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moose head what is it
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha in nineteen sixty seven the main responsibility history plane was harding lawrence appointed president granted
international in nineteen sixty five that we don't do more nations year's profits tripled and the number of miles flown double about when who got a lot of international law once his style was wilson's dallas which is modestly bills itself as a city without limits since planet was the only major hometown airline the airport authority built where the texas size take orders went six million dollars and in nineteen seventy nine law and tried to kill his texas sized trio of wine increased adrenaline that it was said play mr omar only occasion lawrence but the company lost when i flew right into the recession by late nineteen eighty one it owed more than seven hundred million dollars and had no credit whatsoever
harding once was southwest was henri an outstanding airline we got my weed in southwest written something and tripling in size really didn't change much and i guess that's where they were mm hmm some people would say to the
right person with very low that if we don't turn around the hard drive it was to the states after the company bought them to overhead so many problems it was hard to know where to begin at our service during its rapid expansion them more business at a time when the industry had too many seats we lost our credit or year ago so every thursday we have to dig up about seven million dollars to pay for next week's fuel and every other thursday we have to come up with about
fifteen million dollars to meet the payroll so we have some definite option that if the day comes that we're not able to have our own that's it that's all devised a new strategy he changes tack eliminated first class to make room for more passengers and slashed verizon have to attract them and the bargain for concessions from credit unions the strategy was aimed directly at american airlines pilots fiercest competitors american duplicated by its roots and offered more flights if it continued unchecked america what's so the offensive if we're insisting
that the new year or unwise at a new renegade needed to raise the sale was a huge financial success but american was outrageous
comments the salem levy clear it would not let me deliver those ill advised for planets than one industry and borders on being irresponsible as long as they continue to compete with us and schedules we will be competitive in prices across town travel agents were furious agent tried more than half of all airline tickets so that it's clear the agent's commissions work too three dollars stimulus program we have to worry about the fact that we are responsible for reviving tickets ensure an airline goes bankrupt such an atlanta for example we would be responsible for a refund to our clients prices a purchase when its managers have to devise a new financial planner they had to convince
creditors that the airline had a future where our financial officer bill guthrie tomorrow it will be with a very limited number of key lenders to you review of them a long term business strategy the critical point is convincing the letters that there's an airline here that has not only a chance for survival what can be profitable in the long term so that they can see that they get to be turned out go ahead almost everywhere that solution brought a new problem employees learned from the media that have their wages would be held up because of the cash shortage so guthrie found himself fighting words of impending bankruptcy tell me dear to the employees to try and quell some of the rumors the sky rumors
being circulated as result the brand of employs a different program announced yesterday we're continuing full operations with no interruption and have no plans to discontinue operations and the airline public confidence was shaken again by the next day's paper which quoted putnam as saying he couldn't guarantee when of survival the company seemed ready to fall wallison the holy warriors that means is boldly is one of the new movie the war the moon and therefore world take notice when it will continue to strike that will not deliver last dollars minimum wage job at
a pep rally for the cowboys and the arrival of the man in charge of the island nearly bankrupt airlines now a celebrity quickly made news that's is we need your support leibrand of now and behind us and are validly their care is affordable and it worked influential dallas businessman purchased a full page ad pledging support so join the fight why the cowboys do that same low rent a forgotten deal to raise much needed cash by selling its unprofitable south america to me few weeks
in miami huge layoffs inevitable we know the emotional brain you're going through in the upsetting of course was and i'm not sure i can change any of that but i will tell you as well for about three and ran in the house and why we're doing what we're doing and why it's a necessity as cricket you to figure out what we're saying if you have a city that has five round trips a day out of it how many customer service agents rampages mechanics doesn't require it's a lot less than what you got with it was
the twentieth of point to that point i don't know about that it's only an organization the size and brown with a countdown listen thirty days of jj give us actual facts and figures on what happened in miami station keep in mind of the married the hard thing but this coming could have no jobs at all were trying to save some job he'd agreed that the ground employees they did not agree to think like a genesis of america they did not agree to the pilots our choice was have no agreement at all and end up liquidating south america and put everybody on the street or do what we could for some that was a alter thank you all very much and while putnam took the heat in miami trouble was brewing in washington when you back at his home and learned the civil aeronautics board would not approve the panam de you know at the point next week that we start becoming
cage maybe meaning there's no more playful or in the tail ends of america and it would require taking pleasure in north america down there just to keep the operation going we can't do that we don't have a novelist applause here in north america to afford to risk the operation here so what we oppose war yesterday isn't at the point with location at where i shot the whole thing now and close it down and we'd sell them or we're not sure that we can have little dreidel were lying and into a three days washington was alarmed within a few days the cia be members of that emergency meeting they responded the problems threat by approving a new deal this time with a stern working on me are you playing
i'm cutting back to renters orleans all this nation's for use between fifteenth of may fifteenth august we give you a third ran to get anyplace in the making for years after of fifty fifty november fifteenth for about that focuses gave an appreciation any indication i really think this is the competition michael as of this week the one last tuesday
when you come in today and in iraq and shoot i think we're going to have a very very good to get so i dashed and then we examine the program looked at all the rules and regulations that the office organized got everybody on board and thanked let's be ready when the doors opened at eight eight o'clock so that we can take on the onshore well here it is a thursday afternoon and we're still waiting for the answer previously nearly five thousand employees miami
well one of these days we have a few other things when they know there's them that haven't been yet <unk> happy diwali employees and you can just see the loans are going to help her you always are what everybody has been through in the last few months i've just simply like to say that we really appreciate all sort of given amendment thing and the tremendous but that's
it we have like forty percent or less frightening and sixty five report saturday was like thirty percent has won the most recent years sure allison you're on monday night to testify at trial on tuesday the house called on then we were long run i think the reversal of the fact that they feel so sweeping and we've run out of radio in boise id hackers they're not going away so we were being treated was my the attorneys down in from new york and a brand of immediately began parking its airplanes apostles of passengers were stranded and even when its own pilots and flight attendants had to
find other flights home at twelve a one am on may thirteenth nineteen eighty two when it became the first major airline in united states history to file for bankruptcy is better crop you really complement the morale of employees before they are they fought a very tough battle they are going to take us invaded for alls they supported thing for volunteers and what we had to do last night was very difficult not only for us but for them there is no payroll there were taken out the payroll as of last night the payroll the checks that are out there now will not go through there is no place to support the strain of an overwhelming debt
recession and fierce competition the plane sat idle for more than a year while putnam for liquidation and searched for a merger partner or buyer and finally in december of nineteen eighty three the hyatt corporation offered seventy million dollars and the reorganization plan our problem was out at this man was a real slap a vice president of twa brought to read out the business philosophy quite different from that women have traditional fares were not been a star of a fair war walk in and dilute are you among the industry's you or have low costs combination of joan rivers gone with a partial rowdy radical is now headquartered in its old maintenance reservation center at dallas love field the game and getting anywhere near ready to fly thirty tj at least back from greenwich foreclosures would take our new cray
planes would still have an oversupply of seeds with full fare passengers would sit separately and get preferred service labor contracts renegotiated violence teamsters and flight attendants agreed to take forty to sixty percent pay cut to work together reading the planes for march first takeoff seasoning his reasoning ms boynton oh yeah become
kings with twenty two hundred and eighteen cities on the right it would be only a fraction of the bankruptcies i think it still is the larger start up in airline history and details have the work done they don't have to his faith brennan's images of the old airline was also a major concern or advertising dollars were limited so every shot had to inspire confidence asia again that's
why this was at all if that starts early history is taught was chosen for more meaningful she's there as well repairs to attract customers turn to travel agent slattery spared no expense in seeking their favor wining and dining them with lavish parties a viable jail giving away thousands of travel managers and offering agent substantial were selling tickets doing penance how do you we may good
job for instance i know twenty five million dollars wesley
said we were the generals for war and this is now and it's a new era and we felt that we are just stay away chop off wendel slaughtering the new team will have the new airline themselves also from afar we applauded with over again many american cities this is beans me
many eyes it is louis
ck any day fb
Enterprise: Tailspin
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KERA (Dallas, Texas)
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Program Description
Documents the story of Braniff Airlines, from its beginnings in 1965 through expansion and popularity, followed by multiple financial troubles and bankruptcy in the early 1980's, and finally revival in 1984.
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Airline Business; Braniff Airlines
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Actor: Landry, Tom
Interviewee: Putnam, Howard
Interviewee: Guthrie, Phil
Interviewee: " Slattery, Bill"
Producing Organization: KERA
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b1b2881f16e (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Enterprise: Tailspin,” 1983-07-10, KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 3, 2024,
MLA: “Enterprise: Tailspin.” 1983-07-10. KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Enterprise: Tailspin. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from