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yesterday's backtrack by the education department was welcomed by kansas colleges and universities since many of them had had minority scholarship programs already operating last week's drive and constitutionality might have decimated a minority enrollment now the department says college scholarships based only on the applicant's race can be awarded but only if there are no federal funds involved which is exactly what it said before so while these institutions may be glad about the flip flop didn't surprise them and i'm david greene how barstool is the director of financial aid for tuesday's ruling came out we are here i mean who are you
we really are and what was the ruling was made in the first place because what controversy we'd been speculating i do what do you think has been the response to having raced
three scholarships at all from the skin by you can tell the students that you've worked with what's been there are feeling toward having scholarships geared to strictly on on a race record the reward for merit pay criteria that require it and he agrees they were here i think that we have
created anybody in your opinion does this ruling this controversy over the year may be the result of the controversy i'll leave the new education secretary moral xander without the date on his lap who are you immigration hearing i think
they were actually well generally and you're a you know i do i do you're
welcome you're going to those schools or programs that you said the business and industry is eager to set out that that's private funds that's exactly what this ruling is talking about there may be those those that say well any money that comes from k state is government funded and they may not be able to distinguish between private and public funding so that still is a lot of people wondering well why how do we know that you're not using public funds we buy i'm dave davies now that this ruling has been reversed and that the green light's been given
for the status quo to continue that these race based college it can continue do you expect them to mushroom of all do you think it's it can destroy the waters and will see a serious growth of minority list and heading to college as an overseas to take advantage of an upright to put more pressure on those institutions to two establishment mm hmm and toby anyway at moscow's the director of financial aid for k state yesterday's ruling while it free state universities and colleges to distribute minority scholarships based solely on race prevents private schools that received federal funding from doing the same thing few private colleges in central kansas offer scholarships specifically
for minorities even with private funds and those the duo usually offer the standard state scholarship which of course gets federal funding and thus is prevented from providing those minority scholarships in any case in hutchinson i'm david maier fb but numbers aren't in yet for the years nineteen eighty eight through nineteen ninety will look back at the history of kansas fish kills before nineteen eighty eight tells an awful the story since nineteen eighty four the numbers of fish killed because of pollution lack of water or other causes as roller coaster from a hundred and seventy five thousand in nineteen eighty four down to sixty four thousand and nineteen eighty five then back up to two hundred and thirteen thousand in eighty six and down to seventy three thousand and eighty seven since nineteen eighty eight a wildlife and parks officials at the state level have kept an official tallies and the numbers
since then have taken a big jump in nineteen ninety a massive deal between elmwood grades that left more than a building and fished out the problem says the fish to court a manner for the state steve adams is it kills often are treated as the serious threats that they really are and i you know when we hear the words fisch no i think there may
be visions of banks and riverbank south of covered with with a belly up fish a lot done some of the fees you'll make your million small fish about the size of minnows or do they take them seriously as you think they should unfortunately i think people are most people probably key in a larger fish and probably more specifically the game fish because they're recognizable and they have a more easily recognize value not because they are very afraid that probably come within them were more where that occurs and you know it the problem sometimes is the notification itself adams says there are few things more frustrating to environmental officer the reports of a fish kill or lack of a record often people wait to report them
assuming nothing is out of the ordinary but he says that initial report is exactly what's needed it's kind of an unwritten rule twenty one year old and there's a variety of reasons for that one weekend in a long period where they're found on the media because they're going to recreate for the weekend or whatever i don't know it i'm one of
them and i don't know i'm david greene there is a common is that former fish to court mayor for the state of kansas he now works at the wildlife and parks office and pratt and when they don't die what i'm awkward and whether the new you don't own i don't
know lieutenant pollution politicking when they die that dynamite into the canary as with sickness in the human body a fish kill in a river or stream can have many causes sometimes it's a natural causes like the lack of water that was a big factor in recent years with the drought across much of the midwest those fish kills however are never as large as those created by sources outside mother nature like pollution steve adams whether you're talking about a runoff turnout of rainfall after the longer term rental or you're talking about turning off from either rural areas or you
know or a lot of their own but any potential for creating the problem but unlike some environmentalists adams says the answer isn't more rules on dumping chemicals and we know that and rain that action says kansas fishkill coordinator steve adams is better
termed planning ahead so that when any of doping problems occur in fish started i immediate steps can be taken to instead of having to wait for environmental impact studies are other slow moving process is when a fish kill does occur company can be fined a flat fee for polluting a strain and it didn't have to pay the market value of any fish killed the problem according to larry zuckerman is that using a market value list to determine what a polluting company has to pay to replace these fish may work fine in some cases but and when you go well it can get one hole we're looking at the early it will be working on that and i'll be whole again owen and other words the value of a
very low their way under a minute and your arm the value of their arm quite an improvement well yeah oh the head of the aisle what anglicans will be willing to or might have at your goals larry zuckerman is a former fish kill court and therefore the state of kansas now working for the department of wildlife and parks and pratt he says the recent and current numbers of fish kills are high he thinks awareness of the problem is growing and instead of living as he puts it under a gray storm clouds of the present he's looking forward to blue skies and the blue water of the future in hutchinson i'm david miller
are you just when you thought everything was cheerful and i'm troubled interrupted the argument that has the same emotional effect of throwing a christmas tree and the ground and crushing the ornaments are there for that conversation holds frowns appear and inside us will bore begins to churn up your stomach it's christmas this can't be happening but it is families are being torn apart by holiday stress candace russell a professor of human development and family studies at case state says american holidays have always been haunted by stress but christmas has passed had the specter of survival to deal with sometimes there wasn't enough money for food let alone gives but now the ghost of christmas present and its abundance of everything everywhere has raised expectations to sky high levels which makes for a holiday dread of not only this year but christmas is future as well few families
says russell and white distress as readily or unwittingly as families were getting started on their holiday traditions for the very first time preliminary in other words each of them comes from the family of origin and around the holiday time they haven't much they find about it we went to pride events in the ongoing fight worry about the cherokee where largely open the gifts couldn't he was quickly to a level that giving a bank it's not uncommon that kind of political ad i have a family in air
and the navy on come conflict that pinochet went to the other side and he would give you about hanukkah do you find that there are high stress levels or or an argument factor in established families well those are folks that may have been several children have been together for many years and they have their traditions pre well hammered out well yeah i think another thing that may change is that their family member may have grown to the point where they now are american health overhaul or it maybe a family member oh boy
i'm fine on that you get a lot of family of what had happened in that water and people be kind of over a lot of the work that code it may be a game but why then on the cooking for the holidays maybe overburdened women a big way and had a kind of bank and when both parents carry off a working on the difficulty the way that we couldn't earlier let's say then that there is a certain level of stress no matter what its particular cause what sort of effect does it have on the relationships between the families the parents with the children the children of the children maybe even family different how is everyone affected whether we could question you plant than the family you know they had connected the bed when the bubble a one party to
have all the part because they haven't been dealt with all year low well and they believe that once you know we begin with their work or family maybe one party or a canine unit and now that i am the breadwinner of the road within the family had come to communicate it and i wanted to get word or a week but their if we can't deliver the danger that we had worldwide at the monterey or maybe feeling inadequate and the family did have lingered for about a year they haven't been a trend when it comes to recruitment to come into the port we couldn't adjust our schedules and adjust ourselves so we don't feel
we're robbing their souls of traditions in activity yet we're able to lower the stress levels and new at the same time get rid of some huge problems i'm fine on and on all right that could really combine and we all i am a child of that have been measured tempo one humbled the debate which will need
to be reaching out to be their entire holiday live i know i think some people though might be thinking that it's perhaps too late to do something about this year were already in the middle of everything what is a family that feels that they're halfway down the hill already it's a little bit too late to start what do they do for the rest of the hill to keep from crashing into a tree bark thank you and other people it and changing it and because of that family can carry you know i would go out on a
range of a comfortable income per family when i'm going to the very high maybe their log in a way to change within the past year that you have been quite high in may be helpful what do you do to help a family that wants to communicate but just can't sing to open up their not geared that way where i know the guidelines before they enter one of the content that it typically particularly for one the lincoln the vote on health care about their own behavior and their body and finally what would their motivation on the latter then the name i am i am you're interrogating you meet me on the other and i say own kind of neglected know feeling alone and
now about how unlikely back him kansas state university professor kat has ruffled pages human development and family studies a big changes right the joint legislative committee on economic development meeting earlier this week in topeka decided to recommend a constitutional amendment that would create a third educational board one devoted entirely to governing the activities of low tech schools and community colleges committee chairman dave kirk a republican state senator from hutchinson says it's high time such an agency was created he says the problem is attention to the activities achievements and needs of the specialized schools i think they are very much left to their own devices and as a result they're very uneven across the state and you have outstanding local management high you end up with a good school and if you have not what is
good for local management the eu there are today there's no help and there are no requirements really coming down from a level and consequently and has very poor at colleges are poorer and they'll get a political school so we think that it would help to improve the overall quality mortgage wouldn't confuse matters to have a third entity up there i don't know if it would cause a dictator confusion i think there are some some valid arguments that need to be considered against a naturally will be a put forward as character elder in session but what is that what we really want to have an education is what amounts to almost a seamless pipeline where i we have as few barriers as possible and where we have changes from elementary school ties to junior i had a high school and then on this at any college or
more than on to the four year as the tension between those changes presents something of a barrier because that kind of a student from moving forward its own speed or capability and so i think that's an argument that has to be considered john downing the president aboard an county community college in great then says it's going to be tough to find community colleges an area vocational technical schools that opposed this recommendation because they have nothing to lose and much to gain i'm david greene we read it like a community college and i really don't get the credit for this is it simply because
they are in two year schools a man to four year universities are going to do well thank you the group community community and i think
and downing says it's not only the literal definition of attention that he's referring to money is another way of demonstrating interest and confidence and he says that's not been forthcoming easily either well i think the funding militia legislature and i don't believe that the legislature has really liked it and i got the role of community and doing what they were they really i believe community college and i think part of the problem that we have at the global level is that there are only nineteen and there are hundred and forty and then part of the problem that you have being funded locally is really really don't worry but dave curses while money is important none of the
words interest attention and care is spelled with a dollar sign basically all schools to want more money and they will tell you that the more money will cure all the hillsborough but if you look at their past history we have poured more and more resources and education and i get worried perhaps so the treatment of the institutions is not the fault of the state perhaps the colleges and schools themselves aren't managing themselves properly or drawing enough attention both men admit there's always room for improvement and local administrations but dave kerr asks how does one that his perspective to achieve better local direction as they are simply about paying attention yes better local administration will help those that are not as strong as they should be but who knows that they are weak and you know was paying attention to him down
that's right thank you perhaps there is another solution if the state board of regents instead of the state board of education were asked to oversee these institutions perhaps the status of the four year universities would boost the standing of their shorter cousins the two year schools ordered county community college president jan downing says in theory that's a good idea but in reality it will work and he says most community colleges at least i would rather have their own boards and be under the region's establishing such a new board if indeed the legislature decides to is not a simple matter of passing a bill creating a third agency that would move officials that now govern the community colleges an area of low tech schools into their own arena requires a constitutional amendment this action may be reminiscent of the
failed educational referendum on the general election ballot last month but dave kerr says this is a different story from that proposal that would have given educational control to the legislature but the public isn't concerned about education but i don't think they really realize what the governments of education looks like kansas and they haven't really thought through whether it and present structure makes sense and they're the last constitutional memo is handicapped by i think some poor drafting by the person i'm an amendment to add on the floor the senate and they're and so it didn't really never seriously considered thank you we're to have the opportunity to listen to the arguments says i have done this other legislators have done and to have to go through they would agree with dave curry is a republican state
senator from hutchinson of the state board of regents and education say it's still too soon to know how easily this recommendation will or will not be accepted by the legislature when it convenes in january it's been this is morning edition i'm david naylor on the door of a science classroom in manhattan middle school there's a collection of pictures each student has drawn a holiday greeting for his or her classmate sam anybody else that happens to pass by there are pictures of center in a slight scent on the roof center in the living room there are holly berries and leaves candy canes peace signs dobbs stars piles of presence reeves and snowflakes down the hall on a poster visible from the hallway are the words of the spirit of christmas is unfolding gently like silence in a snowy field in that same room pictures a rosy cheeked centers grim slyly of the students below from their perches above the chalkboard in these
classrooms and in most others in the state there is a noticeable absence of religious symbols there are no angels no wiseman tripping in from the east or any other direction know mary know joseph and above all know baby jesus bob shoup a professor of educational law like a state says the reason is a modern culture with a multitude of police and even more demands well there's some groups that say we want to have a prayer in the school we want a bubbling the school we want to get up by wooden school we want to have a bible organizations in the school and they're saying that the first amendment i'm that way because of their freedom to express their religion other people say no it's a government organization and everyone in that school should be free to express their religion or expose no religion and once the state brings religion and the school then children are going to be indoctrinated into their religion despite potential controversy however this holiday season for the most part is a cheerful positive time for schools catherine tice are the spokeswoman for the wichita public
school system says the symbolism gets across the important part of the real season here i think the critical thing which future of kin can you work with that joy and any indication of their claws we can talk about it and you have to be very careful about how you bring in a public school they have a lot at that the top of the top of them and the performances are not being presented in any way that would appear to be worse earlier this week as i understood him in what one of the wichita public schools a group of friends when carol greg i mean
what exactly went on with that with that how how did you decide what songs will be sung end of the way in which they'd be selling they like i love my children do you feel joy the singing of christmas carols and school says pennebaker the legal counsel for the kansas association of school boards and be one of the most controversial topics any school can ever tackle earlier this year the chaos be held a seminar for its members about religious celebrations in the public schools that are passed on a true false test to the members present asking them to determine whether the
statements on the test reflected current law or not question number three red god now claim religious christmas carols her there were quite a few wrong answers marked for that question says baker though the law allows the singing of carol's there are plenty of stipulations surrounding that activity now that's a simple question on the caviar you may use them in an appropriate really you know musical presentation i even seasonal because the courts have also found that music ms fathi he can give it will include for religious musical our production what you can do here's to a nativity scene religious christmas carols as a backdrop whereby you are trying to promote the ideals with the language and music not the knowledge of music argue many of the christian religious songs have become so secularize and so part of the fabric of our culture that that it isn't the worshipful tone of that many people don't think through every single
word that thing song if you want to sing in a workable manner you probably should be singing a church or synagogue or your mosque or somewhere else if you wanna sing it or managing pearl's here comes santa claus oh little town of bethlehem and it also sounds they're bringing a historical fabric of our society that's not a problem but if you sing at an arena that's in a public school and you have a cross in you have the wiseman and shepherdson in the baby juices and sing silent night i think as really clearly a violation of the freedom of religion teachers are the ones who most often have to walk a tight rope between being legal and being safe controversy is not something they want in the classroom so many of them steer away from any carols with religious themes using only seasonal songs like jingle bells or walking in a winter wonderland had baker says even if kansas schools don't go to that extreme most will not run into legal problems because of the committee the standards especially if the school and the community are
small most of the people in the school and the community may agree that the content of the songs is acceptable and not offensive but bob shipp says that's not always the case if you are in the majority and you like the way things are you have to understand that things are working very well for you the rules of the things as they are work for you so it's very easy for you to say i don't see what the big issues so what we have a picture of jesus in a lot of sandy problem well that ninety nine percent of people who said there's no problem and they put it up in the supreme court is supposed to say oh wait a minute we have a first amendment that says you can't have a religious purposes most of the secular purpose we can enhance or her religion and can have access and callum and because we can't interview that ninety nine percent of the water and though a picture of jesus on the wall is in what most schools use at this time of the year she says to many people the mere mention of christmas or angels or a silent night is just as offensive as a result many teachers in schools purposefully
delete the term christmas whenever possible substituting the word winter as in winter holiday but catherine dice or warns that sometimes this can go too far there are times when we have an i think sometimes very thrilling when we talk about the winter holiday treat people realize the biggest gating movies you can wave to keep reporting but i think it's important to remind people that we do that to show tolerance for people to leave and not take any indication that there's an endorsement from a public school system really want relief to parents they can come and talk and paton talk about how they think of an event at the violent talk about a character called it i think that peter garcia navarro reports catherine died or is the spokeswoman
for the wichita public school system in hutchinson and the main reason no i have to simply we we we don't have an energy policy and i don't know whether the government will ever go get together to do draft energy policy we have no stability in the price of our product everybody had that i know love and the more of us pretty much on a wait and see attitude in order will lead price release either during or after the present situation or in that so you expect a new situation in the gulf to either help or to hurt it can be either
it if it encouraged actually early shots fired in a war break out there who knows what part of it might be thirty years later a peaceful settlement which all indications are right now there might be where you can chew or product you know calling from thirty two dollars a barrel to twenty five dollars a barrel in a wildly so what's the industry doing them to cope with that uncertainty there isn't anything that the industry can do to be really careful about planning and they're pretty key to your your your work of the field so we're not going to sing that increase and we're not saying we probably are seeing some of the abandoned well put that poem called the pearl i don't want
anybody really as they figured up extra increase in their budget over the next year because of what has happened i think is more so we do options are all but negatively and positively what would be the worst thing that could happen then a war broke out or or perhaps it would be for it you know you do or could look at the human heart would be bad for the rest of the world and have to buy their crude oil market we have to increase shortly
mr earl grey so negative wouldn't depend on whether war started or not and i could still go bad it away verdi away what would it take for the industry to rebound and to have an incredibly good time of year call it if we could really really all we could really highly oral with a boy you know twenty two twenty four early power industry the coverage we're going to have a stable price in that range and so we can play here pay the bills for a while how likely is it that that stabilization mcconnell i don't think you know if we're going to choose table were ever did they were gracious country unless
you see corporate energy policy that as drew what you call a ground floor or treat a whole thing that will oh oh and if you're the producer in this country that some more there's a bottom line and we'll really care what is as long as we know what it is and they can't get any worse then we can tailor our prospects to the cost that we need to recover from whatever that were scenario might be there are portions of the state of various areas by geography that stand to do better or worse than others because of the economy and because of that natural cooling prospects where they'll all i think very definitely would lose much going to be dead yet in the
southwestern part of the state or what we call it in our collaboration and i'm sure there's still all are going to be done with a blowtorch we are being built every company has its own situations david and then it just depends on the type of production that you have whether it's a although you are you are you are you two three paper will precaution showing team to eighteen dollars a barrel production you actually let me know
company our group a whole range which lincoln brigade a girl that will pour one new projects what about the areas then add that have seen a real economic loss when workers moved out when when the crunch oh when they disappear or if things had a rebound would you have been a real scramble to to find people to work on the wells and ended in the industry and the industry suffer them not on that record well i think there are when units are these units if you will there are also contractors with the extra drilling rigs drilling in the arctic that could put one more rigged to work but finding help in getting crucial is almost impossible very difficult we have lost the labor force
going to work in our industry five years ago and if you try to talk to one of those people to try and get him to come back in a band that has a steady job and you have to tell you to get lost and i can't blame me to get laid off once and trying to support a family or without a job and it's extremely difficult to find a good steady job youre certainly not going to give up that day job to jump back into their industry like guards or you might work six months and i get laid off again well for this work what about a solution for for all the saudis are you mentioned stabilization is there any other thing our farfetched as it may seem that you think would solve the problems and meet the need to the industry i really do not and i don't think you ever see a stabilization and coal rich oh really a porthole toward an energy
policy together an energy policy that her we could live with and believe in should have a stabilization of pricing and what happens then i think you'll see this industry your back up and start making plans to go back to work no one hidden danger to reconsider in this country you know anytime anyone in the middle east was you could become a hostage there are many ways that you can become harder after the country again evidently i'm thinking of the welding grinding up a bride who are getting into a disruptive force that you witnessed and anytime both things will happen to that country is so dependent on an interview with the partial will skyrocket to at any time to phone
disruption to happen which leaves the industry as well as the nation in even more uncertainty right now is a past president of the kansas independent gas and oil producers association i'm david miller he's been this is morning edition on david miller it's been a busy week at the national institute for aviation research or nie are located on the campus of wichita state following the collision between two jets off for the detroit runway last monday everyone from usa today to time magazine has been calling nih are asking for an analysis of the accident that killed eighteen injured twenty two officials aren't willing to analyze an event they didn't witness and will not be investigating in person but they also say the institute is in a better position than ever before to discuss aircraft safety or in some cases the lack of it recently you know i received nearly two million dollars from the federal aviation administration or faa to research aircraft safety over the next two years
the research will test methods that will help keep aging aircraft safe and will test crash worthiness that's how well an aircraft holds up in sudden stops and crashes it's what myrick calls tombstone technology the term for addressing problems that have just come up white beginning this research just after the recent accident in detroit but as long as there have been and will be airplanes there will be danger and najar says its job is not to remove the danger but to help expose it joe mitchell stands in the middle of a huge room with a ceiling four stories above the open floor area is littered with machinery and parts and over along one wall is a recessed metal track sort of like a reverse railroad track a metal crash led runs in the track at various speeds and it stops suddenly by thick steel bands similar to the way that an aircraft
carrier starts the plane's landing on its decks the sudden stops are monitored to test the effects on aircraft seeds and dummies representing humans it's ironic that this is called a crash led says mischel because it never really crashes it's and on this part of the solar wind pair were just tears sees whisper in systems yet wouldn't something to be destroyed in the end that the testing process for policy inter small or similar crash condition all the supplication close associates were not expecting and rick nolan are you intent of the sport which is to protest the leagues have to meet certain conditions aviation companies can use this facility on a contract basis to test new products and john hutchinson the director of the nih or center for aviation safety says companies like boeing cessna and others will be able to evaluate in minute detail how well their products hold up well we have some high speed video that will be taking
the crash about it will detect if those details will be taken very slow motion how it fails where it fails about the part of the dummies legs with they hit the scene in front of them and break that would when we'd be able to tell how that would happen in the head with one fourteen hit play tables or some others even produce some kind of damage we'd be able to see that in very slow motion the crash lab project funded with about four hundred thousand federal dollars is only one of the faa is funded projects another research effort focuses on crashes or sudden stops but the potential causes one of those causes asthma it's rooted in the recent runway collision of detroit is whether fall's rain snow or sleet that blocks the pilots vision or otherwise hampers aircraft flying and the faa has asked to study the effects of rapid freezing and thawing cycles
on aircraft other causes though are not quite so evident it's hard to believe if you're not personally involved in the aviation industry the tiny scratches on a metallic exterior of an aircraft will be treated as a serious problem they are though and nearly a hundred thirty thousand dollars from the faa approves it a project will study how a process much like sand blasting that removes pain from a plain damages both the environment and the aircraft itself by creating scratches and cracks hutchinson says scratches no matter what their sources are taken seriously scratch or clerics are some of the new alloys are very strong very light but some of them are very sensitive to scratches or scratches can turn into cracks pretty easily and finding some way too you do get these very small invisible on the other side of the airplanes cannot enter underneath a revote or something like that is a very valuable piece of information the head one way to do
away with dangerous scratches on metal is to replace the metal with compressed layers of graphite woven together to resemble a greasy black cloth you're pressed together by heating various ways to provide different degrees of stiffness inflexibility you can look at it as the aviation equivalent of lego blocks you can overlap of blocks layer upon layer to build a wall or you can simply piled block on block forming a column that easy to move repairing the structure is as the name of a hundred fifty thousand dollar project workers in the composite slab will try to find ways to repair this material in the shortest amount of downtime possible one composite investigator who will help with this product is derek jeter he stands by an odd looking structure of rebar sticking out on other bar it looks like a sideways he was the legs report you each of the three bars was constructed of a different material and on each rest a pool ball it sounds complicated but basically it's a triple model of the old sledgehammer building at
carnivals twenty twenty four aluminum name with a hundred and fourteen grams and that is a common aircraft type material he put a billiard ball up and they put that up about eight inches or so we every paragraph i can fava beans with sixty five grams thats about half a way the plane flies as the aluminum beam that have to wait when you put billiard ball obama met with the little overt what the idea that like that about half the way agnew ever robert mean fame way give you i'm in the evolving things that are going on a straight years with the wait embarrassment and i think it would have all about picking the low right on the pedestal i am a bigger fan of old joe but what we can do
but why worry about how the different materials react teater says the material used to build an aircraft is different from playing the plane because of the way that the craft will be flown the number of people the amount of cargo that will carry out other factors if the plane has carefully built to specifications for a particular task it makes it easier on the aviation company and the pilot to operate properly the largest bulk of the faa research grants nearly half a million dollars goes to a study of into relationships between the pilot and the machine here she flies in iras john hagee zinn says if you focus only on the building of the aircraft and the basic training of a pilot to fly that aircraft the biggest potential danger of all is ignored there are an awful lot of things impinging on the attention of the pilot and they're like this is incredible gotta watch for other planes ago to listen to what's going on the radio
they got attention to their instruments an overload of those current situation potentially very dangerous and in the end he says it's the human element that's the most important concern of all aviation research but if you take a look at them and they look pretty real impact been involved in could be almost the other way around that the dummies looks so real that i don't think anybody's going to get attached to them a bit do you get more so than an awful lot of other scientific research that doesn't really involve human the human looking object out there that would remind you that what you want john hutchinson is the director of the center for aviation safety division of the national institute for aviation research at wichita state university the findings of the various projects scheduled to go on for the next two years will almost certainly be used to insure aircraft safety in the future but officials say with a ten year lifespan for most aircraft it takes a long time to get changes in
research put on paper and even longer to get changes on paper made in reality as barry it's b you know that famous poem by clement see more about the night before christmas when do you recognize this was the children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of electronic videogames vcr and compacted layers and in their head sort of loses something in the modern translation doesn't well such is life in this christmas season of nineteen it no matter how much time you spend talking to shoppers nobody but nobody is treating of sugar plums but they are dreaming and the top three items on this year's christmas bestseller list begin with the same letter nintendo ninja turtles down the power
plant where i guessed that but then lewis is nicotine one year old girl was taken from a blog on monday night in melbourne tried it then they want that tape and if i am in a tale even the friendly man in red and white is hearing the same request over and over when you put them on the land on collapse all part of putin a big ninja turtles baby maggie barbie dolls an image and they get on the top vatican gardens and college here you for violating your mind the week about them all sat down with these kids were asking for the hearing to raise yourself for a certain gift request and senegal what is quite a big tv in notices a lot of new products coming down and senegal there is when they were beginning the measure
fortunately for the maker of toys other than the three hands those requests sentiment and cover a lot of territory and damp clothes now many people your age would ask her clothes like on my own planet and would you like for christmas piggy cookies from santa no clothes not always knew were the bailes and it tightens the once again so we shouldn't get cookies for business and the pinky than three then it would specifically have a house on fire and my
daddy and he died along with a lot of other things all that but adults that was used to you know would you describe what minister for you or for someone else my mom would be caught dead in a white leather least for now on yeah he did so and what historical works the sort of day because of the pbs specials so that focus on real world a pleasure just a strange ones well that's certainly an island to consider and what about all those neat happy little gifts that people love but don't always ask for our teachers are doing they're gray i we're having difficulty getting graphically and think of very many arabs and actually the truth of thought
and it's a very very old standby and they felt they were selling better life and a lot of you know grunge encounter extremely about anything and we got them on everything i think it's yours the family a lawyer for the extravagant wedding rings you're going to hear right now and then the only gifts that you rap blast and open approach to everything else in the popular cards over a popular parakeet hamsters but no matter how many little kittens and wigley hamsters find new homes on this christmas day and no matter how many candles and other knickknacks sneak into homes in gaily wrapped boxes there's nothing quite like those hot items that everybody was most prominent so how well did you expect it two to be such
an explosive get requests for christmas i think that they do and that's one reason we restarted noma summer don't know of course thought before christmas so um i think it's expected to be a big seller and that's one reason why are company started carrying intended specifically were becoming in one day um specific day was things like super mario three final home so some of the others like her bottle of buses triggered and there are some new titles now and a lot of the magazine have a nice lead times of marijuana people come in with police asking asking for games and we're not yeah we're giving pretty soon so which of course adds up to it's b and that means a happy holiday season to the makers of those in demand gift items if you're still waiting to go christmas shopping you better get going there are a lot of people out there and a lot of them are
looking for the same things you are it's a very you know i thought well merry christmas juan thanks and merry christmas to you and all the new kid on the block too this is morning edition on david miller you watch drivers with too much alcohol in their systems take to the road first they insist they're fine then they get in the car and take off and then say the statistics they wind up in the hospital or the morgue or their victims to it's an annual story one that medical personnel law enforcement officers and much of the public bridge hearing but as long as there are alcoholic beverages and cars there will be drivers who tried to combine the two cancers highway patrol lieutenant bill jacobs says
party goers and a holiday season often try to convince themselves that they will not drink and drive but then after the koalas can send another kind of convincing takes hold and good intentions no longer are enough oh thank you and even though you know according to do things your mind will think you've heard people say well i don't know what you can't cause we're looking at one of your mind and one where your reaction then oh great
you know there are several things that the kgb in other law enforcement organizations do to stop drunk drivers who think that one of them is checkpoint that's where a road is blocked off and suspicious drivers are checked for blood alcohol levels jacob says checkpoints are almost always effective and it's a rare checkpoint that does reveal at least one drunk driver every hour or so but aside from catching and stopping drivers who are under the influence jacob says much of the prevention must be done before the drivers get behind a steering wheel apparently some of that provision is occurring for the last four years the number of alcohol related deaths in kansas has decreased each year in nineteen eighty six two hundred and three drivers and passengers died in accidents caused at least in part by the consumption of alcohol in nineteen eighty seven that number had dropped to two hundred won in nineteen eighty eight the statistics were down to one hundred seventy and last year in nineteen eighty nine there were one hundred
and nineteen alcohol related traffic deaths that welcomed decrease the numbers though the experts say they are still too high is due in part at least to increase awareness of the legal penalties of drunk driving on the first offense a drug runner will go to prison from anywhere from two days to six months pay a fine between two hundred and five hundred dollars and may be required to attend a drug alcohol education program on a second offense the jail time increases to at least three months and as much as one year and as much as a thousand dollars in fines along with the mandatory attendance of the education program on the third offense the fight is up to as much as twenty five hundred dollars and all the offenses carry a suspended license for certain period of time rosalie thornburgh the traffic safety administrator for the state department transportation says while the legal penalties do you get the attention of drivers tend to have just one more for the road they're more likely to respond to the pressure of their friends not to drink and drive rather than the pressure of any law
the problem she says comes when the non drinking public doesn't use that to their advantage one of english struggle where it once again debating the attitude that we don't want to be too harsh on any one person you know we don't want to take her car away we don't wanna put in jail my goodness you know they couldn't find the whole point david of that we have to make people understand that don't drive on what we try to propose very bad it's ok for you to care for the person adventure without an interview to care for them then you will do what you can do to prevent the situation how practically ground to do that how does a one person to another and say listen it's just not safe for you to be out there when that when the person who has had too much to drink perhaps is insisting that know everything is fine how do you get that message across without being to force for some tums for
sony and they record them their upcoming new you if you can you know really what weight into it and then they do the situation that we are what it really believe that we do advocate if you're the one holding a party in their whole other of bevel and you can't do that the non alcoholic beverages barrett well you can how to do to slow down the church a church they think about into the rubble a blogger for rain you can you can calculate alcoholic drink an hour before the party over you cannot loam provide dietary component for the people that we could drink i'll get it out of our own which you can go to a driver real jacobs
you're right your mom thank you that leads us to another question what about the issue of responsibility for someone who's having a party on a private residence and perhaps doesn't go that extra mile to have to stay at their house what sort of response believes that laid on the shoulders of the party i am
mr bill what about responsibility for restaurants or drinking establishments who don't impose the limit and then the institute thank you truby hello emily and then
lieutenant bill jenkins is the spokesman for the kansas highway patrol in hutchinson i'm david miller
Various News Segments
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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Series Description
Live performances from classical music around the state of Kansas.
Segment Description
Collection of news segments reported by David Nailer featuring topics like financial aid for minority students at state universities and pollution and human involvement in fish death throughout Kansas.
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News Report
Kansas News
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Interviewee: Adams, Steve
Interviewee: Bosco, Tad
Producing Organization: KHCC
Reporter: Nailer, David
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7a5d20ba966 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Encore; Various News Segments,” 1986-02-09, Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Encore; Various News Segments.” 1986-02-09. Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Encore; Various News Segments. Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from