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use major funding for the national nutrition quizzes provided by the hillcrest foundation with additional funding from campbell's soup company producers of this family of products campbell's soup company products have been on america's tables for over a hundred years on a monday and already it's not like we're going to the outback and only do our shopping malls in kansas city i mean the debate in kansas city if we don't i think you know that's sort of the pride of the victims of the things
like what like drilling on the highway you need to leave the other's white bread with extra mayo and the leftover chicken from last night and the brownies and lots of kids and dare and some apples you got larger than the paper towels mom and the dog on the sea we got five bags of color sleeping bag total basketball medicine get rolling stone magazine it made my day victory it's beans with
us oh underwear walks and i'm jane raley if you just turn on a television and you're not sure you've tuned to the right show this is the national nutrition queens sanders whether or not it's the right show for you if you like to eat or conflict may find yourself choking out the light in your refrigerator door if you've ever been on a diet or you think of a hybrid stern instantly into fat in every mistake instead of the tango to cut down on calories about a humorist are the core fan of fingers and feet of film star with the rather well anyway if you'd done any of the above your chin to the right channel because during the next hour we talking about your diet and your health how the two are really this is how the place works well as questions and gave you time to circle your answer on the queen's she if you don't have one just grab a pencil and a sheet of paper and keep track of how you doing that way after you check your answer our nutritional experts from across the country will tell you what they think it ended the quiz
you know more about the foods we eat and how they may promote or prevent the diseases we get now because till the convention need to watch the program because you're also paleo diet pretty good or maybe he'd rather go out and get a beer because part of our quiz with us which are fitness then decide what to do are you over forty ers now yourself one point and has no one knows where to be honest about our u twenty pounds overweight if so give yourself one point and give yourself one more point for each additional twenty pounds of x is weight do you smoke at all it's so give yourself one point two points if you smoke a pack a day and six points if you smoke two packs a day do you drink alcohol ever so gillis of one point the result another point for each drink beer included that you consume an average day and give yourself a point for every fast food meal you meet in an average week due to high blood pressure diabetes or angela give yourself one
point for each now close relative who have was either living in retirement are still working after age sixty far as we can tell growing old but we can't control the number of risk factors that influence how we grow old and how long we live and high living high fat foods which there's food frequently is and a diet high in calories all contribute to countering heart disease good genes help but so do good eating habits a good exercise program and good clean lungs the best score obviously is no score at all if his words zero three got some things to tell you about that knows that you might want to hear it is good for the six you need to stay tuned and even scored seven or above forget the beer for now what you hear in the next hour could save your life is
time in your family history but is that the most important question well let's ask the director david presses an earlier jennifer just give an example from the one of us in one million who inherits from both parents a trait to uncontrollably high cholesterol levels it is in childhood many of these individuals develop severe atherosclerosis their arteries clog up with it substance and somewhat like rust and apply them to have heart attacks and strokes at very young ages for them diet is not as important a risk factor as their genetic makeup power for most of us law there is a genetic link it's much less dramatic all the rest of us respond differently over range to diet reflecting much more subtle complex multi gene situations about which we still over a little so genes are always operating but they operate to
express a possibility that possibility is either given free rein if we need your own kind of diet or is never realized very much if we need a better candidate you know david the notion that fork and heal our bodies or protect us from getting sick isn't though a chinese use this indefinitely read i did it was a monday when the
banana was introduced in london two hundred years later american board of health in washington dc they are worn at all manner of that table and saying that these items help one saying we no longer blacklist a cucumber that when it was my harbor notions about food which may not be fat and that brings us to your first question led me each is a single best source of protein true or false according to our experts you've missed the mark known as in the best protein it's one it's a good for davis not at this point the best protein really is whey protein weigh them at why which has a lot of protein it is we don't console widows
way we consume it has water milk protein and the second best is an eerie egg white if you assign one hundred that way okay and biological value egg white would be like ninety eight and legal like ninety so it's not the us open protein found in foods like these is one of the major nutrients the body not only that used to replace all the fish you can build new tissue almost all of our chemical and physical processes required since our bodies don't store protein efficiently we must consume it in our diets on a regular basis as james dean helps build tissue so here's your next question the best way to build muscle is needed extra protein true or false i think the biggest misnomer for strength and power athletes and for many athletes in general as they feel that they need to eat lots and lots and lots of protein because it'll build the muscle mass and there really is no
evidence right now that it will do that all wild approaching requirements maybe slightly higher than what the rga is how most athletes need vast quantities of calories and so they're getting two or three times sometimes the rga for protein so they really don't need to worry about eating extra protein in fact exercise not extra protein is the key factor in muscular grow only twenty two percent of the mussels protein in the first place seventy percent less water we told you were earlier that protein is one of several crucial nutrients the others are facts come of my traits and most important of all water no matter nutrients or a big macs of nutrition all of them come packaged in the foods that we eat we were curious which packages people preferred so in boston we asked what state
this time like these three d's all of our favorite foods in fact all our fruits contain calories all of them also contain critical nutrients but do all these nutrients contain equal number of calories but a c with question number three one gram of protein or one gram of carbohydrate contains the same number of calories as those one gram of fat four false fat has nine calories per gram protein for carbohydrate for their for them where you week that the more your diet is high in calorie density and the easier it is to eat too much much of that
fat sleek the hawks for example they give out because it has a lot of protein in it that's not all that senate for every ounce of the best qualities that you have seven grams of protein that is seven thirtieth and nine grams of the song nice about equality means have up to fifty to sixty percent remember now are thirty grams it has one ounce roughly seven other theories floating nine out of thirty is that this isn't long beautifully marbled lobby maybe it still has more fun to them all day you know animal products aren't the only source of protein and in complete form of protein is found in plants to get a complete protein from vegetable fields you simply next and matched them serve rice and beans that's right david or
another vegetable protein with a small amount of animal protein and it like stir fried pork with vegetables and rice or spaghetti and she's these combinations give you a high quality protein without the cholesterol without the saturated fat and without the excess calories and for less money damages but it a food stuff for carbohydrate i second big mac in over years come a hybrid has gotten very poor press when he won and i had one of the first things you scratch of your grocery list as potatoes too fattening write or try this question and see which of these contains the most calories the vibe out with a dove finances of state or five ounces of red winds of more prize with five hundred calories the bread has three hundred ninety and potato a mere one hundred ten carbohydrate is the body's primary energy source it burns
cleaner and more efficiently than either fat or protein but not all cava hydrate is created equal the best comes packaged in grains beans and beans corn potatoes and other fighters vegetables and fruits that complex carbohydrates the kind we don't need is this sugar sometimes it's hard to know how much should be reading for instance one tablespoon of ketchup contains a teaspoon of sugar as demands apple pie well there is question number five how many teaspoons of sugar are contained in an average piece of pie a five teaspoons beat nine teaspoons or c fifteen teaspoons answer is saying help them fifteen teaspoons of sugar and the average fees are now there's food for thought we don't know what's going to be
fought well i don't know after all is jonathan not really hungry all but jeffrey wanted a hamburger and fries and a chocolate shake and you know i could go for a chicken fried steak with lots of gravy enrolls and a salad with blue cheese dressing that kept a spotify yeah that i was the wall of what we should be listening for high school that it yet sure i think you will be supply has fifteen piece of social credits either verify the telling me that says there should be assured it's somewhere i don't know about now on our side of canned beer at least i don't think so what usually don't want to be say that may be a trigger by requiring health romney do you think we better known use in a run they like that but you work around a lot of them it to them in a boy's a wheel of ways
over the graduate next afterwards we go to mabel so with that world they get the waldo sixteen ounces at sixty to seventy percent fat as a lifetime sometime during the day i was a middle school we would use probably pointless beauty so you're right it's the third major nutrient our bodies requires your question how much fat do we need each day for good nutrition is it a one tablespoon the four tablespoons or c eight tablespoons
one tablespoon is all we need what we end up swallowing is between six and eight tablespoons that one essential tablespoon fat helps us absorb vitamins and also helps to make the facts we need but remember you don't have to eat that to get that all excess calories are stored in the body as our exchange bodies need some fifty nutrients for the performance and they maybe others we don't even know that so before we go on with this weighs a footnote is in order our understanding of diet and disease is imperfect the answers were giving you today are based on the best information we have it could change tomorrow or five years from now however since the effects of the foods we eat show up years later we cannot afford to wait until the final word is in
you're jay leno's anything about the migrant fields of vitamins and minerals somebody needs to remain healthy frankly if you meet adequate amounts of the big macs you get the added benefit of the migrant routes as a side dish or however many of us take vitamin supplements to be sure we're getting enough question number seven the vitamins you get in pill form are the same as the line at food true or false areas true my demands are tiny organic substance is essential to your health when you get them in a pail or in a banana however the way your body uses those findings may depend on the form in which you swallow them take for instance guaranteeing thirsty open with a refined and vegetables like carrots or like broccoli and our bodies some forms of parity in a converted into vitamin a i've been suggested that carotene packs to
suppress or prevent certain cancers the question is and he'd take vitamin a and get the same benefits you receive from the vegetables containing carotene and is that true of other vitamins most of the evidence based on the protective effects of vitamins and cancer is based on the ingestion of whole foods in various populations in addition we don't know whether those vitamins as they occur in a particular fruit or vegetable or in the company of other protective agents of me really account for the protective effect so we might be for instance measuring vitamin a foot might be another reducing substances occurring in that vegetable that promoting the effect in addition it might be multiple vitamins perhaps by the name by media corinne the same food together are having to combine protective effect words if one takes different doses separately and kills one does maintain the same protective effect the bottom and they will nurture but if you eat balanced meals you probably don't need it of course there can always be an exception to as you age and even animals you this is true people spontaneously become less active they tend to move less
and they may develop very sedentary lifestyle become even more sedentary they may suffer some disability that makes him very sedentary indeed and so they cut back on their total food in pay because they don't need all those calories unfortunately there was a cutting back on their minerals on the vitamins on the proteins and they may mean just as much or perhaps it more than young people so yeah that that i would guess that some of them are at risk but we don't know that for sure we also need tiny amounts of inorganic sepsis is gold minerals minerals are in vegetable or animal but in nutritional terms that's where we find them calcium is one general we need in fairly large amounts it's used to make bohnen to keep my general body chemistry and service if we don't take in enough dietary calcium are bodies bar awake from our bones of the borrowing goes on to all of old give them and eventually break it's a very real problem especially for women at what age do women began to lose bone mass
at age thirty five the age forty three or c age fifty five everyone against those bowman about the age of thirty five very slow gradual loss of calcium from the skeleton but at the time of the pause on for about eight years after menopause bone loss can be very very rapidly and can actually reach and someone up to ten percent of the bone per year and the spine can be lost after that time long lost against those damn and the times generally a steady loss of gong some researchers say that bone loss starts even earlier at age twenty three either way don't wait to begin consuming adequate amounts of calcium girl should start before their teens teenage girls and women prior to medical as need a thousand milligrams of calcium per day that's the equivalent of three glasses of milk and ackman of all the requirements go up to fifteen hundred
milligrams of calcium daily or one and a half court said no cause he was also found in leafy green vegetables yogurt and cheese the two dietary culprits that everyone agrees on our fat and cholesterol or that then links to the major cause of death for half our population heart disease but since they were other heart risk factors like smoking in high blood pressure just how important as diet question number nine which is the most important risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease at high blood pressure the high blood cholesterol or see smoking the high blood cholesterol the dietary factor seems to be the most important one we have countries where people smoke a farewell and don't seem to get many corners so it would appear that
your cholesterol level has to reach a certain level before the other damaging agents of high blood pressure and smoking can help narrow the corners so perhaps they the basis and the foundation is laid by having dietary practices that raise the cholesterol up to a certain critical threshold then after that the more saturated fat and cholesterol people eat for higher cholesterol the other risk factors and korean as perhaps co equal partners the big three in cholesterol smoking and blood pressure cholesterol but what is it and how is it was all my diet's effect the cluster on our blog or what we call serum cholesterol cholesterol isn't like fatty substance that support of every cell in our body is a tougher cell membranes <unk> nerve fibers and it helps us make hormones and digestive while
acid after a six months our bodies produce all the cholesterol that we need what we eat is surplus that surplus is carried in the bloodstream is part of the structure called light bulb protein these are actually little vehicles that are transporting a variety of different kinds of fat from one to shoot to another story starts in the liver we're reduced to call very low density like the old email the audio is like a ship that's in the process of transporting in an informal triglyceride from the liver so now used for a power or good enough that issue where it's stored for legalization and the real deal is a complicated molecules like a ship that has a basic structure the protein which is like the keel of a ship as it were and then
enter this is a droplet of that called triglyceride and superimposed on this is a whole series of so that when this particle arrives in the nation and there's their enzymes that the moon they share their triglyceride outlook article in the process they said to heal all these other proteins thing that's left is delightful protein we're interested in this process because london's double protean is the particle that is most clearly related atherosclerosis we think it's a low density like a protein which carries cholesterol from the blood stream into the walls of the blood vessel making a rough a narrow sometimes closing them off completely now question them or ten the average adult age thirty and over should aim for a serum cholesterol all day under two hundred b between two hundred and two forty or c london forty over here is a
hundred two hundred certainly a good average for our population would be in the order of one ad at the present time the average for a person's age thirty and over is around to ten anything above to tan or above to twenty at the very highest must be regarded as frankly abnormal and apple level producing a very sizable increase in risk let me now be very very sizable i mean you really have a doubling of the risk compared to people or under one ad by the way if you're in your early teens a cluster of less than one hundred and forty is considered to be very good oh we're not saying a low cholesterol level will guarantee you a healthy heart a good place the ball in your court now question number eleven which of these foods contains the least cholesterol
at two ounces of peanut butter or be two ounces of lean hamburger meat is peanut butter there's no cholesterol and peanut butter and a few have hardened peanut butter has been hydrogenated to make it solid at room temperature rather than the old fashioned peanut butter that the mix of the night when the oil separate then you do in getting into another story when you hardened vegetable for that it is saturated fat and raises gospel body the way animal surgeon even though there's no cholesterol in the perception in fact to act independently and raising blood cholesterol not only this peanut butter contain no cholesterol neither does any other plant food cholesterol is only found in animal products and one of the most concentrated sources of it is right here in this egg yolk in fact one egg yolk contains about two hundred and
fifty milligrams of cholesterol so an egg for breakfast pretty much shields the maximum recommended cholesterol intake of three hundred milligrams a day even if you limit cholesterol you're not home free like the doctor said that in the diet can also raise your blood cholesterol level david as questionable which that inner life is the primary heart risk factor at saturated fat or b and saturated fat they are right on target dietary hard to use a layman's term hard fat or saturated fat fat that is silent room temper jer or eighth mixture of fats that contain predominantly searcher it's sour room temperature white water like lard white so at the visible flat on meat why dairy fat switches and its refined form
water or the fat in cream or ice cream sour cream sweet green cheese this kind of fat plus dietary cholesterol itself a compartment up or animal products including animal fats these two components of dietary fat racer cholesterol of the hired a certain cholesterol level of an individual the greater the risk of heart attack and particularly premature heart attack carrie we said that one of the three primary risk factors for coronary heart disease was high blood pressure only sixteen million of its roughly one out of every four americans has hypertension blood pressure someone to the pressure that force of water through your kitchen knives insurers proper flow of blood into the organs and tissues of the body but if it gets too high your heart must work harder one way that
doctors have found to lower patient's blood pressure is to restrict the salt in their diets but how much salt do we actually consume question number thirteen how much more salt that we eat and our bodies need a two times be five times see ten times or indeed twenty times a movie or see you didn't this time we actually consume between twenty and thirty times the amount of salt necessary for good health mean this is what we need five hundred milligrams a day or one quarter teaspoon and this is what we eat as much as three or four teaspoons of salt and a year that rounds out to about seven sir plus pounds only a third of the salt we eat actually comes from the salt that we sprinkle on our food the rest is added in food processing however if you want to know how much you had at the table place a
piece of waxed paper on a plaything salt played as if they were food on it for the salt into a teaspoon and check it out oreos and that idea that your next meal fossils sold to show live just from the block that we would land on your plate question number fourteen has to do with diet and cancer which of these cancers is linked to diet a colon cancer the breast cancer see prostate cancer or a d all of the above i hope you play scheme that sunday because each of these cancers is diet related but if you're wondering why use your next question what nutritional factor is most closely associated with cancer a carbohydrate
be fat or sea salt me isn't bad that may make foods taste good but to paraphrase mae west's too much of a good thing is simply too much for the news of what was the initial the japanese oh you've done by a low fat diet or whatever will lead to canceled koran plastic glass and as a lightweight to a widely within one generation these wage increase and by the second generation japanese sell virtually all of those indicating of course that it's not a genetic constituents see that makes japanese in new inspections get from or five japan is concerned and back at the la japan and back to he almost only worked with us here have lived in the more papers were we now showing that in japan the night with that content goes up
these cancers increase in japan itself as as of course also calling out a dose which also listed it you know it isn't just saturated or hard facts that were concerned with its also polly and saturated fats as you know a new car now to these it's primarily needs saturated fats the conflict probably unfortunately in the camp said there was to this particular experimental enough that he had the unsaturated fats and i think he drove like that even though saturn fat or so active two locomotives and strangely enough the fence it seemed to have the least impact on the twentieth century that such a lot of that is only part of the story as another side to the cancer corn called fiber we're basically trying to get a whole grains of the country is not an essential
nutrients it is essential to feeling good i call it the roto rooter a bit in jest of tract delicately put it keeps things moving along in the process and they protect you from colon cancer by shortening the time that cancer causing agents remain in the gut now question number sixteen is both fiber like yes or no two classes of fibers are not all fibers are like the water soluble in water insoluble fibers the water insoluble fibers those which occurred bran flakes for instance in various cereals that promote regularity the increase the transit time of the us to alter the bowels so it's protective for colon cancer the other group the water soluble vitamins rather the water soluble fibres such as packing him or attract water and absorb a cholesterol and these are really the fibers that lower cholesterol levels in the body so that these occur in
fresh fruits and vegetables together with the insoluble fibers some mix of insoluble insoluble fibers is probably a wise in the diet soda taking in a cereal for instance for breakfast is probably a wise addition to the diet in addition emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables at lunch and dinner is also probably a wise and prudent thing to do you know they let it looks as if we've come full circle not only is fat in the diet a risk factor for heart disease as well as for some cancers fiber in your diet such as in this whole grain cracker may and we emphasize may protect you from both the third leading cause of death in america as diabetes and once again diet is involved eleven million of us have this disease even though almost half of you know it there are two forms of diabetes insulin dependent and non insulin dependent or type two diabetes its the type to were talking about because diet is especially important in both
its onset and that's control by the time the food we eat reaches the bloodstream the carbohydrate in it has been broken down into one simple sugar called glucose glucose is what feeds our cells and getting glucose into the cells where it can be used is where diabetics get into trouble normally will lead a glucose contained meal were cut widely containing the hall and eventually the glucose gets into the circulation when glucose concentrations rise in the circulation it stimulates the pancreas to secrete the hormone called insulin it turns out what islam has to do is get into the circulation travel for the body tissues and when it reaches the tissue side again stimulates debt issued to take a house that's called insulin action in type two diabetes we think one of the major about their melodies is an enemy on even selection of effective in selection insulin cannot work as efficiently in a diabetic patient as a dozen them or
more to mediate glucose update and this has turned insulin resistance the tissues of the diabetic patients are resistant to the actions of insulin and limiting else there are risk factors for diabetes question number seventeen what is the primary risk for the development of type two diabetes at a family history of disease be too much sugar and i see overweight or d your age the family cows and the extra weight is the respect and a digital scale the most important factor though in bringing out that genetic makeup is just being overweight overeating in activity will bring out then the genetic propensity for susceptibility to diabetes and when you lock both here in the united states and the rest of the world where diabetes is very
common it's apparent that overweight ness and inactivity on the two vital factors and in bringing out diabetes well not everyone who is overweight is diabetic eighty to ninety percent of all type two diabetics are overweight you know as many as four out of five of us way too much not together we carry around two million excess pounds of fact it's a risky business and you think it's the view of twenty percent of readers are a wager clearly at higher risk for all sorts of health problems but it's not just the pounds a cow it's also muscle vs fat on the average twelve percent of a man's body weight effects within fifteen and twenty percent we live here you don't
realize it's a jungle out there crazy drivers searching for doughnut shop with easy on easy off access somebody's and the menus jeopardy so usually usually freely is no disguising the fact a lot of us don't just eat to live we live to eat and eating is fine for what we have to do to figure out how we can be better if you could fog and tasty before we can wake up to a better eating plan we need to look at how we now david so what did you have for breakfast this morning with the house a little should read some of that melts warns you stand for and that we asked that question of a lot of different
people and here's how they answer a list of the fresh pineapple but my first course it's just as well shredded wheat shredded wheat with skim milk in this business a sandwich some people regard the sandwich little weird i find very tasty made up oh my and aids on whole wheat toast sliced onion sliced cucumber sliced tomatoes lettuce and hard boiled egg whites the peanuts but i think the reason so many things and for dessert my wife had made some fresh apple sauce and fresh cranberry and fresh apple sauce and cram break it to a hearty breakfast
every morning was not high calorie wow my own heart cells could only have been so sure about onions at seven o'clock in the morning you know breakfast is truly my favorite meal but it also has to be a fast meal so i figured out a few quick fixes that taste good but more to the pooh it can be carried in one fist why you're running out the door are you reading david it's my paycheck pizza special and hears it make it you take a whole wheat pita bread and smear a generous amount of no salt tomato sauce on it then you top that but the slicer to of turkey breast which is low in fat and some low fat cheese and then you just pop it into the toaster oven for a minute or two i have one already fix it if you can see a wildlife david would you like to try some terrific
it's a good complex carbohydrates and protein good way to start the day also i would guess you could add vegetables to have increasing fiber bad things like green peppers or even onions and i know i wouldn't dare mushrooms or tomatoes sure no there really are some very good reasons for us to look at what we're eating because changing our eating habits can affect or how the question of rating a diet low in cholesterol and fats can reduce the fat in the pauses to climb the arteries true or false the ranch in true we've won changes a diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fat and specially fats like gold medal and one changes that diet so that is a very low and flat and lower cholesterol and no one finds the lesions become remarkably improved in the experimental animal in a very reasonable amount of time
in human it looks as if the same kind of improvement will result at least in all fairly large proportion of the individual the study to improve our diets we need a goal and the american heart association and the american cancer society and the national academy of sciences have set a goal that looks pretty good for most of us what they're suggesting is this reduce your total fat intake to no more than thirty percent of your calories reduce you're saturated or hard fats to less than ten percent of total calories and keep those polly unsaturated fats added ten percent maximum drop your cholesterol intake to between two hundred and fifty and three hundred milligrams daily substitute more complex carbohydrates from vegetables and fruit and whole grains for those that you've been cutting from your diet reduce your salt and sugar intake and if you drink drink moderately one at most two drinks a
day making changes can't wait you can stand on the major supermarket know where your fans are most defense coming from me at forty to forty five percent of your calories from that company at fourteen percent come to dairy products and an eleven percent from actual voter buttering your brethren oil going on or salad dressings and maybe fifteen sixteen percent coming from grains are the sweets the desert sky classically so that by kind of honing in on your sources of that you can see ways that you personally can't purchase that i think they would have to come up with a former that they can live with that as the long term are looking for a long term change tj and i think that people have to the way that you don't make this change immediately now if you're ready to reduce the fat in your diet try this next question in selecting the margarine you should choose one in which the first ingredient listed is a partially hydrogenated the liquid or c partly hardened
mr gruber or the first word in the fine print ingredients is the word liquid that's really about all you need to know actually i like to the water margins less than half the fat but then you have to no apparent margin fell into the liquid margarine so start with words i partly hardened partially hydrogenated are not good choices another dairy product that contains a sizable amount of fat is whole milk that we adults don't need the fat but what about children question number twenty one milk is best for toddlers and young children a whole milk the low fat milk or c non fat milk si non fat milk contains all the nutrients and actually has more calcium and protein per glass because the fat has been removed after the age of one the only thing that whole milk
does that non fat milk doesn't do is cause overweight and lead to clogged arteries later in life and remember you don't have to change or died overnight so i didn't know how formal announcement and a few weeks later go to a quarter homo and three quarters mind that in fact you can approach all or dietary changes in the same way desert for example twice a week instead of four times another aide to changing your diet is right here on these labels there's lots of good information but you have to know how to read it for example question number twenty one the total amount of sugar contained in a product is less than on the label as either sugar or sucrose true or false sugar and sucrose are only part of the story and there are other kinds of sugars and there's all the different kinds of names for different kinds of sugars
you know theres glucose our which can be fruitless dextrose dexter syrups corn syrups they're all referring to to glucose either sucrose which is you're very table sugar there's photos which are sometimes referred to as fruit sugar and it was on and they're as lactose which has the answer right now which can be a component of those and those are just the new commissioners then there are the sugar alcohols that is as a tall man a tall silent hall which can be used in a supply calories just as other sugars do that absorb a little more slowly and then as iowa the kinds of industrial names for sanders they can be on the letter which may not recognize there's another part to the nutrition puzzle how you cook counts to remember that calorie conscious but that we talked about earlier well here's the rest of the story now if you take the lowly potato monsters about a
hundred calories and so if you chop it up and cooking fat you're up to two hundred and seventy five to three hundred calories from that original hundred calories if you slice it up real fine and make potato chip you're up to four hundred calories or that original potato but what's the difference just flat what kind of fat or frequently it's a totally saturated fat why was someone learned that if you cook potato chips and totally saturated fat they stay crisper longer shelf life you know the potato chip goes on and on on the shelf of the person who needs it but that's our prom extending your shelf life was what the show's all about one way to do it is to maintain a healthy weight but how what is the best way to lose weight prominently at a high protein diet be a fat free diet see a grapefruit diet or in the more exercise we
answer is b for small exercise according to our recent information is probably the best way of achieving weight control rather than struggling with caloric restriction on semi starvation and repeated efforts to go hungry those who increase their energy output seem to be much more successful over the long run the us is overweight tends to raise the harmful fractions of cholesterol and one or the protective versions of cholesterol but also raise blood pressure then being overweight is bad and exercising helping overweight is beneficial for that reason i did not speaking after a long
day working on your exercise though they keep but i wonder isn't just a long time it has a really quite being overweight a major problem this country i think one's level of physical activity plays in porto and why controlled house burned more calories like we were bicycling or they would probably in those twenty minutes worth of around two hundred calories that isn't the way to work besides just kind of calories while reconciling there's no change here for several hours now have a higher metabolic rate and we had been an exercise and also we continue to burn more calories there's always an argument our show it's a discussion about how much exercise is really good for the body and how much is needed to do so why think it's according to how much surgery able to build into year your daily activity and we were having a few hundred years ago we would need to ride his bicycle but nowadays we need to build a protective we are using elevators drug war cartels often building hamas and it lost that decca sound like weightlifting mainly builds
muscle but bamako just as like bicycling running really burned more calories and improve the carnivorous percent remaining doing well i think she should be doing book of the muscle tone was important also i'm out with regard to diseases illnesses like poland germany disease buffett one is less likely to go with c i asked your price and knees if you're geeky kuwait down i think people who have diabetes deeply idol like diabetes it can be controlled that area to stay on an exercise program and keep your way down but an issue not saying that exercise and do everything you're right david edges as important is not everything right and you're right exercise won't do it all you start to think about what you eat your final question two exercise off the calories in this cheeseburger you would have to do a run for twenty minutes the swim for twenty five minutes city bicycle for thirty five minutes the nominee about
not only allowed in order to burn off the calories that you just consumed one measly little to spare you have to run really fast run for thirty minutes swim performance or ride a bike for fifty cents thats a lot of exercise for one which is where i would submit to you it's far easier natty to cheaper food matters an exercise matters when it comes to health matters so when should we start listening to our bodies in our know your body school of education corps when that we tested all over the country we're showing that would show a law thirteen years old forty percent of a memo anyone respective for cardiovascular disease but equally hyper like biggie knew that elevated cholesterol and we're showing that our children one relay first opera went the memo about about it but by the end of the program showed lenore what economists is because they know what the
militants they know what the optimal quest or should be or when an optimum the pressure on optimal weight on me then on the difference between its actually the non saturated fats these are question that adults let me know wasn't gospel not have a clue what the sequester level it's all want a normal about the shore to be and we say to actually launch a nobody takes care of you when you're everybody isn't something you can afford to put off like when i guess to lose it always make more money you can always buy another stock but you've only got one life all right i know it's a reading it began to say it but janice the things we learned that nasa will point out that probably what he does say have your cholesterol level checked along with your blood pressure and then go home and look in america are you seeing more of you than usual drama or a girl check your refrigerator
and your shopping list it could be time to make some changes well think of a generous don't know rodney awfully early to be checking into a motel and if you're meyer says the first day of the rest of our lives change your eating habits gradually i remember eating like everything else in life is a trade off that lunch is always a catch as catch an affair pack as much good nutrition as you can into breakfast shopping together working together eating together feel better already about a lot like maybe a canvas any good idea was a city will be the first family ever to walk the kansas city when you had to work tomorrow park your car several blocks from the office and walked the rest of the way and remember nobody pays for caribou and you it's bad
this program was produced in association with the center for human nutrition at the university of texas health science center in dallas for a transcript of this program please send four dollars to p tv publications post office box seven or one kent ohio i want to know major funding for the national nutrition quiz was provided by the hillcrest foundation with additional funding from campbell's soup company producers of this family of products campbell soup company products have been on america's tables for over a hundred year itch earn
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The National Nutrition Quiz
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KERA (Dallas, Texas)
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Program Description
A quiz on habits for food, tobacco and alchohol and how they relate to cardiovascular disease.
Created Date
Asset type
Food and Cooking
Nutrition; Health
Media type
Moving Image
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Associate Producer: Silverman, Patricia
Director: Collier, Christi
Host: Watts, David
Host: Brody, Jane
Producer: Parrish, Gay
Producing Organization: KERA
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-95adfb8ae91 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The National Nutrition Quiz,” 1985-05-24, KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “The National Nutrition Quiz.” 1985-05-24. KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: The National Nutrition Quiz. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from