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senators against the nineteen senators a bill that would require doctors to implement each one about going to girls seventeen or younger who came to them seeking an abortion was a surprise so senators who voted against the bills that they could support some kind of a parental notification measure of the wonderful and yesterday they said we couldn't maintain possible constitutional clause similarly the fred kirsch is a motion to reconsider the vote may be made once again is what morning session the day if such emotion is offered and if it passes would put the bill back on the calendar for debate next week between now and then chris has managed to clean up the bill would be drafted i'm jim mclean at the statehouse for he's going to be in real trouble and this country because the market a trade agreement in my opinion and we will not and then what we call wave the jackson vanik amendment which simply means that they will not give him any trade preferences and i think it would be a severe blow to us soviet relations
you have a review of the evidence well violence professor welcome well professor of decision makings university administration university the opportunity to appeal the decision to the border regions though there's no guarantee the regents will hear the case in response to the crimes you're welcome
live that day it the houses that had to do probably gatorade constitutional amendments one that
will change the current tax rates in the constitution and then just last friday one that would have increased the state's sales tax to pay for a robot of school is good property tax levies senate would order to avoid criticism and will pick up the issue this week he says it's unlikely that lawmakers will pass or probably don't really plan was a compromise plan of some kind of makes at least one house by the end of this week on the abortion issue the senate refused to reconsider his vote against a parental notification the last it mealy after the senate adjourned affairs committee chairman ed riley tried to get his command jewish version of the bill on to the senate it refused to do so and avant garde writers of the battle was over again but when he was pressed further by reporters that he might try to revive the issue this week but it was a big day at the statehouse not only did the senate refused to reconsider his vote to reject the parental notification abortion bill but the house also rejected speaker joe biden's proposal to roll back school degree
probably taxes by raising state sales tax biden's plan was resting comfortably at the bottom of the house's debate calendar speaker was holding until a consensus developing a compromise plan that he hoped would include elements of his proposal but supporters of a rival constitutional amendment which had been defeated in the house a couple weeks ago succeeded in forcing biden's plan to the top of the calendar forty right and then the defeated the episode caused the playwright drug house democrat who helped defeat his plant with playing games how to participate by saying i will but it was a big day at the statehouse not only did the senate refused to reconsider his vote to reject the parental notification abortion bill but the house also rejected speaker joe biden's proposal to roll back scooting could
probably get it by waging a state sales tax biden's plan was reading comfortably at the bottom of the house's debate calendar speaker was holding an elegant vegetable been a compromise plan that he hoped would include elements of his proposal but supporters of a rival constitutional amendment which had been defeated in the house a couple weeks ago succeeded in forcing biden's plan to the top of the calendar for debate and then the defeated gotten rid of playwright drug house democrat who helped defeat his plan with playing games leadership senate majority of workers as if the legislature is going to have some kind of public debt for the planet's got to get busy plan must be to at least one house by the end of this week are set to give lawmakers a chance in atlanta compromise version when they return for a brief wrap obsession at the end of the month her is among the sponsors of a senate plan similar to britain's proposal it would increase sales tax by a penny and a half and luggage after the senate refused to be considerable to defeat the
publication abortion bill last friday senator ed riley won the bill's biggest supporters or they can be in the federalist it appears committee i wish you many many many the bill was much less restrictive than the version that anti abortion lawmakers tried to force the senate it would apply only to go sixteen and younger and it would require short waiting period when the typewriter notified when the abortion could be performed there rejected by the senate would've required a seventy two hour waiting period the governor's bill only forty dollars on friday after the committee who had a brief explanation of the bill number
i mean it's both so the committee were angry because i didn't think the compromise bill was restrictive enough others simply didn't want to consider any version of the notification measure after the committee refused to pass a new bill on to the full senate is frustrated by the program the battle over when it was possible that he would try to revive the issue this week meaning that anti abortion and abortion rights advocates and reporters will be keeping an eye on rallies committee starting today well beyond cleaning the new plan designed by majority leader
current combines the two approaches to probably actually which have been rejected by the house but with a couple of major differences current proposal includes a constitutional amendment which would change that actually is currently in the constitution but would not really impose the inventory tax or is also proposing a one percent increase in the state's sales tax to pay for a twenty percent rule that a school district probably captures of my previous plan to call them allegedly to raise the sales tax it does not require a constitutional amendment to do it crashes his combination proposal will resolve and probably better and what can we learn it would be the end that would help small businesses which we did with big tax increases because a reappraisal in classification of plan would also include the tax on utilities but not as much as previous proposals would have
africa present a plan to members of the senate tax committee yesterday several of them picked apart any of the democrats said they would rather repeal sales tax exemption increased attacks others wanted to put a proper it actually had in the constitutional amendment purge committee members to come together on a proposal quickly saying if a plan is not its way to the senate floor by late today it might not be possible to consider one before the judge reaches a particular moment at the end of the week mm hmm i'm changing so much that he had to pick a democrat says she's still optimistic that looks it will ultimately approve some kind of a property tax relief plans but he says it won't happen until the republican leader is
not listening to the democrats and incorporating some other suggestions it will clear that there's not the twenty seven votes needed for one think accomplished on an ant they're going to have to let some of our proposal that said i have ag and should repeal in order to get that to get competition but kerr says whenever something is added to a proposal to accommodate one group in a mate another group that's why when you suppress the majority leader just isn't very optimistic that the proposal can be designed with support from two thirds of the members of the house and senate encourages issuing his new warning again he says people probably don't really plan has not passed out of at least one house by the end of this week we belong at the end of the month bill but actually met twice yesterday but did not
act on careers plant there will be more discussion of it today for kansas public radio's jim mclean at the statehouse the centex company late yesterday afternoon that would order fred kirsch deadline bypassing improperly gatorade constitutional amendment and companion sales tax on to the full senate a mammal would change some of that rage and the current classification a memo with the intent being to lower the tax burden on small businesses and it would be probably tax increases because a reappraisal and classification a companion bill would increase the sales tax by a penny and use the two hundred and ten million dollars raised to a discotheque at property taxes across the state as the senate actually was running a business plan and the health tax committee was taking another approach one that many democrats insist must be part of any comprehensive solution to the property tax problem house committee endorsed the bill by a narrow margin to repeal ninety eight million dollars worth of sales tax exemptions and dedicate the money to property tax relief bill which will be debated on the house floor later this week would repeal sales tax exemption for such things as
and when you'd use in manufacturing i'm going to recommend bookkeeping to pest control that raised one hundred and fifty eight hundred and seventy five million dollars with the full committee room that provision from the bill is expected however to put back and win a major is debated on the floor republican leaders are hoping to get some cooperation on other parts of the property that were repackaged by allowing them to vote on a sales tax exemption repeal bill and hoping that if the sales tax bases abroad and some democrats would be willing to vote for an increase in attacks to like nick begich democrat and the chief sponsor of the sales tax exemption from pew poll said that possible the uncompromising have been an adventure one of formal training can predict that very well right now we're gonna make when
we actually win but it was clear that the house was in no mood to increase taxes yesterday a bill to increase the cigarette tax by fighters attacking is the twelve million dollars that would raise to help fund higher education which had already passed the senate was rejected by the house by a wide margin large tobacco companies had mounted an intense lobbying campaign to save the senate action and apparently it had some effect it combined with the politics of this election year can only cigarette tax bill the measure's opponents gilded unaware parliamentary move succeeded in removing the inmate think was from the bill that essentially a masculinity is democrat there were gross led the effort to kill the measure but i really don't believe that higher education and education and that is a responsibility for paul and everything and the people because they smile
occasionally delusional gentleman and a day only thirty seven members of the house members of the republican leadership and democrats from cities where we give the schools are located in order to save the bill eighty six members including most of the democrats wanted to kill it the members of the minority party picture she says they don't want to help the government temporarily avoid budget problems by employing band aid solutions to the state's revenue problems we can't know our world are actually an incredible weekend a new integration and that we were going into a billion dollar shortfall and twelve million dollars and it will we need a new
id program and i think that one way we're distributing the money and the house have to bring back more than a dozen times to increase the money contained in it passed a funding bill for the university's bill increases governor he'd reduce funding recommendation by only five million dollars for a couple of average to restore funding for the third and final year of the market a veterans program failed as did an amendment which would have the effect of prohibiting abortions at the university of kansas medical center point of that amendment said such a prohibition would seriously harm the university hospital's ability to train medical students and that would deny abortions of those low income women who couldn't afford to have them anywhere else for kansas public radio i'm going to clean up the state house not a contract to get
together have that passion and that would be just fine with representative michael neill a hunter republican version of the bill which meant that it could change her mind and she had to keep the child and that the contract he find the unavoidable and he gave the child a father could file their custody and you would be reviled like him avoid kagan i contacted legal and three the vatican criminal penalty have suggested a compromise they would take out the criminal penalty provision that would really make a contract illegal members are expected to make that a compromise and apparently i'm going to go home without having any bill the glenn beck nominee in case they're confident that point when nine point there the contract she didn't ever occur on april healy at the fate now the bill would provide funding for the department of social and rehabilitation services
is fifty six million dollars more than the government recommended at about twenty million dollars more than the house version of the same bill like the house bill it continues funding for skilled that portions of a man again in general assistance welfare programs like the house version the senate bill also restored part of it got made by the governor in monthly payments to individuals on aid to families with dependent children a record five dollars about nine dollars per month got more to the additional spending <unk> republican invite government which means committee is necessary to pay for federally mandated programs such as medical assistance if we were not to put that money and it would be appointed not paid this month mortgage and hoping that the bank forgot about the next month appropriations committee chairman bill clinton says he will negotiate forgotten food aid reaches a house senate conference committee and both he and some are predicting that governor will be forced to use his veto to force lawmakers to reconsider the bill i'm going to clean
house dr jones attention through an education consultant from chicago spoke to a predominantly black audience of about four hundred injured his topic was the survival of the black race in the twenty first century and jeff who was asked to speak at you well in advance of the problems that occurred last weekend when a cow used to deliver pizzas to a fraternity house and allegedly and they're not denver and and was racially slurred by one of the fraternity members but hinduism you still have an opinion on the incident air feels that blacks need to unite and realize the keys to their success includes self governance and education this is the flipside every year when a bill funding the region's but it comes up for debate attention
made to prohibit abortions at the university of kansas medical center the town's such attempts to try and close votes with yesterday's vote wasn't close opponents of the memo argued it would seriously compromise the teaching hospitals ability to train medical students and the senate would deny abortions to low income women who would be able to obtain them elsewhere huge hit republican michelle kwan after lead the effort to defeat the amendment and i palin republican party luca speaking in favor of the members of the medical center existed so that lives could be saved lots of babies could be killed forty two members of the house agreed with lupus and voted for the amendment but eighty one members voted against that or in an attempt to get an important occasion abortion bill out of a senate committee also failed i'm jim mclean of the statehouse the jury wasn't place in opening arguments were set to get underway this morning in shawnee county district court in the murder trial of nineteen year old carol baker charged in december deaths of seventy two year old i'm a broadway where there will
be no trial that least not right now the judge in the case cried at a defense motion for a psychiatric evaluation of the defendant mean it'll be at least thirty days before trial resumes makers facing first degree murder charges in a severed that the bully is also charged in neighboring douglas county with murder in the death of all these neighbors leicester and nancy taylor police contend bigger and a cohort killed three after a robbery in december my passenger pigeon and i'll be looking at a different aspect the right look at the violin effect we have some footage of parents who have lost children and ultimately that racial violence law to look at historically would happen to black and put that up and three jewish and i put them in the condition that they're in today and i want to look at the fly quality of races
whether the tents should be made one making appointments to boards and commissions to achieve a gender and racial balance of the democrat was one of the sponsors of the regional gender balance bill and then you know yeah yeah generation jon draper why not county democrat announced today that he had an exploratory committee to look into a possible that for governor state treasurer john kennedy former governor jon kyl and then to think about a flood felt he was already competing for the democratic
nomination kicked and the current candidates don't often enough option welcome to anyone for the colony intention of ninety seven times the average in heavily democratic why not cali to give the owner and president of the paper supply company and the parliament to investment company i'm a brilliantly acted it out and to do that again lawmakers are you the bill passed by the senate yesterday would provide money to keep those same programs and other programs operated by the department of social and rehabilitation services going through body in nineteen ninety one which
begins on july first a house appropriations bill that exceeded the government recommendations by a significant not going to do anything in one of these you'd be told to force them to reconsider the bill but now the senate has taken the bill and increase it even more is now almost fifty six billion dollars above the government recommendations at about twenty million dollars more expensive than the house version of the senate bill bunten topeka republican is the chairman of the house appropriations committee he called the senate version of the us are spending bill irresponsible thank you bill vivian schiller's will continue leaderless citizens and
medicaid programs but they've been scaled way back to save money celebration question riches and i don't want that to individuals on the aid to families with dependent children program about five dollars to that cut i mean like so the republican and the vice chairman of the ways and means committee says that most of the spending increases in the senate bill go to pay for federally mandated programs programs which the government isn't just amazing i don't underestimate the case loads are under funded the budget the federal government even if we didn't think it was the right thing to do to take care of people need medical care and i think we all believe the federal government telling us no way
while public spending here is spending or just make friends and which is required again and again democratic leaders though insist the governor did have a choice they say he purposely under funded the us responded to the letters that would be forced to increase it which would allow him to campaign against the big spending money in his bid for a second term in office for kansas public radio i'm jim mclean at the statehouse last week the senate rejected a bill that would require doctors to notify the parents are pregnant teenagers seeking abortions an attempt was made to have this and that we consider the road it refused to do that to earlier this week the committee that set the price of the floor got into a shouting match and discussion of whether to create a new bill for
the job without doing so yesterday the senate ways and means committee had been playing games was a version of the notification measure and send it to the senate floor it would require notification cases where those sixteen and younger abortions it does contain a judicial bypass provisions which means in some cases the judge could wave indication requirement measure is much less restrictive anti abortion advocates what they have often said that no bill is better than a bad deal you're welcome a few who have been a lot so they wanted to report about to another committee one that calendar for immediate consideration of ukraine a lot of the way with sales tax exemption for a long list of things among them
more quickly which are used by industry airplanes sought to understand buyers out of date long distance phone calls and lottery tickets bill would raise one hundred and ten billion dollars which would be distributed to school districts in a couple of different ways to lessen their dependence on property taxes representative jo white at the peak of the ranking but when a member of the bill that bill is not about and let go into the property that really actually begin to debate when he mentioned should we replay and went what can we revoke mind that we're not accurate anyone that matter any one group but we hope that by a hearing that a belt tightening and running and they get them and we're not really what the bill didn't have the support of the republican leadership and because of that it gives a passing and today
we're going to get a house speaker complain here is eliminating most the mold and for a good reason and the people are talking about how they would solve a robbery that problem by eliminating loopholes and nine particularly when the republican leadership had a different plan and the republicans who didn't support it or pushing yet another approach to solving the problem they don't want to increase the sales that's why opinions on the money back to school districts that proposal is not one of the components of a proper it actually planned that will be debated in the senate leader today during yesterday's house debates and democrats
charge of those who oppose the exemption repeal bill did so because they were afraid to buck the special interest groups which desperately want to keep their exertions feel reardon is a kansas city kansas democrat you all and they'll attack all the working people in your victory saturday would be and it you got a legitimate political problem and a well deserved one so the biggest single tax exemptions targeted for repealing the bill or we're only a couple of years ago an economic development legislation they were designed only to when business and industry to kansas but also to keep it here and some of those who voted to retain those incentives today presented the charge they work out telling two powerful special interest groups again house speaker jim wright political rhetoric
we and equipment for example you know create jobs i do braden says he's still hopeful that lawmakers will be able to agree on some kind of approach to providing probably can't leave before the end of the session realistically he says there's still a good chance the legislature will not be able to agree on anything and he went on what everyone else says if something does eventually pass it will happen until the final hours of this session or kansas public radio's jim mclean at the statehouse thank you in the competition expulsion of the students involved in the relocation of the houses charter does what a number of black students want to
have happen in response to last weekend's incident with like a ukulele delivering pizzas to the sigma alpha epsilon fraternity allegedly kavanagh former headman was racially slur like stevens anger and frustration was that last night at a racism problem although the fraternity incident was the main topic of discussion another issue that was addressed was the alleged harassment of blacks by lawyers and university police lord police chief rod all link a police director jim bettinger president the forum they said they were not aware of any such incidents mark mccormick a blackmon of today and the group sponsoring the forum said that the black students are tired of committee is being formed he said that something better happen a statement from the vice chancellor of student affairs is expected to be issued on monday concerning the fraternity incident and racism present on campus this is steve lickteig gerica camp victory camp a democrat and know that he
formed a committee to look into a popular pick for governor state treasurer john finney former governor john carlin and think about your friend felt sr are already competing for the democratic nomination like that the crime candidate don't often have options the mccain campaign for the colonists came and interviewed not valentine in heavily democratic world i can eat the owner and president of the pie company and a part of to investment company i really am right now no problem have compassion who bill out of the committee and sullivan's weekend less restrictive version of the bill was introduced by the senate ways and means committee
but they lived in the senate yesterday in gaza quickly recruited to another committee the judiciary committee chaired by law republican woodward jr would associate only planned to work bill and he says he was at a holiday inn the recession unless he's convinced that the majority of the senate really was not against the vote on the contentious issue that doesn't necessarily mean the bill is dead but time is running out and there is apparently not all year to consider the issue again with easter this weekend it's safe to assume that many a chocolate bunny is setting up a store shelf or tucked away in a family closet for the easter bunny to find and distribute won lawrence based trucker to read on their part and cranking out bonnie says phillips confections makers of chocolate butter cream sparkles and white chocolate which founder mark as
phillips is quick to point out is it really chocolate the chocolate houses a wholesale distributor to thirty states in the eastern us it employs three full time in eighteen to twenty part timers during peak seasons we talked with marcus phillips who attended kansas university and incidentally doesn't really care for sweets about how far his company has come from the solid milk chocolate jr to that game in global fame these days phelps talks of going up against the big three there's basically three that we are targeted against and that's joseph schmidt found seven sisko and they do a wonderful piece of its a very minimalist design and then you've got the sweet shop east of fort worth because traditional hindu truffle and then you'd get candy jar again from san francisco you talk about chocolate says pieces like their artwork is that what they are do you pray pretty on on target yeah i really think in terms of in terms of the person eating a confection in
on an terms with that that individual experience means to that person at that time and yes our work is very important for them the aesthetic value of a piece of chocolate is very important to us and what's the secret of great chocolate and the secret to great chocolate pound has to use the simplest and the highest quality ingredients possible from my perspective i think they could try to start moving into areas where lot elements are combining to lose things you lose you lose close strings of flavors and things that you you trying to create markets his proudest accomplishments so far and the most recent is that a philips confections handmade truffles way years specifically the greatest point to them is that they have taken we've taken traditional confection one it's interesting then in the upscale convection market and that's the truffle we've changed shape we put it into a square and we have in that legacy ability to have sort of palette on the top
reincorporate a very very high level of static is colorful drizzle zandt aren't saying and shapes some with a personal touch was taken from the black and white rabbit with a red course rely on the front lines rather mozart can we take that one and put into a truffle squares you've got you got black white and red so that's really you know the dark chocolate being a black dancer really pretty one the struggles are making their weight of those department stores around the nation most notable would be neiman marcus who has agreed to take them on and to begin a small limited number of stores in this region and then to also incorporates into their christmas catalog which am i in my estimation is a fairly substantial move on our part considering that we're seeing in a barn right now in the middle of kansas that's right an old limestone barred remodeled with a shipping packing hot and cold room and in the lofty reaches offices and storage
downstairs we going to have time job still as helen easter bunny is made the films family and rabbits includes lenny eugene is the number one seller they make thousands each season is supposed to shape asia as more vibrant and it drives home the reasons that drives kids to do they're taken from this point on now
but mccary let it hang from the ceiling and some somewhat space age there is in the surf order for rats beach will hold on six of the robertson this week during the peak season long running lots of old products it never stops and the eighties and nineties hollow in the field with oil chocolate easter eggs inedible to customize so that there would be a distance bought in the back of the police to a size that will accommodate three kids slide into an influence like in the final stage willing tag me is in nome colorful shredded paper one minute call billy bass sound it's actually just tissue packing paper owned is got a cinch built around
it in that process making more money what happened here oh god stuckey media struck over the weekend was shouldn't it should have taken three is two years the way sometimes it take for a low ceiling through again serena's his face drooping time journalist of philips confections you won't find a droopy they saw marcus phillips is chocolate house has seen seven hundred percent growth since the first year and he's now putting out two hundred pounds of chocolate per day for jay hughes morning edition and michelle quorum the committee intends and related problems careful review of the evidence finds her they'll ways to carry out her academic responsibilities and that
violates the states the committee therefore carries with the intent to dismiss professor well there was an interesting kind of cases for the committee's decision is set forth in this report committee chairperson frances england made the announcement before a crowded room of reporters and faculty members report she refers to is more than one hundred pages long and it outlines how the committee reached its decision though it cites numerous examples charges against one are listed as just to one that she willfully failed to carry out her academic responsibilities and to do that her behavior at the university of violated commonly accepted standards and professional ethics toward colleagues chair person's administrators classified staff and students upon hearing the committee's decision wilner as she had throughout the hearings defended her
position at a university it fact the attempt to break my tenure involves a person who's achievements as a scholar and was achievements as an anthropologist and as an educator have received recognition i mean who's i'm a president a past president of two anthropological societies and this came up repeatedly and the theory i have had publications in the most prestigious of anthropological outlets but the questions raised by the committee and their decision against wilmer deal with an issue much larger than any one person's problems with the university's administrators how sacred his tenure what is the committee's decision mean two other junior professors sid shapiro is a former president of the quai you chapter of the american association of university professors and he currently visiting a professor of law at the
university he says the committee's decision is evidence that turner does not always mean for ever thank you do you really ms barber certainly not with the idea of gender or ten years prior to witness those those people go and be part of relating to the military other duties in a word it all
i wanted to do and it's a lack of conducting herself in the professional manner that apparently got dorothy wander into trouble according to the faculty handbook jr gras a professor academic freedom but the committee makes it clear in its report they don't believe academic freedom is an issue in this case quote a passage from the final remarks of the committee's report it says quote tim it projects faculty members rights of free expression and carrying out a signed academic responsibilities clearly jr does not protect faculty members who willfully failed to accept their academic responsibilities which by their very nature are broad and comprehensive academic freedom does not give a faculty member right to please others at risk or to harm the ability of an academic pro de programmed to carry out its assigned responsibilities the committee regrets the necessity of dismissing a tenured faculty member but he sees no
alternative in this case the committee knows that kerry's attempts were made at different administrative levels to resolve problems involving wonder and to encourage her to become a productive member of the faculty unfortunately will remain steadfast in her unwillingness to compromise or modify her behavior unquote and to nobody's surprise wilner has said she will appeal the committee's decision to the border regions know it's no guarantee will hear the case if so however hearings on the issue could literally continue for years one of the committee's decision stands as is wilner says administrators would be setting a lasting president and chancellor could try to break my tenure this means that nobody is exempt from this if anyone can have the same thing happen at the university of kansas winter says that that includes the committee members themselves as well for katie unused
morning edition and our children joseph campbell the late without just in his hugely popular television interviews with bill moyers and in the book based on the series described our society is having lost what he called its unifying myth that central idea which guardians of culture and integrates all its investors within a widespread perception that the god technology has turned on his children and his busy devouring and i think he's right however in the heart of the english countryside lives a mild mannered independent scientist who just might have created unease and unifying with or perhaps more accurately revived an ancient one his name is james murdoch and his neighbor in the
little wilcher village where they both lived in the novelist anthony burgess who suggested the name for love locks hypothesis that hypothesis is that by any definition of life you can't come up with our planet as a whole exit its behavior that suggests that it is alive the name the berges suggested for this hypothesis was diane g day by day the ancient female name fool you love lock points to the absurdity of viewing the planet has an intimate into sentient collection of resources waiting for us to harvest them he points to the exquisite the complicated control mechanisms that are planted possesses that allow it either the rapidly more logical pronoun to continually adjust global conditions he describes how over the homes although the amount of heat arriving from the sun has
changed significantly the us has been able to alter the reef like activity of the surface maintaining a more or less constant average global temperature adapt to our environment characteristic of something alive he describes how despite the natural tendency of the oceans to become progressively saltier over time as more and more so so washed by rain from atlanta to the sea diana has mechanisms that have allowed her to maintain our oceans just the level of say limiting needed for the creatures that live there to flourish internal regulation suggestive of something reading james love locks book diana changed forever my notions of men as lord of this planet and i'm am as something separate from nature change my
world view the one in which i was inexplicably part of a biosphere riding through the cosmos on the back of an intelligent self regulating planet sized creature and if that isn't a powerful mix of time has come again i don't know what is yes and i can see the need for increase already under our house the home in wichita she turns away in every three hundred girls a year that's what's in her age range and that's not counting the girls under sixteen bet she says i am we don't offer services to date we've had calls on three cars from wichita to fourteen year olds and affecting the fifteen year old that we can get and because there are no services and one of the things that stops services for that age is financial reasons because if they're
under sixteen they cannot be emancipated anything a medical cart forum and you can get assistance for financial assistance and the parents have no way of helping and basically you have to take it and they in the organization are back spruill difficult for us because we're under real recall tight budget hit this time because we just don't have the funding either fifteen year old that we have coming in we don't know how to do it yet anna's house will take pregnant girls ages ten to nineteen and can hold up to six residents including infants on other abortion related legislation being proposed at the statehouse oberhelman had this to say we as a recession to not take a stand as either pro life or pro choice kissed each board member has a different stanton everyone sees it differently on what we are as an alternative to abortion now we
see ourselves as an option for the girls i know what i would like to see i would like to see you know abortion for the most part than older hellman believes there isn't enough counseling and education getting two girls considering abortion i don't think they're made aware of what's going to be happening and the trauma and what can happen to them after the abortion both emotionally physically and mentally i think a lot of parents when they see their children in that situation also go for the abortion because they dont be embarrassed tiffany did not consider abortion she's a nineteen year old resident has house with a baby due any day that she plans to keep now that will cost the moon there's a reduction in keeping it does that teach wasted and the sign in between recount for us the sequence of events from the time that you thought you might be pregnant who he told how long it was before you know if it
was your parents' the father of iran i called my dad the senate the heights timely manner because i can have a deal with her and it has to take it and you should take it very well certainly delivered until my band far along are you actually aside age for weeks us and i just found out an ambitious is devastated and i know when i was going through and down until the father in haiti and while so in the end he just doesn't want to come responsibility in i plan to do with your life after the baby comes out and take care of the baby but that's why playing game it was hunting whitetail and then after that ain't signing up for a secretarial school but they'll tiffany waits for her baby to arrive the bass an ad in her tidy room
furnished and funded by private donations and paint is you can feast from each girl in the home in kansas there's a state supported president center in topeka crittendon with some maternity services for teens but as far as private maternity homes in the state there are only two gerard house in wichita and had his house in lawrence from a window oberhelman says well homes have to turn girls away if you have turned subway where do they go there really isn't anywhere for them to go out before we were open just over last summer i had a phone calls for people who needed placements for girls a new placement at your heart from each time to say i'm sorry i can't help you know i'm if i get help and dryness can help there really isn't anything else melinda over hellman director of hammers house of private group boarding home for unwed pregnant teens in lawrence i'm michelle quorum for acadia news morning edition step right
up the surpluses and hampering the kids bring lunch and please bring some sanity yes sir ee the legislature circus is in its last full week before initial adjournment sees exciting acts before they leave in the neighboring c the property tax dollar cdo no legislative proposal has enough votes to pass by itself but everybody can jump in the act with their own solution and watch the special interest rally around outside the ring throwing unquestionable information to the participants at what big industry with large inventories is jumping up and down hysterically see the parole on a vacation nightmare for to get you to can view the bill that keeps rising from the deep those guys just keep trying to control women's bodies no matter what their age in a titillating sideshows the free speech being threatened the obscene bumper sticker bill as a doozy and it passed the senate this week how does the legislature think most of our kids will get their sex education without those signs when they passed a similar bill in florida
people had to resort to catchy same some barbers like do a curse and the kansas bill that might be a legal as well the sad part is that it doesn't even touch the really obscene bumper stickers like i heart my dog voice some people are perverse and another graying we have civil liberties walking a tight rope but wait dragon crime his theory or shaking the rope a whole slew of bills which allow hearsay in certain cases which walked the fine line of presumed guilt over in a sense which vaguely and possibly unconstitutionally broadened definitions of crimes are threatening our basic civil liberties stop that boys and girls it is in times of public turmoil that our civil liberties are at most risk several of those bills are speeding through the legislature and taking yet another bite out of our bill of rights please don't work in the ring to the side that's the bill that would allow fourteen and sixteen year olds to be tried as adults so we for these young teens into adult prisons think about it is suddenly our state's new punishment for juvenile offenders in an already overcrowded adult prison
system but then there are the positive wrings see the recycling bills they are bright with future possibilities of sanity in a trashed out world they bicycle around the ring you know bring him the legislature has a golden opportunity to help the environment just entire first day these bipartisan bill sailed through the house but wait the head of the senate energy committee will let them finish their swing around to reading we can't afford it he says ross if you price landfills lately and now ladies and gentlemen i bring you the ringmaster of the festivities the person who brings it all together organizers compromises and leaves the state with a coherent public policy governor <unk> <unk> ringmaster well i'm sorry direction year seems to be liking soldiers view whatever sideshow tickles your fiancee watch the confusion in a state with no clear strong leader but who cares that circuses and tear on the elephants or parading around for getting the rules and their manners the donkeys are brain and the lobbyists are throwing
peanuts what more can we ask and daddy acne we visited david von gaza about six months ago right after he had installed a new pvc plastic material over his greenhouse fraying the plastic materialistic had a sort of a cheery pink color well this is basically it's going to shift in the material or that the wavelengths to wait months of the plants themselves can make more use of missouri different wavelengths within the light spectrum the plants like humans have no use of our medical use of a mistress commission said over and gives they spend more energy to the plan he's a horticulture department at kansas state university learned of this material developed and made in israel and vaughan bassett is participating in a study of the effects of this light wavelength shifting material on plant growth between using different types of covering the flux of the coverage on the trains they're all exactly the
same for ids being used in both groups with the site number they were produced at the same time and so at that point so simple comparison study which ones are doing better at this point you can see that these are doing really is amusing to be doing much better than the other ones bigger they're more flowers and they're healthier than others and that in some cases in canada tend toward that more care to go into the presidency you know it was these are doing here and as you can see which radio and well describe what's a while about these issues to be improved over the control group while the anticipated difference was the number of brand shoes and a number of florida had seven produced and the control group is doing what would be expected from earl's particular varieties what we're really know what's happening with him and with this experimental group it
considers an increased production of flowers there's more branching happening and the colors tend to be a little bit stronger so that regard it's showing up mostly significant improvement foliage plant circles of history ghost written for the foliage we've noticed that they have a healthier appearances on a faster growth rate on the brain waves that would move down put underneath the bridge they're off white to build much earlier than they would normally which is a lot there's a big balloon up before people get into these plants in nature i presume are not used to getting this amount of light in the wavelengths that they can process does a worm out i mean did they grow to faster than they are there too many balloons are on some cases you might say you would get to need loans but if you're watching your material the grower should be able to adjust his cycles wambaugh says tomato plants don't do well because the color of the light transmitted through this material seems to want a cause to really
blossoms but roses he says show a twenty percent increase in loans and he says the material saves energy we did notice a butter he'd sit in here with the other internal rhyme with inquiries about the comparison between the two you figure your savings in heating this past winter was something like twenty five percent over it so let's make certain set twenty percent of what we had written it would be so now that december that's david barno us with baldwin growers will check back again in a few months and bob kerrey because everyone knows how valuable precious works on it becomes so viable and putting together in great panoramic exhibition of impressionism cost so much money and the risks are so great that this will never be done again so this is it this is it for the midwest to never again revere show
that tries to really show the range and scope of production of twenty one impressionist and post impressionist artists what precipitated the setting of this exhibition why was it started well actually as it's saved it and the bootstraps every phone discovered that way i think will realize the new york and washington and los angeles regularly get these very large exhibition of precious works smaller american cities perfectly good was excellent museums never have an opportunity to two to show these big an exhibition so we thought that we would give them what they wanted by pooling our resources and because each of us was selected the consortium based our holdings when you tend to put those holdings together you have a really magnificent blockbuster exhibition and was it difficult at all pulling together all these five museums and two to participate in this well sometimes it is the commission's museums sometimes rivals now that everyone saw the benefit of news immediately in a
benefit of institutions and so we set aside our own practices that are always are doing things their own parochialism so to speak and instead documenting cases other ways of doing things and that was obviously we had to compromise and to differ give us a little art lesson here when it's impressionism is a style coach look for certainty of a great schools start sets out to find a new truth and painting and precious set out to experiment identify a new reality based on perceptions of things away and sensations of things the sensation a group of trees might give you and sensation perception of a body of water with mountains beyond it as opposed to earlier than traditional approaches which were more of what the mind thought it knew a combination of high and mind thought to be truth so this is what they were trying to do and so they concentrated on using masses of small
strokes instead of drawing did not use the light and dark just girly modeling of traditional european painting but small batches of very intense peer car and you have to remember how revolutionary these very colorful pictures were a hundred years ago impressionism has its roots in france and initially was snubbed by the french ngo first telling me that this was the worst thing that ever seen one was the head well because a conservative and traditional mentality prevailed over art and critics were all academically oriented let's say more interested in the academy into the soul and the impressionist painters were refused exhibition at the official sells actually form their own group and group shows called the soul of the independent says those were independent of a government patronage and enter the academy and then at the other end of the scale it was first led by an american citizen you as a wasn't first love them and they did have a french insurance but into singer of americans in particular midwesterners
and i'm not quite sure why i may be because they were steeped in tradition as was the east coast and they're sinking something new there is perhaps a little bit in fact a pardon him so it was collecting and integrate brain regions from midwest we've implemented factors what pressures exhibitions in and bought an impressionist pictures and probably didn't quote unquote know any better and that's how stan lee with a midwestern says great collections of impressionism wilson thank you for talking with us about impressionism selections from five american museums thank you whatever was heard the old joke about the synagogue humorless man who they were greeted with a hearty good morning and a man shows i wonder what you really meant by that was a kind of paranoia that was the work of the closing hours of this session in the wee hours of sunday morning there were republican plans don't make other plans and plans but other republicans to sabotage the plan point by the republican leadership and the worst original confusion and plenty of frustration the
problem was the billion dollar appropriations bill clinton about a social and rehabilitation services it runs the operations in state hospitals for the mentally retarded or mentally ill and of course it also funds state welfare programs legislature into session destroyed a couple of welfare programs the governor had wanted to live late to save money to continue these programs in many others in the next fiscal year is in this answer as bill the house and senate versions of the bill and millions of dollars apart senate bill is more expensive but both bills are millions of dollars over the governor's budget recommendations and he made it clear on saturday morning and because of the state's budget problems he intended to be the only compromise version of the bill the legislature white is seventy million dollars over about the recommendations and they go on and on one hundred million dollars and all kinds divergent any
and again the politico as the day wore on it became apparent to legislative leaders that none of the versions of the us to less funding bill was going to be acceptable to the governor and so late saturday evening a comedian house speaker joe biden's office republican and democratic leaders of the senate with the members on the floor to announce the game plan senate democratic leader mike johnson said the plan was for the conference committee to agree on a bill that was identical to the original house version of the measure the great was the most expensive version johnson said the plan was for the legislature to send the governor the house version even though he'd confirm the legislative leaders he intended to be a lot that's when we knew we were going to do
the senate went to work and improve the conference committee report that contained the house version of the sms funding bill the house is expected to do the same but members of both parties' caucus to became clear that most of the democrats and a group of conservative republican dissidents we're not going to vote for the bill that angered house speaker jim brady who accused democrats of playing political games because many of them had voted for the bill three weeks ago when originally passed the house that one is
a great musician accused democratic leader martin pockets of going back on his word britain should market told him the democrats would vote for the bill knowing the governor was going to reveal it and he would carry them others said he didn't really didn't like it is that the demonic of the golden opportunity to build a bill and ends the next two weeks for spending his budget but it would really the mortgage fraud was published a man appointed to lead dissenter in a position where it had no choice but to increase it for one it wasn't in shaping products is so that he can be perceived in the political class is somehow a conservative who's made a real special here in the us back in session to talk about the time property tax but
welfare and tried to make that connection that may still be in the game plan we can come to the preliminary numbers we're going to get republicans hold the house and when members are required to be in the seat while attempts are made to locate members one person and bring them back calls were made to the highway patrol an average with regard to track down for house members was in wichita to others were in kansas city and of course was in washington dc you would think would find it he didn't have to come back after more than an hour the call was raised as it became clear that you have all the absent members were brought back a neat when they wrote the bill it still wouldn't be enough to pass it so both failed and has got its bigger jump right in the during the house at two
fifteen in the morning i want him to have weeks braden and the other one hundred and fifty four members of the legislature will be back to try to wrap up the nineteen nineties ocean that too could be a very contentious affair with several major spending bills left the result will be a cliffhanger with an unusual probably get relief yet to be settled for kansas public radio i'm jim mclean at the statehouse in yesterday's news release date at ambler the vice chancellor for student affairs said regarding the incident the sae house ten days ago that overturned it would be reviewed by an advisory panel of students administrative staff and a faculty member mr called for the review panel to issue a report on the fraternities attitudes and behavior in relation to cultural and racial awareness the panel will also recommend action to deal with problems that are identified and that the report be completed by the end of the semester and he's released his nineteen eighty one if any action
could or might be taken against the fraternity what is clear that black students feel a sense of outrage over the ending incident and their perception of the university chooses to resolve it just as clear is the resentment those students feel over an incident two years ago when members of the ku klux klan spoke on campus that incident resulted in creation of a minority first task force to sort of feelings of many black students there's been a lot of meetings and a lot of reports got repaired but there's been no action meanwhile black enrollment eu continues to decline quoting now from yesterday's news release mr announced the formation of a student advisory group for the k u office of minority affairs leaders of student organizations will receive cultural diversity training beginning next fall there's report states that amber unveiled a multi faceted plan last friday district representatives mark mccormick is a leader of the student group black men of today to satisfy you
with it there is a task force that was formed as a result of any comment people from other cities agents as well as people start he has forests have said almost unanimously and it was a waste of time but i didn't really interesting issues you know ok
so what could or should be done numbers of black men of today say black enrollment should increase not slide it came to you jobless serves on the big eight council of black student unions and recently came away from the meeting with facts and statistics about what's been the other big eight schools so in four hours according to lose the case did outreach resulted in a two percent enrollment increase of blacks over a one year period and says those or you and always you both have good programs for encouragement of black enrollment and retention cash incentives are offered students to get other blacks to roland tuesday but according to louis missouri has a multi featured minority program that has resulted in a six percent increase of enrollment among blacks six percent over two and half years
last night the state is losing a bill would come of the kansas city office of justice would come is essentially a millionaire working to resolve ethnic tensions using existing institutional frameworks he offered the students his services as long as they are willing to work with an existing grievance procedures i'm bob crippen more and more opening day is a bittersweet experience for me for yankee fan royal country i was born in new york city despite that that my parent to the good sense to move when i was three months old supporting the bronx bombers remains my own lifetime attachment sports joe dimaggio was the first ballplayer i ever recognized and the gay male can with the majors and i was five and stayed until i graduate from college as a kid was scorned upon my friends who had for a clevelander pittsburgh might win an occasional panic but the yankees were institution a pinstripe
machine that would go on forever well but reagan and george steinbrenner in nineteen seventy three he became a yankees principal owner and since then it's been all downhill all during the nineteen seventies that world series may continue to win their share of games but increasingly the press has come to pay more attention to george and machinations and the players on the field was vibrant it was billy martin the continuing story of baseball dreams alcoholism and that on balance it with steinbrenner fired because you're big hauser from wars that we had the yankees in the first place was dying british chased off permanently yogi bear perhaps the ultimate yankee moralist and as diane rehm who may well forced don mattingly your free agency the end of this season three judge a man by his enemies and you eliminate a house or a bear and i'm not only three princes must be complete for the best or
the nineteen eighties i gradually became more distance from georgia's team i would look at the standings that you know how many was doing american as the shortstop threw some who go every week on the war i become example the royals to make the yankees will call the wars there was a long term goals winning ways on the field and a benevolent owner they were easy to endure like if not to fall in love with the rules get hired because when with him and treat him with grace and dignity during his fatal illness or the yankees' fire yogi and played footsie with billy still has been difficult to put aside mickey partisanship they have the best uniforms the best at and some of the best ball players in baseball the last year in the offseason george finally did it he pushed me and thousands of other yankee fans over the edge a time when the world is showing up big banks for some the best pitching in bridgeport george steinbrenner was reaching for a
teacher but the higher the legendary pasch well careers pass quote careers one point five know for years has quote careers a wacko drug head and now the yankees number one pitcher pass quote terrorists with visa troubles it's a grand total of three effective innings in spring training in the ex husband behind in florida when yogi berra was fired in nineteen eighty four he announced he was initially yankees the steinbrenner was gone move over yogi george holding knew me in dangerous and hostage two is overblown ego thousand with a gambler and maybe the commissioner can find a way to suspend him or better yet to make and sell the team and i know i cant get much sympathy a bunch of rural doctors but just think of george sells who will block donald trump of course there'll be a twosome the donald must pass quelle parole is the
beatles season tickets are now in order right now a lot of people might think it's just a joke that i would be clear can see the correct candidacy for us representative district to the holy very soon you know that's going to become more believable and my campaign will begin sadat wanted someone i think democrats of the summer realize that they want and when you heard it here first mark kramer plans on seeking the democratic nomination for us representative from the second congressional district greer says you'll run his campaign on no money rather than pay the filing fee of almost two thousand dollars creamer is collecting petitions the kansas secretary of state's office says you'll need more than twelve hundred signatures and if he can collect them you'll be
on the august primary ballot against incumbent congressman jim slattery i don't have the money to spend on this campaign and i'm smart i don't like fines and letters are written or you know magic marker on recycled cardboard you know people like that idea that if you had enough money you going to buy you weigh in to win an election i mean around ideas and i don't have to count them and held them and the poet's head because i think they're going to remember who i am afraid or what i say once they'll remember it so what about mark rumors platform legalization of marijuana for one thing he says doing that would provide a fifty billion dollar peace dividend now that figure includes money that's now being spent on putting marijuana smokers in jail or wasting their money or selling marijuana users plus there's money that we could be making
by taking advantage of the marijuana or have crop farmers to make money growing marijuana not to get high but for making clothes for making paper cramer is also interested in environmental and recycling concerns that he plans to formulate into a campaign platform family of eight and which makes me really pretty conservative traditional in a lot of my views even though it may seem like it will rule on this issue what background my working background as long actually working in the real world the material world and i am a problem solver a minute when i went to college i and physics result of the
guys rowing boats across rivers and turns and winds blowing and no along the way as a plumber i solve real problems where you go out and you diagnose what's wrong in your face and you don't get paid until the job's done it and it works so it what i feel is that i have experienced problem solvers congress needs desperately right now they don't need people who can argue for or against different was they need somebody with with some ideas on how to actually solve problems instead of just arguing about margaret moore is married has six children a degree in social psychology from k u and is a former plumbing contractor now he is a sculptor and house husband and
is preparing for a court appearance april twentieth in connection with his apprehension last autumn when he smoked an alleged marijuana cigarette at the police station rivers attorney gerry harper will attempt to persuade a douglas county district judge that prosecuting kramer for smoking marijuana is an invasion of first amendment rights for smoking marijuana at least as regards the incident september fifth was mark kramer is a way of protesting existing law and bob pretty for the past week the largest community in the whole nation for that matter have been focusing attention on pages apart of aids awareness week this will not be the last aids awareness week for sure because it is will not be going away in the near future i've been involved in these issues since the very beginning which is really only for about ten years we have a very short history with this disease so we have little idea how it will play itself out i can say with some certainty that most people were listening will be touched very personally baez before
this is over as many have already been touched some of our friends colleagues children relatives neighbors except or it will die and we will mourn those losses aids but more importantly a champion of human immunodeficiency virus is a reality in our community nationally there are well over one hundred thousand cases of aids and in kansas over three hundred but that is only the tip of the iceberg and we have little to fear from those who are already suffering from aids or the sixty percent who have already died are concerned needs to be with the one point five to three million persons or sarah positive that is who have been exposed to the virus the large bulk of these folks did not know that they have the age i the virus as they are the ones who might unwittingly pass on to each other and to us and unprotected sexual interactions in and sharing iv drug needles or in giving birth to children eh i the
virus there's been a lot of education about it over the past five years and lots of people lawrence know the facts unfortunately knowing the facts will not necessarily prevent the transmission of the virus and its ultimate conversion date we will be protected only if we learn how to avoid risk behaviors behavior is what prevents i know students who get at is an aids test yet are unwilling or unable to use condoms and sperm asides and their sexual interactions and it is in social interactions that the bulk of transmission is occurring your respective of erotic orientation although it's incidents an iv drug use is going up well sexual transmission is going down right now i have one major concern regarding these reality we have to we have to begin to put aids in its context that context is human sexuality we're teaching about age yet we are reluctant to get openly honestly and comprehensively about the
sexual interactions in which aids in transmission occurs if young people are not confirmed as sexual beings if they are not well informed about their sexuality as well as the sexuality of others if they are burdened by shame and guilt and meth they will not be able to anticipate their experience of acting upon their sector feelings and act they will if you cannot anticipate sexual interactions if you deny your sexuality if you suddenly change your mind about your commitment to virginity then prevention will be impossible for wrenching requires knowing what you are going to cheat mr thunder prevention requires knowing that your sexual being annoying you how you would behave when faced with a sexual interaction that may contain significant risk of exposure to aids or to stds or pregnancy if we do not get serious about teaching sexuality seriously then it will continue to play young people will need to talk straight and behavioral explicit in our
teaching about aids and human sexuality without that people have no basis on which to build behavioral change all have those ideas and facts and that will never be another sense it is and that's a necessary but not sufficient and prevention if you care about yourself and your children you will need to be active and supportive in the development of comprehensive an honest sex education without education to be an individual loving relationships at home in the family or in schools were each child is exposed to education throughout the entire learning process activists point to the off season acquisition of pitchers mark davis and stuart davis and call the royals the team to beat in the american league west as the most however emphasize the pre geriatric conditional regulars george brett bright white and bob bowman and force a failure for the franchise that cost money around this one are like snowflakes perhaps
the truth lies somewhere in between i don't think for instance that the davis and david show assures opponent nor do i believe that they belong to a vote what guarantees what i do think is that won the nineteen nineties season his history the names bo jackson and then a portable will be mentioned in the same sentence with worms and buried virus and metal karen matthews and sago and mcguire mitchell and clark and other words jackson intolerable walk into baseball's next dynamic duo do you realize how much jackson and durable in common for example they were born exactly a month apart in the fall of nineteen sixty two and were acquired by the royals in nineteen eighty six bulls bad right through all right and stand six one i played in both the same number of games almost last year jackson was in one thirty five
durable one thirty three he played outfield in such a fashion that neither player's agent has ever sought contractual remuneration for winning a gold glove they strike out about as often as newscasters trip over soviet foreign minister edward shevardnadze his name a major about a million dollars a year and they think they should be earning more it's ironic that dribbles father jose it was a major league outfielder in the sixties because dan is a throwback to that era of slow for that sluggers with so so skills in the field young durable lose british personality as it always thrilled his teammate isn't exactly a statue in the outfield but i don't believe i've ever seen lee jackson maybe twice as fast as terrible and over twice as strong arm but he's not a better outfielder four years and if you put a lot of stock in errors but he has of you believe ss more
important jackson would casey outfielders in both of those categories was citizen currently on the show will had injury part of almighty they have to be used as the designated hitter when he returns as it was in fifty five games last year because of injuries but regardless i'm betting that have jackson and charitable can remain relatively injury free they're ready to burst on the national scene as baseball's next titanic tandem with it
KANU News Retention
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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News reports on abortion votes and perspectives within the political race, Soviet union, abortion, school district property tax versus property tax, crime, special interest, young parents, diversity and HIV.
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Politics and Government
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Host: McClain, Jim
Host: Hilton, Rob
Producing Organization: KANU
Publisher: KPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6c93bead8c9 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “KANU News Retention,” 1989-01-01, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “KANU News Retention.” 1989-01-01. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: KANU News Retention. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from