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from deep inside your audio device of choice and elsewhere ladies and gentlemen I am reliably informed by reading that some people have said on some political newsletters that have been put out this week wow this week when one can one sleep the news cycle is 24 hours this is what 2017 and somebody's just realizing that the news cycle is 24 hours here's here's a bulletin despite the staffing and production constraints of journalistic entities like newspapers and broadcast television news and cable news the news cycle always has been and always will be 24 hours and the amount of attention we're paying now is
probably the amount of attention citizens of a supposedly democratic republic should always be paying perhaps minus some of the anxiety but still now for our freedom-loving friends in Saudi Arabia well there's some good news don't you know Saudi Arabia plans to give women more control over their lives through study work and stop the presses hospital treatment the deeply conservative kingdom is one of the most gender segregated countries in the world as you may know women live under the supervision of a male guardian they cannot drive and must wear head-to-toe black garments in public but it's so slimming but Saudi media outlets report that the country's King Salman is according to the British newspaper the independent King Salman been Abdulaziz al-Saud because it is the Saudi royal family has issued an order allowing women to benefit from government services such as education and
health care without getting the consent of a male guardian last month there was outrage when the country was elected to the UN Women's Commission whose role is to shape global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women the UK's foreign office refused to deny that Britain had voted for Saudi Arabia's ascension to the women's rights commission Belgium's prime minister said he regretted his ambassador and ambassador's vote in favor the new changes in Saudi Arabia mean women could in some circumstances study and access hospital treatment work in the public and private sector and represent themselves in court without the consent of a male guardian it at least opens the door for discussion on the guardian system said a woman's rights campaigner it's the latest in a series of moves in Saudi Arabia to include women more in the workforce as the kingdom moves to diversify its economy away from the oil thing started in 2011 when the late King Abdullah allowed women onto the government advisory sure accounts of women can now vote in municipal elections
work in some retail and hospitality jobs and were allowed as you may recall to compete in the Olympics for the first time however Saudi Arabia still ranked 141 out of 144 countries in the 2016 global gender gap a world economic forum study on how women fair hospital treatment they could get now it's it's all progress when you're our freedom-loving friends in Saudi Arabia and freedom is just another word for protesting the taking down of statues contemporary commemorating Confederate heroes in New Orleans Louisiana this week undercover of darkness the city of New Orleans began and I believe completed the work of taking down the statue of the former president of the Confederacy of states of America Jefferson Davis the second of four Confederate monuments targeted for
such moves by New Orleans after a slew of fights in the city council and in court the move happened undercover of darkness because there's been a continuing line of protests death threats towards a construction companies which were possibly going to be doing the work and death threats against city officials as well nonetheless the Jeff Davis is down videotape of the demolition project showed a bunch of protesters a correspondent I know personally said yes some of them were from out of state Mississippi in Tennessee some were from New Orleans and many of them were carrying Confederate flags as you know on this program that's known as the losers flag hello welcome to the show
Southland land of cotton and loan losers got to have a place to call home secession well it's the source of our pride cuz our info we're on the losing side yeah our info we're on the losing side all the stars and bars will never be forgot on our state flag the ex marks the spot it took bravery to fight for slavery that's how we're inclined because we're just the losing
backs and it's Anglo-Saxon no more making you be shaken when you go to the store throughout our state there is this deep divide cuz I can for all the losing side yeah our info we're on the losing side all the stars and bars will never be for that we're Johnny rep and not some hot and top you took bravery to fight for slavery you can't be colored blind when you're with the losing guy this ain't what we
designed cuz we're just the losing guy oh we love our flag it says just who we are we got no fancy house we got no fancy car yeah take the bravery don't forget about slavery we don't watch we rewind cuz we're just losing guy surrenders what we designed cuz we're just the losing guy see at least you got an anthem from Naples Italy ladies think think about it Naples Italy ladies gentlemen I'm
Harry Scherer welcome you to this edition of the show and this week the Trump administration announced they want to send more troops to Afghanistan cuz that's working out so well America's longest war ladies and gentlemen let's let's keep it going more than 11,000 citizens suffered casualties because of conflict conflict in Afghanistan last year that's the highest number recorded since the United Nations began keeping track way back in 2009 so they waited what six years after the war began before they thought let's track those casualties of those casualties nearly 3500 people were killed according to the office of special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction well you got to break some eggs the sobering statistics come more than two years after the combat phase of the US war supposedly came to a close you may remember it was vice president Joe Biden who said in 24 said earlier on that the United States would be out of Afghanistan by 2014 quote come hell or high water apparently neither have come to us soldiers died in combat
in Nangahar province in the last few days us forces have been supporting the Afghan governments effort to fight after i i says and the Taliban civilians are fleeing their homes in droves to avoid harm so i guess there's a big business in droves now the report documented more than six hundred sixty thousand people who had fled their homes last year just one year that's the highest number of displacements on record and a forty percent increase from the year before so that's our America's longest war looking good and now ladies and gentlemen well this this seems inevitable and overdue advertisers are desperate to squeeze themselves into Amazon's voice operated home assistance echo powered by Alexa they may have found
a way according to the register tech journal in england thanks to vocal voice sorry thanks to voice labs which will soon add sponsored messages as a service to its analytics tools for certain apps that use Alexa powered echoes in other words apps can start pushing audio ads through amazon's echo voice labs claim the messages will be the first voice first advertising people will love you will love these ads and apparently it already has some big brands on board one of more than a million tests of the technology it has only had only a handful of complaints according to voice labs and why would they lie how is this possible when amazon specifically bands ads on Alexa it doesn't ban them entirely if you offer flash briefing skills where ads are not the core functionality of the skill you're allowed to offer ads likewise if you're streaming music or radio
a digital marketing conference this week saw marketing analysts say devices like the amazon echo and google home would account for twenty five percent of digital ads within the next three years and that's not all marketing companies also have in their sites virtual reality headsets companies are looking to do product placement in that medium so if you're playing your new VR game later this year don't be surprised to see a pair of Nike sneakers appearing in short storefronts or a coke can popping up on a table next to you it's the VR advertising platform maker vertebrae behind the efforts to monetize your eyeballs the company has ten million dollars in venture capital money and it's planning to launch version one point of its software development kit very soon that should be flawless vertebrae will add three d objects rather than two d slogans into vr content making more
life like a that co-can looks so real we're building units and formats that are true to the medium of vr presented in the right way as someone is navigating in a vr experience said spokesman for the company by using vr virtual reality and a r augmented reality publishers and their advertisers can build native shareable user experiences that will ultimately make ads much less intrusive says the CEO of appetizer mobile Jordan Edelson that's right by jamming ads into your virtual reality headset the ads will be much less intrusive and they'll help you figure out what's fake news to the smart house latest jump it is just so damn dumb and now news of the Olympic movement produced by Jim ever saw junior well ladies and gentlemen first the good news the governor of tokyo prefecture uriko
coique says that government will in principle in principle bear all the costs of temporary facilities for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games to be built outside tokyo following a meeting with the prime minister coique said the two sides agreed to seek a framework under which the games organizing committee will shoulder half the costs for building the Paralympics oh I see and the other half will be equally shared by the governments the new plan emerged because there's reluctance by the other local governments in the area to take on the costs of building temporary facilities in their prefectures the cost to build temporary facilities in the areas outside tokyo are now estimated to reach 385 million they're likely to expand to 500 million if you include facilities for the events most recently added to the Olympics baseball and softball all the outlies were initially supposed to be covered by the organizing committee and if the committee's funds fell short
the metropolitan government was supposed to make up one but the plan hit a snag as the estimated costs ballooned perhaps ballooning should be an Olympic event it happened so often with regard to the games triggering debate over the idea that part of the burden should be shoulder by the governments any bets on how much the taxpayers will pay and looking backwards for a moment we're not supposed to do that but what began as an investigation to the former state oil company of Brazil Petro Bras soon has become a criminal process about the organization of the world cup and the Olympics paid for mostly with public funds really the latest release of official documents by the Brazilian federal supreme court and seen by the observer newspaper in London shows that the venues were not only sports cathedrals but alleged to have channeled millions of dollars worth of bribes Brazil's Supreme Court has opened investigations into around a hundred politicians based on hundreds of hours of
testimonies by past and present executives at the construction conglomerate Odebrecht six out of the 12 stadiums built for the world cup are now under investigation for irregularities and bribery Eduardo Pais the former mayor of Rio supposedly a symbol of the new kind of Brazilian politician is accused by a former Odebrecht executive of having taken about five million dollars in exchange for facilitating contracts relating to the Olympic Games the new Rio subway line which was supposed to be a key part of the Olympic legacy is the target of a police operation for suspicion of fraud and the president of the accountability tribunal of the state of Rio is being investigated for allegedly accepting bribes in exchange for proving the contracts for the rebuilding of Maracana Stadium the final bill for the stadium was 75% of both the initially estimated price there is
your ballooning right there but why shouldn't things balloon at the Olympics because it's a movement and we all need one every day ladies gentlemen science advances sometimes by subtraction a research article on consumption of micro plastics by larval fish has been reported for misconduct in research is going to be retracted from the journal science the researchers behind the study themselves requested the retraction earlier this month you may recall the report researchers describe their discovery that fish at early stages of development changed their behavior and exhibit poorer growth if they have access to micro plastic particles this was published June of last year they wrote that larval perch preferred micro plastics to natural food
sources such as zooplankton leading to greatly increased mortality rates because they're not supposed to eat the plastic they wouldn't involve that way the study was reported for misconduct by a group of researchers immediately after the allegation the university upsell our university initiated a preliminary investigation commissioning an external group to state its opinion report from the external group of experts was completed in august and concluded that no misconduct could be established that opinion contained though the opinion of the central ethical review board it contains sharp criticism of the researchers and of upsell the university for the preliminary investigation and for the journal science which published the research so they criticize everybody the university will take both reports into account in its coming decision on the complaint of misconduct meanwhile the perch are relieved now ladies and gentlemen getting to the story which is absorbed almost all the
oxygen in the United States this past week although I can report that Saturday's edition of the international New York Times one that was distributed here in Naples Italy contain not one mention on its front page of a certain American president so you know you're outside the United States when you see that the comparisons were rife beginning almost immediately after President Trump fired FBI director James Comey this week comparisons of course to the Saturday Saturday Night Massacre in which President Richard Nixon decades ago fired two successive attorneys general in seeking to find someone who would follow his orders to fire the special prosecutor Archibald Cox who was being a bit too persistent in trying to get access to records and ultimately tapes pertaining to the Watergate investigation Nixon did not
notably fire his FBI director Elpatrick Gray whom he had appointed to replace the recently deceased Jay Edgar Hoover there will be more hopefully about Elpatrick Gray and Watergate in an upcoming edition of the show I know it's the past but it informs the future but anyway those comparisons were both lofted and rebutted serially as the week wore on and probably events some reaction in the most improbable place of all will place called heaven where Nixon got in and is still taping his tracks as well as he didn't down there as far as our people know he is not succeeded
in wiretapping heaven yet see that's the key thing yet long way to go yep well for him that's right that's a long time well that's what I'm saying they one guy from the end as they happen to get in here before you know it boovers back in business well I know you're busy you know as I you know I'm just in case I'll be writing my memoir just just realized I had a seventh crisis well I just I did I did want to learn to you how she is a thing up here show a little to alert people about it is very calm it's too calm if you ask man it's too comfortable anyway just wanted to bring you the good news before mandatory volleyball you know if we could ever get some damn libertarians in up here I know but if I want to get big and fight in my post-doatage period you know
and then well for sure it should be your own business but they won't exactly big daddy say money does on the place so what's the good news I think you're finally off the hook history wise they got dean that's no no no dean still clear that in all the minutes been what 40 45 years that like something on D well two problems I think one nobody's looking at it so well when we looked there there was nothing there I think the Saturday that massacre has just been one opt out range wise well but I if the history books have room for only one metaphorical massacre which they do which they do will be yours but I'm not going to play 20 questions with you all and so Trump fired his FBI director come and call me but I never knew how the fellow
pronounced his damn name but don't call me call me like the hair thing come with the wife right fire him yep no replacement no surrogate press conference just uh on the door and firing nothing to hide behind no no well now you see the first thing is of course over what's going by the time we were having our our little thing that's right I mean uh nobody could fire over no no no no no he uses files in his career before he could say Jack Kennedy Robinson who the hell is Robinson Kennedy uh before you could say Jack Robinson that's right right right but he had that gray he knew how to play ball that's right that's right team player independent as a day as well fiercely independent that's right yep but we sure knew how to play ball that's right that's right so you didn't need to fire that exactly right
partial media never gave us credit for that I know which of course is there right that's right doctor I know how to play it any other way no no never good just let it all hang out still can't from what I of course not sure Trump fired coming and of course there'll be the usual play by the Democrats and suddenly being all sanctimonious about the goddamn FBI directors if he's uh some sort of pope or something that's right that's your way too cautious don't ever let no of course I think well now Trump is nope but I'm saying well for many people what they remember about our administration is the so-called Saturday night match well of course block grants to states ending the gold star no no that made fighting the way in the war editor you know not finding it for so long no my point is before you're saying it's true right
however people gonna remember us now well there's still the rest of water game only date remembers that that's about it anymore so you don't see me you don't spend your whole life trying to get to the White House just so some hotel operator can elbow you out of the history books no I mean of course you don't that that's right you don't so you want to get over involved isn't no no no no you never mentioned my calls down there so you're right yep too late now yep yep I just better get busy absolutely uh just just for my notes uh this young what uh rewriting my damn memoirs all right okay um there's no door so I'll just fine but now news of the godly
first of all they're still doing exorcisms an evangelical nika roguen pastor and four followers have been sentenced to 30 years for burning a woman to death in a so-called exorcism Vilma Trujillo 25 years old died after being tied up and thrown on a fire she's 25 years old the group had denied killing her and said she was possessed by the devil oh well that's the best excuse the suffering the true he was subjected to is something no human being should go through said the judge pastor wan rocha he's only 23 and his siblings were convicted of murder they received six years for illegal detention as well the judge capped the jail time to 30 years overall they killed my wife the mother my two little ones now what am I gonna tell them said the victim's husband tell them she was possessed by the devil Trujillo died after a week in a hospital where she was taken to treat burns on 80% of her body none of the men showed any
reaction as the sentences were read out and more news of the godly the students in the school for deaf children would call her the bad mom the woman who was supposed to take care of them but who they say would send them into rooms to be sexually abused by priests others said she committed abuse herself and would force them to watch pornography on television and after a five-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by the priest the Roman Catholic nun allegedly forced her to wear a diaper in class to conceal the bleeding according to Argentine news reports because the other children at the school were deaf only the victims abusers would have heard their cries the nun named kosake komiko was arrested and charged this week on suspicion of helping priests sexually abuse children at the Antonio provolo institute a school for the hearing impaired in Argentina so he is also charged with physically abusing the students herself her arrest stems from
a sex abuse scandal that is royalty Argentine Catholic Church as well as all the way to Rome and as resulted in Vatican probes out and the arrests of two priests and three other men at least 24 students of the provolo institute in Argentina have come forward seeking justice for the abuse they say they suffered years ago at the hands of two priests and three other men the five were arrested late November komiko herself the bad nun is believed to have been hidden in northeast Argentina or in a bordering country she turned herself into authorities in Buenos Aires last week she denied all allegations as she walked into the courtroom wearing her habit and a bulletproof vest this is not the first incident of priests allegedly abusing abusing deaf young people there was a priest in Milwaukee Wisconsin sometime ago who after he died was revealed to have abused approximately
two hundred deaf boys news of the godly latest gentlemen a copyrighted feature of this broadcast in the next room now they're in the closet between me and the broom boom boom half a dozen deaf boys boom boom nice little crowd boom boom they can be quiet boom boom I can be loud boom boom four and twenty deaf boys boom boom take me all day boom boom rarely got the time to boom boom eating to pray boom boom deaf boys can't hear me coming deaf boys don't you dare call its mummin might be a jink in my priestly ponds but how can I resist how can I resist boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom have a hundred deaf boys boom boom boom who got a headsteam
boom boom I could be vocal coach boom boom they could be in the team 88 deaf boys boom boom one for each key on the piano of my longing they play a hushed melody 150 deaf boys oh this could get tight boom boom a few dozen in the morning boom boom boom and all the rest at night boom boom boom deaf boys can't hear me coming deaf boys got my heart strings strummin make me make such a joyful note just can't get enough just can't get in a hurry boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom now if I had a deaf
boy for each day of the year 365 oh that would be dear how many deaf boys have there actually been boom boom why and how does come any dance on the head of a pin the world is one of deaf boys and I'm only one man all that God expect to do all that you can deaf boys can't hear me coming deaf boys got me him in and humming a shepherd with a closet full of toys let's hear it for those here day for boys boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom from Naples
Italy this is La Show and ladies and gentlemen just as this broadcast is in the process of being recorded an update received on the issue of the smart house again about amazon's echo they now sport the ability according to the register to take your phone calls as long as you don't ever plan on ignoring calls from anyone the Alexa calling feature announced by amazon this week allows echo devices and the Alexa app to place and accept phone calls to and from other contacts who have the device so it advertises an easy way for echo owners to make calls hands free through the voice control device unfortunately according to echo owners the feature has one serious shortfall stemming from the way it collects and handles calls from others a marketing and events manager
from rolly north carolina rolly said that when she installed the echo calling feature the amazon tool scanned and added all contacts from her phone who had Alexa calling on their phones and echo boxes with no way to delete or block any of them among my contacts she says we're old landlords many co-workers random vendor vendor account managers city councilman and of course crazy x boyfriends she said she find tried to find a way to remove or delete contacts from the app only to realize there was no such option that was confirmed when she talked to amazon support i'm sorry you're going to have to go ahead and ignore this they reportedly said the smart home ladies and gentlemen it just gets smarter and smarter now of course the big news of the week in the united states the firing of uh fb i director james komi
and um this is the leakyest white house ever i think everybody down to the cleaning lady is calling a reporter immediately after anything happens and so we have just a jumble of accounts of what really happened this week almost all of them conflicting and contradicting the versions offered at the lectern not the podium you stand on the podium you stand at the lectern by assistant white house press secretary sarah huckabee yes related sanders since um Sean spicer was offered naval reserve duty this week uh most of the week that is to say uh and and her accounts were contradicted even by the president himself when he appeared on nbc in an interview with lester holt on thursday so as i say there there's a jumble of accounts what we can piece together is the contrary to the impression of donald trump president trump
as a totally impulsive figure the animus towards james komi had been building in him for some time and had reached a uh a boiling point after komi testified before congress last week uh that's the best we can make out from friends of the president who leaked like siv's the your friends leak mine don't anyway the uh the resulting frenzy has made it less likely that the president's goal stated goal of getting the investigation into supposed russian contacts with the trump campaign to be resolved quickly and now there are uh old stories about the new deputy director of the fp i uh who is mr mccabe who testified before congress after the chainy firing about his contacts through his wife i
believe with uh an associate of hillary clinton tern mccola for the prolific clinton fundraiser who was later governor of new juror governor for jenya so it it's like the russia thing itself it just becomes another hall of mirrors in which everything that you see is too dimensional except for this this week for the first time the wheels come off the wagon the train goes off the rails and for the businessman turn president there's only one big task getting to next week calm calm i can hey sir how's it going have you been seeing this um unless it's my stock put folio probably not what's up besides my stock put folio this komi guy is killing me sitting there talking russia russia and i'm yelling it and what about the damn leeks what he's there with you he's on the tv he's a
disaster he's like china and steroids he's like mexican one isn't he's bad good we agree well i mean i i'm just hearing what you so what do we do me i'm gonna sell about a hundred thousand shares of snap it's tanking i mean about komi you want my honest opinion you know why value honesty above everything else except loyalty and fame and thank good again we're on the same page so your task right now is to tell me what to do you're the president you can do anything you want you know what that's what i thought but you know me i hate to fire people i mean that think that firing thing was made up for tv so so sometimes you have to do something you hate for me most of the time but okay good job thank you and by the way yep when you sell snap by kushner i know kushner wasn't a publicly traded company but uh i wasn't gonna tell him that
not right then shun yes sir not a good look for our team what are you doing wrong well i'm not doing the briefings this week i'm on naval reserve duty are we paying you to do that well the the country is on a matter of speaking speaking is exactly what i'm talking about advice version who's who's speaking up for us well shara is a good team member and uh frankly the team isn't very deep beyond her which is to say there's nobody beyond her except the kid who gets the coffee can he talk um diversity higher he stutters okay your task right here right now is to get back to the briefing thing get the right story out there make us great again can you do that yeah i'll get a waiver from my superior officer actually sir you could get me one
your his commander in chief just happens to a few other things at my plate this is your thing it'll help you stay in the team um it advised me one more day i'll do it that's a deal i can make rupee seems a bit messy over there my friend i should have fired comey today our next time i was running no that would have been too early too early too late i'm beginning to think there's no right time to fire your FBI director done enough romanating about the past you think yeah i even think about Roger Eils anymore i know you don't that's right recent arms to learn control of my company instead of my two idiots sons is because i keep looking to the future that's what you should be doing ruined your task this week is to help me do just that no worries look maybe i can help you by helping myself how we love win win
can you do that look no royally talk us numbers trending downward big hole and fox news that's my go-to network i'm so watching but i need a piece of a level talent to take over at nine o'clock before the whole network goes down the old toyser your suggestions i want you ropon get serious how did look it would look like instead of going upstairs at nine to watch tv your upstairs at nine to be on tv think about it great direct pipeline to your base i got twitter and i don't have to wear makeup for twitter i hate makeup right look it's just a suggestion think about it it would be a first i need a real attention grab that slot if it isn't you yeah i have to go with calmy i've already been talking to his agent
calmy's got an agent and he should have fired him before he was appointed new team new tasks same mission we're gonna make the FBI great again now the world is his boardroom the president is this week don't think it can't get any stranger i have a step up and get since i don't know you i turn it on just turn it on again see like that it weighs a dutch run call what happened to rockin over so radio you should bring it up and roll up rockin house party
i don't even rob some Lord to what I used to hold my baby round the waist real tight We run a waste real tight
And we're swaying to the left And we're swaying to the right Now who the DJ does anybody know? What happened to rockin' was so real? Oh But there's a little place where you can lock in the station And I turn around to the chapel I face Where the gate I got the blue, and the garbage got the soul
In a name being wrong, was I to go real? Was I to go real? What the rockin' was so real? Was I to go real? Ain't nothin' wrong baby? Oh no, now come out And now ladies and gentlemen, the Apologies of the Week Pizza Hut International is apologized for post this week by its Israel branch that made light of a hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners After Mawan Baguti was caught on tape breaking his hunger strike in prison Pist's Pizza Hut Israel posted a screenshot from the video with a photoshopped pizza box in the caption Baguti, if you're going to break the strike isn't pizza better?
The post created a firestorm and forced the international brand to apologize publicly on its main Facebook page in both English and Arabic The brand condemned the post, quote, Pizza Hut International apologizes for any offense caused by a recent post on Pizza Hut Israel's Facebook page It was completely inappropriate and does not reflect the values of our brand The local franchise in the country removed it immediately in the relationship with the agency that posted it was terminated And we truly regret any hurt this may have caused, unquote Pizza Hut Israel deleted the post from its page offering a slightly less comprehensive apology Quote was intended to be a humorous posed medicating Pizza Hut Israel's delivery service as it was removed after a request in the management of the international chain Unquote, humor by Pizza Amateurs Baguti has been in Israel prison since 2002 where he's serving five life sentences on terrorism convictions That'll teach him Last month he announced a hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners But on Sunday the Israel prison service released a video of him eating among other things, a candy bar A clothing company is apologized after a racist user created T-shirt slipped through a filtration system and ended up for sale on its website
T-spring, a custom design company which allows users to create and sell products like T-shirts and mugs No tote bags Has sold more than $300 million in products since founding by two college seniors six years ago The San Francisco based company said it has a system that can tag and remove racist and offensive content from its website But due to a combination of coding issues and human error A T-shirt reading, quote, black women are trash, unquote, went on sale last weekend The design reportedly created by a Twitter user was made in response to another T-shirt that read, quote, men are trash The debate is getting sophisticated After receiving major backlash on social media over the shirt's T-spring removed the design and apologized saying it uses a combination of automated and human review to monitor content Both means unfortunately failed to prevent the racist campaign Sounds like Facebook That is to say automated and human filtration Both failed
Deadline London Barclays bank shareholders invented their frustrations with James Staley, the bank's chief executive this week after he was caught up in a regulatory inquiry over his treatment of a whistleblower's complaint At the bank's annual meeting in London, one shareholder called for him to step down and another later asked for him to resign immediately Step down from the stage and another asked for him to step down from the company On Wednesday, he offered another in a series of public apologies for his actions Quote, I feel it is important that I acknowledge to you our shareholders that I made a mistake in becoming involved in an issue which I should have left to the business to deal with I have apologized to the board and I would today like to apologize to you as well for that error, unquote, the error is that He's being investigated after he sought to learn the identity of a whistleblower after the company received two anonymous letters and involved a former colleague of J.P. Morgan Chase, whom he had hired The bank has previously said it would formally reprimand Staley and make a very significant compensation adjustment to his bonus after investigators completed their work Like no bonus, like a knownness
Deadline Queensland Australia Premier Anastasia Palasuk has delivered an historic apology to Queenslanders vilified, harassed and jailed over their sexuality in an emotional address to state parliament Some hundreds of Queenslanders affected by the criminalization of homosexuality watching Miss Palasuk delivered an apology, she said that while belated was nonetheless sincere and heartfelt, quote, today this legislative assembly acknowledges the harm that had been inflicted by past convictions for homosexual activity between consenting adults in Queensland We acknowledge those whose lives were affected not only those burdened with criminal convictions but also their partners, their mothers and fathers, their brothers and sisters, their children and all their families and friends In criminalizing homosexual, sexual activity between consenting adults, the legislative assembly of this state dishonored its citizens and institutionalized prejudice and discrimination to those people we are also sorry You were denied the opportunity to openly declare your love for one another, to celebrate that love and to enjoy all that a loving relationship can give to those persons who face the ignomity of being charged by police of appearing before the courts and being punished for merely expressing their sexuality We say, sorry, unquote, that ladies and gentlemen is an apology
And a feel good video of the Pope dancing with a group of rabbis at the Vatican Okay, let's just, the Pope has met with Bill O'Reilly, going to meet with President Trump and has met with a group of rabbis Heal me with anybody, anyway, the feel good video didn't feel so good to some orthodox Jews whose criticisms do an apology from one of the rabbis involved Rabbi Dov Burpinson, a rabid rabbi, now rabbi, now you can dance, and the dean of the Ashiva in Brooklyn wrote a letter of apology to students in French saying the viral video is, quote, unfortunately, clouting the important mission I was there to accomplish, unquote Following the viral, virality of the video, contributors to an orthodox website, debated whether the group of rabbis should have met with Pope Francis at all, when concerned with the large cross worn by the Pope during the audience, which suggested the rabbis were in the presence of quote, idle worship, unquote Critics have also questioned whether the rabbi should have engaged in music and singing during the days of semi-morning leading up to a minor festival to be marked today
Pinson wrote the singing and dancing began spontaneously with my foreknowledge or consent, and he did not want to embarrass the singers of the Pope by cutting it off too quickly The Pope was seen in the video, swaying to the music, Pope, stop swaying, now please Pinson stressed that the meeting was held in the Pope's private office and dealt in part with the ideas of pure monotheism, hoping to increase the awareness of oneness of God among mankind as a true and only source of all life He called the meeting a sanctification of God's name, quote is my deep regret that this video was released at all, which was accidental, and that the visit was portrayed in such a way The Pope held a 45 minute audience with a group which was led by Rabbi Edgar Gluck of Brooklyn and Poland The Pope, according to Gluck's son pledged to work towards enacting stronger rules against destroying Jewish cemeteries to build roads or homes, the group also discussed with the Pope the problem of child abuse But Bill O'Reilly didn't discuss that with him, the apologies of the weak latest gentleman, a copyrighted feature of this broadcast, and quickly just one note on news of the atom that large sinkhole that caved in a tunnel filled with radioactive waste at Hanford
Hanford nuclear plant built plutonium-based weapons during the Cold War That sinkhole may have gone unnoticed for days before its discovery, because workers at the plant do not patrol tunnel sites daily, according to the Department of Energy The sinkhole was found Tuesday prompting an emergency at the Hanford nuclear reservation with evacuations of some workers in orders for others to stay inside building scattered across the 500 square mile Location for radioactive waste, dating from World War II To investigate why and when the roof of the tunnel suffered a partial cave in, creating the sinkhole that poured dirt into the tunnel containing railroad cars filled with high level nuclear waste The cave in could have happened as many as four days before its discovery, according to the Energy Department spokesperson No radiation escaped into the environment before the sinkhole was filled in with 54 truckloads of soil
The tunnel was built of concrete and wood, which was decomposing thanks to the high level of radiation being beamed at it By the waste, news of the atom ladies and gentlemen, a copyrighted feature of this podcast Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this edition of the show, the program it turns next week at the same time
Over the same stations over NPR worldwide throughout Europe, the USN 440 cable system in Japan around the world through the facilities of the American Forces network up and down the east coast of North America By the shortwave giant, don't get it in its way, WBCQ, on the money 104 in Berlin, on the money, so-ho radio and London available for your smartphone through Around the world, by the internet at two different locations live and archived whenever you want at and and available as a free podcast From sites on networks, SoundCloud,, iTunes, and And it would be just like another week of 24 hour news cycles coming at us if you agreed to be with me there But would you already thank you very much, uh-huh? Thank you very much.
This is a complete archive of the show going back all so far, all at And me, I'm on Twitter at the harryshier. The show comes to you from century of progress, productions, and originates through the facilities of WWN on New Orleans flagship station of the Changes Easy Radio Network. Arrivederci from Naples.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | 01:26 | Our Freedom-Loving Friends | 05:28 | 'The Losin' Kind' by Harry Shearer | 08:58 | President Trump's week | 10:47 | Smart House | 14:10 | News of the Olympic Movement | 17:55 | News of Microplastics | 21:31 | Nixon In Heaven | 27:16 | News of the Godly | 30:36 | 'Deaf Boys' by Harry Shearer | 34:04 | More Smart House | 38:25 | The Appresidentice : Getting to next week - Carl Icahn | 43:50 | 'Rock 'N' Roll Soul Radio' by Roddie Romero & The Hub City All-Stars | 47:06 | The Apologies of the Week | 54:17 | News of the Atom | 55:35 | 'Amazonas' by Howard Levy /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-665c1ab1bd7 (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Le Show; 2017-05-14,” 2017-05-14, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 8, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2017-05-14.” 2017-05-14. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2017-05-14. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from