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It's coming up today on NPR's All Things Considered from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. here on KCRW. Who's your favorite host on All Things Considered? I don't know why I ask. I do know why I ask. I'm just filling time. 62 degrees in Los Angeles. Stay tuned for the show. It's next at 11 o'clock. Are you the person you thought you'd be at your age? I'm sorry, it's getting close to Halloween. I just wanted to scare you a little bit. Hello, welcome to the show. The sun is beating off the pavement up into your soul. Streets of people, strangers, faces, secrets they all know.
I keep on searching for a friend. Somebody to know me. I can't stay around much longer. The dance hall queens, they don't hold me. What's to do? My mind ain't in it. I got to choose. I'll stay right in it. I have to lose. Those city walls can go. Ain't that the news today? I'll walk around and choose to lose. I'll stay right in it. I have to lose. Those city walls can go. Ain't that the news today?
I walked up to the sidewalk for your true shape. I tampering. Passing down the words of where's the wrap of this pastry? The sun is beating off the pavement up into your soul. Streets of people, strangers, faces, secrets they all know. I'll stay right in it. I have to lose. Those city walls can go. I got to lose.
I'll stay right in it. I have to lose. Those city walls can go. I'll give it up, loving it. Easier to do. People made a phone. They never come true. I don't wanna run it. I ain't that way. One a little bit. Come on, get up.
You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. I'll stay right in it. I have to lose. Those city walls can go. I got to lose. Those city walls can go. I got to lose. Those city walls can go. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard.
You can get up, baby. And don't get to stop and remain. You are a little bit. You are a little bit. You are a little bit. Yeah, you gotta take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard. You shouldn't take it so hard.
He loves your sexy body, he loves your dirty man, he loves your sexy body, he loves your dirty man, he loves when you hold it, grab him from the hand, oh baby, you're such a threatening man, I can't wait to introduce you to the other members of my game, you don't
need no waxed out, you're spootin' up for me, if you need your oil taste, I do it for you free, oh baby, the pleasure be your man, if you let me drive your pick a truck and park it where the sun will shine Every time he touches you his ass stands up on him, as your legs begin to quiver and as a man begins to bend, oh baby, you're such a tasty sweet, when I'm under God those orders I'm afraid to overheat, he loves your sense of humor Disposition too, there's absolutely nothing, how do you know love about you, oh baby, I'm on my hands and knees, life would be so simple, if I want to have a future please
oh baby, turn around and say goodbye, you're going to the airport now, I'm on home and drive he loves your electric door plate, he loves your red bell peppers, he loves your fuel injection, he loves your service charge he loves your five squeaky box, he loves your long endurance, he loves your quest, what your food, he loves your bigger refrigerator he loves your drink, then we'll break, he loves your marble, even, he loves your bucket, he loves your power steering, he loves your bottle of water, he loves your art and service
so See, he doesn't, it doesn't have the name Bob Dylan on it, so I'm still not guilty of ever having played, knowingly ever having played a Bob Dylan record. Size of other people there.
And doesn't Keith Richards sound like he doesn't need Mick Jagger, huh? All right. And then naturally, unusually large number of comments about the music opening up this edition of Lesho, and hello, welcome there, too. Yep. Talking to you, talking to you, Hong Kong. I haven't gotten a single letter from Hong Kong yet. And this would be either the first or second week the program is on the air in Hong Kong. Hey, Hong Kong, if you're listening, and this is no denigration to any of the other fine cities in which this broadcast, I don't want to be arrogant and say is now heard, can be heard. At least the potential is there for the hearing. But it would be such a kick in the head to get some kind of male response, or not even going to stoop that low. Some kind of response by post from Hong Kong. So let me give you, what do they call them over there, Kongers? Instructions as to how to proceed.
All and anybody else can grab eight bars of this, too. Email should be sent. Fourth with, too, Lesho, 191900 Pico PICO Boulevard, DLVD period, I'm making it confusing enough yet. Santa Monica, California, 904, 05. Let me hear from you, Kong, I want to know you're there. Now, this week, NBC, the fine people at NBC, from their plan to broadcast a series of promotional announcements, they'd already started broadcasting them to promote, this is a very tangled story, actually. They're promoting a mini-series based on a novel written by the guy who used to be in charge of making the promotional spots for NBC, wow. He left NBC, spent about 35 seconds running Columbia Studios, and then decided to become
a novelist, because that's so easy. And he wrote this novel called Favorite Sun, which NBC bought, oddly enough, and made a mini-series out of, and the commercials were emphasizing the plot line, which tended towards the device that here was a guy who was basically chosen for the Office of Vice President, because he looked good on television. And guess who complained about those commercials? That's right, the Dan Quail people, said they wanted them off, they resented them. What are they telling us? The temperature is normal here in the Lyshoedium today, I thought you wanted to know that. Our congratulations and our thanks to the Los Angeles Dodgers, not just for bringing a second world championship, and a second major league sport in a single year, unprecedentedly,
to this city, but mainly just for getting the world series over with, so we can concentrate on NBA exhibition games. I had the good fortune this week to see a little bit of the, one of the NBA's newest teams, the Charlotte Hornets. You know a pro basketball team is in trouble, or at least, thinks they may be in trouble. The Dan Quail people thinking that somebody might think those commercials might be about Dan Quail. You know a pro basketball team thinks they might be in trouble when one of their first decisions is to choose as the color of their home uniforms. The same colors as are worn by a very popular local college basketball team. They play in the same area as the University of North Carolina, and apparently they're banking on the ability of people to get them, i.e. the Hornets confused with the University
of North Carolina. Well, they're wearing the same light blue uniforms, must be the same, they just look older. They sure do. They're I finally made it back to that familiar afternoon A shimmer as I pushed him through the door
She doesn't work here anymore The clerk explained to me as he swept the floor As he swept the floor I always meant to talk to her before She doesn't work there anymore A visit after midnight Like it's everything with snow Escalators empty out Their cargo down below This city swallows people and they never even know Or if they do, it's easy to ignore I used to like to think that I might see her on the hill My thoughts would turn towards
My thoughts would turn towards My thoughts would turn towards My thoughts would turn towards My thoughts would turn towards My thoughts would turn towards My thoughts would turn towards The clerk explained to me as he swept the floor I always meant to talk to her before She doesn't work there anymore I realized that he was sleeping I realized that he was sleeping I realized that he was sleeping He was sleeping Well, I might have taken a good look He is sleeping She doesn't work there anymore She doesn't work there anymore I could have talked to her before I wonder what it was I waited for She doesn't work there anymore She doesn't work there anymore
Well, I was solicited this week A solicitation needless to say that I spurned I was solicited to contribute jokes I don't know any jokes, that's my main problem No, it's not my main problem, that was my problem in this context I was solicited for jokes to contribute jokes to the dukkakis end of the performance in New York where both candidates appeared doing stand-up comedy The Al Smith Memorial Dinner Did Al Smith do a lot of jokes? Is that why that happened? Or is it just that in the presence of the cardinal in New York The only sane response is to do a lot of comedy I'm going to say too bad about the shroud of turn, babe I don't know, anyway, the point of all this if there be one is that the person who called me
quoted one of the dukkakis aides they had a very specific need for a very certain kind of joke since George Bush was going to be there the jokes could not be deprecatory of George Bush and basically what they wanted in the words of one staffer were jokes that would make dukkakis appear, and I'm quoting now, warm and fuzzy Why didn't they just call Jim Henson? My question He did well, actually, to caucus at that appearance without any jokes from me, oddly enough I think almost everyone who saw even just the clips that were on the news of that performance felt that good delivery, good timing possibly a future at the comedy store who knows or at the funny bone or the laugh hole or the joke pit
but I think it's both more and less than that This is a phenomenon we first saw in 1984 if you may remember, when it became really, really, really clear that Walter Mondale was a capital L loser about three weeks before the end of the campaign about three weeks before the election he was just so far down in the polls they were running his name in red he began to relax and be neat kind of a nice guy, kind of a good campaigner and the same things happening with dukkakis I don't know what this means, are Democrats people who only relax when they're behind enough? I don't know, I don't know what the implications I dare not speculate on the implications that I raise here but there's uncertainty everywhere in the media everyone, all the networks, are running a lot of stories now
about is it us? Is it the media that are spoiling this campaign? What's going on? What's wrong with this campaign? Is it us? I don't know if it's because their ratings are so low and getting lower or what but all the network broadcasts now are filled with a kind of uncertainty about themselves and their role that you never would have seen five or ten years ago most dramatic case in point Dan Rathers broadcast this week had one of the inevitable series of stories about the whales up in Alaska well there were three when we started this whole thing I called them Dan, Peter and Tom I don't know what their real names were orki, snorky and porky I guess and immediately following the story about the whales the rather broadcast had an equally long story
about why we're so interested in the whales and why we're doing so many stories about them nonetheless Dan Rathers does win the Lachow Award for Faridding Out the quote of the week First Lady Nancy Reagan's press secretary today confirmed that Mrs. Reagan has continued to wear expensive designer clothes she borrowed from top U.S. fashion houses the spokeswoman also confirmed that this broke in 1882 promise to stop doing that saying and I quote now she broke a little promise and forgot music and a downfall or a blast a little class to a dinner with a queen or a visiting hot and hot some simple borrowed cans
can stimulate such rounds just because I swore they'd be reported and they're not so I broke a little promise broke a little promise I just broke a little promise and forgot running music some new planes and tanks they not only guard our flanks but they can help our friends people need a lot instead of butter they choose guns to cover America's buttons
and I swore the budget would be banned and it's not with so I broke a little promise broke a little promise just broke a little promise and forgot who's counting fire leaves such pretty embers who's counting nobody remembers I borrowed presents from designers I borrowed millions from the jabs I take jewels granny I take nabs George
thank you mmm oh a thousand the points of light they won't keep me up at night my white house will be stronger on character than on plot now watch my lips they say no new taxes but just at the moment when everyone relaxes it just stands to reason we've got to put some money in Uncle Sam's pie it's just the way it is because our gross is sinking down beneath our net so you know what I'll do I'll just break a little promise break a little promise I'll just break a little promise and forget
come on everybody we'll just break a little promise I'll just break a little promise why I'll just break a little promise and forget Uncle's break a little promise Uncle's break a little promise I'll just break a little promise and forget I want you to forget too well let's see if you really want to hear what you hear
I guess to me next time when it comes let's see if I go to put it in a bus I've got to get her back hook her back up yeah I'm going to get her it's just a matter of time I ain't gonna lay it on a line it's like a baby with a sweater and like a cowboy with a saddle I'm gonna lay it on a line and we're together I ain't nothing but a feather bird when we're not missing a line gonna take her mind laying on the line yeah she's gone too get you I'm gonna hook her back up she's gone too get you it's just a matter of time I ain't gonna lay it on a line it's like a baby with a saddle and like a cowboy with a saddle I guess to me
next time when it comes let's see if I go to put it in a bus I've got to get her back up yeah I'm going to get her it's just a matter of time I ain't gonna lay it on a line it's like a baby with a saddle and like a cowboy with a saddle I'm gonna lay it on a line and say so you know I'm beginning to wonder Maybe I'm contributing to this sad state of this campaign Just by making fun of the people who are worrying about whether they're contributing to it I don't know this thing is catching speaking of crux. You may have noticed
It may not have escaped your attention that the United States government has added to its list of indicted foreign dictators One residing in our own bound within our own boundaries We We slapped slapped some cuffs on President Marcos this week And I think shoe dealers all over the country shed a tear at the news If convicted of all the charges that a very ambitious New York Federal attorney slapped against him former president Marcos could spend up to 50 years In a federal president ladies and gentlemen. He doesn't have 50 years But rather than dwell on the unpleasantness That is currently be setting him we thought this would be a time to look back Upon happier days for the Marcos is
Today will meet a man who owns more office buildings than most people own shoes and whose wife owns more shoes than the main full Of a warehouse and we'll see how the Hawaiian hideaway helps to heal their hurts on a special Exile style sedition of lifestyles of the rich and famous I'm celebrity interviewer Robin Leach It's just a two-hour jet flight from Manila to Honolulu, Hawaii But when Fernanand and Imelda Marcos took that flight last month They were also leaving behind a world of controversy and coconuts and entering a fantasy land of privilege and pineapples We Get up around noon We have just a light breakfast maybe So more lobster or eggs
Mrs. Like a bit of champagne And then Maybe I'll spend some time looking at the ocean I used to be quite a swimmer in my time But actually being in the water these days Drives my kidneys haywire Then in the afternoon Sometimes I talk to a travel agent Just thinking about Wonderful places to go next Oh Although the famous shows are still in Manila Fernanand and Imelda Marcos can console themselves with a portfolio of properties That would make Kakakarian feel like a paika Mrs. Marcos also takes pride in a precious jewel collection second to none This is the roman of diamond
And this or actually I should say these are the princess of Wales rubies And this is just a simple Cluster of emeralds that George Hamilton gave me for Martin Luther King's birthday Hamilton is just one of the many celebrities who make a stop at Imelda Marcos compound A part of the island of itinerary All the Nixon was here for the night a couple of weeks ago Now there's a man who knows how to tell a joke And when another beautiful sunset over the Pacific has gone and gone There's loving couple who sense of romance and love a beautiful object is as strong today As when they met 20 years ago Dines with their secret service protectors on the creations of the former master chef of Malakanyang palace Then they take turns singing each other to sleep as the tropical moonlight bays them with a warm glow
You know Someday Of course I must move back home I must let them kill me if they want to But in the meantime I'm Tomorrow we'll meet actor Cliff Robinson that is spectacular mountain retreat And we're watching make long-distance phone calls for free That's tomorrow on lifestyles of the rich and famous to lend I'm celebrating interview with Robin Leach wishing you Carve your dreams and sign don't kill yourself yet. There's still hope for you Oh
G-I-J-O But you're gonna win The sun is setting on another day Why don't you leave us alone Yank it go home The bottom Method is out in the street Man the light Both sound are a cheat Hands are calls on the phone Yank it go home That can't just kiss and run away They didn't have money on the subject They're in a dump zone girl You're packed in a family way Oh yeah time I served staring to a whore With a pair of socks Duckings on the P.A. store Why don't you leave us alone Yank it go home Yank it go home Just go home
Yank it go home My girlfriend still won't talk for me And she's back with a sailor from the land of the sea I'm tired of repeating alone Yank it go home I lost kind of a chewing gum that I had I'm cold to call and make my teeth go bad We'll have a listen on our own Yank it go home Yank it go home Now don't go ahead and do a storm Sprinting sand on every wall And now it's time to decline and fall No more pain or a second standing over here
Get smocked with God to suffer The hunts and the goods all belong Yank it go home Yank it go home Go home Hanging around this dirty old town The picking for nickels and dines Asking a friend just to lend me a hand To get a little bottle of wine A bottle of wine Through to the fire
When you're gonna let me get sober Leave me alone and let me go home Let me go back and start over A little hotel cold as a well And dark as the coal in the mine The blankets to thin that'll lay their grin Hanging my bottle of wine A bottle of wine through to the vine When you're gonna let me get sober Leave me alone and let me go home Let me go back and start over I ride the wrongs trusting in God
Again my bottle of wine A bottle of wine through to the vine When you're gonna let me get sober Leave me alone and let me go home Let me go back and start over I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God
I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God I ride the wrongs trusting in God I wanna talk to that high brown of mine
If you wanna be girl of mine You got to bring it with you and you want If you wanna be girl of mine You got to bring it with you and you want Direct from the trading floor of Chorium Slocum Oliver I'm Pete Tuchello Thank you to another edition of Mind Your Own Business This week more than the subway was shaking Wall Street The market dropped 30 points over a rumor that George Bush had a mistress And the biggest business transaction in history was announced
As R.J.R. Nabisco formerly Reynolds Tobacco proposed to buy itself out And to explain these developments joining me here on the trading floor It's an expert on leverage buyouts and of course everyone around The head of research for the respected market letter The Don Blemus report must have called on Blemus Do we need to wreck this scale for all this moving and shaking Pete what we've seen this week That last was a rhetorical question right? I guess Pete what we've seen this week is proof of the fact that the street loves change Leverage buyouts which are very hot right now Enable a corporation to change from a public company to a private company Now the casual investor might react to this development with a financial equivalent of a leon But that's one of the pitfalls being too casual And like anything else on the street, yons can be catching Call aside from the fact that these buyouts enable certain investors to make spectacular profits Why else does the street like them? Well I go back to this story of change once again And of course I'm not going to spell it out too clearly here
Pete because my subscribers pay a couple hundred dollars a month for me to make myself fully understood But basically it's like the construction industry If you just leave all the buildings up, nobody works If you tear something down, you can put something else up So the dynamic of the system is dynamics So here for example RJR which is worried about the future of its core business tobacco Because while it has very loyal customer base that base is subject to certain attrition RJR decides to diversify but become much bigger so they buy Nabisco Nobody ties from eating cookies in other words Right But that's last year's change, now this year the company offers to buy itself from its stockholders Now once that's accomplished, it can break itself up into its component parts So those offer the profit of the public and the whole process can start all over him In a way, Pete, it's like a financial version of what goes on inside a lava lamp Call, aren't we always hearing that Wall Street fears change? What about the notorious jitters we hear so much about? Well Pete, the street needs change but so often we fear what we need, don't you find?
I don't know, here on the trading floor there's not that much time for introspection All right, take this week's rumor, the street fear to change in towards Bush's reputation That drove the market down So what if let's say next week a rumor swept the street that the vice president actually was being intimate with his wife? Would we see the market go up? Interesting thought Pete, but I try to save my predictions for my subscribers, nice trade So where should the prudent best to be the next time one of America's major corporation says it's going to buy itself? Pete, even in the 80s, buying out is preferable to selling out I'd say get in while the getting out is good Thanks Carlton Blamus and we'll be reading the Don Blamus report Even if we have to borrow a copy Now, time's up for my drone business so till next time From the trading floor of Coriom Slokamaliver I'm Pete Tuchinello saying Mind the business of someone you love Come on Sleeping in my bed
Strange thoughts running through my head I dream you and playing with my head I'm lying a sparrow I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls All the folks are indoors We came through fall Riding over the walls I'm lying a sparrow I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman
Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Morning to you, farming man Is to your heart, to your family and land I'll pay down a rain and a golden band All of you to put a vine around Or a fine flying sparrow I'm my horseman Morning, my boy's maiden man My father is dead, my heart is in the ground I love no land
This is no time for a farming man No, a fine flying sparrow I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman
Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls Rain falls at the wind rolls
Do you remember when blue was the future Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman
Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls I'm my horseman Rain falls at the wind rolls Do you believe that love is a sure thing? You say hello I hate the ceiling Do you believe this? Do you believe this is love? Love is for lovers Love is for lovers Love is for lovers I need to think that love is a pleasure
More like a man should measure the measure It's plain to me that we can't pass a blow We don't want to love a judge Cause they love it And if you're happy that you want to stay there I'm not certain that I have another way to care Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Do you believe this is love? I love is for lovers Love is for lovers I love is for lovers Love is for lovers I love is for lovers I love is for lovers Love is for lovers
I love is for lovers Love is for lovers Well Miles has saved the show for the second consecutive week my my able assistant Miles not by anything he did really just by wearing a t-shirt that picked me up during the dry moments. A t-shirt which reads Miles just pointed towards the window here Mel walkie and alternative to reality. Thank you Miles. This week we learned that Geraldo Rivera is scared. Now he's dealt you know with a lot of bad guys as he told Larry King Mafia and all that but he's scared. This could just be coincidental because he's got a big special coming up on NBC on the subject of Satanism
it could just be a total total coincidence that what's got him scared for the first time really in 20 years of diligent and dogged investigative reporting but it's got him scared as Satanists. Wow because the rumor now and Geraldo to his credit will not be one necessarily needlessly to squelch this rumor was that when he interviewed Charles Manson and I think we all remember what a landmark in television that was do you think that's what lowered the tone of the campaign Geraldo interviewing Manson anyway when he interviewed Manson Manson was gesticulating strangely with his hands the best tools with which to gesticulate strangely and experts Geraldo does know a lot of experts experts told Geraldo later that those gesticulations were satanic hand signals to
Manson's followers instructions for them to kill Geraldo Rivera. A lot of us a lot of us might be thinking we'd like to learn some of those instructions how to give those particular gesticulations nonetheless Geraldo is plenty scared and you can bet they'll be heavy heavy security for that big live special this Tuesday on NBC just a coincidence though I think he did his hands like this Hey, can we all get together and do something about something we all care about?
Would you join me this week in sending some dogs up to Alaska for those whales to eat? It's only fair, we kill millions of whales each year for dog food, don't you think? Well, I'm going to go out and try to lower the tone of the campaign further this week. That'll keep you busy.
And I'm also going to try to make myself appear warmer and fuzzier, I don't know, maybe I'll just put on a wool coat. Anyway, I'll be back next week, please, please, please, ladies and gentlemen, won't you have a good week? I'm begging you. Thank you. Oh, by the way, I'm told that in Singapore, the people in Hong Kong are referred to as honkeys. The show comes to you from century of progress productions and originates through the facilities of SAS, a satellite service of KCRW's Santa Monica. Now stay tuned for Tim Houser. And Sunday sings jazz live. Next, here's a reminder, this show is repeated in its entirety or in yours. Tonight at 11 p.m., here on KCRW Santa Monica Community Service of Santa Monica College at 89.9 f.m., National Public Radio for most of Southern California.
Hey, ladies and gentlemen, here's good news for subscription information and a complimentary copy of our program guide. You can call KCRW. You can speak to the very same miles, ask them where he got his t-shirt right now at 213-450-3524. KCRW thanks the Lemley theaters for their support playing now at the fine arts, the new Chinese film, Red Shorgum. Here's a pronunciation guide that tells me it's pronounced Shorgum. Thanks very much. KCRW time 10 seconds before high noon. Sunday sings jazz with Tim in the city.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
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Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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1988-10-23: 'Broke a Little Promise" | Mind Your Own Business: LBO's | 18. "Broke A Little Promise" | 19. Mind Your Own Biz - LBO's
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f53b189fc17 (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
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Chicago: “Le Show; 1988-10-23,” 1988-10-23, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 3, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 1988-10-23.” 1988-10-23. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 1988-10-23. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from