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no need things everyone here either way on it tonight we would tell you about something that's very important here is we embark upon the month of february end the black history month celebrations that will be up and coming to find out just how appropriate our topic is tonight to some of those festivities we'll start now by telling you what tonight's program is all about in la cp national association for the advancement of colored people is the nation's largest and oldest civil rights organization you know all about it founded in nineteen oh nine what has a membership of over five hundred thousand people throughout the us
and around the world the principal mission other in tbilisi be used to insure political educational and economic equality for people of color the and then lacey p has a long and proud history bill with major accomplishments of change for the better the lives of millions of blacks whites asians latinos and native americans yet american is still in desperate need of progressive activists almost ninety years after the founding of the nw cp civil rights appears to be taking a backseat to whites gain and now being severely limited reactionary attitudes about race regrettably continue to be strengthened few voices are being raised in defense of african americans as citizens of the united states and the prevailing attitudes towards minorities are still reflected a negative press help literature and in
controversy or court decisions one only needs to look to recent newspaper headlines to understand the urgency and need for racial healing in america and the urgency and need for the anomaly c p as i see him for me president than cry me and only sepia stated the nw c p is uniquely positioned as the effective counterweight of hatred racial polarization and discrimination of all types that brings me to tonight's program a look at the revitalized re energized and italy c p my guest tonight represent the local branch tractors reading and enjoying tonight are trials night president of the end of a lazy be a skinny a county branch sabo williams president of the end of a lacy the opel of the county branch and wayne hahn director president of the indelible a cpa santa rosa county grange absurdities time to thank each of you for joining us live this evening and we
were going up kennedy do at ourselves with each of you and some of the programs that you are offering and show our viewers that you are going above and beyond the call of duty like no other year that we've ever been able to do before with the handle a cpu data that just a moment but first we want to share with them our very special keynote address that came and just recently from julian bond chairman of the and wc pete he was the keynote speaker for the fifty fifth state convention at the fort walton beach in fort walton beach florida and join you now with an excerpt of that speech right here on a wig i'm very happy to be here and i want to spend my few moments talking about the struggle for racial justice ncnw cp was formed in nineteen oh nine until today at the beginning of the century the late start of the report predicted that the problem of the twentieth century would be the problem of the color line there were jeers short years away from the centuries evidence
fairly easy to predict that it will be the problem of this century to come we need here in a time when racial divisions same as ever present as they have at almost any other time we made in the dark shadow denny's of texaco hopwood and texas of california's proposition two ninth almost everywhere we looked we see clear racial fault lines that divide american society as much now as in any time in which you know the picture we see is not without a rider fall if you look over several decades rather than in snapshot moments the picture we see shows their progress through the center no more besides read white and color the voters vote in the schoolhouse door or now swing open for everyone no longer are they close to those whose skins are and despite popular thinking to the country the battle to preserve or affirmative
action as being one novels nearly twenty states have tried to place anti fairness referendum on their balance an all but two and three times so far issued in march in april and in may congress voted on affirmative action measures and three jobs bipartisan majorities democrats and republicans voted to keep vital protections for minorities and women not the congressman from here but everybody else despite the successes the case already seen must seem like an echo from the plant today we are three decades passed the second reconstruction the modern movement for civil rights that eliminated legal segregation in the country and were in decades past the single period in american history in which the national government used on my to enforce the civil rights of what over a hundred years ago black americans faced problems very similar to those we face today that was
thirty years past the civil war and the first reconstruction the nineteenth century was winding down majority market was tired of worrying about the problems of the newly freed slaves tired of worrying about their right to vote tired of worrying about their right to go to public school then as now scientific racism and social darwinism more info then as now minorities and immigrants became scapegoats for real and imagined economic distress but speaking in it you know what my slave or grandfather saw the world above them go he said then the false partition set up a separate classes and races are calling them the larger conversation though still just raising the age and bring disparate problems muscle you will to justice and right then forward in the struggle for vets romney's and for time they seemed to revive the good
already accomplished seem to be overthrown but forward in this struggle inspired by the achievements of that has sustained by a faith that knows the whole ring we look back on the reason many of us appear to be confused about what that moment's aims and goals or whether the couple where it fails what our responsibilities are to carry on its unfinished business today instead of seeing the towering figures of things that kennedy standing alone we now see an army of anonymous women instead of famous speeches by the multitudes we now see the planning of the work that preceded the trial and instead of the moment that ended in nineteen sixty eight with the death of dr king we now see continued to stretching from the ancient past until the small only two central goal has always been the elimination of restrictions based on race and we see which is a lot
first articulated when the twentieth century was branded a plan that fits our circumstances almost exactly to do and it was our founders going to be wars rebels to fall when us companies are just played one season is agitation and failing exposure of dishonesty and wrong this is the ancient unerring way to liberty and we must fall next he said we proposed or were these other things that we must try to do we must push the matter for stopping the curtailment of our political rights we must urge negroes to vote i honestly and effective we must push a matter of sorts we must organize business forward we must been all school houses and increase the interest in education we must bring the growers and labor unions and unusual understand we must study negro history and we must attack crime among
us to do a lot of power by word and body to increase the efficiency of armor it's the enjoyment out of rights the performance of his duties that preceded the foundation of the anomaly cd for five years the founding of this organization gave the civil rights movement and organize six and the end of a lazy peace and development aggressive strategy of litigation ended striking down racial restrictions enshrined in law a trial by nineteen fifty four when the brown versus the board of education effectively ending segregation in public schools that decision ended segregation three gallup but it also gave the nonviolent army of the license to challenge segregation as morality has more from brown in fifty four for the move an expanded its targets its tactics and its techniques its leadership and its organizations expenditure and the montgomery bus boycott introduced a new leader in the boise delight member of martin luther king and he began to articulate a new method of
nonviolent resistance on fighting segregation that movement that was a second reconstruction reconstruction whose rebels were fell far beyond the southern states and his victories benefited far more than box and before that movement slow it was our democracy's finest hour of homeless people voted with their bodies and their free and pave the way for other social protest but despite important increases in the number of black people holding a little esquire ability now to city ride vote getters in places that used to bar blocks places in some important ways not white americans face problems more difficult to attack now than in all the years that wonderful job as a permanent fund of almost daily incidents of racial attack and a series of public opinion polls that demonstrate too many majority of americans think of racial
minorities are less than equal human beings like in the breads morality industriousness and pages most just don't think minorities are set mostly there are more of us than there actually are according to a gallup poll the average american base in eighteen percent of all americans are jewish the real figures leaders of the average american face a twenty one percent of all americans are hispanic the real figures eight years the average american thinks a thirty two percent of all americans are about the real figure is twelve percent what these numbers mean is that for the average american minorities are the majority seventy one percent of the national population no wonder we process for you now sensory exciting days of the nineteen sixties too many have concentrated too much on enriching to view while the large numbers of working class black america like their counterparts in the larger society and
seeing their income for their plight ignored and their jobs is a big battle gang lost his life supporting a garbage workers strike in the us the right to decent work in recent days as basic human freedom as a writer the negroes king sent in nineteen sixty one are almost entirely on working people there are probably few negro millionaires and fueled nigro employee that there are many many more black millionaires today it's a tribute to the movement came away that their proportionately fewer black people working today is an indictment of our times and their economics as a reflection of our failure to keep the movement going to go everywhere we look black americans faced conditions very different from but just as long as the billy clubs the fire hoses police dogs of thirty five years ago when i was young bad boys forward not not with automatic weapon fire was something that if you stepped on it
you break your mother's blood and the songs we used to sign we're german but on the streets and sidewalks were too many black americans live crime and violence are the frequent grew as angry white men below a balance angry black man blow each other in america today a comparable writer on a blackout has one and a half times more likely to grow up in a family who's here did not finish high school two times as likely to be born to a teenage mother to one a half times more likely to be born low birth weight three times more likely to live in a single parent home four times more likely to have a mother who had no prenatal care times as likely to depend solely on a mother's earnings and nine times as likely to be a victim of homicide as a teenager or young adult the end of a long winding up hill march against the regime in life has a life expectancy median income by
all the standards by which life is measured black americans see a gap between the american dream and the reality of a law now over the last thirty five years the period of the second reconstruction the most effective tool for granting entry into the mainstream has been those two magic words affirmative action now the apollo cells and it doesn't work or used to work but it don't work now are used today but we only now when it does work it only helps people would only didn't know well affirmative action is in a poverty program it ought not be blamed for failing to solve problems it was not designed to solve it's a program designed to counter racial discrimination not poverty no body beat rodney king because it was for affirmative action created a sizeable middle class it constitutes one third of black america today in the late nineteen sixties the wages of black women in the textile industry for the number of black police officers that the number of black electricians for
the number of black bank tellers quadruple percentage in managerial and technical jobs the number of black harvard students went from the middle sixties about three hundred and thirty thousand to more than a million twenty years later these are just numbers they represent the growth and spread of the tiny middle class i knew was born into a stable one third of all black americans than that when they met with jobs and homes able to provide for their families now and in the future without affirmative action bold white colors and blue collars around black max would begin to shrink with a huge depressive effect on what homeownership education on our futures that's because racism is alive and well in america those would have us believe otherwise who has returned to a fantasy colorblind america that never was who wants to think that their opposition is rooted in a desire for fairness these people are engaged in justification rationalization and downright prevarication the longer these
arguments are these arguments from white racist we hear them today from lots of waiters and apologist and they are colorblind or if their blood to the consequences of being wrong color in america with four little girls lost their lives in a birmingham church bombing thirty five years ago the law their bodies road made it possible for astronaut sally ride to shoot at them because black people faced arrest and seventy five years ago projects older americans from age discrimination protections and muslims and christians from religious discrimination projects the disabled from exclusion because of their condition you've been listening to an excerpt from a keynote address by the indy double e c p chairman julian bond who was just recently and four won't be cheerier for the fifty fifth state convention and ed sharpen the next two we are our topic today for talking about me in tbilisi
people and kind of trying to broaden your skull about what this a lead these organizations doing right now today and joining us in the studio of course our guest we introduce them a little bit earlier we start of the show once again we have a mr charles knight doesnt have civilians and also hundred women all in tbilisi p presence in around our area here from pensacola to oppose the santa rosa county do it one to get at the opportunity i was a little bit about some of the problems that you are doing we've kind of give an overview of the end of lacy be and we have not to listen to our chairman here i'm julian bond now to bring it on home will be closer to the folk who were paying attention and listen up iran where this evening will start with us ryan tells about a chapter of us right now we offer william pesek hello them should have gone and we would like to ask they want to try get a membership become a membership of the
lovely city we also are in a process again committee members together in a process to give any follow on races that we have of pimp on bank wearing when a process of getting no education committees together and we're dealing with the young people live within we valued the world that is becoming strong and we have a good pretty good our leader of that in his large of someone who has taken a lead in that and she's done a good job so that's yigal our work and we're working getting busy here accepting what it like charlie and michelson the blitz ep trenches we tend to be active in the in a variety of things depending on them
the expertise of the people in our marriages and i'm fortunate to live near a large air force base to have people bring expertise to a number of areas including health education the legal field and our french has been quite active in only those years were were sort of the the radicals if you will on the block the smothers brothers among forced to win illinois and some areas and what's your concern and what we're also concerned about growing our community economically and when we're not marching and protesting something report were seriously trying to ensure that when economic development in those kinds of opportunities to our toddlers fuel and and i think that's a key focus that we have not only local survival skill in santa rosa and in this condition and the strategy when to tell us a lot about what they ever exist and yes we are they're operating for twelve years and have been programmed in the
basic feel for what our main concern is about housing education and jobs are symbols read are our opposition really and we were called aqaba good qualified because good qualified job than this one the reason for that is when he was a kid and they qualified people to do the work and our workforce and several attorneys of small percentage of african americans and we'll have the award but he was in a workforce that's a feel some of the jobs but we have a relationship with dallas of bitterness cruise ship apartment city police we have a lot of that relationship that many cameras what can look up to and that his employer because a rare bond between intimacy be in a community where we were ten and we have a problem but has been a program that organization offer these us about what most important education housing and a job situation it's important to note to our viewers at the end only cp the national chapter has a lot of variety of programs everything from the education of our educational and cultural
arts to what you're mentioning economic housing programs and the list goes on and on because it has been expanding tremendously in the last two years and each one of the branches here you have some of these programs were growing to incorporate some of those things we can show us of some of those programs now so that we can better explain to our viewers why it's become so important that we do get people to join the end of a lazy peace here in these local branches and you can see some of the programs here in your screen won't bother naming all of them but one focus here is education that's very big theory at the academic cultural and part of that as well in la z p is also focusing on economic development will get a chance to talk about that and of course legal affairs were always always been interested in in trying to blow to support legal affairs got health division that's one of those national problems that we talk about and perhaps when we might when it tells a little bit about the high tech diversity job fair show these other things are coming up on the swimmers were trying to show our
viewers about some these different programs care to expound on any particular one i know the one that seemed to interest me an awful lot of them brand new when i think just come in off the copper that's one of the ones are dealing with a housing program and family and that'll a cpa just signed on with fannie mae four hundred and ten million dollars program to be able to make sure that town woman artes are able to purchase homes and yet the dream of owning their own home one day and that's just one of many programs of the natural attackers do it and we need to let our people know what's going on here locally now the fannie mae but we've we've also recently signed simpson contracts with small business administration to allow the only small business ownership but also to enhance the housing problem that we have and so economical in his is a key concern i think nationally and we recognize that we have to grow our entire communities and we have to really allow economic opportunities for african americans and people will close those were going to really bring them up from you know there's
this mindset that were minorities and reliable the two surveys really do have expertise in things breaking down the walls and barriers are one thing and now it's a matter of letting people know that their opportunities to take advantage of that and i think that you've seen quite a few things happening in the us we are interactive here on a weird as well you know that clip that you have a question for analysts even need your phone just as you usually can hear and we're going to call the number four eight four twelve twenty fourteen what you call him the opportunity to ask her pail is the question or perhaps you may have a comment or something that they never fought the wars welcome than here on where tonight i am they're there something different areas that we can go into semi we've shown the list of different programs and things that are out there and i want each of you to get up to talk about some of the things that you have that are
going on maybe it's controversy or maybe it's up to core issue maybe you need to let our viewers know where we are with that and this as a form to be able to make them aware of that who you're lying you're hit you but maybe you have some issues or something that well if you talk to one child but i but there are many things going on in the letter charlie all of us are involved in a number of programs by one i wanna she sure that we emphasize the use in the end the young people and the programs i think charlie spoke about it ark are attempting to be sure that we about our young people want to be sure that our young people are major focus of not only our newest ep branches but nationally and xo in some of the programs are rehabbed with chapters are there jewish strong in fact sometime early chapters just really do more things that are sort of out way it's also a hope that they would we would have dismissed it the moment i might give up to a heavy duty time maybe go back and address the things that julian
bond mentioned chairman of the end of a lazy because he talked about some progress there and that were making were making some headway here and it is always you always hear were moving forward that we got a long way to go you know and i think that's pretty much what his address kind of tailored two and we have some call cbs see them lining up on a line serving get to work to new mortgages connect talk about maybe some of our voices that we've been able to make or to start right now i call our welcome to wear hi i'm in the man i think with him in the annual hart my question is an odd thing that all three of them i am one in a welcome you all get together and do need to look at where we can learn from all of the world that there that the economy have it all into the ship and they've concluded here and image yale county or we need to bring them all together and are there we want more from each other
when we had the big hit that you know the counter week eleven he and we thought that with the high kicking and eleven and you know actually an altogether that they not a combatant would be a big party had been much at that oh okay thank you can't do it as a land of all three cameras working together but the housing program was about wait for the pentagon's scholarship programs because it's a new program and i read from our oakland says giving several of informally done as they land and butter of these programs is out there which you have to do your footwork to get in their loans than as a way to do this is but what you get in a mono the our lives and our all follows the one of the more difficult that someone of the euro programs that let you say it will come together in some other program the community by graeme wood the money that's been found the phantom a lot of these programs yet the re route it but if you get your name on a listen just
wait it out and she is in the system and in gaza next time i can walk into we're yelling yes we can ohhh do the legal department of the corporation and actually a livable elected government to promote imminent blank and the debate is not like that the material but it has to do there and ship and the marriage and a lot of people take for granted political or blood they can get away with him and then one day we work and less about where the ultimate human even though i don't like him i just want a big way and it should be we're on your marriage and what you make it really make it you can make a call a comet you know because we hear the word qualifier merits a lot of times i know professor turley one time that in the beginning was the word and the word that
changed and oftentimes when we find the people or qualified that sort of just the bases but now it becomes a subject of sort of selection if you will when people forge operations most people interviewed on those words and we qualify for the future the ones we're hired though it becomes of selective process like the way you smile well liked the size of your order of your hair or boy like you know do i like certain things associates objective is not only qualifications world knows who have gotten any jobs because were not qualified but most of the time we find that the subject of nature which people are promoting or even selected for jobs has happened to the qualifications and that's where we find additional problem and until we have people critically people of color in positions to help enhance and ring on others were qualified number one we're asked a key
they were qualified and then you know we're still to be fighting to get into the system and i'd love to live in a world we're everything was based on to qualify but it's not quite enchanting and i'm doing stand to say we do with the world of subjectivity week we all are precious i think in some way you know whether it's not liking broccoli to not like and you know we just we are human and we just have these things about it is the new world in part that is not really to putin's get a comet survived koreans roots though you went to the next cultural are a cat everyone hi welcome to wear collars are you going to do an hour i couldn't go any lower collective the end why do you think about that when i'm on it became
fully a lot of people have been very good for the palais went oh man in montgomery on among the material that you know it's better that they want then at work that we do collectively it makes you going to re inhabit people's do they'll latch and really come together in the common man and when do they occur only very long night yes so i'll try to be reflective black and white you that was wonder about that too but what i think happened is that the mlk committee did not get the word out that that everything was supposing after the parade was all of that we was going to come together anne and me and was supposed to have the diplomas nations to
get up and says you know i let people know that that was there and i think this one reason why everybody just left up to the parade was all i'm i'm on with like you know i think we should be should get together organize an obit writer and i one thing i think make she has that one twenty owners issues go down and and and take out an application for the parade that this information should be given to ahmed that ten and that let them know that it's just not the parade but it's also the common togetherness at the at the word that will look in a crime that should be part of any comments from you is not a crime little more commonly we just talk about some of the progressive issues that term are chairman julian bond spoke about we open up the show recall i call up until we're well
i knew a good thank you for calling ok well you just keep watching all right thanks you were talking about me and i'm lacey pm we got the story of local branches here basically pensacola okaloosa and of course as we wanted corey for lawson i know santa rosa county as well here and now and we talk about some of the progress maybe that we've been making were talking about the expansion of the different programs that were offering an award that we have here but the handle a cpa julian bond talked about progress that we're making like maybe we can encourage your people to know that the end of a lace ep is alive and well well as we do that is in the ways that they like he said well listen to summarize all they can whirl but i think somehow of kids in the
community to look at the civil rights organization with the intimate the local right to do more than we spoke to do now we're balancing constitutionally had to go by some people don't realize is they think that intimacy can be you can hear their lives could only come out from the thing that could do little thing as more mature signed and what we argue for and sodas were no reason why they say you know most of the maker's thing we hear what are you doing what are you known as they took an alliance it was it been done a lot to the point where you know and we do things a really different bridges do things in different ways than what we get the job done new porsche working with the national like there's a message i was a nice thing that when a person does have a problem not they think that it's connected to any sort of racism they want they can do a second come to you and then you all investigate because she turned over to the national on captive in a lazier national right to be in a place he even with his investigating they can someone give you an idea of how to go about
handling situation is that the way it works right because you know the way we usually think the back of our minds is laughing which are trying to address is that we have a problem we think it's race related come to the end of a lazy beep we hit the picket lines and we start trying to make a difference right there that it's not like there because nowadays and you might get hit with a lawsuit if you're not careful about which are doing because some people you know are innocent to these things are you know and we don't want to get them caught up with the those who may not be so innocent and so they are you know you're writing was an audience's begins and i think that's what you're trying to let people know is that the n l a cb is being progressive that we have to do away with his legal affairs to everyone in the fall i think i yes everyone and listen i want this but so that we have made we have made progress and then we'll make one of quite a bit of progress but what would have had and our people have got lax a little accent and then the point that they enjoyed what have i haven't gained any
limit fall by the wayside back in jonathan wheatley got to keep our gods of that they say we got to keep pushing fall and we are not going there were not going that we then would just get to relax away and join the majority last year without where that was where we would just let me fall but away set in the end and it just go back to the membership and when we would need membership to keep that though we can i just want to bring up a crew there they're willing to appoint a week and i think it would've been holding is an important job of militia as mr mike miceli of all we have another month ago before cj said they were signing or fifty years of membership right and some people think you know that was you can go a long ways in a way for fadi are there whereas a year and isis is right now the best fan of that molybdenum and only sleepy once in
a lifetime they can say i was a member for ten dollars or more for a single call from the rebels and kind of keep in mind but another karnow hi carl welcome to we are in the low lying on a kind of appointment only the oh we all know and mr block and the other option than a minute other ethnic group that you know there are eighteen america ought to do a member of an article like that a lot of work at that for a quote there are a lot of like getting all that the coming out publicly but that will depend on how we comment that
republican boilerplate the map when the vote that michael that all public about all compelling that we're there what about the bank it's in we try to respond to its first question first of all i don't think any one of us sitting here would never turn anyone away would come to us and said you have a concern we are we're not really fix usual problems but what we try to do is know those the news that we can refer people to fuel that will help them address two problems it would matter what the color of the skin of the person was who came to me they have a need for something if they have a concern that even he didn't want to speak an attorney i think just knowing what resources are available on our communities in being able to direct people to those resources are are really at one of them major things that we do so some so much about color but what we do on a daily basis and what we try to do in the book that your first caller it does is actually come together and trying to be sure that we work with organizations toward his return he lives with an acne our
churches serving our major part of what we'd really coalition with in the sense of trying to make sure that our whole community's is coming together in raising at the same time we were not none of assembly were are against anything or anyone and i'm assured the column that we said it seems like were we're more for one color of the whole point is that people have a republican senate so i'm constantly trying to we can call it speedo calls it got lots of them holding here i didn't want her viewers know that we appreciate and calling we don't do it in a hurry that down that we will introduce our hold on a second or that we are not just open open for in full membership to blacks will open to everyone and the song's issue when it was was founded hey blake why what they'll want to come in when we don't we don't turn away that would be inflicting the same discrimination seventeen bizarre aren't
getting a quarter high collar welcome to wear handle it and yet they get into the oakland county can you talk on tv about anything with a radical and that you are fighting over the near to you talk about midland thing what's the setting is nothing that that that would temper that they've been talking about those things and we right now are very much concerned about the firing if you will of american qualified teacher just recently my or our school superintendent we're where aggressively attacking the problem because we think it says to us that if we let that just go by than others can be summarily dismissed through the same process that she is qualified she was teaching elementary school and that when she was hired by african american principal and so it was a two fold effort were buying what's the superintendent our website
just decided that he would become a few voices were dismissed as qualified african american teacher and we feel that she'll probably never be able to work and it was a canadian because of the kind of negative press that hadn't brought on her years of this and we're going to fight that they were looking more beyond just the individual because we found that i look at that that there's a need to open the doors to the many opportunities for minorities in our county and so we're going to be looking at trying to change some of the rules if you itself it takes a lot of aggressive action in our party do that overtakes and out of the table and coming up plan will do that as well and this is one of the early years and were involved in this is not it's been a busy month for children and they're in this country you keep us posted on what goes on this situation trooper oliphant hale well you know what we'd like to keep our viewers aware to have a truly intense godspell cart icon welcome to wear like to begin to khamenei are all of the art world great leadership and i think probably it's going to
ensure that the question that i had in mind that one of the things i'm concerned about the children minority in the mother we haven't met them and only one man on the aisle have any plan to defeat at a good that issue declined very good good question there are definitive spot dangerous there what would value of that is this level or thing wouldn't go use today is a different time you know that there we used it was like as was kevin uno is of more oil base that we lose a real communication with them is now some of such thing of a bad kid a ticket yet to be reined right here we have different programs at the clouds the clouds grew up with this a bit with a gospel at home you know you get security at the st louis about a raisin in orange county it's a look of leslie up to this as if it's a computer
is a job but it just on hold and we have huge programs and every kid is an intimacy to ukraine ukraine where you say iksil flow like every kid that value for rail is the restaurant used to be the legal record that went to college and i know that was all of song like a barn with a good new cars they go to college and then we opened up for kids want from the grinning skulls and this is one that this is where i think we are going into the car i caught up with the way i love i don't get together on i'd like a family at the debt here in fort walton beach ok carl wieman says when the future near your volume down at the line look at the feedback and in here you will that matter ok so cranky and i'm i want mr williams and it really can and school board situation on a higher pitch you can go i know we've been
getting beat up in the newspaper and on the tv and i didn't want to you know to be able to go on with it until we get some action in town are you going to do that the obama thought the criticism that we have gotten over the last few weeks i think color and you believe in a very new and you know while it's because we have one of some of the best people i think in attendance and in tbilisi few branches in endeavor is to the chairman of the political action committee i'm just encouraged by it's not me but it's really the the work of other people do and that's what charlie talks about membership so much because people come into the organization who bring their expertise and who bring their knowledge and who bring their energies to the organization that really allows us to get things done i wont rest in august county until we reports and justice to this issue that's because the people locals the county will let me rest because they are looking for justice on this issue and i just would say dr barnes if you're listening and were going to be there
for the nets of course dr naomi broughton valor prayers go out to her of course you want it to be your shrink we got lots of causal line here i am wearing it try to get some of them before we in shanghai karr welcome to we're well ok last winter where you are so much than our group got into an extraordinary day in an age of a story about how the clan went to get out and get them out in a day i'm looking at good point out <unk> in atlanta fellow football and make a great american a new i'm thinking about cleave my mom coming out to feel it there i'm
not good and word deserve an upturned everything and i just want no talking to me you know oh what shall i do but make my decision and everything's <unk> really do not do an homage began football and and the way out would try to do that color what i like you do own color and it's likely you'd see one call our producer i dr gail frazier and down her number at junior college is gary cone a five zero forty four seventeen fifty nine giver call monday morning and will do we can to try to help you we will always be committed to kind of are you thinking you should have to deal with situations that a little our neighbors or the sheer you go right here thank you going to about my young men say yep difficult frantically place than it is now a pledge is what is that
so when you do that that's again how you are the williams at the same well really what the value is was one of michael jordan here they're better day yes yes a good support system to become the support system i mean because dr frazier as you work on it and then what we're going to do we can't i'm not going to quit thatcher love and invite you have the talent and there's no reason why you should be stopped and said just get calls to be because here i mean folks are listening to where tonight you guys are doing in the hope that that we are continuing to reach them in and help them with another band only fifty years listen live here within three counties my car and walk into we're why are my neighbors hallmark judd like who are typical of those who applied to the family and
anna burger a pickled only you could be at the poor and the boards of all black america like in the work that we do to long monologues more minorities to join a deal with the end of the bp joel crank it caught that's a very big big big thing that we need is imminent focus here for just a second keep talking about membership but we have to rewrite to people why it's important to be involved in to join in italy c p strength in numbers in line but there are some other reasons why we have got to get involved and stay involved instead of those weezer nice it will be earlier instead of just living off the fruits of the labor of those who've come before us some of whom have died some of whom have suffered some big theory injustices that we're hearing tonight and luckily they're what do we need to do how can we motivate ourselves what can we do to get people who are calling people are saying right now listening
to get out get involved in you know become members of the middle a cpa what is it or is it going to take the salmon to go through a racism situation where we have to turn to the definitely we'll hear of oil people that came in there were within only sleeping well when easy has operated and they can take a row personally she rolled with it was there for an intimacy people operate like that you got to have some followers but they couldn't in a rebel organization and then they can work on a novel is like an elizabeth to kidnap this is an animal that now was like you say about making the world to cry and we put into it the more you get out of it as well as what we do two programs that we all know that we can educate people and we are
letting them see way a program is the best flow of the program i call walking to a we're sorry there will have a company of traveling the antennae and you're holding i call a weapon to a lawyer well what happens they get to use the holy grail know they're coming up high and welcome to wear we were able to go down the line your collar and they're a happy hour you love with your way air well those clothes oh oh i was going to wear a pretty well okay they get role in enabling and why all twelve lines lit up here i think your back on it worth it that will come in and grab a quote not a pollutant or to reveal a year that the morning and yet even this morning and then you know if a christian radio station will allow the heaviest one commentary not
a nickname that john mccain whenever he would come in all all about a joe biden emerged on how we are how you with a high i don't know if they will get you who got caught because i used to want to beat the word nigger in and out there's live commentary comes on tuesday and that's how they knew that their america what are some by olivia and you spent it the person who was one of our with the intelligence they would know that they were used was about scandinavia work which means envy of life and college in allegory are running down on time here at less than four minutes and shout out to connect in the book that you know that you got thirty seconds ok well what can we do to educate a challenge well allow a commentary like that to come across that
era because that you're looking at huge amount of know that that that the enemy who were just marginal because i don't know the word to give paul mcauliffe with that uses that word the border by the end of that meeting thank you kindly car it's a very big wooden big deal they i'm sure you know cause it's so and so you weren't we don't like to hear i really don't i think that that he should do what he's doing this is that if there's an opportunity for him to call those radio station there which is just tell him how he feels sometimes as people hear from their supporters these folks remember too is that on the airwaves whether it's radio or television do not belong to build confidence and that's something that people have got to realize and i know because i worked at all my life it belongs to you can theoretically and so if you have a problem with something that's being errors and it's been done all you happen to use when those lies has got to be challenge any disney speak up and say something could not guarantee a listen that's the defendants on that
we have to do when i make you wear a couple things that are up and coming here and around the area here we got a couple bulletin board for your we're in the lazy peace ny need annual convention coming up in new york are coming up july tenth twenty fifteen for cremation can call that number right here a new screen for tea and five twenty one forty nine thirty nine and i believe we have one more announcements we hear bp jc minority job they're coming up thursday january fourth the jaycees student center building five nine thirty sites in february far more information you can give him a call for aid for seventeen fifteen work before he for seventeen fifty nine a quitter sponsored by the jc black history committee and of course you guys take time now to thank each and every last one of you for joining us here on we're closing comments or suggestions briefly here thirty seconds well i'd just like to say that i'm glad you two thousand five hundred people what caught more information here that call for quick yes they can call me at forty four thousand are want to and crack
so that i could always call us on a three three one's really playing a five zero six two three four zero one four okay thank you for joining us there's much your work to be done here is you can see and the time for such work is now and only cp has reclaimed its rightful place as the voice of the people of color and others who believe in the power and the premise that all persons are in fact created equal which was many of us faced is when it is stand by and watch in the comfort of our own circumstances or step forward and dare to get involved at all the time we have for now until next time to stay informed and stay a we're in it really the
pa and a half it
Episode Number
The Local NAACP
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
WSRE (Pensacola, Florida)
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Episode Description
An episode highlighting the local NAACP chapter, featuring a keynote address by Julian Bond.
Series Description
AWARE! Explores the varied cultural interests of the many ethnic communities throughout Northwest Florida and parts of Alabama. Focusing on people and current issues, the series features guests who relate their encouraging, inspirational, and sometimes controversial but always entertaining stories.
Created Date
Asset type
Public Affairs
African Americans--Civil rights; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Julian Bond
Licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License ("no rights reserved").
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Moving Image
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Director: Gael Frazer
Producing Organization: WSRE
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-88c5a7f1be9 (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 00:58:26
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Aware!; 0303; The Local NAACP,” 1999-03-01, WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Aware!; 0303; The Local NAACP.” 1999-03-01. WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Aware!; 0303; The Local NAACP. Boston, MA: WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from