we won we won here like the fact that you can say something and think that somebody would understand what you mean is you're it you could never understand years later mean i've been married for thirty seven years with a wonderful wife in years later i fear at all all that's what chile and so on this year this with it but don't feel any lawfully obligation responsibility to understand anything you say that is i could
never i can never communicate to you write what these words may size will offer them up and they give you a couple of examples of that each of us will find our own way airwave position is this with me and in these programs in work on like when that we do on an airplane program an airplane has about four million parts generally the fly in formation it's the safest work with me on those cars have about ten thousand pounds these are very sophisticated vehicles there's not more sophisticated vehicle in the world in the commercial airplane turn forty people just can't win you're on a boeing airplane you're going to get there you're safe is really efficient because most people we have found that don't go flying to go fly you go flying to get there and he says one knows how to get there so
these are very big large scale integration four million parts eight hundred thousand suppliers ninety countries around the world we were doing the triple seven we probably had probably two million people working on the triple seven worldwide so it's this huge the soul i just like to offer you a couple of thoughts about working together so first one is that it's all about people you know we designed the air cleaner computer and simulate all parts in some of the affection process it's all done by people saw them by us so everything everything i think about is how how do we all started in with with people the second thing is that everyone is included i mean everyone's included because you'll awaken to really big things like this is all the stakeholders including the customers employees of boeing the investors the
dealers at ford the kennedys everywhere we operate in that we include everybody the next thing is have a compelling vision and out but in a boeing i everything's i just feel like i loved airplanes i love airplanes but the reason that i love are places they get people together seventy percent of all the airplanes a bone or her we deliver to customers right sizing our state and the airplanes were the first internet the first internet and we were the package stay with internet protocol and they're connecting us allow us all get together around the world so that vision is that we don't have muscles point each other when a fight with each other but were actually getting people together and that's something that we decide if we're right this bigger than an airplane so what is a compelling vision that each of us or socially and there was their performance goals this is a business what are we about how to measure performance
but gets into heaven one plan we're all know what the plan is our facts and data uses say the data such a freak out because the dataset afraid so what is the plan was there's a plan so we can go get back on plans to use used to think that have a plan as a first step and squarely was a real core caucus a dozen never actually follows a plan but you gotta have a plan and unaware we are in use of exodus of puerto briefings but what does it say mr davis and then propose a payment plan find a way out and i know i know you're this means many other people are like a glass happened happen a half empty there's people that have a positive can do attitude i don't do really well with many people only live once or be around people that want to find a way to make it happen so that's what that respect listen how to appreciate each other we have a lot or session about diversity around the world especially our state and i just like to propose to the diversity that we keep talking about a such a
small subset of the bigger diversity that is that we appreciate and respect diversity of opinions and thoughts as well as what we can we can say allison help appreciate your emotional resilience or when you do when you do big deal thing this compelling vision that sometimes the most important thing is to just keep moving forward this doesn't work out the agreement is a blow up a structure that fails and at the end of a day of roasting us without leadership is that you have emotional resilience to keep going to go right back to this topic on my back down again because of the leader ever gives up right euro leaders who haven't heard one else that's graham has a look at each of us for leadership and then you trust this process last one which a lot of people to try to understand this is half of this is as good as it gets right is the interactive part you guys
tough crowd this is a good as it gets a week on and enjoy this journey we enjoy each other to do the things that we're doing it's just allowing the kids today i mean the only one to know that was you know what's it like what's a compelling vision where we go with environment where we go with energy independence i don't know what we're going to the engineering and create solutions to help other worlds issues will forte you just wonder where fabian how do a clever environment in and how to make a conservation and so my last audiences is enjoying turning each other and kind of the past are that this great work is that because you're skilled and motivate teammates and you have great leadership and i have never been around the world and the reason i am the way amazon that can sustain a jet lag is is that as i get and
so at the end of the day all you have is a skilled and when they came out of you know our city a few more times there is not an institution in the world i have seen that produces more scaled them more motivated and neither neither students receive kansas you pay extra for those seeds of the wire ok so that's my lecture or to get your money's worth now as i like to do because you know a lot of letters or so students here ah we got some really big issues in the nice things and when you talk about we have issues globally and working together we have issues of the competitiveness i'm just here representing to
uphold their claim is a snowmobile in this industry we have a real issue about energy security and energy independence we're real issues on the and stewards of our environment and i like to propose to you that over the next hour with exhibit ends up in this national debate in the selection of the next couple elections we the people of nice face and make some of the most important decisions about those issues in the history of the nice things like it would be fun to talk about it's fun to talk about because it will start talking about it you know we don't talk about it and so i like that to start here unlike the start of kansas and whenever we decided talk about the inspectors leadership thing that every business or talk about two great examples aerospace industry commercial airplanes in the automobile industry and where are we
do they know where we want to go so that now there's a terrifying thing because i usually we have a microphone that somebody brings to you so you can slide down in your chair and say it and when i asked this but everybody in row fifteen one basket but now obviously you have to they're two microphones i think i'm looking in the lights so you have to go back to the microphone stick it can't work your courage of here and only addresses just lose their dish itself isn't it fun in and tell us we're you know we're working leading contributed no move into a question that survey after this again i just know somebody else's here but we have one of the board members of the ford motor company sold my performance measurements on the line so get to those migrants and five to see one of my high school teachers i'm fine fine city lights no i
consider a white robe with the lawrence i see the kappa psi fraternity members here youre not moving to the microphone was there was a scientist and he really my own home run their members' interest <unk> doing god's work ends and working on the guy who fills in the lease the toll of chance you know i had already heard terrace and ross is in here and here is actor as janis jared rossman is one of the world's foremost design engineers a work of always had a very mixed and i was his first former slave labor in graduate school at least is rested out best as they can to her about this when i was in that is the first former
coal and i told him the night that gene would leave every night famous professors write his books is nicholas money on down there doing the problems at the end of the book workin at michigan this all sorted all night long in the problems because back in the more accurate he has not given with a given nominee given like that when you're in a wingspan is always sorry i forgot that one those authors officer been up all night working so i let him ask them in my life i just got to the play's director addressing as jana not dr ross it so i try not to do that with my students although the students are here too here's the theme tonight is working together and i don't know if he kept up much on the news of what's going on in kansas but we need to help working together especially with the legislature we've gone syria's backlog of unfunded repairs and i i know one michel here five minutes after students although
make a huge crumbling hundred feet in many ways some saw one town's out excitement all flooded this morning and brighton england four years ago a lot of challenges here in the state in the universe we're saying well you paid for second fourth grade you have a question you got to pay how do you work with leslie to work with government bodies to get them to do good things haven't worked with and to reenter the more and say it was serious in a better state of the bus it's just one person's to your question is how we spin meisters on how to get them involved or work with and we worked with governmental body that it got married in god's work now again is back too but everybody included and a compelling vision i can't because of my answer is the only way to do it that i believe a fine is jess to work with them and
tell your compelling case you look at the day i'm just going to bear with in the school of engineering today with that big bell and you're a phenomenal growth plan because you're supporting the world that wants engineers energy engineer says there's an error and fire engineers become a college what it's about economic development is about the state of kansas about a bigger picture it really are supporting there are a lot of priorities my only advice is to jess treated with respect and telomere compelling story because every state does or funny in a different way but it all comes back to competitiveness in the state of kansas is either you're growing right we're not in kansas has some issues just like every state doesn't what's that watson has not issued no way i'd ever get and it was thick with the balm in the process and look at the data in his state kansas growing economically and if it's not it's not i was the only way to make this ok for
everybody profitable growth for all his inaugural in your diet and i do studies that argument in a work to get away and that it's all economic development into a source of and a source of wealth creation educators students and just don't give up compelling vision right as part interview was so then this is a kid the kids living how i can help as we look at it like a bowl and you look at that the lbo industry's they're not two industries employ more people with more exciting jobs anymore from the us and the world and those two industries so the need to someone or no written something just one of the back of my office tomorrow morning and get the middle out well that for a yes sir yes my name is michael johnston i am not in business i'm not an engineering i am
however a fulbright recipient out of work unlike you the delays would not hire me because i didn't fulfill the minimum requirements so good for you analysts say at the white star yes i'm a graduate student but i can't find a job in the city university well i have a question though about what i'm going to call the humanity of competition you been in the news lately well i'm one of those people who still read the newspaper an end watches a little tv and i would like to know given your ideas on people first and
love and be loved what is the ethics of competition and humanity of competition in the united states that had an illustrator can get a very large salary and at the same time people out of work and it is very likely over we're going to see that someone in the management it force possible if you can't pay enough for a good leader the prison ah do you see the future of american business in being all leaders and beyond the mid level work or sitting on the sidelines but what is it what is your vision they're actually got it i mean i'm a year
and says as a catalyst and a market based cap to switch lanes of i believe like nice place but the basic principles that the markets develop a precious resources like we that customers of the world should decide what has value and how we do that with our purchases because nobody's fool us we know what has value it we should allocate precious resource and i really believe in a partnership with government mean that when we decide together about things that have importance or bigger than all this like national security like the stewards of the environment that we all work together to achieve those common objectives just like the current global warming now is whether your specific question about the responsibility of business says the most important responsibility of business is to be in business and be viable is if they're not viable for not return our cost of capital it doesn't make a difference because those resources to be given to somebody else
so about what you have to do and business the goal businesses to probably grow every whistle while you run into head copywriter situation just like ford's unlike male were four didn't do anything wrong and they concentrated on big suv using trucks to the industry we are right and it is the leader for thirty five years just phenomenal what ford has done and over time they played they've paid less emphasis on the opposite wall when a fuel prices went out that advantage because consumers start to make choices for smaller vehicles more fuel efficient and they went two people aboard were deductibles now for the japanese company's fourteen two even longer than a strategy was very very limited will it made money on these tracks so the plan now is we absolutely can compete with an investment carson fuel efficient and safe just like women trucks and have a full family a proxy servers is cold for us nothing alarming for dealers here tonight i love you i hate
larry where does here where's larry where standup and i did it on a divided the sea veggies they paraded in a red mustang and my mom taught me miss america way back and i had the honor of the right sector where the thirty one thousand dollars and thirty cents for the columns the senior center supporting capitalism and so far does this point you even know it's tough right now and we have to lay off some of the finest people and that we have a foreign company we need to do we just absolutely what it takes to return to profitability as quickly as possible excel repeated of a new private moment and then we get a chance to profit will grow again and that provides all the opportunities for all this is a tough in the near term actually what happens if we don't do it rather business and economic issues on the site is actually my responsibility for responsible for it
it's fair for my name's years of mine i'm an aerospace engineering major about a year and a half ago you're mom called and sunflower broadband about it without working are you are you oh my god it's so nice to be a detour until really the story is a bit of that device to make your eyes water for some it was a victory is this will the us start to get a bit while i was working a sunflower broadband taking phone calls i'm sorry if in woodstock and before so is the pages in some ways a job and his education work in a somewhat and so only knows the phone rang i answer and its <unk>
his mother's day was turned out because the checks hadn't gotten there in time so she was not a i have to let you know that it takes three months it's b we're going over well you know of course like the standard business model is we have to wait until the checklist and you know i don't have a rome waiting and saw me as mr lloyd it's a little frustrating says i'm the president boeing i think i can have the leeway here i didn't say it like yeah that sounds snooty ice plays all my assets i'd do anything to turn my mother's cable tv on
hold for a moment i'm like ok i can a small hole here the president of the polling is telling him i don't ever aerospace engineering student has a decision to make here revolver go back to exactly right so then i pull the goings website eye surgery last name i did you tell me that matter save so do a search for sure another the president of bowing and i was actually trained someone at the time which was even more beautiful because he's a i turn over evidence accuse the president of bowing and i think so and i was like ok sure i'll go ahead and do this so i turn human scale back i believe asking for an internship are jokingly asking for an internship came up when i sure enough to that house counsel for inaction is not supposed to do that i think
he's very loyal you know my mom this isn't resilience was as the world as for sixty years by color from your playing today because i was called a nearby into she's the only that the technology worked so called an airplane every time i'm in here is a secularist is not there she was clearly the message just so she can replay it over over again i mean the relationship with his late and so she had a cuddly often accuse ronald as the world turns was to use without a farm and which you know when my band i just moved into the city a disney for partners healthcare walker's move all around your knee stuff and when they take over this huge cry because my dad died
they're crying and she's on now and that we had told her that we got sunflower broadband year so she turned on the tv and it was no snow so for the first time sixteen years you saw the characters look we're at ulysses crying for the tv the next summer caller thinks which is kind of the white house when they begin that you know i forgot that there's sixty seven channels they'll need to be watched it's baseball season they still alive and i had no i had seven seconds too late and i would've voted given my firstborn to get that tv back on i actually get on with the recent legislation passing on the
changes that the fuel economy and having a mortgage or no effect on hybrids the epa annually do you have anything special but you're planning on doing with hybrid electric vehicles and interview jean yes they've rescued and five not ready so the so i guess so no didn't hear your mission now this is a big deal this is part of the debate is how much can we can engineer and help from technology help and how much is the national policy with us and there is huge here is is that we have tried to regulate fuel economy by managing the output from the auto industry analyst with cafes all about this a harmonica average across all sizes of the cars so we have to put up nearly two times the
small cars to put out a bigger car and you all we all have won a bigger carson didn't want smaller cars so we saw we lose money on the car so that we can give you the vehicles you want and ask why some are struggling to fuel prices went up and they're bent over small cars is not a really smart way to there's fuel economy to improve the fuel economy on every vehicle right every vehicle in you make an economic decision now it is a vote on this year watson back on cspan have this wonderful dialogue with our our leadership ah now here's the future unless they get shoes on this to have a greater social or today writing our petrol engines internal combustion engines in diesels are both i'm very competitive and they're getting better and better every year more diesels an estate is our intellects our
emission standards are tougher than you're so that's why you see more diesels emit their experience with dairy diesels will know it really clean diesels and so i created just get more diesels in the united states of both them are very good and have both improved their fuel efficiency but it's not going to get us off of oil or petroleum so then when we go next and so one alternative is biofuels write this a big deal in kansas because they're you know black people form a cordon turned into ethanol you get ethanol from all kinds of different of biofuels to get it from sugarcane different korean give more consequential right now we have been moving towards using corn so against ethanol only about fifteen percent of petulance with you to fight this new is that hasn't as an alternate fuel hasn't gone faster is that we'll have a distribution system around the mistakes there are about a hundred and seventy thousand petrol filling stations around the world and you know how many e at fire stations are
one thousand one hundred so that's why you can get access to that well now another issue about ethanol ethanol is that we were going to that it has taken from corn you could take all the farming the four people that we had in a promotion to take about excess by about twenty percent of our energy needs get there with his bio fuels themselves and anything about bio fuels is that we move to sell your losses which means to move into the parts of the food chain we don't need it also create ethanol and so that's another area of the greatest gifts that the three judges are watching the corn prices go up and we farmers are they love the story is a corn prices are going up but what happens when corn prices go up a lot of people the court right we do that can lead to so now watching all the prices start to go up so they're not a decision to make how much you can do with ethanol into farming and a mission to do with alternative energy sources so now we move into where other alternatives sort of won a synthetic
fuels another one is as we move into a hybrid vehicles are to have vehicles that run electricity but their power by either petrol or ethanol or so hard to get and the time you have a hybrid vehicle and maybe a sony we turn on an inherently the crews around there it comes down and goes at the gasoline engine diesel engine charges of battery is great scorsese us at the border and also famous for the environmental seal too but you'll go on trips the interview tuesday leah petulant now another very interesting technology is going to be hydrogen and electricity and that's the vehicle which also odd to me a killer killer joe are we totally out eventually my best friends
so i had taken a pay it a it eggs to the white house and so you from serving in the oval office and we went out to the president this is where the hydrogen power pension fuel cell and either lithium ion battery a little bit of this so here's the future so you have a hydrogen taken the middle and has a hydrogen fuel cell and has a lithium ion battery into electric motors that drive the rear wheels in the front wheels see open up that they would be at their dinners there's nothin they're just electric motor you're the trumpet his electric motor so your lithium ion battery and when we start to drive around the battery just down below forty percent in the hydrogen fuel cell kicks in i didn't mix with platinum it produces water water that comes out to tell by electricity that goes into the battery know seal to yeah well and this is not a couple that
is one is you have to make it so we make it to your niche or you do it with this or signed up with more surreal to a second issue is you need to have a distribution system for aig just like the ethanol because we don't have the distribution system but you could imagine a distribution system with on the road you would you would travel around on stage at night and they also have electrical outlets in the city so you had come overnight to plug it in you have to put aside to dry ramos anything but electricity for your friends' houses are two point lead but in a fast stop in the deal and splendid lawyer in there but at the same time it's all energies where we do about electricity and how we generate electricity we need to think about the environment in this field too but do look all us commerce events placing none of the science there's only one right answer because it's not we need to work together as a country because even as ford can't take my pictures by themselves a whole lot of violence free transportation there's no more than fifty percent of the
steel to carbon dioxide emissions so you get everybody in the country to be a national debate that will really about the environment and then move to a place where a cap and trade or something that actually start reducing the city but the commission between technology and public policy we can do this we can do this they are the same group as just intense is arson some sins and from india i just want to ask was really picking my country my budgeting is placing our people trained in a big way many parts of the country are many witnesses including ford presidential our in our country by displacing people in a country farm land has begun working to get the car with such people that such great isn't going to do what you want to call me any depiction of enlightenment in such
countries now with respect to the auto industry in india are not affect change in the annals of the scene ok let me try to tell me which i answer your question i had everything that i know from talking to the leadership of indian know that they need to move from agricultural industry into manufacturing and they really believe that at a very carefully because of the issues that this place is a lot of people but everything i know is that they love us be in their partner that is not only just to us being there but also a partner just like with china auriemma partner rebecca sheir the technology so that india comes out with a very viable my affections secular scientists for taking money out of india because india growing you as a win win you see beneficial for both of us and everything i know from the leaders of india they think that were going about it just right well they've made is that migration from
farmington affectionate whatever they believe they've got to do how these people are walking together with their people locally but that are the biggies of resentment that the apple lets you and just like if you're a farmer maybe you don't you have a farm jobs well again this is all about change and the only way to india for indian move forward is to further develop the other sectors of their economy and looking from you know as a businessperson than having been through it i think they're doing the right thing now do they need to help everybody help make this transition absolutely i think they're going to do it just like in china to be between china and india it was over two billion people in with a huge challenge to bring everybody along but i'm very aggressive leadership of india that they understand the problem and they're trying to overly make that transition i think of us is a an opportunity because we believe in india we believe in do it together
so will help them with their transition didn't ripen libya i know she says that she says we have to leave that it may be it may be one more person had to go and you know important you may want when jonathan was intimate association a graduate student and i are going to decrease the number of models of airplanes and therefore the parts it increases it actually do you think this is more for the poor i have never in my life seen complexity like before
i can save ismail has given no i'm looking for now what he's talking about here is the insider knowledge as a state to various places but when we took over mcdonnell douglas between boeing rid of the us we had fourteen airplane types fourteen commercial airplanes that terry between one hundred passengers and six of the passengers and you know you you know mall from firearm and theres no reason from the market for you to have fourteen or protons so what he's describing as an alaska for the last eight years nine years we have gone from fourteen airplane types before they carry from one hundred passengers up to six stores incredible transformation the urban that when he says when most protests racism business and you can imagine what that means for the
complexity of the day there's a long and so now we have a seven three seven to seventy seven the triple seven and a four seven and those airplanes carrot from one of her passions of six investors we love be a tree at love that great airplane we think a lot of people wanting to fly with another thousand people rate idea that we personally think that people want to go where they want to go they don't want to go to because they will point to point nonstop here they're stuck with it and we have done a little less at every other mostly little while ago that because to go shopping they wanna get there are like right now senate so the people in chicago o'hare argonne chicago senators are people in that heathrow are going to london so of some people and the reader right now are going to tokyo so whether or near their lives together and
harcourt with pianist huang so it goes back to this compelling vision when we look at the world we look at the world is going to be regulated in these are the governors the world would make to sign agreements with each other that will allow the airline to take us where we want to go because all of the rats around the world are all regulated they're all decided by the garments you saw what happens when you got off the prescribed high wire right the betting seventy just close eye on those highways well all of a sudden you want people traveling wanted or they want to you know and taken out of the snow or they would go and then what happened we bet on this the regulated world we bet on a world that beat the world governments will allow beer let's take a square one to go to point a point nonstop so what we get on three seven southwestern want to change your life changed your life herb kelleher thirty five years i was there were released
in the first year is dead the things going through my mind was that i want herb to take like the seventy seven the world widened to southwest airlines while and he says none of the wild turkey in the world for him to do there now this is the finest as a person that has a very kind of my dearest friends and so when you look at it so we bet on technology we've been a twin engine airplanes or more reliable or safer they go halfway around the world and are smaller so i can take you where you want to go so right now right now china's southern is flying a direct swipe a triple seven from one so china to las vegas every day now to talk about the seasons and they loved to gamble incident back and forth every day from one soda to las vegas now before where they do that with one so beijing change planes beijing
los angeles changed plans for beijing to las vegas where one of the suspects so now you have airplanes from boeing that can take you where you want to go nonstop with economics is a bigger crimes so what you're gonna see is the whole world it's a little point to point nonstop with the surprise you can actually get to go where you want to go with their economics the coup and fifties that the fun factor that compelling vision is if you dont make it all come together which can do with technology which that was that you never get a compelling vision the same way with all those we talked about today where all of you we want flexibility we were mobility we want you a viciously we want excitement we want safety right so that's sort of a foreign design for it ok now is past your bedtime now media thank you get a lot of the churn know when you're a male so our clothes are going
to as was said in kansas the center of the universe and i i don't know why i didn't like that's all i know is that that i had dreams that contribute to something bigger there when i can be by myself i never once never need to be the smartest i never i just wondered contribute something important and i just live my dreams i had boeing and it has with an errant american icon to hopefully make a big difference to create a viable ford but i just want to know that for all the specialist is in the faculty her research shows that was universally dreams come true and the university and this is a phenomenal phenomenal situation and i wish the best luck on your journey would just know that the ethics you've
grown up with the values you have the education to get getting his world class and getting everyone to do so thanks very much a letter written by president and ceo of ford motor company where you graduate and lawrence native recorded april sixteenth two thousand seven at the leed center at the university of kansas the recording engineer was tubby smith i'm j mcintyre kbr presents is a production of kansas public radio at the university of kansas is it to slice bread next time and keep your prisons madeleine albright former secretary of state joined at eight o'clock sunday night on camp is public radio of all greg talks with stephen states he used all institute of politics on christianity judaism islam and how they affect international politics especially in the navy's figure is just a real estate
deal clearly the parties involved dr hazem former secretary of state madeleine albright on religion and international politics sunday night at eight o'clock on kansas public radio the paintings
An hour with Alan Mulally
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Program Description
Alan Mulally gives a presentation about his life and how he managed to become the CEO of Ford Motor Company.
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Talk Show
Andersen Chandler Lecture Series
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Kansas Public Radio
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Chicago: “An hour with Alan Mulally,” 2007-08-12, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 3, 2024,
MLA: “An hour with Alan Mulally.” 2007-08-12. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 3, 2024. <>.
APA: An hour with Alan Mulally. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from