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like a brother's grave when the only thing of the God may be saved. As a university administrator, it pleases me to see how Channel 8's programs are so varied. They are entertaining and at the same time, informative and educational. I know that's what good teaching is all about, so is good television, I guess. I hope you'll choose to be a part of this effort. Channel 8 needs and deserves our support. I hope you'll choose to be a part of this effort.
I hope you'll choose to be a part of this effort. The blades are very similar on these props and on the beach propellers, we want to move four and a half. We move this tip four and a half. We should be able to pick up a little looseness back here in the hub. If you want a greener, healthier lawn this spring and summer, then now's the time to call Longhofer lawn and tree care. Longhofer's specially formulated applications give your yard a head start in controlling crabgrass, weeds, and insects all for less than it would cost you using the same materials. Longhofer provides complete tree and shrub care
too with a proven program of pest and disease control. If you're serious about a good-looking yard this spring and summer, then now's the time to call Longhofer lawn and tree care at 267-3023. The Sunliner is a proud member of the chance family of transportation products. If you'd like to know even more about the Sunliner's extensive features and options, talk to your chance representative today. A bumper crop of wheat is pouring into grain elevators across Kansas, the number one wheat producing state. Amid this flurry of activity comes the reality of low prices. Kansas wheat prices have slipped to the lowest level of a decade, but of $3 a bushel in some areas. We market most of our wheat through cattle, take it directly to the feed yard,
and unless the price changes dramatically, we'll feed it. It's priced in line with other feed grains right now, so basically that's what we'll be doing with the wheat. The one saving grace for farmers comes from the federal government's wheat program. Most farmers in the state will be eligible to receive over $4 a bushel for wheat and return for idling one-third of their wheat acreage. Setting aside the fields will have little economic impact since there is a tremendous oversupply of wheat, about 1.5 billion bushels in storage from previous years. Festivals are a great thing for bluegrass music, and the fact is it puts a lot of professional bands working, especially throughout the summer months. And it gives a chance for other people who play, or dab a little bit, to say they play the guitar, or fiddle a little bit, or mandolin, whatever. It gives them a chance to go rub shoulders with the entertainers, too, because all the parking lot picking and campfire picking, that makes it exceptionally nice.
This is the moment you've all been waiting for. The second annual festival trivia show. And the way you can get involved and answer some questions and win some prizes is to call 436KPTS and talk to one of our volunteer phone operators, who are friends of our lovely hostess, the lovely Nancy, and they're all going to take your name, address, and phone number, and then they'll put you on hold, and we'll get back to you a little bit later. Watermark Books and 149 North Broadway donated this handy daily reference calendar that contained such facts as what silver screen star was called catnip to women. To help you think music, I'm into my own personal tribute to I ain't got nobody. Here we go. Could be zoom in. I ain't got nobody. Well, enough of that. On to our next question and your name, please. The small town of Lindsborg stands out
as a cultural oasis on the plains of central Kansas. Its history and well-being are inseparable from Bethany College, and it still abounds with Swedish heritage and tradition. Indeed, the influence of those early Swedes is everywhere you look, from Main Street to its stately old homes. And most of all, in the dollar horse, which is everywhere. This galley-colored woodcarving originated in Sweden in the early 1700s. Today, it serves as a local symbol that catches the eye and welcomes the visitor. Life can be very, very boring. But it doesn't have to be because you can jog it. Hike it, bike it, camp it, boat it, float it. Hook it, cuck it, ski it, sun it, fun it. But whatever you do, park it at a Kansas State Park.
Oh, people don't really win on those shows. Well, that's what we thought until we watch Channel 8's Festival trivia show. It's back, March 1st. Yeah, people don't really win on those shows. Yeah, that's what I thought. Until I watch Channel 8's Festival trivia show. It's back, March 1st. Nobody ever really wins on those shows. Well, that's what I thought until I saw Channel 8's Festival trivia show. It's back, March 1st. The year was 1959.
It was a time of hula hoops, yo-yos, and Davy Crockett hats. Hike was in the White House. And except for the Cold War, things were pretty calm. In 1959, Oklahoma lost its first big aid conference game in 13 years. Sugar was selling for $0.10 a pound, picnic ams for $0.29. Here in Wichita, Henry's was offering British wool suits for $0.59. A few blocks north at the Orphium, Doris Day and Rock Hudson were starring in Pylotope, and Dick Price was the local Edseldeader. It was in 1959 that Ed Law and Milk Pullet started the Law Pullet Construction Company. So I know I don't mind though, but I know I can't waste my time as it turned from pain to death.
In your pain to live, you will not be able to eat it. Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. The special flavor of Mesquite Wood Cook in is an old West tradition, a tradition waiting for you every day at the Amarillo Grill. Mesquite Wood gives a unique flavor to our steaks, chicken, seafood, and Tex-Mex favorites, all carefully prepared and served up in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And they're great desserts too, like homemade, deep dish cobbler. Enjoy your visit to the Amarillo Grill with your family or friends tonight. 66, 15 East Central in Woodlawn, and at West Kellogg in the airport road behind the Ridge Plaza Inn. David, wake up. It's your special day. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear David.
Happy birthday to you. Make a wish. Our wish for David and for every child is that they grow up loved and secure in a family. Kansas Children's Service Leave. Our concern is children. Ever think of how important your eyes are? Without them, you might have a hard time piloting your spaceship or even catching a ball or reading a good book. But we must be careful with our eyes, like keeping back from the TV and watching out for what we play with. Some things are not toys. Take care of your eyes, because there are so many beautiful things to see. Elf patrol, come far away.
Go now on a clean clean with an eye to see a place where we can live and work in peace. And so the Elf patrol speeds off the distant places in search of a new home. Elwood found it was very crowded and dark in the deep jungle and it rained heavily. Elwood found the desert to be very hot and sands seemed to get into everything. Elton dove beneath the ocean, but didn't like being wet. He also had a lot of trouble breathing underwater. Elmond flew to the mountains that had a hard time keeping his balance. The wind and the clouds added to his problem disappointed. It swiftly flew back to darkwood forest to tell their unhappy stories. Live from Bethany College in Linsborg, Kansas,
the Messiah, and American Easter. And now here is your host for an American Easter, David McCullough. On Easter Sunday, 1882, on the great plains of Kansas and the pioneer community of Linsborg, a small, sweetest settlement, a small, coral group, all local people, performed George Frederick
Handel's Messiah here in Bethany Lutheran Church on Main Street. The tradition has carried on ever since through good times and bad, war, peace, hardship and plenty. For more than a century, every year but one, in 1918, the year of the terrible influenza epidemic. And even then, the performance was only postponed. Welcome to the Hollywood Classics of the 30s and 40s. Tonight, we are into World War II for the first time. We will be for the next few weeks. Tonight, we are over in England in 1942 with Mrs. Miniver.
If you saw Sergeant York last week, you saw it was supposed to be in some way the quintessence of the American, you know, life, values and so on. Tonight, we see what is supposed to be the quintessence of British life. Released by an American studio on the second anniversary of Winston Churchill's famous We Will Never Surrender speech, Franklin Roosevelt credited this movie with easing significantly the problem which still remained, even after Pearl Harbor, of getting aid to Britain. The thicker Henry Wilcoxins final sermon as rewritten by Wilcoxin and director William Wilder, by the way, was dropped over occupied Europe on the personal instructions, apparently, of Franklin Roosevelt. The writers tonight included James Hilton, the man who wrote the novel of Goodbye Mr. Chips the other day, and the cast is full of British immigrants and Greer Garson, who was in.
Goodbye Mr. Chips. A lot of these English folks were in this country for the duration of the war. Oscar's were one of the best picture. William Wilder got one. Greer Garson got one. Wilder, by the way, is a man who directed Jezebel, which got Betty Davis, her Academy Award. Teresa Wright, the unfortunate daughter, the spring play got an Academy Award. And among the nominations were Walter Pigeon, Dame May Whitty, the old woman who doesn't want the marriage with her son. And Henry Travers, whom you may remember is a guardian angel of Jimmy Stewart in a Christmas class that gets a wonderful life. Purpose of the film was supposedly to encourage aid to our allies and to prepare the US for what might happen right over here. Time magazine said it was that almost impossible feat a great war picture that photographs the intermeaning instead of the outward realism of war. Well, there were certain unrealisms in it. Norma Scherer had turned down Garson's role because she didn't want to play the mother of Richard Nath, that I made her look old.
Garson took it with some reluctance. As a matter of fact, later married the man who had played her son here, he was only nine years younger than she was. New York Herald Tribune called this a splendid reaffirmation of the thing for which the United Nations interesting term at that time are fighting. The American stereotype of England is here, of course. The Americans saw more England here than the English did, but they liked it. It was not an image that they found in any way offensive. James A.G. surprisingly, and I've said he took one good look at the stills and refused ever to see the movie. I don't envy people like that. I'm rather looking forward to seeing Mrs. Minimum. The frustrating thing being a film scholar at times, I'm glad I am not one.
KPTS Annual Dinner Banquet
Producing Organization
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PBS Kansas (Wichita, Kansas)
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Highlighting employees and various programs at KPTS.
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Local Communities
Film and Television
TV station Behind the Scenes
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Producing Organization: KPTS
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-5ac29974fe7 (Filename)
Format: VHS
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Chicago: “KPTS Annual Dinner Banquet,” 1986-06-26, PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “KPTS Annual Dinner Banquet.” 1986-06-26. PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: KPTS Annual Dinner Banquet. Boston, MA: PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from