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     Public Education, Teaching Children Stranger Danger, Protests of Increase
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how can we talk to our children about being safe when they're walking to school are walking to the playground or in general away from power away from their parents' mothers and i think they're they're just lots of things that kids need to now and the factual thing about strangers actually answer much more comfortable talking about what to do with strangers and and that's fairly easy and and there's some very good books at the library that if young couple even talking about strangers are about this kind of issue that that you can go to a live read hamlet jumpstart her parents to read to kids and i would encourage parents to do that because for most of us who have children no one talk to us so i didn't know how to talk to kids but there's some basic facts and i think the children of course should never going to anyone's thomas appearances said this is someone's house you can go into and it's the parents haven't said that the main huge check with their parents before they go into that house i think if they ever become separated from you when shopping to go to a court rather than continue looking for your go out to the car i think walking to and from school and playing with other
children that kids and pears are just a lot less volatile and a child walking by himself or herself and i know that's hard in neighborhoods that had it may be they're trying to find someone a couple blocks away meet somewhere or you know just as much as they can be with other kids are just going to be a lot safer let kids know that adults just do not need to or have to as children for assistance of a car pulls up the truck pulls up in person wants to know where a certain houses or worse or street is or can you know we carry this package or would you like to look at what i have on my car that adults don't need to and they shouldn't be asking children that information and that children need to not go to the current family into thinking y'all the answer but can continue walking not to go close to the car and its cargo and if there are they think the cars following them to turn around and walk in the other direction of the car turns around they need to seek help of media and that would be going and pounding on someone's door yelling fire
yelling hall getting to where there are other people probably the safest thing a child can do if they have a child is concern about their own safety is to get where they are the people because people don't it is one or other people around they don't do that in front of other people that should never hesitate to ask for help sometimes kids get trapped into getting close to a car for you know strangers on a project in his area jump out of their car vehicle run onto a sidewalk and grab a kid in a trick the kid in me getting close to the car and you can play what if games with her child an arm around my daughter was about kindergarten first grade agent and get some what if games you know what if this person would do this what would you do and she dancer them all quickly until i came to the what a summit over stop the car and said he's really cute kittens in the backseat of my car which i'd to come look at them what would you do and she said well i look at them i go and look at them but i would get in the car so of course it was a wrong answer and i really thought that she knew all there any answers in by playing what if games and making again down to something that people
really attempt this child and she had a sweet to so candy or kittens like little animals trying to find a vulnerable part some places things that they couldn't resist describe what a stranger is innocent and they don't know for a while we should ever take rights with anyone even if it's other parents in was their trip here is have set humane ride with chinese father or you remember it sally's mother accelerate that they really needed their permission if they're going on a comparable one say no to that person or what or whatever interview i should say my mom and dad or my mom or my dad says i have to ask first before except right and so then it's a parent's making the rules is not the child saying there's something wrong with you i can't ride with you when you talk to children about not doing some of these things and they say well why can't i go and you know as we grew up and i think parents are still telling them don't get into cars with strangers don't take candy door not telling
them why what could happen if you propose rules and so we found that the more information you give kids a less apprehensive they are and the more knowledgeable they are the more of less vulnerable they are how they don't know what's going to happen to me in visualize something much greater than if they do to break those rules are going to get killed or the never see their parents again and that really kids need to know the reason we don't do these things is this person might touch on the private parts you know we need to reassure kids that stranger incidences rarely help happen in this community that probably five percent no more than ten percent on sequels or five percent of these incidents are with people they don't know the majority of incidents happen with people they know but we need to keep teach kids safety just like fire intermediate roles we know that the odds of having to fortify or tornado hit a school or barber ii were more but they have these trolls just because we wanted to know what to do in case it does happen so i don't think it's about
strangers and tell them and this rarely happens but just like fire tornados say do we want them to know what to do in case it does happen cities needed this information be open about them talk to them about the private parts if parents uncomfortable using the crack mean for the private parts they can just describe the private purchasing areas covered by other swimsuit and sometimes even call the top are the fun part of that part and then no one has a right to touch in there no matter what the child has been doing and that if that happens or if they're ever on call for the way someone's acting to come and tell the parent or someone in the schools sometimes it might be a stove for parents to decide how much to tell them or how to tell them because they're afraid of over frightening that's right and that's not true i'm going into vermont scientists this is that we have in our program but we recently did an evaluation on june sixteen classes of the first second grade level and we found that close to ninety percent of the children actually will work eighty five percent of the children were less frightened after going to the child sexual abuse
prevention program and another ten percent or in that were just well just the same and it was only about five to ten percent of kids actually became more worried that going be giving them information made them less apprehensive we found that that eighty five to ninety percent were less worried after getting the program they were less scared they felt more secure they felt safer so we know that children have all the information they need to have that actually had more self confidence a few more scared secure the us worried they're not is scared so we have that information to show that more children information should receive on child sexual abuse the better they feel on the last episode we really think that the less they know they've visualize worst things and i think a lot of parents who don't talk to their kids because they feel uncomfortable with the subject matter they don't know how to talk to their kids they don't know what to say to that i don't know what kids need you know they don't want to frighten the child they don't think it's going to happen to their child i think their shelves two young parents in the survey said they thought the line with the best age to talk to
kids about sexual abuse but the average age of a curse aside war between five and seven years of age so if you're uncomfortable or if you don't know what to say to your children about this if you don't know enough about the subject got an urgent some public library and are delivering area there are books for parents to sit down and read to children that will give them all the information they need to know there's nothing wrong with using those kinds of tools that we know that some schools have a program of the year involved in hutchinson and that may be the case it's a one hour which are other areas in our listening area it's bad enough that we need to reinforce that at home right one i would encourage terrorist it to check into their school systems see if their school is offering a child sexual abuse prevention program because it is recommended by the state and if they're not to get something like that going so well you're right it's not it's not enough for kids to receive this information school number one they're not received in many cases every year our problem is not offered every year and number two periods our children's best
resources and we need to hear about this at home they need to have you know the rules like you don't allow your child to go to the door to tell me answer the phone or what are things you want to do a walking home which route to be taken to their color you know it lots of parents have individual rules about how to be safe at home that that we encourage kids to talk to their parents but we also believe if parents talked to their children at home about this happening with our child is clearly much more likely to go to their parent or school person if it happens but it's an open subject home and it's okay to talk about if that happens that's one role big reason and if it does happen if your child or you know a child unless to do report it because most people do it don't touch on an inappropriate way to need help and you care about that person and you care about the safety of other children just getting your child at home or keeping a job away from that person is not going to keep other children say that is not to give that person the help that they need and that person will in most cases continue most children that is important and reported to us or sms or law
enforcement when you talk to students since schools isn't you probably modify your present patient whether talking to first graders or sixth graders how do we as parents know how much are different children of different ages are ready to hear john we get tornadoes changed mean if we present it in school systems in reno county for six years and then dancing kids hadn't we started six years ago has increased greatly children a lot more before they ever could get the program they're learning mandarin program city at home more parents are talking to their kids are just a lot more information out in the media about this subject so we have to adjust our curriculum in that manner as we begin to learn more about child sexual abuse i think that it's like your children even do what you think they can handle in the first grade level is probably what they could've handled two years before i think we can't automatically assume that we underestimate the ability of our children to understand
and then if you think they can understand these facts in first grade it's more likely that they could've understood those a year to be forced to underestimate your children you can start talking to kids about their bodies being private and they were right to say no to a touch and where the private parts are with children as young as three and four years of age we have programs like this in the preschool and evan like cadmium mother's day near sri in head start and we can we can talk to chill about the subject matter as young history susan years with the rise and mental health center in hutchinson she helps coordinate the area programs in schools for personal safety awareness in hutchinson i'm nancy finken set if you're upset over a reappraisal and reclassification it may not be any consolation but you're not alone many candidates to receive their tax bill last month have noticed huge increases the governor has called the house and senate tax committees back to topeka this week after studying the
issue and in order to make their opinion that dissatisfaction ring loud and clear hundreds of cannons are expected to gather on the capitol steps tomorrow at a rally sponsored by the cannabis association of realtors care and france is the executive director of governmental affairs let it be got it right
now but the last mile well yeah i love it what about that
frank langfitt fact that lead people to be on the capital that tomorrow one of the people mike how he had all night the morning and in fact we'll have taken a big leap why haven't you know here at the motel and my rental property have all practically gone out and they do things then i'll have to why rents and i'm already considering leaving the area rely on the motel and then i have to agree with that right and one hopeful the argument would be to have a complete world that i'm going back to live in and they'll give the legislature the phone with a valuation and look at the
required litigation goofy where they have to go if they try to invade on the impact that it's not going to work they won't have to buy this group and the group and basically we're going to be right back with quayle won but if they don't really need to go back and take a minute and then there were quite a quiet the vacationers really have what our people and the elimination of the inventory back and be a partial confession they gave me all of activate when that always there even though i've given all of the industry and i think that our art and it will only lead the individual property album called in and we all for the two of them of all the pack and i think that we will accomplish nine years ago
i have a dog and we have one well one thing is that there are at a lively point of leaving when people think was the oleg all accounting and they have been more than five harvey county in all and in the five counties of all when they and talking with the company they're having a problem with one of the only that the whole goal of a lot of oil into the gulf my point the big question is if i pay it and the ongoing thing and the eleventh plan the lincoln in illinois it'll include one off of the top and they
don't have what they can get a gas bills the quake an arab village they invited or give up in my home and that's going to decline oh boy a lot lately eleven well commercial building even though they have been for five top of life you have to have your own two thousand dollars initiative obama of our knowledge in fact the one year and then norway on our lives
on doing it the only way the world because if we want an unthinkably a liberal and eco who want the viability without would look back and ask if i have one hundred million people and that they're willing to pay and what impact the way that they have medical billing and then famously contemplating are called the band the water level of bankable liability the company bought the likelihood of the whole point to know about what might happen i know
five four for you only one of all all of your life mr lythgoe they're going to defeat one of education in the community learning that very cool but traditionally have the grandchildren what i don't know according to become that and we thought they had a
lot of mail and five the clippers century and the if you're training and retraining the access to education and accurate information in a place where the community can go and lung and share and find the resources that are needed to developer community developed a family and developed the children and the adults in that community were thinking that we should find out they are a resource and maybe help and education only function <unk> can can work together better we can you be the technologies that the fiber technology that are coming into place over the question of what can work and how we can you have communities share with each other people of their resources through that technology that got really what we're
looking at is the place producers as well as children maybe preschool maybe they care and they become a healthier but that they legally can be offered through and central location or in a cluster of working together so much duplication going on our own scarce resources we think that by pulling together and i'm looking at information we can develop what we call a learning community i don't know that it was going so area combine going to reverse the population decline it will be great when people and and leave the community that they lost and we look at the demographics that what's happening in many of our communities if the younger people the people between ages twenty and forty five that are leaving and those resources that we need very badly
badly to three but like that doesn't mean that we we feel the population are unimportant wanted that in the barrel and we also need very specialized people and in terms of of their expertise and for sharing between communities sharing within communities were the key country that you live in all the people courtney dean having a place where they can work together to help each other and to help that community and developing a growing i believe that if we can develop a column that we can some of the art migration and probably have an in migration have until we can if there's one small bit of that one person here at the community to make them a bit oh that would be a wonderful opportunity week entire community colleges at the vocational school and each of those learning a very simple people have arrived at the fifty mile billing records i wanted to go
monday to be within thirty years and working together sharing pooling our resources and in the little community in and sharing within the community joint school community the community education coordinator village about the fourth year of the golden globe and the community have joined hands no there aren't we do karen
well that's i am no way i do i am well i don't know the
fabric that it without of the boeing strike the school and devoid of it to help with the job very different and a half why now i don't know and eric garner and i don't think they're in our final segment of tomorrow bowl and education in a twenty foot injury that the community learning center and how technology help breakdown education barriers all the intergenerational lending
and lifelong learning of the court and i think they're ready it's been all right oh really during a particular era we're aware of the fact that maliki important all due to all workers with the impact of technology and i find in accordance with the requirements of the tree for the federal workforce recognize that education have to change and one theory of change really in mathematics education not only in the teaching of mathematics mathematics that well when you type how an idea in nineteen eighty the national council of teachers of mathematic came out with a new publication called an agenda for action for the nineteen eighty and in that document they were
called for change in increased number of requirements for graduation bank the area are focused on problem solving math make bets with in court and alerting people to a need for change at various other groups as well as those outside of mathematics education like a nation at risk and others came along to the state we'd have to change it we have a particular document that we've developed called school option mathematics for the nineties and it suggested that someone we do the standards for the curriculum that had never been done before in a nationwide scale for the professional organization of mathematics educator we determined that with our response i am
oh really i've heard it said that you can fill out when people look at this point you hear the transportation we have the faith accomplishment that we've made the advancement of medical research and find in all of the area that stuff during the decade and that during the century we can treat some of that peak that that can act that they can find but what would be the government that the workplace is changing and that you intuit you have an athletic and within the format that climate where clark we focused on problem solving out for all we often that could take advantage of the technology which enabled the thick therefore when they had probably not been in the past except of course for the parent with him to really get to the computation want
algebra project in college preparatory subject but we never had the opportunity because they couldn't handle the speed and accuracy of computation to the technology we're going to have an open what we call the gate and enable more students can take that back remember when computers calculators to be in the classroom and really became popular at home feeling like a lovely way that out of your head and it wasn't allowed in the classroom how is that when we are recommending a court that didn't have available calculated and computers to expand their work and to view of what we call the nitty gritty activity it did not reply little complication complication but we want the decision maker for the ad they look at a problem situation and determine that they needed and an approximate what the correct what you do if
you're going to take a trip into it like a pickle do i want to like take a plane ride ride like art of democratic parliament don't look the problem in mathematics if i get medical complications appropriate for them to paper or calculator or a computer with the appropriate file the problem more problems no it's ok one or the other while they're learning to quantify bother learning and they think act and how to add and subtract and a lot of other things for discovering pattern when looking at a number of different
way and give an example we can begin to have traction by looking at a pattern of cracked one contract one people in my life temperature in the wintertime minus three degree you're aware of that number and now they're able to investigate that what that you're able to investigate other aspects of mathematics to calculate really what i think of as one or the other technology you exchange a coracle be a gradual evolution because it required teacher preparation a change in material support can look at
the change in the testing program evaluation in progress and also the particular changes will require time that we are telling our net night educators that there's going to be a big change and outward toribio throughout the united states and canada the political be changing at different rates by the way there are some places in our country where immigrants from all of the standards that we have described are already in place that we're not starting at ground zero if you will we do have what we call a gift to prove that they are you think for example our women talk about having worked in the concrete to the abstract many many of our primary classroom throughout the country are already doing what students spend more time doing that nagged investigating manipulating before they began recording and working on the abstract
idea oh yeah all of the higher end of the corridor the nature that think that the nature of the field and the concept that i would be able to apply to remember that our standard that came from our own membership came from research on how students learn the development all of the grief of learning how the math that actually prevented successfully and that kind of research have been going on in a kind of experimentation with in classrooms so therefore the people who were writing to writing and knowing how children and what enabled you to remember them and apply mathematics i think i can now find their male
dominated field outside a medical record that they're going to have a moment of that failure yeah i left women and minorities the voting do anything to change the trend yet we talk a great deal about ak fifteen equity you are correct that in fun part education thing we do have an imbalance in the number of people out of the minority population for the female population going into a career if you don't know it fell all through the magnetic grade it began when we began to lose our potential out from those groups you can either parent can't believe it mathematically not important for them
and even more dire that they don't have the ability to do that we want to convince them that that i feel that and require that all young people are not only their potential for income an option for career help and to be informed not capable of and what we want to do is to convince parents that often combine mathematica if they worked hard i believe that we learn from our japanese fight even when they think they often work harder when we call our parents united states and they say you have to have a certain innate ability a big change as we look at often modified by walking you may be a middle school math class right
now i would imagine that i find that i believe that a little while ago i don't need to learn that when i get out of school i'm going to be an apartment on the i'm going to teach elementary school but only thirteen part chord that i dont need no other democrat with your new idea when you get up on one of our strained one of our standard if you will of mathematics that connection and educator we connect mathematics not going to understand the track but also the outside world because during the quarantine and it don't feel how magnetic the climate and therefore we need to bring a relevant application we had to bring in people from the world of work to talk yes indeed if you're going to be a cosmopolitan if you're going to be in real estate if you're going to be a carpenter if you're going to be a person who is going to be a teller at a bank if you're going to play that part of what you
do but every citizen majors after may look the kind of worked with money and i get that we think that everyone la vie of the national council of the math that you haven't had that on friday the group of pornographic care if i we've got her in public education and nationwide even be a topic of great interest to your american federation of teachers meeting in washington dc well yeah gregory welcome the
bottom of the week on both agreed we really feel that it's important to it or let it cool and then larry grover people who are and we want to have the kind of carry out and for a quality education and at other things that were taking place here like dude with a rapidly growing population the marketing education critical thinking through whether all privately the way that we live i had a
career ladder and go ahead if they need to go on and that one point in order to try to find out if it will they have been helpful and also provide thank you you were going to marry
and that moral and evaluate the value of the country awaited want to work in and get information on what eikenberry one of them differently that's right i don't know that now in the times that thinking about recapturing education and not working i'm working on what they feel a little bit of pity and weeping i think like there is no one right now i think an important way that i want i think the public that you know
as billy you you know that people can watch the other than the nea the national education association the stronger intent of contract negotiations group though that the nea will also the port recapturing repeated and it benefited directly involved in the court and other members of the community will be deported level two anyone in my family
you know the big the bathroom might change school teachers will have to find way to think not just them alive we went through i don't know i think i know them we heard about the company i don't think that hard to divide them how long that the country is going to take their fight to the idea that what all good i am
you know we can think about right now at the moment we become the barley at at a later date which i would appoint we can take that we did i think i i think we can get something done that very difficult time because we're the party at i don't know is that bad great job on the other end of the wooded that chapter of the american federation of teachers he and others are in washington
dc eventually the country education nationwide and here in kansas board of education have completed final drought for a major restructuring plan board members hope will get the ball rolling for changing i really am great for help but they're not changing the goal of a hot and then i think and for that well as i indicated in a public statement <unk> go i've had enough time on a couple of months to get caught up on the evolution of covering the bladder announced he would run for governor and i will be in the coming days in winter munchies
thank you that's true that's really important we all are george will those additional port of you know i am still point to talk to people in terms of the issues when it was literature all of that coming together to make a gold lame in the
audio of some of the issues that was a full collision and what kind of campaign what sparked idled while in office an ocean will be active at the same time when the economy has worldwide adventure good morning you know what i mean what do i do
the groundwork for the day at that and you re enter the political arena thank you well people will a lot of people or a month ago
and he was old oh absolutely or what well what about that one and audie oh
ok they have a lot of political difficulties and having a republican who's going to do oh right but you know what what is
it all right you're welcome i want it thank you oh
Nancy Finken Interviews
Public Education, Teaching Children Stranger Danger, Protests of Increase in State Taxes
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Horizons Mental Health Center Susan Yoder discusses child safety and teaching stranger danger, Exectuve Director of Governmental Affairs Karen France discusses KS Association of Realtors and the increase of state taxes, Dan Martell, inn owner, on the increase of state taxes, State Education Commissioner Lee Droegemueller on making public schools more of a community resource center, Georgia Bradford on Derby School District's participation in community education, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Shirley Fly discusses the need for change in mathematics education, Wichita Chapter President of American Federation of Teachers Greg Jones on restructuring national public education, unnamed person discussing running for KS governor 1990.
Series Description
Compilation of Nancy Finken interviews with notable people in KS in the late 1980s.
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Politics and Government
Local News Interviews and Reports
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-39b0653768a (Filename)
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Chicago: “Nancy Finken Interviews; Public Education, Teaching Children Stranger Danger, Protests of Increase in State Taxes ,” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 15, 2025,
MLA: “Nancy Finken Interviews; Public Education, Teaching Children Stranger Danger, Protests of Increase in State Taxes .” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 15, 2025. <>.
APA: Nancy Finken Interviews; Public Education, Teaching Children Stranger Danger, Protests of Increase in State Taxes . Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from