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ways you ways no oh presentation of the taxes debates is made possible in part by her skin cell and use the name behind the name you know and chemicals fibers and film advanced materials and the life
sciences and by arrigo an energy company that probably supports the american political process argo believes that informed electorate is one of our nation's most valuable resources and by texas instruments and its employees throughout the state of texas who are committed to tonal quality in advance technology and are proud to be a part of this debate ha ha for east texas voters will have to the polls to elect a successor to former us senator lloyd bentsen of texas senatorial candidates asking for you and hear their plans for tackling a tough issues as they square off tonight in a live one hour today the dallas morning news and texas monthly physical first aired tuesday night specials that will help voters make an informed choice texas texas today from turkey after march twenty
four contenders listed on the ballot for us senate tonight will need six of them a texas debates are produced and presented by kbr a tv and radio the dallas morning news and texas monthly a program is live in the format tonight is simple the candidates will respond to questions posed by a panel of journalists ranchers will not be timed it's an open format it's my responsibility as moderator to the program along and make sure we cover as much ground as possible near the end of the hour each candidate will give a one minute closing statement the order of introductions tonight and closing statements was determined by lot let me begin by introducing my colleagues from the left right is wayne slater is the austin bureau chief of the dallas morning news tracey tarlton a political reporter for kbr a radio and paul barker is executive editor of texas monthly now to the candidates richard fisher is an investment company president from dallas he served as an executive assistant to the us treasury secretary from nineteen seventy seven to seventy nine this is his first bid for political office is running as a democrat joe barton is a
congressman from tennessee is a republican and was first elected to the us house of representatives in nineteen eighty four he represents congressional district six which includes parts of dallas dallas johnson and parker county's kay bailey hutchison is the texas state treasurer letter to her position in nineteen ninety she is a republican and a former state legislator from dallas she served in the texas house for two terms beginning in nineteen seventy three jack feels is a congressman from humble he is a republican and was first elected to the us house in nineteen eighty he represents congressional district eight which encompasses parts of harris montgomery walla washington austin and brussels counts bob krueger is the interim us senator appointed to the seat by governor ann richards is from the ruffles and is a democrat he served in the us house from nineteen seventy five to seventy nine he also ran for the us senate in nineteen seventy eight and eighty four he was a texas railroad commissioner before taking the interim senate seat this year and jose and her with pianist is a dallas lawyer he is a democrat he was a father of four us that we needed a
political party formed in the early seventies during those years he was a school board trustee and crystal city and served as a county judge ins of our county for ninety seven five to nineteen eighty let's begin with our first question who is wayne slater one day as the republicans here question the start this off republicans in the us senate hit now succeeded in stopping the president's economic development package economic stimulus package but is there anything in that package that you might support clearly that was a political victory for republicans but specifically is there anything in their immunization program for children they walk into a block grant program the jobs program anything that broken out for me from the package you might support any ask mr feels to start i would support the us stimulus package of all i don't think we need sixteen billion dollars in spending at this particular moment i don't think we need four billion dollars in spending i think and steered which look for spending reductions oh we got a growing economy and inflation is down interest rates around productivity is up this is
not the time to increase spending and increase the national debt mr martin we were already spending one point five trillion dollars at the federal level if that's not enough stimulus i don't know what is a normal we call that the supplemental emergency bill other things that have to be funded the sheer and i think it's primarily unemployment compensation thing there's about four billion dollars and that was broken out for this year that emergency spending i'm i consider spending that like jack said i don't see any reason to have a stimulus package that summer the money's going to be spent ninety six or ninety seven swimming pools in puerto rico and things like that on the surface wang i don't look at it as a political victory for republicans what i think we look well what we found here is that there is a message that went to bill clinton and that is that we should prioritize our spending and once that budget is that we should not add to the deficit for any purpose and some of the specific
projects are very good i think certainly our childhood immunization although there are already finds that could be spent for that i think summer jobs for kids certainly there's another part of that that can be very good at that we shouldn't increase the deficit at all period what we should do is prioritize are spending it that is an important expenditure let's take it from an rt budgeted item that was the message that the republicans sent to go to president clinton and i think it was a very important message and i think we should to do that from now on once we passed the budget than we don't increase the deficit for any purpose at all we take it from something that is a lesser priority list of this review interview with for boehner mind of years ago a committee block grant program is a republican initiative not a democratic party emerged and i think there's a question here over pork and the distribution of pork and i think you're seeing politics as usual being play now as
well ask senator cruz river could you supported this program in arm and you're a senator and i'd like to give you a brief opportunity here to defend why you support as as mr barton said this was an emergency economic spending plan what specifically was in that program name two or three specific infrastructure of emergency programs projects that are in there and convince your colleagues why those projects are really good i mean you spend the money for i mean i'm glad that yes that question because of what is not in the program is what joe barton mention that simply was not in the bill whatsoever what is in the program that is very important is for example early childhood immunization we know that for every dollar we spend an immunizing children earn we save ten dollars later we save a great deal of human misery head start has been probably one more successful programs give people an even
chance when they enter school and to give them a chance for decent nutrition they're very desirable programs wastewater prototype i was down the rio grande valley just lightly we have tremendous pollution problems their wastewater programs are extremely good all their very very necessary and phrases part right specifically give me three specific programs infrastructure programs you vote for and tell me a little martin mentioned they are a ballpark or whatever it was specifically give me three infrastructure programs and why we should be spending money on the first place his goal was not in the program it was what was in the program was community block grants on the specific infrastructure program wastewater treatment programs are infrastructure program and that is that there is infrastructure program that is very very important the other programs that are there other important poems that i'd doesn't has turned does not matter what matters is important programs and i think early childhood immunization are
very important my concern is that the republicans are willing to spend on their own salaries or there or they're not willing to cut they're not going to cut their own cell or if they're not willing to talk the fundamental issue is jobs and it's not just summer jobs this was the beginning of the president's to the sport and i think i'm the only one that can sustain this campaign said that i support the president's initiative we need jobs not only the sound of the fall and the winter in the spring and for both parents now in the area along the borderlands with chronic chronic unemployment and underemployment jobs are needed it desperately a highway a superhighway from presidio straight into connecting with it and i twenty getting into the heart of texas in dallas would be magnificent the proposal from tennessee kentucky coming into the golden crescent area and on down into victorian so fantastic there are bridges that need
to be built in a radio room presidio ronald kessler picks three to four hours across cairo about across the borders and over time but nafta which is inevitable sooner or later we must have an infrastructure of roads and bridges and airports those kinds of problems are guaranteed to the beginning in this camper with the president and we're going to stay i can honestly sometimes what i'm getting at president putin said that that's the number one issue in this campaign or you're just going to be a rubber stamp for all of president clinton's policies and so anything that you oppose the president has proposed and you would vote against i think at this time is very import for texas to be in step with the white house we have not had this opportunity and twelve years it's republican presidents have gotten us into this mess of one point five trillion dollars in deficit repeatedly we know or more money than we ever have unable to pay every generation earn the current and next generation we cannot that is their semi dagestan you enough for everything that president clinton proposes am i going to pick
apart the good for the perfect a man deserves a chance america vote for changes last november taxes that not we need a strong cheerleader from texas for the us president bill clinton i want to have a dress was going to visit their supplies are to support that the present clinton advocated during the campaign he advocated a line item veto cost to shulman that seems as he slept on that but if he stays with that position i will support their he also advocated in the campaign investment tax credits if he stays with that position i can support you know i talked about urban enterprise else which i think is a real answer for the inner city not only creating jobs where they are needed but also it creates a tax paid the tax base for some our school districts the local municipal government but i cannot support a three hundred billion dollar tax package and a tax package that falls particularly heavy on our senior citizens such as the bt tax model grandmother who is eighty seven years
old and timber harbor texas a suburb of houston is going to pay more which she plays a utility bill which it buys for gasoline and when she goes to the grove close the grocery store that is a very unfair attacks and it's a component of the three hundred billion dollars tax package that he's advocating what would i don't know what mr krueger you have said in one part of your pitch is that we should have a democrat in congress to help the president pass the programs that hasn't always been true in your case yes he did support the economic stimulus package but did not support the president and the budget resolution how can you make that argument that we should have a democrat in congress to support the president when you haven't done so yourself i don't think the people of texas want someone whom are just simply in lockstep with somebody else what are the problems with the republicans in the senate as the old march in lockstep every time the old book together with jesse helms i have always been an independent democrat i have always felt that i
should look at conditions make the best decision i can and for example the beach you'd texas clearly very adverse to texas but no question but it's not only understood because we're the largest producing state of oregon guessing sixth largest producer of coal but there is a very unfair killed in the attacks the taxes two point three times heavier olive oil than it is on coal is very unfair for consumers northern industrial state users of resentment for example around that when you as a necessity in which it probably is but for texans got in the car is a necessity for his very very rich an unfair i would not do it protecting the interests of texas i would not be speaking for texas had i voted with bill clinton i think the people of texas want to expect someone to listen to them look to their interests and then broke his conscience and his constituents in the middle of texas want versus what's right for america
and it's good for america then we bring it to tax assessor job the senators that the first question is what's right for the country <unk> gutierrez was talking about the presidency we're running for the senate here republican or democrat in the white house it's the senate and the congress it disposes of the budget the basic pilot simply the us we spend too much money since i was born in nineteen forty nine for every dollar we're raising taxes we spend a dollar fifty nine equation is reversed we have to bring spending under control a good democrat can do that as well as a good republican but it has to be done in the spirit of cooperation i want president clinton succeed alanna george bush to succeed he did not try to get here a senator who can work with his current president have all four all of like so with for sure that you had this interest in reducing the interest in reducing this deficit though you are a closely associate with or ross perot budget deficit and debt reduction package that do you support that package or do you
embrace that was proposed budget reduction plan included tax increases i support the idea first bringing spending under control we spent two hundred and twenty eight billion dollars a year on a general government over again we have two point nine million civilian bureaucrats and by the way as a percentage of our workforce that's twice as much as germany or japan have an eighty percent growth in england we have too much government we have to adjust government the world it is it will be we're still running on a model of the world it was the pro initiative fallen on pure grayson others is simply to bring our government into a modern period and very importantly gotta go to the work for the people by the people is a government of the people no and i'm not sure the campaigns are being financed it doesn't work that well but we've got a situation where we're mr crowe who got ninety percent of world was leading in the polls for much of the early part of the summer said we cannot do this without strong medicine this was a campaign you gotta be tough medicine got any tax increases are you for the
disney disagree with that propose i agree with the idea of tough medicine when he does say one thing police without interruption very important that people have lost faith through twelve years a republican ministration now through the beginning of a new democratic administration didn't promise relieved that all they've heard is more about tax increases we have to have spending cuts bring our ribbon down a rational level we have to tighten our belts there have to be symbolic cuts in terms of the staff on the hill and only once we have cut are government down the most efficient level yes then i believe that people would tolerate tax increases but not until that moment and i would not advocate add a penny of tax increases until we have rationalize our government and cut to the bone to make efficient and braden water on one about the variant mr barton has been trying to get in on this in the morning to move on another topic like this one to say in answer to the first question about mr that there is strong support for a frequent that may be one reason that he's a war two percent in the polls but one's not real strong in texas and when the question asked senator krieger about and the democrat and republican in the end the senate
and senator kerry has been in the senate now for two months i came to think of one thing that he's been able to do in a positive way they help texas he's been going against phil gramm or sand traps and that i think was its should send somebody the senate who will work with senator graham have a conservative vision for texas scientists measure of quality that we don't have a deficit in this country because we're being taxed too little we have a deficit in this country because government is spending to match where i differ with senator krueger as he's the only member of the united states senate voted for no budget resolution at all he didn't vote for the democrat plan but he didn't vote for the republican alternative which would have taken out the tax increases that kept better it cuts i think you have to stand somewhere texas have to have a senator that will stand for something i would have stood for cutting spending but not for new taxes we don't need new taxes especially attacks like the beating new tax that hurts texas and especially towards middle income people this is not the way to balance the budget on the backs of
middle income taxpayers mariana shift gears again yeah mr franzen mr barton you have been very critical of ms hutcheson for allegedly hitting a former employee treasury employee ms hutcheson says today that she has taken a lie detector test she took yesterday to prove that she did not in fact do it and she is as she is but this issue behind her as she has caught on both of you mr fields industry working to quote get the campaign out of the gutter you gentlemen ready to do that mr fields and usually resort for southern looking for to responding to this question because when the story broke in the houston post ms hutcheson accused made a prompt in the story is i never talk to you to post reporter nor did any of my staff i think it is a very serious allegations of your colleague's daughter came forward she had a polygraph test done by the chairman of the texas board of polygraph examiners
a horror story was corroborated by witness in the room the houston chronicle reported that there were five other people interviewed who said that they were victims or had witnessed physical abuse i think those are very serious allegations about owl sightings heard somewhere that she did this today i think this is a step in the right direction to move us back toward the issues to clear this but for our party it's a very serious issue as we go into the selection when the forest because tomato it becomes a question of electability and what about say it you're willing to let this issue i want that i would get back to the issues because i'm just a lowly dollar to respond to market and talk about the three hundred and eighty five billion dollars in specific spending reductions that have all offered to present clicking to be that's where the debate should be about three out of eighty five billion dollars billion billion
billion in spending that specific spending reduction goal will have more economic data suggested that kerry need to come up with some credible explanation for what it happen or not happen but she has taken a lie detector test or m daley she's passed it so now we have a situation where you got doing lie detector test and i as a yule brenner sending canine it's also what i am i'm not really really both sides and what i want is this republican come forward to make the best effort to elect a republican to replace lloyd bentsen united states senate and so we can get a job a standoff here and i'm not going to say you satisfied with their response is do you think this issue is over we were going to make a movie of this campaign it would be called dream of fields spread the dirt and the grass what can it had been the victim of a feeding frenzy this past week is ridiculous we had anonymous people saying that i'd pinch them that is
totally absurd which is why i went to the measure of taking a lie detector test which it appeals and mr barton both suggested that i do and i think it is now wages for them to come forward and second sanctimonious leagues say that they're they had nothing to do with this is it a real supporter who says something happened two years ago all the sudden becomes an hour a week and a half before the elections when the polls show that he is not going to make the runoff the it is a fabrication i had a disgruntled employees in the treasury let me tell you i had fired a number of people i am trying to do more with less in the treasury and were doing a great job and treasury employees are very special they work hard they are producing for the taxpayers of texas and on very proud of that do we have this global employees yes i am a republican that took over a democrat offers so yes there are people that i let go and they don't like it and who knows what they're going to say off the record or on the record so it
jack feels and joe barton and bob krueger all of these campaigns did spread task you just take the pledge all i said was let's take a challenge let's take the pledge new world spreads much anymore or you will fire anyone in your campaign to do well how bout and gentlemen taking a lie detector test yourself at him as actors in response of the most of this moment though because it's very easy for you or anyone else to go and ask the houston post reporter whether i'd ever talk to that person or in him i can play cyber thought that person i would've never get out would never comment on this issue and if i had not been drawn to get to this particular issue because again i'll wait at the most important thing for us to do is to talk about our vision our energy level what we want to say for that for texas because the person i liked it in a special election more than likely will be elected in november of nineteen eighty four be the
thirty a senator from the state will be one of the people taking the state into the twenty first century now to me that is a big responsibility the problem of a lot of this to congress trying to get in and onion heard from stickers on fossil ticket first and then over her inside i mean a discussion of polygraph test of who takes on who doesn't take long with the results or is are entirely new recruits it's as propping up the issue do nothing those are inadmissible in court as a lawyer contended wieseler time for the last week as well as for the last two minutes in this debate that was too long to better questions and a sticker i'm simply going to point out that i never suggested to take a polygraph test and we get that i don't know if i can say it's no irony that i have the floor now may i have the floor to floor and let me say that i never made that suggestion or my campaign has ever spent and smart this is a republican family you i am not a republican i have not been in and right now i really would want to own family and mr fischer just briefly their behavior
livestock chosen since last week in the republican party of like a seal and the jazz playing in the field yesterday my wife was campaign east texas and the german conductor and said what's the story on this one and kerry i understand mr crowley won't take a lie detector test something about a paternity suit misses his daughter zelda that is obviously not why is huge on the main question the field i like to get back to the issues let's talk about economics now we say those countries are actually ask why narrowing your up to go ahead and nearby agrees will go back to something else on ask you mr fisher armed you've said in the past first prong strongly that the pac's political pacs are of the age of the virus of modern day politics robert the money is a real problem all these big campaign contributions from special interests and people with the things that they want how much money have you given to political committees or to candidates in recent years well i had given money to friends or run for office both republican and democrat and i don't regret that what i want to
see with good government i have not seen that government i see politics as usual i've seen barnes than republicans in taxes than democrats i have come to believe that they are in the various influence the power of political action committees and special interest giving his accumulated it helps incumbents i don't think it's good for democracy i took a pledge at the beginning of my campaign even though i have given money in the past and i've met that freely my pleasure very simple if i take a penny a fact money i'll resign from united states senate but they have plenty of money for special interest fall resigned from the united states senate and i would like to have all the other candidates take that pledge because i think it's a good we're actually going to just be selling our interest to special interest we must think about the interest of the country as a whole it professes to second out we know you've given his public record that you're given thousands and thousands of dollars jewel like fowler i think to a michael dukakis to have a republican richard lugar or you gave ten thousand i'm actually more than ten thousand dollars i believe it's off many contributions those are what some
critics say as a mechanism that allows people to avoid the campaign limits and the ethics and the body there in campaign spending but the real issue here is is whether you're an insider an outsider you've campaigned as an outsider trying to reform the system are advocating that the fact the matter is you've given thousands of dollars to political candidates and committees and soft lighting reporter jimmy carter's white house you were part of the really political insider group we now see the democratic leadership the old city i guess the question is how can you honestly say now that i've been inside are all these years but now i'm an outsider oh i'm a businessman i run investment conley for years i did serve for my sins in the current iteration i'm proud of having served in administration i was about twenty six to twenty years of age i did my job i
came back home i rejoin the private sector a bill through businesses i'm proud of those businesses now yes of course as a businessman i have been involved in policy matters are written many articles and i've given the campaigns that i had been a professional office seeker and that an officeholder i've not done this for a career i build businesses for a career and i think it's time to get someone has a financial knowledge of business knowledge into the senate we have a financial crisis and incredible proportions that's what i'm seeking is to change our systems save our country we all have our question from paul republican direction it's just curious minds yes i feel it directly to everyone really and we cannot and we can get good years but we we've all been talking about the economy and we've talked about we've talked about it i would like to ask each of you were facing a three hundred billion dollar plus deficit tell us what your number one priority is in a budget cut
and how much money it would save you're no new weapons systems one hundred a three billion dollars ever try to acquire any weapons are built twenty seven thousand new warheads that are still find the old republics of the soviet union that his biggest threat to the instability of the world and the future of the or yo thing we could cut is formed military aid for example we get age of sixteen million dollars a day in israel the bowels that particular political enemy ninety one million dollars a day and we've done so since nineteen seventy nine at the camp david accords those are two good examples there are a third or more domestically that affects an area that i lived in in a dallas forward there is yes sixteen fighter bomber we don't need the air force has recommended against the president at this particular point the risk aspen has concluded that in this particular but that is really not needed let's listen to that the taxes and know any new others to honor volunteers some taxes cuts to offer up to say summer because the orders for her best runners are off guard well the
first thing you got a day before you can get any spending cuts is pass a balanced budget man in the constitution there's no discipline in the system the day i've been in congress for eight years we hadn't had a balanced budget submitted to congress it was a balanced budget amendment and i have the best one that as a nanny tax limitation provision to that it was a line item veto it was enhanced rescission in a zero based budget in the civil service reform and the implementation line which to make that stick and then we can get serious when we get serious if i had to name one thing i do work for instant welfare i consider privatizing public housing so that people that live in public housing can own their own apartments have a little bit of the american dream and then i go through and looked at every federal agency has been created the last forty or fifty years if we still need to have it if we need to have it if it needs to be involved at the federal level like as a kid moving things alarmist or no job republicans know has had support my
balanced budget amendment nineteen seventy eight you and jack would have opted to build and add three billion three trillion to the national debt but what we need i think most importantly is to do in washington what we have done in texas and that's where i proposed and in fact joey were saying something more about what i'd done in that in the first week that i was there i introduced oil imports the legislation and to defend texas and us oil industry so that we would have more searching for exploration right here in texas but what has more toward the man now we know it hasn't admitted will love those democratic senators can work on it all but what we need i think most of all to do at this point is to spend money efficiently isn't that all programs are bad is that the programs are poorly run three million dollars' worth of officials in texarkana texas pol we identified ten percent savings in our budget ten percent savings at the federal level who performed sports within the first year
bring in a hundred fifty billion dollars in savings that is far larger than any single set of programs could achieve and issac singing along to do then i think that that that's why introduce legislation to that that's why i was so pleased that president clinton vice president gore have undertaken such performance review alex along the field snacks all that's specifically respond your question you asked for specifics as far as i know on the only person was platform better present cleanup and he is so his promise and he when he asked in the state of the union for us to submit specific spending reductions it if we had an eighty five billion dollars worth two percent across the board cut to accept are so scared investors administration saves a hundred and seven billion dollars cut foreign aid just fifteen percent on lebanon billion dollars overnight the national ballot for the arts the national ballot for the humanities five and a half billion dollars it's a federal gun out of the railroad business no subsidies for amtrak were subsidizing those
people in says professor mark twenty five dollars per passage ticket to a half billion dollars make people work for welfare a savings of six hundred million dollars is not a direct federal benefits to illegal aliens twenty seven billion dollars remove the earnings limitation on senior citizens and that's a lot of those all the way back to the great depression this is anyone between the age of sixty five sixty nine cannot like over ten thousand to under sixty dollars really only lose one dollar so skinny benefits for every three dollars above that amount if we eliminate their earnings limitation we generate a hundred and forty million dollars for our government and that is an alternative to president clinton's tax package and that is where the american people want us to go a player's winning reduction act in the thirties all us for one so i'm going to give you two first i believe an across the board cuts i had done that at the treasury i cut eight percent and now ongoing and asking for another five percent cut for the next
buying and if we get a ten percent across the board cut in administrative costs of government it would say this thirty billion dollars a year i think that is the right way to go because it allows the agency's to prioritize and everybody can cut ten percent i know i've done and secondly i agree with president clinton has said that we should limit the welfare that is received by able bodied recipients to two years i think we ought to be targeting job training for welfare recipients can get people out of the cycle of depending on government that's the way i would go there was to fish oh i agree with much of what's been said that the real essence is us to question what we will the sacrifice within our own state of britain as senator byrd not to build a bridge to nowhere in virginia west virginia we have to look at our own work here in the state are some fields has been talking about the space station oddly on the only candidate on this platform ms cameron said there is very little scientific value on the space station have my pocket here a letter from the president's science advisor no one read two sentences i
strongly agree that fundamental scientific research is not the primary motivation for finding space station three and motivations are more complex and while the wide variety of consideration this is from the assistant to the president for science and technology to tommy gold has won a nasa space above you requested that letter and when i talk to has tripled as explaining what these complex and why dr considerations are professors also that simple it work celtics here there is no scientific review to the space station it like at fifty and we can afford it but if we don't lead by example we can ask other senators to cut is right spending is the problem we have to cut spending we can do is we sacrifice for current let me give you just a moment to respond field on the official nabil abu assad refuses to go off because we're not going to have the rapid advancements in medicine to clean the eerie of cancer and aids unless we can research in that perfect zero gravity environment there's
great collaboration going on at this particular moment between the texas medical center and nasa also the research for some words ok and not have those as the president's actual size of water bottlers say two thousand four and thirty a jellyfish the space test what what they do in weightlessness and confuse jellyfish that is a conclusion quote ridgway argument is then what about my ability of coming up with a cure for one pitch i would use it right arm and we haven't spent thirty eight billion dollars in more effective ways to do it than zero gravity recently questioned first time there will still be a vacancy on the us supreme court and congress is the senate will have to fill that vacancy president clinton has said that he would appoint a pro choice candidate to fill that vacancy would you ms hutcheson let's start with you would you vote to confirm a pro choice candidate i i'm always going to give the benefit of the doubt to the president on the issues that are not the key issues it's getting
started and i think the president has the right to appoint a supreme court justice on the issues that he thinks are important i would not have a litmus test that he has said he would and he was elected president i would only vote against a supreme court nominee if there was the question of character with the person was unfit for office or unqualified for office i think that's the way the system should work it has not worked in the past i think the last two supreme court justices and not not unfair treatment by the senate but i read advise and consent to name that we give our advice and consent on the thickness of the person not on the political issues that the president might choose this is really as one of the persons a strict constructionist of the constitution but they're going to interpret the constitution in the way that it was drafted and the way it was it meant to be implemented to me that is the prevailing issue was most important issue and also i'm going to continue to press a nasty center for costly for a moment that ive been abused every year since i've been in congress that
would limit federal judges to ten years after ten years it would be subject to reappoint mchenry reconfirmation but every year they would have to come up because we have too many judicial legislators would you want to confront a pro choice tests i certainly wouldn't matter recommended to the president that he consider are appointing barbara jordan kelley was there this i would have recommended that the notion of loss for second term health well for in california my old little easier for five individuals and weapons to prove although jordan again because you'd been hanging on her most votes for over a decade that telling her last decades support for the so exposed in the voting rights act san antonio vary it introduced to the later of an amendment to disenfranchise lots of americans are silent on the canal it to the city official who do good for our vote to confirm a pro choice justice yes i wouldn't i would vote to confirm the best judicial mind a country manor woman's regardless of race and regardless of party
but rather they nominate robert bork i think he'd make a good supreme court justice and has a presence that the right to nominate whoever he or she thinks is best qualified i would probably vote against somebody if the only issue was harry shearer borders than abortion because i'm a pro life con as one fall a question of ms hutcheson units at me with a look at the qualifications and that is if the candidate that if a candidate was was fit for the job if that person here she not all of those qualifications would you still go ahead and vote for that person if he or she happened to be pro choice oh yes that's what i said i think that the president has the prerogative to pick a supreme court justices of his joys he was elected by the people i'm going to another question no one at how what else got to feel the question but just to be clear on this matter when i heard a moment ago was everyone would everyone except just a bargain could see themselves voting for a pro choice nominee a person for the supreme court was expressed a pro
choice position senator mark that right but you know i was i think of a pro life position as part of that strict construction of the constitution because i think the fourteenth amendment it sure was certain liberties like that is going to be no i just want to be clear on that line to move more about what this list fills up another question and that's why should texans put a man in the senate who was doused eleven thousand dollars in checks at the house erik weissman inadvertent over perhaps and if the house play could operate like any other right where we've been told a voter grabs where we were told about overdraft protection and if we get paid for this research overdraft protection there were never been an issue but regardless of those facts i stepped forward and said it was my responsibility as said that to my district and in the election about seventy seven percent of the vote after explaining that issue to my constituents and also went further and said to my constituents that there is no place no reason for
us to be treated any differently than anyone else i have co sponsored an sponsored legislation that puts us under the same laws that everyone else is under i've always voted for us being accepted out when it was a passing asteroid coverage and the next question did you need to follow where i just want to be be clear though we are the real issue i think here again is this insider outsider business in europe commercials you you were say that your running and those people in washington in the wash away the fact that matter as you've been in washington for twelve years out when the house check writing voting scandal well at you and pat schroeder ended dan rostenkowski and tom foley all of you have these problems with the checks it you all there together is a little disingenuous to say don't run against washington when you're very much a partner in washington seeing that all walk assessed afford an accepted responsibility regardless of what the facts were but in terms of this
particular campaign won't talk about is that i have lived in texas for my entire term in congress going back and forth each week with nothing makes me a better representative you know shopping and going to church and my children going to school in a community and i was the first person who said when elected as a united states senator that i would live in texas i also said that our whole town meetings across the state until five hundred and five town meetings during my career which i think is important and also i was the first person to take the term limitation pledge saying that would serve no more than two terms in the united states in an interesting after thirteen years now city now wants to limit twelve years' service to others of course in for congressman bart and ever since i can remember john tower phil gramm every ten that come up for reelection i'm always heard republicans argue we need one voice levis they say it's important to have a balance it's important to have a foot in each
camp now there's a democratic president why with texas projects in peril like obviously the space station or supercollider was important to have a democratic voice and congress was the same argument the republicans have are always used was in court have a democrat in a state supreme court when the white house well as i said earlier if we need one of the chair bob crewe would've had a chance in the last two months to prove that and a martini is not proved it i think which you made a major senator from texas to somebody who is a conservative who listens to texans who stays in touch with texans who can be affected by phil graham has proven that he's an effective conservative voice from texas democratic when he got elected to the senate i had been the leader of a super collider eye in the house i am or the leaders in the house on the balanced budget amendment i can do the same thing in the united states senate
what we're looking for is a team that can work together for taxes and i think phil graham joe barton would definitely a good thing for texas announced a senate ms hutcheson you're given an assignment with a yes we're talking about possibly someone who might serve twelve years i had limited myself to two full terms if i'm elected and decide to seek a second term so we're going to have republican administrations and democrat administrations so i don't think taxes should choose their senator based on who happens to be in the white house right now the issue is who can be affective for taxes the people who are active in the united states senate are sometimes republican sometimes democrat there are effective because of the people they are because they have a core philosophy because they had leadership capabilities because they have ideas and they're willing to fight for them i think that is the issue that taxes are going to be looking at not what political party the president is or what political party we are they're looking for a leader who will speak for
texas but says that's a missed field like us or the other reporters was was three years was cnn's and isi others do too elisa port where someone who can hit the ground running immediately of my party affiliation really means that much someone who is elected most people talk about going gets wasted that had passed last year that was one of the people chiefly responsible for blocking that seventy five or silly or wells and texas will eventually and if he can talk about invaders bases anatolia layman's sixty percent of its water it can talk about telecommunications which affects thirty five thousand jobs in a spouse like a plot like syria and you can't be affected so it's important to send someone who can be effective from day one as we move into the twenty first century only the tax lawyers are very intelligent commonsensical they're going to try to seek that balance and the book talks about i think there will be looking for a good democrat and a democrat doesn't like because of republican democrat it doesn't hide behind loans for example must
approve or under half a million dollars from elmore national bank and the bank now has been bankrupted now the part of bank one hasn't paid a payback of that particular over ten years according to find out if out of that with a nineteen ninety three that is the message that the us in the banking scandal and the fissures trying to buy this particular scent rises long this particular campaign over two million dollars with a big look at someone as a real democrat someone as people orient someone that will allow people talk about the illegal aliens that way with disparaging remarks because they only were ever resist a feels like of the was he came from to talk about the child let's abandon allen and deserted in a home with a single parent trying to survive and make ends meet you know we have more channels and blacks in prison that we have a college in ireland is the most contaminated river and the staple passover festival say the fifth largest in texas is the number one an air pollution there's chronic unemployment throughout the valley out victorious the only area is growing in our state and destruction the nations
fastest one another that we have kind of fallen though real in laredo and mike allen we don't have jobs for people we're a lot of issues and against a cruel mr fisher the most fields are quick to respond to those things or forcible and there may not be time to respond honestly say that that law has really paid off you simply don't want you talking about because i sold my family ranch to pay that loan and it is paid as what joe said as for effectiveness i was voted most effective of the seventy five new democrats avoid the most effective because i had the capacity to be an independent mind and i think that is very very important as already indicated in this question is important to be able to walk to have people who can work with people from both parties is also been important to the republican party for a very long period of time longer time republicans were saying it's very important to have a person in each party right now is more important never the houses been controlled by democrats four forty
odd years citizens control now the white house says is important to have a continuous change and link all the way through to the white house and from a witness patricia cars are running out of time for a lot of questions and i've said this before the most important thing is not a gender or party your personality the most important thing is principle that we have someone cares to serve the people or to serve special interests i do share with us senator curt the idea that we should have balance in the senate i believe we should have a democrat also center for a lively i should be the democrat and i believe he took a stab that's university stem us feels literary but that the others has about him and you're running in south texas about donald immigrants while talking about is economics not race twenty seven billion dollars can be saved if we do not pay direct federal benefits to illegal aliens people who are not here legally the minute you have that the rest of the field historically that more undocumented canadians in united states or anybody else in the style with the
field is talking about is racing is injecting race in this particular unit is it that because the proper words people were bought we talk about race but back in the seventies when you have the house and you knew that you had made a statement in san antonio that the only mexican americans are getting hit again no political parties to quote kill the grills do exactly exactly true in us and them because we knew the destroyer one party rule of democrats had we had to destroy the ugly races that began the states is rendered by the likes of a y l e and some of it is that we have on this point and they were for homosexuals were afraid of immigrants who could be at the bigger double standard over public life than the terrorism cases that lie about the filing he filed this report for the third night in a three i'm not saying that i'm against that he made a mistake we have is as long as a minute finally goes along with this is going to be like that we have some closing statements one minute for each they were
drawn by latin krueger thank you very much appreciate not only a chance to be here tonight and i appreciate very much the chance to work for the people of texas ford i've been out to places like financial and talking with people like frank pooled what frank will say is you know bob we've lost some it's hundred seventy thousand jobs in texas and on gas industry along the last ten years and we've gone from four thousand seven hundred graves we need jobs for people we need in this week we need to recover our own energy resources you travel in other places and you hear people like luis in the valley he's talking about jobs for people in south texas and the opportunities that can come with the north american free trade agreement i think americans for a long time texans all included want their country to live up to its own the station that vision of opening opportunities to more people those opportunities include jobs include opportunities that recognizing the dignity of all individuals and that's the sort of thing that i expect continue speaking for the united states and
is there is that much three objects as you've seen them the millionaires in action every last one of these people is a millionaire or talk about this taxes and cutting programs are important to you this is wrong there is an additional answer other than the in your pocket or cutting programs actually really have to start to have and haven't taken away from you and italian for the last forty seven years we have rebuilt economies of japan and germany from rubble and ruin we've spent billions and billions of dollars on them putting us third japan hours forced germany is second and we're former third reich i say that's enough i say it's time that we come first let's invest the dollars but making japan and germany to begin with they had their fair share of global military protection they should also pay their fair share and always other poems and we're starting i'm an attorney for somalia the aid to the soviet union the nasa space station the super collider they should pay their fair share
that we should come first put a real democrat in the senate or sat in theaters democrat thank you and good night texas thanks very much this year is next on the list is honestly party you've been saving your living room for the last hour wondering who to vote for united states senate to answer that question you really have to boil it down that those values invasion best matches your own so barton you have to wonder about my values or my vision for texas is an engineer it's quite simple it's based on a conservative philosophy that by proven leadership and parcel integrity a certain are alright as a white house fellow replace phil gramm united states congress will commence mistake chairman says it best joe barton is a conservative in every sense of the word bob crewe case say that no other candidate can prove it like i can't i'm the house later on the necessary and the barn balanced budget constitutional amendment to prove my personal integrity unknown republican his release my tax returns the only congressman period who suggest himself and his staff to drug testing no bounce checks some candidates might things
happen some candidates watched things happen something some candidates was why things happen vote for joe barton how might things happen or you know state senate and next is less efficient i'm not a professional politician i'm a businessman probably is a professional politicians are strangling this country they care more about the next election they care about the next generation will say whatever their pollsters tell them that they think the public wants to hear now i've taken some unpopular stance i worked with ross perot and it was not a popular thing to do i was on a train before it left the station i come out against a space station because it's a boondoggle because we can afford even though people said that was bad politics and taxes and for a seven day waiting period for guidance for handguns of my daughters taught me never to speak about oddly leading by example i've done no negative ads either no taxes no aspirations no whisper campaigns against the other candidates i seek to lead by example these professional politicians if you like that would just be taking a seat on the titanic if you really want change the course of our ship of state both for me to like me for the united states senate on may first
thank you very much actually an exquisite statement is from the fields people ask me why i'm in this to a senate race any issues very simple of my children will join history joshua's thirty because i realized the person who was elected will lead this state into the twenty first century and my children are important i think we need a senator who's going to oppose new spending oppose new taxes oppose new regulation on our churches our businesses and our schools someone is going to stand up for property rights for our farmers our ranchers and someone is going to keep our defense second to none that are peace comes to being strong but there's also an issue of would ability to stand up and face the democrat only the second i think that is a real issue and asked people around the state if you agree with me and i will be your senator and tonight i respectfully ask for your vote ok thanks to field a fireplace naked like comes from this hutchison thank you taxes need a dynamic senator a different kind of senator a fighter and i
am a fighter one group of texans knows these candidates better than any others the editorial boards of the newspapers around the state i have received more than twice the number of endorsements of all of the other candidates put together my campaign is a people campaign twenty thousand people have contributed to help in this election campaign hours of people that are wonderful texans over seventy eight counties put me on the ballot by petition rather than pay a filing fee because the people campaign special things have happened i'll never forget the father who brought his daughter up to me at an affair and said i want you to meet her because i want you to know that you can do this too if you want to add is very special to me it is very important that we have leaders in this country that is my vision for the country that i want to serve and the state that i love thank you and thanks very much and like to thank our three panelists wayne slater tracey todd and paul from adele's wayne hughes jr a and texas monthly and thanks to
the six candidates this concludes the first of the taxes today it's our second program with additional senatorial candidates will air statewide and most public television stations you can check your local listings for the time of the broadcast we live early voting in the election ends on april twenty seven and the actual election itself is on saturday may first thanks for joining us could not it's bleak for many years has
been a nice beat it has been presentation of the texas debates was made possible in part by her skit celanese the name behind the name you know in chemicals fibers and film advanced materials and the life sciences and by our car an energy company that proudly supports the american political process argo believes that informed electorate is one of our nation's most valuable resources and by texas instruments and its employees throughout the state of texas we're committed to total quality in advance technology and i'm proud to be a part of this debate
Texas Debates: Senate
Episode Number
U.S. Senate Debate
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KERA (Dallas, Texas)
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Episode Description
Senatorial Debate for U.S. Senate.
Episode Description
Joining KERA's debate moderator, Terry FitzPatrick are the following journalists. Wayne Slater, Austin Bureau Chief-Dallas Morning News Traci Tong, Reporter-KERA Radio; and Paul Burka, executive editor-Texas Monthly.
Episode Description
Political Debate.
Episode Description
A debate between the candidates for the 1993 special election to replace Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen who had resigned to become Secretary of The Treasury. The candidates answering questions included the following: Joe Barton(R), Jack Fields(R), Richard Fisher(D), Jose Angel Gutierrez(D), Kay Bailey Hutchison(R) and Bob Krueger(D).
Series Description
Debate between political candidates.
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Politics and Government
Political Debate
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Associate Producer: Dooley, Suzanne
Director: Voight, Tom
Executive Producer: Komatsu, Sylvia
Guest: Kruger, Bob
Guest: Hutchison, Kay Bailey
Guest: Fisher, Richard
Guest: Fields, Jack
Guest: Barton, Joe
Producer: Garcia, Yolette
Producing Organization: KERA
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2805e2bc247 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Texas Debates: Senate; 101; U.S. Senate Debate,” 1993-04-22, KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 5, 2024,
MLA: “Texas Debates: Senate; 101; U.S. Senate Debate.” 1993-04-22. KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Texas Debates: Senate; 101; U.S. Senate Debate. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from